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Transcripts For RT Going Underground 20240712 :
Transcripts For RT Going Underground 20240712 :
RT Going Underground July 12, 2024
Coming on well britains foreign minister
James Cleverly
he briefed the u. N. Security council telling israel it must end
Settlement Expansion
the demolishing of palestinian homes and saying that netbios an exception of the west bank is an acceptable. Well with the greatest respect to the foreign minister and clearly britain and israel have been allies and friends for many years having said that what is happening today is quite a bit different that what the foreign minister is suggesting to the
Security Council
or to the
United Nations
overall and that is that israel may apply in coordination with the
United States
civilian israeli law in place of military law in jewish communities where 500000 jews live east of the 1967 lines which is known as disputed territory it is not occupied palestinian territory that is just simply a legal mistake that many of our friends in europe continue to make and in fact what israel is doing with potential to applying israel on the
Jordan Valley
is to set up the possibility for a 2 state for 2 people solution not to eliminate that possibility we have seen the
Palestinian Authority
reject 6 straight offers for peace including 94 percent offered by mr olmert the former
Prime Minister
92 percent offered by former missed by former
Prime Minister
mr brock and in fact everyone in the
International Community
after those offers and said well what could the pa the palestinians possibly want they basically got 100 percent solution with land swap that theyve been demanding and built and still chairman abbas has said no no and that is how we want to have this civilian lawyer talking about because hes saying its a mistake that the permanent members is allowed un
Security Council
resolution 23342016 saying israeli settlements in
Palestinian Land
occupied since 1067 have no legal solidity be plainer than that u. N. Resolution can well that u. N. Resolution unfortunately and very regrettable regrettably it was not boycotted by the u. S. Administration and in fact it was many believe in israel that that was a final act of. A swat in the face by former president barack obama but what the u. S. Who cares what the usa says this is the
International Community
this is the u. N. Resolution this is the general this is the
Security Council
thats right and youre talking about civilian a civilian deal im talking about the the
International Legal
department of the u. S. State department in 2020 has declared by their best at by their best jurists that israeli settlement israeli settlements and communities east of the 67 lines are perfectly legal there is a political difference between many members of the
International Community
and the jurist in the state of israel and today the jurists in the state department on the same side of the state of israel so that those in the state of those in the
International Community
and even in the
Security Council
would be well advised to state what it is legally that they disagree with in the state departments 2020 decision before asserting that israel is acting illegally in its own historic homeland but the british itself implored the
International Community
to recognize 100 years ago so youre saying the u. S. State department which we know to factor sanctions torture and guantanamo torture in abu ghraib maybe a 1000000 killed wounded or dead from the iraq war the u. S. State
Department Legal
advice is more important than
International Law
as written down by the u. N. Security council. Well the u. N. Security council doesnt write
International Law
they basically apply political decisions based on their political understanding of what of what they think that an
International Law
says but here the best jurist in the
United States
have now turned back the former legal opinion of the
Carter Administration
which by the way the very
Security Council
that you are quoting they were quoting the former state
Department Legal
adviser was her cancel so now it would probably be a good idea to look into why did jurist in the u. S. State department under
President Donald Trump
have taken a different opinion. But i think that we should stay out of the legal leaves and the details that sure to me dont think we would both accept that the u. S. Legal system doesnt define what is the law and what is not law or what is considered legal and what is not legal obviously
International Putting
the u. N. Calls the annexation a war crime i mean well yeah but at all
Amnesty International
as you and i both know is one of the most politicized and cynically biased organizations against against the jewish state and its fundamental rights i wouldnt think amnesty that amnesty denies that it has he denies that and in fairness they they would prefer to say presuming they swing all
Different Directions
rather than being biased. Well we can you know you and i can have a word smithing. Of mud wrestling match between jerusalem and london but but it is well known here among the israeli left the
Political Center
and certainly the right of center that m. T. S. Amnesty international is a
Political Warfare
organisation not exactly supporting the human rights of too many people particularly those in gaza when it. And in the west bank under
Palestinian Authority
control when it refuses to write about gross violations of human rights under the palestinian
State Government
