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Networks isnt going to be intimidated to a blow to the United States to give up on that. Weve already seen when we look at the iran policy that the trumpet ministration with substantially and ill use the word blackmailing european cars automotive producers to put a tax tariff on their cars if they dont toe the line i mean jonathan says you know theyre there theyre bucking the trend but i mean it gets kind of leads into where i want to go in the rest of the program is that you know the u. S. Still has not so many levers and coercive levers against europe that they dont toe the line go ahead in london. Thank you thank you for mentioning this thank you for the previous time as you mentioned china because as we know it was not about russia it was about the china we know the. Realistic Foreign Policy thinkers in the United States including john meshaal em out. It was present in 2015 my very own university in poland you know you dont university told us about this very moment that we have arrived where the Union European countries and china. In one bed when it comes to trade and investment so it will cause a frictions we know that as we look at the democrats on both sides democrats and republicans the prime goal for the United States to contain china and china is the number one. Structured object it will start to. Somehow. Problem for the United States and as. Told to the audience in my alma mater the university is russia will become part of balancing coalition so i dont understand why the United States is somehow. Both china and russia but in my opinion it might cause slightly different effect same as with sanctions on russia for the ukrainian crisis which was according to john. Very famous or a realistic thinker course on the side of the. On the west not. I mean you could also throw in these a antagonizing russia and china but mark antagonizing europe is well ok that thats my point right here here here and this is in this is why im doing this program because i think the transatlantic experience is being seriously tested here because i would make the argument at least 100 trump they are more interested in trade there are interested in Europe Energy policy and you know ok you have to buy all these arms because you know theyre theyre important to american politics but they dont see it as a Security Threat this is this is a. Again bit for resources and denying trade to others this is what this is about and europe is being tested here go ahead mark you know i think if we can historically really from the Marshall Plan and post war 2nd world war policy towards western europe the United States had to deal with the european allies that in many ways who are now would do well economically if they towed the political line and so there was a cost benefit to both sides now trump and pompei are basically saying to the europeans you got to pay up profiting and theres no more free rides but want to say there are no more free rides people have to ask themselves what are the costs of eating normally what do we get more and what do we get for that exactly whats that return for them. If they are jumping and so go ahead at some point if youre going to tell you im sure that all the panelists have noticed that europe is divided between all europe and new europe and when i write an article for forbes 1017. 00 addressing this issue it is to cause down to the pipeline and the revenge and the revenge a sentiment in the eastern part of europe which was somehow colonized by disorder union and as we can see german french and other western nations are reluctant to previous commentators rightly said to participate in that because they are realistically assessing the cost of this participation of oil and also the moral cost of participating in. The iraq war but eastern European Countries are driven by slightly different parameters and as i said when it comes to the north stream too we can see that the American Government of the American Administration is heavily subsidizing the pop pipeline invented by the polish government and in 2017 we know that the 1st transit of l. And g. Gas was delivered to show you know we shipped in more than poland. Board by the state owned oil and gas Company Called g m g so we know that trump displaying all your hopes in the United States you know draw your wedge between the old europe new year old and new europe is willing to spend more money on American Natural Gas than in russia and thats really logical in these times about staring jonathan i mean the crux of the whole thing is that the European Union are we can just say europe geographically cannot have a coherent trade in Foreign Policy if theyre not united and i cant see how theyre going to get united in light of what we just heard about the new europe go ahead jonathan you know not agree theres a new chance of unifying Foreign Policy in spite of the fact disposed to be wrong but i mean i think we have to look to have microns been sort of to some extent because micros the only current leader of a major country in europe has the courage to say we need dialogue with russia russia is part of our geography russia is part of our history we have to have good relations with russia and hes trying to find some kind of independent Foreign Policy initiatives to bring russia into the picture and sanctions on russia because of ukraine and so true and defies the United States or my corneas the great right term i think for the European Union efforts to create more independence and more even i would say resistance to the United States well its interesting market now that were on the crown that seems to me that he was he ways emulating the goal essentially thats what he wants to do goal is that his return to france but will it work and or this guy go ahead and. Work out i think to some extent its opportunistic but then thats the reality of all politics