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Stay with us now for more great programming right here on the internet. Hello everyone lets take a look at what were serving up today on the. Newly released documents proving once again that the f. B. I. Knew that stories of alleged collusion between the Trump Campaign in russia were false so why is it the media reporting on this blockbuster news if one of my children gets hurt because of a story they wrote they will consider a Collateral Damage they know its the whole point of the exercise fox news host Tucker Carlson warns on air that the New York Times is about to docs him reveal his home address to terrorize his family the times denies it and says tucker knows its not true scotty no use in line oh well discuss churches in christian statues are under attack here in the u. S. And again media silence. How is this possible to touch a sweet reports and the president of the camp the glee bill donahue will be here to discuss and if you think you know al sharpton think again who is this m s n b c host the media turns to for his input on civil rights issues a new president ial candidates run to for a seal of approval you may be surprised im Steve Malzberg lets see the press. Releases. By. Well you probably dont know this because the media wont tell it to you but this week america and the world in fact received more indisputable evidence that while the New York Times and the Washington Post were plastering page one with stories of Trump Campaigns russian collusion the f. B. I. Knew all along that it was total nonsense the New York Post editorial from last monday points to a february 2017 times piece to cleric phone records and intercepted calls show that members of Trumps Campaign and other Trump Associates had repeated contacts with senior russian intelligence officials in the year before the election but a memo from trump hating now ex f. B. I. Man peter struck shows that story was garbage the memo said we have seen not any evidence of individuals affiliated with the trump team in contact with intelligence officials the times and the Washington Post were repackaging lies from their Anonymous Sources theyre front page news was worse than fake says the New York Post it was the exact opposite of the truth thats what. Lies and more lies the newly released documents also show that the source for this deal dot ca was giving him 2nd and 3rd hand information at best but that. Does it mean that youve heard about all of this in the Mainstream Media you havent with few exceptions this is not been reported on in fact many of the outlets continue to promote their fake phony fraudulent narrative because its who they are and it is what they do but the big story this past week the federal police force sent to portland to help restore law and order the president sending the police there that is a chaotic city and the media doesnt like that one little bit especially the gals of the view im im witnessing fascism in america now i dont know if people in this country are aware of whats actually going on this is the beginning of the end of democracy if we reelect this guy i dont even want to think about what will happen to this country this is not america this is not american we really have we have to Pay Attention because we are going down this slippery slope and we if we have really the actions of a dictator this feels different this is a feels like a planned attack against the American People and the gals werent alone i think were looking at a potentially a trial run for a kind of genuine attempt to to to through intimidation and potentially through force to try to. To try to steal this election outrageous alarmist and fake they should all be ashamed of themselves but theyre not and finally you have to see this piece of video during the handoff between Tucker Carlson and sean hannity on tuesday night on fox hannity decided to weigh in on what he thought he heard tucker say at the end of the show about the problem that talk i had with jeff bezos making 13000000000. 00 in one day during the pandemic watch and now sean hannity takes over from her people who made money they provide goods and Services People want need and desire thats america call freedom capitalism. And as long as its honest people aside i took a great show welcome to handed this is now oh boy had it he later apologized claiming he only heard part of what tucker had said and reacted to that incomplete information so Lesson Learned here we shall see him speaking of the talk around his monday night fox news show he told his viewers that the New York Times was ready to publish a story that included his home address watch last week the New York Times began working on a story about where my family and i live as a matter of journalism there is no conceivable justification for a story like that so why is the New York Times doing a story on the location of my familys house when you know why to hurt us to injure my wife and kids so that i will shut up and stop disagreeing with them if one of my children gets hurt because of a story they wrote they wont consider it Collateral Damage they know its the whole point of the exercise to inflict pain on our family to terrorize us to control what we say thats the kind of people they are now on tuesday in response the times tweeted that they have no intention of publishing talkers address and that tucker knew this before his show aired ok joining me now to talk more about this and other issues of interest the pedalo the host of news views use skype email users with us and media and legal analyst lidl of lionel media welcome to both of you as always and scotty what do you make of this tucker New York Times doc seeing no doc saying issue well thats the thing both of them might have been telling the truth steve but they knew from the New York Times perspective they might not have been planning on publishing at the actual address but they would also possibly publish where his neighborhood might be what his car might look like the houses around it tucker and because there is a history of people showing up at tuckers house and doing damage to property and possibly even hurting his children like a. They did n. B. C. After the address 1st relief Tucker Carlson had every right to bribery not like to decide