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Want to begin with one of the most important topics for all americans housing right now millions of you are asking the following questions given the volatile economic and political times that we are going through 1st and foremost do i sell my home before it loses its value. What happens. Those people who arent paying their mortgage are suddenly forced to pay up by the way those who arent paying for at least 3 months they make up 8 percent of the homeowner population and they reportedly account for more than 800000000000. 00 in unpaid principal so what happens when the government for marriage Forbearance Program comes due will there be a glut of homes suddenly on the market out there and then theres the question of whether big cities are going to just empty out who wants to live there right what happens in our nations urban centers who will want to live in a crowded densely populated city with elevators Tall Buildings occasional spurts of racial unrest these are the trends that some really smart people spend their entire lives studying and come to grips with and what theyre finding this may surprise you youre going to be hearing here in just a moment from one of the top one of the top practitioners when it comes to housing in the field you do so right here on news rick sanchez where we believe it is time to do news again. Heres a list of the questions that. We think youll be asking tomorrow after watching our newscast today is housing in america about to go through a revolutionary trends formation a statue of Abraham Lincoln freeing slaves threatened really. Is new york really stopping americans from going there why. So here is really the big story right the big takeaway the goban aidid pandemic and its subsequent impact on the Global Economy followed by the ratio that is now taking place and will have an effect on housing now you hear a lot about the stock market and how its up or its down because of all these developments that weve experienced but the stock market look effects are about 10 percent of all americans and less than 2 percent of all of the people on earth but you know what does affect all People Housing because one way or another we all need a roof over our heads so we thought this was the topic that we should drill down on joining us now Jason Hardwick who knows housing by the way from the inside out is an extremely successful Real Estate Investor who connects with thousands of people weekly on Jason Hartman dot com where he shares some of his insight with others and hes here to do it for us right now all right jason lets start with this 1st. Have these times that weve been going through what the Economic Situation the pandemic cetera et cetera have they caused home prices to go down. Well rick thanks for having me back i mean its counterintuitive but the exact opposite has occurred and now when we look at who prices in talk about this stuff virtually all of the statistics any of us here are National Statistics and as you know Housing Market in the country as large as the United States obviously there are so many markets its a huge country even out 400. 00 local markets if you will that can really be divided into 3 categories linear cyclical and hybrid so to answer your question expensive Housing Markets were already suffering before the pandemic there were already. Lot of lots of stories about Expensive Properties even new york city in los angeles even in less expensive markets like seattle certainly San Francisco south florida miami area boston washington d. C. To a lesser extent because thats the government that skews the stats those were already suffering before the pandemic but interesting we are now we are seeing this mass migration out of high density areas and the Housing Market by and large is up there is very little in tory and whats of demand so lets call it the burbs for lack of a better term as weve always referred to it here in america if you live in the suburbs have a home and youre hunkering down in it keep it sell it because the value you have in your home is pretty much the value you have right now as a person right i mean mattera lee of course. You know. You know the suburbs i think those homes are going to do very well through this actually i think if you own suburban properties now keep them because there is a tidal wave of people moving in your direction. I want to be out of high density areas i dont want to take mass transit they dont want to get into elevators. And you know if you live in a condo complex in a. City that is 4 stories or less youre probably ok but if you live in anything thats considered middle rise which is 5 stories and i 4 high rise 12 stories and i would really be concerned about Properties Like that and you know were already maybe were now already witnessing the 2nd wave of infection and you alluded to the racial strife and riots and you know thats just one more reason not to live in cities i ask your question though because everything that you are saying although conflictive with what we would think is going on maiming some sense if you for if you if you if you consider that theres a lot of money out there i mean the governments been pouring money one of the things that started something called forbearance which i learned from you were