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In congress and washington is very different than what we saw with a tax bill there is a date certain by which these decisions have to get made or the government shuts down clearly democrats want daca they wanted to continue the president wants his wall their reality is i think its easier for democrats to get a little closer to the president not by talking about a physical wall but by talking about operational control of the borders Border Security responsible immigration policy but the president the Republican Party have a real challenge on their hands the reality is the Republican Base does not want to continue daca you know in congress where virtually all of the republican seats are deep republican seats doc is not something that is politically palatable and so if these negotiations grind to a halt here at the end of the year theres a real challenge for the president on docket because theres a human face to the issue padraig so these people want these kids that. Well thats what it sounds like the Republican Base wants is no more doctor but they do want to wall and just to add to what congressman jolly said democrats by and large have been supportive of more Border Security but its been proven time after time that the wall in fact a actual physical wall will not prevent the sort of immigration problems weve seen and if you look at the numbers weve actually had reverse mexican immigration over the past several years so you know president is continuing to pander to his Political Base but theres a political reality too because what we saw today with a tightening of the senate with doug jones being sworn in i think theres what a one seat majority now for the republicans so if things are to get a lot tougher for them theyre going to play a very Important Role as we enter an Election Year here david as a republican how do you. Live in the party are republicans dead against. The wall. Unfortunately listen im somebody who thinks dhaka should continue listen go back to president obama though he even constructively said he wasnt sure the president of the United States had the Constitutional Authority to do it unilaterally republicans in congress that was their position for many years that we needed to do it in congress but larry when we tried we only got about eighteen or twenty republicans to even begin to debate the issue and when we required operational control the border not a physical wall in return for daca maybe we got Fifteen Republicans to support that and leadership would have moved it i dont think the politics have changed since donald trump come in if anything theyve gotten more radical more hardline on immigration theres not an easy docket solution for for republicans but very importantly the moment they stand in the way of a dock extension we will begin to see throughout the International Media the tragedy of the human stories of children who have only known the United States who have gone to school here or in college here and are being threatened with deportation and that is a very bad day for the Republican Party. Will be. I dont know it will be interesting to watch how it ramps up we can see it continue to see divisions within the Republican Party divisions in the Democratic Party we see an administration that is deeply divided im sure were going to be talking about Steve Bannons you know latest book here and and in those divisions so its going to be interesting to see how it plays out at the end of the day i dont think congressman jolly or myself most folks that are really care about governing and moving the ball forward helping our country believe that Government Shutdowns are a good way to govern until recent history that was really unheard of so we should be governing we should be threatening Government Shutdowns year after year we should be sitting in a room talking about real policy how do we help these dreamers how do we you know secure our borders how do we move forward a comprehensive Immigration Reform that meets todays problems how did to you david you in bad seen. A little bit rightists and a little bit less dissonant how do you guys know hes a little make this cohesive with the rest of the people. Might be why were former members. Badgering ive been touring the state of florida the Third Largest state the country talking about bipartisanship and its been remarkable the response the body politic in the United States kind of craving a constructive bipartisanship it is exactly what we need to solve these issues you know the Government Shutdown i think Mitch Mcconnell was right when he said nobody wants it that scars on the backs of most republicans and democrats who have been on the hill for a while know that a shutdown is bad but interestingly here this is Donald Trumps first time around the lab and we know how ratable and unpredictable he is and it may just be that what will feed into his chaos theory of governing as they go ahead and force a shutdown i think it would be wrong patrick is exactly right the taxpayers lose when that happens you mention did the administration broadsided with the explosive allegations from former white house chief strategist steve benen is going to be in a new book from michael walls and listeners to ben and labels the now infamous june two thousand and sixteen meeting at trump tower with Campaign Officials in a russian lawyer treasonous holes is the campaign should have called immediately trump has already responded saying steve benen has nothing to do with me or my presidency when he was fired he not only wants the job he lost his mind now these on his own steves learning that winning is isnt as easy as i make it look. What do you make of this story where do you start with this i mean lets not forget it was not long ago that steve bannon was placed on the National Security council this is almost unheard of and there was a lot of outcry when it happened because that gave mr bannon a certain amount of clearance he was elevated to the base of the same position of chief of staff yet all of a sudden the president s acting like you know they were never close and he had nothing to do with his election or he was a Senior Advisor to him you know thats how this president operates and time after. When people leave this administration their reflection basically to a tee is that this is a president president that is unprepared and that is mentally and stable that he is not ready for this job that you why i think one of the quotes was actually pretty funny from mr bannon saying that his mental preparedness is is comically an