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You are watching velshi on msnbc. It is sunday, october 1st. I am Charles Coleman junior, filling in for my friend and colleague, ali velshi. And weve got a lot to talk about. In a surprising turn of events, the federal government will remain open, after Congress Managed to passed a lastminute stopgap measure late last night. Less than just three hours before funding is set to run out, the Senate Overwhelmingly voted in favor of a shorter funding bill that was rushed to the house floor by speaker Kevin Mccarthy earlier in the day. Then, shortly before midnight last night, President Biden signed a Bill Into Law and in a statement, he called the whole episode, quote, a manufactured crisis. Now, this lastminute agreement will keep the government funded, and existing Spending Levels until friday, November 17th. And it authorizes additional money to be set aside for Disaster Relief. However, what it does not do is include funding for ukraine aid. This was a key Sticking Point for democrats. The measure also leaves out funds for border security, which of course was one of republicans top defense. Now, although it is below which unaided in the republicancontrolled house, and was brought to the floor by Speaker Mccarthy, in the end, it was more democrats who voted in favor of it than it was republicans. In fact, democrats in both chambers of congress were nearly unanimous in voting to pass the bill that prevented a Government Shutdown. It once again exposed the disarray among the gop, and leaves very few things unresolved. While it does give congress an extra 45 days to come up with a Funding Agreement financier, we very well could end up back in the same situation in november because of how far apart the different factions of congress remain. And in just the last hour, florida Congressman Matt Gaetz confirmed that he will move forward with a motion to oust Speaker Mccarthy. I do intend to file a motion to vacate against Speaker Mccarthy this week. I think we need to rip off the mandate. I think we need to move on with new leadership that can be trustworthy. New leadership that can be joining me now, nbc news capitol hill correspondent, Julie Tsirkin. And senior politics reporter for axios, eugene scott. Julie, we spent so much time yesterday and this morning, yesterday morning, talking about all of this, watching it happen live, and so much has happened since, including gaetz, whos now saying hes going to move forward with a motion to try and vacate congressman mccarthy. Catch us up. Whats going on on capitol hill . Tell us what you are hearing. Well, because Speaker Mccarthy ended up meeting democrats essentially to come to the rescue and bail him out so that they can pass this 45day clean resolution, to stop the government from shutting down. Now, he is facing a new threat, some from the same person whos been threatening him all along, Congressman Matt Gaetz, who you heard from a couple of minutes ago at the top there, who want to oust him from the Speakership Chair because he needed more democrats to support the bill then republicans who ended up voting for it. Now, Speaker Mccarthy, for his part, just keeps saying, bring it on. Watch this yesterday. If somebody wanting to make Abortion Motion against me, bring it. There has to be an adult in the room. Im gonna govern with what is best for the country. I dont understand how long it will take for you to understand that. I went 15 rounds. To mccarthys credit, he did try to appease the conservative hardliners. Im told he even included Disaster Relief and yesterdays Glean Stopgap Funding Measure to try to appease some of those hardliners, including gaetz, who is from florida, whose own state was hit by Natural Disasters over the last few months. Obviously, you know, more than 100 republicans voting against that clean continuing resolution. For gaetz part, theres no one willing to replace mccarthy at this moment. Hes gonna have to lean on democrats to vote with him for this motion to vacate, to oust mccarthy from the Speakership Chair. Congresswoman alexandra ocasiocortez that this morning she would support that motion. Speaker pelosi on the flip side that democrats would be following leader jeffries lead. And we know mccarthy and jeffries have spoken many times, including just before that continuing resolution hit the floor to try and avert a Government Shutdown. Really, all of this, a live ball. Next week, according to gaetz, we might see that motion finally brought to the floor. It will be interesting to watch how this develops in terms of math gaetz threats to try and ask the speaker, and what actually happens as the negotiations continue with this continuing resolution. Eugene, i want to ask you, what we saw from Mccarthy Yesterday is something that ultimately ended without democrats or republicans getting exactly what is it that they wanted. But the government stayed open. At the same time, Kevin Mccarthy could have brought this to the floor much sooner, and much earlier, to get this done. What do you think will be the political impact . What