delayed by the way which is where they will tell you you dont have to pay your mortgage for the next 3 months 6 months or even a year ok so lets suppose thats the reason that everything is still stable and nothing has imploded or exploded but what happens when that Forbearance Program out is what the government stops the gravy train sort of speak is that when we are very. Very good question the end the real answer is none of us know none of us know because the economy has own lot of challenges to had i mean we still have massive unemployment you know to to use a phrase weve all become familiar with relating to the virus the curve in terms of the Unemployment Rate but still things are things are pretty sketchy out there in these Forbearance Programs you know its still unclear as to whether or not thats a lay away program if there might be some forgiveness. It will just be tacked on to the back of the womb for what the working out is going to be at the end of these forbearance periods that are 36. 00 or 12 months and you know this is what the government does they always distort every market because they come in with aid and bailouts and stimulus and it just distorts things and it makes it hard for any of us to know whats really going on so if to some degree its definitely a gas but i would say for sure low priced housing necessity oriented housing in suburban markets where people can socially distance where they feel safe where theyre not in cities that are having riots and civil unrest and theyre not taking elevators and mass transit where they might you know. You know catch a virus. Those are a pretty safe bet because the other thing thats happened during this whole thing is everybodys really realized that the moon is the center of the universe and since so many people are working at home now they actually need a larger home they need more space so instead of living in that sort of 1000. 00 a month 600 square foot condo or a person in new york city. The 100. 00 they can get a 12. 00 to 1500. 00 square foot suburban house with a yard or 2 car garage in a Nice Community and theyre already working at home so whats the difference if its you know if its. 10 miles away or 100 miles away or a 1000 miles away its all the same you tell it so well. And hartman a guy who has made millions and millions of dollars in real estate and he started as a kid investing in real estate and were just so glad to be able to have a motto take us through these explanations because they do make sense well follow to see and hopefully well be able to have a conversation about that so much jason always appreciated by fred thanks rick. All right heres another interesting story youre going to be. Abraham Lincoln Statue is being threatened in washington d. C. Its not just any statue by the way there it is your thats a live picture that youre looking at right there of this statue thats just a few blocks away from where were sharing this newscast with you right now its a statue that portends to show or depict Abraham Lincoln freeing slaves so we want to know whats going on with this lets go ahead and pull out youre going to see fair and shes following this story for us to try and pick up a story i guess the question is what is offensive about this according to some of these protesters. And any forms of art whether its a painting or in this case a bronze statue its all kind of you know what the the visual what youre seeing and what people kind of interpret rather than what the artist you know originally meant to show no demurrage really meant to show you know abraham freeing the slaves however those that are against the statue say that this actually shows that the black man will always be below the white man im going to step out of the ways you can take another look at it and see if youre seeing that interpretation as well now the ironic part of this rick is that it was paid for by free slaves the statue of the emancipation immoral it was actually dedicated back on april 14th 876. 00 the anniversary of president Abraham Lincolns assassination Frederick Douglass spoke at that unveiling now it was former slave Charlotte Scott that used her 1st 5. 00 that she earned in freedom to launch a Fund Raising Campaign to the statue that would honor him some argue in the black community that they want to keep the statue to honor those slaves who paid for it but on the other side you have for example u. S. Congresswoman for d. C. Eleanor Holmes Norton she tweets out the designers of the emancipation statue in lincoln park in d. C. Didnt take into account the views of africanamericans it shows blacks who fought to end enslavement thats why im introducing a bill to move this statue to a museum now one of the interesting things rick is that there are protesters theyre going to be coming here tonight at 7 pm there is a chance for severe weather. Happen but its expected to be pandemonium where they want to actually bring down the statue and thats where President Trump has called in the d. C. National guard to protect a lot of these monuments however the big caviar is that theyre not going to be armed they will be unarmed National Guardsman but the other caviar here is whats interesting and researching the statue is you actually have a nother replica of the statue in boston the exact same statue of Abraham