Transcripts For SFGTV Government Access Programming 20171203

SFGTV Government Access Programming December 3, 2017

Xenophobic, racist, islamophobic sexist comments written in the scenarios. Do you want to comment . [ inaudible ] with the department of Emergency Management. Well, you have my word, i will consult with my executive director as soon as she returns from d. C. Supervisor cohen well, to be fair, you gave me your word that you were going to work with supervisor yee, and you didnt do that. We have met with him several times, and we have a differing dialogue, to be fair, but i will work with the director, cronenberg, and im sure its a conversation she will have with the other Community Members and sheriff ahern, absolutely. Supervisor cohen at this time, id like to ask the assistant sheriff of Alameda County to come up. I just wanted to give you an opportunity to give some feedback on some of the remarks you heard here today, going a little further than the two minutes that you had in Public Comment, and i assume out of the representatives, i am the most senior. Yes, maam, i am. Do you mind if i grab my notes. Supervisor cohen grab your notes. Ill just continue talking until you get back to the podium. Thank you for being here, because i think the short coming of this conversation is you guys have not been here at the table in San Francisco, so thank you, and i appreciate you being here. And i appreciate those comments, and in the future, i will make sure that there are people here from Alameda County to address any questions. If i could start by saying, i know that theres been some comments that urban shield has evolved over the years. It started out as a police exercise and has evolved into an Emergency Management exercise. We have heard the concerns of the community over the years, we have heard the concerns of some of our elected officials, and we have made changes as a result of that. We had a significant amount of community involvement. Weve always had citizen and Community Volunteers with urban shield, however, you heard we had Neighborhood Response Team exercises, we had the gray command, very successful. Heard the issue about the oath keepers. We dont have interaction with them. They requested to come at the last minute. Had we known that there was a perception that they were an extremist group, they would not have been allowed to be there. Those were not used to identify suspects. There were many wearing those, at what i believe to be the incident in question. They were strictly being used as a protective measure. Many people here in the United States of america now wear those when theyre in certain environments to protect those in sun. Supervisor cohen with you were in Alameda County. We dont have strong one. We can discuss climate change, but the reality is it doesnt enhance the exercise in any way. You see how it makes you look bad . Yes, maam. I do tunds. I just want to make it clear that we were not using it to identify suspects, and we do not use them to identify suspects in any kind of incident or anything like that. There were about 70 vendors there primarily targeting an audience of police and fire. Out of those almost 70 vendors, there were five of them that did have firearms displayed. Theyre not sold on the premtss, bpremt premtss premises. Supervisor cohen correct me if im wrong, to the point, theres other trade shows and other opportunities to evaluate new weapons. Yes, thats correct. Supervisor cohen so it doesnt necessarily need to happen with this at this event. Thats correct, and also you had mentioned the funding that comes from that, the funding that comes from that is utilized to pay for things that we cannot bill to the grant, for example, so the amount of funding that results from that is pretty small in the grant scheme of things, and i am planning on speaking to sheriff ahern about possible making some adjustments Going Forward with the vendor show. I have had some discussions with my staff regarding that this year, but i will be planning to have further discussions with the sheriff to see what his thoughts are on the matter. Supervisor cohen i would appreciate that because times are changing, and i know the sheriff is also up for reelection, i dont know if theres anyone thats running against him or not. Not yet. Supervisor cohen but there is times are changing, and i think that we would be we would be foolish not to acknowledge the change, and that we have to respond accordingly. You took an oath to protect and to serve, and that means everyone. And when i think about the all too numerous shooting occurrences that have happened, even in our state of california, when you think about a few weeks ago, north of San Francisco, i mean, we need i do believe we need to be prepared. I and i couldnt agree more, maam. And just on that note, i would like to state that that the number of shootings, at least in the region, have declined significantly over the recent past, and not that thats attributed to urban shield, but just so you know, swat operations that take place, most swat operations are resolved in a safe manner without a use of force, and part of that is a result of the equipment thats utilized at those incidents, if you will. Years ago, swat operation was basically, you know, busting down a door and flooding into a house as fast as you possibly could to overwhelm the occupants. Thats not the case anymore. Now what swat teams typically do is they do surround and call outs. Its very methodical, and they try to bring out the people inside, and a lot of that equipment is utilized during urban shield. Supervisor cohen thank you. I appreciate your extra commentary. Supervisor yee . Supervisor yee so, we just concluded that one can go to other shows and get the same information. Thats one