is the narrative that will emerge around what we saw happen yesterday, particularly as it relates to Kevin Mccarthy . I think the main narrative we are seeing democrats latch on to is pretty similar to that of farright republicans which is that republicans in the house actually do not have leadership in place to lead this country in the direction that is best for most citizens. Theres so many individuals, cafeteria workers, air traffic controllers, scientists, Border Patrol agents who are sitting on pins and needles saturday over an issue that couldve been addressed weeks, if not months, before. And what the democrats are trying to do, as they make a case for their desire to take over the house is explaining to people that they believe that if they were in control, this would not have happened. These issues would have been addressed far in advance. And if we continue to let republicans remain in control, we will find ourselves in this position again in the near future. Now, eugene, i want to stay with you, how do you think the help that he got from democrats, mccarthy that is, helped or hurt his case in terms of remaining in power as a leader . And if matt gaetz is going to move forward in trying to get him out of the speaker seat, do you think that mccarthy is going to get any help from democrats to stay there . Well, it depends on the constituency that mccarthy wants to connect with. Theres a real desire from the American Public for bipartisanship. Polls and surveys repeatedly show that voters want to see republicans and democrats work together. Mccarthy last night, he gave an example of him coming alongside liberals to keep the government open for the best interest of the american people. If he is trying to connect with the base, this doesnt help him, that he is working with Hakeem Jeffries, jamal bowman, all these individuals who are Lightning Rods to the gop base. And we can expect matt gaetz to lean on that as he seeks to move forward with removing mccarthy. They would be very interesting stuff to see this going forward. A lot to talk about. And we are still not done with respect to how we are going to fund our government after November 17th. Well be talking to you, im sure, very soon. That was nbcs Julie Tsirkin and eugene scott from axios. Thank you to you both. And now, joining me in studio is one of my favorites, democratic congressman, gregory of new york. Queens, new york, specifically. He is the Ranking Member on the House Foreign Affairs committee, and a Senior Member of the House Financial Services committee. Congressman, thank you so much for being here. Super excited to see you or talk to you. So, yesterday, big day. Is it a win, a loss, how do you sort of process what we are looking at now as we are, you know, going forward, but also still averting a Government Shutdown . Look, we cant forget how we got here, right . We got here because of a crisis in the Republican Party who wanted to cut 30 of the budget across the board. The day before yesterday. That is what took place. Finally, Speaker Mccarthy decided to do what democrats have been asking all along, to have a clean seat as we continue to discuss whats going on. And basically, what took place, with the exception of ukraine funding, we got a claim cr, which we are asking for. So democrats then were able to keep the government from shutting down. Now, i caution everyone because it is just a 45day period. So, the question is, republicans moved from those drastic cuts that would devastate the American Public to listening and working with democrats so that we can come up finally with a budget that is working for all americans. And so, 45 days, was that a long time . No. And so, weve got to see whether or not the republicans will move from the this Asterisk Proposals that they have been trying to push forward, that led us to the brink. We would not have been to the brink had in fact they have done what we requested all the time, and finally had to relent and do, so that we would not have to shut this government down. Lets talk about this a bit more theres a lot of conversation about what matt gaetz may do in response, in terms of Speaker Mccarthy and moving to oust him. We know that he made all these crazy deals to even get the speakership to begin with. So, he is gaining i think one of the things that people are wondering is what happens if matt gaetz actually does that, and then, there is turmoil, in terms of who the speaker is going to be. We are already seeing a sort of a locking in government already. Is it possible, and im not suggesting that members cant walk and chew gum at the same time, but youve got 45 a clock thats already taking. You are talking about removing the speaker, 15 rounds for the last guy to get in. So, Where Do We Go From Here . And what does the other side of that look like for government . Forget the parties, for government, in terms of being able to function and do the job that you guys are sent there to do. I think it is clear that the republicans cant govern. Weve seen that from the time that they have been in power, from the time that they