Transcripts For SFGTV BOS Full Board Of Supervisors 20240713

SFGTV BOS Full Board Of Supervisors July 13, 2024

Here. Supervisor fewer, did you say present . Yes, i said here. Fewer present and supervisor haney . Here. Supervisor mandleman. Present. Supervisor marr. Present. Supervisor peskin. Present. Supervisor preston. Present. Supervisor ronan. Present. And supervisor sayaye. Present. Supervisor stephanie. Present. Supervisor walton. Present. And supervisor yee. Present. Mr. President , all members are present. Thank you. Please place your right hand over your heart and would you please join me in the reciting of the pledge of allegiance. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. On behalf of the board, i would like to acknowledge that the staff records each of our meetings and make transcripts available to the public online. Madam clerk, are there any communications . Yes, mr. President. In the event that there are a few members of the public who are watching this meeting, we jilwill say due to the covid19 emergency, the board is pratting in this meeting Via Teleconference and are participating to the same extent as if they were physically present. To the members of the public, when general Public Comment is called, you may contribute live comments for up to two minutes by dialing the following telephone number and ill provide it here, 888 2045984. And when prompted, enter the following access code 3501008 and when youre connected, youll receive a prompt to dial 1 and then 0 and youll be added to the queue to speak and make sure your location is quiet, that youre speaking clearly and slowly and you turn down your television. We also welcome the written Public Comment and please use the following email, board. Gov. Supervisors sfgov. Org or use the u. S. Postal service, board of supervisors, city hall, the number one, dr. Carlton b. Goodlett place, room 244 in San Francisco, california, 91402. Thank you, mr. President. Lets get started, madam clerk and lets go to item one. Item one is an ordinance to repeal ordinance numbers 3817 and 10219 and to reenact certain provisions by amending the administrative code to update the Hotel Conversion ordinance to aform th affirm tha determination. I dont see anybody on the roster. Madam clerk, please call the role. On item one pu role call . There are 11ay session. This ordinance has passed unanimously. Madam clerk, please call items two and three. Items two and three are two resolutions that approve amendment number one two to agreements between the richmond area services, inc, and the department of Public Health and item two is an agreement of Public Health services for health and youth and increase the agreement by 13. 4 million for a new total of 23. 5 million item 3 is to increase the agreement by 15 million for a new total of 26 million, a threeyear term extension, jul july 1st, 2018 through june 20, 2023. Madam clerk, please call the role. Items two and three role call . There are 11 ayes. Without objection, these resolutions are adopted unanimously. Madam clerk, the next item. Item 4 is a resolution to authorize the general manager of the public utilitys commission to execute an agreement with gei Consultants Inc for planning, design and planning support with an agreement amount not to exceed 11 million with an 11year term through april 2031. Madam clerk, please call the role. On item 4 role call . There are 11 ayes. Without objection, this resolution is adopted unanimously. And madam clerk, please call the next item. Item 5 is a resolution to retroactively authorize the Sheriffs Department to accept and expand an proximate 366,000 grant from the board of state and Community Corrections to assist local agencies for recruitment and training of corrections and probations personnel, adherence to standards from the bcc from jul, 2020. Maam da clerk clerk, pleasee role. On item 5 role call . Supervisor peskin, did you return . Mr. President , i will let the record show that supervisor peskin, unless he returns momentarily, was absent for the vote. Ok. There are ten ayes. This is adopted unanimously. Mr. President . Yes. Unless supervisor peskin has returned, he was absent for that vote. Correct. Ok. With a 100 vote and the motion of the resolution is adopted. Madam clerk, please call the next might. Item 6 is a resolution to approve a ground lease between the city and california barrels company for approximately 1. 6 acres of shoreline property adjacent to the patrero station power site or publically accessible open space for a 66year term for 1 base rent and to adopt the citing. This is number 6, right . Yes, mr. President. So the department requested for this item to be continued to the meeting of tuesday, april 14th, 2020. I would like to make that motion. Ok, is there a second . Seconded by who . Second. Mr. President , can you hold a moment . I received a message from supervisor peskin that he is not on the system right now. May can you assist supervisor pn to get back online . Yes. Well just pause momentarily. Sorry about that. No problem. Seconded by supervisor peskin, to continue this item to april 14, 2020. Ok. So without objection, this resolution is continued. Is this the ground lease on the california bail company . Thats correct. Sorry, this is all moving very slowly relative to the previous items where i got knocked off the call. Im happy to make a motion to rescind those items and volt again. Sure. Lets just take the ill take that position without objection. Without objection, this resolution is continued to the meeting of tuesday, april 14, 2020 and madam clerk, theres been a request to rescind item number 5. Ok. Is there a second . Second. Can you state your name when you shout it out . This is sandy fewer. Seconded by supervisor fewer. And without objection, then, the vote is rescinded. Madam clerk, please call the role on item number 5 item on 5, supervisor peskin. Aye. Supervisor preston . Aye. Supervisor ronan. Aye. Supervisor safaye. Aye. Supervisor stephanie. Aye and supervisor walton. Aye. Supervisor yee. Aye. Supervisor fewer. Aye. Supervisor haney. Aye. Supervisor mandlemn. Aye and marr is aye. Sorry, colleagues, i apologize. Without objection, the resolution is adopted unanimously. Lets go to item number 7. Item 7 is a resolution to retroactively authorize the office of the District Attorney to accept and expand a 452,000 grant from the california Governors Office of Emergency Services for the county Victim Services program of january 1st, 2020 through december 21st, 2020. Madam clerk, please call the role. Supervisor peskin. Aye. Supervisor preston. Aye. Supervisor ronan. Aye. Supervisor safaye. Aye. Supervisor stephanie. Aye. Supervisor walton. Aye. Supervisor ye. Aye. Supervisor fewer. Aye. Supervisor haney. Aye. Supervisor mandleman. Aye. Supervisor mar. Aye. There are 11 ayes. Without objection, this resolution is adopted unanimously. Please call the next item. Item 8 is a resolution to approve the First Amendment to the contract between the city is the tide center for support of Housing Management services at six city leased sites by the delivering innovation in support of housing programm program to e contract by four years through june 20, 2024 and increase the contract for a new total of 29. 5 million. Please call the role, madam clerk. On item 8, supervisor peskin. You may have said my name, but it was said slowly. If you said my name, its aye. Thank you. Supervisor preston. Aye. Supervisor ronen. Aye. Supervisor safaye. Aye. Supervisor stephanie. Aye. Supervisor walton. Aye. Supervisor yee. Aye. Supervisor fewer. Aye. Supervisor han earthquakes. Aye. An store mandleman. Aye. Supervisor mar. Aye. And there are 11 ayes. Without objection, this is adopted unanimously. Lets go to item 11. Mr. President , did you purposefully skip over item 9 . No. I thought i did it. So lets go to item 9. Item 9 is a resolution to approve the issuance and sale of the revenue obligations by the California Enterprise Development Authority in an aggregate privilege amount of 19 million to finance or refinance the acquisition, improvement or eequipping of educational and related facilities to be owned and operated by San Francisco University High school. Madam clerk, please call the role. On item 9 role call . Aspca. There are 11 ayes. Without objection, this is adopted unanimously. Now we can go to item 11. Item 11 was considered by the government audit and Oversight Committee at a special meeting on monday, march 30th and forwarded to the board as a committee report, the resolution to approve the settlement of the unlitigated claim filed by brian carmedy against the city and county of San Francisco for 369,000. The claim relates to the circumstances regarding a series of search warrants obtained by the Police Department. Mr. President , this is aaron peskin, im too old to figure out how to use this thing, about but i want to say that i would like to thank chair mar and the gao committee for forwarding this to the full board. I do want to note that during the coronavirus period that this was ashamed city and county of San Francisco and im delighted that were settling this case. And i hope that we never in this town ever again suppress the rights of the free press. Ok. No other comments and then madam clerk, please call the role. role call . On item 11 role call . There are 11 ayes. Without objection, this is adopted unanimously. Madam clerk, please go to item number 12. Item 12 was considered by the rules committee at a special meeting on monday, march 30th, and was