any successful politician moves with the time seems which way forces are going and recognizes that his domestic difficulties means that he has to in a sense distance himself from being seen as a classic globalist and list reorientation french Foreign Policy which has economic benefits would also perhaps help. In his reelection bid so theres a rational self interest the really interesting case is going to be britain i think because with britain leaving the is britain going to become completely reorientated towards the anglosphere and become even closer to the United States its been already or there are reports obviously that Boris Johnson had a row with dont want all trump over huawei there are further reports that maybe the chinese will be invited to save our ridiculous expensive high speed rail way project because at least they will build it in 5 years or older than 25 years and so were beginning to see even between the british and americans or certain divisions between our natural tendency to be politically aligned and the economic interests which are increasingly diverging and including not least the economic benefits of trade with china which were china is not perceived as a threat to britain in the way that the United States sees around the pacific rim china is a threat to its traditional role in that whole region ok jonathan 30 seconds people ready to go to the break can they be the compromising middle europe when it comes to china and the United States go ahead im going to should certainly try and not sure how successful they can be british and certainly track these are the new spirit of can have good relations with russia china and the United States well together. Well the interesting question is to be an honest broker i mean on the one hand i think thats what we would all like and that certainly would be in europes interest but you would have. Probably both the United States and china at the same time it seems like a lose lose situation and well discuss that more in the 2nd half of the program were going to go to a short break and after that short break well continue our discussion on the Atlantic Alliance stayed with. I cant show you my face but im going to teach you must. In 9093 this was sentenced to death. Charged with capital murder even though he didnt have the gun didnt pull the trigger didnt intend to kill anybody imagine living in your bathroom for that week with just under 23. I doubt that. You have. Confined within 4 gray walls. Using. Believed in this room. Its a let me. Ask i would. Take i. Did not. Want to. Lose. Time to make that a c. Because the loosely. Defined what they were the kook on the standards of the law now as you. Know most of the. I knew of those 2 moons. To the sinister learned one thing for not. To use in the new. Project. The new one on the meteor house on the lam classroom. In this community there are people who believe that its ok. Its really hard there are no jobs and you see the kids that ask and as a pair. I can come up with an argument theres a lot of conflict in the game between the teams most of the conflict i would say the balls around them most of their money is made. Clothes worn on the childrens clothes seen on each other is Good Business the state of california alone makes 6000000000. 00 a year of the prison complex just to get some point in your life where. You dont care and cares about you so you dont care about anything. Welcome across the uk where all things are considered im Peter Lavelle to remind you were discussing the Atlantic Alliance. Because i could really in london you know i find it was a few months ago i found it. Amusing that the New York Times would write an editorial that trump probably should consider improving relations with russia which you know after all weve been through with this ridiculous hoax and the demonization of anyone that has you know if you have russian. Salad sauce you know youre suspect somehow. Making light of something that is very serious here but you know you having some you know the New York Times saying you know maybe trump should consider doing that because of the embrace with china i mean this has been going on for years now that that horse has left the barn i mean i find it astounding that the political establishment is saying well maybe we should reconsider i mean decisions have already been made and the reason why im mentioning that because europe is going to have to make that decision its because its so to divide it internally its never going to be able to sit down and choose one side of the other and i think its going to be the net loser in all of this here but going back to some of the things that you know as mark was saying you know with the way history holds europe back when i look at the baltic republics and poland and all that when the future is screaming forward at you at high speed and i think europe is going to be left to the side because that really is the United States china with the chinese. Russian lions and it is an alliance now go ahead and rail in london well i totally agree with you peter this is even from the geopolitical political point of view the real realists in in europe know the sea powers like britain and United States have slightly different interests when it comes to. The future or the well being of the land powers including hands europe china and russia but we have to bear in mind that european peons were quite reluctant and lazy after the 2nd world war in you know taking their own matters in their own hands they somehow took the back seat and they were silent observers all for what their leader in the western hemisphere read United States is doing regardless where the. Morally justified or not but somehow now they they see the young generations are quite displeased with the deadline the leader in the western hemisphere hemisphere is showing to also we have to bear in mind that Everyone Wants to participate