in the west bank as well as in gaza you mentioned gaza what do you expect will be the response from gaza or i know that there are alarms all in south israel from small rocket attacks and horrific pictures of aerial bombardment of whats been called the largest open air prison camp in the world in gaza just in the past few days is that netanyahu basically going to catalyze the extremists help the extremists in fact is it not this the end of the century that is playing into the hands of those who israel call extremists well i think that our friends frankly at russians today would know exactly what the risk of dealing with islamic extremists are throughout russias presence in syria when extremists are attacking
Russian Troops
as they have been attacking others in syria and lessen the hamas doesnt need an excuse to attack israel just take a look at the hamas government covenant go on to google and see what they say about killing the jews and thats all you need to understand about what hamas is motivations are how much how much that refutes the edges of arguments but i know you mentioned syria that was that the it was that israel that was helping those extremists the extreme islamist factions in syria to try to overthrow president assads government in damascus president assad told me on this program. That. The funding was coming from sources like israel or that would be very convenient for a president assad to say but i would say that what you just reported is is 360. 00 degrees off in fact i just asked the good people of syria hundreds of thousands of move have been murdered by iranian backed factions as well as their own government but but israel as you know has protected its own plaque on a mall you know israel it was israel that financed how much straight just thats me i was only clear that israel financed the beginning of hama yes that is just its completely 1st of all thats completely inaccurate militarization of hamas was not not only not funded by israel but israel led the fight against the islamists the group that came out of egypt and in the beginning remember it was the p. L. O. And the fact that committed itself to israels total destruction and which today by the way funds the major terror threats and i think that it would be worth taking another look before asserting that israel finance hamas well in fairness to both ends it is a must would obviously became to deny that as well well look over here we have a new labor leader to get a stomach in no doubt you didnt like
Jeremy Corbyn
much his shadow foreign secretary these and then he has said that the settlement product bans should be enforced there should be boycotts of any products being produced in the in the settlements a case of the rise of anti semitism again the u. K. Board of deputies has told the sickest ahmet to disown the comments by these and then well 1st of all i just want to clarify that its not israel that only isro that this light former
Labor Party Leader
Jeremy Corbett
it was the majority of those good people in the u. K. That saw him as a virulent antisemite someone who embraced his ball up. Someone who embraced the mosque both of whom had very unpleasant and even violent intentions towards the u. K. But moving towards the current. The
Current Issue
of boycotts boycotts are an expression of the total cancellation of any jewish rights in the small jewish state israel is in a century long conflict with its palestinian neighbors led by organizations that are committed to the destruction of the very small and only state of the jewish people and therefore those who call for boycotting israel are really calling for political and
Economic Warfare
in order to destroy the jewish state by other means other than flat military or terrorist or terrorist means itself no one called for the boycott of turkeys illegal line extension of
Northern Cyprus
nobody called for the boycott the world wide boycott against russia for its illegal acts sation of crimea but when israel actually puts up porches. Completely legal 2500000 jews in disputed territory the whole world rises up because there has to be a moral earthquake over this issue thats im sorry thats flat out antisemitism russia has he denies that i could legally in crimea when my jeremy called me on the hasnt been on this show since a few years just finally is israel prepared for a new intifada should there be an annexation and he said as it prepared for a wide
Arab Alliance
to militarily respond to what as i say is considered illegal under
International Law
let me give you a scoop on russia today why are there no demonstrations in any of the major arab capitals today why are there no demonstrations across the west bank in all of the 7 major palestinian city because the
Palestinian People
funny enough are much more frustrated with
Mahmoud Abbas
whom they see as a corrupt. Prosy they see their future with israel either through
Economic Cooperation
political cooperation medical cooperation social cooperation and so to the arab world lets just remember for our russia today audience that every single country in the arab world showed up on june 25th 2019 at the peace to prosperity economic workshop the only ones who werent there with the
Palestinian Authority
and therefore the
Palestinian Authority
