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Welcome to the board of supervisors. Madam clerk, will you please call the role. role call . All members are present. I. I would like to acknowledge the staff of sf gtv who record each of our meetings and make the transcripts available to the public online. Madam clerk, any communications . None to report, mr. President. Before we do that, i would like to ask everybody to join me in the pledge of allegiance. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Welcome back, colleagues. I hope you all had a great break because im hopeful that this year, 2020, will be as fruitful as last year, 2019. And i would like to welcome our new city Deputy Director who is over there. Shes already busy, ann pearson, welcome to chambers. And i promise that at least, my colleagues promise not to pick on you for the first week, anyway. I also like to make an announcement that in december, at the end of december, there were three positions on the department of public inspection, commission in which terms were up. And i want to announce that i have appointed three people to those positions and one of the things i really look for as much as i can and asked many of you as colleagues how to do this is how do we diversify the commission more than it has been. So im proud to say that weve been able to find people that are well qualified that will diversify this position. The three people that i am appointing are john jacoble, who will represent a member of the general public, jason cam, who will be representing the residential landlord, and elizabeth alexander, who will be representing the residential tenant. And i want to invite all of you, if you like, to their swearing in tomorrow in this chamber at 4 30 and it should be a very short and brief and wonderful ceremony. Colleagues, today we are approving the minutes from the november 19th, 2019 meeting. Are there any changes to these Meeting Minutes . Seeing none, can i have a motion to approve the minutes as presented . Made by supervisor peskin and seconded by supervisor m mandleman. And so without objection, those minutes will be approved after Public Comment. Madam clerk, can you please call items one and two together. Referred without recommendation from the land use and transportation committee. These are two companion items pertaining to the flower mart. Item one is an ordinance to establish the 2000 street special use district, to create additional key site exceptions for the flower mart site on the southern half of the block between fifth and sixth streets and to affirm the determination under the california quality a act. Item two is for kr flower mart for a 6. 5acre site and to make appropriate findings for both items. Ok, supervisor peskin, and you have permission not to have to rise. Thank you, mr. President. If we could take these items separately, i would respectfully request that item two be delayed until later in the meeting, but would be happy to vote on item one at this time. Your request has been made and granted. So madam clerk, please call the role on item one. On item one, supervisor peskin, aye, preston aye, ronan, aye, safaye, aye, stephanie, aye, walton aye, xi, aye, fuer, aye, haineyaye and mar is aye for 11ayes. Item one has finally passed. Please call item three. An ordinance to amend the Green Building code to establish Energy Performance requirements for certain new Building Construction and to adopt the appropriate findings. Can we talk this item same house, same call . Without objection, this has passed unanimously. Madam clerk, please go to the next item and please call items four and five together. Item four is an ordinance to authorize settlement of the lawsuit filed by the city and the people of the state of california against the Stevens Institute and 23 of the affiliated Liability Companies and collectively known as the academy that owns properties in San Francisco. It alleges the academy violated the planning codes and competition law and 17200, et cetera, under the settlement, the academy agrees to bring its existing using into compliance to relocate existing uses or change uses in buildings in accordance wit applicable laws and those limited instances where the Planning Department has limited that legalization is not appropriate and to compensate the people and the city for alleged past violations by paying approximately 58 million and work cooperatively with the city for future growth in a manner that account for the urban name of the academys campus. Item five is an ordinance to approve a Development Agreement between the committee and Stevens Institute doing th business as affiliated entities which provides for various benefits. Jessie smith and Kristin Jensen who hopefully is watching this on her vacation, i want to thank all of the individuals at the department of city planning who have played a remarkably Important Role in this and the members of the Planning Commission and the folks at the department of building inspection to bring this very tortured chapter to, hopefully, an end in the city and county of San Francisco where one institution behaved unlawfully in a way that impacted lowimpact tenants in districts three and six. I want to acknowledge a number of individuals who repeatedly told this city about this and dogged it for a generation. I would like to salute miss sue hester, doug ingman and other individuals associated with them for constantly holding the citys feet to the fire and i think that this is a just and appropriate settlement and while the government audit and Oversight Committee could not recommend this during the appeal period, i commend this settlement to each and every one of you and hope that it will pass unanimously today. Thank you, Dennis Herrara and to the City Attorneys Office. Colleagues, can we take these two items same house, same call . Then these two items pass unanimously. Madam clerk, lets go to item 6. Item 6 is an ordinance to amends the planning code to enable the use of Development Project sites during the project approval and entitlement process by authorizing the Planning Department to authorize certain interim activities at Development Project sites as temporary uses up to 36 36 monts and make the appropriate findings. Supervisor hainey . Thank you, president. This is a piece of legislation that is sponsored by the mayor and myself and it is intended to help activate properties that are being evaluated for demolition and development to build housing in the near future and therefore might not be able to attract businesses with a longterm lease. The goat is t goal is to activae proper use and have a goal. I want to thank the land use committee, particularly chair peskin and his staff for working closely with the mayor and the Mayors Office and the Planning Department on amendments. There are some further amendments that wed like to put forward that, its my understanding, are substancive is require a rereferral to committee. So rather than handling those here, we want to spend a little more time working those out. So i want to ask that this piece of legislation be referred to committee. Ok. A motion has been made and seconded by supervisor peskin. Cap we take this same house, same call . This will be referred to committee. Item number 7, please. Item 7 is an ordinance to amend ordinance number 1061, the sidewalk with regulation, to reduce the official sidewalk with the certain locations along the westerly side of pierce street between ofarrel and to adopt the determination and make the appropriate findings. Same house same call . Without objection, this is passed on first reading. Please call the next item. Item 8 to declare a Public Health crisis on drug use and drug overdoses and to urge the department of pu Public Health o present a comprehensive plan on how to address this crisis. Supervisor hainey. Thank you, president. Last month, we held a rally and a hearing on this Public Health Crisis Resolution which would kedeclare Public Health crisis n our city and this is an issue, which you are all well aware of now, because ive spoken about it many times here at the board, is the most deadly epidemic facing our city at this moment. It is absolutely the issue that i hear the most from, from my constituents. People who are Small Business owners, who are residents, people who work directly with those addicted to drugs and the feeling is that there is an overwhelming sense of crisis and urgency on our streets. And, unfortunately, for many of the people that ive heard from and i would share this sentiment, we have not seen the same level of response from our city that matches the crisis on our streets. Its my hope that by, as a board, us collectively declaring a Public Health crisis, that we will begin to see a commensurate response from the city as you al. As you all are aware, there e more people that die of overdoses in our city than pretty much any other unnatural cause of death. In 2018, there were 259 people who died of drug overdoses. This is over six times as many that died of traffic collisions or homicides. Every single death is a tragedy and should be taken seriously in terms of how we respond and prevent those deaths in the future. During the hearing, the department of Public Health was asked to present a comprehensive emergency plan. One, to improve streetlevel Crisis Response to address people using drugs or in psychosis, increase access to narcan, expand outreach is treatment, report overdose deaths, increase support to frontline Emergency Responders and Public Safety personnel, identify and establish emergency detox and dropin facilities and request Additional Support from state and federal sources. I want to appreciate the department of Public Health for the information that they provided and the plans that they put forward. In many ways, they have been in the past and currently a leader on how we respond in a smart, strategic and passionate way. But i think they recognise, and i hope we can all recognise, that there needs to be so much more done to prevent overdose deaths. We expect that the numbers in 2019 will go up even higher than in 2018 and one of the challenges that we identified in the hearing is that the numbers are not regularly shared as often as they need to be for us to understand the extent of the crisis and be able to respond urgently. Were working from 2018 numbers rather than knowing in the most uptodate way how the residents of our city is impacted by this deadly crisis. I want to thank all of the folks who work to prevent drug overdoses everyday. People from the dope project, from st. Anthonys who are saving life. I think we have a responsibility to respond much more urgently and have an Emergency Response that reflects what is happening on our streets and what is happening in our city. This deadly epidemic is getting worse and i hope by declaring that Public Health emergency, we will begin to see a response that is as big as the crisis that were facing. S. Thank you. Supervisor ronan. Thank you. I could not agree more and us to be adds as a cosponsor. Thank you. Colleagues, can we take this item same house, same call . This resolution is adopted unanimously. Madam clerk, please call the next item . Item 9 a resolution to reappoint harlin, jr. , for a fouryear term. Colleagues, same item, same call . This is adopted unanimously. Madam clerk, please call 10. A motion to appoint Charles Peacock for an indefinite term. This motion is approved unanimously. Madam clerk, please call the next item. Item 11, a motion to appoint jr eppler, er ma lewis for terms 2021. Same house, same call . This is passed unanimously. Madam clerk, please call number 12. 12 is a motion to reappoint William Ortiz to the small commission, january, 26, 2024. This is approved unanimously. Madam clerk, legitimate lete call. Supervisor peskin, youre up to introduce new business. Thank you, madam clerk. Its been a few weeks since we last convened and i have a couple of in memoria. I would like to ajourn in the memory of dina boyer, diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and passed away on christmas each. The Community Rallied to support her and funded her fight with cancer, but she passed away surrounded by a few close friends. Dina was many things ranging from a military veteran, transadvocate and Animal Rights advocate and film director in the independent media and Public Television where we saw her on our own channel 29, sanfranciscos Public Television station, where she was the facilitys coordinator and camera person for the awardwinnin awardwinn. She reported on health and labour issues for transpeople, investigating the suspicious death of doxy arundundo who was found dead in a tenderloin motel in 2006. She was concerned at lack of attention on the high rate of violence, particularly against transwomen. She grew up in baltimore where she knew from the young age of 12 she was different but didnt have the resources or information to fully understand or access her true identity. It was not until in her 30s that she was able to fully start her transition to claim her true identity and she ultimately moved here to the city and county of San Francisco to access the support for her transition and found a community of artists and activists that shared her experiences. She used her struggle with homelessness to elevate trans issues, including a file on cnn. She stowe studied film productid photo journalism at sf state. She is survived by her sister, chantel, her son, jeremy, and her granddaughter, who she was looking forward to meeting one day. I would like to ajourn, also, in the memory of michael leonard, who also recently lost his fight with cancer. Michael was a neighbor, a San Francisco artist, a writer and professor of art history at California College of the arts and diabola valley college, nicknamed Michael Angelo lenardo. He got his masters in arts history in sf state, doctorate at usf and widely published as an art critic and art historian and lived his life very genuinely and spartanly and i know that because when his downstairs neighbour passed away, i brought a chair up to his unit and was amazed by just how spartan has existence was. He was a committed volunteer mentor in the Big Brother Program and i want to extend or deepest condolences to dawn, alex, nick and gabe and the rest i submit. Supervisor pr rbgeston. Colleagues, today i am announcing plans to extend rent control protections to the tenants at midtown park apartments. This 139 unitapartment complex located in the philmore is occupied by residents, particularly longterm africanamerican and immigrant tenants and for years, the tenants at midtown believed they were cover bid th covered t control law and treated as such. In 2013, the city abruptly shifted gears. Many received increases, including some as high as 300 of what they were previously paying. The tenants challenged the rent increases but the rent board ruled that the rent control law does not extend to midtown because the property is owned by the city. There are many issues to be resolved, including working out a longer term plan regarding the ownership and operation of midtown. Thanks to organizing by the midtown Tenants Association and allies, the citys original plan to demolish midtown is off the table. I look forward to working with all stakeholders to arrive at a longterm plan supported prints. Supported by residents. But in the meantime, its unacceptable for any to pay rent increases in publicallyowned housing, higher than they would have faced if they lived across the street from their home and privately owned house. They deserve protection. I engaged the City Attorneys Office and i look forward to moving forward with this. Thank you, supervisor p rbgs preston. Supervisor ronan. Im taking us one step closer to the day we leave pg e behind and welcome a new day with clean, green and public power in San Francisco. Thithis is more than 3 millionn Revenue Bonds for the electrical distribution and Transmission System in San Francisco. If a series of preconditions are met to the satisfaction of the board. Weve been moving in this direction for months. The city delivered a letter of interest to pg e to buy assets for electrical service. By overwhelmly passing pp a in june, the voters authorized bonds to pay for the infrastructure we so desperately need. Were aware of the challenges it faces to restructure in a way that satisfies the states, the course and shareholders. The decision about the aspect of pg es future will be made in several months and we must continue to take the steps necessary to position ourselves to be able to respond quickly as alternatives are considered. Each requires a board vote, including further Financial Analysis and a plan for the initial transition with the roadmap for system repair and upgrades, protection for rate repairs, a binding agreement for pg e and a bond agreement approval by this board. The commissioners will review and vote on bond authorization. I want to be clear that as a part of our work ahead, we must also prepare a plan to keep pg is e workers secure in their benefits and pensions while welcoming them in the city family. As the chronicle reported last week, San Francisco is already benefiting from clean power sf and public power. Saving well over 100 million in the past three years and moving us forward towards our Greenhouse Gas freegoals. Im absolutely sure that when we complete this transition, San Francisco will bring even more cost savings and benefits to our communities, investing in green jobs and infrastructure, modernizing our aging electrical grid and tackling our Climate Crisis in ways that would never be possible tethered to a shareholderowned forprofit utility and i ask you to join me. Supervisor peskin, thank you for your cosponsorship. Thank you, supervisor ronan. Supervisor