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Belarus where theres no letup in the wave of antigovernment on rest tens of thousands gathered in minsk on sunday calling on president lukashenko to step down over claims he rigged the election it was done of has this report from the capital. So this is what the antigovernment protest looks like right now and it has become sort of a traditional regular place for people to gather and vent their anger after the highly controversial elections and right now you can see that behind me this towering structure and the museum behind it are being guarded by the Security Forces they are not letting people come close but they arent trying to the road between the Security Forces and the protesters has become sort of an improvised border and people have been flocking here very very large telegram channels with lots of followers which are being used to coordinate these protests because the its not like people its not it hasnt been spontaneous it has been organized it has been coordinated through internet for instance. The reason why protesters arent trying to storm the structure is because this channel has called on people not to do that and not to approach the museum thats behind those behind the structure on the on the small hill so soon they will be moving to another and we believe that the final location of todays protest and so far because so far judging by what i have seen of these people these protesters they have been following every direction given by the coordinators. Or simple. Example of the shanker there greeting Security Forces a few hours ago they had sealed off a perimeter around the president ial residence during the protests in minsk crowds were earlier moving towards the compound the shank arrived at his residence in body armor and were seeing next thing a helicopter with a gun in hand it was accompanied by his 15 year old son. But ours has been left deeply divided by the election the week that followed it was dominated by opposition protests on monday those supporters of the president began holding town to rally. It up boy dr my hearts bleeding and i cant believe this is happening in bell. After all of us are these and i love i love the. Thanks it is opposition we are strong it is them who made us united we are the people weve been living in fear for a week weve been crying all these calls for change i was buying vegetables at the grocery i told the seller i was going to attend a meeting she said you look at shingle rat i think there thor it is all wrong the Election Results are a complete lie its very sad the more the authorities deny ever the things the worse it is for the state i feel bad for the country and for the people i believe that the peoples voices that we hear now justify what people decided in the election they havent been heard now they will have to listen every day to whats going on here. On saturday thousands showed up for a prolific shanker rally in the western border city of god the president himself delivering an emotional speech he reiterated his claim that the political turmoil gripping the country is being stirred up by external forces and he was able to speak to him right after his appearance on stage. I knew this would happen i was afraid of skirmishes during that critical period they were preparing for that they were going to work for i came out i was afraid that these people would have suffered that is why we took a break look at that there is a sea of people outside i did not expect to see that here on the western border where bin are being pressured to attack russia they see as a springboard and we have to wipe it out. A lot more Foreign Countries have challenges look at shangri legitimacy as president rejecting the results of this months election the e. U. Has confirmed its drawing up sanctions against russian officials who are suspected of Election Fraud and violence against protesters. Other blocs Foreign Policy chief has however called for caution in dealing with belarus youre set but ill said europe cannot allow the country to run in turn into a 2nd ukraine and that means god doesnt have to choose between europe and russia the Russian Foreign minister Sergey Lavrov also warned against the repeat of the 2014 ukraine uprising. We will support any decision that the belorussian government takes to promote dialogue with its people but when western countries say that mediation can only be effective with their presence of course we all remember what happened in ukraine where negotiations with our partners failed that is why the belorussian people will decide for themselves how they want to emerge from this situation i think the clear signs of normalization that we are seeing are very important but i know that not everyone likes what is happening there are those who want to shift the current flow of events and better use which is normal and peaceful to a path of violence to provoke bloodshed and create another ukraine scenario. Fewer ennia declaring that she wanted to take care of her children but evidently she wasnt allowed to settle that so she started making political statements quite harsh ones demanding more strikes and protests its significant that shes making more and more statements not in russian or belorussian but in english her target audience is in the west and its possible they dont insist on this the whole goal is to ensure that they dont calm down but keep stirring up the situation some by the russian opposition figures who live in the west and are trying to influence the events in their country from abroad want everything to be different they want blood they want to provoke the belorussian Security Forces who are not touching anyone right now and theyre not intervening against peaceful demonstrators we think this is criminal. Russian opposition figure alexei in a valley has been admitted to a bird in hospital for