OBITUARY: Fayrene Joyce Dockins Peters, 1935-2021 On March 10, 2021 we lost a precious soul here on Earth. Born following the depression era, Fay learned to survive the poverty and extreme difficult circumstances resulting from that era. She married at a young age and began her journey through life bearing five children with endurance, determination, physical and emotional pain, love and devotion to her family and friends. Throughout her life, Fay learned many life skills and hobbies. Sewing, including school clothes for many, crocheting, mechanics, carpentry, knitting, quilting, bookkeeping, cross-stitch, ceramics, painting, reading, photography, cooking, gardening, camping, organic food preparation, canoeing, volley ball swimming, botchy ball, walking, teaching others her knowledge of nature and diet, and caring for many family members and friends were a few examples. She also loved animals and cared, trained and loved her pets throughout her life.