A very warm welcome youre watching artie international with me nicky airing our top story this hour the u. S. President says he cancelled a strike against iran because he doesnt want to kill anyone unless its absolutely necessary that comes after donald trump said he called off the strike was just minutes to spare the attack was meant to be in retaliation for 2 wrong downing a pentagon surveillance drone over the gulf regions strait of hormuz. One thing i want to know and i want to know it accurately as accurately was how many. Will die i dont want to go on the radio i understand that there are a great many friends i dont want to go 100 this year betty ford everybody. Alleges that we did. The council strike is the closest the u. S. Has been to a direct confrontation with iran says the white house pulled out of the nuclear deal last year iran said the u. S. Drone had flown into it says space washington insists it was operating over International Waters this month washington also plans to run for the for attacking 2 oil tankers in the strait of hormuz iran denies the accusation stating that washington stage the attack the u. S. Has also been sending carriers into warplanes to the persian gulf and has imposed crippling sanctions on iran while ending waivers on countries that import iranian oil and his Election Campaign is trump out insisted another middle east war would be a mistake but hes assembled a team known to favor regime change in iran inside his cabinet appears packed with people who contradicts the president s views can have more can explains. So trump has decided not to bomb iran for now he says its for humanitarian concerns however National Security adviser john bolton does not share trumps concerns apparently for protecting human lives in fact john bolton has been itching to attack iran for a year or so you are you he must be made aware there will be tangible and painful consequences the attack think the required to stop this regime from Getting Nuclear Weapons policy of the United States of america should be the overthrow of the mullahs regime in tehran before 29 t. We here to celebrate in tehran it seems a bit strange that donald trump who campaigned on a platform of not wanting new wars and has reiterated that during his presidency would then go higher john bolton however bolton seems to fit an interesting pattern when it comes to trump appointees articulate one position very clearly and then he hires someone with a completely different stance for example trump seems to be wildly critical of china we cant continue to allow china to rape our country however trumps secretary of transportation is elaine chao now elaine chao has more than close family ties to the Chinese Government she and her husband senator Mitch Mcconnell have reportedly received millions of dollars worth of gifts from family ties now trump has wildly attacked the Banking Sector and hes promised to drain the swamp but when it came time to fill those financial posts many of the appointees were former exacts at the financial giant Goldman Sachs trouble also likes to attack Drug Companies like to bring a federal lawsuit against those companies very very firm. Because whats happening with drugs in this country and throughout the world but in our country its a disgrace and we can stop it it has become a major crisis with the country facing an epidemic of opioids so who does donald trump of point to. His drug price control regulator well Trumps Health and Human Services secretary is alex azhar he is a former big pharma president who actually set some of the prices that donald trump slammed now trump has also be mown the military Industrial Complex and its influence on Foreign Policy you do have a military Industrial Complex they do like war you know in syria with the caliphate so i wipe out 100 percent of the caliphate i shall want to bring the troops back home to place one crazy they want to keep their you have people here in wa she want to they never want to leave some day people will explain what this is and if you will do have you do have a coupe and they call it the military Industrial Complex secretary of defense was a former boeing executive and then replaced him with somebody who used to work at raytheon when trump speaks up on twitter about crucial issues facing america it seems like he doesnt seem to notice that some of the people hes appointed to solve americas problems are those who created them in the 1st place caleb oppen artsy new york to School Common sense and do wrong things trump should get rid of war mongers and hes competent if he wants to tragedy. Cant just bomb cities in iran which is a country thats already present with starving because of american sanctions and shutting down on free and really strangling them economically and. Also with medicine as well as a terrible terrible thing that probably are many many people have died in iraq we probably will never know that number but its on the conscience of the people who put these sanctions employees which include of course right of the top President Trump so hes if you want these things not to be on his conscience not to be there as a mass murderer he should get rid of these people and stop the warmongering. And f. B. I. Agent has accidentally revealed his own social media posts promoting anti russian conspiracy theories it happened during his investigation into a synagogue shooting in california with all the details hes in china. Oh the unbounded online world with all of its shady hidden corners you never know what you may stumble upon think of a synagogue shooting tragedy and an f. B. I. Agent spreading anti russian conspiracies as parts of one single story weird one 0 well heres the story a couple of months ago a young man opened fire in a california synagogue killing one and