to give that unfortunate thats the only way to keep these rats from continuing to terrorize people who they dont necessarily agree with and unfortunately New York Times had been the vehicle used to literally bully and be hostile towards those who dont agree with them yeah i want to point out s s got to allude to 2 years ago Tucker Carlson had a home they moved after their family was attacked and his wife had to hide the closet and call the police in terror so hes been down this road before he says it was empty for. Tucker also interesting enough threat and on that same show where he said im going to be docs take week week here is the writer heres the editor heres this one here is that what we could do the same to them so turnabout might be fair play and maybe that stopped the times from doing it it is a contract law scholars know about this notion the doctrine of anticipatory repudiate should wear you void in this its a contract because you know there is going to be effective breach when i think it is interesting about this is were hearing in advance tucker to supporting a post spec to that which may or may not occur and clever if they were going to play and that he for oil that if they werent thinking about it he basically provided insurance from now on because if they ever do it or if they ever even approximate doxie him he would have already called the moment so just maybe something called tucker in the future. Ok hoeing a talker very interesting all right social Media Censorship something we talk about all d the time here folks and it continues i have a story for each of you scotty it seems that google did listed a slew of conservative sites from a general search this past tuesday people could not find them by searching for them google says it was a bug a technical issue they were not targeting them some say these sites were blacklisted a former Google Engineer said that this list which was all conservative sites might have had other purposes and i tend to lean in his direction here well 1st of all im actually impressed that google admitted it because unfortunately so many times they do things then they just ignore it or dont admit it and people just move on from it and this case however it can be very concerning they said it was a people trying to psych that had a lot of traffic of opinions yet it was only conservative side which just proves that there is a lift there are lists made within google different characteristics rather your a conservative side a liberal side every Single Organization everybody that has a web page right now should be concerned what list am i on and at some point could that be used to actually work against me and those who come and visit my site lionel i want to move to twitter with you they have removed thousands of accounts associated with q anon. Which is considered by many to be conspiracy sites do they have a right to do this is this a good thing and they know it is just plain out right you know Old Fashioned censorship. Well they do they have a right surely have a right to me its dear platform but whats interesting is it just flies in the face of such into 30 of the Communications Decency act you see steve as we know one of the reasons why they were granted immunity is that the very high speeds away and others claim something are not in any way a publisher they have no editorial comment they just put up billboards and Bulletin Boards and whatever you put up is your business now just flies in the face if the are we moving things if theyre using editorial basically privilege to do that let basically refutes liers there to 30 immunity but what theyre doing is theyre seeing or know that this isnt because of editorializing which he had done because either its on its air its its false its hateful its conspiracy its whatever so theyre finding new ways to going around censorship what is censorship absolutely. All right you all remember this photo im sure everybody you guys and everybody out there its Nicholas Sandman 2019 by the Lincoln Memorial squaring off with a native american elder of course and Nicholas Sandman of a coaching to Catholic High School in kentucky was there on a class trip the media because he was wearing a mag i had said that they were racist they instigated probably off well sandman has sued he settled the 250000000. 00 suit with c. N. N. And on friday they settled the Washington Post settled with him on what he claimed was his 18th birthday so they dont say for how much they said all he said something to the effect of 2 down and 6 to go so a lot of what the law had 1st. Good for him is what i say and im sure hell get settlements from the other the other networks at the sewing. Steve 25 years ago if you had talked about suing big newspaper why should you post New York Times for libel they would have said its not going to happen because the New York Times you can sullivan which pretty much provided that they really cant be sued unless it was the most egregious form of libel now libel is happening every 30 minutes this is a brand new era which isnt quite as if a cli is because of the recklessness of these heretofore augusto organizations who would have never done this in the past but their recklessness means a very robust litigation bar and right this is open season katie bar the door sky digits very quickly justice done i believe you too well and Going Forward this should show other organizations that you just dont take one News Organization reporting exactly what they say this to could land you in a lawsuit in this case the lawsuit is aired on that fight of the people and hopefully its just me that more truth and own research when it comes to reporting ok scottie lie no as always thank you both good to see. Churches and religious statues here in the United States and around the world are under attack so why isnt the media telling you about it sweet will report and bill donohue the president of the Catholic League will be here to weigh in next dont go away. Always the issue of trying to playing out in the American Election cycle. And by the trade themselves as being tough and beijing maybe they are at least rhetorically but in reality those are very different story and its bipartisan the commanding heights of industry and finance important china for decades in the fridge