safaye. Can i be referred. Supervisor selfny. Stephanie. Supervisor walton. Thank you. Today, we have one memorium for a miss williemay fykes. She was born in 1911 and moved from st. Louis, missouri to meet her husband, roosevelt, who worked at the San Francisco ship yard for 46 years. They had one son who married claira edwards and she is the grandmother to two grandsons. She has three grandchildren, eight grandchildren, as well as many more stepgrandkids she raised. She lived at 231 south ridge one at Hunters Point for 25 years before moving to garlington court. She was the oldest known resident of the bayview at 108 years old. She loved living there from 1982 to december 24, 201 for over 77 years, raising her children. , raising great grandchildren. Were proud to acknowledge her for living over a century. May god bless her family and all of us with the same good fortune. The rest i submit. Thank you. Supervisor, xi. Before we go on with role call, its 2 31 and lets go to our special order for 2 30, a recognition of accommodations. Yes, mr. President. We have one offered by supervisor walton. Can we come back to this item . I believe our honourees are taking pictures with the mayor at this point. No problem. Just let us know. Ill go ahead and submit my stuff here. And so colleagues, today i am introducing a hearing request and a motion to hold this hearing as a committee of the whole. The topic of our citys Police Staffing and an expert analysis of the San Francisco Police Departments current strategies around staffing with recommendations regarding changes for us to consider. The analysis was performed by matrix along with the Police Commission and the San Francisco Police Department and will be presented in detail at this hearing. As many of you know, i have been raising the issue of adequate Police Staffing for several years. In june of 2018, the budget and legislative analysts provided this board with a performance audit of the San Francisco Police Department so we could better understand, number one, how the police are deploying police staff that is funded by the general fund and number two, how uniform staff is allocated to administrative versus patrol duties. The recommendations of that audit was that in light of an increase in property crime in our city, accompanying the public demand for more officers in the street, the sanfrancisco Police Department should civilianize as many administrative positions as possible. This is the best practise recognized by major Law Enforcement, including the International Association of chiefs of police and adopted by most major Law Enforcement departments in the country. But San Franciscos racial of swoossworn officers to civilianf remains higher than the National Average or peers. This is why i ask the Controllers Office to provide us with an analysis of the effort to date in which we heard a couple months ago at the Public Safety and neighborhood committee. At the same time, i also tasked the department to work with experts in the field such as matrix to provide the board and public with a report about their staffing needs and the manner by which San Francisco Police Department determines its Staffing Levels throughout its different positions. I have asked in this report and these details to be presented individually to each supervisor beforehand to ensure that questions that any of my colleagues have can be addressed in a final report and hearing itself. Every year during budget time, this board is asked to support departmental budgets and we rely on the department to tell us what they need to carry out their assigned responsibilities. This is important when it comes to the nuts and bolts to running the city smoothly. For example, public works doesnt have enough resources, that impacts the level and quality of service that we are providing to our residents, businesses and visitors. At the same time, we have to be vigilant that we are being efficient with our taxpayer dollars and making the very best use of these resources to get the most value possible for our residents, businesses and visitors. With the financial projections that ar our controller publishe, indicating a Slower Economy here, it would be more important to have a reliable and complete information when it comes to our upcoming budget discussions. Sfpd should have a civilization plan in place as a key component to maximize the full manufactury officers providing Public Safety services and give us a basis to determine if we need to adjust the charters mandate of 1,971 fullduty officers. Ultimately, in analysis from matrix should provide us with information that we can then use as policy makers to make the determination, including whether the charter needs to be amended to reflect a more realistic number of police staff necessary for effectively safeguarding the security of our city and all who live, work and visit here. This topic is important and i ask my colleagues support to have this hearing before us as a committee of the whole on january 28th and again, i urge you to sit down and meet with the folks at matrix and the sfpd before that date so that we are able to have a robust discussion at that time. The rest i submit. Thank you, mr. President. Supervisor furer. Thank you. Colleagues, today i am introducing several hearings on the city budget process and related issues, including the mayors budget instructions, the joint report update to the fiveyear Financial Plan and state and federal budget updates. [cheers and applause] so colleagues, today i would love to honor the middleschool owls for their citywide championship victory. The Academic Athletic Association was held on decembee pavilion with every middle school slipping pass the trojans 3837. The lead seesawed back and forth and it was tied with 12 seconds left when the owls, paul antoine, jr. , stole inbound pass and subsequently fouled while driving for a layup. He stepped to the line and after missing the first free throw, he calmly nailed the second, giving his squad a onepoint lead. The trojans had one final shot under pressure and defense that was off the mark giving everette the title and their first since 1987 and second overall. Oftentimes we highlight the negatives around our young people. Today we chose to highlight the positive accomplishments of some of our midschool students. And although every middleschool is not located in district 10, its in district 8, we do have a number of students that reside in district 10 and attend the school and i love to highlight the accomplishments of our young people. So today, and i want to read off the members of the team, some of the coaches and school personnel. Team members, darion craney, christopher jackson, paul antoine, raley dozzle, kadere jewels, michael ray, kamari mclaughlin, tyro loez, angel perry, deshawn landry, gicon z gicon zuniga, jaymon ison, and, of course, some of the school personnel, the athletic director, rubin arbina, their coach, known as mr. C. And corey monroe, who is School District personnel, and also my uncle, i must say. Laugh glamp. [ laughter ] congratulations to the young man for your accomplishments and lets make sure our accomplishments on the court are equal in the classroom, as well, and mr. C. , i dont know if you want to say a few words but congratulations to the evert school for your championship win. [cheers and applause] first of all, im very gracious to be here and very thankful. I would like to thank shamot, mr. Monroe. First of all, ive been doing this since 11 years od years oly block. So i finally get recognised for certain things ive been doing in the community. Today is my birthday and it feels good. [cheers and applause] it feels good. [cheers and applause] this is a good group of youngsters and theyve got a good future ahead of them, so you have to stay tuned. Evert will be back here again and we have a lot more positive things well be doing for the community and a lot more positive things ill be doing for these youngsters and i appreciate it. Thank you. [cheers and applause] i wanted to Say Something real quick. Our School Social worker, her son, desmonds birthday is today and hes a young owl himself. Happy birthday, desmond cheer cheer. So what well do is finish up the role call and go back to item number two. So madam clerk, can you call the next one. Supervisor hainey . Thank you. Supervisor mandleman, ok, submit. Supervisor mar. , submit and safaye has to be referred. Thank you, and happy new year, everyone. So i have three items today. Im going to start with a resolution. This resolution is particularly personal to me and calling on the United States congress to vote on the warpower of Donald Trumps military actions in iran and to mandate the notification sent by President Trump to members of congress delineating the legal grounds for drone strikes as required by the wars powers act to be declassified and shared with the american public. As many of you know, the president made a very Strong Military move, talking out one of the highest ranking members in the military regardless of their position since world war ii, since the japanese general was taken out in a plane in world war ii. This act, seen by many as illicit, many have called it an assassination, whatever position you take on it, theres no question that it has fanned the flames in an area of the world that does not need a lot of fanning. It has put american lives at risk. It has put american citizens at risk and it has escalated a situation to a point where were not exactly clear what our president is doing. Then after that move and lets be clear, the person that was taken out was also in many ways a war criminal himself and had blood on his hands. So theres no sympathy for that individual. But the act itself is not something i think many of the people of our country support and particularly the people that are in that region are also feeling very unsafe and scared. After that, the president followed up by saying if theres any retaliation, hes pushed out 52 cultural sites in iran that he would target if retaliated against. That in and of itself is an illegal war act, it is barbaric and ruled the last group of people to deface and destroy cultural monuments where isis. So this president is following in the footsteps of isis by making statements like that. So our speaker of the house has put forward and has talked about announcing, voting on limiting war powers resolution that would put constraints on this president and force him to come to the United States congress before he made any more military actions. So i submit that today and, again, i do that with the hope that we will not escalate that area of the world and drag our military personnel and innocent people into war. And so, anyway, thank you. Secondly, on a more local note, which i think is extremely important, im introducing a resolution today. Ive working on that resolution with frontline nurses and some are here in the audience today. And this resolution is urging the administrative staff of the department of Public Health, particularly at sf general to include a frontline registered nurses and resident physicians in their decisionmaking process to implement to the extent possible an expedited hiring process to 90 days or less. Once an application is received, and to cease supplementing staffing requirements with a contract of registered nurses and putting a ceiling on that, to provide annual violence prevention, training, disaster training and to support bilingual staff. The basis of this is not my idea. We heard those nurses come into this chamber and they asked for help. Theyve been asking for help for quite a long time. And they are at a dangerous staffing level at our most Important Institution in the city and county of San Francisco. I was receiving texts during the holidays of staffing that had fallen far below what they believe was a safe environment. Staffing being asked and frontline nurses are asked to do mandatory overtime. Theyre working 16 and 20hour shifts and this is not what the city and county of San Francisco should be supporting in any way, shape or form. So this resolution is straightforward and i want to think my cosponsor, supervisor walton. I hope all of my colleagues will support this resolution and i know that we had previously a resolution on the resident physicians. This is in partnership with that, but very specific to the Staffing Levels, the hiring, the understaffing, the chronic use of outside registered nurses for contract purposes, but the idea that we would take 200, sometimes 300 days to hire someone in a position that is very much in need. Im sure many of you have visited the emergency room, usually on sad reasons, called in or notified of things that happened in our district. I visited i had the fortune of visiting the emergency room recently and also being given a tour of the facility and so weve gotten a commitment from the leadership of the hospital theyre willing to work with the nurses and thats why to ensure that that actually happens, were putting this resolution forward and were putting it in paper and setting parameters around that. Secondly, and in pup wit pip pa, were calling for a hearing today to learn more about the staffing, to learn more about the safety training, bilingual services, temporary staffing protocols of registered nurses at the department of public help and specifically at sf general, because we want to zero in on this issue. We want to invite the nurses that have been talking about this for some time to be a part of the solution and be a part of the ways in which we can get this hospital back up to the appropriate level and make sure that its safe for many years to come. And after that, the rest, i submit. Thank you. Thank you, supervisor. Mr. President , that concludes the introduction of new business. Lets go tbefore we go to tht item, i would like to be added as a cosponsor for the first two resolutions. Thank you. And madam clerk, i know i said i submit, one last sentence, if thats ok. I want to make sure that i call out specifically 1021 and the nurses themselves, but also julie, krista, jason, kirsten, heather, for all of your time and effort over the holidays. As i said, this was not my idea. This was coming directly from the nurses themselves. Thank you, and the rest if i submit. Ok, so i believe were not ready for item number 2 so lets go to public 14, Public Comment. At this time, we would appreciate the Public Comment. If you would line up on the righthand side, youll have up to two minutes to share your comments on the board Meeting Minutes and reference to the committee calendar. Please note that Public Comment is not allowed on those items which have already had the Public Comment requirement satisfied at a committee. Please direct remarks to the board as a whole and not to individual members, nor to the audience. If youre utilizing interpretation, youll be allowed twice the amount of time to testify and if you would like to use the projector to display a document, just say outloud to sf gov tv. First speaker, please. Good afternoon. Im krista duran. I am a San Francisco General Hospital Emergency Department nurse and shop steward for sciu 1021. Im actually here at Public Comment after working a 12hour shift last night. And i live in the east bay and i thought it was really important to come today to hear supervisor safaye to announce this resolution. Weve been working in close a lot during the holidays and also with sue ha, his chief legislative staff, i believe, is the correct title. Didni just want to say its a h of fresh air to be listened to. I just want to give a brief synopsis, a little more detail about how our weekend was on friday, the 27th. All of the contract nurses, their contracts ended at the same time and left all permanent staff alone and it was skeleton crew. So on a friday night during flu season, during the holidays, we are supposed to have at minimum per the census of 2016, which you all know has increased by 20 since then, were supposed to have at least 28 nurses and that night we had 16. I walked in to my shift through the front entrances and there were patients lined up in the hallways, getting breathing treatments and iv fluids in the hall, in the waiting room. There were l 45 patients in the waiting room. We were so shortstaffed, were a 58bed er and we closed 29 bed. Were a levelone Trauma Center. So its real. Its scarry and there was a day they had to call in and this is because they were just really, really thank you, next speaker, please. My name is mike him. Hill. Im a nurse in er and i worked last night, as well. Im here in support of my colleagues and thank you so much for listening to us. Sir, please speak directly into the microphone. Im sorry. For listening to us and the resolution that i hope you all uphold. Last night was a typical night. Although, its getting worse every week. We had, again, patients lined up in the hallway. If it werent for the fact that some of the dayshift nurses who had worked 12 hours stayed over 16, i dont know what we would have done. We had, in our recess area, where our sickest patients will arrive, and we have six recess rooms, we had 14 patients. And this has been a daily struggle for us and we havent been listened to, despite multiple attempts to get these needs addressed by the hospital admission. So i think the fact that we are here today and youre listening to us will make a difference for us and thank you very much. Thank you, next speaker. Thank you again for listening to us and being concerned, you should be. This is the map of the emergency room and so you can have an idea. Its massive. The 45 people that krista was talking about were just right here. This is the trauma area that mike was talking about, and these are just little tiny rooms and there are six of them. There are ten to 20 people