has isolated itself from the rest of the arab world so far from being an intifada i think were seeing a very distressed palestinian leadership that sees itself isolated in its own areas by its own public and isolated in the larger middle east israel is wants to reach out and help its palestinian neighbor were more than happy to have good neighborly relations against 8 independent sovereign palestinian entity but not at the risk of destroying or strategically assaulting the jewish state we dont need a nother failed state in the middle east we already have too many of them because of the iranian regimes race for
Nuclear Weapons
and weapons of mass destruction mr netanyahu has said this 24 years ago to the
United States
joint session of congress and everything that the
Prime Minister
said then in 1960 has unfortunately come true in 2020 wealth iran says it has no desire to have
Nuclear Weapons
indeed it says israel has them we invite mr of us on to r. T. Undergoing on the ground and. Thank you very much then take a. Thank you very much god bless all of you in the u. K. And
Good Health Everyone
after the break as britain becomes the worst g. 20 country for corona virus deaths per capita how honest of the
Mainstream Media
being in their reporting of covert 19 and ive even scientists be misleading us all the more coming up in part 2 of going underground. Secret prisons are not usually what comes to mind when thinking about europe however even the most prosperous can be deceived weve been. There were to view houses were. Preserved was located on the only. Access to the story investigators held the uncovered the darkest dealings of the secret services but i mean. The great ignore in. Full. Justice. The primary purpose of history is to understand the past as a guide to understanding the present and future. Because a lot of history is. So how should we find the right balance is that you saw the light and. Welcome back britain belgium now has the worst coronavirus per capita death rate in the world but as the u. K. Announces its 1st localized lucked out in the city of leicester and the global death toll passes off a 1000000 the next
New York Times
Alex Berenson
believes that socalled
Facts Figures
and opinions fed to us throughout this pandemic have misled us the author of the briefly banned covert bestseller and reported truth joins me now via skype from new york city. Alex thanks so much for coming on jeff bezos is amazon initially tried to the fact than your coronavirus messala i dont know whether we have even one mosque to thank for it coming out just tell me about the book scherzo is that we provide probably do have you want to thank you so the book is really a book way its only you know its only about 7000 words i want to make that clear anybody who thinks theyre buying a book or following book will be disappointed i dont want that but all part one is and this is part one of what will be a series which is called unreported truths about coven 1000 and lockdowns or one is about is really about fatality rates its an introduction and its about how we count deaths for kobe would what the death rate really is what the death rate might be if we dont do anything you know i would serve a worst
Case Scenario
and maybe most importantly who is really dying from the coronavirus because you know the media they do acknowledge that older people are more likely to get this and get sick from it and die from it they make it sound like oh that there is you know theres a slight difference in risk and everybody can get sick and die from this and the truth is if you look at the statistics it is incredible how much more dangerous the coronavirus is how older people than to young people all by my best estimates more people over the age of 100 have died worldwide than under 30 ok and so so and the median age of death in most countries is over 80 so this really is people theres an old line in medicine that pneumonia is the old mans friend a friend to the aged and the reason people said that was well its a relatively quick and painless way to die compared to you know compared to you know dying from cancer over years or all climbers or whatever this really is a friend to the aged in terms of who it effects can you forgive the socalled
Mainstream Media
chamber because the reason that might be the case is because they were so successful at stopping young people from. Hanging out together and spreading the virus so no i mean theres a theres a thats a different question the question of how this spreads and whether or not locked down work and actually that is what im going to be working on in the 2nd booklet on reporters part 2 which will be about larkins but the evidence is overwhelming actually that young people and especially children are not the main spreaders of this when people went when epidemiologists have track spread they find that children dont spread this virus now can young people people in their twentys and thirtys spread it to each other yes they can but if you think about where this virus has spread and this is true in the u. K. This is true of all over europe this is true all over the us its spread and its super data is very dangerous in congregate care sense meaning
Nursing Homes
essentially meaning
Long Term Care
facilities when you get more groups of unwell older people together and you introduce this virus its very dangerous to them but the sad fact is as professor
Neil Ferguson
whos a you know an english professor who ive you know who i dont like very much and i think hes done a lot to spread panic here but but as
James Cleverly<\/a> he briefed the u. N. Security council telling israel it must end