in the great revolution that no logical revolution and. Historically we know that china never attacked europe so so why we should be afraid of them why the United States is putting so much emphasis on you know blocking who are away from entering the European Market market why do offering to subsidize their european competitors read nokia and ericsson it is not a friend or a strictly business no its not strictly business because you know its the im watching wants to determine who has a back door into everyones computer in europe thats what they want they know theyre afraid of chinese spy no they want to do the spying themselves ok because you know you. Trust us you can trust those to spy on you not those chinese i mean it is so ridiculous and so and so hypocritical here mark i want you already mentioned something i think is really interesting with breaks that how does this the Atlantic Alliance as weve known it over the decades how does that change because i think you could see you could see europe being alienated by the u. K. If it gets too much into bed with washington and it doesnt matter if trump is president i think people put way too much into that historical trends that are happening its not that doesnt matter but particularly who is in the white house go ahead mark. No in fact ironically trump in the white house pushes parts of the British Government to form still be closer to the European Parliament United States one could imagine a new american president who follow broad Foreign Policy consensus with trump has actually as hes always pointed out been tougher on russia tougher on china than his predecessors and so in a sense he set a precedent that will be followed which is indorsed by the Foreign Policy establishment in the states see any area of his policy they support the problem for the british would be that it is awful likely that theyre going to be asked to pay an economic price for what in many ways comes culturally and for historical reasons if not for the churchillian romanticism of the transatlantic relationship comes naturally to us and so i think it is likely to be the case that these trends inside continental you countries particularly the west european powers of the to seek to have a more sensitive european centered policy not least because with britain they dont have to pay more for these things the french the germans the dutch and so on will have to pick up the slack so youre going to get a consequence the that in practice will be tensions inside or between the east european states that are overly concerned by hostile for historical reasons to russia and also supported by u. S. Policy and then these countries which really are all the economic heart and the taxpaying heart the e. U. That will be much more talked about those polls here i mean big cities. Youve already mentioned and i mean i mean people you know i agree i mean part of the cold war settlement you know that europeans would get great trade deals with the United States true and i understand why trump wants to for the perfect sense there ok but what you get who gets what for what is the question right here and i dont think polities in the powerhouses if you as you put it i dont think they they really have an incentive to spend more why where is the threat who is threatening us i mean of course the you know the phobia. In the u. S. And the u. K. Who are well known well known but i dont see in times of austerity what you want to disable or the major keep going yeah the major Security Threats of course come from come from north africa come from the chaos in libya that we helped to cornells so and so that sense if you will the average french or italian citizen or more danger of being killed by weaponry and bombs coming. Liberated intervention states where we call scale so that you are from russia or china and that is a big problem in Public Perception we dont the average person doesnt see what the think tanks see as the sort you know jonathan that jonathan i think one of the interesting things here is that the United States and the Atlantic Alliance that they have gotten so used to having such a heavy damage and having had gemini for the last 7 decades that they dont understand how to reimagine the world that they dont have it and i think it is the lack of imagination and how the world is changing and i think it terrifies them i mean the new cold war which i just look at the rhetoric they go back to the same rhetoric we need to have a cold war we need to have an enemy and the world this evolving so quickly why do you necessarily have to have an i mean we have to we could look at the extent you are talking. About the United States going to europeans and european governments feeling want to come to war with china theres been a very a rift between us and europe on that one word is me i mean having spoken in the 1st part of the program of our macro during the right thing hes doing the right thing because in the wrong methodology hes still talking about powerful studied using military power hes hinting that knowledge theres only one Nuclear Power in the European Union now as a britain sniffed because of bricks that its very Old Fashioned 19th century thinking to think about military power being the most important element of a countrys Foreign Policy we need much more soft and i mean speaking up looking for mediation particular in the middle east. I mean moment mark almond mentioned libya and north africa but what about the central issue of the middle east richards israel palestine i mean trump has just come up with the military the most outrageous socalled peace plan in europe has been almost silent and we havent britain indeed has protected us with your and Security Council from being criticized were going to must speak out on the central issue of the middle east which is palestine we must start bringing sanctions to bear against israel responded quote some