forwarded as a committee report. Its and ordinance to amend the administrative code to establish the American Indian cultural district in the Mission District. Supervisor ye, this is supervisor pressson an preston d like to be added as a cosponsor. I know that supervisor peskin is having a hard time noting to speak. Supervisor peskin, im here. No, thats not what i said. What i said, if youre having a hard time trying to get on the roster, thats fine, but if you could note that you want to be on the roster to speak, please do that. I see that supervisor ronan may want to speak. Thats right. Thank you so much, president yee. I really appreciate everyone for hearing this item today. This legislation will establish the first ever American Indian cultural district in the city and county of San Francisco. For many years, American Indian culture and history in the San Francisco bay area has been jeopardized not only by racism that the community has had to contend with but by the cost of living, the lack of Affordable Housing and the lack of Community Space for cultural gatherings and events. They will provide a recognised home base for the Indian Community of sanfrancisco to ensure the contributions are not forgotten or overridden. The cultural district is in the Mission District in the deloris neighborhood that spanses districts 8 and 9 from sanchez to fulsome street. This region holds a unique concentration of historic events, cultural resources, services and gathering spaces that are of significant present and historical presence to the Indian American community in the San Francisco bay area. In light of the ongoing Public Health emergency facing or city, establishing the American Indian cultural district right now will provide critical funding to support coordination efforts that theyre connected necessary to navigate in crisis. In a few months as things return to normal, i plan to introduce an amendment to expand the boundaries of the cultural district beyond that is encompassed in this legislation. While theres Broad Community support for the boundaries of the cultural district, this would delay our incorporat abilo disperse funding. So we are bringing forward the proposed boundaries to provide the cultural district with resources as quickly as possible. I want to call out the Incredible Community leaders from the American Indian community who have worked so hard on this, together with my incredible legislative aid, paul monhay. I think this was his first piece of legislation in my office and i know its become extremely important to him. I cant thank you enough, paul, for all of your work. I do want to say that during yesterdays committee meeting, for some reason there was about eight people from the community waiting to give Public Comment and it didnt work so we can figure that out and troubleshoot that later. But i want to call out a few of the key leaders who have been working with us on this and really give me the extreme privilege of being able to carry this legislation on their behalf. Sharia sosap, april mcgillan and helen wakazoo from the Friendship House and a special thank you, as well, to julia sabori, our own city staff from the Mayors Office of housing and community development. I also want to thank all of my cosponsors. I think were getting close to unanimous support for this item and i thank you all for that. And thats all. Ok, thank you. Madam clerk, role call. role call . On item 12 supervisor peskin. Madam clerk, one moment while i access the calendar. As it regards to item 12, i would like to add my words to supervisor ronen, as the individual who worked for native tribes for many, many years, i would like to salute her and the native American Community for everything they are doing. This is something that has been a long time in coming and i really, really appreciate it on behalf of the lake pyuo tribe and to the native peoples in the northern end of this peninsula. Thank you so much. So then that would be peskin, aye . That would be an aye. Thank you. Supervisor preston. Aye. Supervisor ronen. Aye. Supervisor safaye. Aye. Supervisor stephanie. Aye. Supervisor walton. Aye. Supervisor ye. Aye. Supervisor fewer. Aye. Supervisor haney. Aye. Supervisor mandleman. Aye. Supervisor mar. Aye. There are 11 ayes. This item is passed unanimously on first pass. Lets go to role call for introductions. Role call for introductions. Supervisor peskin, youre first up to introduce new business. Rerefer, please. Ok, thank you. Supervisor preston. Submit. Thank you. Supervisor ronen. Submit. Supervisor safaye. Thank you, madam clerk. I have two things to talk about today and the first is a resolution tharesolution i worke sfmta is the transit workers urging both party expose the pae agency to continue working together to prioritize muni safety and to develop additional policies that protect our operators during this time of crisis on the front lines, getting essential workers back and forth and other individuals around the city that need to be out during this time. I want to thank sfmta director jeff tumlin and roger morenko for working together. We came to an agreement this weekend to allow and made this public and were boarding only with the exception of seniors and other persons with disabilities that need access through the front door, telling operators to enforce social distancing and to limit the number of passengers per bus. The union and the leadership will continue to Work Together to allow more operator discretion in these times during this crisis and thankfully, this stimulus package that came down will be a big benefit to allowing muni to continue and our local bar to continue. So this resolution is introduced today with the full support of the union and i hope my colleagues will support it. The second thing i wanted to talk about was ive asked all of the representatives from the major delivery apps doing work and business with our restaurants to continue our restaurants to keep going. Theres been some concern about the cost of fees and commissions during this time. Weve asked all of those parties to come together so that we can be in a room and work on solutions. So that while revenue has dropped for these restaurants, theyre continuing to feed people that are continuing to feed our community and keep people to work and we have to ensure that the fees theyre being charged are not so astronomical and that is a driver and not allowing them to stay in business. Is many of them have already offered waiving of commission completely for new businesses that sign up with their companies. We would like to explore what they intend to do with the existing businesses. Well continue that conversation. And the rest i submit. Thank you, supervisor. Supervisor stephanie. Thank you, madam clerk. Colleagues, im introducing two resolutions that dres address Domestic Abuse during the coronavirus. Anyone sheltering in place with an of abuser can call the natiol domestic hotline for help at 800 7997233 or you can also text loveis and thats loveis at online at www. Thehotline. Org. The women inc support line in San Francisco is also available at 877 3843578. Women inc offers peer counseling, safety planning and referrals for needed resources. And all of these services are available 24 7 free of charge. I make a point to mention this because while requirements that residents shelter in place are essential to Public Health, staying home is not always the safest option for survivors of United States<\/a> of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. On behalf of the board, i would like to acknowledge that the staff records each of our meetings and make transcripts available to the public online. Madam clerk, are there any communications . Yes, mr. President. In the event that there are a few members of the public who are watching this meeting, we jilwill say due to the covid19 emergency, the board is pratting in this meeting Via Teleconference<\/a> and are participating to the same extent as if they were physically present. To the members of the public, when general Public Comment<\/a> is called, you may contribute live comments for up to two minutes by dialing the following telephone number and ill provide it here, 888 2045984. And when prompted, enter the following access code 3501008 and when youre connected, youll receive a prompt to dial 1 and then 0 and youll be added to the queue to speak and make sure your location is quiet, that youre speaking clearly and slowly and you turn down your television. We also welcome the written Public Comment<\/a> and please use the following email, board. Gov. Supervisors sfgov. Org or use the u. S. Postal service, board of supervisors, city hall, the number one, dr. Carlton b. Goodlett place, room 244 in San Francisco<\/a>, california, 91402. Thank you, mr. President. Lets get started, madam clerk and lets go to item one. Item one is an ordinance to repeal ordinance numbers 3817 and 10219 and to reenact certain provisions by amending the administrative code to update the Hotel Conversion<\/a> ordinance to aform th affirm tha determination. I dont see anybody on the roster. Madam clerk, please call the role. On item one pu role call . There are 11ay session. This ordinance has passed unanimously. Madam clerk, please call items two and three. Items two and three are two resolutions that approve amendment number one two to agreements between the richmond area services, inc, and the department of Public Health<\/a> and item two is an agreement of Public Health<\/a> services for health and youth and increase the agreement by 13. 