Settlement Expansion<\/a> the demolishing of palestinian homes and saying that netbios an exception of the west bank is an acceptable. Well with the greatest respect to the foreign minister and clearly britain and israel have been allies and friends for many years having said that what is happening today is quite a bit different that what the foreign minister is suggesting to the
Security Council<\/a> or to the
United Nations<\/a> overall and that is that israel may apply in coordination with the
United States<\/a> civilian israeli law in place of military law in jewish communities where 500000 jews live east of the 1967 lines which is known as disputed territory it is not occupied palestinian territory that is just simply a legal mistake that many of our friends in europe continue to make and in fact what israel is doing with potential to applying israel on the
Jordan Valley<\/a> is to set up the possibility for a 2 state for 2 people solution not to eliminate that possibility we have seen the
Palestinian Authority<\/a> reject 6 straight offers for peace including 94 percent offered by mr olmert the former
Prime Minister<\/a> 92 percent offered by former missed by former
Prime Minister<\/a> mr brock and in fact everyone in the
International Community<\/a> after those offers and said well what could the pa the palestinians possibly want they basically got 100 percent solution with land swap that theyve been demanding and built and still chairman abbas has said no no and that is how we want to have this civilian lawyer talking about because hes saying its a mistake that the permanent members is allowed un
Security Council<\/a> resolution 23342016 saying israeli settlements in
Palestinian Land<\/a> occupied since 1067 have no legal solidity be plainer than that u. N. Resolution can well that u. N. Resolution unfortunately and very regrettable regrettably it was not boycotted by the u. S. Administration and in fact it was many believe in israel that that was a final act of. A swat in the face by former president barack obama but what the u. S. Who cares what the usa says this is the
International Community<\/a> this is the u. N. Resolution this is the general this is the
Security Council<\/a> thats right and youre talking about civilian a civilian deal im talking about the the
International Legal<\/a> department of the u. S. State department in 2020 has declared by their best at by their best jurists that israeli settlement israeli settlements and communities east of the 67 lines are perfectly legal there is a political difference between many members of the
International Community<\/a> and the jurist in the state of israel and today the jurists in the state department on the same side of the state of israel so that those in the state of those in the
International Community<\/a> and even in the
Security Council<\/a> would be well advised to state what it is legally that they disagree with in the state departments 2020 decision before asserting that israel is acting illegally in its own historic homeland but the british itself implored the
International Community<\/a> to recognize 100 years ago so youre saying the u. S. State department which we know to factor sanctions torture and guantanamo torture in abu ghraib maybe a 1000000 killed wounded or dead from the iraq war the u. S. State
Department Legal<\/a> advice is more important than
International Law<\/a> as written down by the u. N. Security council. Well the u. N. Security council doesnt write
International Law<\/a> they basically apply political decisions based on their political understanding of what of what they think that an
International Law<\/a> says but here the best jurist in the
United States<\/a> have now turned back the former legal opinion of the
Carter Administration<\/a> which by the way the very
Security Council<\/a> that you are quoting they were quoting the former state
Department Legal<\/a> adviser was her cancel so now it would probably be a good idea to look into why did jurist in the u. S. State department under
President Donald Trump<\/a> have taken a different opinion. But i think that we should stay out of the legal leaves and the details that sure to me dont think we would both accept that the u. S. Legal system doesnt define what is the law and what is not law or what is considered legal and what is not legal obviously
International Putting<\/a> the u. N. Calls the annexation a war crime i mean well yeah but at all
Amnesty International<\/a> as you and i both know is one of the most politicized and cynically biased organizations against against the jewish state and its fundamental rights i wouldnt think amnesty that amnesty denies that it has he denies that and in fairness they they would prefer to say presuming they swing all
Different Directions<\/a> rather than being biased. Well we can you know you and i can have a word smithing. Of mud wrestling match between jerusalem and london but but it is well known here among the israeli left the
Political Center<\/a> and certainly the right of center that m. T. S. Amnesty international is a
Political Warfare<\/a> organisation not exactly supporting the human rights of too many people particularly those in gaza when it. And in the west bank under
Palestinian Authority<\/a> control when it refuses to write about gross violations of human rights under the palestinian
