Transcripts For SFGTV BOS Full Board Of Supervisors 20240713

SFGTV BOS Full Board Of Supervisors July 13, 2024

Clerk mr. President , all members are present. President yee okay. Thank you. Will you please join me in the pledge of allegiance. [pledge of allegiance] so id like to acknowledge the staff of sfgtv, karina and michael, who record each of our meetings and make the transcripts of the meetings available online. Madam clerk, is there any communications . Clerk yes, mr. President. On march 7, 2020, a Citywide Health order was issued by the health order, issuing aggressive recommendations to slow down or reduce the spread of the covid19 virus and protect the health of general populations. During the call for general Public Comment, i will provide more comment on how the department of Public Health is encouraging more participation remotely. Thank you, mr. President. President yee thank you, madam clerk. Colleagues, as you know, we are not operating on a routine process in the state of california and San Francisco. I want to remind everyone that the board of supervisors is an eventual government function and will be open for business. We will prioritize the scheduling of business and items that have statutory deadlines, but well also be placing protocols to adhere to the safety guidelines. Im going to do something a little different today. Lets start off with an imperative agenda item. We have here dr. Tomas aragon, who i would like to invite to speak on this Health Emergency and the health order itself, so dr. Aragon, are you here . Hes not here, so i wont take it out of order. Hopefully, hes not at an emergency. Okay. Lets move on. Colleagues, today, we are approving the minutes from the february 4, 2020 regular board meeting. Are there any changes to these Meeting Minutes . Seeing none, can i have a motion to approve the minutes as presented . Made by supervisor peskin, seconded by supervisor row anyone, and then, without objection, these minutes will be approved after Public Comment as presented. [gavel]. President yee dr. Aragon . So basically, were asking you to explain what this order is about and what these requirements are so my colleagues know that this is basically not a duplication. Okay. Im sorry for being late. This is item 33, and i was across the street watching television and i heard my name called, so i rushed over here. So one of the challenges that we have in Public Health as a Health Officer, when there is an immediate emergency, sometimes a Health Officer needs to declare a Health Emergency, and this law was written around the type of situation where if for example, if there was a hazardous spill, and theres no time to get approval, and i need to declare an emergency right there immediately, and so this law was only written to work for seven days, and then, it would have to have approval. So thats the basis of how this law was initially was designed, if something needed to be done immediately. Specifically, in addition, it provides additional things that allow let me read this to you. Grants immunity to Certain Health providers, doctors, nurses, health and respiratory therapists, including nongovernmental employees and hospitals for following the directives of the Health Officer, authorizes disclosure b by the Health Officer to any information of local agencies and to anyone provide treatment. It also has here that it allows us to really focus on everything that has to be done really has to be focused to health. It has to be justified. So the decisions that weve made long Mass Gatherings along Mass Gatherings, prohibiting anyone from coming into longterm care, local Health Emergency is very narrow in scope. Its not like a local emergency, which is much broader in scope, so this is very specific to health issues. President yee okay. Is that it . Supervisor peskin . Supervisor peskin supervisor yee, and dr. Aragon, if you want to catch your breath, please do so. Oh, thank you. No, im okay now. Supervisor peskin insofar as we are in uncharted waters, you, we all know, are not the chief of d. P. H. , but you are the Health Officer. Correct. Supervisor peskin i assume youre n youre what youre reading to us is not local law, but state law. Theres 58 jurisdictions but 16 health jurisdictions. Supervisor peskin and can you just tell us in addition to what you ju us, in addition what you just read us, what the scope of your Emergency Powers are . What can you do, what cant you do, what requires the mayors concurrence, what requires the boards concurrence, and under what time frames . So under the authority of the Health Officer, it occurs at the county level, and its only its state were unique because this would be for the unincorporated areas, and then, they would determine whether they want it effective for the cities. Under the Health Department, theres a lot of brought authority. The statement is something you can do whatevers necessary to control a Communicable Disease. Obviously, in the world, you cant do everything. Were going to did the least restrictive to do the least restrictive measure thats going to control a Communicable Disease that restricts individuals and protects the community. Supervisor peskin so youre telling me that or us, during the duration of this crisis, we will have to renew this on a weekly basis, is that correct . No, it can be renewed similar to the local emergency for a 30day period. Supervisor peskin got it. And i dontant to put you on the spot, and but i think it is important to put on the record mayor breed issued a declared a state of emergency, which this board concurred and ratified. Is there a reason that the Public Health emergency did not follow until 6 march 2020 . So heres my understanding as a nonlawyer, and in speaking to other Health Departments and ive written what has been read for other nonlawyers when you have something thats this big, you might have something thats very local where you need to focus on a specific site. But Something Like this is so broad sweeping, it affects so many different sectors of our whole county, you do need a different emergency to mobilize all of the assets and cut through all of the bureaucracy that you would need to deal with the covid19 epidemic like what we had. As the epidemic continued, we really needed to step up and we realized that we needed to cancel Mass Gatherings. In consultation with the City Attorneys, we have to be very specific in terms of why were doing something, and that would help be the foundation for these other Health Officer orders that come after this. As far as i know, this is the first time that ive been involved in this big of a process, so im learning along with everyone else. Supervisor peskin you and me both. So and by the way, i dont know the answers to the question that im asking you. I think were all asking the same questions, and im not trying to put you on the spot, but the order that you issued the next day, on 7 march, did your emergency did you have to issue the Emergency Declaration before you could issue the order as it relates to social distancing and other orders that you may be issuing in the days and orders ahead . The way i think about it it was guidance that we have from the City Attorney . I do Health Orders all the time around individuals, around tuberculosis, things that are very specific . But all of a sudden with longterm care facilities, to keep visitors out of longterm care facilities that, by law, they have rights to, it was good to issue an emergency and follow up the local Health Emergency would be the foundation that gives you the rationale for everything, and then, the orders are specific. So thats my understanding. Supervisor peskin got it. So it sounds like you have the power to issue orders, but given the Emergency Declaration, you can tier off of that declaration in the orders that one of which you have ordered and others that are being issued or being contemplated. As to that order that was signed by you on saturday, 7 march that preceded us cancelling a large scale event in this building and Everybody Knows about this. Its in the media. So is there a reason inured to the chief Health Officer of the city and county that you have not made orders governing large venues that are not under the jurisdiction of the city and county . So youve asked a good question . This is where cities around the country are adapting to a growing situation . We know from evidence in china and everything going on there, if you pull if you do everything the more aggressive you are, the more impact youre going to have. And the question is how do we do it in a way where were going to have impact but minimize any unintended consequences, and i think thats the challenge. And i think in the United States, were adapting and learning how to do that. So for example, 12 midnight, santa clara county, theyve decided to even be more aggressive than San Francisco, so they have cancelled all public and private events for 1,000 or more. And of course, were now having those conversations, thinking is this the strategy that we need to be to do regionally . And so these are the types of discussions that were beginning to have now because theres no play book that tells us what to do for this situation. Supervisor peskin so doctor, we have a few lawyers on this board. And im so grateful for the lawyers. Supervisor peskin as mayor breed and i have discussed, we as elected officials who are not medical professionals defer to you and your colleagues if there theres epidemiologists. Im really not trying to put you on the spot, but when youre in a situation like this, and youre elected to this job, we have a profound responsibility. So when you give the medical you are urgence to this situation. If we had a 1,000person event in this building on saturday night that are much more pertinent than things that are happening tonight, how do you reconcile that, and what is your best advice, sir . Youre asking me a question thats a very good question. What were doing is that were looking at the evidence that exists, and were taking core Public Health measures . We know what the core Public Health measures are, and were activating those that we think are going to make a difference without if we dont have to activate everything, that would be the best scenario. In general, i can sort of give you the big concept. The big concept is we know were in the midst of an epidemic, and these Community Strategies that exist exist because theres no treatment or no vaccine. What were trying to do is were trying to push the epidemic curve over, and were trying to lower the epidemic curve. Its not just to lower the illness, disease, and death, but it also gives our time to purge our medical system you see whats happening in other countries to be prepared for the surge of people that are going to be coming in. The question is how much of these triggers do you pull to do this . It can be and theres this whole spectrum from what youre seeing in china, is they not only pulled whats every single trigger, but they closed off a whole region from travel. No one can thank you very muco can come out. So we look at that, and we use the tools that we think are going to work continwithin the context of our county. Supervisor peskin okay. Doctor, i will yield the floor. I do not want to be argumentative, but the thing with china is they did too little too late. What im trying to get you to say i want you to be aggressive, but at the same time, we dont have a whole lot of hours or days left to talk about this. So you still havent fundamentally answered the question why were cancelling city gatherings, but were not using the power of your office for one specific thing, and that is Communicable Diseases. Before the City Attorney gets too excited well, it is kind of a scheduled item, because it is an imperative item, and shes not getting too excited yet, to exercise that power when it comes to consistent power, as well. You need to be aggressive and at least speaking on behalf of one member of this board, ive got your back, sir. And i truly appreciate your support. Whenever we do anything like this, we try to bring everybody along . And sometimes we move a little bit, and sometimes we move farther, and your support means a lot to us . I think were learning from other counties that are being impacted, and we will take this into consideration and your position means everything to me. Supervisor peskin time means everything. I dont want this community to become seattle, much less wuhan. And i want to thank everyone on the board because all of you have been wonderful. Ive been so impressed with the amount of support we have been receiving. President yee so i see that theres other supervisors that want to chime in at this point. This just wasnt meant to be a section where we are going to prolong this. We do have this item at the end of the meeting, and i want to give a reason why i did this up front, because dr. Aragon, like most of the medical folks in our city, are very busy at this point, and i didnt want him to just sit here and wait around. If we can and the mayor has to leave, also, and i know she has a bunch of comments that i would love for everybody to hear. Real quickly, im not going to call the rest of the people in the roster. Im sorry, and i just want to say that, like supervisor peskin, you know, that i also personally will have your back if you make those declarations, okay . Thank you very much, dr. Aragon. Thank you again. President yee okay. Colleagues, madam clerk, lets go to our 2 00 p. M. Special order. Clerk item number 1. We welcome the honorable mayor london breed present in the chamber today in a policy discussion with members of the board from district 5 and 6. Two minutes are allotted for each question and its answer. There will be no Public Comment, and the mayor may address the board for up to five minutes. President yee okay. Madam mayor, do you have any opening remarks . By the way, im aware of some comments that the mayor was going to address today. She was going to cut them off at five minutes, and i told her no because of the importance of them, so i used my power as president of the board to extend this. The hon. London breed thank you, president yee and members of the board. I want to take this time to update the board on the steps were taking against covid19. The decisions that were made were based on the recommendation from our Public Health experts, who we know are among the best in the country. We declared a state of emergency and activated our emergency center. Theyre working around the clock to reach vulnerable communities and prepare the public. Just yesterday, supervisor peskin and i announced Additional Resources to support our residents that rely on shelters, resource centers, and singleroom occupancy hotels. Increasing cleaning and accessing additional meals to keep individuals safe and to limit the spread of the virus. Today, i announced additional steps to provide new spaces such as r. V. S for people without homes to quarantine themselves should the virus become active. We are working with our hospitals and medical staff to make sure we can take care of people in need of medical attention. Events are being cancelled throughout the city to contain the sprayead of coronavirus. And i appreciate supervisor peskins comments to go further. I know these steps are a serious disruption to our economy and way of life. While it will have a major impact on our Small Businesses, our workers and the tourism industry, its important that we work with all of our departments to create a plan, in addition to addressing what we know are real challenging Public Health concerns, we also have to deal with the Economic Impacts of this virus. I have been working with the Controllers Office, the Business Community, and nonprofit partners, to make sure that low wage workers impacted by our guidelines can be supported to cover the cost and the loss of wages. This goes beyond our Public Sector workers, and people like our hotel workers, our nonprofit workers, will be impacted, so we need to be prepared. Were looking out for our Small Businesses and the workers they reply to figure out how we can sustain them throughout this uncertainty, especially for people who may not have sick leave or the ability to provide daycare for their child. Were examining everything from tax extensions and Penalty Relief for our Small Businesses to working with our state to expand unemployment and disability benefits, to partners with our large businesses, our Financial Services and our Philanthropic Services to provide low interest loans and credit relief, but we know we cannot carry this financial burden alone. This is a time we must all Citywide Health<\/a> order was issued by the health order, issuing aggressive recommendations to slow down or reduce the spread of the covid19 virus and protect the health of general populations. During the call for general Public Comment<\/a>, i will provide more comment on how the department of Public Health<\/a> is encouraging more participation remotely. Thank you, mr. President. President yee thank you, madam clerk. Colleagues, as you know, we are not operating on a routine process in the state of california and San Francisco<\/a>. I want to remind everyone that the board of supervisors is an eventual government function and will be open for business. We will prioritize the scheduling of business and items that have statutory deadlines, but well also be placing protocols to adhere to the safety guidelines. Im going to do something a little different today. Lets start off with an imperative agenda item. We have here dr. Tomas aragon, who i would like to invite to speak on this Health Emergency<\/a> and the health order itself, so dr. Aragon, are you here . Hes not here, so i wont take it out of order. Hopefully, hes not at an emergency. Okay. Lets move on. Colleagues, today, we are approving the minutes from the february 4, 2020 regular board