Transcripts For RT Keiser Report 20180228 :

RT Keiser Report February 28, 2018

Colleague will be sushi i will be here with a full news bulletin becoming up next here on r. T. Its the kaiser report. I am asked as or this is it guys report theyll never stop me theyll never stop me not even a three hundred Million Dollars from the congress to give more of a to fight me never democrats russia gate fake hoax. I guess you have to talk about them is lets consult. Have no idea how you just open the show but it is extremely early in new york city every thing in new york city is extremely early all the time right but one thing we always recount and recap when we travel to new york city is as we get the chance to watch cable news and it helps us understand the divided American Population and its been very fascinating to watch that each side now has their elaborate conspiracy theories which i find quite interesting i do believe its very lucrative especially for cable news they need to sell advertising and its quite lucrative it appears to sell conspiracy theories so in the United States weve had in yet another mass shooting there probably will have been another one by this imus era so dont confuse it with that one this is the want to park on florida and you know you tune in to any of the right wing the republican base. Cable news and they say that there are Crisis Actors and that this is a false flag this shooting this mass shooting that killed seventeen teenagers or into the democratic loyalty party news and you find out that is actually puton we did this so like theyre like this is bizarre like its so weird to be outside the Conspiracy Theory and outside of this sort of Party Loyalty that you just look at them both and go what the heck is going on here like this is a connection to the shootings in parks were the product of the n. R. A. The National Rifle association was ok theres some logic to it you know theyve been lobbying to put guns into every american and you know for decades including fetuses you know to try to shoot their way out of the womb in case they get a you know the boarded but then they also went down the path of saying that putin is financing the n. R. A. Therefore the parkland florida shootings are the fault of putin the thing thats quite interesting to me is that there seems to be a total its like watching t. V. Series last member of the others on the other side of the aisle and theyre each the same people inhabiting the same island but each side now after decades of this sort of programming of youre either republican or democrat that neither side seems to like they seem totally foreign and afraid of each other theyre so terrified of each other obama was you know actually born in kenya member all his birth ers and he was born in kenya and hes a secret muslim and all sorts of crazy stories about him now the same thing from the democratic press that some theres something really uniquely crazy uniquely unamerican about trump member obama uniquely unamerican uniquely unamerican and see other side responsible and i want to read this quote from a new yorker piece by mark masha gessen and the headline was the fundamental uncertainty of the. Always russia indictments in that she looks at the American People the one just pointing to and she says while most people believe themselves to have a solid grip on reality they imagine their compatriots to be gullible and chronically misinformed this in turn means that we no longer have a sense of shared reality a common imagination that underlies political life in a society with a strong sense of shared reality a bunch of sub literate tweets and ridiculous ads will be nothing but a curiosity even the fact that russians put money into organizing rallies and demonstrations across the political spectrum would be absurd surely they didnt force people to join these rallies sincerely held beliefs brought people to the rallies that it makes no difference to the broader political life whether someone paid for an actress to take part this notion that. You know the otherness of the other side of the political spectrum here is its just bizarre to see if youre not part of it if you not like if you see them both as american both sizes american a uniquely american its a shakedown you know they want more money to spend on themselves in the political classes because theyre greedy so they make up an enemy in this case russia that makes sense if you look at a logically because how is russia grown as economy from two hundred billion to two trillion through trade and whos the biggest trading partner in the world to us so russias been reaching out for decades for years now under putin saying look weve got a trade more theres more trade and america is like no no youre an existential crisis because we have to give these deadbeats in congress a lot more money and theyre going to create a fake enemy called putin with a demand three hundred million more dollars meanwhile you go do trade with china and the east and create a new silk road and become a fortune in a five trillion dollars economy all america shrinks you say there are two ships passing in the night russia and America America is going to soviet is asian and russia is going to basically what the way america wasnt a fiftys hooten if you want to make a comparison is more like eisenhower or is this weirdo in office now its like khrushchev so that was arms. Vaishnav what i see on m s n b c one i see on fox two crazy conspiracy theorists shouting at each other about how uniquely crazy the other side is one side basically elects kenyans who are secret muslims trying to bring shariah law to america the other side things like theyre secret kremlin puppets so lets talk now about the Financial Press heres a crazy story from the Financial Press how people are like literally theres a mental breakdown here commodities