Transcripts For SFGTV Government Access Programming 20240714

SFGTV Government Access Programming July 14, 2024

To prevent electronic interference, with this rooms sound system and to respect everyones ability to focus on the presentations, please silence all mobile phones. Your cooperation is appreciated. The mayors disability counsel Public Meetings are generally held on the third friday, of every other month. Please call the Mayors Office on disability, for further information, or to request accommodations at 4155546789. Or email or email travertine. Our next meeting will be friday september 20, 2019 from 1 00 p. M. 4 00 p. M. In this hearing room. We thank you for joining us. Lets move on to our next item which is roll call. [roll call] just for the record Councilmember Mcdonald just entered the room so she is present. And councilmember sassouni just entered the room, as well. So i take it we have a quorum yes, everybody is here. Excellent. I believe the next item on our agenda is the reading of the agenda itself. A reminder to all of our guests today to speak slowly into the microphone to assist our caption sinners and interpreters. Public comment. Items are not on todays agenda but within the jurisdiction of the mdc. We welcome the publics participation during Public Comment periods. There will be an opportunity for Public Comment at the beginning and end of the meeting. As well as after every item on todays agenda. Each comment is limited to three minutes and the council will respond to your comments following the meeting, if you provide your contact information. You may complete a speakers card available in the front of the room, approach the microphone during Public Comment or call our bridge line at 4155549632, where a staff person will handle requests to speak at the appropriate time. Cochair report. Report from the Mayors Office on disability. Information about San Francisco Navigation Center and shelter programs, responses to questions from the mayors disability counsel, counsel questions on Public Comment is welcome. The council will take a 15 minute break. 2020 United States census. Counsel questions on Public Comment is welcome. 2019 Affordable Housing bond. Counsel questions and Public Comment is welcome. Public comments, correspondence, councilmember comments and announcements. Adjourned. To receive notices of the meetings and electronic copies of the agenda please contact the Mayors Office on disability. Thank you. Do i have a motion to approve the minutes, for the agenda . The motion to approve todays agenda. Eyes second. Moved and seconded to approve the reading of the agenda. It has been moved. Were going to move forward now to the cochair report. Public comment, i am sorry. Do we have any cards . Anybody wish to speak during Public Comment . Kathy deluca. Just one second. Good afternoon cochairs, Council Members. My name is kathy deluca and i work for a livable city, the organization that puts on sunday streets in tran07. I am here today to tell you about an two events, oneofakind inaugural event that i want you all to come to that i all wanted to spend the word about. Its called getting there together, celebration of all ages and abilities. It is taking place on september 8th, here from 11 00 a. M. Until 4 00 p. M. It is a program the coalition of agencies serving the elderly in collaboration with liberal livable city, department of aging and adult services, and the Dignity Fund Coalition. My understand is that kate has been wanting to put on this big party for years. Hey party, a resource fair that is for and by seniors and people with disabilities. I am thrilled to be able to work on this. I am managing the event in partnership with case. The fair will include a resource fair area for exhibitors that will have government agencies, Service Providers will all be there for folks to come and get information from. We are going to have a stage with performers, singers, dancers and again all of those performers will be seniors on folks with disabilities. We are going to have the third section, open air all abilities gymnasium. In the open spaces of the civic center plaza, we are going to have exercise classes, seated meditation and hopefully some ball he would performances. And maybe even power chair soccer match. That is a im trying to organize. This is a super exciting event. This is just the first year case would like to have this event every year. We are going to get this event on the ground. It will be super fun, and i think it will only grow from here. I will share information with staff, the Mayors Office on disability staff about the event that they can send you all. We will have flyers, accessible information. What we are looking for is for people to come. If you want to help turn out folks. If you know someone who would be great on the stage, a performer, or someone who teaches a class, just let me know. You can email me at cathy livablecity. Org. I think i will stop there. I hope you all come. It is going to be a tremendously fun, rich, celebratory day. Thank you. Thank you. Are there any other speaker cards . There is someone on the bridge line. Who would like to speak on the bridge line . There is an issue they are trying to solve. I guess they are not going to speak at this time. There is a technical difficulty. We will need to come back to the bridge line Public Comment as soon as the issue is resolved. All right. Lets go to the cochairs report, at this time. Today i have two of my colleagues who will be assisting me in this report. I should say that we are dealing with a number of very important issues with the Mayors Disability Council. I think that seems to be kicking up into higher gear. Since our last meeting, we have had the passing of