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247 news live from moscow this is r. T. International pleasure to have your company i mean you know neil. Has been seriously injured by antigovernment protesters in hong kong it happened during the latest round of demonstrations choose he reportedly tried to confront a segment of the rally at the weekend but was viciously attacked on the left on culture sound needed treatment at the scene video of the instant house gone viral on line were going to show it but we should warn you you may find the following images upsetting. I dont know i. T z have the man i protest movement in hong kong stretches box of the end of march when a controversial extradition bill was 1st introduced it proposed that suspects could be sent to Mainland China for trial the rallies escalated and turned violent in june when around 2000000 people took to the streets on one day alone the largest demonstration in the territories history where the bill was eventually suspended. With but despite some demands being met the protests have grown into a broader prodemocracy movement down have attracted support from the west. Meanwhile one of the protest leaders has arrived in the u. S. Just one is now in washington where hes expected to attend congressional hearings mr wall is a prominent Student Activist who organizes protests against the Chinese Government in support of hong kongs independence the 22 year old is also a leader of the pro Democratic Party demo system hes already served several jail terms or his activities no joshua one visit to new york over the weekend drew huge attention from the media lets take a look at just some of the churches the New York Times bloomberg well they are among those who asked for an interview or invited him to their headquarters he also gave a speech to students at columbia university. As part of his overseas tour mr wong visited germany too where he met prominent politicians including the foreign minister heikal mass he also met with the leader of the White Helmets humanitarian group i cues that by damascus and moscow of staging Chemical Attacks in syria and today as weve mentioned hes expected to u. S. Congressional hearings Sen Marco Rubio has introduced a bill that proposes support for hong kong from the u. S. To its autonomy you course adela reports. They are many theyve won the fight with the authorities by early submission but they are anything but done the American Flag waving taskforce among the hong kong protesters are sending their poster boy to convince us legislators to do Something Big on autonomy. Well for those of you having difficulty making out the absence of this boilerplate script its the human rights and democracy act and its meant to shill be doing that the us is serious about fighting for hong kongs rights the United States must make clear to china that its interference in hong kongs affairs will have consequences this month we must pass a by cameron bipartisan on Consumer Rights and democracy act the bill was devised in response to what the u. S. Has been calling a chinese infringement on the regions autonomy and requires for america to review own homes special status annually and if that status is ever revoked the regions autonomy would not so much be infringed but rather new to dust since the early ninetys hong kong has been enjoying huge advantages for wearing washingtons special status badge. And some believe that a small yet vocal group of protesters is laying an explosive tripwire for the whole region which will not enjoy the economic Chain Reaction if its ever triggered taking away this theyve just. To get hold of the biggest economy in the World Without a state and city local its just ordered was going to hold a great deal but its not just the hong kong partly there are thousands of United States dont believe in all of it would likewise be affected of course its full of her cold war because well because only 4 percent of chinas economy. Say about tale of the day theres a girl in me a cultural moral as far as equality is also so strong its now but now its sent on the other hand of course we like we wish the one country to see so as to help china with the internationalization agreement with the real insolence of all american legislators say the bill is designed to punish Mainland China specifically as protesters want shown not to but while the end goal may very well be punishing beijing in pursuit of a geo political supremacy washington my just overlook the collateral damage. Well staying stateside u. S. Democratic president ial candidate joe biden is pushing his bid for the white house with a focus on fighting racism on sunday he delivered a speech at a prominent black church but just days earlier during president ial debates when pressed on segregation on the legacy of slavery he switched the subject unlettered African Americans and how they should bring their children here skill up and with more. Joe biden formally the Vice President is now running in the democratic primary enjoys a huge amount of support from the africanamerican voters and he wants them to know he really cares about them we bring social workers into homes and parents to help them deal with how to raise their children its not that they dont want to help they dont want they dont know quite what to do play the radio make sure the television the scrutiny make sure you have the record player on the phone make sure the kids hear words a kid coming from a very poor school or a very poor background will hear 4000000 words fewer spoken by the time they get there the record player now he seems a couple decades behind on modern technology but its also a tad bit condescending dont you think now some are calling it parent shaming biden is the liberal racist why dems better start calling this out because black women are watching if joe biden isnt forced out of the running now i give up 1st he looks into the camera and laughs at the