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A special projects funded. On the line your best bet is the end of a footy team but for now the mountains of waste only grow higher. Hello and welcome to cross paths where all things are considered im Peter Lavelle there are growing indications the wests anti russias stance may be softening a case in point is the. Visit francis top diplomat and defense minister or take for example the New York Times editorial calling on trump to better relations with the kremlin as a way to block china the important question remains can moscow trust the west anymore. Cross talking a thaw in relations im joined by my guest in a new well in paris he is the president of the institute for european perspective and security in our condo we have lucre of a he is an independent journalist and in brussels we to John Laughlin hes a political scientist and historian all right gentlemen cross talk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want and i always appreciate it many well let me go to you in paris i will make the the obvious admission i very rarely had good things to say about the french president emanuel mccrone however however ill make important. His vision for security in europe is its time has come i have to say its time has finally come its taken a lot of courage its a bold statement to make and i think it. Really makes people reassess the situation because the relationship between the between europe and russia and the United States and russia is not where it should be it doesnt necessarily have to be that way the europeans are taking an initiative here through the french president what does he want to achieve is that just for his own political gain at home does he want to take the mantle of the western world is he wary of the United States does he see a paradigm shift going on here what its the root of this here go ahead emmanuel in paris well its 0 of what youve mentioned but i asked to admit that it is not a european position and then of course not speaking on behalf of the European Union i mean and france is a president. The g. 7 at least till the end of the year but it is not at the head of European Union finland is leading that is having this responsibility since last july i think the position of france which is of course a new paradigm which is a shift must also be put into consider taking into consideration for various. Various agenda you mentioned the domestic agenda it is true that in a call as bit as been a lot shouted on this position in regards to the internal policy and this leading him not to have a diplomatic agenda which of course is has been put aside with the presidency of the g. 7 and starting with the g. 7 summit in. Re assessing the necessity to be a president confident president speaking not on behalf of europe as i mentioned been on behalf of the most healthy as country in Europe Germany is in with the cancer under merkel in a very difficult internal policy the coalition between s. P. D. And see who is a bit weak and of course weve seen in the recent Regional Elections that extreme right as a lot. Put a lot of pressure on the consumer in Great Britain the agenda of the brics it is now linked to the internal survival agenda of Brian Johnson bringing him not to be having a say or not sufficiently willing or being capability to have a say on the International Agenda and to a recent. 2 recent. Level 2 recent dates the italian. Internal policy of course prevented former and now newly reelected. Nominated does it become to be part of the International Agenda so france. It is now assessing the fact that india rise in the next General Assembly of the nation it is pushing a certain number of system both sides on which it wants to have a unique or. Lets say let me get it let me get a jump in here that you have rational theres a lot of very good point here but john like france cant do this in a vacuum ok it is a european project at the end of the day if other European Countries want to join in thats another question nonetheless france is an important country in the European Union with briggs it looming its important to rise even more and and i do think i agree im not disagreeing with that many well but it has to be a european project if theres going to be some kind of reproach moment here go ahead john in brussels. Well i remember when i would regret when i watch him and you and michael im reminded of a remark i once heard from a very brilliant woman who used to be very powerful under president pompidou money fosco said the French Foreign policy had 2 choices whether to ally of allied with britain or with russia against germany those were the only choices facing prachi said throughout history. But when i see him anyway my point initiating this new deterrent with russia i conclude that its because the british angle has collapsed bricks it has ruined at least on the symbolic level the importance of franco British Military cooperation which was frances way of counterbalancing germany within the European Union and of course more broadly trump is unpredictable we know that emanuel its very attached to multilateralism and we know that donald trump is fairly attached to unilateralism so in that context france is political choices are the same as they have been down the centuries but you asked about the european angle in what respect frances initiative which by the way as you im sure will but he knows its part of a broader Diplomatic Initiative because my point by to the Prime Minister of india to be or its to the g. 7 he invited the Iranian Foreign minister securely france is taking a big role but in one sense this initiative is anti european because when told putin that i c. Ant european im talking about and he e. U. When he told putin that russia was