of the produce it comes from their own occupied territories disgruntled should be the year of getting back to a promise to a new service the main issue which infects everything in the middle east you know its interesting if we go to a drill and i want to on the back of what have jonathan just said there i agree and disagree with jonathan l. Quibble and one thing. Falling back on these traditional levers of Power Military but actually i think its more cynical than that because what you saw at the munich conference is basically the export forcible export of of western values and that forcible export is the military here and i think that that is something that i find the height of hypocrisy is that talking talking about values while maintaining and wanting to pursue head gemini and i think that makes those false values youre actually might maintaining a gemini based on things that. Are a facade ok you know its my way or the highway thats what it this is and thats coming to an end theyre scared about it go ahead. Well that. Again i agree with you. Professor somewhere huntington who has written a. Very famous clash of civilizations. Said to us the west didnt you know win the war by the superiority of its ideas values or religion it was the superiority of organized violence post on nonwestern countries that gave the supported superior attitude to the west and previous commentators that i think we think the United States 2 or the anglosaxon world is having a slightly heavy mental breakdown from the. Perception of the world where the america or the you know some. People aware of the leading force which was you know helping other countries or other nations to somehow stand on the ground and be much more civilized in a brackets as we can see that all civilization caught china is far beyond technologically and thats why we can see people like you know Mark Zuckerberg participating in you know when we dont really interesting here is instead of talking about the new cold war its really the new orientalism thats really what it is ok i find it really fascinating because its inherently racist which of course the west never could claim that its not races that we shouldnt back raises a point that way they look at the entire world is racist how could the chinese run the world oh my goodness you know a nonwhite country having had gemini in the world oh my god you know this is what its all about nobody wants to admit that we instead what they should do is negotiate and mediate for once and good for. Thats all the time we have gentlemen many thanks to my guests in london and in oxford and thanks to our viewers for watching us here see you next time and remember. Join me every thursday on the alec simon show and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business im showbusiness ill see you then. Your government and our government and all the other major governments of the world know whats going to happen and when its going to. But they havent told you and they havent told me they havent announced. Imagine something as big as the earth is going to cause tidal waves or earthquakes volcanoes erupt and its going to tell. So very for a while right. My great grandfathers. Nobody would care about the law or prison so youd have wallace those should have. A terrible life between now and. I cant show you my face but im going to teach you must or in 9093 this man was sentenced to death. They could charged with capital murder even though he didnt have the gun didnt pull the trigger didnt intend to kill anybody imagine living in your bathroom for the week with the scent of a. Its true. I doubt that i deserve to be. Confined within 4 gray walls the funny choosing. To help him to leave defense room. Is your media a reflection of reality. In the world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Isolation community. Are you going the right way or are you being led so. Direct. What is true what is faith. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Or a maybe in the shallows. Micrographs friends arent slights and dad sed you know whites are men for example there is their slights against women or more on nonwhite so its always the idea is that statements that directed toward a Privileged Group are interpreted differently than a statement directed toward an oppressed group and so thats kind of the whole framework and its its a political framework thats used the result is of course focusing at least on certain kinds of minor slights and say well rather than a northern door then we need to call attention to them but its not all slight so its very political and its contents. The swarm see the blue of them so moon. Who was before. Much of those who heard the preview was to see him with the north we will. Move. Move. Move show you just look beautiful the mutants can look good. More muslim also these girls will give you forms for good golf. Go to shool so look look your simu belong here to show its door to you should go. To starbucks to take it to need to fill it with a little mist dont see a look it is its. Your stash the understand just need to mash told. To stop the president and please control this project until. The 3 of producers to produce her to snap them up when you look at it as the girls are with you for your support just to your machine station shooting star you should cook door for the one whos devoted to the. Culture. Welcome to our viewers from around the world live from a Central London this is also u. K. The Prime Ministers top advisor goes into self isolation with coronavirus as governed experts say britains lockdown could last 6 months. And a chest workers say theyre forced to hide away protect. Whitman in the shortages as explained the government requests for a pandemic 4 years ago but failed to heed the results ill be talking to a doctor shortly. With moscow and lockdowns limiting calls on other regions to follow its lead to action from our correspondent in the russian capital shortly. Also this hour britain is on course for a recession worse than the 2008 credit crunch as analysts predict a major downturn we hear from a financial expert. Welcome to our 2 u. K. The government has warned that coronavirus lockdown measures could last for 6 months as the Prime Ministers chief advisor isolates with symptoms of the disease thats his worries grow of a shortage use of n. H. S. Resources despite its ortiz rehearsing for a very similar scenario 4 years ago. And he joins me now with the latest so. The virus continues to hit the heart of the government yeah absolutely were seeing already over the weekend the number of deaths in the u. K. Reaching over a 1000 weve had an update already today for the last 24 hours that brings the total number of deaths in the whole of the u. K. To 1415. 