4 million for a new total of 23. 5 million item 3 is to increase the agreement by 15 million for a new total of 26 million, a threeyear term extension, jul july 1st, 2018 through june 20, 2023. Madam clerk, please call the role. Items two and three role call . There are 11 ayes. Without objection, these resolutions are adopted unanimously. Madam clerk, the next item. Item 4 is a resolution to authorize the general manager of the public utilitys commission to execute an agreement with gei Consultants Inc<\/a> for planning, design and planning support with an agreement amount not to exceed 11 million with an 11year term through april 2031. Madam clerk, please call the role. On item 4 role call . There are 11 ayes. Without objection, this resolution is adopted unanimously. And madam clerk, please call the next item. Item 5 is a resolution to retroactively authorize the Sheriffs Department<\/a> to accept and expand an proximate 366,000 grant from the board of state and Community Corrections<\/a> to assist local agencies for recruitment and training of corrections and probations personnel, adherence to standards from the bcc from jul, 2020. Maam da clerk clerk, pleasee role. On item 5 role call . Supervisor peskin, did you return . Mr. President , i will let the record show that supervisor peskin, unless he returns momentarily, was absent for the vote. Ok. There are ten ayes. This is adopted unanimously. Mr. President . Yes. Unless supervisor peskin has returned, he was absent for that vote. Correct. Ok. With a 100 vote and the motion of the resolution is adopted. Madam clerk, please call the next might. Item 6 is a resolution to approve a ground lease between the city and california barrels company for approximately 1. 6 acres of shoreline property adjacent to the patrero station power site or publically accessible open space for a 66year term for 1 base rent and to adopt the citing. This is number 6, right . Yes, mr. President. So the department requested for this item to be continued to the meeting of tuesday, april 14th, 2020. I would like to make that motion. Ok, is there a second . Seconded by who . Second. Mr. President , can you hold a moment . I received a message from supervisor peskin that he is not on the system right now. May can you assist supervisor pn to get back online . Yes. Well just pause momentarily. Sorry about that. No problem. Seconded by supervisor peskin, to continue this item to april 14, 2020. Ok. So without objection, this resolution is continued. Is this the ground lease on the california bail company . Thats correct. Sorry, this is all moving very slowly relative to the previous items where i got knocked off the call. Im happy to make a motion to rescind those items and volt again. Sure. Lets just take the ill take that position without objection. Without objection, this resolution is continued to the meeting of tuesday, april 14, 2020 and madam clerk, theres been a request to rescind item number 5. Ok. Is there a second . Second. Can you state your name when you shout it out . This is sandy fewer. Seconded by supervisor fewer. And without objection, then, the vote is rescinded. Madam clerk, please call the role on item number 5 item on 5, supervisor peskin. Aye. Supervisor preston . Aye. Supervisor ronan. Aye. Supervisor safaye. Aye. Supervisor stephanie. Aye and supervisor walton. Aye. Supervisor yee. Aye. Supervisor fewer. Aye. Supervisor haney. Aye. Supervisor mandlemn. Aye and marr is aye. Sorry, colleagues, i apologize. Without objection, the resolution is adopted unanimously. Lets go to item number 7. Item 7 is a resolution to retroactively authorize the office of the District Attorney<\/a> to accept and expand a 452,000 grant from the california Governors Office<\/a> of Emergency Services<\/a> for the county Victim Services<\/a> program of january 1st, 2020 through december 21st, 2020. Madam clerk, please call the role. Supervisor peskin. Aye. Supervisor preston. Aye. Supervisor ronan. Aye. Supervisor safaye. Aye. Supervisor stephanie. Aye. Supervisor walton. Aye. Supervisor ye. Aye. Supervisor fewer. Aye. Supervisor haney. Aye. Supervisor mandleman. Aye. Supervisor mar. Aye. There are 11 ayes. Without objection, this resolution is adopted unanimously. Please call the next item. Item 8 is a resolution to approve the First Amendment<\/a> to the contract between the city is the tide center for support of Housing Management<\/a> services at six city leased sites by the delivering innovation in support of housing programm program to e contract by four years through june 20, 2024 and increase the contract for a new total of 29. 5 million. Please call the role, madam clerk. On item 8, supervisor peskin. You may have said my name, but it was said slowly. If you said my name, its aye. Thank you. Supervisor preston. Aye. Supervisor ronen. Aye. Supervisor safaye. Aye. Supervisor stephanie. Aye. Supervisor walton. Aye. Supervisor yee. Aye. Supervisor fewer. Aye. Supervisor han earthquakes. Aye. An store mandleman. Aye. Supervisor mar. Aye. And there are 11 ayes. Without objection, this is adopted unanimously. Lets go to item 11. Mr. President , did you purposefully skip over item 9 . No. I thought i did it. So lets go to item 9. Item 9 is a resolution to approve the issuance and sale of the revenue obligations by the California Enterprise Development Authority<\/a> in an aggregate privilege amount of 19 million to finance or refinance the acquisition, improvement or eequipping of educational and related facilities to be owned and operated by San Francisco<\/a> University High<\/a> school. Madam clerk, please call the role. On item 9 role call . Aspca. There are 11 ayes. Without objection, this is adopted unanimously. Now we can go to item 11. Item 11 was considered by the government audit and Oversight Committee<\/a> at a special meeting on monday, march 30th and forwarded to the board as a committee report, the resolution to approve the settlement of the unlitigated claim filed by brian carmedy against the city and county of San Francisco<\/a> for 369,000. The claim relates to the circumstances regarding a series of search warrants obtained by the Police Department<\/a>. Mr. President , this is aaron peskin, im too old to figure out how to use this thing, about but i want to say that i would like to thank chair mar and the gao committee for forwarding this to the full board. I do want to note that during the coronavirus period that this was ashamed city and county of San Francisco<\/a> and im delighted that were settling this case. And i hope that we never in this town ever again suppress the rights of the free press. Ok. No other comments and then madam clerk, please call the role. role call . On item 11 role call . There are 11 ayes. Without objection, this is adopted unanimously. Madam clerk, please go to item number 12. Item 12 was considered by the rules committee at a special meeting on monday, march 30th, and was forwarded as a committee report. Its and ordinance to amend the administrative code to establish the American Indian<\/a> cultural district in the Mission District<\/a>. Supervisor ye, this is supervisor pressson an preston d like to be added as a cosponsor. I know that supervisor peskin is having a hard time noting to speak. Supervisor peskin, im here. No, thats not what i said. What i said, if youre having a hard time trying to get on the roster, thats fine, but if you could note that you want to be on the roster to speak, please do that. I see that supervisor ronan may want to speak. Thats right. Thank you so much, president yee. I really appreciate everyone for hearing this item today. This legislation will establish the first ever American Indian<\/a> cultural district in the city and county of San Francisco<\/a>. For many years, American Indian<\/a> culture and history in the San Francisco<\/a> bay area has been jeopardized not only by racism that the community has had to contend with but by the cost of living, the lack of Affordable Housing<\/a> and the lack of Community Space<\/a> for cultural gatherings and events. They will provide a recognised home base for the Indian Community<\/a> of sanfrancisco to ensure the contributions are not forgotten or overridden. The cultural district is in the Mission District<\/a> in the deloris neighborhood that spanses districts 8 and 9 from sanchez to fulsome street. This region holds a unique concentration of historic events, cultural resources, services and gathering spaces that are of significant present and historical presence to the Indian American<\/a> community in the San Francisco<\/a> bay area. In light of the ongoing Public Health<\/a> emergency facing or city, establishing the American Indian<\/a> cultural district right now will provide critical funding to support coordination efforts that theyre connected necessary to navigate in crisis. In a few months as things return to normal, i plan to introduce an amendment to expand the boundaries of the cultural district beyond that is encompassed in this legislation. While theres Broad Community<\/a> support for the boundaries of the cultural district, this would delay our incorporat abilo disperse funding. So we are bringing forward the proposed boundaries to provide the cultural district with resources as quickly as possible. I want to call out the Incredible Community<\/a> leaders from the American Indian<\/a> community who have worked so hard on this, together with my incredible legislative aid, paul monhay. I think this was his first piece of legislation in my office and i know