took 50 in rounds. Now, i agree with matt gaetz and that new leadership that can be trustworthy is needed. So, i think that we need to work with republicans. But all we need is five republicans to vote with me to elect Hakeem Jeffries to be the speaker of the United States congress. You have new leadership that is trustworthy and will be able to deliver and get things done just as we did as democrats with the five majority in the 117th congress. That is the way we can move forward. We have seen, as hakeem has said, that hes willing to work with republicans. And thats why, we were able to avoid a shutdown last night. I think that the American Public should look at this picture and see how we can progress and work together. You have one leader who is not trustworthy, based on his own membership, who is divided, and they are dysfunctional. And you have another who has always kept his word, whos been putting things together. And all we need is five republicans to vote with us to elect Hakeem Jeffries. And we will work together. We wont have a dysfunction that you are seeing now on the republican side. You have been there as long as anyone else. Youve got the political cachet as anyone on the hill. You are as smooth as they come. Im gonna ask you straightup, do you think that you have five votes . Do you think that you have three . Honestly, can you get to five in order to make that a reality . Look, all i know is this this socalled moderates on the republican side, they are upset with whats taking place there. They see dysfunction. If they truly want to make a difference and work for americans as they say, then they should not want to contend to in that kind of confusion and disillusionment, and lets get something done. You said it yourself, charles, that they may not have the ability to elect anyone, anyone. So, i want someone trustworthy. I want someone that is respected. I want someone that wants to work across the iowa. To me, that is Hakeem Jeffries. Lets switch gears for a moment. We knew you have extensive experience with your work on foreign affairs. And one of the things that was left out of the resolution yesterday was aid for ukraine. Thats obviously a big issue for you. Its a big issue for democrats. Number one, i want to know why is this in the most since way possible, so important for you . And then number two, how do you expect those negotiations to go over the next couple of weeks, as we target November 17th as another day to try and make sure that we can fund the government and everything that needs to take place . This world was much smaller than it used to be. We all have to work and cooperate with one another. And the threat that putin has presented to all of us by going into a sovereign property of ukraine, thats a threat to our nato allies, and its a threat to the United States of america. Its a threat to our allies in southeast asia. And we have to be collective together. One of the things that President Biden done was have us work closely together, not in a way that putin thought would not happen, so wed be divided. Now that we are there, we cannot allow the republicans to divide us now. And so, we have got to make sure that we continue funding ukraine. Look, for me, national security, right now, by funding ukraine and those people fighting on their own, all we do is give them the equipment, so they can continue. But if that was a nato ally that was struck, not only would we be funding it with weapons, we would have to put boots on the ground. The most difficult votes that i had to make as a member of congress is determine whether the boots will go on the ground or not. I have to see if we have to go to section five in our nato agreement and put boots on the ground somewhere else, and send our soldiers over there, where we got the brave Men And Women Of Ukraine Fighting for their own independence. And all we have is continue to work with them and give them what they need. Guess what . Its not just the u. S. Alone its doing this. Its all of our allies that are contributing tremendously to this. And that makes us stronger as free, independent, democratic countries. Thats on the line, whether or not our integrity as a country, can they trust us . They seen what trump did, and they can trust him, they cant trust the republicans. Once that line is our state with reference to all of our allies that we work together, because that is tremendously important, and this day and age in which we are now. And mccarthy and others on the republican side, who have said i was in a room with zelenskyy, and they said that they would give him, they told him, we will give you what you need. Now, its time for them to put up, or be quiet. And that democrats take over and do what we need to do for the safety and security of our country. D to do lot of ground cover betw and November 17th, i wish you the best of luck. Congressman gregory meeks, One Of The Best dressed man on the hill and one of the favorite alphas that i have that i know. Still to come on velshi, donald trump is going to come to new york tonight in order to, this week, Attendee Civil Foreign Trial that is being held against him and his organization starting tomorrow. This case is in addition to the four criminal cases against him. But, it uniquely hits at a pillar of his public persona as a businessman. And it just might tell us how tough the teflon don truly is or isnt. Plus, an important psa for tens of millions of americans. That all Student Loan Payments have restarted today. What you need to know about this reset, and how to handle it. Coming up next, on velshi, on msnbc. Stay tuned. Stay tuned. Subways now slicing their deli meats fresh. Thats why theyre proferred ,by this pro who won the superbowl twice. And this pro with the perfect slice. 