one being 3 Sheriff Says Police were reviewing an open letter he posted on line on the last day of passover bloodshed in the middle of shabat services the complaint alleges that ernest took one life and injured 3 other people including a child the f. B. I. Put special agent michael j. Rod on a mission to dig into the crime eventually the application for a search warrant against the shooter was published online there were screenshots from an Online Platform called a chan known as an ultra right community the shoot. It was an active user and even reportedly posted a pre attack warning there a way special agent broad didnt just observe it turned out he actively posted on a chan presumably for the sake of the investigation mr rodd screenshots revealed his platform id and a bit of flicking through the web archives revealed to the f. B. I. Man wrote way more stuff than seen in the screenshots a lot of these posts look like they were from some of the staunchest russia hating conspiracists i believe that the shooter did post on here but theres also more ive been here all day there are at least 2 others that are posting in a bot shill like fashion to promote this this thread would never have made the 1st page where i found it this morning i think there is outside involvement likely russian this was posted by one of the shills that knew of the shooting prior notice a screen shot is that 20100 that correlates with ukraine and western russia if you do the math when someone trolled the user that appeared to be f. B. I. Agent rod the reply was no not must not stop attacking the board and slighting this thread sloppy job puton. Or there you have another exchange. Its balls let putin know youre a psyop worked but you did up with your english i presume you were chosen because you said you could talk speak and type like american this makes you wonder is this the new guideline at the f. B. I. Get supremacy to store any other folks the agents are after to buy your russian bots are everywhere rant on laws and youll get to the bottom of anything when you have the the political leaders or the directors at the top who designate a priority then in order to get a promotion in order to really climb the ladder if you want to become a boss or a special agent in charge you are going to have to fall in line with those priorities unfortunately any time they have a priority they put so much emphasis on that priority date it often leads to abuse its because they put so much emphasis in priority on organized crime so it it doesnt matter what the priority as they essentially kind of lose their ability to be more balanced in more Critical Thinking and they go with that priority and it just was a needle that flip flops and it actually often causes mistakes in abuses when they do that weve also the f. B. I. To comment on the story although so far i havent received a reply. A 17 year old Scottish Student claims he was kicked out of class off to arguing that there are only 2 genders he secretly filmed being told off by the teacher. I am stating what is a National School authority policy. Not every policy is scientific muddy and you can come out here and say that im not being inclusive so much so i didnt see. What youre seeing you as not being inclusive so you know what you think and i know what that authority thinks i know what the Authorities Point if you want to say anything clear very clear that we make no discrimination on the grounds of videos like in discrimination im simply saying there are 2 genders male and female anything else is a personal identification im sorry but you chose to make an issue of making a point which is contrary to policy. The local Authorities Say the video does not show the full context of the exchange Aberdeenshire Council added that it wants good relations between different groups and schools and an inclusive environment for all. It is important to understand the context of any video clip taken without a persons consent in our schools fostering good relations among different groups can be a real challenge but our aim is to support a fairer inclusive environment for all. Well splitsville commentator Andrew Walker and rights activist Peter Tatchell to weigh in on the contract to see. I think from what weve seen obviously the people was was fairly challenging but i think its within the bounds of reasonable debate and i think the teachers are actually quite stern and dismissive and maybe there is more to the exchange than was in the video but i think its healthy and right that peoples and teachers should have a Robust Exchange of views think it is wrong and disruptive to video a private discussion between the pupil and the teacher that is deeply unfair to the teacher and it is deeply destructive i think the teacher was wrong to throw the boy out of the class and i think the boy was wrong to video the exchange however it is a fact that there are basically 2 genders are these morally wrong that anybody who says that should have any trouble for the public or for it say in the United Kingdom or elsewhere where there are 2 genders male and female but there are people who have variations of both server example intersex people have a combination of both male and female chromosomes hormones and genitalia so it isnt strictly true that there are only male and female im not concerned about the science of brain gender or anything like that i simply say if you wish to transition from a man to a woman you own your body you have the right to do it but actually there is an issue of rights here if the teacher is right then what do you suggest to gays that the policy of the council is that you cannot say that there are only 2 genders and if you say that that is something that should be confined to the home absolutely this is a free speech issue peoples