Lincoln showing him again freeing the slaves holding the emancipation proclamation in his right hand and you have the mayor mayor marty walsh is actually considering removing the statue and boston as well rick because it depends on the honor of the holder in these cases but it makes for an article that i should have thank you for bringing us up to date on the wall. Street home. Id like to get one of the host questions for the actually listens to the yes answer and then react to that answer a folks Dennis Miller here got a new show. Oh yeah oh. Please. Go by. On the larry king question listening learning you know all is said i never learned anything when i was talking its important to listen to question more. Theres so much going on in the walls dont you think whens the last time you add a real birds eye view of. The news feed more than just hours of bickering and give me 30 minutes ill take you off the low. Im chris hedges the corporate coup detat has destroyed our Democratic Institutions the commercial media is burlesque part of the reality show president s expose the trivial lives seen on contact question more. Hey welcome back i want you to listen to something the governor of florida is now saying this is very different because essentially remember when in florida and everywhere else many of the people who were getting. Coronavirus were older 5060 even 79 hours that has changed so the numbers are way up in florida but here listen to the governor tell it. When we started this in march the median age of people who tested positive was i think 65 as the testing ramped up that went into the fiftys but it was pretty much in the fiftys for most of the time and then just recently has really plunged so that last week the median age was 35 years old thats thats dramatic i think right from fiftys sixtys to now mid thirtys so weve asked john hardy to try and explain this to us whats going on there in the Sunshine State with these numbers and whats it mean job. Well theyre good question so lets lets talk about the numbers right now there is more than 114000 cases of hope in 1000 state wide and as governor of the santas was talking about it begs the question ok whos getting sick right so the age demographic that with the highest infection rate right now rick is the 24 to 35 year old demographic so basically millennialism heres the thing that makes sense because as the states started reopening phase one in late may phase 2 earlier this month about 3 weeks ago in phase 2 it was bars restaurants health clubs thats the demographic thats working in that industry the industry the hospitality restaurants industry which really drives south florida and particularly is the big industry here in miami and Miami Dade County which by the way if you want to talk about and at the center of cove in 1000 cases statewide this is where it is its Miami Dade County its not highest infection rate so thats the demo. Graphic of the people that are most sick. Thats the bad news also the number of cases the number of hospitalizations continues to go up heres the thing state and local officials are saying 2 factors one the reopening of businesses reopening of the state bake specht an uptick ok also more testing being done basically anyone and everyone rick who wants to go get tested for cold 19 or the antibodies you can do it whether its through your Health Care Provider whether its one of at one of the doc in the box is an urgent care place or through the city or county you can go get tested so theres been an increase in the number of tests and with that an increase in the number of positive cases you know but what is alarming what is troublesome for officials is how far its going up on a daily basis you know today no exception more than 5000 new cases i think tuesday set a record more than 5400 new cases of coded 90 statewide so basically when youre looking at the Health Metrics on the on the states coated ones that handy code in 1000 tracker youre seeing an upward trend across the board that is a concern for local and state officials so quickly whats being done well here in the city of miami the mayor of Miami Francis suarez is now requiring all residents everybody who is out to wear a mask unless youre working out unless youre running unless youre youre biking i have a mask you know im not trying to fool you im not trying to look cool i do have a mask so you do have a lot more people im seeing Walking Around people are Wearing Masks and some people are a lot of people still arent ok but more people are going out rick more younger people that millennial demographics 24 to 55 year old those are the people that are going out those are the people that are going to the bars to the restaurants those are the people that are working in the industry but again this continuous upward trend that is troubling to officials in you know as far as mitigating that. Look the bars the restaurants you have to wear a mask when you go in when youre sitting at a table you dont when youre out about you have to wear a mask its not being enforced so various places are trying to do their best you know is it going to continue to climb its kind of a wait and see approach well see but as far as the state closing down again rick thats not in the cards thats not happening at this point but its interesting great