essential to the peace of the world and of europe he was if you like tearing up in front of putins face the march resolution of the European Parliament which proclaimed that russia was no longer a Strategic Partner of the e. U. Back home was saying that russia has to be a Strategic Partner of the e. U. So in terms of the e. U. As a body. This is absolutely in contradiction with the official texts and the policy of the brussels institutions but it is not in contradiction with the bilateral policy of other european states because what we havent been noticing president putin has been all over the place in europe he was in rome in july it was in finland in august he was received in austria last year hes been to hungary hes been to serbia its not as if russia is isolated anymore from any european state except from britain. And therefore france is initiative is european in the true sense of europe in the old tradition of european diplomacy but not of the faith diplomacy of the brussels institution luke luke weigh in on this here because i mean it i get it this is a great idea in my personal opinion its something in something that the russians have been saying all the way back in the early to thousands of talking about a new Security Architecture for for all of europe including russia and now we have the french president basically carrying a page from putin and medvedev i mean our side of the line here this is nothing new whats new is were hearing it after 5 years of deteriorating relations go ahead look well i think the planets are aligned in a good position in a way i would stress the fact that germany has no Foreign Policy thats what the liberals in your position empty very strong f. D. D. I. Alternative for saying repeatedly to a market you dont have a Foreign Policy look at mr mark or do you let him run europe as he does in p. R. And other places so. Muckle should do something about this and and she knows president putin well and i think she would accept to go a step further into direction of russia and for president michel its very important now to give something positive. Because he has had so many negative things to announce and and to do lately domestically and also broad i mean his summit was a bit of everything but nothing much with rahm i mean there are subpoena physic of a few hours and thats it by the rain minister of Foreign Affairs so one something to announce any he would like to be told and a call to say that should be from the atlantic to the new routes and so he dreams himself now in the position of a new call to reestablish the contract with russia sending their not only was sure to tell you all the minister of Foreign Affairs which is normal also sends to the minister of the armies which is really you move which well look a little off a little that i saw yes i saw that the press conference the 2 at the 2 plus 2 press conference thats the reason why were doing this program because i couldnt believe how in sync both parties were it was astonishing ok emmanuel let me go back to you in paris here now lets get down to the nitty gritty lets be friends but what does that mean what does it mean to correct. In the context of where you put it the french russian relationship how do you repair it lets talk about congo create things words are nice actions are better go ahead emanuel. Well 1st of all i see a core difference between the Foreign Policy and the defense policy during the press conference of the Consultative Council for security which by the way was not linked to the side that russia was put out of the g 8 as to the tree near election because this gathering this 2 plus 2 did not meet since 2012 it was not leaked precisely 2012 years not precisely linked to the russian bashing in a way it was nick on the side that france i decided to have another agenda and its not an eastern agenda but it was a sudden agenda and thats akin to gender. Of course linked to the reed to gratian of nato and of course the implication of nato on its southern back and its southern eastern back thats the one thing so i see a difference between the way we are advancing on the defense agenda but i think stagnating on the front policy agenda it was very clear thats also probably spoke of a certain number of subjects in which a lot of convergence and of course counterterrorism and fighting against terrorism both in syria and libya i think of course having a more robust Nuclear Capacity as the United States have now. Linked to the fact that the United States came out of the. Treaty of course and that the United States are reluctant to reopen but they would have to start negotiation by 2021 if there is the danger of having deregulation in regards to ballistic and going in with me when i have to ration i have to jump in here destruction were going to go to a hard break and after that break well continue our discussion on is possible in relations stay with our king. Was was was was. Was was. Welcome back to cross talk where all Things Considered Peter Lavelle remind you were discussing a thaw in relations. Ok lets go back to john in brussels in looking at the News Coverage of the 2 plus 2 meeting with the french ministers in moscow it did you know it got some coverage ok obviously in france but not a whole lot in the English Speaking world and of all of the coverage i looked at nobody asked a really obvious question which i asked in my introduction is that why would the russians want to trust these people after 5 years of this ridiculous bashing. Making accusations without proving giving evidence sanction after sanction after sanction and i wont go through all of the shenanigans going there are plenty of them there and in the meantime russia has friends in the world that its looking to the east and to the south all the while you know