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That simply are being followed that ive gone down this road with journalists myself journalists are not following their sort of standard practices. Journalistic ethics or what have you with regards to these other stories we have to remember right is that its not just that journalists are like anybody else. But what were finding more and more is that we have journalists who have no real intellectual curiosity no with no real interest in sort of delving further unless its to pursue some sort of an agenda you know we talked we were talking before about this imraan alwan story which is the story of the i. T. Director for some eighty Democratic House members who was downloading terabytes of data from the house computers had access to the d. N. C. Computers and yet there is one actual reporter and then and then a couple of other sort of writers who are writing on the story out of washington d. C. This is a massive scandal and yet nobody is covering it because for whatever agenda reasons or because theyre just not curious about it you know you know charles we chose you and we already heard the word click here and i think thats very interesting is that in this is what its really gotten down to is to get clicks to get eyeballs and worry about it later i mean we saw this during the last Years Campaign where journalists openly said well this is a very different kind of candidate so we have to relax my word relax our journalistic rules i mean that is a very slippery path ok either you have principles or you dont have principles and what and what theyre doing is that since were going to treat him differently as a result viewers and readers are now seeing Mainstream Media is not fulfilling those principles that they say that they uphold go ahead charles. You know what i founded by experiences with journalism please dont take this the wrong way but you know most journalists are excellent with words and hopeless when it comes to understanding numbers vary and what we have since ninety ninety eight ninety nine is an economic realignment where unregulated globalism is growing to dominate even try to large markets like the United States europe etc and the proponents of this unregulated globalism are republicans and democrats and even not allied people around the world why because in this gigantic unregulated Global Market you could make a lot of money trading influence. You know for various various ways and so people are doing it on the campuses theyre doing it Investment Funds are doing the banks theyre doing it the global media complexes to understand this you have to understand basic economics and Financial Statements and you have to know how to follow the money and these journalists dont know how to do that i think its an excellent you know entry said you know what i think weve seen over the last twenty twenty five years is that the Mainstream Media is just the p. R. For the establishment its not news i mean i because of my the nature of my job i have to watch m s n b c i have to watch c. N. N. Its you know i sometimes i need a bucket but you know i have to do it and i dont learn anything i mean i dont get my news from them i have my own sources i put five or six hours every single day seven days a week in learning about news from people that i trust and places that i can i can go that i can trust ok but that i dont because all i see is just advocacy for the establishment for a liberal ideology for globalism as charles has mentioned here and i think thats intentional right now ok i mean this is they theyre channeling all of this to keep this narrative about the status quo and we do know if we look at the last election the two different parties we had an insurgency with the democrats we had an accessible insurgent with with trump and the republicans i think the establishment is terrified and this is why the media needs to get things back and thats why theyre moving towards censorship and well get to that in the second part of the program all of these things come together go ahead. And while thats thats exactly right they do flow one into the other you have these issues where things sort of step over the line into advocacy and some of it has to do with not wanting to damage the existing relationships that are out there Maggie Haberman who went to the same. Whether the same high school as me if you want to talk about duplicitousness we were supposed to appear on a panel together talk about High School Students and she had the gall to say she because she was a journalist she was going to appear on a panel with me because im in the advocacy world when in fact the course of her reporting is done. From an advocacy basis i mean i was i was sort of floored by this and i said ok all the more reason for her and i do appear on a panel of no she wouldnt do it so ive been there i think that thats a really great story here because thats what i come across all of the time is that you know its really its not news it is how to deflect from your narrative protect your narrative and the people that are protecting you ok i mean im not on television because of my pretty face ok im on television for a very different reason when i look at the cable stations i think that its more they can read the teleprompter but probably better than i can because im off a lot of even after all these years i mean thats what it is i mean its advocacy and it least you know and this n. B. C. Is open about it and i respect that and fox is open about and i respect that but everybody else you know they like to pretend that theyre journalists theyre not i mean its claptrap really what theyre going after go ahead charles and peter got to let me go to charles with one thing i would say is that where i get my news in addition to you know your channel and other places one of the best sources for news i like is your own hedge yeah and thats a thats an independent. Channel for news that does a really good job of getting out ahead of the curve not only within our. Providing you access to source documents another one is Free Republic dot com both do the same thing you know