have a right to free speech that people will you agree with him or not has a right to freedom of expression and that what hes the right he was exercising in that school class should be a place where ideas are. Expressed with a challenge where theyre refuted critiqued supported amplified thats what a good school is a good school as a place where ideas are contested. Georgia has witnessed the 3rd consecutive day of antigovernment rallies in its capital tbilisi hectic clashes between protesters and police on thursday saw 240 people injured including 80 Police Officers more than 300 were detained moscow has described the demonstrations as a rest of the provocation the crimean also announced a ban on passenger flights to georgia beginning next month the decision to suspend air service as explained by extremists and to russian threats in georgia might be directed against our tourists we cannot seem different when anything threatens the lives of our citizens. Georgias Foreign Ministry insists the latest events in tbilisi havent post any threat to tourists and journalists including russians however early on saturday men shouting nationalist slogans launched an attack on a russian t. V. Interview into place the husband of a travel agency chief was kicked to the ground while his wife was being interviewed about russias balun flights to georgia Authorities Say they are investigating. Tensions between russia and georgia broke out on thursday evening after a russian m. P. Sergei gavrilov was invited to open a Parliamentary Assembly on orthodox christianity it was followed by mass protests on the streets of the capital the head of the assembly called the protests a provocation by nationalists and radicals during the session the russian and peace out in the speakers chair of the parliament but incident sparked outrage from the opposition and georgian people and people they got a lot of claims that he has the right to take a seat there as he was invited by the georgian side to do so. But instead when you only see it as a president of the assembly i have the right to take this seat in any country where the Assembly Session is held in this case the place was offered by the georgian side the session was invaded by radicals who shouted threats to our lives we tried to continue but more radical activists showed up with cameras and posters with anti russian and insulting slogans we decided to finish the session in the hotel nearby radicals tried to storm the hotel they attacked members of parliament including me when we tried to leave speaker of the Georgian Parliament has resigned following the mass protests have called on the demonstrators to refrain from illegal acts protesters are now demanding the interior minister resigns over his handling of the situation he said hes ready to do so if needed but demanded the protests also stop the georgian president has pointed the finger at russia over the incident saying the protests benefit nobody but the kremlin but here is that Sergei Gavrilov again who believes this accusation is simply wrong. Because the basic occasion georgia is one of the largest trade partners of russia a lot of georgians work in russia russia would not want the russian protests into Parliament Assembly of orthodoxy was used as its a Big International forum with a lot of International Guests from europe asia and africa making it so much easier to attract attention i believe all of this is the racist styria in the wake of protests to take power. Trump Senior Adviser has unveiled a middle east peace plan jared krishnas says the 10 year deal focused on massively boosting the economy 50000000000. 00 will be pumped into egypt jordan lebanon the west bank and gaza the idea is to create a 1000000 new jobs and slash unemployment the white house adds reducing poverty will stabilize the situation in the region. But theres already pushback from the countrys targeted palestinian authorities insist the measures will not change anything Senior Palestinian official had on ashrawi odds the economy will grow enough for u. S. Money but by lifting the siege of gaza and ending israels occupation israel however welcomes the plan for me u. S. Diplomat jim believes palestine has been left without many alternatives. There are basically 2 assumptions beyond this plan one is that the palestinians will get only what the israelis are willing to give them and the palestinians are unwilling to accept it well the next offer will be worse than this one and they have no other alternative it is all about land alternately the palestinians understand whatever their alternatives are that not only will the israeli settlements remain on the west bank but the areas controlled by israel will expand water control. And that they have no choice but to accept whatever not particularly attractive deal as all 3 of them thats the israeli calculation based on 100 percent backing from washington there are other assumption is that the u. S. Generally in the middle east will be maintained in definitely in their countries like saudi arabia the emirates and other countries like japan for example which are understand is supposed to pay for the record or their connects to the west bank will continue to cough up who want to to make this plan worth while to build. A syria temps to recover from 8 years of conflict it seems a new war is brewing i thought wheat and u. S. Funded things high claims the crop will prove a decisive weapon in the country it comes as far as basle fires and golfing wheat fields across the countrys northeast the al hostler region is known as syrias bread basket and has historically been a key source of food for the capital damascus but now this and see other provinces which together account for many 70 percent of the countrys entire Wheat Production mostly line