end up here now. Pes is on condition red, which means they get shut down and they shut documen down to everyg because theyre full and all patients end up right here. All end up in the hallway here and these are severe psychiatric people with suicidal or psychosis issues. This is the other area they end up in. The area that was closed down this weekend and is often closed down due to admissions is here. This whole area, this is pod c, a third of the department. So, basically, what this means is your levelone Trauma Center is, like, full to the brim of backup. And so, when people keep coming in, as they do, because they dont know this is happening, they pile up and thats when they end up in this waiting room sitting forever because we dont have throughput out the other end, basically. Theyve been cited by the state, and just so you know, there are several state agencies coming through the hospital because of safety issues. So there are serious things going on there, but we had to stop some care that was illegal in the waiting room, as well, because theres just no throughput, basically. But im glad that you guys are listening to us. Hopefully thank you for the future and coming into the resolution that the supervisors put forth. Thank you, next speaker. Hello, im maria and im here today because i have a concern about my neighborhood. I live in the southeast corner of bayview Hunters Point and ive been there about 15 years, worked, teach, raised my family there. But its my only perspective on this whole city and so i dont know whats going on in other neighborhoods but when it comes to the homelessness crisis, thats the only thing i spend my extra time on, like, volunteering. And within eight blocks is the United Council of Human Services, known as mother browns. Theres a lot of word of mouth, so i recently heard that they are theres a fiscal sponsor needing to take over some organizational control and im kind of confused as to why. please stand by these individuals receive support from our agencies as they transition their lives in america in the greater bay area, which is often the place where they only know one other person who actually lives in the country. In the past three years, it has been a small number of of refugees and small visa numbers and individuals who have served with u. S. Forces who actually are resettled within San Francisco city or county, although our agencies have also assisted several hundred others through Immigration Services to obtain citizenship. However, for every single one of those individuals who is allowed to come and join family, this opportunity is lifesaving. We have provided the gamut of new Arrival Services supporting those newcomers and finding housing, enrolling their children in schools, connecting to a medical home, in obtaining employment. As your settlement agencies are deeply committed to the commitment of this city and county in supporting all newcomers, establishing homes here. We think the city and county of San Francisco for your support in this consent to continue settling refugees and we believe that in this process, we strongly affirm with you the commitment to welcoming refugees to our community. Thank you very much. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Linda chapman from nob hill. I saw in the paper today the article about the abigail. Probably none of you know the extent to which it was the symbol of saving the Residential Hotels. I got a call back in the day from gordon chen telling me that chinatown and tenderloin and south of market were organizing to save Residential Hotels and they asked if i would join. And of course, we joined. And then i met diana who was a vista organizer here and you had made the abigail the symbol. The supervisors would talk about the elderly ladies who took tea in the lobby and so forth. I have to let you know more about that. I am hoping that, you know, wherever she is she knows this and if you have some kind of celebration that she should be invited, the way i was invited to the Cadillac Hotel along with the people who passed the Residential Hotel ordinance in the first place. I think that would be very fitting. Having Supportive Housing is so much the way to go. It is absolutely important as opposed to having people in shelters forever, totally inappropriate. We emergency soldiers are needed, but Supportive Housing im so glad you are doing this. Its so distressing when i see how Little People know about what has happened in the past. I see them ingratiating claiming that he is helping homeless people. He made them homeless. After i put all that work into saving Residential Hotels, that man eliminated three in nob hill that i know of including one at my corner where ladies, not all asian, many, many more have a place to live. The whole time i lived there from 1969 until somehow he got hold of it along with the one on bush street and the one on thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon. My name is joshua and im a thirdyear student at San Francisco State University majoring in Political Science and minoring in urban studies. Im here today to discuss the issue of parking, which turns out to be a major expense with students at San Francisco state. In my position in student government, i have had the unique opportunity to learn more about academic institutions and on our campus, as well as the underlying problems that Students Experience during their times s. F. State. The issue of parking, is especially problematic at s. F. State do to the fact our campus is over 60 commuter and many of our students come from various parts of San Francisco, the east bay, and down the peninsula. Our campus only has 1700 parking spots each semester. Because it is required to be self funding through the system, we have the highest prices in the entire straight with a fiveday parking pass costing 640 a semester plus tax compared to the second highest which is 338 at san marcos. The fact of the matter is, students already pay their fair share of taxes, which is 180 a semester on our campus each semester, which gives universal access to all students through munimobile. With thousands of students studying full time and more than one job, 17 of our students are housing and secure and 48 are food insecure. I hope we have financial we have Financial Issues to deal with. We look forward to working with the board of supervisors thank you. Next speaker, please. San francisco government tv . It gives life. The flesh profits nothing. The word that i speak under you are spirit and life. The lord said unto my lord, sit down my right hand and i make my enemies my footstool. The lord shall send the strength to you and rule in the mist of thine enemies. Thy people should be willing in the day of thy power and the beauties of holiness from the womb of the morning. It is the due of our youth. The lord is sworn and will not repent. A priest forever after the order the lord shall strike through kings in the day of his wrath. He shall judge among the heathens. He should fill the places with the dead bodies. He shall wound the heads over many countries. He shall drink of the brook in the way. Therefore, shall he lift up the head. These scriptures have to do with the kingdom of kingdom of god and the kingdom of men and i have the official petition here to recall gavin newsom as our governor. I dont think in all of our history we have ever had as audacious of a governor as we have here in california, the nephew of pelosi. He took trumpets name off the ballot and it took our Supreme Court to say no, you have the right to vote even if you are a citizen who was born here and pays taxes. You do have the right to vote. When we consider these words from the Lord Jesus Christ in the gospel according to john, it is the spirit that gives life, the flesh profits nothing. The words that i speak under the are spirit and life. We should consider thank you. Next speaker, please. If there is any other speaker after this one, please line up, otherwise you will be the last. Thank you. The overhead, please. What i would like to say is if you know what these letters mean , you are ahead of the game and i believe there are enough people here in this room to know what these letters mean, but the reason i put that on his because i wanted to show the people at home generosity. The clerk of the board here allows me the time to park this wagon and allow myself to reach and place a piece of paper there the clerk of the board also is generous to the margins of topics that Public Comment is allowed here. Im saying this because i missed the december the 1st week of december when we had a celebration of the office of the clerk of the board. There is a gentle repair activity that comes when you are here and you were on this side of the fence and you are at this side of the microphone and our clerk has a lot to do with that. It also affects the workers and her staff. I believe nice is nice and they are lucky to have a nice person there. They are helpful, and they have given me a footstool to put my swollen ankles up while i am sitting here waiting. We are privileged, all of us in the room and in the office, to have this clerk for this time. Years ago, i dont know how long ago, there was a painful discussion of words, condemnation that became torturous, selfrighteousness, a book in hand by a public speaker here. I will always remember that time when we were saved by the bell. In the recognition of commendations, there used to be a bell that would ring, and under this clerk when people are presented a commendation and an award and they have a few minutes to speak with their friends here, their workers here , there is no more bell that signifies your time is up. I hope that is a tradition that continues on under new president s and other clerks. That is about all i would like to say, except that, again, the overhead. There is enough people here to know that certified nursing assistants is what that means. And on november 26th, two days before thanksgiving, i suffered a stroke. I got to meet a bunch of these people and the nurses. We are very thankfu thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello, my name is owen cooper i am a physician and a member of the Oversight Council for the senior and disability aging commission. I am here to discuss about the decision to defund mother brown s kitchen. No reason has been given yet that i am aware of. That has been a Community Institution for 30 years. Gwendolyn who runs it now knows the people and many of them are elderly and many are disabled. They are comfortable there. It is a community resource. The new group coming in is from los angeles when looking at their board and at their management. We are going to replace, apparently, a longestablished institution in a fairly Close Community in the bayview neighborhood where somebody who has cared for them for years and years is going to lose that. It is going to destabilize a lot of these people. Its hard for older adults to adapt sometimes. They have been going there for years. I really hope that this board will try and find out the basis for proposing it. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. On december 11th of last year, the Northern District u. S. Attorney made a Public Appeal for San Francisco Police Officers to rejoin the joint Terrorism Task force. This requires the Police Commission and the board of supervisors to approve the commitment with the police union consensus. Over the past year of the Northern District, they have charged individuals in criminal cases involving 187 firearms violations additionally on the docket are 220 Violent Crime cases and 230 drug offences. Its worth remembering with regards to narcotic cases that unlike retail merchants, the seller does not require proof of age prior to the completion of purchase. A toddler died after being exposed to fentanyl. It is remembered in San Francisco that parents avoid changing the diapers of their babies in public facilities intended for that purpose, owing to their fear of potential risk of surface contamination. A federal initiative for the tenderloin has been established. It is composed of 15 participating agencies, the d. A. , a. T. F. And the u. S. Attorneys office chief among them. All of them whom request that local Law Enforcement available will be selling their services in coordination with federal agencies to develop capacity to engage effective policing. Its suited, tailored and fit to the task. The recent success of this commendation of Law Enforcement agencies is shutting down the market of local stolen items and has deprived drug dealers of unlawful drug steel drug sales. Thank you. Any other speakers . This is the last speaker. Come on up. Mr. President , in about a week, it will be the womens march. I have come up. Before saying that i would need some help with impeachment. I said that a few times. I think the resolution about the war powers act that will be synergistic towards it. We dont know what the president is doing. He himself doesnt know what he is doing. So it has come to pass for me for the past for years that i have become a visitor to several of the Emergency Rooms in the immediate area. That is my lifestyle in the tenderloin. The one the old when a General Hospital and the new one , and the new one at General Hospital really is aspirational and what it attempts to achieve. I see the number of problems that you are addressing today and how far you have to stretch the money. More power to you. Thank you. Public comment is now closed. Madame clerk, lets go back to item number two. The ordinance to approve the developed agreement between the city and the San Francisco flower marked. Supervisor peskin . Thank you. Colleagues, this is a banner day between the academy of art and the flower marked. And those two players are inextricably linked because it was about a decade ago that the academy of art actually attempted to buy part of the flower marked. It is appropriate to be rising to item number 1212. I want to start by saying a few things about the flower market. Its the second wholesale flower market in the United States of america. It employees many, many people. It is one of the most Colorful People places in San Francisco and if you have not been there at the crack of dawn, i suggest that you go while it is currently in his second are arguably third funky spot in San Francisco, you can take it back to the fountain. You can take it back to his first place in the south of market, which i think is on Howard Street before they ended up where they have been for over a century at six and brannon at the entrance to highway 280. There are over 50 different vendors there, but it employees people not only up and down the state of california, but to nevada and southern oregon. I want to salute the vendors and the staff who have stuck with that intergenerational he at the flower market. Many of them in their third and even in one case, fourth generations at the flower market we have all, are almost all of us accept for supervisor preston voted for the everchanging south of market legislation that was the central soma plan that originated under supervisor kim and then was inherited by supervisor haney who is the lead sponsor of both items number one , as well as item number two. The world is changing in the south of south of market and the flower market needs to be accommodated into the dawn of the 21st century. I really want to thank the kilroy corporation, john kilroy who i have met with personally a number of times is his counsellors, and his staff, and particularly the office of economic and Workforce Development and can rich for stewarding what is this Development Agreement that is before us today on its second reading. Since we last voted on this before we went dark for the recess, there have been a number of changes to the Development Agreement and i want to thank the parties and their Respective Council for figuring out those changes, which i think i was very clear would be forthcoming. I would like to ask you to speak to those. Colleagues, i want to be clear, pursuant to what is in the ordinance, these changes to the Development Agreement do not materially increase the citys obligations or liabilities, and with that, i will turn it over to her and she will speak to those changes in the Development Agreement. Thank you. I just have a couple of changes that i want to read into the record related to the agreement. In section 3. 8 of the Development Agreement, we are striking language that refers to a judicial challenge. We are striking the language of any vendor of the existing flower market, challenging the permit outside approvals, striking that language from the agreement and extending 3. 8. 1, and again in section 3. 8. 2. Striking the language related to vendors filing a challenge to any future approvals. And then in section 6. 9. To, which 6. 9. 