great great stuff great great very comprehensive report thanks for making us understand whats going on there in the Sunshine State and then all those you probably heard of stone. You know the massive stone monument in england that was built some 5000 years ago and while so much birch think the complicated network of structures were once a part of ancient burial little known settlements maybe still question the Historic Site in of itself but bathers a discovery near stonehenge its offering even more insight about life theyre here now to childless. For over a decade the ancient site at stonehenge has slowly been revealing secrets but now a team of archaeologists have discovered a major prehistoric monument near the Historic Site and its really new details about life some 4500 years ago archaeologists led from the university of bradford have discovered a circle of deep shafts near the World Heritage site of stonehenge the largest prehistoric structure ever found in britain and possibly europe the team found at least 20 massive historic shafts that are more than 32 feet wide and 16 feet deep within the circles spanning more than a mile in diameter around the during 10 walls hand which is about 2 miles away from stonehenge coring of the shasta just at the features are neolithic and excavated more than 4500 years ago around the same time during and walls was built the ring was discovered using Remote Sensing technology and what were previously believed to be empty spaces between the monuments that make up the nest go World Heritage site professor Vincent Gaffney of the university of bradford said in this. Statement the area around stonehenge is among the most studied archaeological landscapes on earth and it is remarkable that the application of new technology can still lead to the discovery of such a massive prehistoric structure which currently is significantly larger than any comparative prehistoric monuments that we know of in britain at least now use our purpose for the shaft is still unclear yet one hominid theory is that they acted as a barrier to his thinking area thats connected to stonehenge which many experts believe was a sacred site used for significant serum monies including burials reporting in new york Trinity Chavez r. T. In the past couple of weeks i have seen reporters Wearing Masks when they were completely isolated or even outdoors in the middle of nowhere almost as if to send some type of political message to signal what side they were on ive also watched reporters doing live shots while walking with protesters as they chant and hold up signs declaring a specific political ideology the protesters not the reporters are some of these reporters crossing the line and where is that line journalistically speaking joining me now is Award Winning journalist and nationally syndicated writer Ruben Navarrette you know its interesting ruben ive spent a lifetime making decisions like this when ive covered stories i was on the ground covering hurricanes and earthquakes i was there at 911 when i felt compelled sometimes to help my fellow citizens in their cause although i was wearing the journalists have where is that line and have are we crossing it right now. Rick sanchez so good to be back with you yes we we are crossing that line its there the line is there its blurry and heres why its blurry its one thing for you when youre covering a hurricane to go out and try to render aid to save somebodys life i would argue you should do that take the consequences youre a human being before youre a journalist ok thats important this is a different story if you cross that line to join a protest not to cover the protests but to be part of the protests because you agree with the protesters. Youve crossed a whole different line that is not acceptable then you ought to hang it up you no longer being an objective journalist here its not going to interesting rick if youre walking alongside the let me tell you thats what i was just there not ok not there yet not protesting were just walking with the journalists with the protesters while they talk and think its our yes heres no no thats not right either heres thats a correct either heres the i should say aloud either heres why ive done this youve done this if im covering a protest in Downtown Phoenix immigrants rights protests and im sympathetic to that cause if im outside the corridor or walking with them with my notepad thats fine but the minute i cross into the corridor and im surrounded by the crowd then i become part of the protest yeah sometimes a matter of just a few feet but theres a big difference in those few feet how about these these these reporters doing stories with masks in places where like theyre doing theyre Wearing Masks in their homes or Wearing Masks in the middle of nowhere seems like theyre trying to political statement does it not it does to me yeah virtual signal signaling i think weve crossed a line here where i support wearing a mask we should all be wearing mad its a big deal yeah its important were not done done with us more importantly coronavirus but i think theres a lot of virtual signalling going on with journalists on camera and live shots were going to ask as a statement your right to say not just you should do it but look at me im so enlightened i do it yeah i think you make