meeting. Are there any changes to these Meeting Minutes<\/a> . Seeing none, can i have a motion to approve the minutes as presented . Made by supervisor peskin, seconded by supervisor row anyone, and then, without objection, these minutes will be approved after Public Comment<\/a> as presented. [gavel]. President yee dr. Aragon . So basically, were asking you to explain what this order is about and what these requirements are so my colleagues know that this is basically not a duplication. Okay. Im sorry for being late. This is item 33, and i was across the street watching television and i heard my name called, so i rushed over here. So one of the challenges that we have in Public Health<\/a> as a Health Officer<\/a>, when there is an immediate emergency, sometimes a Health Officer<\/a> needs to declare a Health Emergency<\/a>, and this law was written around the type of situation where if for example, if there was a hazardous spill, and theres no time to get approval, and i need to declare an emergency right there immediately, and so this law was only written to work for seven days, and then, it would have to have approval. So thats the basis of how this law was initially was designed, if something needed to be done immediately. Specifically, in addition, it provides additional things that allow let me read this to you. Grants immunity to Certain Health<\/a> providers, doctors, nurses, health and respiratory therapists, including nongovernmental employees and hospitals for following the directives of the Health Officer<\/a>, authorizes disclosure b by the Health Officer<\/a> to any information of local agencies and to anyone provide treatment. It also has here that it allows us to really focus on everything that has to be done really has to be focused to health. It has to be justified. So the decisions that weve made long Mass Gatherings<\/a> along Mass Gatherings<\/a>, prohibiting anyone from coming into longterm care, local Health Emergency<\/a> is very narrow in scope. Its not like a local emergency, which is much broader in scope, so this is very specific to health issues. President yee okay. Is that it . Supervisor peskin . Supervisor peskin supervisor yee, and dr. Aragon, if you want to catch your breath, please do so. Oh, thank you. No, im okay now. Supervisor peskin insofar as we are in uncharted waters, you, we all know, are not the chief of d. P. H. , but you are the Health Officer<\/a>. Correct. Supervisor peskin i assume youre n youre what youre reading to us is not local law, but state law. Theres 58 jurisdictions but 16 health jurisdictions. Supervisor peskin and can you just tell us in addition to what you ju us, in addition what you just read us, what the scope of your Emergency Powers<\/a> are . What can you do, what cant you do, what requires the mayors concurrence, what requires the boards concurrence, and under what time frames . So under the authority of the Health Officer<\/a>, it occurs at the county level, and its only its state were unique because this would be for the unincorporated areas, and then, they would determine whether they want it effective for the cities. Under the Health Department<\/a>, theres a lot of brought authority. The statement is something you can do whatevers necessary to control a Communicable Disease<\/a>. Obviously, in the world, you cant do everything. Were going to did the least restrictive to do the least restrictive measure thats going to control a Communicable Disease<\/a> that restricts individuals and protects the community. Supervisor peskin so youre telling me that or us, during the duration of this crisis, we will have to renew this on a weekly basis, is that correct . No, it can be renewed similar to the local emergency for a 30day period. Supervisor peskin got it. And i dontant to put you on the spot, and but i think it is important to put on the record mayor breed issued a declared a state of emergency, which this board concurred and ratified. Is there a reason that the Public Health<\/a> emergency did not follow until 6 march 2020 . So heres my understanding as a nonlawyer, and in speaking to other Health Departments<\/a> and ive written what has been read for other nonlawyers when you have something thats this big, you might have something thats very local where you need to focus on a specific site. But Something Like<\/a> this is so broad sweeping, it affects so many different sectors of our whole county, you do need a different emergency to mobilize all of the assets and cut through all of the bureaucracy that you would need to deal with the covid19 epidemic like what we had. As the epidemic continued, we really needed to step up and we realized that we needed to cancel Mass Gatherings<\/a>. In consultation with the City Attorney<\/a>s, we have to be very specific in terms of why were doing something, and that would help be the foundation for these other Health Officer<\/a> orders that come after this. As far as i know, this is the first time that ive been involved in this big of a process, so im learning along with everyone else. Supervisor peskin you and me both. So and by the way, i dont know the answers to the question that im asking you. I think were all asking the same questions, and im not trying to put you on the spot, but the order that you issued the next day, on 7 march, did your emergency did you have to issue the Emergency Declaration<\/a> before you could issue the order as it relates to social distancing and other orders that you may be issuing in the days and orders ahead . The way i think about it it was guidance that we have from the City Attorney<\/a> . I do Health Orders<\/a> all the time around individuals, around tuberculosis, things that are very specific . But all of a sudden with longterm care facilities, to keep visitors out of longterm care facilities that, by law, they have rights to, it was good to issue an emergency and follow up the local Health Emergency<\/a> would be the foundation that gives you the rationale for everything, and then, the orders are specific. So thats my understanding. Supervisor peskin got it. So it sounds like you have the power to issue orders, but given the Emergency Declaration<\/a>, you can tier off of that declaration in the orders that one of which you have ordered and others that are being issued or being contemplated. As to that order that was signed by you on saturday, 7 march that preceded us cancelling a large scale event in this building and Everybody Knows<\/a> about this. Its in the media. So is there a reason inured to the chief Health Officer<\/a> of the city and county that you have not made orders governing large venues that are not under the jurisdiction of the city and county . So youve asked a good question . This is where cities around the country are adapting to a growing situation . We know from evidence in china and everything going on there, if you pull if you do everything the more aggressive you are, the more impact youre going to have. And the question is how do we do it in a way where were going to have impact but minimize any unintended consequences, and i think thats the challenge. And i think in the United States<\/a>, were adapting and learning how to do that. So for example, 12 midnight, santa clara county, theyve decided to even be more aggressive than San Francisco<\/a>, so they have cancelled all public and private events for 1,000 or more. And of course, were now having those conversations, thinking is this the strategy that we need to be to do regionally . And so these are the types of discussions that were beginning to have now because theres no play book that tells us what to do for this situation. Supervisor peskin so doctor, we have a few lawyers on this board. And im so grateful for the lawyers. Supervisor peskin as mayor breed and i have discussed, we as elected officials who are not medical professionals defer to you and your colleagues if there theres epidemiologists. Im really not trying to put you on the spot, but when youre in a situation like this, and youre elected to this job, we have a profound responsibility. So when you give the medical you are urgence to this situation. If we had a 1,000person event in this building on saturday night that are much more pertinent than things that are happening tonight, how do you reconcile that, and what is your best advice, sir . Youre asking me a question thats a very good question. What were doing is that were looking at the evidence that exists, and were taking core Public Health<\/a> measures . We know what the core Public Health<\/a> measures are, and were activating those that we think are going to make a difference without if we dont have to activate everything, that would be the best scenario. In general, i can sort of give you the big concept. The big concept is we know were in the midst of an epidemic, and these Community Strategies<\/a> that exist exist because theres no treatment or no vaccine. What were trying to do is were trying to push the epidemic curve over, and were trying to lower the epidemic curve. Its not just to lower the illness, disease, and death, but it also gives our time to purge our medical system you see whats happening in other countries to be prepared for the surge of people that are going to be coming in. The question is how much of these triggers do you pull to do this . It can be and theres this whole spectrum from what youre seeing in china, is they not only pulled whats every single trigger, but they closed off a whole region from travel. No one can thank you very muco can come out. So we look at that, and we use the tools that we think are going to work continwithin the context of our county. Supervisor peskin okay. Doctor, i will yield the floor. I do not want to be argumentative, but the thing with china is they did too little too late. What im trying to get you to say i want you to be aggressive, but at the same time, we dont have a whole lot of hours or days left to talk about this. So you still havent fundamentally answered the question why were cancelling city gatherings, but were not using the power of your office for one specific thing, and that is Communicable Disease<\/a>s. Before the City Attorney<\/a> gets too excited well, it is kind of a scheduled item, because it is an imperative item, and shes not getting too excited yet, to exercise that power when it comes to consistent power, as well. You need to be aggressive and at least speaking on behalf of one member of this board, ive got your back, sir. And i truly appreciate your support. Whenever we do anything like this, we try to bring everybody along . And sometimes we move a little bit, and sometimes we move farther, and your support means a lot to us . I think were learning from other counties that are being impacted, and we will take this into consideration and your position means everything to me. Supervisor peskin time means everything. I dont want this community to become seattle, much less wuhan. And i want to thank everyone on the board because all of you have been wonderful. Ive been so impressed with the amount of support we have been receiving. President yee so i see that theres other supervisors that want to chime in at this point. This just wasnt meant to be a section where we are going to prolong this. We do have this item at the end of the meeting, and i want to give a reason why i did this up front, because dr. Aragon, like most of the medical folks in our city, are very busy at this point, and i didnt want him to just sit here and wait around. If we can and the mayor has to leave, also, and i know she has a bunch of comments that i would love for everybody to hear. Real quickly, im not going to call the rest of the people in the roster. Im sorry, and i just want to say that, like supervisor peskin, you know, that i also personally will have your back if you make those declarations, okay . Thank you very much, dr. Aragon. Thank you again. President yee okay. Colleagues, madam clerk, lets go to our 2 00 p. M. Special order. Clerk item number 1. We welcome the honorable mayor london breed present in the chamber today in a policy discussion with members of the board from district 5 and 6. Two minutes are allotted for each question and its answer. There will be no Public Comment<\/a>, and the mayor may address the board for up to five minutes. President yee okay. Madam mayor, do you have any opening remarks . By the way, im aware of some comments that the mayor was going to address today. She was going to cut them off at five minutes, and i told her no because of the importance of them, so i used my power as president of the board to extend this. The hon. London breed thank you, president yee and members of the board. I want to take this time to update the board on the steps were taking against covid19. The decisions that were made were based on the recommendation from our Public Health<\/a> experts, who we know are among the best in the country. We declared a state of emergency and activated our emergency center. Theyre working around the clock to reach vulnerable communities and prepare the public. Just yesterday, supervisor peskin and i announced Additional Resources<\/a> to support our residents that rely on shelters, resource centers, and singleroom occupancy hotels. Increasing cleaning and accessing additional meals to keep individuals safe and to limit the spread of the virus. Today, i announced additional steps to provide new spaces such as r. V. S for people without homes to quarantine themselves should the virus become active. We are working with our hospitals and medical staff to make sure we can take care of people in need of medical attention. Events are being cancelled throughout the city to contain the sprayead of coronavirus. And i appreciate supervisor peskins comments to go further. I know these steps are a serious disruption to our economy and way of life. While it will have a major impact on our Small Businesses<\/a>, our workers and the tourism industry, its important that we work with all of our departments to create a plan, in addition to addressing what we know are real challenging Public Health<\/a> concerns, we also have to deal with the Economic Impacts<\/a> of this virus. I have been working with the Controllers Office<\/a>, the Business Community<\/a>, and nonprofit partners, to make sure that low wage workers impacted by our guidelines can be supported to cover the cost and the loss of wages. This goes beyond our Public Sector<\/a> workers, and people like our hotel workers, our nonprofit workers, will be impacted, so we need to be prepared. Were looking out for our Small Businesses<\/a> and the workers they reply to figure out how we can sustain them throughout this uncertainty, especially for people who may not have sick leave or the ability to provide daycare for their child. Were examining everything from tax extensions and Penalty Relief<\/a> for our Small Businesses<\/a> to working with our state to expand unemployment and disability benefits, to partners with our large businesses, our Financial Services<\/a> and our Philanthropic Services<\/a> to provide low interest loans and credit relief, but we know we cannot carry this financial burden alone. This is a time we must all Work Together<\/a>, and im committed to working with each and every one of you on any ideas that you have, because we know that the impacts of this virus have already been felt by so many people in this city, and its important that we Work Together<\/a>. Its too urgent, its too challenging, and its too difficult for us to work in isolation. We must be strategic and targeted with our limited resources, but we also must be very clear about the real challenges that we face. They begin at the beginning of this budget process, i made it clear that we face a looming budget deficit, and we have to make difficult decisions and prioritize our most pressing issues. Originally, these projections were at 420 million over the upcoming twoyear budget, and its why i called for departments to submit a proposal with a reduction of 3. 