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Philadelphia is updating its mandated African American histo
Philadelphia is updating its mandated African American histo
Philadelphia is updating its mandated African American history course
As controversy swirls in the U.S. over how schools teach about race, the district is refocusing the class on "intellectual genealogy."
Related Keywords
Northeast High School ,
Pennsylvania ,
United States ,
Germantown High School ,
Philadelphia ,
Americans ,
America ,
American ,
Ismael Jimenez ,
Marcus Garvey ,
Christopher Columbus ,
Sandra Dungee Glenn ,
Keziah Ridgeway ,
Hasan Jeffries ,
George Floyd ,
School Reform Commission ,
Philadelphia Federation Of Teachers ,
Racial Justice Organizing Committee ,
High School ,
House Education Committee ,
Girls High School ,
Improvement Association ,
Arts High School ,
African American ,
Northeast High ,
Bettina Love ,
Universal Improvement Association ,
Colored Conventions ,
Kensington Creative ,
Performing Arts High ,
Melanated Educators Collective ,
Philadelphia Federation ,