So what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have its crazy to confront a shouldnt let it be an arms race is on the offense very dramatic probably the only mostly im going to resist i dont see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. Max keiser this is the kaiser reports lets get right into it. Right i want to remind everybody in the audience the meaning of the word smug and this is important to know because we are going to talk about the smug Industrial Complex how we are showing an excessive pride in oneself or ones achievements yes it sounds like cable news similar selfsatisfied complacent selfcongratulatory superior puffed up you might understand that were talking about the smug Industrial Complex known as the american Cable News Networks the think tank networks that are so star in all of those people in new york city and d. C. Are just so much better than every body else all the deplorable is and this country. Has the smug class to protect the class so they feel very comfortable with their affiliations and associations with the institutions that run america at the highest level the permanent institutions that are always running america the matter who is the president they have friends in the media and those friends feel smug that no matter what happens that they are protected it is dangerous to have a entrenched smug class in your society in your country because they can take liberties with the truth and project a situation that is false and put people down the wrong path of course their fake news was not prevented from spreading before the elections in america everybody assumed there was being going to be a blue wave that biden would win in landslide nobody will be fired for that none of those articles were stopped from spreading. And yet they did so this is important its a good way to look at any economy empire wealthy families this is how they fall apart its not from outside this is why the Founding Fathers of america did warn that america will never be destroyed from outside it will be destroyed from inside because she is what always is the deadliest of all Human Emotions throughout history the thing that it obviates is the need for free market and competition because in a meritocracy or a capitalist democracy like the United States you have the ability for social mobility which is the antithesis of smugness in countries that are a legacy monarchy or aristocracy still in place smugness counts particularly in countries in europe where we have lived for years we noticed that to be the case so it would be a tragedy if america went the way of a permanent smug class and got rid of social mobility but the numbers are quite discouraging on this front i thought you were to say smug lives matter and thats how they seem to operate but i just think history thousands of years of history maybe the decades long and you know the last few decades of neo liberalism in europe maybe seem to contradict it but the thousands of years of history suggests that smugness and hubris theyre both part of the same thing always always destroy power they always take it down so im going to show you some of the exit data that was just remarkable and we try to be the opposite of smug and we try to be heterodox we try to think outside the box not look at the orthodoxy with the status quo as soon as you have a status quo it behooves anybody out there who even if you adore the status quo to look outside and see what what other people are thinking thats why we went across america twice the Great American pell grant and then gonzo the smug Industrial Complex chair. Not to do that so the cable News Washington post New York Times told you that the only people who vote for charm are White Supremacists this male right so this is what he they who votes for trump according to the exit polls trump did better in 2020 with every reefs and gender except for white men so the change from 2016 white men down 5 points white women up 2 points black men up 4 points black women up 4 points latino men up 3 point lead tino women up 3 points and other races up 5 points this kind of tells us conclusively that what the cable news on the smug Industrial Complex like the New York Times or the Washington Post are doing for projecting just another words they are the white racists well they are supremacists premises they are they say it might not be anything to do with race but they are certain of their superiority and that they are the best people like from everything and every level their smartest theyre the most brilliant the kind theyre projecting their notion of supremacy yes and as a result they got the whole demographic dead wrong trump has shattered that narrative for once in terms of the importance of a diversity of a media landscape remember had there been a blue wave today you and i might not be able to broadcast in america we might be diplomats formed already from twitter this is what the likes of Rachel Maddow c. N. N. And all those people they what they wanted there was just what they wanted to impose on americans so the importance here is that theres a profound and deep misunderstanding of the american electorate by the very people who are paid 102030000000. 