2 which is the legacy Business Fund component of the document, we are adding language that, in its sole discretion and subject all approvals, the city may consider contributing additional funds to the central soma legacy business and p. D. R. Support fund. So those are the changes. I will make sure to get a copy to the clerk this afternoon. Thank you. Thank you. Supervisor peskin, would you like to make any motion . I dont think any motion is required. It is all set forth in the ordinance and staff from oewd has elicited the changes in the Development Agreement. Colleagues, i would commend this to you on second reading. Okay. We will accept those changes onto the agreement. Without objections. Can we take this item, same item, same house, same call . This ordinance is finally passed madame clerk, lets go to our last item, number 15. Fifteen is a resolution to support the resettlement of refugees within the city and concur in the mayors consent to accept refugees in the city under the United States department, department, states reception and rePlacement Program. Colleagues, the item before us today reaffirms San Francisco s support to the resettlement of refugees within San Francisco. I find it ridiculous that we even have to pass such a resolution, but on september 19 th, 2019, the Trump Administration signed an executive order that tried to require state and local government to consent to receive refugees under the reception and Placement Program before the federal government will resettle refugees. San francisco will always be a sanctuary city and one that welcomes refugees. Now more than ever we stand firmly in our belief that anyone fleeing violence, war, and discrimination deserves a right to find a safe, humane heaven. Executive order 13888 likely violates federal law and is contrary to everything our nation should be standing for. This would be a challenge in the courts and in no way does San Francisco concede that executive order places any lawful condition upon us. We are here to stand in our values that refugees will always be welcome and accepted here. Before we take a vote on this, i would love to invite any of my colleagues to be cosponsors of this. Supervisor ronen . I would love supervisors . Everybody . Its unanimous. Can we take this item same house , same call . Okay. Without objection, this resolution is adopted unanimously. Madame clerk, please read the in memoriam. The meeting will be adjourned in memory of the following beloved individuals. On behalf of supervisor walton, for the late willie may ficus, on behalf of supervisor peskin, for the late mr. Michael lenard, esther prichard, and dena boyer. Colleagues, that brings us to the end of our agenda. Madame clerk, is there any other further business before us today that concludes our business for today. Thank you very much. We are adjourned. It. Shop dine in the 49 promotes local businesses and challenges resident to do their shop dine in the 49 within the 49 square miles of San Francisco by supporting local services in the neighborhood we help San Francisco remain unique successful and vibrant so were will you shop dine in the 49 chinatown has to be one the best unique shopping areas in San Francisco that is color fulfill and safe each vegetation and seafood and find everything in chinatown the walk shop in chinatown welcome to jason dessert im the fifth generation of candy in San Francisco still that serves 2000 district in the chinatown in the past it was the tradition and my family was the royal chef in the pot pals thats why we learned this stuff and moved from here to have dragon candy i want people to know that is art we will explain a walk and they cant walk in and out it is different techniques from stir frying to smoking to steaming and they do show of. Beer a royalty for the age berry up to now not people know that especially the toughest they think this is i really appreciate they love this art. From the cantonese to the hypomania and we have hot pots we have all of the cuisines of china in our chinatown you dont have to go far. Small business is important to our neighborhood because if we really make a lot of people lives better more people get a job here not just a big firm. You dont have to go anywhere else we have pocketed of great neighborhoods haul have all have their own uniqueness. Good morning. This meeting will come to order. Welcome to the december 13th of regular meeting of the joint city School District and city college select committee. I am supervisor haney. Madam clerk, will you please call. Do you have announcements . Please silence cell phones. Completed speaker cards should be snu submitted to the clerk. Please call the roll. roll call . Mr. Chair you have a quorum. Thank you. Will you please call the first item. Yes, i seem one. The hearing on the implementation of the affor affe homes for families now and the partnership between the city and county with the San Francisco with the unified School District to finance projects streamlined under the initiative. Before i call up our speakers and give an opportunity for other folks who may provide introductory comments. I want to say this is exactly why this committee exists, to be able to talk about an issue that really cannot happen without all of us in communication and on the same page, and i know that our respective staffs are always in communication. It is important that each of the elected bodies and leaders from city college and the School District and the board of supervisors are discussing, planning, coming to a shared vision of how we are going to address our challenges, and certainly this is a challenge that all of us have been grappling within our respective roles. We had a huge victory in november with the passage of prop e. We want to thank the voters for supporting prop e. This happened because of historic effort by our educators to stand up to say we have been talking about this enough, lets do something about it. Lets come together with policies that are needed to make it happen. I want to recognize the united educators of San Francisco, aft2121 and those who played a key role in this. I want to shout out to supervisor fewer, supervisors mar, peskin and walton and the entire board of supervisors for support. And, of course the City College Board of trustees and board of education for their support. We passed this truly exciting and historic legislation that is going to get more housing built for educators and for people beyond that, and it is going to make a huge defense for folks at city college and sfufd. I know as the former commissioner on the board of education this is something we have been working towards for years and years, and i am excited to see progress soon. We are all aware that the housing crisis could not be mere urgent. We have reached a boiling point where our schools and city college cannot continue to function and do the responsible things they have to deliver for our kids and families without addressing the housing crisis for educators. Today we are going to talk about financing and implementing the educator Housing Projects to maximize affordability levels and to be complaint with prop e. The perspective this committee will offer with the School District and the city college here and the city here, it is going to be tremendously valuable to what we do moving forward and how we implement this quickly and effectively for the city and educators. I am going to offer an opportunity for anyone who wants to give introductory comments. I want to apologize i have to leave soon and supervisor walton will be taking over as chair of the committee and supervisor mar will join us soon. I know that trustee randolph had a statement to make. Let me call on supervisor walton. I want to briefly state that i love the fact our education institutions are working closely to address one of the major issues that exists in the city, Affordable Housing that we are making sure the educators are housed. This work is important, and i am not sure if other cities can brag and boast about doing this together with their education institutions. I am excited how we move forward. Thank you. Trustee randolph. Yes, thank you, mr. Chair. This is a very exciting day for us here at city college to kind of find out and push along the important project to build housing for our faculty and classified staff. Work force housing in San Francisco is one of the most difficult to find, and it is the forgotten middle of workers in San Francisco. I am excited to take care of the important educators in our city. We dont have a formal presentation, but i want to mention that city college and the board commissioned the Housing Survey of our faculty, staff and students in march of 2019. It showed we have a deep need for housing. About 125 unitses for employees and 693 beds for students. We have already made plans at the ocean campus to develop housing at the current parking lot east of our football field. We also are hoping that through this and other entities we will receive funding and resources to build and start thinking about building housing. As our aging staff is set to retire, especially classified staff, it is important to recruit the next generation of workers at city college. It has been tremendously difficult to recruit staff to work at the city college because they cant move to San Francisco. It is expensive to stay in San Francisco. It is almost impossible. I know the School District faces the problem of recruiting new educatessors and faculty to come and teach at city college. We are blessed a lot of faculty has taught at city college for decades. A lot of them own their homes. The new generation of faculty members starting out cannot afford to live in San Francisco and have to travel often times a lot of distances to come to city college. If you know what the life of an educator is like they have open hours, they meet with students. If they have to spend hours on the freeway getting to and from work, those are hours they are not spending with the students or grading homework so this is critical not only for the wellbeing of our faculty but the productivity and support our students are receiving. I am happy to have this conversation. We talk about creating a homegrownato education. A key component is housing educators in the future. Thank you so much for holding this hearing. Thank you, trustee randolph. A couple thinks. Our clerk is erica major. I had that wrong. I apologized to her. We had it wrong in the script. And linda sharp. I also just want to thank the staff here from s. F. U. S. D. For your hard work. We wouldnt be here if it wasnt for your commitment and the School Districts and city colleges might say this is not what we do, this is not part of our responsibility. For you to be willing to partner with the city and i know sometimes get into the mess that is Politics Around here. I want to thank you for doing that and to recognize as well commissioner who has been leading this work on the board of education. I had the opportunity to read over the resolution you introduced, and i am excited about your leadership and i know, commissioner collins, you support that. We appreciate the leadership you are taking on this, and i want to thank honey and courtney from my staff working hard on this issue for some time as well. With that, i am going to call up our unless there are comments i will call up our first presentation. I want to say while i have the opportunity to do this. We have a number of important things that are going to come in front of this committee in the coming months. I want to appreciate you for your ideas. We have a packed agenda for the spring. I am excited to see the work we will do together. Obviously, i thank sfusd and the Mayors Office of housing and amy and the folks from city college that are here. I will invite up our first presenter who is from sfusd. Are you presenting . Welcome. I think you have the presentation in front of you. I am going to hand the gavel over to supervisor walton. Thank you so much. Thank you for the opportunity to speak today. I am the project lead on educator housing at sfusd i am joined by our chief facility officers from the Mayors Office of Community Development for todays presentation. We will actually have the chief kickoff. We wanted to spend a couple minutes for the committee to hear from us. We know land is extremely valuable. We feel that every day in San Francisco, and we are lucky to have a chief that has been looking at our land and our land as sets for the time she is here and how we can leverage that and how educatetor housing fits with that. Good morning, committee members. Chief facilities officer for sfusd. I want to start off by placing context around the issue we are talking about today and for those who are new to sfusds assets you might be aware the School District is large. To put more specificity around that. Sfusd owns 430acres across 150 school sites within the city and county of San Francisco, and i think as public land committed that is dedicated to accomplish a public mission, the education of San Francisco youth. Real estate you talk about the concept of highest and best use. In our case as Public Agency the highest and best use of the sfusd property is for the benefit of the sfusd students. One of the things i am most excited about is the opportunity to look at sfusds assets from the portfolio perspective and to think about ways to use that strategically to advance educational outcomes. As i looked at it over the past 15 months there are four major uses that emerge from our portfolio right now. The top priority is student goes. School sites are most important way to deliver educational education to kids. In particular as we think about the next year there are interesting parallel policy conversations happening at the board of education around School Assignments that could have real implications for the ways we use the portfolio and think about investing facility dollars as well as the new Campus Program to include mission bay that are in design and Treasure Island and thinking about sites in the bayview. The second piece of that is around staff. I think that includes as we are talking about today educatetor housing and the way to use our land to improve retention and make sure we have the highest quality teachers who are very experienced. It also thinks about the administrative and operational soaces how we think about where the staff are located and in what facilities and does that support the highest quality education to youth . We have a number of partners, both nonprofit and for those not aware sfusd is required to provide land and space for Charter Schools in the city and county of San Francisco. As we think about those spaces, we are pushing for alignment. We are pushing for alignment with the vision and programming our partners offer with sfusds goals and standings to educate kids. That space is provided at a discount bute are getting something in return, which is partners who help u accomplish r mission. We have identified some potential sites and a west field mall which was news when i started the position. Also, the 1235 Mission Property which houses about 600 Human Services agency staff right now. In those instances, our goals are really for positive activation. They do provide revenue for the district on an ongoing basis. These are our four common uses. As we move over the next year not only with School Assignment and with educator housing, we will have a number of opportunities to think about ways to align the way we are using land with values and goals around educating kids. Just wanted to provide some of that context because i think it is important as we move forward in thinking about educator housing and School Assignment policy that they are connected and they will influence and impact each other. We will continue to talk about those impacts and tradeoffs as we move forward with all of the policy discussions. I look forward to having that conversation to all of you. I will turn it back to my colleagues. Thank you. As we now dive into educator housing. The working group and the vision with our properties. We first want to share our deep excitement about the passage of prop a and b. There is a great need for educator housing. We conduct an annual survey of teachers as well as surveys with the paraeducators. We ask about housing and financial security. The annual survey has about a 60 response rate. They provide information to help us guide our educator housing work. As you can see in 2019, the survey said 30 of the teachers said the cost of living in San Francisco as too high is why they located out of temperature bay area and leaving us with sfusd. In 2019 the Teacher Survey said 80 of the teachers are experiencing financial anxiety. That is 10 increase since 2016. These are the other data points we shared in regards to a. M. I. Ranges for teachers and people who consider returning to sfusd if compensation or Affordable Housing options are available in San Francisco. Because of the pressing need to address housing affordabilities for teachers, fud stu sfusd hasn working with the united educators to come up with a multipronged approach. Since they convened in 2014 we have four strategies, one through housing counseling, two, teacher next door and down payment. Three eviction preventionlogical services that started before the implementation of the citys right to council program, four, educator housing. To date we have surveyed and supported hundreds of teachers over the last five years we are now working to set a new target. Quickly, so we can go and look at what has happened in terms of numbers, prior to 2014, 51 households received Teacher Next Door Programs, 38 educators benefited from the down payment assistance loan totaling up to 89 educators. 300 teachers received counseling. This is data that we are gathering outcomes. 