thing, and you just said that the show brings in some funding, but its a small piece of the funding. So why are we doing this, and if were i guess from my point of view, if we value that we dont want our personnel to participate in shows where theyre selling a bunch of weaponry and if theyre not selling it there, theyre raffling it off i hope next year, they dont raffle off a tank or something. But i guess the question is if this is a point of contention for many thats here, is it really worth the money that you get to do this or can it be made up in a way so that the controversial issues can go away so that you can actually have these exercises, that many people can see that theres some value in it . I think that is possible, and again, thats some of the discussion that ive had with my staff this year that oversaw the vendor show this year. Part of the reason the primary reason why we do it is again, theres things that we cant pay for with county funds or bill against the grants. For example, meals that are served at dinner at what we call the hot box. That gets paid for through money thats veefd from received from vendors, so it would result in a change of probably some of the things that we receive for some of the participants, but i think its a discussion we should have yee ayee supervisor yee one of the things you can do is there shouldnt be any vendors thats going to display military weaponry. Supervisor cohen i appreciate it. Were going to move on and take up the issue that we have here, and i understand its interesting. I would be offended if somebody came into my county and told me what to do with the money, but in order for us to continue to move forward, i think collectively, otherwise, were going to have the same problems, were going to have the problems, were going to have the protests, were going to have the unrest, and we have an opportunity to bridge a gap here. The department of Emergency Management is responsible for administering the grant fore the bay area uasi, ensuring that the grant funds are spend according to grant guidelines and ensuring that each of the bay area counties and cities that they may receive a portion of the grant funds, that they adhere to the grant and fifrk will guidelines cht i want to read into the record for those of you that dont know the summary budget as follows, because i think we need to bring some clarity. Equipment, equipment is approximately 6. 3 million. Planning is approximately 4. 4 million. Training is 1. 8 million. Exercise is what we line share of our conversation was about today is 1. 8 million. Organization is 6. 8 million, and the Management Administration is 1. 1 million, so this is still, in total, a significant amount of money. Were asking were being asked to accept and then expend approximately 22. 5 million from the federal department of homeland security, so this is not an insignificant amount of money and there are a lot of very concerned people that are paying attention. So supervisor yee or supervisor tang, i dont know if theres a motion that youd like for us to begin to take on. Lets start with item 18. There was a series of amendments that were read into the record by supervisor yee. There were two in particular. The last two, further resolved clauses in the back. Supervisor tang, i think you had are you able to support both or are you able to support one or none . Supervisor tang first, for item 18, i support all of his amendments. It was item 19. Supervisor cohen okay. Fantastic. So by the way, i just want to acknowledge that Public Comment is closed. Im not sure if i did that. So supervisor yee has read into the record his amendments. Im happy to accept both of the amendments as well, supervisor, and we can take that without objection. Supervisor yee yes. Supervisor cohen okay. So as amended, we will accept i guess two additional further resolved clause. Clerk and that will be referred to the full board . Supervisor cohen that will be referred with a positive recommendation to the full board. Thank you. Item 19, there were three amendments that were proposed, three additional whereas clauses to the mou, and lets take them one by one. Okay. Ill read them. The first one, whereas the city and county of San Francisco does not condone training that promotes militaryized training that promotes stroo types and focus on religious programs. We accept this without objection. Next item you be for consideration is the second whereas clause that says whereas the city and county of San Francisco are in incorporating or principles that is an amendment, supervisor tang . Is that a yes or a no. Supervisor tang oh, no. Supervisor cohen okay. Supervisor yee. Well do a roll call vote on this particular amendment. Well start with supervisor tang. Clerk yes. Tang, no. Vice chair yee . Supervisor yee yes. Clerk yee, aye. Chair cohen . Supervisor cohen no. Clerk cohen, no. The motion fails. Supervisor cohen the third and final whereas clause says whereas if uasi funding is used for programs that are incompatible with the values and goals the board of supervisors may consider legislation restricting participation in uasi in the future. We can do a roll call vote on that, as well. Clerk on that motion, supervisor tang . Supervisor tang no. Clerk tang, no. Supervisor yee . Supervisor yee aye. Clerk yee, aye. Chair cohen . Supervisor cohen no. Clerk cohen, no. The motion fails. Supervisor cohen all right. We have one amendment in item 19 that has been accepted, and id like to make a motion to move this forward to the full board with a positive recommendation as amended. Clerk madam chair, i believe theres one more amendment to the dem to make the matter retroactive. Supervisor cohen thats correct. We can also take that with the final vote. Clerk yet. Supervisor cohen so well accept the