Transcripts For RT Going Underground 20240712 :

RT Going Underground July 12, 2024

Wanted more action from him within the community if theres one thing that i noticed ever since that ive been alive when president term ran in 2000 and in 2016 is that he talked to minorities he talked on as they were people he talked over them and he basically said what you know just i mean what do you have to lose then he walked into the community with dr ben carson all right now lets i never see any republican president ial candidate walk in the community in detroit on streets of detroit just walking down the streets now and that alone should show that hes a different type of person. To get things done in iraq i really wish. But he would do it on a more regular basis because if if i know one thing about the black community is that they know when they see a genuine person and they know when they are made theres not jane they support President Trump they would offend President Trump when people Start Talking about barack obama or things that are happening in the country but what do you make i mean you said that he took a walk there what do you make of the Television Networks who make no secret of the fact they appear to support joe biden in november saying hes a photo of president we saw what he did in washington when he walked to that church in hell that bible up maybe the wrong way but you know what he they turned they turned the tide they they didnt like him. They used him in 2016 for ratings as much as they could but he upset the applecart he upset the establishment in thats why i told him i was like you cant forget the people that voted for you is preciously with minorities and believe me a lot of minorities they want to be heard and if you dont connect with them on a regular basis on a regular i know prison drawbars is busy with world world issues and everything i get what you cant forgive the people that got you in going into a community and and talking to sort of people on the street ok but the executive order he signed does not defund the police one of the central aims of black lives matter when you are away when you talk to trump i mean these are state Police Forces that weve seen deal with protesters not really to do it donald trump there donald trump pushchairs with some of the protest as a dislike of Law Enforcement he said he said quite a bit about federal Law Enforcement. There isnt he if theres nothing that weve seen about him foot for people who are straight. In a long narrow way and the large when it comes sense individuals they know the president is a compassionate president now yes he hits back hard and people hit at him but but he has compassion about the American People now and im sure that when he sees those things happen on t. V. Im sure that he it hits him in a certain way but you cant get rid of law and order i mean he weighed in on being a law and order president you can i mean he backs a police from day one he he backs but yes there are some bad apples now what about bad apples we just had compassionate i mean that he said dominate the protesters as we were watching on our television screens. Come on now i mean they were hurt in secret Service People i mean. They i mean some you cant walk out there with apple pie and said oh please stop its rays if theyre hurting. Secret Service Agents and stuff aside the white house. You know you so i mean what so i didnt criticize any of the state Police Forces actually under the governance of democrats every state does what i mean he the president of the United States he did only offer suggestions for states the states are going to do whatever he want to do i mean i mean look he also told them to reopen up. Their state and a whole lot of democratic. Governors right now are going to go over it up just yet so whatever the president says is up to the governors of those states and say ok we agree or we dont agree were going to do it our way i mean you take a nuanced position arguably we invite Candice Owens on the right wing commentator youve been very clear that you have been dead against any kind of victim blaming a say in the cases of george floyd or. Do you think donald trump shares your opinion about that well i know he does and and his you think and i know to he. Retreated kandice but there are many times when he tweets. Maybe you know maybe i shouldnt have done it but. Im glad that i was able to go to right house to talk to him about it because i was like listen the direction that can this is gone or the direction that that that that that argument is going is not going to help you minorities. Election time did he express frustration with you when you were at the white house in the past few days about why it is always joe biden that seems to come off well out of these protests i mean he tweeted sleepy joe bidens 994. 00 crime bill was a total disaster it was a mass incarceration for black people that doesnt seem to be getting through to media internationally let alone where you are is not going to its not going to be. Media and the establishment the political establishment is still angry that the American People didnt follow their instructions to does 16 and vote for Hillary Clinton theres still that angry that the American People for once in a whole generation a light on that decided they were going to pick whoever they want to be ok so and so im im sort of going to to prop it up because so many people dont think about what. People receives see from our media you know they just live in our bubble and you know whatever whatever what im always worried about what is broadcast it out because our media has been well i mean it doesnt tell the truth about a whole lot of things that happen in this country. And where you expect us to trust our institutions here