mention of racial inequality in us schools and we could racists that he describes black homelite and parenting in a way that is stunningly ignorant and insulting to bidens son on how to address the literacy of slavery was appalling and to scorn now this isnt the 1st time that joe is flubbed an answer when it comes to a racial issue he made some remarks when barack obama was selected as the Democratic Party candidate in 2008 that he probably meant to sound like a compliment i mean you got the 1st mainstream africanamerican whos articulate and bright and clean and a nice looking guy joe bidens comments point to an increasing phenomenon in us society being referred to as a liberal racism joe biden is not burning a cross or arguing that nonwhites are inferior but he does seem to have a touch of a white savior complex he comes across as condescending to those he thinks hes hell. A study refers to it as a competence downshift and joe biden is not the only one what liberals may unwittingly draw negative stereotypes demean themselves down in a largely well meaning folksy but ultimately patronize ing attempt to connect with the outgroup Democratic Party is pretty put on our list economy you can look you see all her policies from the welfare state to dave put into place to live thinks that blacks generally arent as smart as whites and really would point to is the democrats projecting a lot of their own insecurities upon everyone knows do say everyone is races everyone sees everyone is all those days and if theyre when its really them they feel that way and its trying to say that its the other side actually feels that way for decades the Democratic Party has been promising to help minorities in the United States but do Party Leaders actually see them as equal members of society well joe bidens recent comments have got plenty of people asking that question. R. T. New york. Israel is currently deciding the fate of incumbent Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in unprecedented repeat parliamentary elections hes locked in a tight contest with a centrist rival benny gantz earlier kevin owen spoke to our correspondent paula slayer in jerusalem. Well known Political Parties are expected to be part of the next Israeli Parliament all the Israeli Knesset and the competition here really boils down to 2 men the incumbent Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his right Wing Likud Party and his former defense chief benny guns and his small same to lift blue and white party not as the same scenario 6 months ago when we had the previous elections which netanyahu won but despite winning them he was unable to form a majority 61. 00 mandates out of 120. 00 Parliament Seats many suspect that the same scenario could unfold and so regardless of whether its guns or whether its the time we are who we might have a son arya and its increasingly likely that nigels able to form a majority government or so give me some more ideas. As were doing to boost his support base of like well like any politician thats fighting for his political survival netanyahu has been making a lot of promises the most recent of which is that he said should he be reelected he will and makes west Bank Settlements and the dog in valley and for anyone who thought that the Peace Process between israelis and palestinians wasnt already did this certainly was the last nail in the coffin he has also started negotiating a u. S. Israel defense treaty i had a call with Prime Minister netanyahu to discuss the possibility of moving forward with a mutual defense treaty between the United States and israel that would further the tremendous alliance between our 2 countries thank you my dear friend President Trump the jewish state has never had a greater friend in the white house the american President Donald Trump has been playing an enormous role in the israeli elections back in april just before the previous elections he made the bold statement that the americans recognize the israeli hold over the Golan Heights and this is despite the fact that a contravenes International Law and has remained a contentious issue ever since the heights were taken over by israel from syria back in 1967 in a moment i will sign a president ial proclamation recognizing. Israels sovereign right over the Golan Heights netanyahu has been using trump in his Election Campaign you just need to drive down any street in this country and you see both leaders beaming from election posters on any of the main streets in israel a political analyst earns on average around 180000. 00 salary a year and yet the support that netanyahu gets from trump which is so much bigger is essentially priceless should this country hate to a 30 lection which is what many here suspect and fear the question is just what else is time going to promise in the 10 yahoo. Paula slayer will the Israeli Parliament was dissolved in april over a dispute on the growing influence of the ultraorthodox jewish minority the countrys former defense foreign minister has refused to join netanyahu is coalition a big door lieberman is on a spoken opponents of the military draft privileges 100 arch of the ultra Orthodox Community they can avoid Compulsory Army Service if inroads in religious studies. Lieberman accuses the Minority Community of seeking to impose jewish religious law on the secular majority theyve already mellish imposed bans on public transport on the sabbath strict laws on gender segregation we asked people in tel aviv how this affects their daily lives. The ultra orthodox establishment have a very strong hold of the israeli politics in Israeli Government i think it affects our lives. That the orthodox make their own rules. They want to make themselves different from the other people i dont think theyre affected too much except from probably things like. Public transportation in israel. In saturday i dont have buses instead on saturdays i want to go to the beach and the