00 people who have now lost their lives sadly across in scotland Northern Ireland and wales in the total number of recorded cases anyway is just shy of 20000 now we saw last week the Prime Minister he had tested positive for coded 19 and in the wake of that we saw the special advisor to the Prime Minister Dominic Cummins running from downing street those images there going viral really well now it turns out that mr cummins himself has self i see. Lated way yet to get confirmation as to whether he has also tested positive for it just shows that even at the very top levels of government this virus is really having a devastating impact now the Prime Minister himself hes been bunkered down at number 10 downing street and its from there that he updated the country on the latest developments well the Prime Minister just telling the country that we will get through that we can hear the Prime Minister now i want to thank everybody whos been complying with our instructions to you to stay at home and weve already seen massive falls in railway usage i think down about 95 percent plus you should got about cindy 5 Percent People really trying to work from home if they possibly can and thats what we want stay at home yes save lives. Now of course social distancing began as just advice its now a law its the rules its something people have to adhere to however it would appear not everybody has been doing that over the Weekend Police in darby. They broke up a house party about 25 adults and children attending the Karaoke Party and those images theyre showing the spread that was on offer the police all over the country stressing to people to avoid these types of gatherings as it only increases the opportunity for the virus to spread now weve also heard from the Deputy Health adviser and she states that especially if everybody in the country doesnt adhere to the lockdown measures we could be dealing with this crisis for up to 6 months. The issue of the 3 weeks is for us to review where we are and see if weve had an impact jointly on the slope of that curve but i think to make it clear to the public if we are successful we will if squash the top of that which is brilliant but we must not then suddenly revert to our normal way of living that would be quite dangerous if we start with an all of our efforts will be wasted and we could potentially see a 2nd peak so over time probably over the next 6 months we will have a 3 week review we will see where we going we need to keep that lid on and then gradually we will be able to hopefully just some of the social distancing measures and grandchildren get us all back to normal but there are some who have been critical of dr how are you saying that she was just 2 weeks ago telling people that it was ok to attend Outdoor Events and that schools shouldnt be closed so saying that this is a very different tone that shes striking. The n. H. S. Coping with all of this at the moment well we know that the n. H. S. Is really saying that theyre reaching the peak of the virus and that weve seen also many complaints from frontline n. H. S. Staff who say that they simply dont have enough equipment they dont have enough personal protective equipment there arent enough ventilators and so on however its also a much that 4 years ago the government ran a mock scenario as to how the National Health service would cope in the event of a pandemic now we can have a look at some of the details of that operation it was called operation cygnus will exercise cygnus it was set up by Imperial College london and it was designed to see how the n. H. S. Would cope under a pandemic similar to the one were seeing now it was based on the deadly respiratory virus from asia again very similar to 19 and it found that there were. Be shortages of those types of protective equipment ventilators of Critical Care beds and so on and it also pointed to general and h s capacity having short just as well because of course not just covert 19 there are people who have a variety of other Health Issues heart problems operations that need to be done all of these really being put on the back burner as the n. H. S. Is stretched thin now they have the department of health have come in for criticism for failing to respond to the findings of that exercise and failing to take the national necessary measures however at the top one of health saying that these types of models take place regularly. As the public would expect we regularly test our pandemic plans and the learnings from previous exercises have helped allow us to rapidly responds to cope with 19 we are delivering a science led action plan to contain delay research and mitigate the outbreak and have acted swiftly to contain and slow the spread of the virus significantly to save lives and support our n. H. S. So clearly a lot of questions for the government to answer as critics continue to say that the government should have been prepared for whats taken place is a thank you very much indeed for all of that well with those doomsday warnings not being heeded as we just been