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Ladies and gentlemen, the George Washington High School Marching band. [applause] please welcome kayla smith. [applause] good morning, everyone. Hows everybody doing today . Thank you. Thank you for joining us today for this historical occasion. My name is kayla smith, and i will be your mistress of ceremonies for the evening. Growing up in San Francisco d5, hayes valley, to be exact, since the age of four, i have been privileged to receive mentorship from my community. I went from running departments at project level to now earning my internship at nbc this upcoming summer. [applause] ive always been ambitious, but i was lucky to have women in my life that looked like me and achieved great things, and one of those great women that i looked up to the most, our current mayor, my godmother, london breed. She wasnt changed much, by the way. To this day, she is still the same wise, inspiring, and supportive person that she was when i was a child. I know all too well the impact that mayor breed has had on myself, and i am extremely excited to see all the wonderful things that she will do for the city, and for that, i say thank you. [applause] and now, please join me in welcoming father paul fitzgerald, president of the university of San Francisco, to deliver todays invocation. [applause] thank you, kayla, and thank you all for being here today as we honor and congratulate and thank our mayor, london breed. Mayor breed completed a masters in Public Education Public Administration at the university of San Francisco back in 2012, and i offer the following blessing on her behalf and on behalf of her fellow professors who loved her, her fellow students at San Francisco who loved her, and for all of us who love her and are praying for her continued success. But even more so, we are continuing to pray that mayor breed will continue the goals of the Degree Program that she so ably completed. In it our masters in Public Education program, we prepare our graduates, people like london breed, for public leadership by advancing a challenging curriculum while pursuing complimentary research, transforming learning into actions that serve our communities, especially the most vulnerable among us. Our diverse graduates become outstanding leaders who provide ethical, Workable Solutions, societial needs, and who advance justice. So in london, we see all of the learning outcomes of this Degree Program. Social justice for all people of the city and county of San Francisco and beyond. Diversity in all its forms. Integrity in all that we do. Accountability to all whom we serve. Excellence. Educating students like london breed to become compassionate and effective leaders who humanely manage organizations. Providing and facilitating interactions between government, forprofit and nonprofit sectors to provide ethical and Workable Solutions to societial needs. I join with her many fellow usf alumni of the city and county of San Francisco on asking blessing for mayor london breed this day and every day as she brilliantly fulfills her leadership of justice and hope into a future of inclusiveness, peace, and prosperity for all. So i ask you to join me in raising a hand of blessing. We ask god to bless london breed with the seven gifts of the holy spirit. Wisdom, understanding, council, piety, and fear of the loving god. And please bring her great satisfaction as she joins to lead all of us, and i ask all of you to join me in saying amen. [applause] thank you, father paul fitzgerald, for that beautiful invocation. And now for the posting of the colors of todays inauguration is the color guard from George Washington high, where london breed attended. Please rise and join me for the posting of the colors and singing of our national anthem. O say, can you see by the dawns early light what so proudly we hailed at the twilights last gleaming . Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight oer the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming . And the rockets red glare the bombs bursting in air gave proof through the night that our flag was still there oh, say, does that starspangled banner yet wave oer the land of the free and the home of the brave . [applause] thank you, katie. It is truly an honor to introduce our next speaker who will administer the oath of office. As our first female African American to be appointed at the San Francisco superior court, she has paved the way for women and people of color to succeed in law and has been a role model and mentor to lawyers who are people of color. Please join me in honoring judge teri l. Jackson. [applause] i have to guess dresset dre in front of you. Welcome. Just as a little aside, when i see this many people in a room, im ready to swear you in as jurors and you just report in across the street, so watch with a me. But on behalf of the superior court for the state of california, all 1600 strong trial judges throughout this state, it is such an honor and such as pleasure to be here. As my last official duty as a superior court judge, it is such an honor to be able to administer of oath of office to our mayor, london breed. [applause] ive also been told to explain why this is my last duty as a superior court judge. As of january 21, 2020, at 11 00, i will be elevated to the california supreme court, as the first African American woman. So with that being said, madam mayor, could you please come forward. [applause] are you ready . The hon. London breed yes. Okay. Raise your right hand and repeat after me. I, london n. Breed, do solemnly swear that i will support and defend the constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of california against all enemies, foreign and domestic. That i will bear true faith and allegiance to the constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of california. I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion. That i will well and faithfully discharge the duties upon which im about to enter, and during such time as i hold the office of mayor of the city and county of San Francisco. Congratulations. [cheers and applause] the hon. London breed thank you. Thank you. Thank you all so much forum here today, and thank you to the people of San Francisco for trusting me to continue to serve as mayor of such an incredible city. As we welcome a new decade, its really worth taking a moment to reflect on how far weve come in this decade. In 2010, San Francisco was deep in the great recession, and our workforce was in trouble. Our Unemployment Rate had more quadrupled since 2000 and was at a 20year high. Ten years later, we are riding the longest period of Economic Growth in our history with one of the most the lowest Unemployment Rates in our citys history. [applause] the hon. London breed the homicide rate has dropped to its lowest in more than 55 years. [applause] the hon. London breed in the last decade, San Franciscos stance on Marriage Equality and medical cannabis became the laws of the land. We made a record investment in our parks and our libraries. We modernized our muni fleet and made it free for those in need. We launched our clean energy program, dramatically