41 employees facing eviction. They received legal services. As we go deeper into what we have been doing with our housing program, 134 units are projected to be built at the project and we also issued an r. F. Q. For more educator housing. When we think about educatetor housing and the goal we are thinking about, we are still in the process of working through our policy setting about building 500 units of Affordable Housing not currently met by the market. The resolution will be the key marconcern fomarker to focus onl also. We will pursue opportunities to subsidize for paraeducators at lower a. M. I. Levels. On building educator housing, the fourth strategy, we are excited the Francis Scott key will be the first sight for 134 units. Sfusd will provide the land and the city will provide the gap funding with the 2015 housing prop a bonds. Additionally the project sponsor will apply for federal tax credit for units below 80 a. M. I. The project is in predevelopment phase and has submitted the environmental application. Once it passes, trailing legislation for prop e we will streamline the project approval utilizing prop e and sb35. It will require eligible projects to be approved within six months. That is where we are with that project today. After this experience we have learned many lesson the project. The project was made possible thanks to the support from the city with the support of the large funding gap. We know that 134 units is a great start, it is not enough to meet Affordable Housing of all educators. We began to explore different opportunities to meet the Housing Units as we continue to look at data. We felt that strongly to move forward to continue moving on with additional ways to provide housing for our teachers. That led us to the r. F. Q. Where we directly serving the need that has been shown in our surveys. We ask in the qualification we ask no subsidies. At the time there was not any subsidies and maximizing units for educators. However, since the issuance of the r. F. Q. , we have the passage of prop a and e at 20 million towards educator housing and prop e rezoned sites for educator housing. Now we are made aware we have additional popups that we could pursue on the state levels and the matching funds and state tax credits. Within the board of education since the passage of prop e and a the commissioner has set a new introduced the resolution and has set a new target for us to builded yo educator housing. We will identify prop a 20 million and prop e how we can leverage those two mutuals that we have for us. Then additionally, we will continue to work with what currently what the need is currently pushing for us to push for, which is to build more housing. With that said, we will be looking into in terms of next steps, one, to be able to pass this resolution as being scheduled around in january of 2020. Also, we will be engaging with our qualified developers to be able to do a Feasibility Analysis on prop a and e. We really still want to be data driven. In the spring we will be administering a new qta survey, being able to connect the household levels with our teacher population. A lot of the times the data we receive back is from individual teachers. Housing is more than that. We need to understand household income. With that, this is our really quick brief presentation and we will be happy to answer any questions. First of all, thank you. The only reason i am using first names i do not want to butcher the last name. Colleagues, do you have any questions for the district . Trustee randolph. Yes, thank you. That was an amazing presentation especially coming from city college. It definitely shows the School District has put a lot of time and effort for several years to get to the point where you are able to start thinking about educator housing. I know that city college of San Francisco is still very much in the beginning phases where we need to be. It is encouraging to see how far along you are. It would be great for us to model our pathway and kind of analysis after you so maybe our staff can meet with you to kind of rather than reinventing the wheel. Community college is traditionally never had to think about housing as part of the mission. As we are dealing with affordability crisis in the city and state Community Colleges have to step up and start providing that. On the realm of the fouryear universities to provide that type of service and support, our students can no longer not have housing or staff can no longer not have housing. It is very nice to see a model for us to cultivate and duplicate at city college. Do you know how long it has taken you so far to get to the point where you can go out with r. F. Q. S and start potentially building housing . I know you didnt start just this year, but i know one of the slides said since 2014. Do you think how long the School District has worked on this so far . By conversations and ideas. Francis scott key is not the first site. We had one omission also. It has been going on for a long time. In regards to San Franciscosis t key a lot of the support from the city to say we will try to find city subsidies to be able to make this happen, lets work this out is in the last five years. It does take a while. We know that. We had to also really from the district level to be able to put in to have enough data so the survey had to align. We definitely have seen studies where some districts just leveraged federal tax credits and not able to house educators. We were diligent about our work. Do you have dedicated staff at the School District to just work on this eacher Housing Initiative other than don . We will have more dedicated staff in the near future. Currently it is myself and the deputy superintendent and chief facilities officer on our end. We had so much support from the city side and also input from united educators of San Francisco and Housing Development. It is a great partnership. We had to have many experts to help us. Thank you for your work. The partnership is really unique to see folks from so many different areas coming together to figure out this challenge. When i started teaching 20 years ago, it steamed unaffordable. Now, i hear the educators dont live in the city and a lot of the educators have to leave. Do you have an estimate how many educators leave each year due to housing concerns . It is based on the exit survey. It is about 30 that we do think have left for that specific reason. Educators leaving . Had stated if you asked them what is the number one reason you are leaving. It also including compensation and other check marks, but those folks chose housing as the issue. As far as just after age salary average salaries, it is a big range paraeducators to experienced teachers to those starting out, wha what is the re we are looking at . Do we have a sense where we are. There are those teaching 10 years with families versus those single living in apartments . What is the range we are looking at . Do you have a sense where we are looking to target. We dont have the range of the household income. That will be administering in the spring. We have the range of teacher income from 80 to 150 a. M. I. They receive about 82,000 now as the average. I cant speak to the a. M. I. I think that is around 100 . I would have to confirm with the Mayors Office. We are looking at folks for paraeducators folks who might qualify for lower Income Housing and that could garner more subsidies and support. Can you talk about the middle income range . It seems to me what are we doing as the city or district . How we approach that challenge . In terms what we have seen from the surveys that the School District administrators, we have seen educator households above the 120 a. M. I. Range. That is a smaller percentage. The 80 range is in the Francis Scott key project that is why we target the 40 to 120 a. M. I. Range. Up to 120 is mid income . Based on our sources that would use, yes, up to 120 a. M. I. What does it look like . Lower Income Housing can qualify for more subsidies, is that correct . How does that work . We are trying to deal with the larger range of folks. How does that make putting the projects together . We have the land but also looking at a math problem in figuring out the different a. M. I. Levels and where to get subsubsidies and the requiremens for the subsidies. Can you sak in relation to moderate income . We have more tools at our disposal to address the needs for housing, lower income from 0 to 80 a. M. I. We can leverage low income tax credits for developing those units. Moderate Income Housing is local subsidy. Units within 81 a. M. I. And above do not leverage tax credits. It takes more local subsidy. That is why prop a are important. We have added both a middle income category within the housing bond. In the 2019 housing bond we had educator housing. The state has also stepped up in recent years to address the missing middle. There are now some possibilities of accessing or applying for competitive funds for mixed Income Program that provides financing for mixed Income Housing up to 120 a. M. I. As well. We see a little bit more resources trying to address the moderate income units. Because we are unable to lever age tax credits it requires more subsidy from the locality from us as the city. Thank you very much. I appreciate that. I want to say i really hope, one of my daughters former babysitters became an educator. She has a family. She is not age to move out of her apartment with a roommate, the father of the child moved in with her. The idea we have educators that want to be able to progress up the salary scale they will make more income. The concern i have for folks that start in the district and want to stay in the district but it becomes harder and harder as they move up the salary scale or they may increase income with partnership with other folks. That is one of the largest challenges we face is trying to meet that large range. I want to say i appreciate the partner ship and the work that the district is doing, don, trying to be creative to figure out this complicated challenge. Thank you. Thank you. This is really, really illuminating. I have gotten some ideas i would love to share with the trustees. I dont think we have a Teacher Next Door Program housing counseling, eviction prevention or down payment assistance loan program. I assume if sfusd does, then we could quite easily. I think that if that alone is the result of this meeting, that is terrific. That could help a lot of teachers. My questions have to do with first of all, and i am assuming there is a very good reason for this. All of the work we did when we were serving with employees and students, and i dont hear us talking about students today. Can you clarify a little bit the strategy you are pursuing is employees. I know there are many home less students at sfusd. Could you clarify your strategy on that. We have been focused mostly on employees. We are hoping that the partnership with the city can as they are also residents of the city as well that we hope that we can work with the city to provide and find housing with them. We do have a lot of our social workers are very much equipped inning the Services Available for our families, specifically. Thank you. My second question is if you could clarify what the r. F. Q. Is. What is it for . Is it for finding Developers Interested in building on your properties . Yes, it was to see if we had qualified developers that would like to go to a joint venture in regards to educator housing. When you put that r. F. Q. Out and i am asking because at 33 goff we have developers working. Is there any thought about including in addition to housing for employees, housing for other people . Is it necessary to have it just the package for housing for employees . Within the r. F. Q. We kept it vague enough to maximize the number of units for educators. We dont know what is possible. With prop a and e and more tools we are going to just explore every kind of possible scenario to work with to see what is feasible. The reason i ask that is because i am a person who likes to be around a lot of different kinds of people. I dont know if i had to live with fellow trustees every day if that would be my ideal situation or if we want to mix it up. I also thought it because you have advantages as you pointed out in terms of speed, you know, with prop e and getting things done in terms of approvals is that a way to get more housing built in San Francisco by partnering . We can be the incentive schools can be incentive for developers to build more housi housing. Do you know if there is any possibility the crossover between what we are able to do because you are trying to build housing for educators and got special approval with that be ported over if the housing is both for educators but also for other people and therefore we can provide more housing . We do want to remember that we want to stay focused for our Educational Mission in terms of what our land is for and what the land is. As long as we can benefit our teachers, students, i think we would be ham happy to look into would be happy to look into what is possible. My directive from the board and the chief facilities officer is to look into how can we maximize our land assets to support our students and teachers and staff . Thank you. That is also the intent of prop e for educators for city college and sfusd, not for any other populations. I do want to say i dont know, i probably would love to live around my colleagues so we could get so much more work done. Thank you. I would like to live next to you. I dont have questions, only comments. We have been on this journey to bring this together for the School District. I want to take my hat off to the current leaders and the folks that paved the way for this to happen. I feel like what we were able to do as leadership is move this along. There is an opportunity for us to really and i will speak about the resolution that is currently in the process. Hats off to our district staff for carrying this work. There is an opportunity for, you know, the School Board Commissioners. I feel like Everyone Needs to do their part, School Board Commissioners as well. A prime opportunity to put policies in place to give the district a direction to move into. My biggest thing is we are in San Francisco, a lot of gentrification. As we embark on this journey i want us to be thoughtful of these things happening and that we are part of the movement that is creating more Affordable Housing for us as educators. It is a greater effort in the city that is pioneered by a lot of folks including folks in community and people in the building. So the resolution is an opportunity to put us on the course, right . We are on the path of resolution. Right now we are talking about 550 Affordable Housing for educators. We need to stabilize the work force. We have to adjust that. Everyone knows longterm educators in the district is good for kids. We could have other conversations on the side as needed. This resolution is a collective effort of really we cant do this without everyones support. We cannot move forward with building educator housing without everyones support from city hall and the School District. This resolution here is an outcome of that effort. A lot of folks come to the table, and i appreciate everybody who has come to the table. The working group Mayors Office the School District and our commissioners who are a pioneer in this work. The resolution actually and i will bring it back to leadership here at city hall. The resolution is we have to continue as leaders, commisoners and mayor champion the issues. We have to continue guiding the staff in the direction that is going to help us get to where we have to get to. That is one. I am proud of this resolution. When we first started the resolution there was a lot of questions around funding, how to do that. The staff, partners, work group, went out to do a good job of locating how to get all of this done. The resolution calls for an indepth look how to go out and search for funding to make this happen . We are partnering with we met with San Francisco housing educator accelerator. They are great. They are awesome. We are starting to build the team and work group that i feel very confident that we could get these housings built sooner than the resolution actually ticipates. Again, i dont want to belabor the conversation. It is going to take a continued effort from not only the School District but from all of the leadership here in San Francisco to be able to move this forward. I will leave it at that if we want to continue more conversations, we can. Welcome supervisor moore. Any questions from any colleagues . I wanted to add one more. As we go along with the resolution process, we identified educators and are in conversations with sciu. We understand there is more to it than teachers that help move the work forward for schools. We are making, you know, looking at the resolution to include our sciu cussteadyians and cooks so we can support those efforts as well. I just wanted to thank commissioner. I would love to see the resolution. It is in draft form, not quite ready to be shown. When it comes out we would love to see that. Also, and i dont know if this is helpful but in it looks like in november of 2017, we passed the resolution at city college which was more general but i want to point out and it may or may not be useful for you, that was to end food and housing insecurity in city college of San Francisco. It was specifically aimed at transitional age youth population. It is not the educater housing type of thing. We recognize at city college that 44 of the student body is made up of transitional age youth. Many of them are not housed, including veterans who come to city college and actually live in their cars because we give a better subsidy in San Francisco subsidy in San Francisco than anywhere else in the state. They want to spend the money on living not housing. They live in the cars and come to city college. If it is helpful we would share this with you since you are working on the resolution right now maybe there is something in there for you. Commissioner collins. I want to echo commissioners comments about none of this would be possible if we werent doing this in partnership. Again, reiterate my appreciation for the commissioners working on this but also at the supervisor level and at the city level and sfusd to support this projected. We are doing work that Francis Scott key. These are things that havent been done and we are getting more resources potentially but still figuring it out and we need that partnership. Is there anything what does the district need from the city and from the supervisors as a body to just for ongoing support for the work that you are doing . We talk on a week league or o weekly or daily basis. They are responsive. The housing crisis is just in front of us and we have to tackle it. A lot of the staff has not been afraid. Our partners, as the commissioner mentioned, we have worked with the San Francisco Housing Accelerator Fund and groups wanting to come and really figure this out together. At this time i think we need to go back to our group and to understand how we can for them to do a Feasibility Analysis on prop a and e and move the projects forward. I did not mention this. We are very clear about as our chief facilities officer does a lot of her real estate portfolio the educator housing component will not be lost. We have identified three sites and we will focus on those moving forward. Thank you. I want to add one more thing. I think this was for folks getting ready to embark on this with the trustees. I think it was important to put a model in place. The model that, you know, what i believe this is partnership between the community, School District and city hall, you know. Really there was a model out there called the Community Development model which they have been using in Affordable Housing. The one thing able to help us like get to our goals has been the passing of proposition e and resolution calls for current projects to be analyzed to move forward. Thank you so much. Now we will hear from the Mayors Office of housing. We dont have a separate presentation. I am happy to take questions. Do we have any more questions . Seeing none. This is the time for Public Comment. If you would like to speak on this item, please line up to my left. You have two minutes. Please state your name for the record. Good morning. I am representing sciu local 10 to 1. To give the public and you a general idea who those members are, we work in our schools. Those are your school secretaries, custodians, student nutrition service, cafeteria workers that serve food to the students. Transportation. The Yellow School buses, those are folks in that department and the warehouse workers. We are the glue that keeps schools together. There are educators in the classroom and administrators. Dont forget the rest of the school community. We are integral to making the schools run well, and after speaking with commissioner moliga in the structuring of his resolution which brings structure to the bond measures that the citizens have supported prop a and e. He is working to incorporate our meshes in that process and creating infrastructure to include our members. In you think it is hard for educators and principals to live in San Francisco. Imagine somebody working 3. 