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Review investigates n-3 PUFA impact on bone health : vimarsa
Review investigates n-3 PUFA impact on bone health : vimarsa
Review investigates n-3 PUFA impact on bone health
Larger and more diverse studies are needed to fully understand the impact of n-3 PUFA supplementation on bone health, state the authors of a new systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials (RCTs).
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Mai Zhang ,
Shaanxi ,
China ,
Spain ,
Chenqi Xie ,
Tianlin Gao ,
Xiangyuan Meng ,
Zhenquan Lu ,
Xiaofei Guo ,
Jie Yang ,
Jing Cai ,
Jie Gao ,
National Natural Science Foundation Of China ,
National Natural Science Foundation ,
Bone Metabolism Markers ,
Body Bone Mineral Density ,
Systematic Review ,
Chunyan Tian ,