reducing Greenhouse Gas emissions. We even got our hands dirty, replacing our sewer system. We passed paid family leave, a 15 minimum wage and made city colle college free for all. We paved our streets and remodell remodelled the moscone center. We welcomed the warriors home. We watched the giants win it, and win it again, and our Congress Woman gave up the gavel and won it back. [applause] the hon. London breed and we became the capital of the resistance. [applause] the hon. London breed over the past decade, weve made great progress, but through it all, weve grappled with the twin troubles of homelessness and housing availability. I was an intern in the Mayors Office right here a quarter of a century ago. I had the privilege to walk up these stairs every day as a member of the board of supervisors. This buildings beauty is timeless, its spirit and inspiration. Earthquake and fire destroyed San Franciscos first city hall, but we built another even more magnificent than the first. Why . Why do we build these monuments . What do these marble stairs and golden dome what does it mean to us . It isnt excess or vanity, its a reminder. We swing the doors open for everyone because it reminds us that our government welcomes everyone. Our successes are shared, our potential unbound, and that none of us would be left out in the cold. I take the oath of office today remembering that not too long ago, my ancestors were in chains. Ive never found out exactly where they lived, but i know a bit about how they lived. I know their masters sat at tables eating generous meals that they didnt prepared. I know they hudled outside. They ate mush not with wooden spoons but with hands in a trough. The civil war ended the bondage, but the inequity had only begun. The slave owners kept their lands, and the former slaves kept the nothing they already had. So with that nothing, most went back to work at the farm. They rented their labor as share croppers, or if they were lucky, tenant farmers. Generations of poor African Americans scraped by, living in fear that if they protested too loudly, men in hoods would come. When the depression hit, two of those share croppers, a young couple with 11 children moved from louisiana to texas. Sometime later, their daughter, miss camellia brown came to San Francisco. She came in search of work. She came in search of something better. She came to raise her children in a place where they might be equal. My grandmother came here to believe in a city of hope, a city where a young black girl can go from Public Housing to the Mayors Office. [applause] the hon. London breed and she was right. San francisco is so much more than our home. Its a refuge for the gay, lesbian, and transgender brothers and sisters from all over the country. Its a new start for immigrants from guatemala and guangzhou and everywhere in between. It is my promise that everyone has a place in this city, that no one should be left out in the cold. So when we come to this hall or walk down Market Street and see the suffering of thousands of people outside our doors, it hurts. It hurts not because we are callous but because we care. The suffering on our streets, it offends our civic souls, and it should. But if were going to do something about the conditions on the streets, we need to level with each other. Homelessness isnt new, it isnt easy. We are not the only city struggling with it, and quite frankly, we are not going to solve it in 100 days, a year, or even entirely in this term. And im not sure solve is the right word any way. While the city has helped thousands of people out of homelessness, thousands more took their place. And sadly, sadly, there will always be people whose addiction or Mental Illness or poverty leads them down a dark path or puts them in need of help. Los angeles has more than 36,000 homeless residents and a skid row that is its own tragic city within a city. Three years ago, san diego had a hepatitis outbreak among its Homeless Population that killed 20 people. They had to spray their sidewalks with bleach to fight the infection. I point this out not to criticize those cities. I know how hard they are fighting to address these problems. Cities up and down the west coast, seattle, santa rosa, portland, los angeles, san diego are launching this fight. Too many people are grappling with drug addictions and insufficient resources and insufficient housing. [applause] the hon. London breed now we havent stopped sending our taxes to washington, d. C. , but they stopped sending back anywhere near enough for homelessness and Affordable Housing. So each year, san franciscans write bigger and bigger checks, and we ask ourselves, why doesnt it keep Getting Better . Why do we keep sending money, yet the Homeless Count keeps going up . First, lets dispel some of the inaccurate conversations that we hear. Its not because we arent funding solutions. Its not because we are indifferent. No one in my office, no one at the board of supervisors, no one in any city department, no one who works here is kicking back and throwing their hands up and pretending like weve been able to do something great. We are all working on it every day, frustrated by it every single day. Homelessness is so severe, so acute up and down the west coast for a few simple reasons. Housing is too expensive. Working class jobs are too uncertain, and their wages too outpaced by the cost of living. Drugs, opioids and meth in particular are too common. And two decades after the state closed its mental hospitals, california still hasnt come to grips for how were going to care for people who are severely mentally ill. [applause] the hon. London breed homelessness isnt just a problem, its a symptom. The symptom of unAffordable Housing, of income inequality, of institutional racism, of addiction, of untreated illnesses, of decades of disinvestment. These are the problems, and if we want to fight homelessness, weve got to fight them all. [applause] the hon. London breed and in San Francisco, we are. We will meet our goal of opening 1,000 new shelter beds by the end of this year. We just opened a new Navigation Center along the embarcadero center, and our bayview shelters break ground shortly. [applause] the hon. London breed we just opened our first state Parking Facility to help people who live in their vehicles. Were adding more than 200 new Mental Health beds, expanding outreach, and we are transforming how we deliver Mental Health and Substance Use treatment in our city. We have more permanent Supportive Housing units per ca capi capita than any major city in the country. Weve expanded rental assistance and emergency problem solving funds to help people avoid homelessness in the first place. We are expanding our conservetorship program to help people on the streets and get them the support that they need. [applause] the hon. London breed we are working to open meth sobering centers, safe injection sites, and managed alcohol facilities so we can stop walking by addictions spilling out on our streets and start treating it like the Health Care Issue that we know it is. [applause] the hon. London breed ive directed our city departments to reprioritize