joanna quigley, who was a mod staff member for a very long time. Her presence will definitely be missed. We had a special celebration of her life, i think it was last month, it was on a thursday evening. At the asian museum. It was well attended. Lots of very eloquent speeches, a few tears being shed. It was really a grand time. Of course, i remember joanna quite well. I can remember one time, i was a rookie cochair, a couple of years ago when i came into one meeting, it was about 1230ton time and she goes jim, i need to coach you. We spent a few minutes with me . I did. And i never regretted it. We have a certificate in her honor i would like celie to read it. Yeah, i would just read the certificate. The Mayors Disability Council award for excellence is hereby granted to joanna for her passionate advocacy and commitment to disability rights and excellence in the server to the Mayors Disability Council dated july 19 and signed by the cochairs and the director of the Mayors Office on disability. I will just add the certificate is lovely, but it doesnt begin to address what joanna did for the Mayors Office and this council, she will be missed tremendously. Okay. Now, lets move to our next certificate yes . Yeah, that is where im going. What would i do without denise to remind me . We have a second certificate for tatiana. She has been a member of the mdc forever. She came on board before denise and help. She has been around a long time. I dont want to know quite how, maybe when denise speaks in a moment with her part of the reports, she can tell us a little bit about her. Anyway i remember tonya quite well. What i will say is that she was a very kind, compassionate, understanding and just an intelligent woman. I learned a lot from her. I stand on her shoulders. She served three, three year terms. Nine years total on the Public Authority governing board. She will definitely be missed. So here is her certificate. Yes. This is a certificate of appreciation. Tonya has retired and moved away. This will be sent to her, i presume. The Mayors Disability Council certificate of appreciation is hereby granted to tatyana for her many years of service, outstanding work and contribution to the Mayors Disability Council. Again, signed by the same three individuals. I wish her well in her retirement. Yes, thank you for clarifying yes she is retiring and in southern california. Now i want to bring on denise, my colleague, and she is going to talk about a subject matter concerning bart and she might have a few words to say about these two people. Thank you. There were several issues of the Mayors Disability Council that we have been working on. One of the highlights we have heard from the Disability Community and im sure everybody has seen in the media is the design of the new fare gates at the richmond station. And some of the problems i have been causing. The council got together, how to meeting put together, a letter, sent it to the board to address the safety issues with regard to the design of these dates and the concerns that we had. The first thing around safety, and since then there has been a report of people with disabilities, blind and visually impaired have had difficulties going through those gates. One, because of the timing of the safety area that is impacted , the gate just seems to shut on them. They cannot get completely through. The second thing with regards to the timing, someone in a mobility device, wheelchair, there is an instance where the gate actually shut on somebodys headrest. These are concerns. Our letter went to the bart board. The most important thing besides the safety issues, is on the new art express they would like to hear from the community on ideas on how to make these gates safer and their input. we really appreciate that. We would like bart to consider people with disabilities, and seniors as part of shareholders to get that input, as they implement or change their design, or go forward to please include these stakeholders. We are dependent on public transportation, and we appreciate, you know, the problems of the fair jumpers. Again we are talking about Public Safety and the people that need access to transportation. Please consider that. We do not want to hear stories of people getting hurt before something is done. We are here to help and advise. Please include us in those discussions or correspondence in the Disability Community. Have focus groups. That is the first thing. The second thing with regards to the individuals have artie been said how incredible that joanna was an advocate and we will miss her and her years of service with us. I met her a week after she joined the Mayors Office on disability. Her friend chip our friendship was invaluable to me. I will miss her. I would have to say the same about tatyana. She was here before me, i think about maybe two years before i came on board. It was a pleasure working with her. I also miss her. Shes a an amazing amazing advocate. She did have some health issues. No matter how sick she was she managed to come to meetings when she could. She would have focus groups. She would have counseling sessions for people with disabilities to discuss issues that were happening. So, she will be missed and i wish her good health. Thank you for my report. Thank you. The issue with the bridge line has been resolved and we have a person who would like to speak for the Public Comment portion. The person on the bridge line, you are on for the next three minutes. Thank you. My name is that, can everyone hear me . Yes. Thank you. There was some technical difficulties earlier. I did sign in at 1 00 p. M. For this meeting. Im speaking as loud as i can into my microphone. I havent spoken before about how useful these meetings are