understatement that he doesnt read any of the papers he cant get there a meeting with a world leader because he gets bored and he simply walks away i mean its so unbelievable that this is actually happening in our country right now i sure hope republicans start growing a backbone and standing up to this Administration David what do you make of this what what what do you think bannon has said all of us this is the state of the Republican Party under the leadership of donald trump and steve bannon and nobody gets a hall pass on this one look you broke it you bought it and this is now the republicans responsibility to determine what to do with the leadership of the party is this is Steve Bannon Party as we have seen him enter critical races the special Election Races weve seen the one he lost representing a conservative republican and a deeply conservative state of alabama and lost that race he has already recruited a dozen other candidates around the country in the twenty eight hundred cycle who is the voice of that nationalist republican wing right now will it be steve bannon or will it be donald trump but the reality is the place of the from both of them right now is nothing that should be tolerated they own this moment they should both be ashamed of badgering bannan also said he believes the jarrad question of the president s son in law in a white house Senior Adviser could be good and vince cooperative robert molo probes his financial records because bannon believe jesus is susceptible to closing his business dealings. Whats going on here that theres no doubt in my mind that the financial ties that seem to be surrounding this white house or i should say this president for many many years now is probably where this investigation is going that theres probably been financial ties dating back with donald trump for years with his real estate dealings so i would be surprised if thats where this ends up whether Donald Trump Jr breaks like a broken leg as you know bannon said i dont know but i believe bannon. Definitely shed a certain amount of light on who is next in this investigation with trump jr and your question or. Something close and david many defenders of the president not been afraid to publicly most robert. To be fired now do you think that that group will take gone bannon and breitbart. I think were seeing the early cracks in the veneer if you will and dont overlook what steve bannon has done now importantly this is not an autobiography this is by another author and bannon will eventually have an opportunity to confront how he is being quoted but there is legal jeopardy for steve bannon if he knew of some of these acts and believed that wrongdoing was being created and either covered up for or frankly remain silent on it and so to the moeller question larry we dont know yet if steve bannon has been interviewed by Robert Mueller but he certainly will be and what you are seeing systematically from this white house almost on a day to day movement is whomever it is that seems to be challenging the president s credibility or possibly any legal jeopardy they are going to undermine him and that includes Robert Mueller hes a fine and distinguished Public Servant who has quietly done his job ever since he was appointed at the end of the day donald trump is making a political argument to the American People in trying to undermine Robert Mueller Robert Mueller gets the last statement here and it will be a legal argument as to whether or not there is liability or culpability by the president or anybody around but the small right likes steve benen they log and they like trump where the truth. Wont were going to see how it all plays out but theres no question unfortunately for the sake of our country that the Republican Party is going to be more and more divided as this year continues there is a civil war breaking out and side the party and that doesnt help our country because weve seen a propensity for the president to continue pandering to that far right base thats not where our country is whether youre left with your right center you know most people want to see something get done thats what this president campaigned on his progress and being this deal maker but if he continues pandering trying to win over the base to beat bannon to the right were going to see a lot of dysfunction and some very scary legislation some scary appointments scary things come out of this white house so i sure hope the president pivots and tries to get back to the middle actually get things done but and i keep my fingers crossed on that. Los angeles the sony of luxury and fame but also an Alarming Number of People Living in the streets. The simple fact in l. A. Is theres just not enough shelter even if people on the streets right now decided to come in theres nowhere to come in its been a struggle. And this man found his own response to the problem and constructed dozens of tiny homes for people in need of shelter when you have nothing and nowhere to go. You know having Something Like this may as well be a castle but do the authorities accept such solution tiny house on a city parking space is not a solution your craft to have someone monitoring the site otherwise it will be a free for all and is there a better alternative to end the homelessness crisis. A place for many clubs over the years so i know the game inside gods. Football isnt only about what happens on the pitch to the final school its about the passion from the fans its the age of the super money just billionaire owners and spending city to twenty million fly a. Book its an experience like nothing else not to because i want to share what i think what i know about the beautiful guy but great so what chance with. The thinks its going to. And. And it. And it was that my. It was. It was. Politicking im talking with david jolly former u. S. Representative a republican a foreigner and former u. S. Representative Patrick Murphy democrat of florida chairman of the political Nonprofit Group future Forum Foundation day that is in Temple Patrick is in miami gentlemen President Trump accused the Justice Department tuesday of being part of the deep state and urged prosecution of f. B. I. The former of the i directed james komi is there a deep state in the Justice Department working against trump david. I dont believe so no this is this is part of his continued efforts the president s efforts to undermine those who are working on the investigation and working in Law Enforcement and listen its hypocritical of the president in terms of domestic politics to suggest hes a champion of our Law Enforcement