you have to check and check these facts you know and challenge your mind charles i think why wait around youre absolutely zero hedge because youre going back to something you said earlier they like numbers they understand the economy and i really like the marriage of news and Economic News that they have thats very well done ok and you want to jump in there go ahead. You know i just want to sort of you talk about this relationship between establishment journalism and nowhere is it more clear than the one thing that nobody seems to be talking about in this whole Michael Flynn mess which is this issue of you know we know the f. B. I. Was listening on the conversation with him between flynn and ambassador chris lee act. We know that they tracked flynn with it later on what we dont know is how and why the Washington Post got their hands on that transcript except this relationship between the establishment the deep state and you know the socalled mainstream journalism you know you know chelsea you know i cant get one minute before we go to the break here everybody likes to use this word collusion you know in technically in the legal sense its not illegal but on all although i see it is with the f. B. I. It with the media and a lot of the of course the Democratic Party and its establishment that seems to be a collusion i mean we could use the word cobol or Something Like that but theyre in lock step all of the time go ahead charles you know i think it goes all the way back it could go if far back as one nine hundred eighty nine its a collusion of cooperation between establishment wings of the Democrat Republican Party to promote the interests of the big defense contractors big global media big big global banks etc to obstruct the analysis and in the finding of the real truths that need to be address its a joke its a gigantic long term many decades long i would argue conspiracy well its certainly been corrosive all right gentlemen were all going to go to a break here and after that short break well continue our discussion on the news industry state with art. Hello my names peter and ive been living in bush for about seven years and this is a film about just some of the crazy things ive got. To public wealth. When the ruling classes protect themselves. In the fight. You know one person. We can all middle of the room see. The real news. In two thousand and sixteen in the Panama Papers shocked the world with the tax haven secrets two trillion United States dollars passed through most. In the amount of time that weve been in Panama Papers exposure thats what it shows a lot of money it really is. Journalism its an act of journalism looking at things that people want to keep secret and asking why would they want to keep these things secret. Millions of. Documents were examined. The all the people we basically have tried to get an advantage out of this thought it was newspaper. And probably other politician which were attacking other politicians the media were quick to find their targets such as the kings of morocco and saudi arabia the president of argentina several prime ministers. And russian president Vladimir Putin of course. Oh my god ive had so i have sued so many newspapers for defamation some things dont just happen by chance it was very striking there were no more americans to go specially a lot of people from the brics countries specially brazil russia and china that this special project reveals what was missed in the media coverage. The panama chronicles. Had a great education a good job and a family that loved me. I never had to worry about how i would. And when i would speak. Im facing christmas alone out on the streets of london. Well you know. I close the door you like you dont. You know the snow is still give out food for the hope. That you dont really feel like you could be you know. And then. The guy just came over to me so me and gave me this book. Welcome back to cross talk were all Things Considered im peter remind you were discussing the news industry. Ok id like to introduce now for the program Mark Crispin Miller here in new york he is a professor of media and culture and communication at New York University as well as author of the book fooled again the real case for Electoral Reform ok mark i understand you were listening to a part of the first part of the program and you already have a reaction go ahead jump in yeah i do i mean i find the conversation that i was able to hear really fascinating and i agree with with pretty much all of it i would simply comment that it does have a slightly amnesiac quality i mean i was. Pleased to hear i think it was charles trace this colu shin that were talking about back to one thousand nine hundred nine i think you know to be perfectly honest what were talking about here really dates back at least to november twenty second one nine hundred sixty three i mean it was with the kennedy assassination and that the press jumped wholeheartedly into the position of ferocious advocate for the official narrative of that. Historic history changing incident which which they continue to promote to this day i mean recently it was back in the news because of the delayed and partial release of a number of documents by the cia and f. B. I. They were supposed to have released them a while ago. Due to a law that was passed in the early ninetys after the release of oliver stones film i think president obama gave them a pass let them not release them we dont need to get into the weeds on this the fact is it was back in the news now were talking about. An official story that some four fifths of the American People no longer believe you know and Something Like sixty percent of the American People now believe that the cia was involved in kennedys assassination nineteen percent think that Lee Harvey Oswald did it ok despite that overwhelming majority to this day the New York Times and c. N. N. And n. P. R. And the new yorker and all the rest of them all the russian tinubu flaw that very dead horse of you know warren report you know but martin of you know let me let me go to intrude on this here i mean i think thats a good starting point