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There are no Term Contracts or line activation fees. And you can bring your own device. Oh, and all on the most reliable 5g Mobile Network nationwide. Wireless that works for you. Its not just possible. Welcome back. Its happening. Youre watching velshi on msnbc. Im Charles Coleman junior, in four ali velshi. After a three year pause during the pandemic, Student Loan Payments have restarted today for nearly 28 million americans. It epp who already financially strapped once again have to deal with another bill on top of high prices for so many other necessities. Nbcs Priscilla Thompson on the people struggling to pay, and the scams you should look out for. Hernandez does not know where she will find an additional 650 a month to pay your student loans. Its frustrating. I do intend to pay my student loans, its just that the amount was so high. I cannot afford that. The 35 Field Middle School counselor in the bronze was on an income driven repayment plan, with 91,000 in loans. Everything coming in as either going towards bills hernandez is one of the 43 millions to loan holders whose payments are now due, after President Bidens Student Debt Cancellation Plan was struck down by the Supreme Court in june. 25yearold has taken a tiktok to stay motivated, with a six figure student debt, in an 1100dollar monthly payment. Im lucky, in the sense that i can live with my parents and i dont have to consider if i am going to pay for groceries this month or pay for the student loans. If youre worried about making payments, experts say check with your Loan Servicer to see how much you owe and when it is due. Consider an income driven repayment plan, and beware of scams, promising immediate loan forgiveness in exchange for a fee. 35yearold bradley was 147,000. He is having second thoughts about getting alone in the first place. Being so young and in so much debt for doing something that i thought was going to better my life, it has absolutely been the biggest regret of my life. A reality that he and millions of others will once again face. Priscilla thompson, nbc news. Our thanks to Priscilla Thompson for that report. Coming up next, case after case in charge after charge. Donald trump support among his base still remains high, but as one trial starts with this week, we will start to see whether that is going to change. You are watching velshi, on msnbc, and i am Charles Coleman junior. Stay right there. Stay right there. It may be time to see the bigger picture. Heart failure and seemingly unrelated symptoms like carpal tunnel syndrome. Shortness of breath. And Irregular Heartbeat could mean something more serious, called attrcm a rare, underdiagnosed disease that worsens over time. Sound like you . Call your cardiologist and ask about attrcm. Welcome back to, velshi on msnbc. Im Charles Coleman junior in for my friend and colleague, ali velshi. Donald trump is facing no fewer than four criminal indictments and two civil cases all while running for president , and we might now start to see just how tough the self proclaimed teflon don truly is. The first codefendant in Fulton County election interference case has pleaded guilty. Scott, hala bales bondsmen, has pleaded guilty if you abide by the terms of the deal, for Federal District court judge, Tanya Chutkan rejected trumps request to recuse herself for the case. All those to be worn by just special counsel jack smiths team is pressing for a limited gag order on trump, he is a pattern of its indian and close by four people involved in the case. Meanwhile, donald trump is expected to arrive in new york city this evening ahead of the Civil Fraud Case by new York Attorney general letitia james, which goes to trial tomorrow. Now that is on the heels of a judge ruling this week that trumps company are for fraud, for a multiple state properties. Still, despite all of that, trump remained strong in the 24 polls. Not a strong with a front runner. His supporters do not seem fazed, not even in the least bit by the ever growing list of points and cases against the former president. Joining me now is tim obrien, he is the Senior Executive editor of bloomberg opinion, and mbn an msnbc legal analyst as well as the author of trump nation, the art of being donald trump. Tim, you have literally written the book on donald trump. Does this Civil Business Fraud Trial move the needle at all for his supporters