State Government<\/a> in the west bank as well as in gaza you mentioned gaza what do you expect will be the response from gaza or i know that there are alarms all in south israel from small rocket attacks and horrific pictures of aerial bombardment of whats been called the largest open air prison camp in the world in gaza just in the past few days is that netanyahu basically going to catalyze the extremists help the extremists in fact is it not this the end of the century that is playing into the hands of those who israel call extremists well i think that our friends frankly at russians today would know exactly what the risk of dealing with islamic extremists are throughout russias presence in syria when extremists are attacking
Russian Troops<\/a> as they have been attacking others in syria and lessen the hamas doesnt need an excuse to attack israel just take a look at the hamas government covenant go on to google and see what they say about killing the jews and thats all you need to understand about what hamas is motivations are how much how much that refutes the edges of arguments but i know you mentioned syria that was that the it was that israel that was helping those extremists the extreme islamist factions in syria to try to overthrow president assads government in damascus president assad told me on this program. That. The funding was coming from sources like israel or that would be very convenient for a president assad to say but i would say that what you just reported is is 360. 00 degrees off in fact i just asked the good people of syria hundreds of thousands of move have been murdered by iranian backed factions as well as their own government but but israel as you know has protected its own plaque on a mall you know israel it was israel that financed how much straight just thats me i was only clear that israel financed the beginning of hama yes that is just its completely 1st of all thats completely inaccurate militarization of hamas was not not only not funded by israel but israel led the fight against the islamists the group that came out of egypt and in the beginning remember it was the p. L. O. And the fact that committed itself to israels total destruction and which today by the way funds the major terror threats and i think that it would be worth taking another look before asserting that israel finance hamas well in fairness to both ends it is a must would obviously became to deny that as well well look over here we have a new labor leader to get a stomach in no doubt you didnt like
Jeremy Corbyn<\/a> much his shadow foreign secretary these and then he has said that the settlement product bans should be enforced there should be boycotts of any products being produced in the in the settlements a case of the rise of anti semitism again the u. K. Board of deputies has told the sickest ahmet to disown the comments by these and then well 1st of all i just want to clarify that its not israel that only isro that this light former
Labor Party Leader<\/a>
Jeremy Corbett<\/a> it was the majority of those good people in the u. K. That saw him as a virulent antisemite someone who embraced his ball up. Someone who embraced the mosque both of whom had very unpleasant and even violent intentions towards the u. K. But moving towards the current. The
Current Issue<\/a> of boycotts boycotts are an expression of the total cancellation of any jewish rights in the small jewish state israel is in a century long conflict with its palestinian neighbors led by organizations that are committed to the destruction of the very small and only state of the jewish people and therefore those who call for boycotting israel are really calling for political and
Economic Warfare<\/a> in order to destroy the jewish state by other means other than flat military or terrorist or terrorist means itself no one called for the boycott of turkeys illegal line extension of
Northern Cyprus<\/a> nobody called for the boycott the world wide boycott against russia for its illegal acts sation of crimea but when israel actually puts up porches. Completely legal 2500000 jews in disputed territory the whole world rises up because there has to be a moral earthquake over this issue thats im sorry thats flat out antisemitism russia has he denies that i could legally in crimea when my jeremy called me on the hasnt been on this show since a few years just finally is israel prepared for a new intifada should there be an annexation and he said as it prepared for a wide
Arab Alliance<\/a> to militarily respond to what as i say is considered illegal under
International Law<\/a> let me give you a scoop on russia today why are there no demonstrations in any of the major arab capitals today why are there no demonstrations across the west bank in all of the 7 major palestinian city because the
Palestinian People<\/a> funny enough are much more frustrated with
Mahmoud Abbas<\/a> whom they see as a corrupt. Prosy they see their future with israel either through
Economic Cooperation<\/a> political cooperation medical cooperation social cooperation and so to the arab world lets just remember for our russia today audience that every single country in the arab world showed up on june 25th 2019 at the peace to prosperity economic workshop the only ones who werent there with the
Palestinian Authority<\/a> and therefore the
Palestinian Authority<\/a> has isolated itself from the rest of the arab world so far from being an intifada i think were seeing a very distressed palestinian leadership that sees itself isolated in its own areas by its own public and isolated in the larger middle east israel is wants to reach out and help its palestinian neighbor were more than happy to have good neighborly relations against 8 independent sovereign palestinian entity but not at the risk of destroying or strategically assaulting the jewish state we dont need a nother failed state in the middle east we already have too many of them because of the iranian regimes race for