and how grateful i am to the staff of the work that they do for people with disabilities. I do have some recommendations for improvements and things that could be improved not the least of which is the technical difficulties with the bridge line. With recorded audio to let people know theyre still on the line, its really confusing calling into these meetings, even someone who has done it multiple times in the past. Im also concerned that these meetings are only happening bimonthly now. They used to happen monthly last year. Ive spoken on this before. I think it is a poor expression of this new mayors feelings for the disabled community and the important of those things we need access to. I am also a little concerned that the agenda, for this meeting was only emailed less than 72 hours ago. I think at a minimum, the amount of time agenda should be notified to the public should be at least a week. Especially that is the only way i can spread the word. I know we all want to spread the word and get people to these meetings which are not very well attended. I spoke to people at the coalition of homelessness today about this meeting, they did not even know about the existence. That is a problem i have noticed multiple times talking with different people. People that are very active in local government and state politics they do not even know these meetings are happening prayed they do not know that mod exists. At the last meeting i put suggestions forward about noting fine people at are getting more efforts to notifying people. Dot these meetings are happening. They are very useful in good meetings. Your staff does great work. I just want to get the word out that people can come and attend. Last but not least, i want to say that i have emailed a couple of issues, one is the accessibility or lack of accessibility for notification of when our public trees are being cut down by the bureau of urban forestry. The notices are only imprint and small font for those of us sick in bed, we come out, you know, weeks later when we are able to go outside and we find out half of the trees in our neighborhood are gone. And that is somehow supposed to be okay. People with vision impairments have no way of knowing when trees will be cut down in our neighborhood. I believe the mod should work with a concrete plan to include disabled people in the notification and the process of tree removals in our neighborhood. Thank you. Thank you for your comments. We are taking note. Any other Public Comment on the bridge line . All right, very good. Lets move on to our next agenda item which is the executive director of mod, nicole, give us your report, please. Thank you very much. Thank you everyone for being here today. Everyone who is watching on tv and on the bridge line. First of all lives matter one response to the cochair report. I just wanted to express my deep gratitude for everyone who came forward and spoke to mod and provided their condolences and praise on behalf of the death of our colleague, thank you so much. All of your words and sentiments were well taken and thank you also to all of you that helped put together a phenomenal celebration of her life on june 27. Thank you very much for that. As we know, Deputy Director presents is deeply missed. Some other staff news in mod. Our Deputy Director for architectural access has transitioned to the department of public works. I also want to express my thanks as we are now working to fulfill vacancies in the Mayors Office of disability. All of those positions have been approved and i are in stages of recruitment. I really appreciate everyones thoughts and patience as we are in this time of significant transitions for this department. With that said, i want to express my thanks to everyone who is still there. We are doing a phenomenal job keeping everything moving and to that end i have a lot that i want to announce today. Im going to move to that next. Switching gears. For those of you who might not know, today is the last day of the formal central acknowledgment of Voter Registration week. I just want to encourage anyone who is a person with a disability, especially who has not yet registered to vote to do so, National Data suggests while Voter Registration, people with disabilities is increasing, disabled voters are still underrepresented according to the last election cycle. There are lots of ways that you can register. You can register online, in person at the department of corrections which is in this building, city hall room 48. You can also register to vote at most u. S. Post offices, San Francisco Public Library branches. The department of Motor Vehicles , or you can contact the department of elections, and a Voter Registration application will be mailed to you. Those numbers are 4155544375. Or tty 4155544386. Next we will be hearing a presentation, in a bit, during this meeting about the importance of disability Stakeholder Engagement in census 2020, which is just around the corner. I wanted to announce that there will be an informational workshop in addition to what we will hear today as part of this meeting about census 2020 efforts on thursday, july 25 from 11 15 a. M. Until 3 30 p. M. At Golden Gate Park area just so you know, i will be sending out, following this meeting, a list of all of the announcements that i am making today, as part of this report. The next opportunity for public engagement, the bikeway separation material testing, as you may recall, in a recent meeting where we had our colleague speak on the status of market streets and the pedestrian levels bikeways, the separation material has been been installed and although the formal testing is complete there will be some open ho

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