5 , but the new reality is that coronavirus is going to have a Significant Impact<\/a> on our economy and our revenues and, therefore, our budget. S. F. Travel already reported that 190,000 rooms room nights have been cancelled as a result of the cancellation of conventions and meetings. And sales tax revenues are going to be hit because of a decline in customer traffic. Last week, we saw an 11 drop in b. A. R. T. Exits at powell street station, and a 41 drop at hayes valley and Civic Center Garages<\/a> compared to previous weekends. This is not to mention in addition to the cost addressing the virus itself. Its time for all of us to come together. We have an immediate challenge facing us with this virus, and we need to start planning for the longterm implications. Our staff is already working overtime to provide Real Solutions<\/a> that will help deal with the Economic Impacts<\/a>. We wont have the flexibility this year that we did last year with the budget, and we will need to make tough decisions. And what i i will do while i will do everything i can to work with each and every one of you to prioritize all of you that are most impacted, i know this is going to continue to be a challenge for all of us. I know that there are questions regarding an Eviction Moratorium<\/a> and impact on low wage workers, and i will hold off on answering those specific questions. But before i opened the floor up to questions, i wanted to briefly make an announcement here today to discuss the most recent news, which im not certain if the members of the board have heard, but the City Attorney<\/a>s investigation has led to new revelation regarding the department of building inspection directors misconduct, and this has taken place since 2011. We know that there are some real challenges with a number of departments, and i wanted to just alert members of the board that getting to the bottom of this issue is our number one priority, which is why i called for an independent investigation with our City Attorney<\/a> and our Controllers Office<\/a> regarding the department of public works, and that is now leading us to these new revelations. We are taking swift action and will continue to support this investigation wherever this leads. Restoring public trust has been our number one priority, and we will continue to work to do just that. They currently the director of the department of building inspection has been placed on immediate administrative leave pending a decision by the department of building inspection, hopefully which will happen in the next 30 days. And so with that, id like to turn the mic back over to the president of the board. I know that members of this board of supervisors have questions, again, regarding some additional things that we are doing. I want to be clear that i have heard a number of recommendations and comments in the press from not only members of the board of supervisors but members of the public. I do think its important that although the comments and the suggestions and the things that you are all working on are, of course, welcomed, i want to be clear that when we make a commitment to the public, that we need to be able to deliver. Its not responsible for us to say that something is going to happen and then we realize we cant make it happen. Its why ive worked with the City Attorney<\/a>s office, why ive worked with our city departments to flush out what is possible for us to do on a local level. In fact many of you know i was in sacramento yesterday with the governor and other bigcity mayors to talk about what government officials can do to assist us with things that we know are not just impacting our city, but our state and our entire country. So we cannot just work here in San Francisco<\/a> to address this. We will need help, we will need to Work Together<\/a>, and i hope that we will be able to do that. Thank you so much all for extending the time for me here today. President yee thank you, mayor breed. So first off, in terms of questioning, is supervisor preston, and supervisor preston, can you clarify whether i know you had a an opening question. Have you withdrawn that so i just want to be clear. Supervisor preston sure. Ill be making a motion to my colleagues to allow the switching of the question in light of recent events, and so if i go ahead, president yee, with that, to lay the groundwork for that, as folks now, were obligated under question time to submit our questions the wednesday before the meetings. So colleagues, given the events of the past week, id like to make the motion to change the topic of my question. The department of Public Health<\/a> issued a new set of recommendations, as we know, this past friday after the agenda was printed to limit public distances, public outings president yee so before you go into explaining your question is that what youre doing . Supervisor preston no. My understanding from the City Attorney<\/a> is before i make the motion, im stating the basis for the motion, so im doing so. President yee and City Attorney<\/a> says yes. Supervisor preston so these regulations could result in significant loss of income of residents, Small Businesses<\/a>, and others. I believe this raises time sensitive questions to the citys response to the coronavirus, specifically with regard to the prevention of irreversible harm that may happen before the mayors next appearance before the board of supervisors. President yee so theres been a motion made by supervisor preston and seconded by supervisor peskin. Supervisor peskin so i believe what supervisor preston just said was because of the circumstances, no notice under brown or sunshine is required because of the findings that he just made. Is that correct . Deputy City Attorney<\/a> ann pearson, thats correct. Supervisor peskin okay. President yee okay. So supervisor peskin, did you second the motion . Supervisor peskin i did. President yee okay. So roll call, please. [roll call] clerk there are 11 ayes. President yee okay. Without objection, the motion passes. Okay. So supervisor preston, your motion passes, so would you like to ask your question . Supervisor preston thank you, president yee. And thank you, mayor breed, for your comments and for your outreach to supervisors and supervisors offices this week. We are looking forward to working with you to combat this crisis and work for the health and welfare of all san franciscans. I wanted to ask you questions about evictions particularly as san franciscans will be losing income and work hours. I know you met with the government yesterday to negotiate for Additional Resources<\/a> and state policy shifts to help our city respond faster, and my question for you today is will you commit to working with my office and fully supporting a request to the governor to waive any state laws during this state of emergency that would otherwise get in the way of San Francisco<\/a> adopting these eviction protections . The hon. London breed so sorry. President yee go ahead, mayor breed. You may respond. The hon. London breed thank you for your work around this issue. I think were of a different mind as it relates to this particular issue and the process. As a result of our declaration of emergency here in San Francisco<\/a>, we dont need to wait for legislation in order to move forward with a moratorium on evictions, and my plan, which we have been working onto get clarity from the City Attorney<\/a>s office, and a plan to roll this out, is to sign a directive as mayor to make this so, but theres no need to make it a specific lengthy process to make this go. I was in sacramento yesterday to look at doing this across the state. We do know the as a result of this, especially people who arent able to generate income because they may not be able to go to work for a number of reasons, that theres a serious possibility there will be a lot of people that will not be able to pay their rent, therefore, potentially creating a problem with eviction and making our homeless problem even worse. This is the last thing we should want to do and we should all be on board preventing evictions from happening. I want to be clear, im fully supportive of putting out a directive and working with you to put out a directive and providing some immediate comfort to residents of this city but also continuing the work we need to do with the state in order to look at the Bigger Picture<\/a> to get the support and the coverage that we need from them, as well. President yee and supervisor preston, you can ask a follow up question. Supervisor preston and thank you for your comments on that will protect some people from evictions. So to the extent that we run into any problems in the scope of that directive, i just want to be clear in following up that you would work with our office to request that the governor waive any limits, for example, on limiting no fault evictions or nonpayment evictions . The hon. London breed definitely, definitely. Supervisor preston okay. The hon. London breed and as i said, i was in the sacramento area yesterday asking specifically for his support and leadership for the entire state on this issue. As you know, mayor sam licardo, when they were faced with a similar challenge, they did that immediately in san jose, and we need that support from our governor, as well. Supervisor preston thank you. President yee thank you. Mayor breed, you may ask your first question to supervisor preston or any other supervisor related to the subject but not to the last question. The hon. London breed thank you, president yee. I will continue with the questioning opportunity. President yee okay. Were going to move to supervisor haney. You can ask your opening question. Supervisor haney thank you, president yee. Colleagues, similar to supervisor preston, given the declaration of a Public Health<\/a> emergency late last week, i would like to make a motion to change the topic of my question. On friday, after i had submitted my initial topic, the San Francisco<\/a> Health Department<\/a> announced aggressive actions to negate the spread of the coronavirus. Those conditions were absolutely critical, could result in significant loss of income for residents, Small Businesses<\/a>, and others. I believe this is a time sensitive policy question related to our citys response to the coronavirus with regards to the impacts on local businesses and workers, and with your approval, i would like to make a motion to change my topic to the subject of coronavirus. President yee okay. Colleagues, can we take this same house, same call . Without objection, the motion passes. Supervisor haney, you may ask your question. Supervisor haney thank you, president yee. Mayor breed, thank you for your comments in this time. I appreciate the need for all san franciscans to Work Together<\/a> to make sure that all families, businesses, residents are safe, are healthy, and that we are making the appropriate targeted interventions. I am concerned, as you know that you all are and all of us are about the impacted social distancing measures on our citys economy and workers. We are working swiftly to contain the virus, and during this time, it is imperative we consider the widespread impact on our economy and workers since the announcement was projected. You said there are a number of things that you are currently and actively looking into. As the city does the important work of continuing to implement measures that will protect the health and safety of our residents, our Small Businesses<\/a> and workers are already taking a significant financial hit. As im sure youve heard directly, as i have from many of our residents and businesses. Just an hour ago, i received an email from a local restaurant saying they have to close down to the public today and are in desperate need of relief. Our night time venues and Entertainment Venues<\/a> are at capacity below 50 . So in these times of great need, what i want to know is what we can do together and what youre doing so that we can move urgently and immediately to address lost wages and lost revenues of businesses and individuals, particularly in the sectors that have been most hard hit, and if theres any timeline that you can provide a process for us to be able to address these concerns immediately. President yee mayor breed, you can respond to the question. The hon. London breed thank you, supervisor haney, for your question, and this is definitely at the forefront of, you know, our plan to address this issue because we know that these impacts have been felt already for over a month, specifically in chinatown and other places where there are many of our chinese restaurants and places of business, and we know theyve been feeling the impacts a lot longer, and were going to need to do something significant. As i said, just yesterday, i was in sacramento, meeting with Governor Newsom<\/a>, and we were talking about enhancing disability benefits, so that those who normally could not qualify would qualify. The second thing that were going to do locally and were going to announce the details of this tomorrow is delay tax payments in the city, and were still flushing out the specific details and the range and who will qualify so that the businesses in San Francisco<\/a> wont have to necessarily pay their taxes in april. It could be deferred until sometime next year, and we are also looking at financial incentives and other things for workers who may need some relief, working with our Financial Institutions<\/a> who may need nointerest loans, and there are a number of things that we can Work Together<\/a> on, similar to what we did when federal employees were furloughed. We worked to provide nointerest loans until their checks were ready, and that was easy for people to get access to money so that they can continue to support their daily lives. Look, were going to have to do a lot. Were going to have to do a lot for our Small Business<\/a> community, for our employees especially without health care and insurance, and sick leaves. Folks with the School Closures<\/a> and other things that continue to happen. We have to be prepared, but we have to make sure that when we allocate resources, and we put together a plan, that the money goes out the door quickly. We can pass a policy quickly today, but it wont go anywhere if were not prepared to implement it and were not prepared to serve the people that need it the most. This gives me an opportunity to sign a directive to get something going sooner rather than later. I am happy to work with your office on any idea that you may have that would lead to relief sooner rather than later. I know that our community is suffering. Our priority is Public Health<\/a>, and we need to focus on that, but simultaneously, we have to deal with the Economic Impacts<\/a>, i know, sooner rather than later, and thats going to cost us, partnering with the provide sector, leading to solutions that will help provide the kind of relief that we hope will sustain our Business Community<\/a> and our low wage earners through this very challenging time. President yee supervisor haney, do you have a followup question . Supervisor haney yes, i do. I appreciate the answer, and i look forward to working with you with all of the things, as we did with the federal shutdown. For workers right now, and Small Businesses<\/a> right now, is there advice or somewhere that you would direct them to . Has there been sort of a site or specific phone number that you would direct them that would layout the impact of what was happening . The hon. London breed we are working on issuing an announcement specifically for Small Businesses<\/a> tomorrow which would provide information on how people can be contacted, so thats where we are right now. We dont have information that would provide some immediate relief because we havent final ayed the possible, so as soon as we finalize the policy and again, were happy to take your suggestions on the draft that we have that are going to go out hopefully tomorrow. We will be happy to then again our outreach efforts to businesses and to employees of where they could call to get support or relief or to answer questions. Supervisor haney thank you. President yee mayor breed, if youd like to ask a question to supervisor haney or any other supervisor related to the at the same topic but not necessarily the same question. The hon. London breed thank you. I understand these are challenging times, and i understand sadly the city is sometimes a political one, but this is not a political issue, this is a Public Health<\/a> crisis. And my office is here to work with you on any ideas or suggestions. My staff, my office is not the best one, the only one to deal with this, so i appreciate an opportunity to talk to you today. The hon. London breed okay. So this concludes the mayoral discussion time, and mayor breed has offered us to work with her on this very important and emergency issue that were facing with, so lets take up the offer and Work Together<\/a> and get some things to alleviate some of the appreciate that were seeing overour sma our s businesses and also the workers themselves. So thank you very much. The hon. London breed thank you, president yee. President yee okay. Madam clerk, can you please read the consent items . Clerk items 2 through 8 are items that are on consent. If a member object on consen considered to be routine. If a member objects, the item can be removed and considered separately. President yee okay. Colleagues, would anyone like to sever any items from the Consent Agenda<\/a> . Seeing no names on the roster, madam clerk clerk roll call, mr. President. Different house. President yee please call the roll. Clerk on items 2 through 8 [roll call] clerk there are 10 ayes. President yee okay. The ordinances are finally passed unanimously with a 100 vote. [gavel]. President yee madam clerk, lets go to the regular agenda. Please go to item 9. [agenda item read]. President yee colleagues, can we take this item same house, same call . Without objection, this item is passed unanimously. Madam clerk, call item 10. Clerk an ordinance to require set back and open space all projections of an architectural nature if they immediate the specified requirements and bay windows if they do not meet the specified requirements to apply for a specific waiver, a ceqa determination and to make the appropriate findings. President yee colleagues, can we take this same house, same call . Without objection, this ordinance is finally passed. Madam clerk, please call item 11. Clerk item 11, resolution to receive certain assets to the city, placing certain parcels under the department of public works, others under the Mayors Office<\/a> of housing and Community Development<\/a>, and others under the jurisdiction of the recreation and Park Department<\/a> and to adopt the appropriate findings. President yee supervisor peskin . Supervisor peskin thank you, president yee and thank you, colleagues, last week, for your continuance. I have circulated to all of you what was recommended by the Land Use Committee<\/a>, which was the removal of certain parcels that consist of streets and sidewalks where in the Successor Agency<\/a> to the redevelopment agency, common known as ocii, the office of Community Investment<\/a> and infrastructure, owns parcels that, if transferred to the city, come with a financial liability, so i would like to and the Land Use Committee<\/a> recommended that those parcels be stripped out, so you will see that in the amendment, in the short title, in the long title, and as set forth on page 4 of the resolution. And if ocii can figure out how to get the state of california to pay for that or how tax increment can be used to pay for that, we can deal with that at a future time. Meanwhile, this allows the transfer of the properties to rec and park and to the office of the Mayors Office<\/a> of housing and Community Development<\/a> to move forward, and so i would like to move the amendments. President yee okay. Theres a motion for amendments, seconded by supervisor safai, and without objection, then, well just take the amendments. [gavel]. President yee colleagues, can we take this item as amended, same house, same call . Clerk mr. President , just before you gavelled down, the supervisor stepped into the chambers. President yee roll call. [roll call] clerk there are 11 ayes. President yee okay. This resolution is adopted unanimously. Madam clerk, item 12. Clerk item 12, ordinance to order vacation sidewalks and on tand to allow a structural upgrade of the 301 Mission Street<\/a> known as Millennium Tower<\/a> to have an upgrade and to make the appropriate findings. President yee colleagues, can we take this shout, same call . Without objection, this resolution is adopted unanimously. Madam clerk, go to item 13. Clerk item 13, resolution to approve modification one to airport contract number 50085, to increase the contract amount by approximately 10. 