By Pearl Markovitz | December 31, 2020 On Saturday night, January 2, at 8:30 p.m., the community is invited to participate in a presentation by Dr. Eve Krakowski, assistant professor of history at Princeton University specializing in the social history of Jews in the medieval period. Through Princeton’s extensive collections as well as collections worldwide at universities and museums, Krakowski has created a vivid picture of everyday life in the Middle East during Medieval times. These collections of letters, legal documents, shopping lists and all types of everyday communication create a fascinating and elucidating picture of the daily life of both the Jewish and non-Jewish communities. The famous Cairo Geniza, which Krakowski has researched extensively, which was discarded in Cairo and re-discovered in the 19th century, contains within it high texts as well as straightforward practical documents which provide insight into the intersection of the everyday lives of the elite and the simple populace. At her upcoming presentation entitled “Maimonides and the Miqveh in Egypt,” Krakowski will be focusing upon a particular edict issued by the Rambam that sparked widespread controversy and was followed by serious ramifications for a long time afterwards.