emergency medical treatment he was airlifted on saturday from a siberian city of arms and well hes been in a coma since falling ill during a flight to moscow on thursday its all over the latest details. Took a lot of wrangling between doctors in the russian city of. The family but Alexei Navalny is here in germany here arrived on saturday in a special medical plane had been chartered by his supporters and he landed here in berlin and arrived at the hospital flanked by a column of blue flashing Lights Police motorcycles and other vehicles accompanying the ambulance that he was in to be shot at a hospital hes receiving treatment and undergoing extensive testing at the hospital to try and determine what is behind his illness that resulted in him being in a coma since thursday early and police have also put out the same and saying that they are here in increased numbers due to mr vanney being in this hospital now we arent expecting any updates really from the hospital until maybe monday morning. Air lexan of on these wife is here so will be looking to see if theres any further statements from the family now russian doctors in had objected to him moving initially they said that alexina vanny was too ill to be able to make that journey however they relented at the request of the family because we are not in favor of him being taken anywhere from this hospital but considering the requests of his family he will help organize the transportation alexina valmy took on well on thursday on a flight from siberia back to moscow and he was headed to be in some clear distress while on that flight the plane made an Emergency Landing in the city of on skin he was rushed off to hospital by paramedics that has been claims that he was poisoned with some of his team suggesting there was a poison was put into his t. Doctors say that they ran a talk screening on him while he was in the hospital in that came back negative that they were treating him under a different diagnosis. If you would for the team of doctors concluded that since we did not find any toxic materials in his blood he had suffered a metabolic disruption with the reduced glucose levels during the drop in pressure while the plane was taking off this isnt the 1st claim of poisoning against alexina van the last year he was hospitalized from prison his team at the time said that he had been poisoned it later turned out that he suffered a severe allergic reaction claims that there has been a poisoning in the kremlin of the hind that is being strongly denied by the need to the best school fees flemmi of putins press secretary he said that the russian government to put no blocks in the way of the lakes in the valley travelling here to germany that any delays in the transportation had been due to the concerns raised by the doctors he said that he also wish missed in the valley a speedy recovery by the European Union have said they want a full investigation into what happened to Alexei Navalny in what seems to be a case thats demanding a lot of answers in re raising certainly a lot more questions than we have on says at the moment a lot of eyes focused on the hospital just behind me and a case that is becoming increasingly politicized its a big sexy story isnt it im in james bond the German Government was quick to long with my. Offer to host the medical facilities here and where hes going to show it is one of the best hospitals in europe i mean the russians who visits germany for health care. Choices and politics behind this and yes i think the German Government was keen to make sure that he comes through this and gets the best possible care because they want to see the active Opposition Leader continue his work try and push for more democracy less corruption in russia and so theres some of that thinking goes to. The Fatal Police Shooting of a black man in the u. S. State of missouri has sparked large scale protests a video of the moments leading up to his death has gone viral warning to viewers you might find the footage distressing. Creation happened in the city of lafayette on friday and was caught on camera so if you want to old Trafford Pellerin was pursued by police after entering a gas station people in the background of the video can be heard saying he has a knife. And several officers caught up with him in a Convenience Store half a mile away the suspect was but officers said it was ineffective so he was then shot the video was posted online and on saturday crowns gathered to protest. Well hundreds of people marched to the Lafayette Police station demanding justice for most of the situation escalated towards evening with clashes breaking out and riot Police Moving in police of promise to investigate the deadly shooting which has been condemned by the American Civil Liberties union ask her if it carries follows months long protests over alleged the roshan injustice and Police Brutality following the death of jules floyd in minneapolis we discussed the case earlier with journalist danielle is a. There is every reason for suspicion that the police overreacted there is a consistent pattern of brutality blacks are treated very badly by the criminal Justice System its a very bad racial situation thats only getting worse not to justify the officers actions trigger happy actions as well in any way but do you think running from Armed Police Officers is ever a good idea people are afraid of the police black people are afraid of the police with good reason they are afraid that if they are that they surrender to the police they will be killed the months of b. L. M. Protests in the wake of the George Floyd Killing the calls to defend the police have the protests actually achieved anything or what have the theyve achieved there certainly brought the drop dramatize the problem. Theyve theyve impressed the much of the population there really is a serious problem but the american political