great points good stuff great great stuff ruben i think youre i think youre spot on on the way you took both of the thank you my friend Ruben Navarette ward winning journalist joining us live to us there. And there is a development in the nascar story about the new show that they had found in that garage and steve christakis is joining us now to tell us what it is yes rick so of course as we spoke about yesterday there was no hate crime Bubba Wallace the nascar driver was not the target of a hate crime the f. B. I. Investigation found that and because there would be no way to know that his team would have had that stall of course because its been there since last fall 29. However nascar did officially release the newest picture today of the noose that was in that stall last weekend and we can show it to you right there that was hanging in bubble wallaces garage stall number 4 last weekend and that is what his team members saw when they alerted security and then the president of nascar but wallace also to reiterate never saw it he wasnt at the garage while he was informed that this was hanging there and you could speak for itself you can look at the picture and determine what that is for yourself yeah so they found a noose but it had nothing to a bubble wallace because it wasnt targeting him at all it just was there and who knows why it was there or who put it there why we have why i was even there to begin with and we do know it was the only one of the garage cells that was fashioned like a noose like that so its not typical at all but that is just the picture that i mean i dont have anything else would be conjecture right and were just not going to go there until i guess that lets because we dont know who did it or why that why exactly so there it is good stuff but i am glad we followed up on that yes now soccer yes big news out of the womens soccer world so the next countries to host the world cup well its a joint bid it is australia and new zealand are going to host the womens world cup in 2023 and this is important because its the 1st time the world cup will be split across 2 confederations 1st cohosted womens edition and the field will expand from 24. 00 to 32. 00 teams thats big news for women theyre expanding the sport globally and they beat out colombia for this 22. 00 to 13. 00 of votes after japan had dropped out on monday for the run and saw show you new zealand but its so beautiful that is well you know what if you look at how the Sydney Opera House theyre celebrating there so theyre so so so they put all these images up to celebrate the fact that theyve got it yes and its you know they do that if you have a right its beautiful that is fantastic yeah wow cool yeah that is or that they deserve it i would have voted for sydney yeah yeah well between have at and sydney but i go to the end of sydney yet i will be one of the city has to be hosting it out of i think theres 7 in australia alone that are hosting you know theyll travel from city to city so thatll be fun to have in 2023 and gianni if its you know is pledging 1000000000. 00 to invest in womens soccer 100000000. 00 in prize money so that in the hell. That the president of the for johnny all you know great big deal but in the last story i want to get to real quick on the doll our favorite one of our favorite tennis guys here he took a tour around his Tennis Academy as weve seen there Walking Around with the actually uncle tony who his uncle used to be one of his coaches but is checking out his Tennis Academy they call it the dream Tennis School its rough in the dolls academy there in spain and he was just checking out the progress and so that was pretty cool to see what he loves that guy is great as somebody loves not all i dont think theres a person on earth who doesnt like a guy i mean a guy who goes money to kidding thanks to thats our news thanks so much for being with us and see what its time to do this. Every single part of america pretty much just doesnt do what it says it does if the companies dont make the Car Companies dont make cars the computers dont make computers they dont do what they say theyre doing all theyre doing is theyre gaming the system by getting a free pass from the set if youre part of the privileged class and then you know whipping that up to be so you pay days for the executives. I see the biggest. Risk. As you just try says its high like it is shooting the quality and i think one of the 6 that education. Changes access to the internet for Educational Needs to be i think to do this. And truly. Runs. Trail of tears pure as you can see beyond the 1st place in your sunni. Community as days ago i was the impetus was losing the voice and you go through. Temper taste sure strange feeling i mean to be a small area but im sure mr. Bush is just mind that doesnt leave mr to add to closure because to me that can each nation can bugger the newman. Just got. There was this one as a choice for news hellmouth. The fox was decent of course and used it. If. Your pitch. Theres a little dick was made you should by now that i hold that youth weld want to end it almost 75 years ago but thousands went missing in action lost in the woods and in swamps their families never knew what happened to them many are still waiting for

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