Nuclear Weapons<\/a> and weapons of mass destruction mr netanyahu has said this 24 years ago to the
United States<\/a> joint session of congress and everything that the
Prime Minister<\/a> said then in 1960 has unfortunately come true in 2020 wealth iran says it has no desire to have
Nuclear Weapons<\/a> indeed it says israel has them we invite mr of us on to r. T. Undergoing on the ground and. Thank you very much then take a. Thank you very much god bless all of you in the u. K. And
Good Health Everyone<\/a> after the break as britain becomes the worst g. 20 country for corona virus deaths per capita how honest of the
Mainstream Media<\/a> being in their reporting of covert 19 and ive even scientists be misleading us all the more coming up in part 2 of going underground. Secret prisons are not usually what comes to mind when thinking about europe however even the most prosperous can be deceived weve been. There were to view houses were. Preserved was located on the only. Access to the story investigators held the uncovered the darkest dealings of the secret services but i mean. The great ignore in. Full. Justice. The primary purpose of history is to understand the past as a guide to understanding the present and future. Because a lot of history is. So how should we find the right balance is that you saw the light and. Welcome back britain belgium now has the worst coronavirus per capita death rate in the world but as the u. K. Announces its 1st localized lucked out in the city of leicester and the global death toll passes off a 1000000 the next
New York Times<\/a> reporter
Alex Berenson<\/a> believes that socalled
Facts Figures<\/a> and opinions fed to us throughout this pandemic have misled us the author of the briefly banned covert bestseller and reported truth joins me now via skype from new york city. Alex thanks so much for coming on jeff bezos is amazon initially tried to the fact than your coronavirus messala i dont know whether we have even one mosque to thank for it coming out just tell me about the book scherzo is that we provide probably do have you want to thank you so the book is really a book way its only you know its only about 7000 words i want to make that clear anybody who thinks theyre buying a book or following book will be disappointed i dont want that but all part one is and this is part one of what will be a series which is called unreported truths about coven 1000 and lockdowns or one is about is really about fatality rates its an introduction and its about how we count deaths for kobe would what the death rate really is what the death rate might be if we dont do anything you know i would serve a worst
Case Scenario<\/a> and maybe most importantly who is really dying from the coronavirus because you know the media they do acknowledge that older people are more likely to get this and get sick from it and die from it they make it sound like oh that there is you know theres a slight difference in risk and everybody can get sick and die from this and the truth is if you look at the statistics it is incredible how much more dangerous the coronavirus is how older people than to young people all by my best estimates more people over the age of 100 have died worldwide than under 30 ok and so so and the median age of death in most countries is over 80 so this really is people theres an old line in medicine that pneumonia is the old mans friend a friend to the aged and the reason people said that was well its a relatively quick and painless way to die compared to you know compared to you know dying from cancer over years or all climbers or whatever this really is a friend to the aged in terms of who it effects can you forgive the socalled
Mainstream Media<\/a> chamber because the reason that might be the case is because they were so successful at stopping young people from. Hanging out together and spreading the virus so no i mean theres a theres a thats a different question the question of how this spreads and whether or not locked down work and actually that is what im going to be working on in the 2nd booklet on reporters part 2 which will be about larkins but the evidence is overwhelming actually that young people and especially children are not the main spreaders of this when people went when epidemiologists have track spread they find that children dont spread this virus now can young people people in their twentys and thirtys spread it to each other yes they can but if you think about where this virus has spread and this is true in the u. K. This is true of all over europe this is true all over the us its spread and its super data is very dangerous in congregate care sense meaning
Nursing Homes<\/a> essentially meaning
Long Term Care<\/a> facilities when you get more groups of unwell older people together and you introduce this virus its very dangerous to them but the sad fact is as professor
Neil Ferguson<\/a> whos a you know an english professor who ive you know who i dont like very much and i think hes done a lot to spread panic here but but as