there but then we have the pentagon. Papers we had what happened in watergate and there was actually a few moments of glory for journalism i would say there and then its all downhill the illegal invasion of iraq in two thousand and three and then we know when theres no prosecutions for what happened in the great financial crisis of two thousand and eight and it just goes on and on the difference is the Technology Changes and i think this is why the elites are really they are going to turning to censorship absolutely they want to pull this back and they want their monopoly back they want their monopoly back for exactly this one of the reasons that mark pointed out to us and i think this is a very interesting very dangerous time because these people have a lot of power and they dont like people like me and where i work go ahead andrea. Well let me add to this right because normally what you would have is you would have independent organizations that are going out there and verifying and acting as a check on whatever malicious fraudulent stories are out there now we have this very nebulous definition of fraud and attorneys general all around the country Eric Schneiderman new york harrison california who are using very weird vague definitions of fraud to go after these nonprofit organizations and go to the heart of what theyre doing its part of why folks are going after what they call dark money from these organizations trying to get it whos funding them because they cant attack the veracity of what folks are saying so what theyre going to do is theyre trying to going to try to say what theyre saying is fraudulent and then try to shut them down i mean thats operation choke point was something the government did that was the pretext was to go after fraud you had as i said Eric Schneiderman in new york going after organizations gauging and advocacy saying they were in gauging fraudulent behavior and so thats the next sort of tactic in all of this you know but its interesting charles i mean i think its really interesting what andrew just said there but is anybody going to really seriously take a look at the pedestrian brothers i mean and he want to look at we know what you know at fraud ok what if you go to the center of it ok i mean again its silence just silence all the time you hear the crickets in the background here i mean if we want to go back to you know all of the events since the election there is so meant so much. Going on the leaking the unmasking all of this theres no interest in it whatsoever in the Mainstream Media if you watch c. N. N. And they miss it b. C. Its not as if he didnt even happen i mean thats how Dangerous Things are and then they talk about things you know they talk about myths and unicorns thats what i call russia gate go ahead charles. Well the largest unprosecuted fraud in history is going on right now thats the Clinton Foundation the Obama Foundation creating these fake foundations that our audit is where billions of dollars is sent towards these foundations but not accounted for where theyre engaged in partisan activities where theyre enriching the Clinton Family the obama family and all of that is supported in the case of the Clinton Foundation by the ivy league by the big universities the universities who if the drug ministration wanted to do this could be put out of business i mean you could go to a harvard which has support of the Clinton Foundation and say listen youre engaged in illegal in norman youre donating to a charity that doesnt exist we want to shut you down youre out of for Profit Corporation technically you could do that if you wanted to you know mark its really interesting i mean ive got one interesting element in all of this i used to be an academic and. I was basically hounded out because i cant i cant accept Political Correctness because and accepting Political Correctness gets in the way of doing real science and real scholarship ok because they want to have blinders ok thats not scholarship ok and in this is the the the role of the academy of universities i mean brainwashing youth i mean its amazing to pay so much money to learn junk because thats essentially what young people learn millennialist learned junk at a very high price tag go ahead mark. Yeah well thats true and what were talking about is a moment in which both the media and the universities. Have have really kind of started tightening the gag in a way this is a very very dangerous moment and i want us to you know focus directly on on the issue you raised a moment ago in your question which is the you know tightening censorship that we see going on all around us it is it is successful in large part because for decades both the media and the academy and you could include high schools as well the education establishment and the Media Establishment have both long refuse to acquaint americans to teach americans to let americans think about and know about the dark side of American History most americans are unaware of the real record of the cia and the f. B. I. For example and then theres the hold over of all the years of intense anti communism you know that created a kind of sediment in the mass mind on which now sure the press has successfully built this sort of demonic vision of contemporary russia which is exceedingly dangerous now now what i find really unprecedented in my many years of observing all this is that now we see a a really push across the board to shut down Free Expression of in many many points of view and you know we see it with google changing its algorithms facebook is now you know basically limiting the number of notifications one one can get we see the same thing happening with twitter and you tube we see legislation being passed or considered that will outlaw russian propaganda whatever that is thats not defined we see. The criticism of israel and north of zionism now labeled a kind of hate crime and laws are being passed to outlaw that then theyre an explicit means whereby discussion of other inconvenient subjects is as good as it legalized i mean for example vaccines you cannot question the official verdict on vaccines i. E. That