00 a year to provide you the analysis of what is happening in the economy what is happening in. Politics what is happening in culture but they genuinely dont care about deplorable people who have not one single friend who has an influence or they dont care if anybody is like you know their family members are dying of opioid overdose because they were making fun of those people before but with the latino vote this is the black vote of 2016 remember hillary lost because black people didnt turn out because putin manipulated them into not liking her today this time around theyre saying that the latinos and florida that they wore that they didnt show up 8 for biden and there was a she knew just slink away from the democrats to the republicans mostly a lot to do with cuban americans there were white protestors at these black lives matters protest in miami Walking Around with shades of our posters and the cubans dont like shake what are the cubans in in that live in miami but also heres an Interesting Data point about because remember they didnt ran a lot on covert 19 that how his response would be different that she would lock down people and if youre very wealthy if youre in the Creative Class if you work in social media or at twitter or google or any of these High Tech Companies its easy to work from home right youre very well paid you could do your job easily there but you know a lot of latinos have to work outside the family and they have to go to work but latino americans have a huge bias for a family in latin america i know personally one person from peru whose family is literally starving to death in peru starving to death because of lockdowns so the Latino Community is very against lockdowns and the democrats rely on their vote so for example in cart to hang on colombias caribbean coast only 41 percent of households are eating 3 meals a day down from 82 percent. Before coven 1000 left is Tourist Hotels deserted so this impacts a Huge Community of people and that they didnt understand this that they didnt know that this is how latinos are feeling its just remarkable that they just dont even care about anybody outside the beltway but i think. The virus is. Once in a 100 year phenomenon its a pandemic and the response can be lumped into 2 categories one would be very state driven state controlled response and the other one would be more entrepreneurial so on the side of a more entrepreneurial response would be a fall under the heading of common sense if youre in a group of people it might make sense to wear a mask and it might make sense to go to work in be a commonsense approach and wear a mask when appropriate a very heavy handed state approach would be a blanket shutdown of the economy. Forced by enforced by by for violence drugs state police state and thats what i think a lot of people in the states heard when they heard joe biden talk about how he is planning to respond were no longer allowed to have adult conversations every single position if the other side takes a position you have to take the other side so theyre not were not allowed to discuss as rational adults because we no longer are in an age of reason as an empire disintegrates so were not able to say ok this is whats happening this is what we have to do we have to wear this mass we have to lock down but these are the costs there will be people who will die of heart attacks and cancer that what when and have been treated poor children especially will be harmed by not socializing and having school and having parents that are working and essential Industries Like meat packing plants that werent allowed to close by law during this pandemic so that their children will be underserved. Latino families across latin america there for their families will. Are these are the things that will happen lets discuss what should we do as adults like how should we respond to this if these people will die over here but were going to save these people over here should we do this like we were able to everything has to be hyper emotional you know to support their unique Conspiracy Theory whether its on m. S. N. B. C. Or fox news they have to support like they have to deny so much reality and that is that becomes a problem during situations like this in particular for a while self responsibility that goes with the entrepreneurial approach is difficult for most to wrap their head around because they would prefer a state driven collectivist approach and remove the need to have to apply their common sense or to think intelligently about the matter at hand and thats the laziness of the general population who ideologically is susceptible to demagogues and collectivism that prevents a reasonable entrepreneurial approach and the hispanic voters in america sussed this out and understood that trump is more of an entrepreneurial guy and they dont want to give in to what they have the experience of in latin america in particular of collectivist ideologues brutish left wing folks people are very unique individuals and complex nobody is lumped into one group you know they try to create these identity politics that like in 2016 im a woman i should vote for hillary and if i didnt on the sexes so they reduce it so that when we have a very complex society we have a huge amount of different cultures all here its not its a hamas culture so you know the fact that they are no longer able to deal with that means they can know theyre no longer fit to rule and i want to bring back to one you know the huge cost financially so there were these like fake news being spread all over the place before the election that Mitch Mcconnell the leader of the santa ana Senate Majority leader. Kentucky and that Lindsey Graham that senator republican senator from South Carolina were somehow vulnerable and they were going to lose then and like oh come on you resistance source give us your money were going to run somebody against them well both won in a landslide but amy mcgrath and Jaime Harrison raised the combined 199000000. 00 and lost to Mitch Mcconnell and Lindsey Graham by a combined 35. 00 points so people poured 2 100000000. 00 at a time by the way when they need it like these were probably people giving like the 10. 00 of their fists 40 in the bank in order to like have this victory improve you know the you know one of their conspiracy theories right but you know this this false it was fake news that while these people 200000000. 