if he has overstated his net worth literally by billions, does that somehow change the opinion that gop voters are going to have with him . I dont think it changes the opinion of them at all, charles. Because he is a coal we are at this point. He is moved beyond even being an oldfashioned political boss. He is overseeing a cult that is a deeply and passionately attached to him, and nothing that he does is going to move the needle. Particularly, i think what hes done in the business world, and thats because every man is brought into The Public Eye originally, his real saying casino deals in the 80s, and then the apprentice in the 2000s were all around this image of him as a multi billionaire, can do entrepreneur. And that is what got him attention initially. But i think he has transitioned now into a very different world. So i dont think it matters with this political supporters. It, is however, this case that starts tomorrow is going to make great consequence for its business stonings. And donald trump doesnt spend a day without thinking about how many many bags around his desk. Tim, one of the things i want to talk to you about is scale. On one hand, you have the notion of donald trump and everything hes dealing with around his criminal cases, his civil cases that his popularity and how that sort of continues to go up it up enough, and you are talking about that, but then on the other hand, you have the notion of public fatigue. So for people who might not be donald trump supporters, they might apportions, i think at one point they were giving Washing Everything to try to see when this was going to ultimately catch up with him, but after so much coverage, after so much time after him being able to keep some of the Different Things at bay, there is a sense of public fatigue in terms of just being over it. Which bubble do you think first first . His popularity, or the public sort of fatigue where they ultimately become desensitized to all things trump . Well, i havent just said that, i dont think his political supporters care about the litigation involving his business practice. I do think the georgia case, fani williss case in georgia, Fulton County District Attorney case, and the allegedly stealing classified documents, the maralago case, and then of course, the january 6th case. A fraud on the government, case i think those three are in a very different place, and again, i dont those cases will matter to his true consider that a lot of the polling that has gone around, looking at how people still about those cases, the most likely response to those polls are the same people who respond to primary polls. The most dedicated and involved so the maybe some error and what those polls are suggesting. I also think we should remember what those january six hearings finally took place. After months and months of Document Work and Media Attention to it, when the hearings actually got underway, it shifted Public Opinion, and educated the American Public about what january six was about. And i think the georgia case will be televised, i think there are two federal cases coming down the pike, and we really dont know what the impact on Public Opinion will be when those things see the light of day. And the real, crucial voters and all of this wont be the Die Hard Trump fans. It will be independent voters. And it will be moderate republicans and conservative democrats. They are going to be in this middle vote in six or so swing states, theyre gonna determine who wins 2024. And i think those cases are going to hurt trump. Speaking of those cases, tim, youve got as much insight into the former president as anyone else having written the book on him, literally. I gotta ask. Part of what was driving Donald Trumps resistance to keeping the government open and pushing the notion of a shutdown was that he believed somehow that that would freeze or stop jack smith and the doj from moving fort with its cases against him. Do you think that that is a sign that he is actually scared of these prosecutions . I think hes terrified of these prosecutions. But for all of the mythology that is around donald trump having nine legal lives, the reality is that hes never had a full blooded federal prosecution on his doorstep. He and his father investigated by the federal government in the early 1970s for Racial Discrimination at their Housing Project in brooklyn and queens, but ever since then and certainly not a purposeful a detailed prosecution that has very dire consequences. He has not have good lawyers nutritionally, he routinely stiffs his lawyers, hes a typical climb for them to deal with, he doesnt commit to a confrontation like this with a lot of artillery on his side. And it is Uncharted Waters for him. So i think this idea that he has escaped the law all the time in the past, ignore the fact that the law has not really come down on him very hard. And it is right now, and i do think he feels cornered. And you see it in his attacks on the judges, his attempt i think to imitate witnesses, all of that is someone who is deeply, deeply afraid and wants to court Public Opinion