its become extremely important to him. I cant thank you enough, paul, for all of your work. I do want to say that during yesterdays committee meeting, for some reason there was about eight people from the community waiting to give Public Comment<\/a> and it didnt work so we can figure that out and troubleshoot that later. But i want to call out a few of the key leaders who have been working with us on this and really give me the extreme privilege of being able to carry this legislation on their behalf. Sharia sosap, april mcgillan and helen wakazoo from the Friendship House<\/a> and a special thank you, as well, to julia sabori, our own city staff from the Mayors Office<\/a> of housing and community development. I also want to thank all of my cosponsors. I think were getting close to unanimous support for this item and i thank you all for that. And thats all. Ok, thank you. Madam clerk, role call. role call . On item 12 supervisor peskin. Madam clerk, one moment while i access the calendar. As it regards to item 12, i would like to add my words to supervisor ronen, as the individual who worked for native tribes for many, many years, i would like to salute her and the native American Community<\/a> for everything they are doing. This is something that has been a long time in coming and i really, really appreciate it on behalf of the lake pyuo tribe and to the native peoples in the northern end of this peninsula. Thank you so much. So then that would be peskin, aye . That would be an aye. Thank you. Supervisor preston. Aye. Supervisor ronen. Aye. Supervisor safaye. Aye. Supervisor stephanie. Aye. Supervisor walton. Aye. Supervisor ye. Aye. Supervisor fewer. Aye. Supervisor haney. Aye. Supervisor mandleman. Aye. Supervisor mar. Aye. There are 11 ayes. This item is passed unanimously on first pass. Lets go to role call for introductions. Role call for introductions. Supervisor peskin, youre first up to introduce new business. Rerefer, please. Ok, thank you. Supervisor preston. Submit. Thank you. Supervisor ronen. Submit. Supervisor safaye. Thank you, madam clerk. I have two things to talk about today and the first is a resolution tharesolution i worke sfmta is the transit workers urging both party expose the pae agency to continue working together to prioritize muni safety and to develop additional policies that protect our operators during this time of crisis on the front lines, getting essential workers back and forth and other individuals around the city that need to be out during this time. I want to thank sfmta director jeff tumlin and roger morenko for working together. We came to an agreement this weekend to allow and made this public and were boarding only with the exception of seniors and other persons with disabilities that need access through the front door, telling operators to enforce social distancing and to limit the number of passengers per bus. The union and the leadership will continue to Work Together<\/a> to allow more operator discretion in these times during this crisis and thankfully, this stimulus package that came down will be a big benefit to allowing muni to continue and our local bar to continue. So this resolution is introduced today with the full support of the union and i hope my colleagues will support it. The second thing i wanted to talk about was ive asked all of the representatives from the major delivery apps doing work and business with our restaurants to continue our restaurants to keep going. Theres been some concern about the cost of fees and commissions during this time. Weve asked all of those parties to come together so that we can be in a room and work on solutions. So that while revenue has dropped for these restaurants, theyre continuing to feed people that are continuing to feed our community and keep people to work and we have to ensure that the fees theyre being charged are not so astronomical and that is a driver and not allowing them to stay in business. Is many of them have already offered waiving of commission completely for new businesses that sign up with their companies. We would like to explore what they intend to do with the existing businesses. Well continue that conversation. And the rest i submit. Thank you, supervisor. Supervisor stephanie. Thank you, madam clerk. Colleagues, im introducing two resolutions that dres address Domestic Abuse<\/a> during the coronavirus. Anyone sheltering in place with an of abuser can call the natiol domestic hotline for help at 800 7997233 or you can also text loveis and thats loveis at online at www. Thehotline. Org. The women inc support line in San Francisco<\/a> is also available at 877 3843578. Women inc offers peer counseling, safety planning and referrals for needed resources. And all of these services are available 24 7 free of charge. I make a point to mention this because while requirements that residents shelter in place are essential to Public Health<\/a>, staying home is not always the safest option for survivors of Domestic Violence<\/a>, many of whom live with their abusers. The first resolution im introducing today is to reaffirm the board of supervisors support for survivors of Domestic Violence<\/a>, alzheimers well aas well asthe citys timel time. Those survivors of all genders and Service Providers<\/a> have reported an increased need for services over the past few weeks while we have all been sheltering in place. Between the periods of march 1st to march 10th and march 11th to march 25th, for example, calls to help to the women inc support line more than doubled as the support line experienced an increase in 130 . Iand while more people need help at this time, our Service Providers<\/a> in San Francisco<\/a>, which are equipped to provide assistance in an extremely wide variety of different situations in households of all compositions are under incredible strain. Calls are up and the coronavirus pandemic has increased the cost of doing business for Service Providers<\/a> by requiring that organizations and shelters increase their stocks of food, essential supplies and products that allow their staff to work remotely. At the same time, the department of women whose grants fund many of these organizations has been instructed for the operation budget. We know this pandemic having very real impacts on our local economy and these cuts may strain Service Providers<\/a> Financial Resources<\/a> and destabilize the essential organizations and the communities that depend on them. I will continue. Our Service Providers<\/a> are more essential now than ever and we must continue to support them by highlighting the important work they continue to do and by ensuring that the city departments continue to invest in their work. Doing so will make clear to survivors that we take their experiences seriously. I would like to thank Beverly Upton<\/a> with the Violence Consortium<\/a> and all providers for the lifesaving work they are providing and i want to thank you for your time yesterday on our calm. Call. I am urging county Health Officials<\/a> in the bay area to evaluate the Public Health<\/a> threat of allowing gun stores to continue to operate as essential businesses and to determine what legal restrictions can be put on their operations to present Public Health<\/a>. The coronavirus pandemic has caused a surge of 360 in interest in purchasing guns, with firearm sale around the bay area spiking shortly after it was announced that residents would be required to shelter in place. The nra has induced such panic buying by engaging in reckless fearmongering to scare more people into buying guns, but we know that more guns do not keep people safe. As nearly 400 million civilianowned guns in the United States<\/a> have not stopped 40,000 annual deaths and thousands more. When 4. 6 million children live in homes with loaded guns and an average of eight children are killed a day, the second cause of death, this is clearly a Public Health<\/a> problem. And with many in the bay area forced to stay home with their abusers, Domestic Violence<\/a> can become even more dangerous as gun ownership increases. Over half of the Mass Shootings<\/a> in country are related to Domestic Violence<\/a> and over half of women killed by Domestic Abuse<\/a>rs in the United States<\/a> are killed with guns. If youre a woman in the United States<\/a>, you are 16 times to die by an intimate partner than other country. Trauma surgeons in sanfrancisco say this relates in homicides and suicides and we cannot spare hospital resources for resources such as these and we cannot ignore the Public Health<\/a> consequences of allowing panicked buying of guns and ammunition to continue. I hope youll join me in calling on our neighboring counties to likewise recognise these Public Health<\/a> threats is strive to make sure that our Regional Medical<\/a> infrastructure is not overburdened by preventible deaths and injuries related to gun violence. The rest i submit. Thank you. I cant hear you, madam clerk. Thank you, supervisor walton. Apologizing to you, supervisor stephanie, it came online and we were having trouble with the amber alert cutting off the need, so apologies. From time to time, that might happen. Next is supervisor walton. Thank you, madam clerk. Colleagues, today i am introducing two ordinances, but dont worry i will be brief. The first is to create an Emergency Family Relief Fund<\/a> that will provide 500 a month to families who do not qualify for any federal or state stimulus or benefits and experiencing extreme hardships during this pandemic due to loss of income. I