Pat Adams’s newly released “Sassi, the Smile Maker: The Happy Tale of a Rescue Dog” is a heartwarming tale about a rescue dog’s happy adventures with her loved ones Share Article “Sassi, the Smile Maker: The Happy Tale of a Rescue Dog” from Christian Faith Publishing author Pat Adams is an enjoyable story about a rescue dog’s heartfelt moments with her family and friends. MEADVILLE, Pa. (PRWEB) May 07, 2021 “Sassi, the Smile Maker: The Happy Tale of a Rescue Dog”: a timeless children’s story about Sassi, a rescue dog, and her amazing and awe-inspiring circumstances with her human family. “Sassi, the Smile Maker: The Happy Tale of a Rescue Dog” is the creation of published author Pat Adams, an avid dog lover, longtime dog owner, and Sassi’s grandma. She currently resides in Tampa, Florida with her airline pilot son and Sassi’s dad.