officers and our Law Enforcement community but then continue to attack those who are investigating him we all know that there is a the large a very large bureaucracy of federal employees that are career federal employees they are not political appointees but when the president suggests that a federal employee you cant check their politics at the office door and just do their job that would also suggest that theres nobody in washington including the president and his own administration capable of checking their own personal biases at the door and so what this president continues to do and we will see it until the final report comes out is to undermine the credibility of those who are working the investigation into any activities that might involve mr trump how do you see the russian elections going. Well let me just add to what david said there at the end because its not just d. O. J. Hes going after its basically all Government Agencies is trying to undercut any sort of trust and erode the trust in these agencies and trying to build trust in himself and not the agencies thats a really scary trend weve seen play out in other countries a story plea and i sure hope people see through that question its looking more and more like twenty eight thousand will be the democratic year i dont know if i want to say its going to be a wave your yet but that you know Senate Election we recently saw might be an indication obviously there was a really bad candidate with a boy or more there but when you look at the p. P. P. The public polling looking just the generic ballot would you rather vote for a republican or would you rather vote for a democrat in congress i think theres about a thirteen point advantage for democrats there those are almost historic numbers so i think its going to be heavily democratic and one more thing just to point out here that tack. Bill that just passed is more unpopular right now then the obamacare the Affordable Care act ever was and we all know what happened in two thousand and ten there so if thats any evidence of whats going to happen Going Forward this could be a pretty big year for democrats do you think. I think patricks right all of the energy is on the left and the democrats have not really won many special elections but for the real notable wanted alabama they have outperformed where they were two years ago and four years ago and republicans have underperformed so when we get to a very competitive races all of the favor ability now lies with democrats but democrats have a challenge to make a decision to make for themselves a couple of them one how to handle the issue of impeachment you know some of the very progressive on the left they want to talk about impeachment the moderates or frankly just the Senior Leaders who have been there and done that they dont want to talk about impeachment the other thing you have to deal with is this the tax bill is historically unpopular yes but politics in the United States get defined by contrast elections get decided by contrast and then twenty eight second commercials in november republicans are going to be able to say were for less taxes democrats voted for more taxes is that a fair argument probably not but the reality is voters get to decide whether or not they believe that message from the g. O. P. Guys thank you very time today well be calling on the of frequently throughout the year thank you great to be with you lets say there on tuesday President Trump escalating his war of words with north Korean Leader kim jong un in a series of well publicized tweets to trump was responding to move Korean Leaders annual new years day speech in which he claimed that the u. S. Is within the range of a Nuclear Strike and then a Nuclear Button is always on the desk to my all of us what does this escalation of rhetoric mean to the ongoing efforts to limit north Koreas Nuclear ambitions so that we turn to gordon chang expert on asia north korea columnist for the daily beast gordon is the author of Nuclear Showdown north korea takes on the world he joins us from new york what do you make this vacuum for the bigger buttons. There were two tweets on. That was the second one and thats the one of course that grabs our attention because it reminds everybody of what happens in Elementary School but the other tweet the one in the morning is the more important one because that one talked about how sanctions are actually starting to affect north korea these are sanctions that the Trump Administration put into place and u. N. Sanctions and if theres going to be a peaceful resolution of this if theres going to be a way that we can disarm kim jong il and short of the use of force is going to be because those sanctions are so effective that he has no choice but to give up his weapons now trump has gotten on the right path but hes got a lot more work to do and the president should be talking about his sanctions instead of talking about the button on his desk the white house called unstable and crazy i think the president right in taunting him of this button thing no you know if you look at it and you try to do these psychological analyses maybe once you try to belittle the north Korean Leader and president our president has done that quite some time ago with the name little rocket man but once you do that you should leave it because right now weve got more important things to do weve got to convince not only our allies but countries that are neutral and also north koreas friends china and russia that they shouldnt be supporting the north korean regime that takes a lot of effort and thats really what we should be doing at this particular time not actually directing insults and threats to the north Korean Leader that doesnt help us at this point the Russian Politicians have said that trumps tweet could give exactly what he want to push the rules saying that this Nuclear Button is larger than that of kims trump defacto has recognized north korea as a nuclear power. Well i think what the president was doing was recognizing reality but when we talk about actually recognizing north korea as a legitimate Nuclear Weapon state thats a little bit different i mean thats an issue of the Nuclear Nonproliferation treaty all sorts of relationships that we have with north korea and that were not going to do as nikki haley our u. N. Ambassador said on tuesday afternoon at the u. N. But yeah President Trump shouldnt be talking about this with this particular time because as i mentioned there are so many other topics that we really need to discuss in order to disarm north korea peacefully. What do you make