is the show is this chinese food. Capitalism in the United States abandon the United States the leading capitalist in this country are now global capitalism that believe that leads them their middle class without jobs without a future its a disaster youre covered over with. Each other but the reality is a disaster and it was good from work you would see other people emerging trying to make a political career by flipping to their. Feet gen x. In the last the baby boomers or speculating in the 1990 s. On the birth of companies that went public for the 1st time and they would have these pops and then there was this enormous crash where the jhansi are speculating on the death of companies and companies that are dying and declaring their dead companies and their supply plowing their way. To speculate on on the company. Card folks what if i told you that religious institutions are under attack religious statues are being beheaded defaced toppled and that was happening right here in the United States big news right well youre not seeing it on the media why why why why artes to touch your sweet is going to tell us. A Catholic Mission more than 200 years old burned to the ground at least 5 other churches across the country were vandalized on the weekend of july 12th but according to the Media Research center no Major News Network gave any coverage to these disturbing events. From the defacing a religious statues to setting fire to a 249 year old mission on the weekend of july 12th these events through the fingers of Major Network evening newscast and Media Research center pointing out that of the 270 minutes between a. B. C. N. B. C. And c. B. S. For the weekend no newscast mentioned anything about the attacks on the Catholic Church 2 statues of the virgin mary were defaced another with the word idol graffitied all over in queens new york on july 10th at st peters parish in boston massachusetts on saturday july 11th yet another virgin mary statue was set on fire on july 11th as well a suspect rammed his minivan into the queen of peace Catholic Church in florida that reportedly said in the building on fire just before morning mass no injuries reported one of los angeless oldest catholic outpost the San Gabriel Mission caught fire police are investigating if the incident was in fact arson local news reported a Bible Way Church of god in Fort Worth Texas was robbed on the morning of july 11th according to police all the mirrors in the church were destroyed now the San Gabriel Mission has set up a fire restoration filed with the hopes of reconstructing their Historic Church reporting for it the press and cautious wait r. T. All right thank you natasha and joining me now to discuss this fake news by omission on the part of the Mainstream Media is the president of the Catholic League my good friend im so proud to say bill donahue bill welcome its a pleasure to have you my friend. Dark youre one of the best guys in the business let me tell you steve. Well i appreciate that bill you know you would have talked about this for years unfortunately and its not really a double standard when the media leaves out these stories and its almost a hatred for christianity in the media well you know theres no question about it look whats driving this in the 1st place and the media play a role in it im not saying the principal wrote this is the summer of hate ok its not the summer of love they started with a legitimately a concern over the murder of george floyd which was which some indefensible and some good people got involved and then of course there was the outer kissed and the anti and keep it to people now they want to destroy the country theyre not interested enjoy it for what they dont care about black people now this is what lies matter care about black people if they did theyd be upset about what goes on in chicago every day not just every weekend now we live in a society where theres a sizable minority there are a minority but still the size of all they want to destroy western civilization thats why theyre attacking Catholic Churches in europe not just the United States now if you hate western civilization you have to go after Judeo Christian ethos and one of the edifices of the Judeo Christian ethos of course is the Catholic Church its a big factor are good and the out of just going after it with alacrity and how do you explain though the media not reporting it. Well the media i think some a lot of them are indifferent and others are actually cheering it on theres no question about it just imagine if all the things that happened to Catholic Churches in the last couple of weeks were happening to us what would happen if muslims in dearborn michigan right are attacked what if where the somali population is which which likes that antisemite all are in minnesota what if they were the targets that would be front page news and all the broadcast media will carry every single night because its conflict theres either indifference or in fact there is cheering it on thats all but thats how sick a lot of people are in the cultural elites of this country in Higher Education Artistic Community the Entertainment Industry and segments of the media ok you wrote a piece at the catholic Catholic Leagues website which was very astute you talked about how the elites are responsible for a lot of this and i want to point out this former d. N. C. Chair former m s n b c here howard dean in a tweet blasting christian saying they have a reputation for hate these days thanks to Franklin Graham and Jerry Falwell now at this should be condemned by the media and as you pointed out of this was a bad at islam someone weighing in on the reputation of islam based on the actions of one or 2 men whether you agree with them or disagree with them they wouldnt get away with it bill they would know what really bothers me is that falwell june is a good man know what its all about Franklin Graham all right guy comes into new york and he sets up the hospitals it turns the interior doctors hundreds of them in new york city to hell because of coping and what is the mayor of new york city do he tells them i want you out of here because i dont agree with your idea of marriage between a man and a woman and were going to watch you very very carefully this is the summer of hate and it