5 hours a day. Can they afford to live in San Francisco . Talk about families doubling up, tripling up. Please consider that when you talk about this housing and include all of the folks that work in our schools. Thank you so very much. Thank you. Next speaker. I am lower rain bowser. I am a cafeteria worker for the School District and rep for local 1021. Not to be disrespectful at all about the teacherrerses and housing. I have been a cafeteria worker for 30 years. Our people are parttime. A lot of people loved out of the city they are not able to stay here. I want to say, please think of the members of sciu having a huge housing problem, not just teachers. I want to say please consider sciu members employed by the School District also have a big problem. Thank you. Good morning. I am jeanine butler. I am not a public speaker. I am one of the examples. I live in San Francisco, but i have to work two jobs to make it. I work for unified School District over 28 years. Okay. I survived this. There is a time where i cannot survive because my represent is very high. I just want you to please to take this unlightly. Look after your clerks, custodians and myself for a Food Service Worker for student nutrition. I have seen it all. I have seen where we work 3. 5 hours. I have seen people on the street who actually lost a job and who are homeless. Okay . But, please, once again, we need housing, too. We need help. Everyone in the District Needs help. I am tired of working two jobs. I have employees who also work two jobs andahalf, three, barely cant get no sleep. Please take that into consideration. Thank you very much and have a blessed day. Thank you. Next speaker. I am a behavior analyst with the School District. I was a substitute. I have lived in San Francisco for 20 years. I worked for the School District for 15 years. I recently left San Francisco for oakland. I had to move to a twobedroom house when i took custody of my niece, and it was unexpected, and i ended up at a place at the top of my range. Even with rent control the increases year after year just added up to the point that i couldnt keep going. So i moved to oakland where the rent is far more reasonable. I commute. A lot of people i know do the same thing from oakland or tracey even. It is hard. You have got to ask yourself what keeps them going year after year to commute, to lose family time . To work in San Francisco and the answer for me is hope. I have seen San Francisco voters our government rise to the occasion time after time. We had prop a and prop g commitment to educators that we supported them. Prop a and e was the same. Everything you just heard about the collaboration with the union, city government, School District, all of you, it is the same. That hope that people are determined to keep us here keeps us going even when we know we are sacrificing our lives to come here every day to work with these children. I want be to thank everybody who is working on this, and who is going to push it forward. Thank you. I hope you will forgive me for using my notes. I want to thank the board offed. The mayor, my siblings and the voters who prioritize by voting for prop e. I want to state that i am lisa and i have lived in San Francisco for 25 years. I got to see it before the first. Com boom when artists could live here and it was affordable. It serves the community School District for 20 years. In those 20 years, i have taught at a number of different schools in a number of different neighborhoods. Currently i am a safe and supportive coach so he serve the whole School District. I have a wide view who is working for us. I want to say that i take additional work on every year to make ends meet, even though i have worked for the School District 20 years. Every time i pay my rent which is half of my paycheck or sometimes more, depending on how much additional work i take on. I think about the paraeducators and the teacher interns who make 40,000 per year. I think about my friend who is a substitute who is disabled. He cant work fulltime. He wants to serve the students. We need to keep them in the community. They are dedicated. I thank you for your time. I am katie oconnor, a counselor a at hoover middle school. I live in Hunters Point in a bow market rate unit. I it is williams birthday today. Happy birthday william. We are definitely so lucky to have the below market rate, but it is a one bedroom and it is tiny. I cant classify as one bedroom. We have a sliding glass door to separate the bedroom from the living room which is currently serving as the babys room as well. When we talk about educator housing, i hope that we all keep in mind educators with families expanding because we have to look for something bigger. The place we are in isnt working, and that is a big challenge. We are going to be looking outside of the city because the only way that we can afford to get a bigger place is the only way it works is to rent something for three years and we can reapply for another below market rate. We dont have the capacity to wait that long. And we cant afford the current rates of rentals. My colleagues are leaving in droves. We have 60 people at whoever between 10 to 12 every year leaving to move outside of the city, to work outside of the city, commutes are too hard. The statistics show this is detrimental to our students. Thank you. Next speaker. Good morning. I am an anabelle. I would like to thank the board of education for leadership in addressing the affordability crisis that is affecting not just our educators but students and families. Thank you to the district staff for working with us. I also want to say thank you to the board of supervisors, mayor, and in particular i want to say thank you to the voters of San Francisco for supporting the proposition of prop e. They understand we are in a crisis that we are addressing today. I want be to be able to continue working together to bring our partners. Sfusd has been working on this for a very long time. We came together with the district in 2014 with the Housing Working Group and they have been growing and bringing in other partners. With that we look forward to working again in partnership with the board of supervisors, with the district, board of education and San Francisco Accelerator Housing Fund to bring the resources, such as prop a 20 million that was in prop a state credit. The Income Housing fund at the state level and other funding that will be used to start educator housing. This is just the beginning to ensure that we build housing for the educators to help stabilize our schools and continue to ensure our children receive the quality education. Thank you. Good morning. Peter cohen with the council of Community Housing organizations. This is really an exciting time for us. We have been in the Affordable Housing world for a long time. Seeing the talk about educator housing coming to fruition this year is great and we are happy to be part of it. There is a lot of technical stuff. I want to acknowledge the great partnerships we have experienced starting with the board of supervisorses, particularly the sponsors having the vision to get the voters to put Affordable Housing for educators front and center. We have streamlining and rezoning and buy right and that takes care of time and money as well as the board dedicating money to jump start that. Those are smart moves. The board of he ha of education. You are great to work with with a clear framework so everybody the rowing in the same direction is very, very helpful. Also, with the staff. The staff of sfusd. I know it has been great getting to know you and pulling together the Housing Working Group, the Mayors Office of housing providing Technical Support and the housing acseller rater fund, the financing brains to help with project management. All of the folks in place at leadership level, technical level and advocate level. Hearing the stories from united educators on the ground and in the schools, that is the spirit. This is not a technical thing, this is a human thing which makes it so great for us to be part of it. Thanks for inviting us to the table so we can look forward to seeing the projects happen this year. Thanks. With the council of Community Housing organizations. Thank you so much for hosting this very important discussion. As a coalition of 24 Affordable Housing developers and advocates we have been talking about the housing crisis for over 40 years. The housing crisis that affects the poor, lowwage workers, the families who depends on our public like schools and city college system. In the last few years we have seen the discussion of a housing crisis expand to much broader set of folks who can no longer afford to stay in if city, to workers lieu are essential to keeping our city running, thank you, supervisor mar, supervisor walton and those who put forth the discussion around housing our workers. This discussion today is about educators. We are not just talking about educators. We are talking about nonprofit workers, child care workers and Health Workers who are essential to keeping the city running but addressing potential disaster resilience. What happens when those workers dont live in the city. My child goes to the school in the excelsior district we have a teacher from sa vallejo. A teacher will work three jobs to stay in the city. This cannot go on. We have talked about the housing crisis but an opportunity. It opens the idea for public investments and public land and we can restructure our Housing Delivery system in a way that serves more people without leaving behind the most vulnerable. Prop e really changed the framework, started to address income levels so we cant talk about just the highest use. Good afternoon, supervisors and board members. I will say i am walter p. I went to lincoln, robert lewis stevenson, yaloaw. We had a field trip in third grade. I stood here in the courtroom. I got to ask the judge how did you get to be a judge . I wanted to say one thing. There is no place like affordable home for the holidays. When no matter how far away you roam. If you want to be happy in an million ways, for the holidays it is Affordable Homes sweet homes to get straight as. Thank you. It is always hard to follow walter. I had to get up here. Thank you all so Much Community members for holding this hearing today. I am from the supervisor fewers office. I wanted to add a couple points and thank the followings that had the folks that had a key role. Thank you supervisors for cosponsors the bill. You know the mayor, full board of supervisors for making sure we got 76 of the voters and the voters for supporting it and thd teachers here and Mayors Office of housing who helped us with this policy. We really are just very thankful for that. A couple things to point out. There was a couple comments about making sure we think about other employees of the School District and workers. We could not agree more. I want to clarify that prop e does cover four teacher projects all employees of the School District and city college so we are thinking about our cafeteria workers and everyone else. Definitely we want to make that clear. Also, prop e helps and there are folks on the teacher housing. It is a game changer for all Affordable Housing in San Francisco. It rezones all land citywide that is larger than 10,000 square feet for 100 Affordable Housing. In addition to the teacher Housing Projects on the School District and city college land. I want to be sure that is clear. Is a huge moment that we were able to pass not only this rezoning but the biggest housing bond 600 million. It is incredible. The two Biggest Barriers to Affordable Housing land and funding we were able to tackle. Of course, we are not done. We have to continue to provide more funding to make this sustainable. One think that was important to us was getting 20 million in seed funding in the prop a housing bond so we can make prop e a reality to get those starting funds to get it going, but we know we will continue to put our money where our mouth is if we are serious about housing our educators. We cant expect the market to take care of the problem. We are excited to partner with the School District, city college in order to find out what the needs are. We know there are state funds on the stable, matching funds that werent available a year or so ago when they originally started planning this. Things have changed. It is exciting to pursue the funds. As chair of the budget committee, supervisor fewer is committed to making sure we leverage whatever resources we can and work with our partners to make sure we can go after those funds and make these projects happen. Thank you all so much. We are excited about the opportunity this has brought. This is just the beginning. We really appreciate it. Any more Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. I want to thank ian for coming up to make clarifying statements and for thanking everyone so i dont have to do it now. I appreciate everyone who did come out to speak today and who did fight with us for prop e and a to finance to have the Affordable Housing we need. Of course, we have more work to do to get there but we are moving in the right direction. I see supervisor mar has some comments. Thank you, chair walton. I want to echo the many acknowledgments that have happened around all of the everyone involved in this important work over the last five years to ensure that our teachers and other educators at the sfusd and city college are able to continue to live in our city and the communities they are serving and for providing such an Important Role. It was great to hear ms. Oconnor, the counselor at whoever speak and share her story today. She was my daughters counselor last year and it is really just heart breaking to hear those stories where there is a personal connection in our critically important educators and school staff struggling to stay in our city. I know these issues are really important just to the Broader Community with the citys first educator Housing Project moving forward in my district and at the Francis Scott key annex i have seen how strongly supported that is in our community right now. Not just, you know, among families with children in the district but by everyone in our community. This is a different situation than before where there was a similar Housing Project proposed at the Current Location of Diane Dianne Feinstein school 20 years ago not as broadly supported. It wasnt able to move forward. I think now with the broad support that we see for the Francis Scott key annex site project, we can see how important these issues are for our entire city, and i guess i also want to say that i am glad to see that the different discussion and planning that has happened around the educator housing in the last year and through some political struggle has really landed on a focus on ensuring that or prioritizing that these projects are going to be moving forward using 100 Affordable Housing model. I think that at least for me that if we are using public lands if the School District owns it or city college or whatever, i very much would prefer and very much prefer to see us build 100 Affordable Housing on