we have this russia gate has steria hoax going on but the world has moved on russia has moved on it has positive economic not that not not a lot but it does have positive positive Economic Growth it doesnt need the west and if they in terms of the sanctions and all that so i mean they kind of you know turn the question around i mean why would they were really want to get involved in this after all go ahead john. Well i think thats an excellent question but that is in a sense exactly what the minute what the meeting was about what the meeting of the 2 the 4 minutes this was about. Leon kept saying it that the goal was to build what he called an architecture oh trust and one way to start rebuilding trust which very self evidently has disappeared on both sides you are not you and i may agree with the russian point. You but its just a statement of political fact that the west does not trust russia however mistaken that may be chair so the 1st stage in this process as in personal relationships when you want to rebuild trust is to Start Talking about rebuilding trust and of course above all to Start Talking but there are other reasons why i mean i dont think that russia should or should not trust anybody in International Relations in a sense you never you dont base International Relations on trust base you know its all what Ronald Reagan used to say trust but verify you base them instead on calculations of interest and on reality and the fact is that the reality has moved on you mentioned russia gate soman now in washington trump is calling for russia to be reintegrated into the g 8 the big point of disagreement ukraine has also moved on as im the last person to tell you peter we all know that the western puppet there has disappeared that that you redeem is making positive noises there would be an exchange of prisoners and so on and you asked in your earlier question about nitty gritty thats going to be the 1st element of nitty gritty theres going to be a normandy format meeting soon and they will do as much as they can to get the ukraine thing sorted out at least on paper thatll be the 1st thing and then the 2nd thing and this is where i think russia has an absolutely classic clear diplomatic interest in these talks its obviously in the treaty on nucular weapons and exactly this all swear france is like every european country is directly concerned now we all understand now Donald Trumps shit his shtick is to walk into a room scream insults everybody at everybody and storm out again and you know throw throw all his toys out of the pram but then to come back and say he wants a deal he did. With iran hes doing it with iran now he did it with north korea and thats probably his tactic with russia tearing up the i. N. F. Treaty and then wanting a better deal but until that better deal comes europe is in an extremely dangerous situation as these intermediate Nuclear Weapons and indeed conventional weapons are directed at europe yeah so there is a very real issue here which france and russia together and hopefully america in 2 calls will want to seoul so its nothing to do with trust it is to do with nitty gritty ok. As usual joe johns is often on this program and makes excellent points its good when you have to start working together because its a necessity for both sides in all players thats a good place to start ok because the i n f treaty is something very vague for most americans because it does its not draw it as a has nothing to do with the United States per se it has everything to do with European Security and if the United States as poorly as it has pulled out of it in russia reluctantly agreed to go along with it if you if you dont want to parlay doesnt work here but if it really is a necessity for europe to think about that and the russians certainly dont want to get into any kind of arms race it is not in their interest and its not in europes interest either go ahead look. Well its not in europes interest as you say that its an interest for russia in making friends again with the europeans the west europeans especially france and germany and maybe thats well all because of the war mongering thats going on in brussels at nato over the last few years now it has been rarely annoying to hear what shes being said by some european governments in poland in the Baltic States yet about the danger russia the russian bear trying to to attack on its western flank to attack Northern Europe why on earth why president putin not do not do that on that note i think it should be no ones explained why that would be a possibility but its a really good talking about it well look i lived in poland for over 10 years i know that i know that steak really well ok really well let me go to emmanuel if you something that luke brought up here with this French Initiative here and lets put that now lets put it right next to it nato how is that going to work because nato needs an enemy and russia is the most convenient one ive heard all the arguments but its true ok nato needs it needs a mission to prove that its not a necessity to as an organization and its picked up on not terrorism not Border Security russia because thats the easiest one to fall back on and you have the baltic republics you have poland which i know very very well they go along with that they want poland wants a for trump ok how is mccrone going to have to square the circle with nato with his new initiative in approaching russia go ahead emmanuelle. Well i see exactly what we start about in moscow schools again mostly between some day should. Be more than between levels and dr who do you see johnny the deal was when we look since to go to moscow then. The minister of defense i think france pushed away this question of natal for various reasons 1st of all the narrative of the