Neil Ferguson<\/a> said 3 months ago correctly one half to 2 thirds of all the people who die from this would likely have died in weeks or months anyway and you can you can just very clearly see that in the statistics of who has died in a sense britain has a demographically older population never got any thats why you did expect 60000 excess deaths as opposed to the way of course youre on the scene youre older and also if youre on welfare overall if youre extremely overweight if you have diabetes unfortunately you know the u. S. And the u. K. Have a lot of you know they europe has a lot of older people the u. S. And the u. K. Especially have a lot of people in that sort of on the well demographic. One are interesting thing actually and one thing that i think when all this is said and done that were going to look at is japan because japan has an extremely
Elderly Population<\/a> and it really hasnt been touched by this at all with. The japanese have a very very low rate of obesity and theyre relatively healthy generally so so thats whats theres a lot we know about the virus and theres a lot we know about how it spreads and who it in fact and who is likely to get very sick from it because a lot of mysteries about it still but one thing ill say is that people you know people on what i sometimes call
Team Apocalypse<\/a> the people who are you know who have wanted us to be locked down for the last 3 months and seem to want to be locked down forever those people say well theres so much we dont know so we should take the you know most stringent possible course of action and they say that as if taking that course of action has no effect on the other side and others that yeah thats all locked down forever because the only thing we should care about is this virus and who it affects and the fact is that lock downs are incredibly society damaging whether that societys the us or the u. K. Or anybody else and we need to account for that too so when theres a lot we dont know that doesnt mean we should go further it means we should go as far as what we know and what we could reasonably expect to be a worst
Case Scenario<\/a> not not we invite
Neil Ferguson<\/a> on the
Imperial College<\/a> man who ironically had to resign his restaurant. Epidemiological model a full breaking the block a lockdown we dont epidemiologist though alex and what in the 1st booklet is how you identify allegedly folds information being reported in the new yorker magazine and that alone new york governor had to comos a press conference is i mean over here use reported as a possible contender for president in november because he was so great at talking about ventilators tell me a little bit about that about this echo chamber and how it is. Distributed false information about coronavirus sure so then again theres been false and misleading or not here with the new yorker did and that is not in the book but its something that i pointed out a couple of days ago and it got attention on twitter near me. Its reported some numbers about florida hospitalizations and i think they did that i think was an honest error on their part and they did correct it although they didnt they didnt correct it in you know in as complete a way as would have been nice cuomo cuomo in early april was using projections that were just completely inaccurate late march early april and heres the thing there was a period of about 10 days especially in new york city when things looked very bad and it looked you know it looked bleak here and i understand why people were nervous and i understand why the
Public Health<\/a> 7 was nervous i was nervous ok and i understand why the media panicked but it very very clear very very rapidly became clear that those projections were inaccurate they were inaccurate on a daily basis by huge factor ok that the hospitals just not that they didnt fill up that they didnt get overwhelmed even in new york city the way that the way that was projected the problem that the media has is not what they were saying back at the end of march although it wasnt great is that they were its that in the 2 now almost 3 months since then they have not acknowledged the reality that this just isnt as bad as it as it seemed to be and that therefore our response maybe should be different and instead of that theyve looked at every negative statistic they can find and theyve done really bad things such as talk about the risk to children which is basically nonexistent theyve talked about this callous aki syndrome which by the way. You know you havent heard much about that in the last month and the reason you havent heard much about it is because its pretty clear that this is very manageable for most children who get it that its rare and manageable they talked about people in their twentys and thirtys having strokes thats pretty clearly not really a major risk here again in a virus that affects a huge number of people there maybe rare cases of you know of negatives of you know very negative stuff happening to young people but. Its very rare the media its its not it its not about exactly about presenting false information its about presenting a picture overall that is deeply misleading and refusing to acknowledge that you made that mistake obviously we tell viewers to seek advice from their own medical practitioners as regards any of these symptoms but in fantasy to those in power then lockdowns were clearly explained to us as a way to flatten curves not to save lives even if the media man said they saved lives so that you can get a you giving power break them no i mean listen i look im a former journalist for the times right so my focus is on what the media could have done better and should have done better and i do think this has been a media led panic led really by the best where it supposedly the best news organisations in the world places like the times and the
