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Quiksilver, Billabong sale to Authentic finalized : vimarsan
Quiksilver, Billabong sale to Authentic finalized : vimarsan
Quiksilver, Billabong sale to Authentic finalized
The sale, finalized last week for an undisclosed amount, is the latest in a wave of change for the mega surf brands rooted in Orange County.
Related Keywords
Orange County ,
New York ,
United States ,
Billabong ,
Victoria ,
Australia ,
Newport Beach ,
New South Wales ,
American ,
Richard Woolcott ,
Muhammad Ali ,
Jeff Hakman ,
David Beckham ,
Elvis Presley ,
Alan Green ,
Tucker Hall ,
Bob Hurley ,
Bob Mcknight ,
Marilyn Monroe ,
Shaquille Oneal ,
Bluestar Alliance ,
Quiksilver ,
University Of Southern California ,
Reebok ,
Authentic Brands Group ,
Eddie Bauer ,
New York Based Authentic Brands ,
Brands Group ,
Costa Mesa Based Volcom ,
New York City Based ,
Adding Boardriders ,
Huntington Beach ,
North American ,
Southern California ,
Shaquilleo Neal ,