president when he speaks about the necessity to have more robust European Defense he speaks about having european capabilities and either inside nato but having more autonomy its capability this is the core of the new league French Initiative of ice age in french he said. Which of course brings in only 10 of the 27 or 28 European Countries so we are pushing more rapidly than a certain number of our partners to have a more autonomy plan of action and this was voted as the french the newly french commissioner. Would push on that to have more autonomous will boost and so lead capabilities so its not a question of convincing our nato partners its not a question of convincing our European Partners its a its a matter of convincing and using with the ones who have the capability to tackle the problems of the future in the space in the Cyber Security in the cyber. Arena to tackle in areas where there is ongoing interests of course the northern see the baltic area and of course we have to say and we have to think of your asia when france is thinking of russia it is also as United States thinking of china and when the narrative is very clear it was really assessed and really confirm during the speech that the french president made in front of the ambassador calling it a disruptive diplomacy we have to make Everything Possible not to push russia in the arms of china the commercial trade between france and russia is only of 11000000000 of euros a year but its you know it is very well if i can go back a little bit if i could were going to hear russia manual i mean this time its over the last year or so. In the New York Times editorial which we embarrassed itself ok its already happened ok this should get your partnerships are to happen the horses on the bar the train is left the station i mean that is what ive been saying people have fallen asleep at the wheel for the last 5 years its change its already happened john youre a green let me go ahead go ahead john. Phrase it look all right many want real quickly real quick or they will go to john real quick emmanuelle. I think france is understanding that it had not understood the world as it is shifting and this is a clear when the former minister says we are already late on that person k. Or and that doesnt mean what that we dont understand the necessity to have it now ok go ahead john champion sorry yeah well i mean youre quite right the horse has bolted russia and china have massive commercial links and above all theyve been politically very shows in standing up to american unilateralism so the idea that the New York Times idea that so you know a few nice phone calls to moscow can turn this around is its nonsense and all i will say is that and this is also in response to your question peter about nato if this project is to succeed we all know that emanuel in my home likes to try and reconcile opposites he was like hes often caricature it in france for saying all mental at this you know one thing and at the same time the other. But he to some extent hes managed in for example in his other initiatives towards russia to do this to reconcile opposites he went to the St Petersburg Economic Forum in 2080 where france was the guest of honor france which of course like every e. U. Country has sanctions against russia he said that france was russias most reliable economic problem there in the garage skippable of reconcile our office and i think the key to success of this initiative must again lie in its realism youre not going to get rid of nato russia knows that youre not going to get rid of the anti russian d. N. A. Of either nato all the. But you might be able to make progress as i say on one or 2 precise issues big ones for precise issues such as for instance the you could have forces treaty or possibly things connected with libya on those issues it might be possible to sign step what is. Otherwise. Were going to go to look look im going to give the last 30 seconds on the program what is Public Opinion in france about crones initiative visa v russia now im not asking about the yellow vests im talking about russia go ahead 30 seconds to you. Well i think for many people it would be a good point i mean france is one of the few countries within nato that paste 2 percent requested by trump and by promises made by all the countries germany doesnt so the voice of problems is heard and the french like the idea of the french and the other europeans to like the idea that my call takes initiatives on the International Front which the german stone do and Boris Johnson is stupidity with breaks it to do anything so i think its the moment for me to show my call to to make a point there and to win points and to speak to russia as the preferred intellectual to the preferred person to speak for europe i think it would work and if on the other side of that and take on the President Trump also goes in that direction as was said in the American Press i think we could have all the planning well i and i will i really have better relations i really wish the best for president mccrone but hes no de gaulle thats all the time we have gentlemen many thanks to my guests in paris alexander and in brussels and thanks to our viewers for watching us here at the see you next time and remember i stopped. Looking. Leg. Oh. Please. Just slept. Very well continue watching on since last. Taliban sends a clear message that donald trump in an exclusive interview with. The u. S. President to rethink his decision to. Stop democrats from dying to fill in for fracking find themselves accused of playing into. The classic british childrens t. V. Character gets fired from his job over diversity concerns. Pleasure as always to have your company this is. The chief u. S

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