would like to thank my cosponsors, supervisor ronen, supervisor yee, supervisor mar, supervisor haney, and supervisor preston for your support on this. As we know, covid19 has created a threat threat to the economic stability of San Francisco<\/a> residents and San Francisco<\/a> families and especially our immigrant families who work in the Service Industry<\/a> such as restaurants, retail, cleaning and janitorial services. These families who may not qualify for any state or federal Relief Program<\/a> require immediate Economic Relief<\/a> to survive the short and longterm effects of the outbreak. The city and the state are doing a lot to try to protect our most vulnerable populations who are experiencing economic hardships due to loss of income. However, many of these programs and initiatives leave out certain populations and this program is designed to catch those families that may fall through the cracks. The Emergency Relief Fund<\/a> will include immigrants and undocumented immigrants who have children or dependents under the age of 18, as well as families with parents who are independent contractors who do not qualify for other benefits. So there will be three parts of this legislation. First, we are introducing an emergency ordinance that will be in immediate effect once it is passed and signed by the mayor and this will expire 60 days after it comes into effect. Second, we are introducing a complementary ordinance to extend this program through the course of the pandemic as long as mayor breed has a state of emergency in place. Once the state of emergency is lifted, it will extend for 60 days to allow families to get back on their feet. Lastly, with this, we are introducing a supplemental appropriation from the reserve fund to this program. We have been in talks with the human rights commission, the office of recollectio civic affh other departments such as office of economic and workforce development. And the last thing i am introducing a resolution to urge state and federal agencies to funds caltrain so they can remain operational and budget decline due to covid19 and affirming the role caltrain plays in transporting people to essential services. And this resolution is also cosponsored by supervisor peskin. The rest i submit. Thank you, supervisor walton. Supervisor yee. Colleagues, as you know, youre well aware of property taxes are due next week, april 10th, 2020. Given the shelterinplace order and the public closure of city hall, we are unable to provide taxpayers the ability to pay their taxes in person. It has come to our attention that late payments would accrue penalties unless the board officially closes the treasurer, Tax Collector<\/a>rers in person payment location. Therefore, i am introducing a resolution along with supervisors safaye, supervisor stephanie, supervisor yee, that they are not penalized. We understand this is a difficult time for many residents. But we are encouraging those who are able to pay online to do so. But for those who cannot, you should not be fined when it is physically impossible to pay in person i want to emphasize that, unfortunately, the city is unable to defer your property taxes as this is the state issue. However, this resolution will ensure that you are not accruing penalty fees while a shelter in place is in order and while the Tax Collector<\/a> office is closed partnership know that many Property Owners<\/a> will likely need more relief. If you need to waive the penalties after the Tax Collector<\/a>s office reopen, you will be able to request such a waiver and the office is working to make that process as simple as possible. I am introducing this resolution as an imperative agenda item today because of the fastapproaching deadlines. I believe there would be public harm if we do not act quickly and, unfortunately, this legal issue did not come to our attention before the publication of today agenc todays agenda. I hope i can count on your support to pass this imperative resolution later today. We will have treasurer, Tax Collector<\/a>collectors people lateo answer questions you might have. Also colleagues, will be introducing another motion today to concur with the mayors sixth and seventh supplements to the emergency orders. One of these supplements includes a new revised timeline for the budget process. I know we are receiving information very rapidly and so i want to provide everyone the time to review it before we vote on anyon on this. This. This will be on next weeks agenda for a vote and it is important for this board to take action within a reasonable time frame so that the emergency orders are able to be ratified and worked out, if necessary. The rest i submit. Thank you, mr. President. Next on role call is supervisor fewer. Yes, madam clerk. Thank you to my colleagues and the rest i submit. Thank you, supervisor. So supervisor han earthquakes. Ey. Thank you, madam clerk. I have one resolution which is urging the department of public works and the department of Public Health<\/a> to significantly increase bathroom and handwashing station access to the federal guidelines during the state of emergency. I think the social isolation is key to the curbing of the virus but for those living on the streets of San Francisco<\/a>, implementing these recommendations is currently nearly impossible. The cdc found that covid19 virus is actually present in the feces of infected individuals. It is more imperative that this moves quickly to make sure we provide those living outside adequate access to bathrooms and firmly, according to dpw, we have 25 public bathrooms through the Pitstop Program<\/a> and only three operating 25 hours a day. We there are 5,000 people on te streets and this makes for one bathroom to every twohoused people. The unhcr and bath access in cases of emergency and in refugee camps across the globe are one bathroom. So given the sharp contrast between the recommended standard expect reality of the situation on our streets, this resolution will urge dpw and dph to have handwashing station access and the recommendation u. N. Would be closer to at least 50 or one bathroom per 50 people and hopefully with the support of dpw, we can see a baseline standard for access that people have to critical sanitation hygiene. The rest i submit. Thank you, supervisor han earthquakes. Ey. Supervisor mamdleman. Thank you, madam clerk. Colleagues, today im urging the United States<\/a> food is Drug Administration<\/a> to end the federal ban on blood by gay men and women. This allows men to have sex with men to donate blood without restrictions and this is all the more unacceptable to blood banks across the country with a severe blood shortage as a result of the covid19 pandemic and the resulting shall take place with the these orders. inaudible . They were requesting the elimination of this band and there were 17 u. S. Senators, including kamala harris, Tammy Baldwin<\/a> and Amy Klobuchar<\/a> and corey booker pai inaudible . I hope this body will join them where the blood donations are desperately needed. There are two bills for residential and commercial and i want to thank supervisor walton and Assembly Bill<\/a> 828 by phil chang with scott weiner would establish a moratorium on closures and all types of residential evictions, until 15 days after the lifting of the emergency poin. It would establish a Recovery Period<\/a> during which an eviction for nonpayment of rent contested on the drowned grounds of hards. Senate bill 939 by scott weiner establishes a moratorium of a commercial business or nonprofit tenant until the governors bill is lifted. This would require a twothirds majority vote. And both would apply retroactively to the date of the governors declaration of emergency. I hope that through this resolution, sanfrancisco can help to speed the adoption of these critically needed protection for our states and cities and Small Businesses<\/a> and nonprofits and the rest i submit. Thank you, supervisor mandleman. Apologies, i lost my there we are. Supervisor mar. Today i have two resolutions. One to support Small Businesses<\/a> making claims for Business Interruption<\/a> insurance and being denied by forprofi forprofit. All mom and pop have some interruption insurance. Small businesses have been paying into these policy for decades and Insurance Companies<\/a> have been profiting off of them for just as long. This is meant to protect Small Businesses<\/a> in times like these. Yet, when Small Businesses<\/a> are bleeding and suffering losses, private insurers hit them gun witagainwith a denial letter. They say this requires a payout. And yet, it is widely known and accepted that the virus is cable of surviving on surfaces for a prolonged period of time, spreading between people through these surfaces. We know covid19 is an extreme danger to the public and we recognise it does cause proper loss or damage to impacted businesses. The Insurance Companies<\/a> are denying coverage which is supposed to protect businesses when the government shuts businesses down to protect the public. As a local government, we know it was necessary to require all businesses to close down except essential businesses and we acknowledge that, because of the viruses interaction with physical surfaces, contaminated hands and respiratory droplets. Ultimately, the california insurance commissioner must make a determination that th what theyre using is unacceptable. We consider this a misrepresentation for any insured to deny coverage because the coronavirus has not caused property loss or damage. Here in San