spending towards making our streets safer and cleaner for all of us. We are riding ballot measures to housing shortage. [applause] and if we want to relieve the pa pain on the streets and stop seeing our family members and friends moving away in moving vans, we need to build more housing, build more homes a lot more and set policies that make this possible. [applause] the hon. London breed over the next decade, in addition to our work on preserving thousands of permanently affordable homes, we need to build at least 50,000 new homes, at least 50,000 new homes. [applause] the hon. London breed and at least 17,000 need to be affordable. And to get to 50,000, we cant let disingenuous warnings of shadows and heights get in the way of badly needed housing. [applause] the hon. London breed to get to 50,000, we need to recognize that density is not a dirty word. To get to 50,000, we have to push for solutions to build homes faster and support policies like sb50 that will allow more housing all over the bay area. [applause] the hon. London breed ill be going to sacramento to fight for new housing because we need more housing for our workers, for our families, for our seniors. Because our retail shops cant afford to hire people who live here, because housing should be affordable and viable to san franciscans of all levels. The hon. London breed we cant say we need more housing and then reject the policies that actually allow us to build that housing. [applause] the hon. London breed i wasnt here decades ago when we imposed restrictive laws to prevent more housing, but i will be here when we start build housing in San Francisco and the bay area again. It is time. So heres what i want the next decade to look like. I want this to be the decade where we no longer walk by a person shooting up or a person whos shouting out of control or suffering on our streets and shrug our shoulders or turn away and wonder, what should we do . I am determined over the next four years to take in people with addiction and Mental Health problems so that when you encounter someone in need, you can make a call and know that person will get the help they need. [applause] the hon. London breed as i said before, compassion can no longer mean anything goes. I want this to be the decade when residents and visitors to our city can enjoy every neighborhood every single day without fear of crime or unacceptable behavior. We have what we know is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. This is an incredible city. I want it to be lively, i want it to be diverse, i want it to be safe, and i know you all want that, too. [applause] the hon. London breed and i want this to be the decade when san franciscans from the multigenerational native to the newly arrived immigrant that he, she, or they can arrive with their children and call this city home for generations to come. [applause] the hon. London breed we can be a vibrant and welcoming city, a city of affordable and diverse homes, a city where we come together and put aside our differences to meet the challenges that we know we all face with clarity and conviction. A city where we can care for one another, where our streets are safe, and no one is left out in the cold. San francisco can be the city that a share croppers daughter dreamed it to be. San francisco can and will be a city for all of us. Thank you. [applause] the hon. London breed ladies and gentlemen, this person said to me, it is a blessing to be a blessing. And today, the person thats providing a blessing to all of us so that we can start 2020 off right and what we need to do to move our city forward is no other than San Franciscos santana [cheers and applause] the hon. London breed and with his amazing special guest, yolanda adams. [cheers and applause] [ ] [applause] [ ] put your hands together [ ] carlos santana. [applause] sister of life yolanda. [applause] we want to say were so grateful and its such a deep honor to be here in this most memorable location because our sister of light is in charge of changing changing the narrative. Her light will efficient, sufficient to change the whole not just the bay area, this nation and the whole world because shes anointed. She is designed by grace, and we salute you and say its about time. [applause] thank you very much. This is the january 8th, 2020 meeting of the budget and finance committee. We are reconvening now and supervisor mandelman will be joining us shortly. Thank you for the patients showed joke your patience as we recess to see the mayor being inaugurated. Madame clerk, can you please call item five and six together . Resolution authorizing the execution and delivery of a multi housing revenue and in one or more series in aggregate for providing financing for the construction of the 108 unit multifamily rental Housing Project. Item number six is a resolution approving and authorizing the director of property to acquire Real Property on turk street from turk 500 associates for 0 in exchange for 12. 2 million in credit and placing it under the mayor to do office of housing and Community Development for Affordable Housing for San Francisco. Thank you very much. We have joyce lynn from mohcd. Is that correct . Welcome. Good morning, supervisors good afternoon, supervisors. My name is joyce, project manager with the mayor to do office of housing and Community Development. Im here to present items five and six related to 500520 turk street and 5555 larkin street also known as 500 turk street project. It is a 108 affordable multifamily new construction project located at the corner of turk street on larkin street. The project is being developed by the Tenderloin Neighborhood Development corporation. All units will be affordable and will serve households averaging 60 of the San Francisco county Median Income would 27 project voucher units reserved for residents wishing to move from Public Housing to the project and will include a mix of studios, one, two, and threebedroom units. Item number five is the first resolution before you requesting authorization to issue multiFamily Housing revenue in an amount not to exceed 53 million to provide Construction Financing for the residential project. The transaction fundamentals have not changed since they presented projects to this Committee Last june. The issuance is still conduit financing with no recourse for the citys general fund. The project continues to be compliance with a few city requirements including prevailing wage and requirements since then, the project developer, a california limited partnership, collectively with us are known as the developers. We secured a debt allocation from the developer to the california debt allocation limit community. And with the city, identified a Financing Team including a lender and Equity Investor and other attorneys in the citys municipal advisor. The team has met several times and develop substantially final documents in the legislative package before you. The resolution before you requests approval and authorization for three actions. This is item number six. Number one, the acquisition of the property for 0 to be paid to the developer in the form of a 12. 