hearing some n. H. S. Frontline staff say theyre being forced to hide their personal protective equipment due to ongoing shortages reports say that Health Workers are grabbing what they can from hospital Storage Units including face masks and protective glasses its said that many are worried that there simply arent enough to go around and that some workers are even calling in sick out of fear the government said it is working to get additional personal protective equipment to front line staff to discuss this further im now joined by a former n. H. S. Doctor who turned a marty we dont thank you very much indeed for joining us did you in your career ever experienced anything quite like this no i mean i dont think anyones experience anything like this and throughout their career as world wide but certainly every winter we would have shortages and we would have a lack of beds and the n. H. S. Will certainly be stretched to its limits and and gradually getting worse as as i left in 2010 but it did it did gradually get worse left 10 years ago and now theres a call obviously and were seeing former n. H. S. Staff returning to the front line when you consider that yeah absolutely i mean if i if i get asked that will i think theyre starting to ask people who have had. Their registration taken away or run out the last 3 years but certainly if they need im available so so and i have made that clear to a number of much former colleagues but are you not nervous of the fact that you could be risking your life due to the lack of protective equipment. I think you know in the n. H. S. Most people know that theyre risking their lives in any way youre at risk all the time but certainly there is a distinct lack of personal protective equipment i think in the hospitals and the. Last week or so it has got better im hearing it has got better the certainly in primary care it still hasnt and what were hearing from people all the time that dont have the equipment available and more importantly they dont know which equipment they should be wearing and where they where where you know they should pick your the equipment and a number of my colleagues are actually offer to pay for themselves and their colleagues if they know where to get the correct equipment from so i think that thats probably why the problem and what you make of the fact that stars are actually hiding their own protective equipment. I mean a have heard a have to say thats not my personal experience we started a crowdfunding page to provide protective equipment to the front line doctors and everyone that we contact is actually very very mindful like we say with the Grocery Shopping with the general public of what they are asked for and they and theyre actually theyre actually telling us that you know to give them the minimum so that other people can can can benefit as well i dont think that served as a wide n. H. S. Problem i think thats thats maybe a few cases we understand the government planned for this sort of scenario for years ago but seemingly hasnt really acted on what it learnt from those socalled rehearsals. I think that doesnt theres absolutely no question that weve had a delayed response to this specially with personal protective equipment it should have come a while ago and its starting to filter now i think its not acumen issue and certainly not a money issue in my opinion from what i hear i think its more of a distribution issue historically n. H. S. Trusts and general practices have pictured as single businesses now its a centralized system i think if youre not within the you know the preferred pick your main gate way then then then when they run out all of that practices dont know where to get these equipment from so it is certainly a delayed what i would call a delayed response delayed response for too late were now of course in this vast increase in the capacity of beds now being provided by the government is is that you know one time. That i mean i dont know cant honestly tell you what i would say is a delayed response is better than no response i think what you have to bear in mind with doctors is not only are they worried about their safety wisht absolutely they should be if they dont have the right personal protective equipment but if if a doctor transmits code in 1000 then theyre out of action for 14 days and that its of the stink pressure on the n. H. S. The fulfil their position and their job and also there could be people walking round code in 1000 positives you know a lot of people are in a sense of magic and therefore infecting others district nurses general practitioners auspices and i think thats something that that my colleagues are even more worried about them perhaps their own health but were seeing these tests now surely theyll have an immediate impact. Hopefully if they can get them to the front as i said as i said with the hospitals i think theyre theyre getting on top of things very very quickly id like to see more done all the why the health care as i say primary care auspices and people district nurses people that are helping day by day but i think hospitals are getting on top of it and and london as you as you know is a hub and i think the London Hospitals are getting on top of it quicker than everyone else you have another concern of course you also work for a Homeless Charity rough sleepers seemingly can be the front gotten victims here despite government pledges to protect them yeah absolutely we run a Homeless Charity called the cap that where we distribute backpacks of essential items for the homeless every year so im quite involved with the homeless and of i actually know people that are working with a number of hotel chains to try and house homeless people. Jure in this crisis but it is is absolutely a concern that you know there could be forgotten within all this but but i do know that there are steps are being taken to address that and we certainly have helping if we can thank you very much indeed dr who tan and marty with all your work and thank you very much indeed for joining us live here on r t you thanks. Now lets recap those numbers for you the total number of coronavirus cases in britain is now over 19000 more than 100 people have recovered from the disease while more than 1400 have lost their lives as for now england has 16487 confirmed cases scotland has 1384 wales has 1241 a northern and has 410 well that is the 1st minister scotland announces another new Field Hospital in glasgow similar to those being built in Manchester Birmingham and east london a northern one is just as ministers released just under 200. 