Francisco<\/a>, we support our Small Business<\/a> communities and will continue to leverage public resource tosss o support them and their workers. In these times, we must demand that the Insurance Companies<\/a> their very purpose, stop using predatory tactics and pay out on these claims. We need to step up for the Small Businesses<\/a> and health of the economy. I want to thank our sunset Small Businesses<\/a>, especially Buffy Mcguire<\/a> from java beach who brought this up at the Small Business<\/a> stakeholders meeting around covid19 and i want to thank the chamber of commerce in the Golden Gate Restaurant Association<\/a> for working with us on this issue. And thank you to supervisors ronen, walton and preston for cosponsoring. And secondly, im introducing a resolution, urging the governor to take immediate action to suspend iced intenses in california. Its humane to operate during the covid19 emergency. The threat of covid19 outbreak in immigration detention facilities is dire and imminent. It is impossible to maintain social distance or selfquarantine making them some of the most vulnerable to Coronavirus Infections<\/a> and we cannot count on the federal administration with this i irresponsible behaviour and the welfare of individuals in immigration detention. Therefore, im urging the state to do everything in its power to protect all of california and halt the separation and detention of families. With this resolution, im urge the governor to number one, call for the reflexe release of immin detention and halt the expansion of all immigrant pension immediately and to suspend the transfer of individuals from californias custody to ice. I hope you join me in supporting Community Members<\/a> who live in in these facilities at this time. I would like to thank my colleagues and i would like to thank the Broad Coalition<\/a> calling for statewide action, including in the aclu of california, the San Francisco<\/a> medical society and immigrant defense advocates, District Attorney<\/a> budine and a particular thanks to the San Francisco<\/a> dreamer and economic and immigrant justice advocate who we worked with closely on this resolution. The rest i submit. Thank you, supervisor mar and supervisor peskin. You have to be referred. Thank you, madam clerk. To you madam clerk and to the staff of the Clerks Office<\/a>, i can only say profound thanks to wilson ing who has been incredible at the Emergency Operations<\/a> centre. I have no words for my colleagues who have been at the emergency wards for the last two weeks, i cannot thank you enough. Our city appears to be a little bit ahead of the flattening of the curve and to the mayor and our Health Officials<\/a>, i cannot say anything more profound than thank you. To my colleagues who are working on every aspect of this, i cannot thank you enough. To all of our frustrations that were experiencing, whether theyre at the department of Public Health<\/a> or at our hsa department and many other departments, everything that youre doing and everything were expressing on behalf the constituents in the face of a pandemic, i love you guys all and were all doing the right thing. Madam clerk, the way you have allowed democracy to happen over these Computer Systems<\/a> is remarkable and i really appreciate that and i hope that a lot of people call in as we have this conversation publically. There are a number of things i would like to talk about publically. Publically, i think that is remarkably important that im saying this to the Mayors Office<\/a> that theres a lot of things that are happening that should be in the public realm and that should be stressed publically. We all get the numbers every morning as to the additional amounts of diagnosed cases and deaths, but we are not putting that out in a way that is important enough and we should do that for the public. Weve no got the smartest peopln america and we should share or data with our people and she dod do that now. I wanted to say that on the record and to all of my colleagues, to supervisor walton, who has come up with something for people who are not going to be protected by the Trump Administration<\/a>, thank you, sir. I think we all have a lot of tough decisions to make in the days ahead. Im going to make those with you and ive been around here for 20 years. Its going to be really tough sledding and i dont want to borrow out of our reserves until we have to. I would like to cut things in realtime right now and that is all i have to say for my little period of this. All of the rest, madam clerk, i will submit. Thank you, supervisor peskin and the thanks you gave to the Clerks Office<\/a> belongs to the staff of the clerk and Media Services<\/a> and dt. And madam clerk, let me call them out by name, john ce, thank you, sir, arthur coo, john carroll, thank you, sir. I dont have a list in front of me. Alyssasimara. All of you guys, thank you so much. What youre doing so profoundly important. Mr. President , i believe supervisor safaye wanted to rerefer. Supervisor . Thank you, thank you, mr. President. I wanted to clarify one thing. I am also a cosponsor on supervisor waltons leas relied and both supervisor mar and preston were cosponsors, as well, thank you. Thank you. Mr. President , i believe that concludes the introduction of new business. Ok, what i would like to do is go ahead and go directly to item number 25, because we have a a committe committee of the wg and in order to have that, we need to pass item number 25. So can you call item 25. Mr. President , i would like to rise this is aaron peskin to say that anybody who wants to contribute to the Chinese Hospital<\/a> can do so. If you would like to do so do we call role call back again . Yes, sir. I neglected to say, if anybody wants to contribute to the Chinese Hospital<\/a> do so at 415 9822400. Thank you. Ok. So were done with role call now and so, again, madam clerk, can you call item 25, out of order. Item 25, this is a motion to schedule the board of supervisors in a committee of a whole today, march 312,020th, during the special board of supervisors meeting to host a meeting for the city and county and city of San Francisco<\/a> as it relates to the Health Emergency<\/a> and statewide stayathome order and requesting the city controller to report and i would add that the good controller submitted the fiveyear Financial Plan<\/a> in addition to his presentation today which we have uploaded to the legistar program for anyone who wants to go to our website and to obtain the documents there. Ok. So colleagues, i call todays committee of the whole because there are many fastchanging circumstances in the stayathome orders are impacting our economy and the livelihoods of our residents. While our attention is on the Emergency Health<\/a> crisis before us, we all know that the Economic Impacts<\/a> will be long lasting and the mayor, cheer chr fewer and this board are working collectively to revise the usual budget schedule so we can provide more time and assessment in rolling out our next budget. As soon as our summer recess will be shortened, and as such and we will meet throughout the month of august, so we will meew budget timeline. I recognise that tomorrow morning we have a budget and appropriations meeting that will address the very same issues. But i feel that it is imperative that all 11 supervisors to receive this information together so that we can better understand collectively what our citys Economic Forecast<\/a> is to and to prepare for the recovery. There are going to be as even supervisor peskin, our most seasoned supervisor here has stated, there are going to be some tough decisions, difficult decisions that we need to make and i want us to be prepared so that we can provide a Sustainable Way<\/a> to this city forward. Before we get to the voting, the role call, i believe we should have Public Comment<\/a>s on this item only. So if theres any comments on item 25, which is directed to the committee of a whole report, you may indicate and madam clerk will indicate whether or not you have interested in speak on this item. Madam clerk. Yes, mr. President. Mr. Arthur coo, can you hear me and are there any members of the provide to provide Public Comment<\/a> specifically on item 25, the motion for the board to convinconvene in a committee ofe whole so that we can hear the good controls comments on the state of the financial impacts on the city due to the covid19 . Covid19 Health Emergency<\/a> . I have to reactivate and it will take a moment. If anyone would like to provide Public Comment<\/a> for this particular item, please press 1 and then 0 now. Is there a call el on the line for item 25 . Yes, we have a few callers. Please proceed, caller. You have six questions relating. Hi, this is david pilpel. I just wanted to support 25, scheduling a committee of a whole to discuss the fiscal situation relative to the virus. Ill have further comment when we take on item ten. Thank you. Thank you, mr. Pilpel. Is there another caller on the line for item 25 . Yes, let me queue the next caller. You have five questions remaining. My name is naval petrellis, and i am in favour of this motion and i believe the information we will get from the city controller will go a long way to providing transparency about how covid19 is affecting our entire city. Thank you. Thank you, mr. Petrellis. Im ready for the next caller. You have four questions remaining. Hi, im calling in to support the motion of 25. Yes, please proceed. Hi, im ivy mccleelan, im a long time San Francisco<\/a> activist