25 million credit to the loan. Number two, a grands lease to the property back to the developer for lease term of 75 years with a 24 year option to extend in an annual base rent of 15,000 with affordability restrictions for 99 years and three, a gap alone in the amount of not to exceed 32. 4 million of the developer to finance the construction of the development. Construction closing for 500 turk is expected at the end of the month when the bond and loan documents will be executed. The project will Start Construction june soon after with the completion expected in january of 2022. Here with me is amy from mohcd, claudia from the Real Estate Division, and jacob from the Tenderloin Neighborhood Development corporation. We will be glad to answer any questions you may have about this request on behalf of mohcd and the developer. We would like to thank you for your consideration here today and look forward to your support thank you very much. Any comments or questions . Supervisor walton . Thank you. This is a quick process and a problematic question. How will the residence be selected for the vouchers and will this also be able to apply for safety transfers . Youre talking about the 27 project lease voucher units . Those residents are living in our existing Public Housing project and will voluntarily move to the project. If there is 27 vouchers and lets say we have 50 people that want to transfer, what is the process looking like . That is a good question. Can i get back to you on that . Of course,. I want to make sure about the public initiative. And also a followup, if you can let me know if these will also applied to safety transfers in the future. Thank you. Thank you very much. We dont have a b. L. A. Partner for item number five but we do have one item number six. Could we hear that, please . Item six, this resolution does three things. The main three things it does is it proves approves the city to purchase from the current owner which is a conjoining neighborhood corporation, which is part of turk 500 associates. It approves an amended Loan Agreement increasing the loan amount that is currently being allocated to this project. It approves a ground lease for a longterm ground lease for the property. In terms of the Loan Agreement, we show this on table one of the report. The funding for the Loan Agreement is 32. 4 million. The incurrence the increase is being approved today in the existing Loan Agreement. The total project amount is shown on page 21, table two of the amount. The total project is 95 million the net of the loan, it is the 32. 4 million loan. There is about 1. 2 million that is pending as a bridge loan pending other loans being made available to the project. The other part is that the appraised value of the original Purchase Price was 12. 25 million. That amount, when the city assumed ownership, will be credited against the loan amount the actual payback will be that much less. This is on table three, page 23 of the report. City funds are third of the cost of the project and we recommend approval. Lets open this up for Public Comment. Would any members of the public like to comment on number five or six . Public comment is now closed. Colleagues, any comments or questions . I would like to move these items to the board with a positive recommendation. We can take that without objection. Thank you. Please call item number seven and eight together. Seven is a resolution authorizing the issuance and delivery of multiFamily Housing Revenue Bonds in an aggregate principal not to exceed over 44 willing dollars for the purpose of providing financing for the acquisition, development, and construction of a 105 unit affordable multifamily Residential Rental Housing Project currently assigned the street address of 401 avenue of the palms. Item eight is resolution and approving a Loan Agreement in an amount not to exceed 24 by 5 million for a term of 57 years to finance the construction of 100 affordable, 105 unit multifamily rental Housing Development for low and moderate income at 401 avenue of the palms. Thank you very much. Today we have joan from mohcd. Welcome. Thank you. Good afternoon. I am with the Mayors Office of housing. Im a senior project manager. Im here to present on item seven and eight related to the project to located at 401 avenue of the palms. Its the first newly constructed Affordable Housing development for veterans on Treasure Island. The project is being developed by chinatown Community Development center. The building will include 104 affordable units serving households below 80 a. M. I. And to give you an idea, for one person, 68,000, two, 78,000, three, 88,000. And for a family, 98,000. The rent will probably be lower targeted populations. Thirtynine of the units will be available to current Treasure Island households who will be relocated to the building when it is built. Sixtyfive units will house formerly Homeless Veterans who are new to the housing. Affordability will be maintained for the life of the project which is our new standard for restriction. Item number seven is requesting authorization to issue multiFamily Housing revenue notes in an amount not to exceed 44 million to provide Construction Financing for the residential project. The transaction fundamentals have not changed since the project was approved by the board of supervisors and the mayor in august on august 9 th, 2019. The issuance is still a conduit financing with no recourse for the citys general fund. The project continues to be in compliance with all city requirements for the issuance of taxexempt debt including prevailing wage and l. B. E. Requirements. Since submitting the application for bond financing, the developer has secured a debt limit allocation and with this city, identified a Financing Team including a lender and Equity Investor, bond council and other attorneys, and the citys municipal advisors. The Financing Team has met several times and developed a substantially final issuance stock in the legislative package before you. Item number eight is requesting approval of a gap loan to the developer in an amount not to exceed 24 million. Construction closing is anticipated to take place either at the end of january or very soon after the beginning of february. This certificate of occupancy is expected in august of 2021 when the building is complete with all units leased up approximately around december, 2021. Here with me today are joanna from chinatown c. D. C. And leon, the project developer. Leon we will be glad to answer any questions you have about this request. And on behalf of mohcd and the project developers, we would like to thank you for your support and ask for your continued support. With that, i end my presentation thank you very much for your presentation. Colleagues, any comments or questions . Seeing none, but i have a report on item number eight as there is none for item number seven . Item number eight, the legislation specifically approves a Loan Agreement between mohcd and the apartment for the Community Development. There is currently an outstanding loan of 6. 5 million this would amend the loan and increase it by 17. 7 million to a total loan amount of 24. 