expert is nonsense and ill never buy any two months later i bought stock in a fake blog Chain Company that was exposed as a fraud and dropped thirty three percent in a single day that was jamieson tweeting about Dennis Gartman Dennis Gartman is a very well known guy on wall street he writes the gartman newsletter lots of big banks here on wall street by his newsletter for his expertise on commodities he was on c n b c two months ago dissing hard how big cowen is nonsense and ill never buy any well apparently he had to inform his investors that hes basically made a disastrous bet and lost big time on riot block chain remember this it was like a Biotech Company that suddenly out of the blue changed their name to a riot block and that they were going to become a block Chain Company instead and their share price like soared risky crypto bet blows up Dennis Gartman retirement account making big bets on speculative assets with retirement money is something most advisors warn against but big point fever is prompting all sorts of puzzling decisions for sixty seven year old Dennis Gartman the longtime publisher of a namesake daily investing newsletter and Television Commentator that was putting a volatile stock called riot block chain into his very own retirement account the wager is proving to be painful ogorman has a worse track record than james cramer it is notoriously wrong and just makes catastrophic only bad calls and this is just the latest because its like a rock. Test from saying that correctly i havent studied psychology in a few years but it exposes peoples sub conscious and unconscious desires and what they actually are so hes a moron that hes been made to look more of a moron people who are maybe quasi nycole become full blown megalomaniacs are seeing even the big point space with the rise of big cash which is a project to feed megalomania this was drawn out by the genius that is a toshiba invention if you are calm patient investor with not aspirations to run the world you get rewarded spectacular like Jeremy Gardner our friend out in San Francisco who is just a nice guy who saw something that looked good and now hes you know billionaire so it brings out who you are but in a more exaggerated way and so this is flaming all of the nincompoops who dont know anything about Financial Markets and rewarding those who are simply patient and saying this is a world changing game changer that it is its also called foam oh and foleys to be you being wrecked so this guy had fear of missing out. You also cant trust a lot of people are saying he was shouting he was telling people two months ago that big question is nonsense its insane dont get involved its stupid what it is stupid investment and it turns out that he put his money in the the most clearly obviously stupidest of them all like everybody we set we talked about. All the red flags that were raised about this socalled investment it was listed on the Stock Exchange and people poured into it for no reason at all they didnt lose all mark if he had done his homework and studied what bitcoin is he would not have chased this dragon down the rabbit hole to mix a few metaphors metamorph that sounds like a smore that sounds like a cookie thats another good dessert oh my god were talking about he would be more credible had he done his research but he did not so hes chasing this fake company nonsense and its a catastrophic failure but thats what they pay him for to ridicule him he goes on to. So people can ridicule him hes a punching bag as a human punching bag it has nothing up here but like stalemate balls. Inside is burnt out many years ago continue with my theme of this fake news of each side has fake news and accuses the other side of fake news fake news is advertisements now everywhere you walk around new york city you hear ads for this is not fake news are chicken cutlets are the best you know they everything is like that t. V. Series lost means naked lunch is like people at last reached naked lunch i want to be in that film this is what so of course he blames fake news friday it was one of the worst days we have suffered through in a very long time he wrote in the guardian letter on tuesday we were along a sizable position in a block chain focused company that was the victim of a c n b c expose which sent the shares down more than twenty percent and which sent us down for the year to date having been up six percent previously hes a masochist i mean if there were more on futures on the cboe hed be rich because he himself is the biggest moron of all and then heres another big going story again you know many governments in the world are trying to protect us from social media theyre trying to protect us from twitter theyre trying to protect us from facebook. That you should only tune in to m s n b c to get your official democratic news and you should only tune into fox to get your official republican news and dont listen to those ordinary shows out there on twitter and facebook and your like your cousins and uncles dont listen to those people there because their minds might not be able to contemplate and understand fake news because heres another headline Poland Central Bank secretly paid you tube burgers to slander kryptos so a polish youtube or with around one million subscribers was paid about thirty thousand dollars by the central bank of poland in collaboration with the polish Financial Supervision Authority to portray crypto currencies and the negative light without disclosing the payment and the video now here is the difference between. Paying you know you tubers to descript o. O. D. C. Any bit corners crying saying oh my god big queens being undermined our institutions are blocked cim is being undermined by these people being paid by the central bank to discard currency you know because were like bring it on like nothings