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everything else that's happening in ukraine, the middle east, our focus, of course on the legal, domestic issues, like the indictment of donald trump, we have not seen as much international coverage of this. >> that's exactly right, but i do hear from dissidents inside iran every day that they are continuing their fight and they hope for more attention, which is why i'm here to meet with the white house again. i just came from testifying at the canadian parliament. we are keeping the fight going, and one of the things we're doing is we need to define in the international legalese the term gender apartheid. because unless we do so, we cannot hold this regime accountable for oppressing and segregating women, similar to the way that black south af africans were segregated in apartheid south africa we need to make this term a common place term in the legalese and acknowledged for what it is so we can hold the regime to account. really what i want to say is that this revolution is going

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