00 prisoners nearing the end of their sentences to help prison authorities deal with the pandemic. Across the world of the number of people confirmed to have died as noel suppost 35000. Says the total number of infected people has jumped to of 874030000 with the epicenter now in the United States more than 156000 have all ready recovered. The russian president has called on heads of other regions to follow the capitals lead and instigate tough lockdown measures to tackle the coronavirus for more on this we go now to our correspondent in moscow donald quarter donald hello to you tell us what is the president been saying then today. Well russia still managing to keep down its number of coronavirus cases for a lot lower than what were seeing in the u. S. And europe right now its a route to its just under 2000 cases but Vladimir Putin still wants ordinary people and officials to know that they need to take this crisis seriously hes asked officials across the country actually to follow moscows lead in strictly carrying out government measures that are intended to combat the spread of the virus. In the the nice to the few we need to make clear to everyone especially those in the high risk constant greek and their relatives that those who are over 65 will be safer staying at home but they need to be told strace if you want to keep your health and your life stay home use we are thinking of you please think about yourselves we build. Now the russian capitals measures that were talking about here stop just short of a full lockdown where people are now required to have special permission to leave their homes for any reason other than to take out the trash get groceries or walk their dog now putin also called for the creation of additional reserves of medical supplies to use in this in this time of crisis and for if the crisis continues to get even worse this is an important decision to make right now when the situation here is really more or less mild in comparison to other places now its also important that citizens understand the severity of the situation especially the elderly who once again has encouraged to stay home its really their best chance of protecting their health and their lives amidst this worldwide pandemic and for a while in russia this was just a recommendation but as the coronavirus cases here are gradually continue to rise the measures against it against the spread of this virus are slowly becoming more strict so perhaps through those measures russia will be able to maintain its control over the situation. Where in other places it spun completely out of control live in moscow dont cool to thank you very much indeed for that update. So come on altie you cave this. Out of this flame of britain is heading towards a recession faultless than 2008 we hear from an economics expert. Is youll media a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe from. Thyssen nation full community. Are you going the right way or are you being led. Direct. What is truth what is faith. In a world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. For a mate in the shallowness of. The Atlantic Alliance the bedrock of the post world war 2 Global Security order is slowly but surely unraveling more and more often washington in brussels by virtue of them for the Foreign Policy issues today europe has a choice to defend its interests or fade into oblivion. President trump has claimed that keeping coded 19 deaths but no 100000 in the u. S. Will be a great achievement for his administration the viruses so fall killed more than 2400 americans. Do youre talking about 2200000 deaths 2200000 people from the us and so if we could hold their own as were saying 2100000 its a horrible number maybe even worse but 2100000 so we have between 10200000. We are all together of done a very good job new york is by far the worst hit city in the u. S. Accounting for almost half of nationwide infections with hospitals overflowing central park has been turned into an emergency Field Hospital tents with dozens of beds being set up there. To be more trees being built at Birmingham Airport in preparation for an expected rise in deaths due to the virus itll initially have room for 1500. 00 bodies but the intention is to make space for up to 12000 the site is expected to accommodate deaths across the entire West Midlands as more regional more trees close the citys chief coroner says that communication with the families of victims will be at the heart of the process. We understand that it is a very difficult time for everyone and we will do all that we can to make sure bereaved families understand what is happening to their loved ones and to release them for a funeral as soon as we can. The british economy is heading for a massive contraction and on the brink of its 1st recessions and see financial crisis back in 2008 thats according to 4 comes from the center for economics and business research. The group predicts the economy would shrink slightly in the 1st quarter of this year by about half a percent however with the global downturn caused by the pandemic the 2nd quarter will see the economy contract by a never seen before 15 percent and thats almost 13 percent more than that experienced in the final