going to take it down we have faith and our foundations and our institutions and our and what we believe in we have faith in it we dont like you can say whatever you want about it you can say all the fund you want in the world doesnt matter we dont have that same sort of Conspiracy Theory minded absence of faith and our own beliefs such as Michael Pollan but quite exposed they were just a little bit criminally minded and a little bit psychotic and run by bad actors and serial fraudsters but bitcoin exposed central bank of poland to be outright fraudsters and criminals so thank you but going to a central bank of paul and that has no credibility well in the second half we have a really special guest and im really excited to find out who it is stay tuned dont go away well see about. The rebuttal from stephen. Hollywood guy that. Wrote american first of all im just george bush in our view this is my buddy max bemis financial guru with just a little bit different. Going to. Go the drama happening in our country and have fun everyday americans. We start to bridge the gap this is the great american. Welcome back to the kaiser report imax kaiser time now to turn to one of americas preeminent journalist a follower of the new Journalism School talked about by tom wolfe i think gone back to the seventys. As a go next very good thanks for being on the show and as i make that comparison to the new Journalism School new journalism because at that time just as a quick digression here this idea that the truth versus facts and facts can be kind of plain and dont necessary give the truth and writers like yourself that are gifted with the language can offer a truth that is transcendent and that we saw this in your bank a Rolling Stone in times like Goldman Sachs and you galvanized peoples imagination with the fam pyar squid thats a great turn of phrase i mean it really put into context what this is all about and now subsequently what your books in your article as youve continued in that vein bringing really Good Journalism to the fore and so lets get into what youve been talking about recently as a new Nuclear Posture review the n. P. R. Youd never know it watching cable news but you write that this is n. P. R. Shows that the president and the people around him believe in the usability of Nuclear Weapons to talk about this right that would be one of the main features of the president s new Nuclear Posture review is this idea that they should completely revamp our Nuclear Arsenal and we should focus on more flexibility in our nuclear by which the socially they mean they want to design Nuclear Weapons that have a smaller payload like her she must pay would so that they can countenance the use of Nuclear Weapons without completely destroying humanity which is crazy basically because anybody whos in the Scientific Community will tell you that a very very limited exchange of Nuclear Weapons potentially destroys the entire world for a. Environmental reasons but the trump posture review pretty much says this openly and i go to the present this country because theres only one story in this country and its you know trumps ongoing you know scandals right down go in terms cant all they rush again story you know this is interesting you know and i guess part and parcel of the youre talking about here is that you know the end of the cold war featured with with reagan and gorbachev some agreements between the two countries to scale back on atomic weaponry and there was an agreement not to go east with nato and there was a detente and there was. And there was peace in the valley and that lasted for a while but then apparently theres been heating up recently the cold war is back i guess because it does time to nuke question and what how do you how did that for people say how did this cold war and becoming a hot again like what triggered that in your view i think its a variety of factors going back to what you were saying you know its amazing to think that even at the at the very peak of the cold war when reagan was calling the soviet union an evil empire and you know gorbachev was this is the precursor of that is that they were coming up with agreements like start and salt. Because even at a time when they were most motivated financially politically in every respect to keep building Nuclear Weapons they knew that it was a bad policy and they had a number of near misses both sides did over the years and all the way up through two thousand and eleven and two thousand and twelve russia and america continually work to kind of scale back. The nuclear says even at the height of the cold war there was an idea to scale back on atomic weaponry because it was so crazy yes right both countries realized that you know michel this destruction was assured if the wind went down this path and they were but that somehow that got flipped now and now there is. Idea under tromp the current posturing is that actually tomic weapons its acceptable the scale if you do the right way roll down a small nick so it goes to repudiate an entire line of thinking so thats very very dangerous and yours and stop being covered because the Mainstream Media seems focused elsewhere so talk a little bit about i guess how dangerous is it i mean youve done the work on it so what are we talking about here how what level of danger are we at well i mean i talked about this before the election with the one thing you know when youre thinking about donald trump getting elected potentially this is a person who has almost no Attention Span who acts almost before he thinks he tweets he bypasses his entire staff to go do things he speaks directly to the public is an extremely impulsive individual and he starts things with other countries potentially you know but with through tweets or whatever this is the wors

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