in order to try to save his skin. Uncharted waters indeed. And it seems like donald trump is a learning how to swim. Tim obrien, bloomberg opinion, thank you so much for being here. We appreciate it. Thank, you charles. Still to come on velshi, the Supreme Court of the United States of america, they are starting a new term tomorrow. And with the trumpstacked conservative super majority, every new term carries the potential for upheaval when it comes to long held personal rights. We will break down many of those crucial cases, coming up next. Welcome back to velshi, on msnbc. Im Charles Coleman junior, in four ali today. Now, as the clock was ticking towards a potential government shut down last week, House Republicans somehow found the time to open an impeachment inquiry into President Biden. Now, a month ago, House Speaker Kevin Mccarthy said he would not open an impeachment inquiry without a floor vote. 12 days later, guess what he did. Mccarthy did just that. He caved to pressure from the extreme right wing of the republican caucus, and launched the inquiry without a vote. Republicans allege that President Biden benefited from foreign Business Dealings of his son, hunter biden. But, so far, they have not produced any direct evidence of that. And as an attorney, what i do know is that evidence is key. As the inquiry began thursday, one of the gops own key witnesses made sure to mention that he did not feel that there was enough evidence against the president to open articles of impeachment. And, in a viral and epic takedown of the whole proceeding, freshman congresswoman Jasmine Crockett showed the committee what real evidence looked like. And she bought and brought receipts. Take a listen. As i prepared, i said, what is the crime . Because when you are talking about impeachment, you are talking about high crimes or misdemeanors. And, i cannot seem to find the crime. And honestly, no one has testified of what crime they believe the president of the United States has committed. But when we Start Talking about things that look like evidence, they want to act like they are blind. They dont know what this is. These are our national secrets. It looks like in front of me. This looks like more evidence of our national secrets, say on the stage at maralago. For now, if you did not know the name Jasmine Crockett before, you are not likely to forget it anytime soon. Jasmine will be joining us in just a moment, ill be talking with the congresswoman about this sham impeachment inquiry, and the temporary fix to a Government Shutdown. We will be right, back with more velshi, on msnbc, i am Charles Coleman junior, and we will see you on the other side of this break. Of this break. Get one 50 off in the subway app today. 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Im Charles Coleman junior sitting in today for ali velshi. The Supreme Court begins a new term tomorrow. And since we are now living in an era where conservatives have stacked the court to create their own super majority, every new Supreme Court term carries the potential for the upheaval of long held precedent and the unraveling of personal and writes, this time alone, the court alone could hear Domestic Abusers access to firearms. Another case the determines the the galley of the abortion pill, mifepristone. The court will lack we go on access to Trans Health Care during the same term. If that wasnt already enough it is going to likely look at gerrymandered maps and redistricting with respect to Voting Rights. We will hear cases that determine the First Amendment parameters of social media sites, and the internet, and all of this is just scratching the surface. Fortunately, for, us weve got a great panel to break this all down, and that is going to begin with Civil Rights Attorney and former u. S. Assistant attorney for the Southern District of new york, civil division, my friend and colleague maya wylie and nyu professional professor and co host of the podcast, strict scrutiny. Melissa murray. Both of them are msnbc legal analysts and thank you for joining me both. There was just so much to really wrap our heads around here. Melissa, i want to start with you. The Domestic Abuse firearms case. What is this all about, and apparently this is someone that the defendant had multiple felonies, the Fifth Circuit still said that this is someone who should have access to rights and firearms. Tell us about this case, and what we can expect on the Supreme Court docket. The case is called United States versus rahimi charles, who was someone who was a bit of an unsavory character. He was charged with, will not charged but rather accused of Domestic Violence of his girlfriend we had a Domestic Violence or not put against. Him and that, time it requires him to not be in possession of a gun, however, he wasnt possession of a gun and in fact, fired a gun in a public space, not once, but twice. For that reason, he wasnt charged under federal statute that prohibits someone who is not supposed to be with a gun to have a gun. So hes arguing that that that conviction of that statute was unconstitutional