quarter of 2008 when the reality of the banking crisis became clear the recession and unemployment fears come as the department for work and pensions say nearly half a 1000000 people have applied for universal credit in the last 2 weeks around 1300000 british workers lost their jobs as a result of the 2008 recession with banking manufacturing and retail sectors hardest hit over the Current Crisis to shut down all but key sectors of the economy with everything from hospitality to education now on hold but the chancellor has promised over hundreds of billions to shield both employees and the selfemployed unable to work during the pandemic but will lead chance of the need to do more to save the british economy to discuss this i was joined earlier by financial expert dr Richard Wellings he told me its time to brace ourselves for even more economic pain. The private sector accounts for around 60 percent of the economy and his chance of that of shut down so we may well be in for the worst recession the deepest recession since the early 1920 s. In the aftermath of world war one could even be worse than that and obviously would be unique in its sharpness happening so much in one quarter but economies do recover from the deepest of recessions this one could we see a very quick recovery if this virus is actually controlled this is a very big if and i think part of the problem is we may see some long term changes in economic behavior and some sectors will probably bounce back very quickly but other sectors mine not do so and thats going to cause the various adjustment problems or some sectors get into trouble and that will have knock on effects for example on the Banking System so those are the Big Questions here and obviously theres another question in terms of the public finances because going ahead going to look very very shaky indeed and that will undermine confidence in investment so well see big changes in acceptable economics then. Well i mean it does the danger i think the eventual have to go back to sound of enormous because obviously this could have happened at a worse time in many ways because weve had a really bad time since the financial crisis massive amounts of public that massive amounts of private debt there were already a very dangerous level so im pretty worried about this Going Forward and talk about debt then can the government really though prepare for a pandemic like this some of this was unavoidable wasnt it does right i mean well they can do is they can try and reassure the markets in the medium term by for example says you know its a series of spending cuts into 34. 00 years time and hopefully the crisis will be over i think that would be one way of reassuring investors and reassuring markets because they cant as a go on to spend the money and printing money forever. British fighters would assist the public during the lockdown on a ready to recover bodies if the crisis worsens as part of a joint National Approach the Emergency Service will deploy philosophizes to drive ambulances to live essential items to the vulnerable and elderly and collect bodies in the event of mass casualties during the outbreak the agreement between the fabricates union and father rescue employs is set to last for 2 months but can be amended depending on demand. We face a Public Health crisis and powell old in our lifetimes the corona Virus Outbreak is now a humanitarian emergency and firefighters rightly want to help their communities many fear the loss of life in this outbreak could be overwhelming and firefighters who often handle terrible situations and incidents are ready to step in to assist with body retrieval. To discuss this in more detail or be joined in the next up by a form of funds and thats all the news reports of the case for the moment ill be back with more for you in just over half an hour from now. I cant show you my face but im going to tell you must door in 9093 this man was sentenced to death. They could charge kenny with capital murder even though he didnt have the gun didnt pull the trigger didnt intend to kill anybody imagine living in your bathroom for the week with the scent of a 23. 00. 1000 at a very. Very. Confined within 4 gray walls. Its using. Trying to help him to leave death row. Micrographs friends arent slights and guides you know whites are men for example theres theres fights against women or nonwhites so its always the idea is that statements that directed toward a Privileged Group are interpreted differently than a statement directed toward an oppressed group and so thats kind of the whole framework and its its a political framework thats used the result is of course focusing at least on certain kinds of minor slights and saying well rather than a northern door then we need to call attention to them but its not all slights so its a very political and its contents and. The slowness of them so moving. To good use was before. Much of those who heard somebody. Say. We will. Move. Move. Move should use. The media to look to. Move most of these goals we do feel good. To go to shows look but do you assume you want me to show you stories to go. To starbucks to. Get to needed so it was the little blue mist thanks you look at israel. Sure stash not just institutionally its not its the mash told. To stop the president and please control his product until. We have produced because listening to snoop to come up with new yorkers those the girls are with you for your supporters to your shoes as they should shouldnt for you should cook door for one was devoted to the impulse to. Bottom out although i am a ill get. Back. There and out. The back of the. Pack. I love mr al pastor. And of mr alpha nightmare. Too many people and too many little Government People for them to tell you that oh come on you can come were going to protect you and youre not going to do that. Cold

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