and im calling to support item 25 to discuss as a board the Economic Impacts<\/a> of covid19. Thank you very much. Thank you for your comments. Is there another speaker, please . You have three questions remaining. Go ahead, speaker. Please provide your information, speaker. Is he still on the line . I believe he is but i dont know if he can hear us or not. Should i just queue the next caller . You have two questions remaining. Hi, im in the tenderloin and i would like inaudible . I think this is a goo a gooda to use the money we have to house the people and help them as much as possible at this time. Im not really worried about the fact that there is a covid thing going on, covid19, as much as im concerned the people on the streets, the fact they dont have no homes. Thank you, is there another caller. Yes, one caller left that i will cu queue now. You have one question remaining. Go ahead, speaker. inaudible . Youre welcome to provide your comment now. Where on the citys website is this report, the legislative report thats available to the public. Ill have my staff upload it to the website, sir. Its on the legistar system where all files are located, but to make it easier, well add it to the new section of our website. If you go to sf. Gop, you will find every piece of advice the city has to offer, so i would suggest you go there. Thank you. Does that conclude the public speakers on item 25 . Yes, it does. Thank you, sir. Mr. President. Ok, thank you very much. That concludes our Public Comment<\/a>s on item number 25. So madam clerk, lets take the role. Call the role on item number 25. role call . On item 25, supervisor peskin. Im muted, hold on. Aye. Supervisor preston. Aye. Rone. Aye. Safaye. Aye. Supervisor stephanie. Aye. Supervisor walt new york city. On. Aye. Supervisor yee. Aye. Supervisor haney. Aye. Supervisor mandle man. Aye. Supervisor mar. Aye. There are 11 ayes. Mr. President , president yee. Yes, supervisor peskin. I just want to tell all of my colleagues and clerk of the board and all of her staff that i love you guys so much and hang in. Madam clerk, lets go to our 3 00 p. M. Special board, the committee of the whole. Item 10, the board of supervisors sitting as a whole for a hearing on the financial impacts for the city as it relates to the Health Emergency<\/a> and statewide stayathome order requesting the city comptroller to report. Ok. Thank you. We are now sitting as a committee of the whole and we have today, mr. Ben rosenfield, our controller, presenting. Thank you, ben, and to your entire team for working tirelessly and countless hours on the Health Emergency<\/a> presponEmergency Response<\/a>and ko come. I want twe appreciate all you dr you being here today. Mr. Rosenfield, the floor is yours. Thank you, mr. President. And for the kind words. Earlier today our office, the boards, budget and legislative analysts and the mayors Budget Office<\/a> issued our updated projections of the current and upcoming current years calling this the joint report. Its available on our website at sfcontroler. Org and we provided this to each member of the board is im happy to be here to present an overview of it and i know we will be at budget and finance committee tomorrow, talking through more of the details. So very quickly, i will walk through an outline of the presentation and talk through some of the highlevel take aways from the report as we see it. Generally, today in the presentation ill talk both about Economic Impacts<\/a>, the city is feeling in the current fiscal year and tax revenue losses were experiencing in the current fiscal year as a city and then looking ahead to the next couple of fiscal years, what does some of this mean and what are the preliminary objections for the budget year that we have ahead of us. A couple of early Economic Impacts<\/a> which i think give a sense of the gravity of the local Economic Loss<\/a> and around the state thats occurred in the last two weeks. When we consider the number of San Francisco<\/a> businesses and the workers that are directly affected by the shelterinplace order, meaning that the businesses are ordered to fully close or partially close with obvious impacts on both businesses and workers, the count comes to 14,000 of San Francisco<\/a> businesses that employ about 166,000 people. Those businesses in an average month earn about 3 billion if revenue and their payroll comes to almost a billion dollars. So its very significant numbers. Looking at the high level for a minute and a lot of the data we see here will be lagging, but the most recent information we have on employment in state of california really relates to Unemployment Insurance<\/a> claims filed in the period from march 13th to march 25th. And during that period, over one million new jobless claims were filed in california. For a bit of context with approximately 20 million jobs in california, that likely means that unemployment in that twoweek period more than doubled in the state from about 4 at the end of february and is likely now approaching 10 , even as of march 25th. And our expectation looking ahead in coming weeks is that well see, unfortunately, continued surges in unemployment in the state and that we will likely by in the coming week be 10 of unemployment in the state and potentially close to 20 by the end of april. Theres a lot of forecasts occurring at the moment and weve been keeping our pulse whats been going on with them. Theyre a part of our typical process to project revenues for the city and a couple of take aways at the moment that a recession is near certain at this point if we are not already in one. Data is very limited for forecasters at the moment and we see that in different forecasters making different projections at different severity levels and so for the joint report that you have in front of you, at this point were using two scenarios looking ahead. And one is a more limited impact where we see severe losses in the coming three months and then a relatively rapid recovery beginning later in 2020. So a relatively quick recovery, a vshaped recession. We also have a more pessimistic extended impact scenario included in th in the report, an that case, we experience more losses and rather than three months or six months and the extended recovery after that is much slower. So kind of more of a ushaped recession. To give you a sense of how forecasts are changing and how much the deterioration has occurred, i thought it would be helpful to look at a major forecaster, moodies and their forecast growth, of gdp growth in the last couple of months. So this represents moodys forecast in january for calendar year 20 an 2020, you can see by continuing gdp growth through the year. They updated that forecast on march 23rd and you can see here a significant downward expectation for gdp in the Second Quarter<\/a> of the year, the quarter we start tomorrow and with gdp losses nationwide approaching 5 and then the beginning of the recoverying in the quarters after that. So that was on march 23rd. Four days later, they updated their forecast again and i think a lot of this speaks to the rate at which this Health Emergency<\/a> is progressing and the Economic Impacts<\/a> from it are becoming clearer. So four days later, they updated the projection and rather than in the most recent projection, rather than a 5 decrease, theyre expecting an 18 decline with a beginning of a recovery at the end of 2020, but a much slower one. You can see in the note, theres an upside and down sued i downs. They expect in the upside expect it would not return until 2022 and a slower recovery in their downside to 2025. And its obviously a rapidly evolving time for this sort of work. When we translate those, begin to translate some of those Economic Forecast<\/a>s into what it means for city revenue, we have two issues. The first are very sharp and immediate losses were feeling in the current fiscal year for our most economically sensitive taxes and those that are paid kind of on a monthly basis, where we will see the loss almost in realtime, the sales and parking taxes, transfer tax paid on commercial and other transactions and interest earnings that the city has available and were seeing significant losses in all of those. Other taxes, the impact of other taxes and the two largest ones in the general fund will delayed until next fiscal year and so we have some impacts were expecting from property tax in the current fiscal year and given the way that that tax is build and paid, similarly for business tax, we expect the impact of those not so much in the current fiscal year but the next one and the ones beyond. Our current range of estimates for the current year in the general fund are outlined on this slide. At the sixmonth mark, or last budget status report, we had reported about 98 million in improvement against our budget and the next section, though, outlines the very sharp and significant losses were not expecting weve seen in march and through the end of the fiscal year, between 311 million and 453 million in losses. Its lead there by hotel and transfer tax and sales tax. And you can see, again, that we have ranges here partially related to different expectations about how the Health Emergency<\/a> progresses and how it plays out here locally. We have some offsets from baselines that occur with revenues declining and that leaves us with a net expected shortfall in the current year of 167 million to 287 million. The impacts in the current fiscal year for the city arent limited to the general fund alone, so here ive highlighted some of our preliminary estimates of losses and enterprise funds. Most significantly, airport and mta suffering significantly. The port, a smaller number but a much smaller budget, obviously. And these are ones weve highlighted and we hav are workg for estimates and expect to see significant losses in building inspection, for example. We know theres losses in our Revenue Department<\/a> and our Public Utility Commission<\/a> and others and this gives you a sense of some of the other funds that are suffering in the current year. So if we look ahead, then, in these two scenario, more limited and extended through the coming two years, this is a high level summary of what the losses look like. The details and the assumptions that sit in our projection are detailed in the report itself, but all told, it comes to a little bit over 300 million in general fund losses in fy 2021 in a more limited duration, potentially as high as 600 million and you can see that those losses start to diminish but remain into 21 and 22. So cumulative losses between 700 and 1. 