Courtesy of PGA Susan Sprung will assume all national executive director duties at the PGA when Van Petten exits in mid-2021 after 21 years at the helm. Producers Guild of America national executive director Vance Van Petten is set to step down in mid-2021. Susan Sprung, who was promoted to national executive director alongside Van Petten in April 2019, will take over all national executive director duties when Van Petten exits after 21 years at the helm. He joined the PGA in January 2000. “We are incredibly grateful for Vance’s leadership, dedication and devotion to the work of the producing profession. His work on key initiatives like the Producers Mark will leave an indelible impact not just on the PGA and our membership, but for the producing profession at large,” Producers Guild of America presidents Gail Berman and Lucy Fisher said in a statement, adding, "We are excited for the work to carry on under the continued leadership of Susan Sprung, who will continue on in her role as national executive director."