4 million for a new contract amount of approximately 30 million and to exercise the oneyear option to extend for a term july 1, 2020 through june 30, 2021. President yee colleagues, can we take this same house, same call . Without objection, this this resolution is adopted unanimously. [gavel]. President yee madam clerk, item 14. Clerk item 14, resolution to retroactively authorize the general manager of the Public Utilities<\/a> commission to execute the first amend to Agreement Number<\/a> cs 344, power scheduling coordination and related support services with apx, inc; to amend the nottoexceed amount to 1. 7 million, and providing a twoyear extension to the Contract Term<\/a> for a sevenyear total term through june 30, 2022. President yee colleagues, can we take this item same house, same call . Okay. Without objection, this item is adopted unanimously. [gavel]. President yee next item, please. Clerk item 15, motion to direct and authorize the clerk of the board to initial a procurement process with prequalified vendors for special Investigation Services<\/a> with regard to potential corruption within the local government of the city. President yee okay. Colleagues, can we take this item same house, same call . Without objection, the motion is does somebody want to Say Something<\/a> . Theres no name on the roster. Supervisor haney i president yee supervisor haney, i see your name on the roster now. Supervisor haney thank you, president yee, and i want to thank the cosponsors of this motion, supervisors mar, ronen, preston, walton, and peskin. I also want to thank our clerk, angela calvillo, and severin and frank from the b. L. A. Office. We still do not know how far reaching and the wrongdoing in our local government is at this point. It doesnt stop the charges filed by the f. B. I. , and we have a lot of work to rebuild public trust and prevent more corruption charges from occurring. The federal investigators and controller are doing their jobs to conduct audits and procedural investigation. Those roles are critical, and we all have the utmost faith in the City Attorney<\/a> and controller to address their respective scopes of work, but what is also clear is that work alone will not be enough. We have to complement those efforts with a thirdparty investigation appointed by the board of supervisors, tasked with effecting change. We will continue to provide direction where the focus of this special investigator will be and better defining this scope of work, but this is the next step in terms of actually moving forward. The motion allows us to move forward with the process of procurement, and i ask for everybodys support. President yee okay. Seeing no other name on the roster, can we take this same house, same call . Without objection, motion passes. [gavel]. President yee next item. Clerk item 16 is an ordinance to amend the health code to require the medical examiner to report the information to the mayor and board of supervisors once every four months of deaths arising from Drug Overdose<\/a>s. President yee supervisor haney . Supervisor haney thank you, president yee. I want to thank the cosponsors of this, supervisors walton, fewer, ronen, and mar. As weve spoken about a number of times, the drug epidemic is the most deadly crisis facing our city. Its critical we have this data as soon as it is available for us to respond quickly to prevent additional people dieing from overdose. This is a responsibility that we have to be vigilant and proactive, and to receive data is not it is available. Right now, there is no requirement for us to regularly report and make public Drug Overdose<\/a> deaths, and as i said, this is something that has sky rocketed the last few years, and in order to save lives, having that Data Available<\/a> is critical. So i hope that we will support this, and i want to thank the medical examiners office, the department of Public Health<\/a>, for their partnership in making this available and in how quickly we can get this data and in using this data proactively to save lives. President yee okay. Can we take this same house, same call . Without objection, this item is passed on First Reading<\/a> unanimously. [gavel]. President yee madam clerk, lets call item 17. This is to grant applications for discharge for accountability filed by the Tax Collector<\/a> for the delinquency of property taxes on any property. President yee colleagues, can we take this same house, same call . Without objection, the item is passed on First Reading<\/a>. [gavel]. President yee madam clerk, can you call item 18. [agenda item read]. President yee supervisor peskin . Supervisor peskin thank you, president yee, colleagues, and thank you to the members of the Rule Committee<\/a> for forwarding this, and chair ronen for cosponsoring this. Its an interesting story in and of itself, but the board of supervisors has long had the power to compel testimony pursuant to this bodys Unlimited Power<\/a> of inquiry in the form of subpoenas. It is not something that has been used lightly, it has not been used often, but was last used a few years ago in and around the Millennium Tower<\/a> sinking and tilting matter where a number of parties ranging from architects to engineers to geotechnical engineers that did not want to voluntarily come to these chambers to talk about the infirmities of that structure, which we actually already voted on today relative to a settlement where in im not bringing up a past item, madam City Attorney<\/a>, but where we all agreed to different them portions give them portions of our sidewalks for no money. That resulted in the issuance of a number of subpoenas. Those subpoenas, as we all know, took quite a long time to issue, and i at that time proposed a change to the board rules to expedite that process and to delegate that authority to the government audit and Oversight Committee<\/a>. It would have been a change in the board rules, a change in the board rules requires a super majority of eight out of 11 votes. I came one vote shy of that. I think a few of us are still left from those days. I think the one vote is a cosponsor of this, supervisor ronen, who is sitting to my right, but to my left in political leanings. Given the revelations that we are all very clear about, because the mayor just addressed them relative to additional alleged corruption that has resulted in the suspension of another Department Head<\/a>, which will take on its own life the reason i am here before you is the instrument that is before us is almost item cal to what this board voted on a couple of years ago save for the fact that there is the additional provision with regard to issuing an oath under penalty of perjury to Department Head<\/a>s. The municipal executives association, not a union insofar as they are not members of the aflcio, but a legitimate bargaining unit, they have asked to meet and confer with d. H. R. I was at the first of those meets. They will be at an additional meeting on march 24. We anticipated this. We duplicated the file in committee pending any potential meet and confer. So i am rising to remove the only things that are different between this board rule change and the board rule change that i voted for that not to all yall out, but that supervisor fewer voted for, that president yee voted for, that supervisor safai voted for, and that supervisor ronen voted against. I believe that everybody else, including supervisor stefani, was not on the board at the time that it won with seven votes but lost because at that time it did not have eight votes. So i would like to make a motion to remove at section 3. 3. 2 in paragraph one from lines 5 through 7, the clause that the provision that the clerk of the board could administer an oath to a Department Head<\/a>. Id like to remove the corresponding provision in section 6. 7. 1 that started at line 24 on the second page and goes to line 1 on the third page. And then, after meet and confer happens, i would like to resurrect the duplicate file in committee and bring those two provisions back. And with that, that is my motion. President yee supervisor ronen . Supervisor ronen can i ask the deputy City Attorney<\/a> a question about supervisor peskins motion . So i understand that we have an obligation to meet and confer with unions or bargaining unions when its an ordinance that perhaps would change their work conditions. But what were doing here with this motion is changing our own internal board of supervisors rules, and its not clear to me that anyone but the board of supervisors should have the right to weighin on those rules. Can you explain why, when we were deciding how were going to conduct ourselves as a body of elected officials, why anyone else should have a right to weighin on that . Deputy City Attorney<\/a> ann pearson. Under state law when proposed legislation will have an effect on wages, hours, and conditions of employment, the city has to provide an opportunity for meet and confer. And whether or not a legislation triggers that you know, a change that would give that opportunity for meet and confer is something thats within the discretion of d. H. R. In this case, i know that m. E. A. Has concluded, in fact, in their opinion, this has an effect on their members, the effect on their working conditions. And based on that, d. H. R. Has granted the opportunity to meet and confer which is still in progress. And until that is completed, our advice that the board may not take action on this legislation until that process is done. Supervisor ronen this board, if we impact another departments working conditions in any way, we cannot change our board rules without conferring with the union. Is that what youre saying, and thats state law . Its a matter of state allow, and its a part of our m. O. U. s. When we enter into m. O. U. S with the union, its a matter that we would not change the rules without a meet and confer. Supervisor ronen i really take issue with this. It doesnt make sense to me that any other department should weighin on this board decides to conduct its business. We are a governing body. We are an elected body that sets rules for ourselves, and while i appreciate and usually respect the rights of our governments and unions to departments and unions to weighin on any sort of legislation that might impact them, im not sure that that is prepa appropriate for the rules themselves. Im wondering if there were other people in the office that were consulted or if this was your call, and your call alone . I consulted many attorneys in the office on this . Supervisor ronen and this was the unanimous decision . This was the call of the office. Supervisor ronen and im not sure if im allowed to ask the clerk a question . Is that proper . President yee why dont you ask the question and well determine if its proper. Supervisor ronen okay. Great. So if im wondering if there has ever been a situation in your tenure because youve been the clerk of the board for quite a long time, if the board has proposed to change their rules and theyve had to meet and confer before doing so. President yee madam clerk, if youd like to answer. Clerk supervisor, in my 21 years in the department, generally, if theyre changing rules and they impact other departments, just out of courtesy, i work with them. I will leave the legal interpretation to the City Attorney<\/a>s office and d. C. A. Pearson, but this is the first time that ive seen the interaction with the m. E. A. Association or any union of a board rule. Supervisor peskin mr. President , if i can rise to a point of information. President yee supervisor peskin . Supervisor peskin i do raise this as a matter of a shared history although she has been here continuously, and i have not. I cannot think of another rule thats been subject to meet and confer. Having said that, i totally respect, and i think we all should, relative to a governments relationship with organized labor. But i do want to standup im not picking on the deputy City Attorney<\/a>. This is not a union, this is a bargaining unit that consists of some 1,000 people who are our Department Head<\/a>s, who are our Deputy Department<\/a> heads, and i dont want to politicize this matter, but the fact that they do not want to have their members readily come and tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth pursuant to the penalty of perjury is mildly annoying, and thats my reservation. President yee supervisor ronen . Supervisor ronen the reason why i ask this is because ive been here ten years, and i think we have a right to investigate this law. I think the right to subpoena someone and take their oath under penalty of perjury, a penalty that could lead to criminal consequences, is serious. And i thought it was better that a board, under a majority of six people, make that decision and not under g. A. L. I have reservations, and i continue to hold them. But ill tell you whats changed my mind. Its that every day, a new Department Head<\/a> by the f. B. I. Or our City Attorney<\/a> or some other entity has been charged with engaging in corruption. Today, we learned that the head of d. B. I. Met with a restricted source for dinners, that he estimated cost 30 that he never reported. But its relatively potentially low level, although the fact that there were private communication between the d. B. I. Director and one individual where no other member of the public had that direct line to him is more serious. Its that we have a culture of corruption in this city. For the first time, and after three times, the f. B. I. Had to come in to catch someone on wiretap saying that in order to do business in San Francisco<\/a>, you have to pay to play, that is so tremendously serious, and its tremendously serious because people are going to lose faith in what we do in government, government that i believe is the best party to meet peoples basic needs when they arent able to meet those needs themselves, is extremely serious in this condition. We would like to engage in the City Attorney<\/a>s office, with the f. B. I. , to the extent that theyre engaged, to change this rampant culture of corruption in the city and county of San Francisco<\/a>. When were finally about to do that, for the first time ever, we have to meet and confer with managers who are being dismissed left and right in order to pass a law changing our own rules. Its very curious to me that we have to go through this extra step that ive never seen on the board of supervisors. Im an attorney myself, and i find it extremely curious that we cant have this motion. Weve had two meetings at the Rule Committee<\/a> before we even heard for the first time that this was even an issue in the first place. So i find the process curious, and im frustrated by it, but i guess it is what it is. I will be voting in favor of this today, but i will make sure that we bring before us a followup version of this ordinance including Department Head<\/a>s as soon as possible so that we can be part of the process of rooting out this rampant corruption in this city once and for all. President yee supervisor safai . Supervisor safai i want to thank supervisor peskin for bringing this motion forward. As supervisor peskin noted for the record, i did support this initially when i was first introduced. I have a little bit of reservations only because i know that theres two objectives ive heard the supervisor state. One is to save time, and one is to move the process forward. One i could not have contemplated at the time when we were first doing this is what objective are we trying to solve for . And this is just an honest question. I think at the end of the day when we have a City Attorney<\/a>, when we have outside attorneys, when we have u. S. Attorneys, when we have different legal processes going forward, we would not have the ability or would want to subpoena anyone involved in an ongoing investigation, so thats one thing. But the other thing is, right now, we have the ability i think youve said that on the record, so the second piece of what im trying to understand is how much time are we actually saving by transferring all of the boards authority, and i mean that by saying a majority of the board currently now can approve a subpoena, and were qi that go to the government audits and oversight. If we stayed with the current process, and we wanted to do exactly what you wanted to do, we would still go through the government audits and oversight, and five days later, it would come to the board of supervisors for a final approval. So this isnt by no means this is honestly to ask you these questions and understand what were trying to solve for ultimately. So if you could explain this, that would be helpful. And then, the second one, which i initially said, was in terms of impeding or initiating any ongoing investigation. President yee supervisor peskin, would you like to answer that . Supervisor peski