structure is unresponsiveness their birth the chasm between rich and poor is enormous and its getting worse by the by the Year American Political Institutions by certain measures are more racist now than they were 16 years ago for example so the American Government is actually in some ways more just now from the needs of ordinary working class people than it was 60 years ago. Wealth polarization shooting through the roof and political instability is growing. Germany france the u. K. Russia and china have all rejected the u. S. For cross 3 impose sanctions on iran so cool snap back sanctions can be triggered as part of the nuclear deal but only by signatories to the pact and the more picks up the story. So at this point weve got the United States essentially demanding that the United Nations reimpose its crippling sanctions Economic Warfare against the Islamic Republic of iran this is mike pompei o laying out the demand just a few minutes ago i delivered letters to both the un secretary general to terrorism to the president of the Security Council notified them that the United States is initiating the restoration of virtually all u. N. Sanctions on iran lifted under u. N. Security Council Resolution 2231 did i say it will never allow the Worlds Largest state sponsor of terrorism to freely buy and sell planes tanks missiles and other kinds of conventional weapons now essentially the United States is hoping to invoke the snapback mechanism that was part of the j c p o a conclusion of the Iran Nuclear Negotiations the Iran Nuclear Deal now the snapback mechanism was put into the nuclear deal so that if iran did not fulfill the agreement and did not fulfill its obligations broke the agreement that there would be an immediate snap back and all the un sanctions would immediately be reimposed on iran so now the United States is trying to invoke the snapback mechanism however it has virtually no support in the International Community when it comes to this demand that weve got all the other cosigners of the deal the United Kingdom germany france china russia all staying that basically the United States doesnt have the right to invoke the snapback mechanism because the United States pulled out of the deal not iran this has been the International Reaction to the United States call this was west to you and i was aware different concerns at reckless acts by the United States could trigger a serious crisis from the Security Council our american colleagues do not seem to care about this week on all countries to resist and i stress once again that the u. S. Plans are on loehle. The United States has withdrawn. In the comprehensive agreement on the Iranian Nuclear issue and hes not qualified to call for a rapid resumption of sanctions by the Security Council as i have repeatedly recalled the u. S. Unilaterally seized participation in the j. C. B. Away by president ial memorandum on the 8th of may 28th in and has subsequently not participated in any j c p o a related activities you can know that for be considered to be a participant state for the purposes of possible sanctions not by foreseen by the resolution the United States hold out of the Iran Nuclear Deal in may of 28 scene and at this point weve got the trumpet ministration saying that they are open to renegotiating a new deal that would restrict irans activities more harshly now at this point people are reacting to the recent effort by the United States to extend the arms embargo against the Islamic Republic of iran which was roundly defeated by the International Community the u. N. Security council the 15 member body that leads the u. N. The only other country to support the u. S. Move was the Dominican Republic and it seems with the world basically opposing washingtons moves against iran that iran actually has the upper hand this is what weve heard from some iranian officials in was called and on which i think today its clear that the United States is size elated and american unilateralist is not supported by other countries with the reason reason lucian there was put before the Security Council the United States was defeated the slum a group public of iran has the upper hand in the International Community it seems like almost a consensus that the Iran Nuclear Deal should remain intact however washington has pulled out of the deal and they seem to be almost standing alone at this point in their call to reimpose sanctions and to essentially escalate tensions with the Islamic Republic. Russias deputy envoy to the United Nations said on thursday the u. S. Had declined to hold a Security Council session on the issue of sanctions against the run long time Foreign Correspondent reece erlich told us americas actions are designed more for a home audience the us has no legal grounds whatsoever to pursue this very quite explicit in the terms of the j c p a way that only participants in the accord could move to have the snap back weve seen all kinds of seizure iranian oil on the high seas that was on its way to venezuela all perfectly legal but the u. S. Claims the unilateral right to pose its interpretation of sanctions anywhere in the world against anybody it wants. But frankly rather than a sign of straightening this is a sign of weakness because the u. S. Is unable to get support any other country in the world for these. Actions including britain france germany and staunch u. S. Allies completely reject the about the trump a news station on this issue and its a sign of desperation frankly that theyre hoping something will happen between now and november and turn things around and trump hopes to use these efforts to gain reelection i think frankly its quite the opposite. Us democrats this week officially nominated joe biden as that running for president and a virtual vote at the partys Virtual Convention despite the efforts to attract Younger Voters with the star studded lineup