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still finding so much republican support even after his third indictment? >> well, it disappoints me, but it doesn't entirely surprise me. he has very successfully positioned himself as the victim. so, he is the victim even in a sole case involving rape and sexual assault that he lost. he is a victim in hiding, willfully, classified material. he's a victim in engineering a virtual attempted coup to prevent the free and fair, peaceful transfer of power in the united states. you know, unfortunately, it's almost like a cult among some of his followers and you just showed two of them who enable this behavior, who rationalize it, and i think it makes, you know, all of our jobs a lot more difficult in defending democracy and the rule of law. >> and congressman, a trump

Related Keywords

Donald Trump , Indictment , It Doesn T , Support , Case , Victim , Sexual Assault , Rape , U S , Power , Cult , Transfer , Coup , Hiding , Fair , Classified Material , All , It , Congressman , Jobs , Some , Behavior , Democracy , Followers , Two , Rule Of Law ,

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