May 18, 2021 Vanessa O’Brien climbs to Camp 2 on K2, the second-highest mountain in the world. O’Brien has climbed the highest peak on every continent, skied to both poles, and reached the oceans’ lowest depths. Estalin Suarez Valladolid Fatigued, her adrenaline spent, her body trembling and her mind numb, Vanessa O’Brien tried hard to savour the moment. After a gruelling expedition of more than 50 days and a severe test of her mountaineering skills, physical stamina and mental strength, O’Brien had realised her dream. She stood on top of the world, 8,849 metres (29,032 feet) above sea level on the summit of Mount Everest – a place she remembers as being a little bit wider and longer than a king-size mattress.