laws that they try to pass have not. According to my opinions but we should accept them as well as much as we accept other laws from other communities i truly believe in diversity but still i think they should live their lives and we should we supposed to live our lives. Still i hate the u. K. Government is accused of social engineering after london revealed being secretly funding a muslim websites well bring you the fallout from the sky break after the break. They put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. So when you want to be president and you. Want. To go right to be approached this is what before 3 of them all cant be good. Interested always in the water. So what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have its crazy. Let it be an arms race. Spearing dramatic. Personally im going to resist i dont see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. Militant group the taliban say it was behind 2 explosions that hit afghanistan this choose the one rocked the capital kabul near the u. S. Embassy reportedly killing at least 3 people shortly before a suicide bomber struck a Campaign Rally for the afghan president in the northern part of reportedly killing 24 the taliban threatened to increase forces on their western backers after peace talks failed with the us based journalists the report. I spoke to the one of the spokesperson officer of god he said that to use well and he was unhurt but the expectations were high because the stronghold of lets say that you biggest u. S. Base there is in the province and its very close to the capital kabul and the expectations were like the security must be very tight but still there was a guy that didnt suicide bomber used them detonated and kill so many people the 3 prevention of governor all this this folks person said that to side bomber was riding a motorbike and detonated his explosives at the for the 1st checkpoint to where the rally was taking place on the other hand there was another explosion in the capital Kabul Ministry of interior doodoo explosion that took place nearby the u. S. Embassy also there is a ministry of defense facility actually the explosion took place right at the get off the. Facility or registry of defense facility and we do know that taliban have warned people not to participate in the elections are not to recognize this government as a legitimate government both on and also the government they have increased their operations against each other. To the u. K. Where a lifestyle website for muslim teens has become an unlikely flashpoint its been revealed the home office has been cool firstly funding it as part of a country extremism strategy a move that has infuriated employees readers on the wider Muslim Community there. If youre a young muslim women living in the u. K. And this is the website to you at least thats what the creators want to believe. This is a global media platform for young muslim ars in the east london and beyond to share and creates inspiring and empowering content with positivity at its core inspiring but now its been exposed after it was revealed that the site is being funded covertly by the u. K. Home office in an attempt to tackle radicalization and now 2 employees have resigned over the controversial funding one of them says working there betrayed her beliefs. In my neighbors here so that through this opportunity our super assistance i really could help to make real change pushing forward a different narrative from muslim women themselves sure when though we are empowered and multifaceted i realize now that with the Home Office Funding the project at the root there was no way i could do this regardless of the content i was pushing out while the project was set up in 2015 in direct response to 3 approaches schoolgirls including a stream of bacon running away to syria and whether they flee from london the very same place supersets this is targeting now its made up of 9 Staff Members from jayco media and they secured their funding from something called build a stronger britain together which is an arm of the controversial terrorism. Which has been accused of targeting and spying on listen communities in the u. K. Now while many see that as a fundamental infringement of rights the home office has always defended its efficiency while super says this has like knowledge and apologize for their wrongdoing they insist that they have full control over their content we want to emphasize that even though b. S. B. C. May funders they do not have any Creative Control over super systems content where we acknowledge we were wrong and we apologize for it is not more clearly stating the source of funding on the super sisters instagram blog not just our website we have always been clear and transparent to the interview stage on how we are funded including at subs interview at least thats what they say but so biased male a former employee says that there were no female muslims on the creative or Editorial Team because she was only recently made aware of the controversial funding well some people are very angry and hurt by the revelations these revelations are shocking from a contributor as have claimed that at one point there were no muslim women employed by g. E. Go where you know they did toral for super sisters if i was a teenage muslim in todays environment i would be utterly confused and feel like i was constantly being spied upon by my own government. Not setup by muslims not run by muslims youre trying to define young Muslim Womens identity thank you but muslim women can speak for themselves well suppose this is just the latest platform to be embroiled in a transparency route just a few weeks ago a social Media Network team called this is woke a page claiming to engage in Critical Thinking and muslim traditions was found to be receiving funding from you guessed it the home office or the problem is 1st of all the home office seems to the only thing is seized in the