of the twenty minute tara spawn the storm which we moved in south korea. Well i think its partly because kim jong un the north Korean Leader wants money he wants the South Koreans of you know hes willing to say ok ill send my two figure skaters to the south korean olympics but what he wants south korea to do is first of all to drop its sanctions to resume into korean projects like the case on Industrial Complex which shoveled almost one hundred Million Dollars into the hands of the regime every year and of course he wants more aid from south korea so this is going to be an issue of money because he does need relief from International Actions against him and you know President Trumps got to work very closely with his south korean counterpart moon jay in because mungy in actually wants to put money into the hands of kim jong il and and so weve got to stop them we thought affective job of stopping president moon up to now but this is something that you cant declare final victory and trump has a lot of work to do to convince the South Koreans not to put money into the hands of a very dangerous tyrant Olympic Games coming to south korea might that create some goodwill. Well you know it could but you know ive got to go back to two thousand and fourteen when the asian games were in incheon which is close to saul the capital of south korea and the North Koreans sent down three high officials for the closing ceremony of the asian games and everyone thought oh this is a big opening but just a few weeks after that the North Koreans actually shelved south korea so you know weve seen this pattern in the past larry going back to the beginning of the korean war where the north korean regime will have an overture and then within days or a few weeks after that theyll be some military provocation in one nine hundred fifty it was actually the start of a large scale invasion of the south what we call the korean war in two thousand and ten they killed fifty South Koreans just after two such overtures so weve got to be really careful about how this is because were entering a crucial period here with the fact that north and south korea had some talks today out of the United States religion ship was korea oh absolutely because kim jong un wants to use these talks to drive a wedge between seoul and the United States and this is traditional kim family policy going back seven decades the reason is that kim jong il and the kim family want to take over south korea they can only do that of course if they break the mutual defense treaty between south korea and the United States so that we take our twenty eight thousand five hundred troops off the peninsula once we do that then kim jong un can intimidate south korea into submission and you know we may think that thats ludicrous a valid happened but the North Koreans actually believe it to be the case and they also believe that its essential for the survival of their regime because you cant have two koreas one rich one poor right next to each other thats completely unsustainable so the people in the poor korea north korea know theyve got to get in take over the rich korea the selfs. China play in all its. China has responded to pressure from the trumpet ministration but it hasnt done enough because china has traditionally supported the north korean regime through thick and thin you know and thats going back to the korean war where the founder of the peoples republic of china rescued kim il sung the founder of the north korean state and so what we have seen in recent months for instance since october or at least thirty instances of chinese ships transferring oil to north korean vessels on the high seas which is prohibited by the way by the Security Council so these are things were china is continuing to bustling sions to support the north korean regime this is really dangerous and the trumpet ministration has been trying to urge the chinese but i think that what we need is a more robust response which means imposing costs on beijing for supporting the North Koreans a new years day in the daily beast you wrote the north koreas policies have been remarkably consistent from one decade to the next what do you mean specific policies the policy is that the kim family believes that it is a legitimate ruler of the entire korean nation so it means not just north korea but also south korea and everything that theyve done has that one goal in mind and kim jong il and the north Korean Leader has actually been talking about quote unquote final victory quite really more frequently in recent months thats north korean code for actually taking over the south kim jong un is feeling his oats he believes that he actually can do this apparently and so he has staked his position in the regime at the top of the regime hes staked his position on being able to take over the south this is going to be really dangerous and and certainly interesting as we go forward but this is consistent policy over the course of seven decades thanks good time today always. Great talking with you thank you so much larry gordon chang and thank you by the way for joining me on this edition of politicking remember you can join the conversation on my Facebook Page or tweet me at kings things and dont forget use the politicking hash tag thats all the lizza dition of politicking. Its the cradle of jazz. The america is the america we. Took knows this jazz feel. The city of climatic contest trophies of alligators on the list of poverty and crime are used by the least toil members of my family to close my herd of street racing in the heat of the night this is new orleans stuff and the best place in the world. Still seems wrong when all roads just dont all. Get to shape out these days to add to it and it gains from it because the trail. When something find themselves worlds apart. Just to look for common ground. Hello my name is peter and ive been living in russia for about seven years and this is just some of the crazy things ive got. To be. Some reasons of migrants is still sleeping rough on the streets of paris despite president to find a solution twenty seventeen we hear some of the personal stories. The story is this the life he thought she would have. Had to the president of turkey lashes out at america probably threatening to drop Bilateral Agreements now. Being convicted in the us. The rare sign of reconciliation north korea now agreeing to the First Official talks with the south in two years while the u. S. Finally accept a request to suspend military exercises during the forthcoming olympics

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