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Report: Nearly 25% of Marin households can't afford decent l
Report: Nearly 25% of Marin households can't afford decent l
Report: Nearly 25% of Marin households can't afford decent living
The United Ways of California compared average household incomes to the costs of basic necessities such as housing, food and child care.
Related Keywords
California ,
United States ,
Sonoma State University ,
American ,
Aideen Gaidmore ,
Jose Luis Chan ,
Beatriz Chimal ,
Robert Palmer ,
Sherry Lavars Marin ,
Anita Hernandez ,
Marin Child Care Council ,
Community Action Marin ,
Marin Community Foundation ,
Marin Community Services In Novato On ,
Volunteer Anita Hernandez ,
San Rafael ,
Marin Independent Journal ,
Rowland Boulevard ,
North Marin Community Services ,
Canal Street ,
United Ways ,
Real Cost Measure ,
Jose Luis ,
Economic Opportunity Act ,
African American ,