April 29, 2021 Lyna Mohammad What started out on a small scale in 2019 has now grown bigger with several non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and groups collaborating and supporting Ehsan Ramadhan (ER), a project under the initiative of Youth Against Slavery Brunei (YAS Brunei). Established by a youth group spearheaded by Amal Kasibah binti Bahari and Norhayatunajibah binti Haji Kifli, YAS Brunei is an initiative under the Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative’s ASEAN Youth Ending Slavery Project to raise awareness in fighting against modern slavery and human trafficking. Amal Kasibah told the Bulletin the project began as an idea to send donations to migrant workers around Bandar Seri Begawan (BSB) during Ramadhan in 2019 and was inspired by the generosity of the local community in giving alms at the mosques.