Muslim Community is extremism in many ways this is really. Engine hearing of trying to say that there is something fundamentally wrong with muslims in the mainstream and we need to socially engineer to sort of changed so they will not be problematic living in our society it really is sort of extension of seeing the whole muslims as possible terrorist and so therefore we should have these projects to changed into something more acceptable so perhaps the young muslim women in the u. K. Right now be slightly more hopeful the new home secretary pretty patel who herself is from minority background might now be slightly more sisterly shot at it starts to r. T. U. K. London we asked the home office to comment on the story and will bring it to you when it comes in. The Us Ambassador to serbia kyle scott has called on the serbian people to look out the quote broader perspective and put the nato bombings in 1909 behind them and its not the 1st time hes voiced not line of thought. We dont ask serbs to forget the recent history but we are asking you to look at the bigger picture. 2 decades ago nato launched its bombing up. Against the federal republic of yugoslavia during the kosovo conflict the Alliance Leadership claimed it was carried out to prevent the genocide of the l. B. Indian population in kosovo the operation last for a devastating 78. 00 days we asked people in serbia what they thought about the ambassadors comments. That the future of the Bombing Campaign was not justified in any worry it was a terrible crime our government should sue for compensation. But the Un Security Council never approved the nato bombing so it can only be considered an act of aggression it is impossible for serbia and america to be on good terms because the Us Government will always view serbia as a little version of russia. For the americans everything they do is justified vietnam hiroshima and nagasaki the native american genocide and so on they did not just bomb os they took part of our territory. You cannot justify what they did how can you defend the bomb in the many nations whatever it did or didnt do or serbian canadian filmmaker boris gursky say is the old slaughter of bombings buc then still affects serbians to this day. They dont use depleted uranium in bombing serbia and we are feeling the effects to date there is a Parliamentary Commission that has released its findings in serbia claiming that the uranium that was used in the bombing is still affecting the cancer rate in serbia that is skyrocketing since 1990 what they did in 1990. 8 and i think the search and forget that the specially because u. S. Policy towards serbia has not changed from 1958 yes theyre not dropping bombs but the whole reason for the needle bombing was to illegally take over a part of serbia and that is the province of costa both to this date and the ice states recognizes the independence of kosovo they are pushing for serbia to recognize its independence so if the United States really wanted to get over the past and everything that troubles us from them then they will be the ones to change its policy. Now im more than 10 years old from the Global Economic crash where do things stand today are homeowners more secure will there be jobs for our children moxon stacy from the roof over the Big Questions next in the country. They all see themselves as dying swans in their dreams. But only one in a 1000 will ever make it to the till. Theyre ready to give their lives for the chance to die on stage if only once. Not even broken wings can deter them. For generations at the madrid ski theatre ballet sweat and tears on o. T. Something seems wrong why dont we all just dont all. Get to shape out this day become educated and engaged equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart. Just to look for common ground. But if she warned you probably didnt i do the dishes at the bottom or those jeans new speech and she me we need to you. Know when you dive. In the news i mean that is where that information ball. A lot of you will see as it fights about 2 kids each other both. As the adults to me as if. The. Cabinet 5 days of doing. You. Would include in total. I am sure this is the kaiser report where were you september 3rd 2009 thats a question well be asking kids grandkids for years to come that was the 1st episode of the kaiser report yes 10 years ago today because the report began broadcasting all over the world under the countrys billions of people. 10 years ago this month indeed we started here in paris so while were here in paris i wanted to record this special there are some controversies about when the 1st episode actually aired of course because of you tube and how they upload and date things but nevertheless i want to you know look back a little bit of what we experience here in paris at the beginning of our journey of kaiser report 10 years ago and what i realized looking back and anybody could do that because its all on you to go report episode one episode to episode 3 episode 4 just watch those 1st episodes im going to look at episode 1. 00 and 3. 00 at the moment because it napa said one we interviewed Danny Schechter the news dissect or who has since passed away but he was an independent journalist who at the time had just made a film called plunder the crime of our time so we started our 1st episode talking about the financial collapse the ongoing bailouts the trillions of dollars and this 1st little clip before we turn to the interview with him i want to show you that actually know we friends makes an appearance in our very 1st episode of kaiser report started Danny Schechter author of this book that yes this book the crime of our time is also the creator of a film thats now out on available its called plunder the crime of our job. Was a book that came out before Lehman Brothers went bankrupt speaking on wall street i called for a jail not a bail out

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