Obits, Monday, May 24th, 2021 May 24 funeral announcements Services for a former Fredericksburg man, 68 year old Dale Mohr of Kirkland, Washington, are Tuesday at 10am at Peace United Church of Christ in Fredericksburg. Burial in Rose Hill cemetery. Hugeback Johnson funeral home is handling the arrangements. -- Graveside Services for a Washington, Iowa woman, 66 year old Diane Judge, are Saturday at 2:45pm at Howard cemetery in Elma. Conway Markham funeral home is in charge of arrangements. Get our free mobile app Services for a former New Hampton woman, 91 year old Eleanor "Ellie" Hill of Viroqua, Wisconsin, are Friday at 10:30am at Holy Family Parish in New Hampton. Burial in St. Mary's cemetery. Visitation is an hour before services at the church. Conway Markham funeral home is handling arrangements.