3 million. You can see that an exhibit 2 on page 27 of the report. The sources of funding include the egress money that came in and other sources of funds shown in this exhibit. The total project budget is 74 by two millions of the loan amount is about one third of that amount. The housing subsidy is about 231,000. As you can see on page three of our report. We recommend approval. Thank you very much. Lets open this up for Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. I see no questions or comments on the roster. I would like to move these items to the board with a positive recommendation and we can take that without objection. Thank you for the presentation today. Can you please call item number nine . Nine is a resolution authorizing the Mayors Office of housing and Community Development to submit a Grant Application for the California State Department of housing and Community Development for funding in the amount of 5 million under the cal home program. Thank you very much. His gene here . Im with the Mayors Office of housing. Please speak into the microphone. We are trying to apply for a grant on the state of california for 5 million, which is to bring 5 million for firsttime homebuyers. [indiscernible] thank you very much. Is that your presentation or do you have more . That is that. Thats great. We have no b. L. A. Report on this any comments or questions from colleagues . I see no questions. Is there any members of the public would like to comment on this item . Public comment is closed. I would like to move this to the board with a positive recommendation. We can take that without objection. Please call items 10 through 18 together. Item 10 through 18 is a resolution authorizing the mayor s office of housing and Community Development on behalf of the city to execute a Grant Application under the department of housing and Community Development Affordable Housing and sustainable communities for the Affordable Housing projects. And the Community Development infill infrastructure program. That is it . That is great. Hello. Are you jonathan . Yes. Please, welcome. Thank you. Good afternoon, committee members. My name is jonathan and i may project manager with the Mayors Office of housing and Community Development. Before you are resolutions, items 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14 to assume liability and apply for funds from the California Department department of housing and Community Development Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities Program commonly referred to as asic. These funds will go towards a falling Affordable Housing projects in the city. 131 units of Family Housing located at 2340 san jose avenue as known as balboa park upper yard developed by mission Housing Development corporation and related california. 157 units located at potrero hill the potrero hope s. F. Site mac. Developed by bridge housing. Eightyfour units of Family Housing located at the sunnydale hope s. F. Site as known as sunnydale block three a also developed by related california. Eightyfour units of Family Housing also located at the sunnydale hope s. F. Site known as sunnydale block three be. And 70 units of Family Housing with 35 units for homeless families as known as 266 fourth street. The Program Transportation and Land Preservation projects support infill and Compact Development that would reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions. The fund is established by the state and is known more generally as cap and trade funding. In order to be highly competitive, the project will be submitting joint applications with the city for up to 20 million each. For each project, the award is broken up into two major components. The first is a loan awarded to support the Affordable Housing development in the and the second is a grant award to go towards transportation improvements for associated Greenhouse Gas reduction measures included in the application. For balboa park upper yard and others, each housing award request is for up to 20 million and the transportation Grant Application is for up to 10 million. For 266 fourth street, the request is for 13. 6 million and the transportation grant request is for approximately six my 5 million. The application requires that applicants for the project will be held jointly and be liable for completion of the project. This means that those parties are liable for the completion of the entire project in either either party may need to take additional steps to have the housing or transit portion completed. Balboa park upper yard is located across from the balboa park bart station. It currently serves as an sfmta employee parking lot. The team expects to begin construction in the spring of 2021. Potrero block b. Is part of the hope s. F. Site and will be the second new construction project built under hope s. F. The nations first largescale Community Development and Reparations Initiative aimed at creating vibrant and inclusive and mixedincome communities without mass displacement of the original residents. Sunny block is also part of the hope s. F. Site and will be the third and fourth new construction project in the revitalized sunnydale community. It will be located on an sfmta site mac located directly above the sfmta subway station currently under construction. They issued a request for proposals for the site in august of 2017 and construct construction is anticipated to begin fall of 2021. In addition, before you are resolutions to assume liability and apply for funds from the California Department of housing and Community Development infill infrastructure program. Commonly referred to as i. I. G. These funds will go towards the following projects. Balboa park upper yard for an amount not to exceed 4 million, potrero block b. Not to exceed 15. 6 million and sunnydale block three a for an amount not to exceed six my 5 million, sunnydale block three be for an amount not to exceed six my 5 million and Treasure Island major sub phase one for an amount not to exceed 30 million excuse me, are you speaking on item 19 . We have representatives from Treasure Island to develop and authority he will speak more about item 19. Let me pause you for a second madame clerk, did we call item number 19 . Please call into the record now before we hear the rest of the presentation on item 19. Nineteen is a resolution authorizing the Treasure Island develop Mint Authority on behalf of the city to execute a Grant Application under the department of housing and Community Development infill infrastructure as an applicant or joint applicant with the San Francisco county Transportation Authority and or the Public Utilities commission for a qualifying Infrastructure Project within Treasure Island major sub phase one. Thank you very much. You may continue. Thank you. The Program Provides funds and supportive infill projects in mixedincome housing as well as mixeduse infill developments. Thank you for considering each of these resolutions to apply for these critical sources of funding. We are excited to leverage these funds and reduce the amount of city funding necessary to build these important projects. And to see Affordable Housing for did into solutions for Greenhouse Gas