public sites and not having to look at private market rate housing being included as a way to finance it. I am glad that at least that is the focus right now with the passage of prop a allocating 20 million of that housing bond to educator housing and the passage of prop e which is focused on 100 Affordable Housing at Different Levels for educators. I think the model moving forward at the Francis Scott key site is supported and the city is Affordable Housing educator model. I think the reason why i know that we have been looking at other models of educator Housing Development with a mix of market rate housing in it because of the need for financing and that challenges the financing 100 affordable educator projects. I have questions around the financing of the educator Housing Projects. If i could just ask. I wanted to ask how can mohcd most effectively deploy this initial 20 million allocated in the prop a bond towards educator housing sites the School District and city college are prioritizing to leverage the Financing Program for these projects . Thank you for the question. The Mayors Office of housing will work closely with the school the triact to identify the best way to move forward. I spoke about this earlier. I think the pool of developers they qualified will be asked to do Feasibility Analysis at looking at using prop a and e for the three sites they identified as being under utilized. We will work with the School District to see what that analysis shows. In answering a question about what sources of funding are available to us. We do see limited sources of funding for middle income. The city has put in the local subsidy for Francis Scott key and that is in addition to low income tax credits for paraeducator units. There may be other opportunities. We want to ask the qualified developers to look at what is possible. We dont know yet without doing that analysis. We will be gathering that and sharing that information with you all soon. Thank you. Colleagues are there any more statements . Questions . Commissioner collins. I want to appreciate the folks who came out to speak and the educators. Also, our School District workers. My heart goes out to you. As the parent i appreciate the work folks do in our schools to support our citys children and i am committed to working with city officials at all levels to make sure we are supporting the folks that are supporting our most needy residents, which are our children. Thank you all. I am on the team. I wanted to thank you all for doing this and putting in the hard work for starting the process of what i hope is great housing for certainly teachers and classified and i dont know if administrators and students. I think we need this kind of housing in San Francisco, and you have put in the legwork, and i appreciate being part of it. I appreciate, you know, at this meeting i appreciate where i feel like the supervisors and the board of education and city college are able to get together. I believe that president randolph was instrumental to make sure city college was inserted into this prop e, am i right about that . I want to thank you for that because i would like to if you do a pool of some sort of developers, can we share . Do we have to create our own pool . There are things we can do together that may again speed things up and mean that we can all build the housing for all of the people who help our students in San Francisco. Thank you. Trustee randolph. Thank you. I want to thank the Mayors Office and specifically jut son true. When this first came out a year and a half ago. I was reading the drafts and noticed city college was missing. What happens when it comes to education sometimes city college is forgotten. I immediately emailed the Mayors Office. What about our educators, classified staff, sciu members . They looked it up and said you qualify as well. We were able to get in there. Our educators, classified staff struggles as much as anybody else in the city. I think it is important for us to be here. I think that is why we are all active to make sure our groups are not forgotten. There are a lot of important decisions to be made. Thank you, president randolph. As stated in the beginning, it is exciting to see the city working together with the education institutions to address one of our major issues, which is Affordable Housing. With that said i would love to move this to continue to the call of the chair so we can make sure we continue to have this conversation, and this is the perfect setting. Without any objection. Is there a second . Second. I have a second. We will move it without any objection. With that said, madam clerk, are there any other items. Clerk no further business. Thank you all so much. This meeting is adjourned. [gavel] thank you. Are we good, madame clerk . Good. Good morning, everyone. My apology for arriving late to the chambers. The meet willing come to order. This is december 11, 2019 regular meeting of the budget and finance committee. I am sandra lee fewer, chair of the funds and finance committee, joined by katherine stephanie and rafael mandelman. Our clerk is ms. Wang. Id like to thank sfgov tv for broadcasting this meeting. Madame clerk, do you have any announcements . Yes, please make sure to silence all cell phones and electronic devices, complete the speaker cards to be included as part of the file should be submitted to the clerk. Items acted upon today will appear on the january 7, 2020 board of supervisors agenda, unless otherwise stated. Thank you very much. Please call item number one. Resolution approving an updated Emergency Declaration of the San Francisco Public Utilitieses commission to repair the southeast Treatment Plant final effluent force main for a total estimated cost not to exceed 6. 250 million. And i think we have michael tran here. Thats correct. Good morning, supervisors. Members of the budgets and finance committee, clerk of the board. Im a project manager with the San Francisco Public Utilities commission. Specifically for the southeast outfall crossing emergency bypass. Im here today to present this project as related to the initial Emergency Declaration presented here january 2019. Id like to direct your attention to the powerpoint presentation. As a broad overview, this is a picture of the booster pump station that will be geting into more detail. Id first like the start off with a little bit of background for the project site and a project location. The booster pump station is located at 3rd and arthur, approximately 3 1 2 miles south of oracle park, 1 1 2 miles south of the new chase stadium located in at 3rd and arthur in district 10 of San Francisco. The Treatment Plant treats approximately 2 3 of the citys sewage. The booster pump station experiences approximately 50 to 60 million gallons per day on average and up to 110 millions per day peak, which is pressurized through the southeast outfall system into a pair of force mains crossing the creek. The longer term project is scheduled in targeting 2023 to permanently replace the crossing at islais creek. Id also like to recap the history of this Emergency Declaration. So on october 18 of 2018, waste water staff of San Francisco p. U. C. Detect add potential leak at the islais creek crossing. And what is the leaking force mean . The leaking force means continual operations that there is a noncompliance with the southeast plants and in addition this leaking pipe is located inside isslais creek which is identified by Regional Water quality board as a list of impaired body water body. Subsequently on october 22, San Francisco p. U. C. Issued an Emergency Declaration according to San Francisco administrative code chapter 6. 60. On december 26, 2018, San Francisco p. U. C. Revised the Emergency Declaration again, based on findings from project staff that found poor soil conditions and additional challenges which increased the anticipated amount up to 5 million and subsequently approved by the board of supervisors with an authorization under chapter 6. 60 and chapters 21. 15. On september 25, we subsequently revised this Emergency Declaration again based on active construction and feedback and recommendations from the project team to increase the not to exceed budget up to 6. 25 million from the 4. 12 million. And ill get into that in a little more detail. One last recap from the initial design that was presented here in january 2019. Id like to illustrate the initial design which is shown on the screen, the blue lines illustrate the approximate location of the crossing of islais creek. The bottom blueline illustrates the profile of this pipeline. The red line illustrate what is we attempted to construct and the initial construction duration we estimated to be nine months. And, of course, we mentioned the overall project including Construction Management and design and construction to not to exceed 5 million and the project will be built in guidelines as a statutorily exempt project. Id like to present the challenges, which is the reason why were here today. On the lefthand side photo you can see one of the contractors, twoiing inside a dry hopper dam immediately within the waterway. If you can see the types of soil we were encountering, young bay mud, very unclassified type of artificial fill. The right hand side is oriented a little bit different. This is a result from the survey. At the islais creek bridge is shown on the lefthand side with a reasonably large depression found on the center of the creek under the water and this will help present a redesign that had to happen last minute. Bottom right hand photo is a snapshot from one of our local medias and this was and you can see on there its identified as a whale sighting. Specifically ali the wayward whale and she happened to visit our project site immediately prior to our mobilization. So, what this necessitated was additional biologist active and very and very adamant type of active monitoring by our Construction Management team and also by our biologists on site. A lot of open communications with our contractor as well. What happened with the challenges that we encountered. Immediately prior to that mobilization, we had to redesign. Instead of following the existing blue alignment we actually created a new design to follow to have a direct connection between the northern, southern shorelines. And our construction duration, we actually shortened it by approximately three months. Actual construction and heavy construction was substantially complete as of october 2019. And we demobilized in november 2019 and we are planning for final site work such as sidewalk restoration, fence restoration and permit closeout this month. Now with actual Construction Costs in, we are still negotiating final change orders but the project team is confident we can stay under 5. 5 million. Project is still categorized as statutory exempt under ceqa guidelines. Id like to help illustrate the specialized construction techniques that were used. As mentioned earlier, the project was substantially complete as of october 8, 2019, almost a week in advance of the october 15 official wet weather start date in our area. Theres minor site work remaining at this time. The bottom left hand photo illustrates the utilization of a specialized crane and barge configuration which lowered what you can see as a knife gate valve into a dry coffer dam pit t. Middle photo is a relatively uncommon type of construction. Its called floating and sinking and used throughout the country. But reasonably uncommon in the San Francisco bay area. And you can see the pipe floating in the center of the creek temporarily before its floated and sunk into place. Righthand photo shows the final connection toward the northern connection structure. In summary, im here today to request that the support of this committee to approve the revised Emergency Declaration. Thank you. Any questions to my colleagues . Seeing none, could we have the b. L. A. Report . Good morning, chair fewer. The board of supervisors is being asked to prove an updated Emergency Declaration for the slave creek work and the previous resolution was approved in february of this year. I believe mr. Tran has appropriately described the nature of the work. The increase is actually in the authorized amount from 4. 9 million to 6. 2 million in the resolution. On table one, page three of our report, youll see that the aftersbunlt provided by p. U. C. As 5. 5 million. Therefore, we recommend a reduction in the resolution by 750,000 from 6. 2 to 5. 5. We recommend approval as amended. Thank you very much. Mr. Tran, do you agree with a recommendation from the b. L. A. . Yes. Based on the actual Construction Costs. Great. This opens it up for public xhefnlt any members of the public would like to comment on item one . Seeing none, its now closed. Id like to maiption a approve the amendment brought forth by the b. L. A. And make a move to advance it to the board with the amended. Item number two. Resolution approving and authorizing a 50year lease with one 16year option to extend between the portion commission and t. Z. K. Broadway hotel venue and Public Open Space development at sea wall 323 and 324 with an annual minimum base rent equal to no less than 1 million to commence following board approval. Thank you very much. Id like to make a motion to move this and continue this item to the meeting of january 8. Before i do that, id like to take Public Comment. Any members of the public would like to comment on item number two. Seeing none, public sxhenlt now closed. Id like to make a motion to continue this item to the meeting of january 8. If we can take that without objection. Thank you very much, colleagues. Madame clerk, please call item number three. Resolution the department of technology to accept an incoming gift of Consulting Services from google inc. For a term of six months to commence upon board approval valued at 750,000. Thank you very much. And we have the interim director for the office of civic innovation. Good morning, supervisors. Good morning, members of the committee. This resolution will allow the department of technology to accept a gift of Consulting Services from a civic bridge partner organization, google incorporated. Specifically, under this project, the civic Bridge Program team will assist the Planning Department and other departments to make the reporting, collection of housing data more efficient. And i have a brief presentation that id like to share with you. The bridge is a program that matches talent with departments to address specific policy or operational challenges facing those departments. Under the civic Bridge Program, departments identify Service Needs that can benefit from pro bono assistance from outside parties. So this project, we will be working with s. F. Planning and other related departments and a team of volunteers from google who will work full time for six months on this multidepartment city team. Gaog is a Founding Partner of civic bridge, having worked with mo cd on the predevelopment of the Affordable Housing portal, the onestop shop residents for people. This pipeline project will have the goal to understand, improve and make more efficient the reporting and collection of housingrelate data. The quarterly housing pipeline report helps city decisionmakers and the public understand the volume of units moving through this pipeline. Currently, the housing report is compiled through a cumbersome, time intensive, manual process and consequentially is not timely or accurate. The team the Pro Bono Team will assess the data and understand the points of our city staff and project sponsors throughout this housing pipeline. This will help the city provide greater visibility and to the housing approval process, identify and recommend business process and prevents and communicate and coordinate with the production of housing in San Francisco. Thank you. Do you have any questions . Im available. Colleagues, any questions or comments . Using none, there is no b. L. A. Report on this. Lets open this up for Public Comment. Any members of the public like to comment on item number three . Seeing none, Public Comments now closed. Id like to move this to the board with a positive recommendation. Thank you very much. Thank you. Madame clerk, please call item number four. Hearing to consider the release of reserved funds to the Arts Commission placed on the budgets and finance committee reserve in the amount of 2. 6 million to administer grants in the areas of Arts Education, affordable space, core support for organizations and support for individual artists. Thank you very much. And today we have mr. Tom decane from the Arts Commission here. Welcome. Good morning, supervisors. Thank you so much for hearing our item this morning. Im pleased to announce the reserve of 2 30i6 million for the arts impact endowment. Voter aproved proposition e last november with 75 approval, which restores the hotel tax nexus to arts and culture funding in San Francisco. Thank you so much for all of your support. In the measure, it included 9 million approximately new funding for arts and culture, including a new arts impact endowment to be jointly administered between grants for the arts. And i have my colleagues here, matthew guedeau and jason blackwell. The arts impact endowment required a fiveyear allocation plan which is a Needs Assessment based similar to the childrens Needs Assessment. In the winter and spring of 2019 we engaged over 3500 residents of San Francisco as well as visitors and had various input into what the new arts impact endowment should support. Here you see some of the statistics in terms of who we engaged across the city through focus groups, citywide survey and a citywide town hall at the veterans building. We had very clear outcomes of prioritis that actually mirrored the polling of proposition e. Number one was Arts Education and youth arts to what is affordability of space and support for more affordable space in the city. Core support for arts organizations and Affordable Housing and supports for artists, individual artists. So the Cultural Services allocational plan was approved by the arts commissioon march 4. Consequence subsequently was approved by the city administrator naomi kelly with this breakdown. Were requesting the approval today of 2. 