in this country our institutions like. You know our institutions lied to us and Many Americans know that so thats why we go out and we start looking for other sources you mention our media but theres other sources out there that we can finally use to get the truth about certain things they dont like president sharp you talk about 92 percent negativity of reporting since 206092 percent who does that forward a leader and and and then they come out and then they said it hes a dictator. You going to give the president United States 92 percent negativity push up the other guy they pushed up Hillary Clinton they put up Hillary Clinton bob said that she was up double digits like that like joe biden is right now and is in job right it is up 40 points they said Hillary Clinton it was up double digits. A couple weeks before the election and she lost do you think trump understands that say youre an entrepreneur a black entrepreneur youre going to be treated differently when youre getting a loan from the local bank some people have said that the police in your country are basically bureaucrats with weapons exercising the endemic racism in your country isnt that the point which is why the defunding element which wasnt mentioned in the executive order is so crucial to the i think i think the issue is on both sides were were gart in representative police. And the people within the community. And i topers interim when i was in the white house i was like listen. This movie wall because there is a blue wall with Police Departments with police and they take is almost like the military or something happens with the person on your level person on your right you supposed to have them back because youre in a wartime situation when it comes to being out on the street dealer a criminals who have some sometimes have better guns and better equipped than what you are i understand the police have to watch each others back but they have to be accountable and if you get rid of the blue wall and the only way you can do that is from the top down and and im sure a prison truck understands that but then again theres only so much you can do as president. So. The states are going to do whatever if you watch whats happening up there washington right now he can only say what he what he wants and and you know he said that if you dont change these things where you know im going to have to move to military nuke because i can have an lawlessness taking over the town now. There there are ways that he can get the National Guard in there but but to get back to send already then look ive got to ask you given that you were with trump in the past few days and it may sound a ridiculous question but intelligence agencies have already been maneuvering arguably any evidence to suggest trumps a russian spy when he went to the white house a serious no no and again thats our media. This that they ran that story for like shit what 2 and a half years and then when everything broke out then it turned into. The impeachment thing if the media knows what theyre doing when they try to tear down. Some moneys reputation and they and theyve been very good at destroying summation great credibility in leaving them for nothing but real quick we got to get rid of the war we got to get rid of blue are within the Police Community and hope policemen accountable for their actions if you hurt somebody if you kill somebody you have to be a held accountable for it but then on the other side in the community we have to learn to trust police and also turn in criminals not be afraid so that so that and also start respecting the law so you mean youd send in the militarized police the National Guard to the capitol hill autonomy zone in seattle or jazz. Cello chet jazz or chet chit chat is 100 percent unlawful you know ok i mean. Well we can have we can have it in this country. If it was up there are going to turn you know paris communes in Washington State their way to pray thank you. After the break why with this Program Going underground to be singled out over George Floyds murder for a Us Department of Homeland Security bulletin distributed to all Law Enforcement across the United States according to a. B. C. And fox news we speak to a catalyst for the me to move which was my go on about exceptionalism and revolution. To going on the ground. The peoples republic of just a nonconformist utopia or a politically correct. Nonetheless the experiment being played out in seattle is no laughing matter the ideas of law and order and the legitimate use of force are at stake a piece of advice go visit before she visits you. The simple things workshops and. Public spaces where adults with learning disabilities can engage on equal terms with creative activities like graphics sewing ceramics. Cookery and joinery. Just giving you shit whats it you know what. You know what justice what did you give one case a couple of them. The underlying idea of the workshop is a calendar of which they feel for us to find joy in Little Things of. Welcome back according to disney and a. B. C. News which says it received a leaked intelligence bulletin from the Us Department of Homeland Security the u. S. Military Industrial Complex is not happy with going underground and its coverage of the global uprisings that have followed the murder of george floyd in minneapolis a. B. C. News said the intelligence bulletin cited going underground on our team is applauding americans for being justified in rioting against the corrupt american capitalist system well for more were joined from an undisclosed location by rose mcgowan one of time magazines persons of the year and author of the New York Times bestseller brave shes a catalyst for the me too movement her latest artistic endeavor is the album planet 9 thanks so much