production in combating climate change. The teams are working to complete funding applications by the deadline of february 11th 2020. This concludes staffs presentation. The sponsors are available for questions should you have any and bob back, the director of the Treasure Island Development Authority will speak further about item 19. Thank you very much. Thank you. If it pleases you, i do have some slides i could present. The project we are applying for is the widening of hillcrest, promoting widening transit and bike access from that side of the project area. Thank you. There are no reports on any of these items. Lets open this up for Public Comment. Would any members of the public like to comment on items 10 through 19 . Public comment is now closed. Colleagues, any comments or questions considering one of our colleagues on the board here who is actually the sponsor of many of these things. I would say i would like to move this to the full board with a positive recommendation on items 10 through 19. We can take that without objection. Thank you very much. Please call item number 20. Twenty is a hearing to consider the review and approval of the budget guidelines for the board of supervisors annual budget for fiscal year 2020 and 2021 and 2022. Thank you very much. Today we have angela, the clerk of the board and joan. Before we start, i would like to give, on this presentation as you know i am the chair of the committee and left is actually under the budget of the board of supervisors. So with that, i would do you think would you like to first present the budget and have me then talk a little bit about laugh co. . Members of the committee, clerk of the board, angela. You indicated im here. We always appreciate you managing this information for us annually. We also appreciate the opportunity to report to the department. The current progress of projects , just a few, and pursuant to the rules of order to request your guidance as we are preparing the budget for the next two years. Once we receive your guidance we will return in february with a draft budget based upon your direction today for your approval before we submit the budget to the mayor and the controller. And now to the highlevel overview, with you, i would recommend the overview of the projects and then i will recommend a couple of adjustments for the budget, for the baseline. Sly two shows the departments current year budget by division and category. Under category, the largest cost share is salary and benefits at 75 of the total budget. The gross in this category is attributed to the m. O. U. Negotiated wage increases and the addition of the administrative aids. The next largest category is the nonpersonnel services at 22 or 4 million. The budget and legislative Analyst Services contract is the largest cost in this category. A slight slide three, the current project, as you know, we hosted the conference in San Francisco. We appreciate the committee and the board allowing us 50,000 in general fund dollars in the current year. We only used about 7,000 and we will be returning the remainder to the general fund. Regarding the Office Renovation project in partnership with the department of public works and the Real Estate Division of the city administrators office, our renovation project will be presented to the City Hall Preservation Advisory Commission for their review. This renovation, as you know, will allow us to create a private space both for the operation deputy and the payroll personnel in our department. I have a larger responsibility to the department as a whole to make sure that our payroll Personnel Officer can have confidential conversations in an office with staff. I am having a bit of a we organization in the area of space. Regarding the salesforce constituent Management System, we ruled this project out to all 11 offices. The initial feedback was positive and we understand that there are, as with every other project, there are bugs to work through. We are committed to doing so would legislative staff and the administrative staff. We will continue to work with your office is to find out what within next steps look like if we were to continue to utilize this project. Slide four lists the small adjustments that i am recommending to be included in the 2021 proposed budget. The newly created Administrative Assistant position in the member offices are eligible to receive overtime pay. However, this cost was not included in the current budget and so we will need funding in the new budget. We have begun tracking the overtime pay for this particular class and we will have an estimate for you in february when we return. The Operations Division in the clerks office, which provides operational and Logistical Support to the department as a whole are proposing a job change in one particular position. The current job is a 1426 senior clerk typist. It is not accurately reflect the work that this particular position conducts on a daytoday with assistance to the department and to the public and to Language Access and inventory. We would like the new class to be an 1840 junior management assistant. It would result in a small increase in 15,000 in salary and benefits. As i mentioned in the previous slide, the salesforce constituent Management System is ongoing. The licenses have been purchased and we would need to add that cost. It is about 17,000 to purchase additional licenses to meet the demand of the new staff. And now for the couple of items. The budget and legislative analyst, every year, the budget and legislative analyst submits their request for an increase, which is stipulated in the contract. They have done so again for the budget year. That would amount to a total of 2. 44 million in contract, essentially the increase would be about 76 thousand dollars. The Youth Commission, there are three staff positions in the Youth Commission. It is time to modernize the positions and salary to be commensurate with the duties and responsibilities of the job description. Frankly, retention continues to be an ongoing issue and to address these issues we have worked very closely with the department of to Human Resources so they can review the duties and recommend an updated job class. If the Committee Approves this is a general concept, we will come back to you in february with the job class that we are recommending and the costs that are associated with that. And then two last points, the department is hiring a recruiting and chief information officer. We currently have a position in the department. As our recruitment is yielding, we are not getting the type of individual with the minimum requirements that we need so we are asking just to bump up that position, which is what generally is the position in this city that the department of telecommunications is utilizing for this role specifically. It would be i would also be a sevenpoint 5 increase in salary. Again, we already have the base salary position and Funds Associated with that. Both salary and benefits in the budget currently. And lastly you might recall that they received a general Fund Appropriation of 297 in the current year. That is the same amount that we have reserved over the last 