6 million with these percentage breakdowns in these four core areas. All the funding would be granltzed out through competitive grant making through an r. F. P. Process jointly administered by grants for arts and the Arts Commission. In these areas, just to highlight about what the recommendations have been from community engagement, including a twoday working group which meant in may of 2019, so a new grant category to support intergenerational learning, connecting young people with intergenerational learning, supporting the extension of current teaching Artist Residency grants to support traditional general residence. Right now were focused on creative writing but we would expand that work. Creating a new grant to support creative pathways for youth up to age 24 and providing opportunities to bring constituents together to further conversation an innovation approaches to supporting youth in the arts. On affordable space and infrastructure, we know ownership is the best way to keep arts organizations in the city. So, we would continue our work in supporting pathways to ownership through partnerships with groups like the Community Art stabilization trust. Here you see the cass partnership which is a great model of how we can acquire permanently dierdre stricted and affordable cultural use. As well t new grant categoris for cohorts of organizations and individuals who want to foster new partnerships around shared cultural space and while its providing technicals nance Needs Assessments and Financial Planning and other issues that would help support ownership structures. Well expand on grant for the arts programs that support Capacity Building for longterm sustainability through core operate and support and Capacity Building and we would continue our work supporting individual artists across arts disciplines including a new art Market Program which we surveyed your offices to see who might be interested. Learning institute to offer various Capacity Building and Business Development support opportunities for individual artists and then support through cultural maxes to make sure that were reaching all parts of the city through this new fund. Im open to any questions you might have and help answer as well. Thank you very much. Lets see. We have a b. L. A. Report on this. Thank you. The proposed hearing releases 2. 6 million on budgets and finance committee reserve for art programs. These were placed on reserves during the 1920 budget review, pending the finalization of the Cultural Services allocation plan and recommendations from the working group. Our understanding that those conditions have now been met. We sort of summarized the spending allocations in exhibit one on page 16 of our report and recommend approval. Thank you very much. I agree. Open this up for Public Comment. Any members of the public like to comment on item number four . Seeing none, public sxhenlts now closed. So, this does not need a full recommendation from the full board, just an approval for release of funds so id like to actually make that motion that we release the funds and also that every all of our colleagues actually review the what would you call it, mr. Duschene that you called it . The cultural Allocation Services plan. Yes. It is very good reading and people should be looking at that. So i just wanted to make a motion to release these funds. We can take that without objection. Thank you very much, colleagues. Thank you. Thank you. Could we please file this hearing . Yes. Lets do. Thank you. Could you call item number five . Hearing to consider the review and approval of the budget guidelines for the board of supervisors for fiscal year 2020 to 2021 and 2021 to 2022. Id like to make a motion to continue this item to january 8, but ill take Public Comment. Any members of the public would like to comment on item number five. Seeing none, public sxhenlts now closed. Id like to make a motion to move this meeting, continue it to the meeting of january 8. Thank you very much. We can take that without objection. Madame clerk. You got any other business before us today . No further business. Thats great. Were adjourned. Good morning, everyone. The meeting will come to order. Welcome to the december 16th, 2019, meeting of the rules committee. I am supervisor hilary ronen, chair of the committee. Seated to my right as vice chair Shamann Walton and to my left is gordon marr. Our clerk is victor young and i would like to thank my canoe michael and jim at San Francisco government tv for staffing this meeting. Are there any announcements . Silence also phones and electronic devices. Completed speaker cards and copies of any documents to be included as part of the file should be submitted to the clerk i didnt his acted upon today will appear on the january 7th , board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise noted. Thank you. Please call item number one. One is a hearing to consider appointing one member indefinite term to the close Juvenile Hall working group. Thank you. Did you have any comments before we hear from the applicant . I do. Thank you so much. As we know this is our final appointment to our 15 Member Working Group for the closed year of Juvenile Hall. We are excited to be at this point where we can point and other young person who will be serving. I am looking forward to the committee having the first meeting this wednesday and to finalize all the members of the working group. That is great news. So we have three applicants. I will call them all forward. Charles peacock, Danielle Russ wurm and julia thompson. We dont have any of the applicants. Do you have any thoughts about who you would like to see appointed, supervisor walton . I do. Thank you so much. The first thing i want to say is i appreciate everyone who applied to serve on the working group, especially our young people who are committed to the success of the other young people. I would like to nominate for vacant seat three Charles Peacock who is young africanamerican male who lives in bayview who was formerly incarcerated as a juvenile who is now working in community and is also in college at this time. I just know that he would be instrumental in helping come up with a plan that will lead our young folks to success versus continuance continuous defeat in the prison pipeline. Fantastic. Is that a motion . That is a motion to appoint Charles Peacock twoseat number three. We can take that without objection. That motion passes. Thank you. Did you want to take Public Comment . Oh, my goodness. That motion do i have to make a motion to can you undo the motion . I will rescind my motion. Without objection, that motion is rescinded. Is there anyone who would like to make Public Comment on this item . Seeing non, Public Comment is closed. I would like to move the previous motion. Without objection, that motion passes. Thank you. Sorry about that. I need to wake up. Can you please read item number two. Two is the hearing to consider appointing four members with terms ending october 19th , 2021 to the eastern Neighborhood Community advisory committee. There are several members have contacted me youre unable to attend today due to scheduling conflicts. Thank you. Are any of the applicants for the eastern Neighborhood Community Advisory Board here . Please come up. Good morning. Good morning. I am very excited to stand before you today as a candidate for one of the positions on this Community Advisory group. I have served as president of the association for six years and have been involved in numerous activities in the potrero and dogpatch areas related to the increased open space and provision for better and more equitable transit and the increase in Community Serving facilities in our area. I know that theres change in the group with the removal of the south of market neighborhood so i look forward to having the opportunity to serve to ensure the impact fees for the development in our neighborhoods get the most bang for their buck and serving our existing and incoming populations. Thank you very much for considering my candidacy. Thank you so much. Is there any questions . We will open this up for Public Comment. Does any member of the public wish to speak . Seeing then, Public Comment is closed. There are four seats and four applicants. I think all applicants are qualified. Does anyone want to make a motion . Supervisor walton . Definitely want to make the motion in support of the nomination of all four candidates but i want to thank jr for coming in today and being willing to serve. This is a very Important Committee and as we continue to deal with Affordable Housing and make sure that we are responsible as we have growth in communities and voices on the intake are very important. I want to think everybody who is willing to serve ditto. Thank you so much and thank you for being here today. You made a motion to move jr a blur for seat one, irma lewis for a seat two, jolene you for c3 and Keith Goldstein for seat four. Without objection, that passes. Please read item number three. Three is a hearing to appoint one member term ending january 6 , 2024, to the Small Business commission. I see commissioner i see the commissioner here. Would you like to come up and address the board . Good morning, supervisors. Thank you for the opportunity and your consideration. I was born and raised in San Francisco in the mission district. I have a passion. Im a Small Business owner myself and just knowing the intricacies of real Small Businesses, especially businesses of color, minorities, we have a moral we have a challenge especially if english is not your language of birth. We do not get the same opportunities. Having an advocate the looks like the people we serve is very important, especially as it comes to the permitting process in San Francisco. During my 10 year, i was part of digitizing the San Francisco Business Registration process, which should be something in San Francisco we should be leading the way, but it wasnt. Through my 10 year, i have done that. I ve spee5 spares personally started an initiative which will get set in 2020 where we go paperless. No more stacks of paper when we or get all the pamphlets. Im implementing tablets. Those are the little things, but my countless work, you know, i know every single business in the bayview, in the mission, i dont know maybe as much as you, supervisor mar, but they know me when people have problems, they call my cell phone at whatever time. It takes years for commissioner to build up the relationship and understand the intricacies of how to open a business in San Francisco. It has taken a very long time to get to this point where we are able to help the community navigate crazy business processes. Little things like that matter in a city that they always say Small Business is our backbone, but people worked here because moved to because of the flavour of our city and our Small Businesses. I represent that. I am honoured for your consideration for another term as the office of Small Business commissioner. Thank you. Thank you so much. I wanted to thank you for all your work as the one who recruited you to move into this rollback in my legislative age days. It has been such a pleasure to watch you shine on this commission. You truly are a commissioner of the people and are so available, not only to supervisors when we have questions, but to Business Owners and helping them navigate what has become a byzantine process. We have a lot of work to do to write i think what i think we have done wrong in terms of making it virtually imposs to open a Small Business. As you said, many Business Owners go broke before they ever open. That is upsurge. We are happy to change that. It is certainly something that i am looking into and that i know many of you on the Small Business commission, together with been blame and who is an entertainment commissioner, but also a Small Business owner, are looking to all the Small Business owners to help Small Businesses and that is a phenomenal idea. I think it is way overdue and i wanted to express my gratitude to you for all of your hard work thank you. It means a lot. Of course. Any other comments . Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you, supervisors. Is there any member of the public to speak who wishes to speak, now is your time. Public comment is closed. I would be happy to do the honours of making a motion to reappoint william to seat three of the Small Business commission seeing no objection, that motion passes you nonthem as they that motion passes unanimously. Item four is a resolution reparenting appointing harlan kelly junior for a four year term ending june 30th, 2023, as the director of San Francisco bay area Regional Water system financing authority. Would anyone like to speak . Public comment is closed. Supervisor mar . I would move that we recommend reappointment of harlan kelly as a director of the San Francisco bay area Regional Water system financing authority. Without objection, that motion passes. Is there any other items . That concludes the agenda for today. Fastest rules Committee Meeting of the year. The meeting is adjourned. This is a huge catalyst for change. It will be over 530,000 gross square feet plus two levels of basement. Now the departments are across so many locations it is hard for them to Work Together and collaborate and hard for the customers to figure out the different locations and hours of operation. One of the main drivers is a one stopper mitt center for permit center. Special events. We are a one stop shop for those three things. This has many different uses throughout if years. In 1940s it was cocacola and the flagship as part of the construction project we are retaining the clock tower. The permit center is little working closely with the Digital Services team on how can we modernize and move away from the paper we use right now to move to a more digital world. The Digital Services team was created in 2017. It is 2. 5 years. Our job is to make it possible to get things done with the city online. One of the reasons permitting is so difficult in this city and county is really about the scale. We have 58 Different Department in the city and 18 of them involve permitting. We are expecting the residents to understand how the departments are structured to navigate through the permitting processes. It is difficult and we have heard that from many people we interviewed. Our goal is you dont have to know the department. You are dealing with the city. Now if you are trying to get construction or special events permit you might go to 13 locations to get the permit. Here we are taking 13 locations into one floor of one location which is a huge improvement for the customer and staff trying to Work Together to make it easy to comply with the rules. There are more than 300 permitting processes in the city. There is a huge to do list that we are possessing digital. The first project is allowing people to apply online for the a. D. U. It is an accessory dwelling unit, away for people to add extra living space to their home, to convert a garage or add something to the back of the house. It is a very complicated permit. You have to speak to Different Departments to get it approved. We are trying to consolidate to one easy to due process. Some of the next ones are windows and roofing. Those are high volume permits. They are simple to issue. Another one is restaurant permitting. While the overall volume is lower it is long and complicated business process. People struggle to open restaurants because the permitting process is hard to navigate. The city is going to roll out a digital curing system one that is being tested. When people arrive they canshay what they are here to. It helps them workout which cue they neat to be in. If they rant to run anker rapid she can do that. We say you are next in line make sure you are back ready for your appointment. We want it allinone location across the many departments involved. It is clear where customers go to play. On june 5, 2019 the ceremony was held to celebrate the placement of the last beam on top of the structures. Six months later construction is complete. We will be moving next summer. The flu building the new building will be building. It was designed with light in mind. Employees will appreciate these amenities. Solar panels on the roof, electric vehicle chargers in the basement levels, benefiting from gray watery use and secured bicycle parking for 300 bicycles. When you are on the higher floors of thing yo of the buildt catch the tip of the Golden Gate Bridge on a clear day and good view of soma. It is so exciting for the team. It is a fiscal manifestation what we are trying to do. It is allowing the Different Departments to come together to issue permits to the residents. We hope people can digitally come to one website for permits. We are trying to make it digital so when they come into the center they have a highquality interaction with experts to guide then rather than filling iin forms. They will have good conversations with our staff. December 20 of 2019. Well. Take roll call. Commissioner lee is absent today. Agenda item number 2, Public Comment on those items not appearing on the agenda. Good afternoon. Thank you, commissioners. My name is ellen. I have my name tag here. I am a public employee. I am a

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