was you know is one of the cultural elites but hes not alone. At absolutely and these attacks on churches the religious statues are widespread a look at that and that statue you view you know you see this you dont see it covered as a National Story and it goes beyond the borders bill the cathedral of st peter you mentioned its an international occurrence the same paula known to the francais hope i pronounced that correctly in western france a suspected arson fire suspect has been arrested the persecution of christians all over the middle east and beyond is horrific but again its just not of interest to this media in this country. No they dont have any interest in that theyre more interested to enter and which is of course what their goal is let me tell you something i live in new york city and i just could not turn on the radio or t. V. Just to get a Weather Report i go from one station to another to find out what the weather might be all i ever hear is there something wrong with truth they say the hatred that theyre absolutely obsessed as far as that Catholic Church is concerned that listen as i say its that you know no christian ethos they dont like practicing jews any more than they like practicing catholics and practicing protestants thats what the real problem is thats because they think that if we go away they can go forward with their left wing secular agenda theyre actually right about that i dont disagree with them sociologically but theyre in for a fight i think the resistance is going to happen i think i look people of faith theyre not going to take to violence but they will take to the streets this is going to pour it all down to you thank you so much for its an honor to have you on sir thank you. Thank you so much. All right folks you may have noticed the reverend al sharpton all over m s n b c the network where he has his own show by the way honoring the memory of the late congressman john lewis well sharpton was also a regular adviser often seen at the Obama White House with the president and if you are running for president the road runs through a mandatory meeting for all with the press to view of course with al sharpton so what is sharpton done in his life to get to this point of honor during an interview on fox news President Trump was asked about those who are pushing for the name changes at u. S. Military bases like fort bragg watch. Then what are we going to name it you name it after the reverend al sharpton now trump was being facetious he knows sharpton is history let me tell you 30 years ago if you had suggested that al sharpton would be where he is today theyd have put you in a rubber room i promise you that there was that to want to brawley hoax sharpton became an advisor to a 15 year old black girl from upstate new york who had claimed she had been raped by 6 white men and left in a garbage bag in her own feces new york state grand jury came up with the word hoax folks not me and 1990 shop that was involved in boycotts of 2 korean groceries in brooklyn he was criticized for harming more than healing during the Crown Heights riots in brooklyn also racially and religiously motivated fast forward to 1905 a massacre and a fire at a jewish own Clothing Store in harlem 8 people are killed after daily protest against the owner a man sharpton reportedly called a white into loper. Have you ever referred to members of the jewish fish as white interlopers were diamond merchants you know sir. I referred to one in harlem an individual who i didnt even know was jewish as an interloper and said i should never referred to his race and then theres this mr mr sharpton have you ever heard africanamericans who disagree with you as cocktail sit negroes. And this. Very nice and this tirade against that then black mayor of new york city david dinkins. Ok by the way every time we beat it was the n. Word so how does a man with a past steeped in racial divisiveness to say the least and i didnt even mention he didnt mention his tax problems how does he continue on his if none of what you just saw or heard ever happened its very simple folks the leftist media has decided it didnt happen you didnt just see or hear what you just saw and heard period remember that. And thats a show folks who want you to stay curious stay hungry and you could also watch full shows right now on the portable t. V. App for a portable t. V. s download it right now actually app store im Steve Malzberg and i will see you next time on the press. I 1st heard about. From the helicopter from a tree in iraq. I think a downer people are going to be going to this military who have never forgiven or. Forgotten freighters the truth of the book and every little thing it leads to some he was really starting to happen. In the pentagon journalese says youve heard. Seem a lot of crimes to outnumber the audience. The idea of developing an anonymous digital phones and appliance in the media and since you said that was a friends. Phone i didnt control interest and retain it with me for a short while from the room one of the worlds most. Unusual rumors and that youre innocent undersell rich founder to the song to the songwriting. And there was a great deal of jealousy in the audience for it for the song the fit why wont it be more like all they have q 16 all for. Instance and. Since my. Records on. Me have giuliani sides in solitary confinement in the prison for terrorists await you know how its a live person. I dont see him dying. And i. Know what hes saying. Syria has been engulfed in civil war most 10 years it cost hundreds of thousands of lives and displaced millions more no one foresaw the peaceful protests of 20 is collating into a complex conflict between various armies geopolitical interests rebel groups and just. How they are needed on the book on this. But if you tell us if you say in the hague because im. Best at the look cool and. Let you know deep down to look. At them on the theatre. An ordinary i sat down i shouted never statham is the mother and then the shame what i did im going to hate. It. When its totally different from outside people watched a movie as it may have did take on what prison is like but they dont know. What it is to be and we have to take him. To a whole lot of things but we do

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