00 by some what we can say so far in this drama is that on the left with the smug class of the blue checks of the New York TimesWashington Post types they are projecting their supremacy sists their ease and hatred yes and propaganda. The thing that they accuse the other side of doing is astaire projecting oh weve got to take a break there we come back much more coming your way. Welcome back to the kaiser report imax pfizer time now to go to Preston Byrne hes a lawyer at andersen kill law preston thank you right through to be here great to have ya now lets get into it one of the biggest issues during the election was section 230. 00 tell us what is section 230. 00 how does it relate to what we saw happen in terms of socalled censorship on social media during the election preston shares a section to 30 has been call 26 words they created the internet and what it essentially does it allows Internet Companies to host on enter its User Generated Content without necessarily being liable so if your dish and really underscore example defamation law newspaper printed an article that you wrote lets say you wrote an article saying you know i think george bush is no good scoundrel and your newspaper the newspaper is liable as a secondary party to have a location so you publish it and if its the best story they can be sued as well as you or at least not in the United States thats a other question that anywhere we certainly are from that 2nd you there he is designed to allow Online Public publication platforms to host user in cereal and let people speak very freely on the internet. And they want their they cant be sued for concert. So just in very limited exceptions the other provision says sections you dirty see one section 2 there is see to the 2nd half the provision allows these content these platforms that has User Generated Content to moderate or remove objectionable material and again it says theyre not going to be liable for the removal of that cereal so t. L. C. Are in a long story short is sessions you there he says youre not liable for what other people and if youre a platform and you lose someone youre not liable for that. So broadly speaking republicans i think we know so far about these elections is that they have maintained control of the senate. And but we can say broadly speaking that the democrats appear to want more of a corporate sponsorship mania the republicans generally speaking you could say one last is that a fair characterization and who do you think wins this fight thats a good question i think the republicans actually want more state control of certain media which kind of goes against what they usually stand for because most of the proposals that involve federal commissions or many of the proposals that involve the creation of federal commissions like the f. C. C. To go in and force contest standards on these websites and force them to be neutral whatever that means. That itself is a constant basis traction on stage and as such it is presumptively unconstitutional and subject to strict scrutiny so so the republicans really have said we want more state fair thats the democrats of course are quite happy for the corporations to do it they want given that this election cycle all of big tax showed that theyre very much in the tank for the democrat agenda and the left wing generally so i think best theyre not going to be too keen to change especially to 30 anytime soon because their tax these companies from you know from any liability for engaging in politically biased active x. Which i think frankly it should i mean i think thats the way things should telling him to use case lets say on twitter if i tweet something and then somebody quotes my tweet and theyre tweet and they Say Something libelous i could be responsible no so the 2nd to 30 basically says that no user or provider of an Interactive Computer Service will be liable for the content that is posted by another user so if you posted tweet lets say that said you know i dont trust and hes a really good guy and then my safety person reach we did it and said i know president i think hes a scoundrel and i was greatly offended by this and i decided that i was going to sue stacey i could then turn around and sue you if you had said anything improper there i could. To safety but i couldnt sue twitter because of session 230. 00 because you didnt say it twittered say so you can only go after the person who actually said the defect major defamatory so heres another kind of example or so the Network Effect and social media creates monopoly power for the winners the vast majority of ad revenue accrues to just 2 or 3 of these social Media Outlets causing huge barrier to entry. Now question is if alex jones can be cut off from awful show media why should the private corporations owning the internet and telephone also be allowed to come off from those services so in other words our sounds its cut off from social media what stops them from cutting off from having them use a telephone right its the same thing like whats different about social media in your mind is this a good question even if it is a good question and its something where i think weve seen a number of companies have had different experiences in this regard bish you just yesterday lost a critical is this is a she is a huge new competitor and they lost an unspecified very important business critical piece of Network Infrastructure and as such the website is no doubt nobody knows quite well now there was the d. S. Was there i was saying nobody sure gaz another company which has had a huge problem theyve been banned from practically every payment processor under the sun theyve been blacklisted by visa joint as your