theyre all safe theyre all necessary theres no problem with any of them the same with pizza gate you mention the pedestrian or others its practically an arrestable offense even to bring that subject up ok now on top of this we have what you call Political Correctness this is kind of bizarre fanatical fanatic ocean fanatic who identity politics its fanatical identity politics that also makes certain questions certain subjects practically grounds for you know no mark im going to i think its already its already god to the extreme its about pronouns now ok im afraid to go to canada and California Well i might yes theyre wrong pronoun youre andrew look at the youre a rapidly running out of time this whole mindset this cobol if you want to call about i mean theyre destroying institutions to destroying principles all right and then this is what i find really really worrying because this Political Correctness this gagging this leap the control of the Mainstream Media theyre not satisfying peoples problems theyre not reaching theyre not theyre not thinking about their problems ok a Better Future for their children a better job they all want to talk about transgender toilets thats not going to fix the country ok go ahead and do. Well listen i dont want to say this you know as someone who is an ardent anticommunist who believes that i will act alone who believes in vaccinations to who believes i just want to say i believe that you know censorship is a massive massive problem that any of sort of attempts to censor speech is a massive massive problems i want to say so to differentiate myself with mark but to make it really clear that there is that point of agreement you know that being said right we you know anything that serves to divide us and divide us as a people makes it easier for people to be controlled adhesives that people against one another its much much easier for people to control ok charles let me give you the last forty seconds on the program i really like what andrew had to say there because this divide and conquer its a very very risky strategy because the people that are divided cant even talk to each other anymore thats the kind of environment that we live in thats very very dangerous go ahead charles last word well i think that id like to close with some good news and that is the horse long ago left the barn the horse long ago left the barn there are now millions of independent thinkers and journalists courtesy of the internet theres a lot of information to engage your mind around and the price point for these establishment colleges is out of control high so the global media is under assault you stablish universities i think are under threat and free minds around the world are engaging in collaborating and i think getting our most of the true true father what i like and we end on a good note weve run out of time gentlemen many thanks to my guests in new york and in williamsburg and thanks to our viewers for watching us here r. T. See you next time and remember cross talk rules. Jewellers the city of luxury and fame but also an Alarming Number of People Living in the streets. The simple fact in l. A. Hes theres just not enough shelter even if people on the streets right now decided to come in theres nowhere to come in and its been a struggle. Running into this man from his own response to the problem and constructed dozens of tiny homes for people in need of shelter when you have nothing in order to go. You know having Something Like this may as well be a castle but do the authorities accept such solution tiny house on a city parking space is not a solution you heard someone wanted to ring the site otherwise itll be a free for all the news there are a better alternative to end the homelessness crisis. To be in debt is to express your true self as an american and part of the western. Culture card debt is by definition your identity your credit score is who you are and you can buy a social media as are doing in china any time you step out alive if you spit on the subway your social media index is degraded and your cost of funds goes higher and you get deeper and if you see. In two thousand and sixteen the Panama Papers show the world with a tax haven the secrets two trillion United States dollars pass through most often think of in the amount of time that we did then in the Panama Papers exposure thats what it shows a lot of money it really is. Journalism its a fact of journalism looking at things that people want to keep secret and asking why would they want to keep these things secret. Millions of most fonseca dont commands were examined. People which basically have tried to get an advantage out of this sort of newspaper. And probably other politician which were. Other politicians the media would point to find targets such as the kings of morocco and saudi arabia the president of argentina several prime ministers. And russian president Vladimir Putin of course. Oh my god ive had so i have sued so many newspapers for defamation some things dont just happen by chance it was very striking there were no more americans to go specially a lot of people from the brics countries specially brazil russia and china their special project reveals what was missed in the media coverage. Of the panama chronicles. Oh ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah. Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah im. Going to know. What. I mean and the. United nations the Security Council holds an emergency session on the antigovernment protests that have swept iran. Turkey lashes out at america apparently threatening to drop Bilateral Agreements after the conviction of a trigger spankers in the us that has pakistan also backed away from its alliance with washington. Extreme hardship in france thousands of migrants continue to sleep rough despite president of france promise to find them all shelter before the end of two thousand and seventeen week hear from some of their stories. New look hes dismantling new people sleep good reason for the stories he is this the life he stole she would have known

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