for some events proving to be a bit of a bore. Without a doubt it will be the most boring repetitive gold meanspirited convention in history of. The d. N. C. So far feels like one long on you tube usually skip. This convention so far makes me think the democrats are the party ready to lead america into the. Commie crowd im dying of which indian see messages goodbye to. Both democrats and republicans are making a wrong of Campaign Promises including about American Military interventions joe biden says he wants to see an end to forever wars. And peace though isnt exactly something to herald as the quarter explodes. Donald trumps surprising 2016 election victory had a lot to do with one golden promise and americas endless wars i am proposing a new Foreign Policy focused on advancing americas korda show interest to avoid endless wars that were caught up in the current strategy of toppling regimes with no plan for what to do the day after only produces power vacuums that are filled simply by terrorists we now know he didnt deliver on his promise but Many Americans still long for that away says of peace and in 2020 the opposition understands this all too well democrats know its time to bring nearly 2 decades of unceasing conflict to an end and left wing right wing it doesnt even matter polls are showing that 3 out of 4 americans want troops withdrawn from afghanistan and half of them want to see cuts to the military budget when it comes to u. S. Foreign policy the vast majority of americans are fed up with never ending war and yet the democrats are supporting joe biden as their candidate a man with a track record of supporting conflicts. Lets start from 2002 when joe biden jumped right on the weapons of mass destruction bandwagon and supported the u. S. Invasion of iraq clearly be more secure without Saddam Hussein in position of weapons of mass destruction almost 5000 american soldiers dead thousands more iraqi civilians killed a catalyst for the rise of the Islamic State i wouldnt say any of that fits into most peoples definition of peace and security even if im. Not happy. There are no you. As Barack Obamas v. P. Biden cheered on americas longest war in afghanistan he called it a success and promised to bring the troops home that strategy is succeeding and as a consequence the president is making good on his commitment to bring our young men and women home right on schedule while here we are 2020 and so little has changed it just goes to show Us Operations in afghanistan are more about dysfunction than success what are we trying to do here we didnt have the foggiest notion of what we were undertaking if the American People knew the magnitude of these dysfunction syria libya pakistan yemen the list of countries that were bombed while joe biden was Vice President is very long so are we supposed to believe that hes going to put an end to years of endless war you decide well biden was there he was in the room where it happened as you say he was there for 8 years of obama so he cant divorce and so through obamas warmongering policy pretty rich for the democrats to pretend now that theyre the peace part of the because we had 8 years of president obama starting more wars i think than any president in decades before hand before him more drone strikes more bombings more killings under president obama hope it was all for everyones own good when in fact just last month when President Trump announced he wants to remove 12000. 00 troops from or you want to remove troops from afghanistan the Democratic Party that controls the house actually teamed up with liz cheney daughter of dick cheney to try to block and they actually passed legislation to try to prevent the end of the longest war in u. S. History so for them to now say we want to end endless wars it really is a farce who knows that the voters will buys thats nonsense. Up next big system auty documentary brings a story of a gal forced to look after a family of 6 age 19 back and often with the latest headlines join us again but. The world is driven by a dream shaped by those. Who dare use thinks. We dare to ask. An entire village in alaska has had some if another country trying to wipe out an american town. We do everything in our power to protect the. Water they escaping the Climate Change is the same threat right now alaska seems some of the fastest coastal erosion in the world we lost about 35 feet. 35 feet of ground in just about 3 months while we were measuring. It is fast paced the river is 35. 00 closers and how. Long was a year for i think were a part of america 1st from. Earth for it. Well. You got it. You. 3. Thank. You thank you. Thank you thank you thank you thank. You. For this collage of all im glad that i asked was asked of me and seeing i downloaded this for the brides for the night they conversed im going to do which is about the fun of them strong out now because im done and i want to thank you melissa in show proof for that i am going to do it not stay at the show but oh my god. You. Are so set on the open mind you mama says that i am yeah and. Those negotiations must. Be children 6 brothers and 2 sisters from the you have to shrink a family suddenly became all forms on me whats thought to walk to but not the one. I dont im just not part of our. Scene i dont. Mind when we dont and you get. As if by a little magic Child Services did allow christina the older sister to keep the children in her care when you budgeted. Davis but i did not know why dont we speed on we should push undergoing a wound to the bridle. On the bush school so. You dont. Throw who should christian. Religion choose to shoot on. Your show. Christina is both mom and is already over 18 and independent. My sternum sibs originally. To raise a brother some younger sister christina dropped out of college she used to dream of becoming a priest

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