12 years. As a placeholder, we have that in the proposed budget with your permission. I know that you would like to discuss that. We would be happy to. We would love your permission to provide all of those to you in february and a base budget for your consideration. We will bring it back to in february. We will be back here with questions. Any questions . I will proceed with the increase in the budget. Colleagues, as chair of the local Agency Formation commission, im working with my colleagues on that body, as well as our executive officer who is here in the audience today to develop a new budget and to rapidly expand the body of work being held by this commission. While our commissions approval of a budget is still pending, we would discuss a proposed budget at our meeting next week. I do want to propose an increase to the budget and im asking for the support of my colleagues to have that reflected in the board s budget submission to the mayor. We have received the same same general fund or support support from the city and county of San Francisco for over 10 years without a single increase. I was appointed to the commission and elected as the chair in 2017 and in the last three years, we have done an incredible amount of work to revise this body, higher a phenomenal executive director and take on critical areas of work regarding Municipal Services and issues. We continue to provide oversight for . And power s. F. And year we did indepth and copper hints of analysis of equity issues within the program, along with recommendations of how for how to address such concerns. The body his continued is continue to explore, along with equity access to clean power s. F. , what real expansion of clean power would look like in San Francisco. It is a if the city and county developed his own facilities on public land. In the last year, its in his last year in the last year, it is producing groundbreaking work in the study of gig economy workers partnering with a National Organization of jobs with justice to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the conditions facing gig workers in the emerging mobility sector. The study is now in progress and in the first phase of being completed this year. Its the largest study of its kind and the executive director has secured over 300,000 in private funds for this study. And now i have introduced legislation currently pending at the board to ensure that San Francisco takes the next step in developing a Business Plan for the first ever public bank in the state of california. I am proposing that this work live as an independent body that can skilfully engage public and private partners and utilize its Legal Council who have expertise in municipal finance. If that legislation is to pass, our one staff person could not hold that work alone and we need staffing dedicated to the project. What im asking for today is an amendment to the budget and the boards budget to increase the general fund support for this award by 486,000. This would ensure we can bring back the f. T. E. Position for executive director officer role. That position was eliminated in 2017. And fortin f. T. E. For a policy analyst role and ensure funding to bring on a consultant for the public bank. I have passed out to you a document and all about the proposed budget. Im open to answer any questions as i said before, the executive director is here also to answer any questions. No questions. That is very positive. Pressing the button, i see supervisor mandelman. Yes . Yes, so i confess i am pretty unfamiliar with this. I am it has existed in every county in california. There is usually it was usually used, to my understanding, it is usually dealing with Governmental Organization boundaries and things like that. I know San Francisco has used it significantly differently and particularly the board of supervisors used it at a point when maybe the Mayors Office was not as excited about public power to advance a Clean Energy Agenda from a little bit of a workaround coming from this side of the building. I guess i dont actually know or understand i dont have a sense of whether its the best place for additional policy. Actually, mr. Goebel can explain why it is the appropriate place to mean a surprise a lot of these issues like the public bank. And also why clean power is part of the purview. Thank you. Good afternoon, supervisors. We were assigned Oversight Authority of clean power s. F. In 20 2007 by the board of supervisors. We have an ongoing m. O. U. With the Public Utilities commission to do that work. As chair fewer stated, we had a very important report released recently with regard to clean power s. F. And the number of power disconnections that are happening in San Francisco due to customers inability to pay. We plan on carrying that work forward. They all have special studies authority. I was hired as executive officer almost two years ago and i was asked by the chair to look into some issues. One of those was the gig economy issue. The city has been trying to obtain data from the companies to do an assessment of the externality that is being created on our streets in terms of congestion and trying to determine whether the company are so are following the labor laws. We are now undertaking what would be the largest and most representative survey of gig workers in the country. I have gone out and raised an additional 300,000 to support that work. In addition, you know, as the local Agency Formation commission, there was a lot of discussion about forming a new Municipal Bank and how that is ideal for local Agency Formation commissions to do since that is a moral role. These are the three big issues that we are handling at the moment i would like to add to that that the scope of work has germs expanded dramatically through the commission, as it would meet these issues, and actually california came down and gave us a whole training on what it can do. It opened up a whole variety of issues that we could actually undertake and i think that the enthusiasm of the supervisors and the members really, what we are looking at with these studies and what we are looking at is a reflection of how excited the commissioner is after they realized what their purview could be. I am as brian mentioned, we know we have had more the same budget for the last 10 years and our work has more than tripled in what we are doing, and also that mr. Goebel is a consultant and we feel as though it is the only right thing to do to make this a regular position and bring it back as a position and give him the benefit that should be afforded to any employee that works with the city and county of San Francisco go ahead, supervisor mandelman. That all makes sense. Over the next month, i can hear a little bit more about some of the thinking behind it. This is adding additional staff positions and building it out and why it makes sense to do that through that Company Rather than controller studies or b. L. A. Studies or task forces and things like that. Those would be the questions i have over the next few months. I would like to emphasize that it is an independent body. Independent from the city and county of San Francisco. I think that