supervisor peskin president yee, through you to supervisor safai, thank you for your comments. Let me address this in a number of ways on all of the issues that supervisor safai has asked and asked in good faith. First around the objective. The objective is satisfying our Unlimited Power<\/a> of inquirely not because were interested in salacious details, but the branch of our government, in order to understand what legislative fixes we need to take, need to understand whatever actions we need to take, whether its the millennium and the settlement that we need to take, or whether its City Government<\/a>, whether its going to inform us to changes to the administrative code, changes to the charter that may be proposed, the use of that Unlimited Power<\/a> of inquiry so that we can actually do our fu fu fundamental job of legislating is important. [please stand by]. Supervisor peskin we compelled them pursuant to the bodys power of subpoena. That gets me to the next question, which is why would this body which has this power and the power to delegate it want to delegate it to a committee . And i would say for the same reason that the chair of the house intelligence committee, mr. Schiff, was delegated the powers in the investigation that led to impeachment to subpoena individuals to that body, and ultimately, we vote for a board president. That board president actually assigns committee members, can remove them at his or her pleasure. And if, god forbid, a committee was out of control and was misusing that, which is precisely what supervisor ronens concerns were, that were not supervisor safais concerns a number of years ago, then, the board president who a majority of us elect, could yank members, reappoint members of a committee. The answer is, we want to get that information, whether its about corruption or sinking and tilting buildings in as close to realtime as a government can get. So understand a supervisor, they would have to come in here and introduce something on a tuesday. If that supervisor wanted to put something on without reference to the city calendar, they could do that. For instance, if there was pressure from the m. E. A. , the chief executive officer, and then, it depends on how fast it gets a committee hearing, how fast it comes to the board. So the answer is depending on how the system is played or gamed, it could be as much as five or six weeks as compared to and the City Attorney<\/a> is quite insistent that notice is very important as compared to one week. I am happy to answer any and all additional questions through the president. President yee supervisor safai . Supervisor safai yeah. So supervisor peskin, you and i agree 100 on the motive. Were absolutely in agreement on that. This body always has Unlimited Power<\/a>s of inquiry. We want to strengthen that. What i would go back to is some of the things that ive learned from you in your time on this board, and the thing that you always talk about consistently is checks and balances. The check that this authority plays on, the executive. And it feels as though and i understand, with all due respect for the objective about expediting the process, im just not sure about the proposal. The example that you gave in the house judiciary, it was the power of the speaker of the house to invest someone in that particular position in it. I would feel more comfortable that we did that through the board president , and the board president had the power to say under this circumstance because this president has this power if we vested that power in the president that we all select, then that board president could then say okay, we under these circumstances if there exists such a process, under these circumstances, im saying that the g. A. O. Has the ability and authority under im concerned. My own reservation at this point is having two members of this body having more Authority Vested<\/a> in them unlimited without the circumstances are right. That concerns me. Our objectives are the same. I want us to be able to get to the bottom. I want us to require. Im concerned about the shifting of the balance of power, but i think your main concern, what ive heard you articulate, is time. Supervisor peskin we actually did have the opportunity to debate this before, and we did debate this before, although there were several members, yourself excluded, that was not amongst them. President yee supervisor stefani . Supervisor stefani thank you, president yee. I just want to add, first of all, i believe when this was first introduced, it was 2017, and i was not on the board at the time. Had i been, i might have had those concerns about giving this power to people, since we already have six that are able to do that. However, the reason why i voted for it in rules committee is if those two individuals were to get out of hand or abuse that power, i believe the president of the board of supervisors can change that committee and we can handle it. I voted yes for it because i do not want to stand in the way of getting to the bottom of any type of corruption, and i see supervisor safais points. I understand why supervisor ronen may have had issue with it before, but given the fiact and circumstances that we face today, i believe theres enough protection against two people that may abuse it, that were okay with it. I do have a question about the meet and confer, if i may ask that. President yee supervisor stefani . Supervisor stefani City Attorney<\/a>, im concerned that this goes to m. E. A. , and they say theyre not going to be bound by it. What is the power of their meet and confer . You are not bound by it. You are bound by a process in which you listen to their opposition and you try and over come any obstacles, but youre not bound by this, youre just bound by the position until its complete. Supervisor stefani okay. So if they meet and confer and come back to us, we still have the power to go forward with the legislation as originally written . Thats correct. Supervisor stefani okay. Thank you. President yee supervisor walton. Supervisor walton thank you, supervisor yee. I just wanted to be added as a cosponsor. President yee supervisor peskin . Supervisor peskin i just want to say, as i alluded to earlier, i respect the process. I have already met and conferred, and the city will continue to meet and confer in good faith. I have made a motion to remove the clauses that are the subject of the meeting and conferring, and as we just heard from the City Attorney<\/a>, we do have a process, we do need to meet and confer, albeit as i stated and supervisor ronen states, it is interesting that we have to meet and confer over our specific rules that govern this body. But notwithstanding, everything that this was aimed to do in 2017 it still does, and we will get to the oath for Department Head<\/a>s after march 24. And as the City Attorney<\/a> said, we need to meet, we need to confer, we have to do it in good faith, but we dont ultimately have to agree. So if those discussions breakdown, and i hope that they dont, and i hope were able to come to a resolution or that the Municipal Executive Association<\/a> that represents the highest, best paid etchelons o this government actually realize that this is something in their interests because having Department Head<\/a>s tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, is probably good for the m. E. A. And something they should support, but well cross that bridge when we come to it. But, mr. President , i have a motion on the floor, and if theres a second on that, i would like to vote on this matter. President yee maybe if i can make any comments on that before we take the vote. So like my colleagues said, i was concerned about the ethical actions that have been relayed to us not only a few weeks ago, but today. I want to thank supervisor peskin for bringing this back and doing his best for making it more useable for the board. While im not convinced that this rule achieves the goal of expediting, im willing to try it, as we are duty bound to do. I want to thank supervisor ronen for duplicating the rule at committee. I dont think we can take this rule and use someone to ask a certain way. To act a certain way. I support this amendment, amended board rule today, but there will be immediate action [inaudible] president yee and used with a high level of judgment and discretion. So so supervisor peskin, do you hado supervisor safai, do you have anything else to add . Unless theres the question has been called. Supervisor safai i do. So thank you, mr. President , and thank you for your comments, supervisor peskin. I just wanted to talk about the process and inquire if there was any additional way that we could have some check on two members of the board, but i think what you told me that was the most compelling argument and it makes me feel more comfortable, ultimately, in the end is that the board president has the ability to assign and appoint members of the government audits and Oversight Committee<\/a>. And if that person, in their position, felt as though there was abuse or overuse or those two things, most importantly, then, the board president could intervene to stop the process and or guide it in a more appropriate manner. So i feel comfortable ultimately supporting this today, and i appreciate the debate. President yee okay. So last word, supervisor peskin. Like to be added as a cosponsor on this, and i thank the supervisor for his work. Supervisor peskin for the record, you are already added as a cosponsor. All right. Its not on the copy that i got thats on the agenda. President yee okay. Is there a second . Seconded by supervisor safai. Can we take this amendments without objection . Supervisor safai added me, right . President yee and you would like to be added as a cosponsor . Anybody else that would like to be added as a cosponsor, raise your hand. Supervisor haney just raised his hand. Supervisor peskin hes already a cosponsor. President yee all right. Do we need to take a roll call on this . If not, lets take this item as amended, same house, same call, and it passes. [gavel]. President yee madam clerk, lets go to item 19, i believe. Clerk item 19 is a motion to reappoint juth juliet graf and margaret rothman. President yee okay. Colleagues, can we take this same house, same call . Without objection, this motion is approved unanimously. Madam clerk, item 21. Clerk item 21, motion to appoint mark talindsey to the Pedestrian Safety<\/a> committee for a term ending june 30, 2022. President yee colleagues, can we take this same house, same call . Without objection, this motion is approved unanimously. Colleagues, were not holding 2 30 special accommodations. Were not doing that until we hear otherwise. Madam clerk, can we call the 3 00 special hearing . [agenda item read]. President yee supervisor mandelman, would you like to make any remarks . Supervisor mandelman thank you, president yee. Colleagues, you may recall that this item was continued from our meeting on february 11 to todays meeting. In the intervening month, my office has been working with the project applicant and the appellants to be finalizing an appeal. I can report weve made significant progress toward a mediation, and because of that, both parties have requested an additional two weeks to finalize the details. Accordingly, i would like body, the lejs laytigislative the executive branch, as well as the most Important Branch<\/a> in this matter, which is our Public Utilities<\/a> commission, and their commission, and we will be meeting with them in closed session later this afternoon. As the short title read by the clerk indicates, this is consistent with a number of actions and policy positions that we have taken and the p. U. C. Has taken. The p. U. C. Is adopting a resolution that is very, very similar to the resolution that is before us. I want to thank supervisor ronen for her leadership around this issue and for her cosponsorship of this particular item that sets forth our continued policy priority to ultimately require the distribution and Transmission System<\/a> of pacific gas and electric within the city and county of San Francisco<\/a> that has been the subject of a number of public hearings, and as set forth in the resolution and other actions that we have taken, underscore our support for climate change, affordability and equity, operational excellence, and improved service to city departments and the people of the city and county of San Francisco<\/a>. I hope this will pass unanimously, and i look forward to our closed session with the p. U. C. And its commission in 12 minutes. President yee colleagues, can we take this same house, same call . Colleagues, without objection, this item is adopted unanimously. Madam clerk, will you please call roll call. Clerk thats correct. Supervisor haney is first thed support resolutions, so im tirelessly working to support Small Businesses<\/a> and other Labor Protections<\/a> that need to be expanded and strengthened during this time. I also have legislation that i am introducing today with supervisor walton that would require neighborhood foot patrols across the city that would create a new neighborhood station in each district, intended to increase foot patrols in each neighborhood with violent crime. Foot patrols are more effective in both preventing crime and fostering better relationships between cops and the communities they serve. We know that by having regular foot beats with the same officers working the shift every day, we are able to better prevent crime and foster stronger relationships between Police Officers<\/a> and the communities they serve. Residents contact me all the time in many parts of my district about the desire to see more foot beats, yet there is no regular city law that requires foot patrol officers. This will require foot patrols in the areas where we need them the most and provide specific training and oversight. It will create a neighborhood district unit in each district space station. The goal is to prioritize regular policing strategies and ensure foot patrols are in each station. It will create a strategy map created by the district station and the chief of police which will determine where foot patrols should be prioritized. It will provide new accountability and data reporting which will help keep accountability by regular staffing, and this data must also be presented during each budget cycle. It will build longterm relationships with the community by requiring the minimumization of foot patrol officers, and will require officers assigned to this units participate in robust training and profession developments that serve diverse populations. We know this is a solution not just because communities are demanding it but because the Research Shows<\/a> that foot patrols work to prevent crime. A 2017 california policy study showed that when sfpd doubled its foot patrols in 2017, there were significant decline in larceny and thefts specifically where the foot patrols were deployed. We drafted this legislation with our Community Partners<\/a> and constituents and mind because they want to feel protected by the community Police Officers<\/a> that patrol their neighborhoods. We worked with commissioners petra dejesus, elias, hamasaki, and brookter. Were looking forward to working with the entire police commission, chief scott, and you to get this legislation right and accomplish its most important goal, which is to serve and protect our residents. I also want to note that supervisor mar has signed on as a cosponsor, as well. I rest i submit. Clerk thank you, supervisor haney. Supervisor walton, did you want to make a comment . Supervisor walton just wanted to make a comment on that, if thats okay. President yee go ahead. Supervisor walton part of the plan as a part of Community Policing<\/a> was increased foot beats. Our legislation supports this need and its in alignment with sfpds mission to maintain and build trust with community. We believe that this is the first step in repairing relationships and Building Trust<\/a> with community. We know that we have some strained relationships with Law Enforcement<\/a> and the community and the reemergence of foot patrols is a crime reducing strategy and Community Trust<\/a> build strategy. This unit will receive intense training that will help build Strong Community<\/a> relationships, Building Greater<\/a> approachability, trust, and relationships with police. Following department of justices recommendations, objective number three, Community Policing<\/a>, the finding was that sfpd needs to formalize Community Engagement<\/a> in support of Community Policing<\/a> practices, and this legislation helps develop comprehensive strategy policing plan. The training officers will receive will help foster and build stronger relationships. Having our Police Officers<\/a> reflect and understand each community they serve is a win for all of us, and we look forward to reviewing the data that will come out of this work, and im confident that it will result in a decrease in crime and an increase in Community Feeling<\/a> safer. Clerk thank you, supervisor walton. Supervisor mandelman, youre up next. Submit . Okay. Thank you. Supervisor mar . Supervisor mar thank you, madam clerk. Colleagues, i have two items today. First, im calling for a hearing on the progress and finding of the hearings into progress and corruption of the City Attorney<\/a>. I announced i would be calling for this at the government audit and Oversight Committee<\/a>. As reports from either investigation are released, we will have a full report at the government audit and Oversight Committee<\/a> as instances of unethical actions are disclosed, we will root them out. Much has happened on the west side since a similar hearing was held last year, notably the housing bond, eraf funding dedicated to Affordable Housing<\/a>, an update of the jobs housing linkage fee, which will bring in approximately 1 billion in