for coming back on the show rosa before we get to mass uprisings across the u. S. You tweeted about being a malign actor you said these actors criticize the u. S. As hypocritical corrupt and undemocratic racist guilty of human rights and you said you were proud to be one of the bad actors tell me why. Well i would estimate probably 52 percent of the people on the planet if not more think the United States is. The way they face their bait for a trade by r t another bad act out there doing it on our own im not really sure why they need it its been doing this for a long long time its kind of part of a strange selfdelusion amassed illusion of american perception around the world and you of course when you came and talked about your book brave talk about being a former member of a cult you actually think there are some parallels between the United States and the cold oh i know there are i was introduced to america at orderings for a military school and yes 10 and what a sermonize from a very early age is people telling me how strange it was how i grew up and seen that i countered i find it very strange how you live which to me means youre living in a class structure and there are oppressive system that operates exactly like a cult specifically with america were number one dont repeat here its scary out there the news is that its so controlled and shown there that never shows anything around the world other than migrates for people trying to break in the United States take what we have you know it does a huge disservice in American Public that also does a huge disservice a world who is cult like way of thinking 1000000 nice smashed whats going on right there and america right now incredibly well from wherever you are now i know you dont only watch id if you watch any of the stations anywhere in the world really theyve been covering the mass uprisings what has it been like for you to watch the violence all around the United States well i think it is thats the whole thing with journalism we just couches violence its not just violence all of the United States its an uprising its a were not going to take this anymore because every single time only hopes and prayers can actually stop thats not whats needed is action what is needed is civil disobedience to civil revolution at the. And its a day because if nobodys listening if the cult leaders arent listening you have to make listen in the cult leaders of america to be trumpeting the obama could be anybody is its all the same under that like structure and it feels weird not participating in it it feels strange and against my nature finally. Im doing a lot of things behind the scenes and i think right now its a great leveller people have the mike and im watching them with great pride and all my strength and energy is being sent to them but what would that make you feel when you saw joe biden talking at the funeral of george floyd some on the right of you see accusing the democrats of coopting black lives matter i think the democrats pretty much coopt anything its kind of theyre saying you know you could see it witness with joe biden coopting me till until it became politically inconvenient since he was accused of Sexual Assault a topic not really in the News Headlines in the media right now arguably now arguably because theres other things going on but it is something thats real and it is out there and it needs to be examined but it wont be by American Media and what you see in america you get from america with a world a slew merica what i get from it when there is a direct result of that media manipulation political manipulation in hollywood that all goes together b. You dont think journalism made a educated evidence based decision that donald trump the evidence shows he is a sexual predator and the joe biden isnt in the same league is that what theyve date basically designed that well i think its convenient at that point isnt it and whos to say levels of predation whats worse you know if you destroy one persons life 1st the sondra you know whats whats a life or thing and me its like seriously cant get anybody better than an old ventriloquist dummy with botox me joe biden come on now well obviously joe biden denies it. Any of the accusations befalling might even be even with joe biden how he fights for the black vote or to get the black vote but doesnt seem to do much in return and he touts his you know skills as working across the aisles republicans and democrats working together well i would say and submit gentle men but if youve gotten this far and this is what were seeing on the streets today that this is what the men in power protestant and the women i support that like structure i would say sit down you can do better that you need to do better if you cant you need to move aside because the time is now we need revolution were having a revolution now i see a New York Times headline for real it all just go back to normal way it was and thats not how it works not this time i really on the mentally feel like this one is different and. This is again a sign of a cult that hollywood which hollywood boulevard had all black lives matter is it another sign of a cult that theyre forgotten by the ins their connections to segregation and mass incarceration i dont think thats a cult like way of thinking on the part of hollywood and others i think thats just not even being aware you know theyre aware of optics and how things appear to other people we see think they are mad kind of people the red hat people that make America Great again people that some reason they can really see the truth. But a lot of other people on the liberal side cant but it does operate like a cult but in this instance i think hollywoods always been

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