is, quite frankly, probably why it was formed. It is designed to be an independent body. We are commissioners, we dont sit there as representatives of the board of supervisors. I have reached out to you on your staff to offer a briefing and id be happy to sit down and discuss this with you. If anyone would like to serve on that commission, we would love to have you. I would like then to have this Committee Approved and all the other items you have brought forward. Are there any questions, supervisors, on the other items that the clerk has brought forth , meaning an increase of the positions for the Youth Commission also essentially in concept you would be authorizing providing the guidelines to move forward with providing you advice on what an appropriate class could be for both the Youth Commission staff, in addition to the c. I. O. In the department, in addition to the cola increase for the budget legislative Analyst Services and any additional work you would like us to perform on the group, which i heard outlined in your presentation. The overtime for the ad been stuffed. Yes. Thank you. Just a quick question because i want to make sure i know how hard the office works and all the components necessary to do a great job. Everything you put in the presentation, that covers everything you thank you need moving forward next year. Thank you. Supervisor walton, the baseline that we would be bringing to you in february would have all of our needs in addition to the little bit of detail that we spoke about today and in february it would give you the opportunity to review that and that is what i would submit to the mayor and the controller for one we have our longer conversations in june for a Second Opportunity for you to cut and paste. Thank you. I think today, what i would like to do is to approve to amend the budget guidelines to include the additional funding and to file the hearing. Could we please have Public Comment . Are there any members of the public would like to comment on this item . Public comment is now closed. Shall i then make a motion to amend the guidelines for the board of supervisors budget . I make a motion. Do we vote on that . Do we take it without objection . I would like to file it with as amended. Do we have any other business before us today . There is no further business. Okay. We are adjourned. Thank you very much. Go. Shop and dine the 49 promotes local businesses and changes san franciscans to do their shopping and dooipg within the 49 square miles by supporting local Services Within the neighborhood we help San Francisco remain unique, successful and vibrant so where will you shop and dine the 49 hi in my mind a ms. Medina hi. My name is carmen chiu, San Franciscos elected assessor. In our seven mile by seven mile city, we have over 210,000 properties and close to 90 of their are residential like the homes you and i live in, so you might ask, how can we possibly value all these properties . Well, to better understand our work, we need to explain the states proposition 13 law. In 1978, california voters passed proposition 13. Under prop 13, we value your property at market value when you first buy it. Every year after, that value goes up by the c. P. I. Or the California Consumer price index. But if the c. P. I. Is more than 2 , prop 13 caps the increase at 2 . Well walkthrough the maximum increases prop 13 would allow. Lets take a home with initial value of 400,000. In the second year your assessed value grows by a maximum of 2 , growing from 400,000 to 408,000. In year three, that 408,000 is increased by 2 to roughly 416,000. Every year, the value grows by the maximum rate of 2 , and that is called your prop 13 value. Keep in mind as time goes by your prop 13 value may not be the same as market rate. What do we mean by that . Lets say over the last ten years, home prices in San Francisco have gone every roughly 10 every year. Despite that, your prop 13 value is capped at 2 growth creating a difference between your market value and prop 13 value. Know that the value recessed when theres a change in ownership. A change in ownership means that the property has a new zoner. Maybe through a new owner. Maybe through a sale, a gift or adding or dropping names through title. At that time the home will be assessed a new market rate. That value becomes a new starting point for the property. Just like before, the Growth Continues to be limited at 2 until the next transfer happens. Remember, the new owners are responsible for paying taxes at the new level from the first day that they own it. Value might also be added when construction happens on your property. That would be another instance when growth in your value might exceed 2 . Here, we would add the value of construction on top of your existing prop 13 value. Every july, well let you know what your assessed value is by sending you a letter called a notice of assessed value. You can use that information to estimate your property taxes early. Please note that a separate office called the treasurer Tax Collectors Office will send you a letter in october and theyre responsible 230r collections. For more information, visit our website,. I love that i was in four plus years a a rent control tenant, and it might be normal because the tenant will for the longest, i was applying for b. M. R. Rental, but i would be in the lottery and never be like 307 or 310. I pretty much had kind of given up on that, and had to leave San Francisco. I found out about the San Francisco Mayors Office of housing about two or three years ago, and i originally did Home Counseling with someone, but then, my certificate expired, and one of my friends jamie, she was actually interested in purchasing a unit. I told her about the housing program, the Mayors Office, and i told her hey, youve got to do the six hour counseling and the 12 hour training. She said no, i want you to go with me. And then, the very next day that i went to the session, i notice this unit at 616 harrison became available, b. M. I. I was like wow, this could potentially work. Housing purchases through the b. M. R. Program with the sf Mayors Office of housing, they are all lotteries, and for this one, i did win the lottery. There were three people that applied, and they pulled my number first. I won, despite the luck id had with the program in the last couple years. Things are finally breaking my way. When i first saw the unit, even though i knew it was less than ideal conditions, and it was very junky, i could see what this place could be. Its slowly beginning to feel like home. I can definitely you know, once i got it painted and slowly getting my Custom Furniture to fit this unit because its a specialized unit, and all the units are microinterms of being very small. This unit in terms of adaptive, in terms of having a murphy bed, using the walls and ceiling, getting as much space as i can. Its slowly becoming home for me. It is great that San Francisco has this program to address, lets say, the housing crisis that exists here in the bay area. It will slowly become home, and i am appreciative that it is a mayor breed thank you for be h

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