Washington Post<\/a> that have really bang the drum here you know look could people in power have made different decisions yes but it is very hard to stand up to a wave of panic like the one that we saw in march and the problem is that lockdowns have their own logic which is that if you if you end them and things get worse its sort of like well why did we do that because things got worse again and so all we did was delay the inevitable if you end them and things dont get worse then its sort of like well was there any point to that at all and so once you lost 10 pounds you have to sort of you have this really and youve seen it in the us especially this really long set of phases and how were going to walk this back and so somehow were were actually still using science but its working for us you have to come up with these really elaborate rationales for lifting the lockdown slowly and whether or not it whereas were as you know in europe actually where i think the political pressures are a little bit different places like switzerland denmark austria the. Theyve removed their larkins pretty quickly and completely in a matter of weeks and i havent seen any terrible negative effects the us is its own. You know its its own universe because because the political dynamics are so complicated here but even though the death toll is 100000 plus obviously not as bad as britain capita but obviously among the worst in the in the world there are so many footnotes and in your book i just ask you you do seem to be saying again and again that its mosque ing much bigger numbers of dead from things like big farmer opioids and other sources of mortality well not not not exactly that if theres 2 ways to look at it at death rate theres theres theres sort of the gross number of deaths and then theres theres a really important measure that we dont usually talk about in society but is really important called a life years lost and life here is lost is just a way to say that you know what 20 if if if 20 people die who you know who are 9 years old and have also timers thats a tragedy but if 20 people die who were you know on a school bus who are 10 year olds that that is not the same thing and i dont know why were not allowed to say that but we dont seem to be allowed to say that and its true and so im not saying that you know im not saying that every death isnt a tragedy but what im saying is that it is reasonable to say that the fact that this affects so many people who are so aged is means that when we look at lockdown and we look at the people who are dying as a result of our downs if theyre younger if theyre dying for overdose or suicide or homicide or a heart attack or a 50 year old are from a heart attack because he didnt go to the emergency room because he was scared of coded those deaths are meaningful and the fact that those people are younger than the people who died of kovi is meaningful to me and im going to make that case and. Maybe other people disagree but i think its something we have to talk about. Thank you and thats it for the show will be back on saturday 244 years since the
American Revolution<\/a> when the then slave nation of
Boris Johnsons<\/a> birth declared independence from british imperialism inspired by the ideals of the french revolution until then wash your hands or join the underground by following up on you tube
Twitter Facebook<\/a> instagram and time. Seemed wrong but. Just dont call. Me. Yet to stamp out just being active. And engaged equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart. Just to look for common ground. Thousands of american men and women choose to serve in the countrys military and the decision little shattered lives every song came to a complete. The day that i was right. Here you know hold a shot kill me and i see how it destroyed my life any screamed at me and he made me come in and he grabbed my arm and he write me this berthing area if you take into account that women dont report because of the extreme retaliation and its probably somewhere near about half a 1000000 women have now been sexually assaulted in the us military is a very very traumatizing tat happen but ive never seen trauma like ive seen from women who are veterans who have suffered military sexual trauma reporting rape is more likely to get the victim punished than the offender and almost 10 year career which i was very invested in and i gave a sex offender who was not even put to justice or put on the registry this is simply an hour in violence male sexual predators for the large part of target whoever is there to prey upon whether thats a man or woman. On the 1st of july in the headline is then deciding rushs next chapter its the final day of voting on changes to the constitution coming up we look at whats big we bring you reaction throughout the day. I think that its needed because the current constitution is out of date i think it is nonsense according to all legal logical and ethical norms and with all of that man and. Wife not story that theres intense scrutiny for germany future
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Living Conditions<\/a> for the. Migrants","publisher":{"@type":"Organization","name":"","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","width":"800","height":"600","url":"\/\/\/17\/items\/RT_20200701_093000_Going_Underground\/RT_20200701_093000_Going_Underground.thumbs\/RT_20200701_093000_Going_Underground_000001.jpg"}},"autauthor":{"@type":"Organization"},"author":{"sameAs":"","name":""}}],"coverageEndTime":"20240716T12:35:10+00:00"}