Affordable Housing<\/a> dollars over the next decade. Advocating and emphasizing geographic balance allowed us to invest in Capacity Building<\/a> which translated to real permanent Affordable Housing<\/a> to real people and families. Im eager to learn from this report in the context of other work being done, including the planning departments upcoming reports on job housing fit, the work of abag and the updating of the planned bay area, which supervisor mandelman and i are engaged in, and the hearing on residential vacancies that i have called for. Together, they can provide a fuller picture of our president successes and challenges, and the rest i submit. Clerk thank you, supervisor. Supervisor peskin . Supervisor peskin submit. Clerk thank you. Supervisor preston. Supervisor preston thank you, madam clerk. First, ill be introducing a ban on certain he li ban on certain evictions during the state of emergency, and i want to say that the response to this has been overwhelmingly positive not just from tenants in our district but people all over the city who are concerned about the Health Crisis<\/a>, whether or not theyll be able to pay the rent next month. The city and department of h l Public Health<\/a> have issued recommendations, that these recommendations themselves may put many tenants in a situation where theyll lose income. We dont want folks in a situation where theyre doing the right thing, following public guidelines, while theyre losing income, we dont want them to lose their housing, as well. Were making sure that during this state of emergency that we are protecting Public Health<\/a> and preventing transmission, and that avoiding unnecessary displacement and homelessness during that time is part of that. What this ordinance does is prohibit evictions during this state of emergency for nonpayment of rent if the tenant demonstrates that inability is due to coronavirus, due to the state of emergency or due to following government recommended coronavirus related precautions. And to invoke those protections under the ordinance that im introducing, tenants must notify the landlord of their inability to pay full rent and provide documentation to support their claim. I want to point out that nothing in this legislation relieves the tenant from being liable for the unpaid rent. The landlord may take other actions after all of this is over. The ordinance also bans landlords from collecting late fees for rent, if that rent is delayed. It will ban other types of evictions during this state of emergency with very limited exceptions in the midst of this state of emergency. We as a city cannot allow residents to be forced from their homes. Really, the goal of this legislation is to make sure this Public Health<\/a> crisis doesnt also create a whole newhousing crisis in the upcoming weeks and months, and be secure in being secure in ones home is absolutely essential, and it prevents the spread of the coronavirus. I also want to say that so many san franciscans who are impacted here are working class folks, communities of color, and theyre impacted by losing wages, and we need to make sure that they dont lose housing. The second item, colleagues, im pleased to announce that today, at the request of San Francisco<\/a> black firefighters association, im introducing a resolution to rename a street in my district, willow street, in between buchanan and laguna, earl gage, jr. , in honor of San Francisco<\/a>s first black firefighter. The response has been really heartening, and neighbors seem to be really welcoming this change of street name. Earl moved to San Francisco<\/a> in 1945, graduated from u. C. Berkeley, was drafted in the army, got married in 1952. In 1955, when he was hired by the San Francisco<\/a> Fire Department<\/a>, he became the first and only black firefighter in San Francisco<\/a> and remained the citys only black firefighter from 1955 to 1967. Prior to his retirement from the Fire Department<\/a> in 1983, he served as the departments director of Community Services<\/a> and enacted a series of progressive hiring policies that served to increase racial diversity within the department and in turn City Government<\/a>. Throughout his career, earl gage, jr. , worked to create equitable processes for the Fire Department<\/a> to include integration and he continues to shape policy and civil rights policy in the city. He passed away on jouuly 30, 2017, at the age of 90. He is survived by his daughter, blondell chisolm, and numerous grandchildren and great grandchildren who would benefit greatly from this action in the area. Im how so im honored to be playing a role to celebrate this historic figure. Supervisor peskin mr. President , if i could be listed as a cosponsor and thank captain tillman. Clerk thank you, supervisor peskin, and supervisor ronen. Supervisor ronen thank you. I have three items, as well, and i would love to be added as a cosponsor. Colleagues, i just want to thank every one of you and the mayor for just stepping up and showing incredible leadership in the face of what is the most broad reaching and immediate crisis that weve ever faced as a city, at least in recent memory. How the virus will spread and what its ultimate Health Impact<\/a> will be is unknown to us today, but the collective seriousness and willingness to Work Together<\/a> and put aside political differences to make sure that no San Francisco<\/a> fights alone has been an inspiring thing to watch and be a part of. What were seeing is the damage to our local economy is likely to be severe. The mayor confirmed that earlier today. Several large corporations have already taken steps to follow public guidelines, and this is helpful, but we know its not an option for many Small Businesses<\/a>, most of whom survive month to month like many residents. A shutdown lasting weeks or even a slow down could mean the end of them or for them. In San Francisco<\/a>, there are thousands of these Small Businesses<\/a> employing hundreds of thousands of workers. Small businesses are the life blood of our neighborhoods and our communities, and we simply cant let them go under, so im working with the City Attorney<\/a> and the Treasurers Office<\/a> to create a Small Business<\/a> rent stabilization loan to issue no interest loans to businesses who are unable to meet rent, mortgage, or other fixed operating costs. I plan to introduce this next week. As the covid19 crisis evolves, we want to send a message loud and clear. If you are following the Citys Department<\/a> of Public Health<\/a>s recommendations, which you all should do, weve got your back. San francisco is united and resilient, and we will not be driven by fear, but focused on sensible solutions, and ill describe the details of this measure in more detail next week, when i introduce it. I also have been working with supervisor ahsha safai to encourage banks to step up during this crisis. The second item that i will be requesting is a hearing from the s. H. A. R. P. Office. On september 13, 2019, the mayor signed into existence the office of sexual harassment, assault, and rape prevention, the s. H. A. R. P. Office. Since then, the Human Rights Office<\/a> has only hired one of the three Staff Required<\/a> by the ordinance and funded by the board. The office has only received and addressed one complaint, and no publicly available information about the offices existence or services exists. Theres just theres no outreach, no website, theres no information on the Human Rights Commission<\/a> rights commissions website. The one complaint that they did issue was because the survivor came to our service and we passed them onto the s. H. A. R. P. Office. This lej this legislation was passed several years ago when rape survivors stated their situations to the city. I am specifically requesting the presence of a leader who can answer all of our questions about the hiring process from the department of human resources, preferably, the director of that department, the director of the Human Rights Commission<\/a>, and the director of s. H. A. R. P. Final finally, today, im proposing changes to existing u. S. Border policies. Residents of San Francisco<\/a> deserve to live in safety and Thriving Communities<\/a> where everyone is treated with respect, but because a city is located within 100 miles of a coastal border, San Francisco<\/a> is considered a border city. That means that families in San Francisco<\/a> are subjected to inhuman rights and make every person a recipient of the widespread corruption of the border agents. Because San Francisco<\/a> is a border city, federal immigration agents can assert the power to board Public Transportation<\/a> and harass children on their way to school, parents on their way to work, or adults on the way to their Grocery Store<\/a> all without reason, moorely with merely with suspicion. A new border vision offers an opportunity to move away from the myopic governance at our borders by forming National Policy<\/a> and grounding National Politics<\/a> in our values. Specifically, this framework seeks to expand Public Safety<\/a> by focusing border authorities and resources on legitimate public activities and ensuring that all enforcement is held accountable. It seeks to protect human life by keeping families together, providing immediate aid to people in distress and allowing people to seek protection without barriers. Finally, it seeks to welcome newcomers in a humane way by welcoming residents, immigrants, and asylum seekers, minimizing the pole throle thar authorities play in the immigrant community. It is incumbent upon us to lead again by embracing a new border vision that adequately protects human rights. I would like to thank the Southern Border Communities Coalition<\/a> and the students and faculty of the Berkeley Law International<\/a> human rights clinic for leading this critical campaign, to enhance human policy government at our coasts and our borders, and for asking our government to be part of this collective effort, and the rest i submit. Clerk thank you, supervisor. Supervisor safai . Supervisor safai thank you, madam clerk. Today, i rise to talk about an introduction as it related to many of the things that have been talked about today with regard to covid19 and our coronavirus and how its impacting particularly working families. I know that supervisor peskin took the angle to tenants and those living in buildings where theres a landlord. This particular request im working on this with supervisor ronen, as she stated, but also supervisor fewer, yee, mar, haney, mandelman, peskin, preston, and stefani. Were calling for a 60day moratorium on the default of residential loans that are held by private individuals and Small Businesses<\/a>, along with Public Utilities<\/a>. That would include gas, electric, garbage, refuse, and water. And i know already from hearing from our Public Utilities<\/a> commission that the director has asked the commission to do a halt on any cutoff on water services. We appreciate that. We would like all the different entities that weve named to come up with an action plan on how theyre going to help families and help those through no fault of their own have had their livelihood and their jobs impacted. And i can tell you, having gone to a meeting with our Janitors Union<\/a> yesterday, speaking to our teamsters that do our refuse collection, talking to our nurses, many of the folks in our frontline work hours, many of them are being impacted in terms of their work hours and potentially their salaries. In this time of crisis, they would potentially lose their homes they could potentially lose their homes, they could potentially lose their businesses, and we dont want any additional fines or fees imposed during this period. Our partnership with mayor breed has made some aggressive recommendations for communities and our colleagues here, directed by the department of Public Health<\/a>, and im fully in support of all of those recommendations talked about today. But because of that request and because of the impact on peoples jobs, we want to take some aggressive steps, and were asking for that 60day moratorium. As you go out, as youve seen in San Francisco<\/a>, its had a tremendous impact on Small Businesses<\/a> and workers and employers all over the city. And because of the cancelling of shifts and because of the loss of income, we feel like this is an appropriate step. There is precedent for it. When Northern California<\/a> and our area experienced natural disasters through fires, i know that our banks took some aggressive steps to ensure that fees werent being attached to a. T. M. S and lay fees late fees and so on, and i think thats what were asking in this instance. So all the banks and businesses that do business in San Francisco<\/a> and are conducting themselves in San Francisco<\/a>, wed like to see immediate action. It looks like our Public Utilities<\/a> commission are already taking those steps. We need to ensure the lives of our businesses and residents, although theyre being disrupte disrupted we need to take immediate steps to protect our communities, that theyre not having financial crises, as well. The rest i submit. Clerk thank you, supervisor. Supervisor stefani . Supervis supervisor ronen, you wanted to speak . Supervisor ronen yes. Im just a horrible human and did not thank my wonderful staff for all of this work. Santiago, paul, and jennifer have been working nonstop on all of the items that i introduced, so thank you so much. Clerk thank you. Thank you, supervisor stefani, for all of your patience. Supervisor stefani thank you, madam clerk. Just want to thank my colleagues and the public for coming together against protecting us against covid19. Politicizing this in any way is not something we should be doing. It is my understanding that the School District<\/a>, the San Francisco<\/a> School District<\/a> has voted not to close schools, and jo i dont know if that will change, but it does raise an issue for child care for those parents that need to get to work, and now they have no place to get their kids, so its something that i will be following up with the Mayors Office<\/a> in the event that we need to figure out child care for schools that may close. Im also announcing today that ive asked the City Attorney<\/a> to draft legislation that will save single screen theaters. It will a i am seeing this in my district with the closing of the clay theater, which is one of the oldest movie theaters in San Francisco<\/a>. For over 100 years, the clay theater has been one of the most successful cultural institutions in the neighborhood. In the weeks since we learned that the clay will be closing, i have heard from so many residents, merchants, and neighborhood associations about how much of a loss it would be for the fillmore neighborhood commercial district and for the city as a whole. I will do everything i can to preserve these important cultural institutions, and i look forward to working with the City Attorney<\/a> to draft this legislation to ensure we save the clay theater and other singlescreen theaters. Im also submitting today a formal letter of inquiry to the department of Public Health<\/a> regarding the no overdose advertising campaign. While i understand the intent of the campaign, the images that were brought to my attention provided a very incomplete and inaccurate picture of what Drug Overdose<\/a> and addiction looks like. Im absolutely in favor of Harm Reduction<\/a> techniques like providing narcan and overdose training and Overdose Prevention<\/a> sites. This is not the only tool at our disposal, and we must be laser focused on promoting new cases and getting those suffering from the disease in treatment. I want to know more about how the campaign was set, and how much the city spent on the campaign. I also want to know if other departments had the opportunity to weighin on the conten. It is crimintical to our city t we get input from businesses and residents. I look forward to receiving a response from the department of Public Health<\/a> and sitting down to continue this discussion when i meet with the Harm Reduction<\/a> coalition next week, and the rest i submit. Clerk thank you, supervisor stefani. Supervisor walton . Supervisor walton thank you. First, i would like to be a cosponsor of supervisor prestons street naming legislation. If you could name me. First, im opposing the United States<\/a> department of housing and urban developments proposed further fair housing rule that was announced on january 7, 2020, by secretary ben carson. I want to thank the Tenants Union<\/a> and the community for Housing Partnership<\/a> for working with us, as well. There was no meaningful guidance on this law until 2015, when the affirmatively furthering fair housing rule was established. The affh requires all federal agencies, including hud and their funding recipients to proactively address segregation and programs and activities related to housing and Community Development<\/a>. It also requires that these entities complete a robust analysis of segregation and fair housing disparities in order to receive hud funds. Now hud is attempting to eliminate a key fair housing regulation that promotes diverse equitable and inclusive communities. This new rule will continue to advance the administrations deregulation agenda. Huds new proposal will not require jurisdictions and housing authorities to directly examine or address the legacy of unequal housing opportunities in our communities. Instead, huds proposal makes fair housing an after thought rather than a starting point of discussion about a systemic lack of housing opportunities for communities of color or persons with disabilities. Huds new proposal will minimize oversight and accountability for communities that receive federal housing dollars. It will not require communities to advance housing policies for groups that have historically experiences housing