because it violates a Second Amendment rights. And this case requires the court to consider whether or not a civil order, that is a Domestic Violence Restraining Order that prohibits someone from having a gun is actually unconstitutional. This gives the court an opportunity to walk back its 22 decision in its case called ruin, which basically said that any gun right any gun law has to be judged against whether or not it is within astoria tradition of Firearm Regulation this country. The argument and problem in this case is that we didnt have restrictions against Domestic Violence and we didnt disarm those who were accused of Domestic Violence back in the 1780s and hes exactly right we did not start doing that until the 19 80s so under the courts current logic Zachary Rainey is correct and individuals who are accused of Domestic Violence and who have Domestic Violence Restraining Orders against them should be permitted to have a gun. So this case gives the Corn Opportunity to walk back its ruling in that bruin case and maybe say that there are more limits and simply history and tradition. You know, maya, when i get a chance to talk to other lawyers, Vertically Other civil rights lawyers, weve got a call. I take my glasses off and we get right into it. I want to go to South Carolina talk about the redistricting case. I have long since talked about the ghost of shelby, and of course, im referring to Shelby Versus holder in the gutting of the Voting Rights act. So now we have a case out of South Carolina that basically moved Tens Of Thousands of primarily black voters in terms of the gerrymandering and redistricting in order to flip a blue district red. And this case centers on the question of racial gerrymandering versus political gerrymandering. Please, lets break this all down, and lets tell the public what it is that they need to know and how we can best understand how this impacts Voting Rights and how we are doing and dealing with the notion of gerrymandering. Wow, okay, charles. That was a lot. And it is a lot. Lets just be very plain about this, and you already set this up beautifully. You know, this is fundamentally a Supreme Court that said, okay. You can mess up Election Districts to preserve your own party in political power if it is only about your own partys political power. Thankfully, they at least said in this last term, okay, but Race Discrimination under the Voting Rights act is still a problem. But here, where you have an Appeals Court that said, yeah, and by the way, unanimously three judges have said, yeah. They had an eightday trial, they listen to the evidence, and they said yes. This is about race. You are moving Tens Of Thousands of black people out of the district with no good reason, which leaves us only with their race, yeah, in order to preserve political power. And sadly, in so many cases, you can use race as a proxy. But the point here is that you are literally diluting the political voice of black people to preserve a party in political position. And that is what gerrymandering has always been about. It is what we have seen across states, including louisiana, we could go to alabama, weve even had places saying we will ignore what the courts saying to try to continue to dilute black voters. And has major impacts for whether or not we have a functioning democracy. And, to your point about all of these other cases we are talking about, we could be talking about the Mifepristone Case and where and how we have criminalization of abortion, we could be talking about where there is gender affirming care for kids who have a very strong sense of who they are and just want to assert their own identity and get the care they need, we could be talking about this in criminal cases of guns, but at the base of, it always, is who gets a voice and say. And right, now it is ideologically driven, not driven by sound policy. And the normal course of democratic politics. Melissa, right, now we are going to turn to the notion of social media in the First Amendment. There is another case of the Supreme Court is taking up. Literally, that is trying to decide whether texas and florida are allowed to ban large social Media Companies like facebook, youtube, and the sort, from removing polls from their site. Why is this is a deal, and it does have implications with the respect to the First Amendment, but why should we care . Particularly, if we are not in the realm of social media, about this case. What does it matter from that perspective . Obviously, whatever happens in the realm of social media will have huge repercussions throughout the world in terms of First Amendment rights. So we consider speech, how we speak, and for what and which we speak, it will be affected by these cases. The texas and florida cases are one set, theres also a case that involves a Circuit Split between the six circuit and the Ninth Circuit that questions whether not government officials who use their own personal Social Media Profiles in their government work, but they are nonetheless using their personal Social Media Profiles, which can actually block other