Taskforce members Kunwarpreet Singh Behar, Angela Pham, Floriberta Sario, & Justin Mata San Jose may have cutting-edge Silicon Valley innovation on its doorstep but like many local governments still faces challenges with providing seamless digital experiences for citizens. The Mayor’s Office of Technology and Innovation has launched a new digital services taskforce to improve usability. The initiative also aims to nurture civic tech talent in the area. “Good government means good digital experiences,” said Clay Garner, Deputy Chief of Staff to Mayor Sam Liccardo, in an online post. “Whether you’re looking to apply for a permit or find the nearest free meal distribution site, confusing and sometimes clunky public apps are the norm. But a bad user experience isn’t just inconvenient — it could be the difference between someone getting fed or going hungry. This information asymmetry also erodes trust in city hall,” he added.