discrimination. Huds new regulation will stop the collection of data. It will also attack protections for tenants, workers, and the environment. Huds proposal specifically identifies rent control as a potential obstacle to fair housing choice. The proposal also tries to use this rule to discourage important labor and wage standards to govern housing rules. I urge my colleagues to join me in opposing huds new proposal. The rest i submit. Clerk thank you, supervisor walton. Supervisor yee . President yee colleagues, as we discussed earlier, im going to be introducing an imperative item for the board to ratify, the Health Officer<\/a>s declaration of local Health Emergency<\/a> regarding the Novel Coronavirus<\/a> disease, and this is going to be also cosponsored by supervisor peskin. As we are all aware, the city and county of San Francisco<\/a> is working tirelessly to address the growing impacts of covid19, and there this is given to extend the notification beyond seven days, into the foreseeable future. I believe th i the rest before i submit everything, supervisor peskin, id like to be named as a cosponsor for your street naming. The rest i submit. Clerk thank you, mr. President. Supervisor fewer . Supervisor fewer thank you, madam clerk. Colleagues, we are facing an unprecedented challenge during this time as the city is responding to the Novel Coronavirus<\/a>. I recognize that the city is working furiously to strengthen our citywide preparedness via the City Operation Center<\/a> as much as possible and to mitigate the impacts to our most vulnerable populations, our seniors and people with underlying medical conditions. However, while departments like d. P. H. And d. E. M. Are thinking of preparing us on a macrolevel, we as supervisors need to think on a microlevel. This is the time where we need to step up our leadership to bring people together while adhering to the Health Recommendations<\/a> for social distancing. It is time for every supervisor to do a deep dive into the infrastructure of our districts, to assess where there might be gaps in the safety net serving our most vulnerable communities and to think critically and creatively about how we can meet those needs, we need to be in communications with our Senior Service<\/a> providers who best know the needs of their clients. We need to push the private sector as well, but it is also our responsibility to be a model employer, and i hope that for our public facing employees, our bus drivers, deputy sheriffs, and counter staff, and especially our health workers, how we are working to keep them safe and encouraging flexibility as an employer to reduce opportunities for spread of covid19. I just want to make sure that we have clear plans for communicating to workers in each department in exploring steps like allowing workers to work from home and telecommute. I do appreciate the hard work of our administration and city department, and i will be working with the Mayors Office<\/a> to explore how we can promote robust precautions for city workers. The rest i submit. Clerk thank you, supervisor fewer. Mr. President , seeing no further names on the roster, that concludes special business. President yee thank you. I want to remind my colleagues that if these hearings are not time sensitive, please refrain from trying to have these hearings, like, in the next week or so, so just take that into consideration. Okay. Madam clerk, lets go to Public Comment<\/a>. Clerk at this time, the public may address the entire board of supervisors for two minutes in items appearing on the board agenda, and at this point, mr. President and members, i would like to deviate from my routine script. At the top of the meeting, d. P. H. Director tomas aragon presented information on the ongoing emergency. At the time, there is an opportunity to limit the spread of covid19 to making changes on how we conduct business in our normal routines, in addition to doing so in the committee room. As president yee stated at the top of the meeting, the department is open for business, and we believe the decisions that were making today will perhaps save some lives in the future. And to that end, although we are encouraging vulnerable populations to stay home and access the boards information remotely, we are changing some of our processes here at the board. [please stand by] you all have no include about what is happening at the san that have to be accommodated at the San Francisco<\/a> general hospital, we dont have sufficient beds. We have about 80 beds. So you all talk about this and you talk about that, but i can see that you all cannot zero in on how to tackle the problem. So in other words, you talk the talk but you cannot walk the walk. Get the virus off our shoulders. Bring the cures that you have made and make the virus go away. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker. Linda chapman from knob hill. During your Committee Meeting<\/a> recently on the subjects of corruption, i mentioned what a change theres been in terms of Neighborhood Affairs<\/a> and Community Involvement<\/a> because of this kind of cultural corruption as you refer to it which was, you know, absent when i was a leader in knob hill neighbors for 14 years, and i look at this room, i see it full. It would be full. There was one organization that took money in those days, and that was help for the elderly. The Planning Commission<\/a> meetings even had to be held here on our project because they would bus in vast numbers of elderly numbers of vast numbers of elderly ladies but the other organizations would come out for us and even when they were offered money, gordon, for example, was offered 50,000, consider a Million Dollars<\/a> today with inflation. And he sat here where im standing, and he said to whether it was the commission or supervisors at that point, i cant remember, it went on for seven years back and forth, back and forth, new conditional use or another. And he said, well, if you give them the permit, well take the money, but you can see that were not here to support it. So he threw it back at them. Like are you going to do this . And the developers with were corrupt. I sat here when he brought in that particular developer 1300 sacramento brought in my landlord. He sat here with the architect and lawyer, and i guess he thought that i was going to go and ask the at the nans union and all of knob hill neighbors and old st. Marys House Committee<\/a> to go home. I had to go home and tell my lawyer to give up my apartment that i love with a view down to the golden gate bridge. Thank you. Next speaker. Good afternoon, board of supervisors. First of all, i just want to say that im humbled to stand before you and also want to say thank you, supervisor, for presenting our agenda 29 in support of my partner and a good friend of mine as well. So i think if its okay if i can have just a little bit more time. You have exactly two minutes like everybody else. First of all, my name is dalsi. Im a bay area resident, community serving. I work at the Justice Reinvestment Coalition<\/a> as their Campaign Coordinator<\/a> through the Justice Reinvestment Coalition<\/a> is a table comprised of 18 communitybased organizations focused on Restorative Justice<\/a> and also progressive criminal justice policy. I myself am a refugee due to the vietnam war. My family resettled here in the early 80s in stockton, california, with pretty much a lack of resources and we came with nothing except for our love for each other. So ive groan up with that environment, made a lot of poor choices. When i was 17 years old, my older brother was murdered, and i didnt know where to turn to. And to seek help. So because of that, i made a horrible choice which led to my incarceration. So upon my incarceration, i sought help in therapy. And i finally found healing, and due to that, i became an advocate for selfhelp program and also help advocated and mentor other men in there. And because of that, the board thank you, sir. Thank you very much. Next speaker. Make it quick. Two minutes thank you for your time for allowing me to address you. I appreciate it. That just, supervisor. My name is coen. I spent 20 years in prison. I was released last year in 2018 with a commitment to give back to the community. The first day i came home, i volunteered for San Francisco<\/a> pick up every first saturday of the month, and i also encouraged my peers to come out and help clean the streets of San Francisco<\/a>. I also helped my peers navigate the city getting their ids, social security, medical, and i work for family bridges to help the houseless. Together teaming up with the city, i help move the houseless into the oakland into the oak Street Community<\/a>. Right now im running the oak Street Community<\/a> cabin. Thats some of the service i would like to expand here in San Francisco<\/a>. Today im in danger of being deported because the trump and laos government has a verbal agreement to take people with a final removal order back home. Ive been separated from my family to come to the United States<\/a> at the age of seven and now im facing the same danger of being separated from my family again, so im asking for your sport, and i pray your support, and i pray for your understanding to please sign the resolution. Thank you so much. Thank you. Next speaker. Good afternoon, erin. Im here in support of the resolution item 29. Thank you for introducing this resolution and condemning the deportations of our lao and many other deportations that are happening. I want to acknowledge that everyone here there was an anonymous vote last year to support a similar resolution for Southeast Asian<\/a> community members. Thank you for cosponsoring, supervisor peskin. I want to share how important this is. That resolution led to the pardon of king hen and that ive had a chance to work with them closely. He was involved with one of the first va candidate forums in San Francisco<\/a> to share about how this impacted communities. During the first here danny was out i got to work with him, and he worked in congregations in San Francisco<\/a> in supporting them to be sanctuary congregations. So both have been very involved here, and i really share my support for this resolution and believe that they are deeply rooted here and should not be separated. Thanks. Next speaker. Im here in support of item 29 and in support of danny and him. San francisco has a history of supporting immigrant and refugee youth. This resolution is part of undoing the harm that happened in the early 2000s. Mayor newsom implemented a policy arrested to felonies and under his mayorship the administration conducted a review of citys probations and referred 350 young people to i. C. E. , that is 350 families impacted by the fear of deportation and actual deportation. Not speaking up for people impacted by incourse ration and deportation would contribute to San Francisco<\/a>s legacy of not fighting for people who fall at the intersection of incarceration and deportation. I met these two inside prison and they were found suitable for parole on their first try, which is a very rare occurrence but they were both found suitable on the first try meaning the board of parole hearings, rehabilitated and not a threat to the general public and ready to enter back into society where released they were sent to i. C. E. But because i. C. E. Was not accepting lao nationals they were release and have significantly contributed to the city and county of San Francisco<\/a> and cleaning up the streets of oakland chinatown, and redefining what it means to be a leader for social justice in the community. Laos has begun accepting lao nationals and that means they both are susceptible to deportation. We need this city and county of San Francisco<\/a> to undo the history of criminalizing and punishing immigrant youth and pass a resolution in support of a full pardon for them both. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker. Hi, there. Im here to support item 29. My name is yen and i stand here to sport my colleagues and my friends. I work with asian support Committee Also<\/a> known as apsc, an organization for incarcerated and formerly incarcerated communities. We facilitate weekly and monthly classes inside of the state prisons, and its through those programs where we met danny and sicon. They were both participants and leaders in our programs. Its really been a joy to see them home, more inspiring to see them in community and continuously working towards a more whole, healthy and just world. Time and time again, ive seen these guys show up in our communities to support deportation defense efforts of our cambodian communities in Northern California<\/a>, and aye seen them bravely ive seen them bravely share their stories in the world. Ive seen them make an impact in our community from cleaning up chinatown to mentoring our youth to facilitating important conversations about various social justice issues. They have done a lot and are valuable and beloved members of our community. They have deported refugees from wars and both of their families, they were in refugee camps and resettled in the u. S. And i think as another consequence of they have to deal with unprocessed trauma and the violences of resettling into the u. S. In poverty. I stand here today to urge you all to really support them, beloved members and urging the governor to grant a full pardon. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker. Hello, everyone. My name is maradi. Im a bay area resident. I work for law caucus. Im here to support item 29. I support them staying in the u. S. I work closely with both of them and they make our community safe. They guide and mentor the youth of the future and help solve antideportation efforts. They build connections in community that only enriches and help us heal. I strongly ask you to support the resolution to stand with refugees and end family separation. Thank you. Next speaker. Hi. Im here on behalf of just cause along with my comrades behind me. We are here to speak on two items. The one i want to speak on is the motion to support the motion for the sf City Government<\/a> to enforce a moratorium on all eviction proceedings during the time of the covid19 crisis which preston and ronen have supported. We know there are working class and housing insecure members are more susceptible to illness and their safety is constantly compromised. Working class folks often dont have the option to stay home from work or take the recommended necessary precautions to protect them from disease. A moratorium on all evictions during this time is the bare minimum we can do to support our folks to stay safe and healthy. It is interactive we take every possible measure to ensure nobody loses their housing during this time as this would further expose them to instability. We welcome this step in the right direction and hope we can keep taking more steps for housing vulnerable and houseless community of San Francisco<\/a> to have their needs met during this Health Crisis<\/a> and housing crisis. While most covid19 illness is mild, we need to move quickly to protect the most Vulnerable People<\/a> in our communities. The federal governments response is falling short and the bay area is ground zero given the number of cases and the divide between the wealthy and those struggling to make ends meet. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker. I will be using interpretation as well. [speaking spanish] i will translate what she just shared. We are here with just cause to support the motion of sf City Government<\/a> to enforce a sorry, to support the pardon by Governor Newsom<\/a> to grant full pardon to our comrades danny and sacon to remain with our community. The Trump Administration<\/a> is getting ready to deport lao refugee communities. Last week supervisor mars office introduced a resolution condemning this decision and highlighted danny and sacons story. This Refugee Community<\/a> has already seen a multigenerational trauma from violence in their homelands, and targeting them is draconian, racially misguided and inhumane. We know the administration is targeting Community Leaders<\/a> and those who stand up against immigration persecution and xenophobia that is blatantly practiced by this administration. We have to protect Community Leaders<\/a> who have worked tirelessly to make to work not only for self transformation but reentry, the conditions that lead to recidivism in our community. I will also speak on my behalf. Maam, you get your own two minutes. Thank you. Danny, im also part of the justice investment coalition. Danny is deeply loved and cherished member of our community. He actually leads and coordinates the justice investment coalition. And this coalition is doing incredible work around Restorative Justice<\/a> and reentry for immigrant black and economically marginalized communities. So we want to support him to continue to do the work that support the rest of our community to build Community Solutions<\/a> to safety. We know that people not only deserve Second Chances<\/a> but that its not okay for them to be thrown under the bus, and this administration has done that over and over again. This is a question of double punishment. We already know that criminal injustice system is incredibly racist. We cannot allow to then also have another punishment by deporting them. These are members of our community who are incrediblely courageous and that are doing fantastic work to keep us all safe in a way that is restorative. Thank you. Thank you. [speaking spanish] hi, my name is anna. Im a member of just cause, and im here in support of danny and to ask this board to support his pardon. We know hes a member of the community. Our Community Needs<\/a> him on our side to keep building Community Solutions<\/a>. Please do not deny our community the opportunity to have him with us. Thank you. [speaking spanish] i also, im here to support danny. I feel like he deserves all of our support as a community leader, as someone who is fighting tirelessly to make our community better. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker. Hello. First of all, thank you all for your service. My name is ruben. Im a member of this here civil grand jury. To be clear, myself and many of my colleagues have concerns around issues centering on the homeless and mentally ill on our streets. Today ive heard nothing about them and how the city is going to address their needs as a vulnerable population of San Francisco<\/a>. Thank you. Next speaker. Its only two minutes. Ill be back weekly until i can explain myself or get some justice. We all want people out of cars into Public Transportation<\/a>. The city needs to warn the public whats going on. This reemergence of rat packs, singling out easy targets. Usually that means the elite, as often as ive been experiencing it means a single white male who looks a little older and to prey on them. I think what needs to happen, and ill come back and explain in detail what i mean by that, is that put some context here, i was attacked twice recently. One was at 300pound gorilla who was yanking my boxes out of my hand. I ended up injuring a prior industry. Then she screamed, i hate white people, flung herself across the ill on top of me, 300pound gorilla, while the punches were irrelevant, having 300 pounds jump on you like that out of nowhere, again, injuring my back. Saturday, last saturday night among a southbound van ness buses, first im punched by three kids, throwing those little white tissue caps are they . I dont know that theyre called, gunpowder things that explode. They got a remark from me, which is what they wanted and now they had a good reason to get into it with me. I let it roll. They got off the bus after i called the cops. They got back on later and started spitting on me, right out here, right in front here. The city to rename the hall of justice the bernard gats memorial hall. Its about time the parents take responsibility for their brats. Lets put the parents in jail for three nights, weekend night like my weekend was spoiled, just like we do with truancy. Not prison, not records, just like the whats it called thank you. Thank you, sir. Next speaker. [off mic] my name is Julie Roberts<\/a> and im a Public School<\/a> parent, d5 resident going to a d3 school that largely serves d6 students. I want to thank you for the work you and your staff have been doing at the time we have been hit by the coronavirus, and i mean even in this room including especially our janitors. Public School Families<\/a> have been hit by two crises this week. One is the virus and the other is the cuts to our Public School<\/a>s and these are historic structural inequities that have been built in based on the fact that we can only net 8 of our funds to Public School<\/a>s. So we are on a time when many families cant come out to share a petition from 1,000 families asking that we get more not less and asking for support for supervisor mars proposal to be introduced for 75,000 for Public School<\/a> support next tuesday. Other parents here will talk about the impact this is having on some very specific schools as a part of the familys union and in the petition you can see the impact this is happening in schools across our district. No one has told me well be fine. Ive heard cuts from 50,000 to 500,000 and our school that largely serves immigrant families is trying to figure out which two or tree of five key staff people we are going to cut when last year we were looking at how we could expand Literacy Services<\/a> and social services to our students. This is an emergency for our families. I want to remind us that as we think of the coronavirus response, that our schools are some of the most important places for prevention. We are working overtime to keep our schools clean. My Childrens School<\/a> is one of 40 schools that have no nurse. So if we have an issue we call a Community Nurse<\/a> who over the phone is supposed to tell us what response we are supposed to take. So i want to thank supervisor mar and other supervisors who have come out in support for 75 million. Supervisor walton, preston, haney, i imagine there are others in this room who will come out in support as you hear more of the impact that cuts are having. Thank you. Byebye. My name is kelly, and im a d8 parent. And parent to a biracial black third grader at redding elementary in d3. My son also has an i. E. P. And received his services through special education. The impact of these budget cuts is immense for my son and his ability to thrive in school. As well as many other students need extra support like him. Yesterday at our meeting we represented with our proposed budget scenarios that all included losing two or more critical Staff Members<\/a> to our site and to our students. We have to choose between our computer teacher, at a school where most of our families dont have computers at home and where our students are required to take tests from the state on computers. Our literacy teacher, where the majority of our families are english language leperrers and recent immigrants. Our fulltime social worker and our elementary adviser at a school where the vast majority of our families come from the low socioeconomic background and where we have many families who are facing homelessness as well as our introductional reform facilitator. My son who has behavior challenges due to disability is dependent upon our social worker and our elementary adviser to support his social emotional growth and behavior both within and outside the classroom, without them, im afraid he will be spending more time outside of our classroom and in detention due to his behavioral issues. These are critical to our student and key to disrupting the pipeline that we know impacts students like my son. Our school is a wonderful and Diverse School<\/a> but we dont have the p. T. A. Funds like more affluent schools to make up the difference for these cuts, and we have much greater needs than those schools. I urge the board to approve the funding for our schools. Thank you. Next speaker. Good afternoon. My name is brandy markman. I live in d1, the richmond district. My son is a secondgrader at the Elementary School<\/a> and i serve as School Site Counsel<\/a> chair. To me it seems cruel that we live in a city with 70 billionaires and our schools are facing such painful cuts. Our school, twothirds of our families due to our unfair economic structure, live in poverty. Twothirds of our students are receiving english language learning services. We are faced with potential of or the possibility of losing a fulltime social worker. And i know many of you have served on the board of education, and we are so grateful and so grateful for all the work you did there for our wonderful Restorative Justice<\/a> policy. However, it gets really hard to implement that if we dont have social workers and our students are at a huge disadvantage. Our school is also one of the 40 out of 120sfusd schools that doesnt have a nurse. This is really to me unacceptable during a time of coronavirus in San Francisco<\/a>. Further more, we need augmented Janitorial Services<\/a> for additional sanitation protocols to make sure the virus is contained as much as possible. Prop 13 has been so cruel the our children. Please provide prioritize their safety by supporting the resolution through 75 million for our students. Thank you. Next speaker. Good afternoon. My name is elita fisher. I live in district 11 and have students at the Elementary School<\/a>, everett middle school, Mission High School<\/a> and city college. Im the past chair of the Community Advisory<\/a> committee for special education within sfusd. And i think its really important as we talk about the state of funding in our schools to understand the impact of state and federal travesties for lack of a better word. Speaking from a special education perspective, one in eight students in California First<\/a> of all received special Education Services<\/a> yet funding has stayed flat for decades. The majority of students who have i. E. P. S or need special Education Services<\/a> sit in general education. In sfusd thats 75 of kids with i. E. P. S so when you underfund special education, you underfund all education. The same point in fact where a third of San Francisco<\/a> unified School District<\/a>s general fund, unrestricted general fund actual covers special education costs. Our costs are rising in supporting special education students. In the past decade, between 2007 and 2008 and 2017, special education cost has risen 28 . Yet our budget has stayed flat across the state. There is a 3. 2 billion aspirational versus actual funding change difference from the federal level. And weve implemented laws like ab114, which has shifted the entire funding of Mental Health<\/a> support away from community Mental Health<\/a> services on to the School District<\/a>. We have implemented great laws like ab1369 and that tells us we need to talk about dyslexia and put interventions in the school when one out of five kids probably has dyslexia. But theres no funding thats come with it. Thank you. Next speaker. Mr. President , i support the asian law caucus in every single way. I point out a little this is anecdotal, im not completely sure this is true, but in my what ive noticed. Theres a big Laos Community<\/a> in the fresno area which is the seat of arch republican delventhal nunez and i believe the community there actually supports him because they view the Democratic Party<\/a> as being something akin to communism. Certainly these ultraright wing politicians, they engage in this confrontational, sensationalist talk for one reason only, its the only way they can get reelected. For the record, i have a bronchitis ive had for several years but there is a hack going around, its a coronavirus. It probably is not thee coronavirus, just for the supervisor sitting closest to the microphone. There was a i did work in this field for a while. I called some of my friends of my was there a lapse in how fast we are able to develop test kits. There is a capability in the bay area for doing this kind of work. And what you want to see is about a 5 positive result in these test kits, for every 20 tests they do about one in 20 people test positive. Thats when they know they are spreading the tests out and really doing the epidemiology of it. And we havent gotten to that point yet. So i appreciate what the mayor has done and what the city is doing. Thank you. Next speaker. Tom gilberti. Reasonable and rational gets titled as radical. And she couldnt quite understand that. And it still makes sense. Medy care for all medicare for all gets people to doctors, but should we ban noncitizens . They could still have the virus. So everybody does better when everybody does better. Again, we can do the medical for all. Bernie was in one of his debates in cnn and after they cut from him they cut to a commercial for pharmaceuticals. Where are we in changes are coming. A couple years ago, i was at a Committee Meeting<\/a> with hillary ronen, and she had a couple guys from pg e saying she could not understand why they would give approval to her people that were making their buildings, and then they would come back a little bit later and alter what was needed in those buildings, causing delay and more money. And it was Public Comment<\/a> time, and i was about to get up, i didnt want to because i was going to say i would fire them all. Previously, ive been asking for a powwow here with the board of supervisors and the Community Activists<\/a> that would come and work with housing. But i dont think thats the right time with this virus coming around. But we know its coming. And we need to do something about it. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker. Im hoping that the mayor or that the mayor or legislature will have a delegation composed of the Small Business<\/a> and merchants association, hotel association, tourism Board Members<\/a> to our sister cities or to athletens. We are presently 70 of the merchants in the neighborhoods throughout the city are share enthusiasm, optimism regarding growth and sales and end of market potential, there is significant Competition Among<\/a> new businesses to fill the relatively few commercial vacancies. I want you to weigh your present market assumptions against the reality of athens. Their liberal dynamic free market. I cant imagine a starker contrast than that which exists between the sister cities. The small neighborhood marketplace and the long running fragility of San Francisco<\/a>s commercial corridors. San franciscos neighborhood businesses are not being hard hit by the coronavirus. They went over some time ago to local policy decisions which such as placing on chains. Tenants to local Small Business<\/a> to learn and explore and to determine how athens have turned their neighborhood blocks to cornucopias of commercial prosperity. Also there are three open positions on the ethics commission, investigative analyst, auditor and commissioner i have requested you refer to the judgment of the u. S. Attorney filling the empty watch posts. I understand some of you are eager to add 1. 7 million to the covers. That could be misconstrued as an attempt to influence. The ability to impact the thank you, sir. Any other speakers for Public Comment<\/a> . Seeing none, Public Comment<\/a> is now closed. So madame clerk, lets call the for Adoption Committee<\/a> reference item agendas, items 29 through 32. Items 29 through 32 were introduced for adoption without reference to committee, a anonymous vote is required for resolutions on First Reading<\/a>, alternatively any member may require a resolution to go to committee. Colleagues, can we would anyone like to any items. Seeing none then, colleagues can we take these items . We have a different house this is a different house. A roll call please. On items 29 through 32 [roll call vote] there are eight ayes. Then any objection, the resolution is adopted and the motions are approved. Madame clerk, lets go to imperative agenda. Yes. We have an imperative motion on behalf of president yee which would ratify the mar 6, 2020 city and county of San Francisco<\/a> Health Officer<\/a>s declaration of local Health Emergency<\/a> regarding the coronavirus disease 2019. Colleagues, we have an item which requires the board to adopt two separate findings by eight votes before unanimous adoption on the item itself. Lets take the sunshine ordinance of finding first. Is there a motion that finds this resolution is imperative as to threaten serious injury to the Public Interest<\/a> . And thus meaning the standards of the sunshine ordinance . Motion made by supervisor stefani and seconded by supervisor mandelman. Then can we take different house mr. President. Roll call please. On the sunshine motion findings, [roll call vote] there are nine ayes. Thank you. Then without objection to accept it. Now that, now to the brown act findings. Is there a motion that finds the need to take action came to the attention of the board after agenda was posted and thus the motion meets the standard of the brown act. Motion made by supervisor walton and seconded by supervisor ronen. Can we take this without objection . Okay. Then its accepted. We must now take a Public Comment<\/a> on this item. Is there any member of the public who wishes to speak on the comparative item . Seeing no speakers, Public Comment<\/a> is now closed. And now on the substance of the imperative motion itself, a roll call vote. Madame clerk. [roll call vote] there are ten ayes. Okay. Without objection, the motion is approved. Madame clerk, please read the in memoriums. I have none to report today. That leads us to the end of the agenda. Is there any further business for us today . That concludes our business for today before i adjourn you i want to remind all of you that we have another meeting, a joint special meeting with this board of supervisors and Public Utilities<\/a> commission coming right up as soon as i adjourn, we will readjourn in about five minutes, okay . So thank you. We are adjourned. My apartment burned down 1. 5 years ago in noba. My name is leslie mccray, and i am in outside beauty sales. I have lived in this neighborhood since august of this year. After my fire in my apartment and losing everything, the red cross gave us a list of agencies in the city to reach out to and find out about various programs that could help us get back on our feet, and i signed up for the below market rate program, got my certificate, and started applying and won the housing lottery. This particular building was brandnew, and really, this is the one that i wanted out of everything i applied for. And i came to the open house here, and there were literally hundreds of people looking at the building. And i in my mind, i was, like, how am i ever going to possibly win this . And i did. And when you get that notice that you want, its surreal, and you dont really believe it, and then it sinks in, yeah, i can have it, and im finally good to go; i can stay. My favorite thing about my home, although i miss the charm about the old victorian is everything is brandnew. Its beautiful. My kitchen is amazing. Ive really started to enjoy cooking. I really love that we have a gym onsite. I work out four days a week, and its beautiful working outlooking out over the courtyard that i get to look at. It was hard work to get to the other side, but its well worth it. Im super grateful to the Mayors Office<\/a> of housing for having this for us. Good morning, everyone. Welcome to the march 12, 2020, regular meeting of the Public Safety<\/a> and Neighborhood Services<\/a> committee. Im supervisor mandelman. Our clerk is john carroll, and i want to thank s. F. Gov. Tv for staffing this meeting. 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