people. And this, of course, as huge ramifications for Public Officials throughout the country. Donald trump, for example, as donald president , talk about blocking certain people from his profile. So that could be an important case. But we are just seeing this shift to social media, because this is become really Important Media for how we do public discourse. Also, i will add to the point about the gerrymandering case. This case is really critical, because in 2019, the court said that there is no role for the federal courts to plain adjudicating partisan gerrymandering cases. That left open racial gerrymandering cases. And what South Carolina has done here is say that their racial garamendi is actually a partisan gerrymandering, which means that federal courts cannot adjudicate and therefore cannot correct it. So this is the shift that we are now. Seeing because the court has Absentia Federal Courts from partisan gerrymandering cases, all of these states have incentives to call their gerrymanders, racial gerrymanders, or partisan gerrymanders so the court cannot reach them. So in cases like South Carolina with raising Political Association actually be run together. It can be very difficult to determine whats a versus what is a partisan gerrymander. I am not a thing about the fact that so many of these cases are coming directly out of the Fifth Circuit, which is ultraconservative, that is the circuit that is over in texas, mississippi, as well as louisiana. And it does strike me as so much of what were seeing at the high court is there. Ive got one more question for both of you, and that, is what is the one case this term that you are most concerned about, and why . In a little bit over a minute . For both of you. Well, thats very hard question to answer, because i see so many inter relationships between so many of these cases. I will name one, which is a case that deals with a what sounds like a very technical principle called the chevron doctorate. But simply stated, all that means, is in the case itself, is about fishing, and what kind of are put on fishing. Put aside. That what is really about is does the court get to be the policy maker over the federal agencies that have expertise and once we say, and one of the fears now is that the Supreme Court is already mentioned it would do, this it will put itself and sit in judgment about the right policy calls, over agencies populated with experts in the topics that they are applying legislation to advance. That implicates everything, from air pollution,s water qualities, all the kinds of things that we look for from consumer protections, whether or not we get protected from payday loans, all kinds of things, that really impact peoples daily lives. So it sounds really technical, but at its, rue it is fundamentally taking more power out of the places where voters have the ability to make changes if they dont like what is done. Federal judges have jobs for life. Melissa, you are one to watch. So, i was also going to say that case is called along with two other cases that challenge the Administrative State in various ways. Again, these are very technical issues, but maya is exactly right. They have everything to do with how government, as we know, it runs and functions. It has been a very big petitt of the conservative Legal Movement to begin dismantling the Administrative State and this huge case we are doing so, to the point about so many of these cases coming out of the Fifth Circuit. That is exactly right. The Fifth Circuit is an extremely conservative circuit, it makes decisions that are very much on the extremes of the rightward ring of the conservative Legal Movement. So the fact that the fact of, the court taking up so many of these Legal Movements is perhaps the court is moving simply because the Subject Matter that they are adjudicating is so far to the right. So the Fifth Circuit has really shifted the over turn window of what the courts top it looks like, it means that the court is going to be either pulling back from really conservative rulings, or confirming them, mean that they are going to be a for maybes very conservative rulings, either way, it makes things clear. This is a court that is very much on a rightward trend. Msnbc legal analysts and super lawyers, maya wylie and marie summary, thank you to you both. Coming up next, on another hour of velshi. On the gop manufactured crisis on capitol hill has paused. At least, for now. And House Speaker Kevin Mccarthy just might pay the price for averting a Government Shutdown. Im Charles Coleman junior, and we will have another hour of velshi after a quick break. Velshi after a quick break velshi after a quick break have Heart Failure with unresolved symptoms . It may be time to see the bigger picture. Heart failure and seemingly unrelated symptoms like carpal tunnel syndrome, shortness of breath, and Irregular Heartbeat could be something more serious called attrcm, a rare, underdiagnosed disease that worsens over time. Sound like you . Call your cardiologist, and ask about attrcm

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