amendment from dem as well as the one remaining amendment that supervisor yee introduced, and we can take this without objection. Clerk yes. The matter will be amended and forwarded to the board of supervisors with the full recommendation. Supervisor cohen all right. Are there any other matters before this board . Clerk that concludes the agenda. Supervisor cohen all right. Were adjourned. Thank Womens Network for a sustainable future. San francisco streets and puffs make up 25 percent of cities e citys land area more than all the parks combined theyre far two wide and have large flight area the pavement to parks is to test the variants by ininexpensive changing did new open spaces the city made up of streets in you think about the potential of having this space for a purpose it is demands for the best for bikes and families to gather. Through a collaborative effort with the department we the public works and the Municipal Transportation Agency pavement to parks is bringing Initiative Ideas to our streets. So the face of the street is the core of our program we have in the public rightofway meaning streets that can have areas perpetrated for something else. Im here with john francis pavement to parks manager and this parklet on van ness street first of all, what is a parklet and part of pavement to Parks Program basically an expense of the walk in a public realm for people to hang anti nor a urban acceptable space for people to use. Parklets sponsors have to apply to be considered for the program but they come to us you know saying we want to do this and create a new space on our street it is a Community Driven program. The program goes beyond just parklets vacant lots and other spaces are converted were here at playland on 43 this is place is cool with loots things to do and plenty of space to play so we came up with that idea to revitalizations this underutilized yard by going to the community and what they said want to see here we saw that everybody wants to see everything to we want this to be a space for everyone. Yeah. We partnered with the pavement to Parks Program and so we had the contract for building 236 blot Community Garden it start with a lot of jacuzzi hammers and bulldozer and now the point were planting trees and flowers we have basketball courts there is so much to do here. Theres a very full program that they simply joy that and meet the community and friends and about be about the lighter side of city people are more engaged not just the customers. With the help of Community Pavement to parks is reimagining the potential of our student streets if you want more information visit them as the pavement to parks or contact pavement to parks at sfgovtv. Org ok, good morning. I will call to order the november 9, 2017, Transbay Joint Powers Authority meeting. Roll call please. Note for the record that directors kim and sartipi will not be here. Director harper, reiskin, present, mr. Chairman, you have a quorom. Item three, communication. Im not aware of any. Item four, directors new and old business, and seeing none, number five, executive directors report. Earlier this year appointed process authority of Northern California regional director as a representative on our board. The next steps were for the current member agencies to, excuse me, to obtain concurrence from the respective boards. That step has been completed. Todays agenda we have an item for the board to approve amendment to the bylaws and rules of order to add California High Speed Rail Authority as a new member and acknowledge additional city and county of San Francisco member to the board. Once this step is completed and once we have received the executed First Amendment to joint Powers Agreement from the respective agencies, then we will, then california high speed rail will be a member of the city and new member of the city and county of San Francisco will join the boards. Two new members were expected to be seated at the december Board Meeting. On november 3rd, we hosted a senior delegation from australia led by minister andrew constance. The New South Wales of transport and infrastructure. Mr. Constance is responsible for overseeing public transport and infrastructure for australias largest state, New South Wales, includes sydney as the capital. Also in attendance, dan richards. Minister was very pleased with the Transbay Program and the opportunity we realize. He was equally impressed with the High Speed Rail Authority in undertaking to link the high speed rail to california. Moving on to phase two, as a followup to discussion at the Board Meeting last month, we have posted the operations analysis report which results presented to you as part of the phase two update last month. As you recall, the reports concluded a threetrack system is needed between the future fourth and Transit Center. I have asked the San Francisco county Transportation Authority to undertake a peer review of the report and they have agreed to do so. Once completed we will provide more detailed briefing of the report and the results of the peer review. In terms of funding for phase two, we continue to seek funding opportunities for the downtown extension. Last month i reported that Governor Brown signed bill 595, regional measure three authorizing legislation into law, if passed by the majority will provide 4. 4 billion in transportation funtding for the bay area and 325 million for the downtown extension. We have now turned our attention to seeking funding opportunities from other sources of funding, including the transit program. Transit to inner city rail Program Provides grants from the Greenhouse Gas reduction fund, trans formative project, transit improvement project. The program recently received a significant amou

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