2 billion over the threeyear horizon. This last table summarizes how some of the pieces fit together. So in our previous projection in january, they projected 195 million shortfall in 2021 and 224 million shortfall in 2122. And so a more modest 419 combined shortfall over the twoyear period and when we layer these new revised revenues across this picture, the picture gets significantly worse. Approximately 1. 1 billion to 1. 7 billion cumulatively througt cumulative shortfalls occurring next year. I think its important for us to highlight things that arent included in this projection at this time. It is a moment of historic uncertainty regarding both city revenues and expenses and we want to be very explicit about that. First, these numbers dont include any costs associated with the response to the emergency itself. Were working all three of our offices are working to estimate those costs which are variable given the way the emergency plays out here and we would expect ranges and costs to you in an april update in these projections. Additionally, we expect to receive significant state and federal relief for many of those Emergency Response<\/a> expenses. Ill touch on some of the key parts of the system lis stimulu. These do not includ include lose would expect our retirement system to take as in the current fiscal year. That will translate into higher contributions for the city and our employees and not next fiscal year but beginning the fiscal year thereafter. And then second to last in april, we will provide a fuller update on all other Department Revenue<\/a> and expenditure trend. Theres always our joint reports, assume no budget actions and theyre status quo reports. If the city were on autopilot would would occur . So what would bring these numbers down . Spending reductions are not reflected that the city draws on reserves and we will include those in upcoming reports as the mayor and board take action. A couple of points on some of the key levers here. So reserves, think the good news here, if there is any is that the citys reserve position is better than it has been at any time in modern history and certainly better position than we were prior to the last two recessions. So we now have about 590 million in our rainy day and stabilization reserves that are designed to get spent in moments like this to help offset revenue. We have 150 million in general reserves and then we have other reserve balances available to help offset reductions and onetime programs and other need. This is a key part of the strategy to work through this challenge. I will note that while reserves are at historic highs, though, they wilso will soften budget i. And then lastly, i thought i would touch on a couple of key elements of the federal stimulus and state stimulus bills that have passed thus far and i know there will be more discussion of these tomorrow at the Budget Committee<\/a>. But there are key pieces of relief both for private businesses, workers and local government itself in these bills, in particular the federal stimulus bill that was passed last week, late last week. There is expansion of paid sick leave for many, but not all workers and there is a significant expansion of Unemployment Insurance<\/a> and an extension of it. And there is a 350 billion allocation for Small Business<\/a> loans, some of which are in the form of grants and individual household payments to many americans. As it relates to the local government and public relief, these are the big things were working on. We dont yet have allocation schemes and that will be something well keep the mayor is board updated on as we know more. But we know that the president has declared a National Emergency<\/a> and the governor has declared a statewide emergency and were able to access the Disaster Relief<\/a> funds for some of our engine expenses related e emergency. In the federal stimulus bill, we know there was 150 allocation to cover emergencyrelated expenses for state and local governments and there was another allocation to help transit agencies bridge revenue losses occurring and there are other markets in the stimulus bill for hospitals and Healthcare Systems<\/a> that we are hopeful to benefit from and then, of course, literally dozens and dozens of allocations were tracking down more and we should know more before our update to this report point. This was a quick tour of the report and i would be happy to answer my questions. Any questions . So mr. Rosenfield, the estimate that you gave in terms of that reserve, you say it would soften the blow on the impact of the budget. I guess theres a request coming from Different Directions<\/a> to spend some of that reserve on supplemental items down the pike. The report as weve produced it today makes no assumption about draws from reserves. I was noting the balances we have available in the reserve will be a key part of the strategy to carry the city through these revenue losses. So no, i dont think its accounted for spending against those reserves. So it could get worse than what youre showing us . It is preliminary and we will update these monthly for you expect mayor as we work through this. These are the current estimates and i am hopeful that we will be on the more optimistic side, but it would not surprise me in any way if future updates show worsening. Every update we have done over the last month has accounted for new losses we were not thinking of even a week before. I see. Supervisor peskin, are you on the roster . Yes, sir, thank you mr. President. And through the president to our controller, as it relates to the estimates you have set forth in the coronavirus period, does that account for various things that me and my board are proposing . No, it, these numbers dont include any expense associated with the response, whether that would be costing incurred by the department of Public Health<\/a>, by the eoc or others to ramp up the response to this, nor other proposals from the mayor and board to help with the current emergency. And so, as you stated that as to the eoc response, the Emergency Operation<\/a> centre centeoperation centerresponse, e numbers youre giving us . Because theyre burning money like nobodys business everyday. Those costs are still unknown to us. Were working to model them and i think theyre likely to be in the tens of millions of dollars over the remaining fiscal year and well report back to the mayor and board as we understand them better and certainly include them in our april update. And through the president to the controller as it relates to very well meaning proposals for many of my colleagues, those are not included herein . Thats correct. To my colleagues and members of the public, i believe we can in the confines of a 12 billion budget propose things and cut things. Mr. Controller, do you believe that you can propose to us cuts that we could make that would allow, for instance, supervisor waltons proposal as it related to undocumented pop undocumenteo forward without jeopardizing the numbers you just gave us . Were obviously here to help with Financial Advice<\/a> or assistance for members of the board for the mayor, for departments as we work through this. So i would be happy to help with individual proposals. I think its inevitable well be working on such proposals to cover some of the challenges we see ahead regardless of whether they are for new proposals or simply to maintain what we have today. So through the president to the controller, if i asked you for 10 million of easy cuts, what would you propose . [ laughter ] i dont know that i could answer that here, supervisor, but i would be happy to work with your budget and legislative analysts, the mayors Budget Office<\/a> on, frankly, that ten million and the hundreds of millions that will follow it. Theres no such thing as easy cuts. Right. So supervisor walton, through to the president , to the controller, how do you feel about the symphony, the opera and the ballet, sir, and whats that worth . It would make sense for me to do homework on that and report back to you supervisor. Those are obviously choices like all others that are available to you. And were three quarters of the year through a fiscal year at this point, and so the balance is unencumbered in any program and whether its those or others will be unlimited. The answer is about 3 million. Well, i believe the allocation for those organizations is 3 to 4 million for the year, but with threequarters of the year expired, at least for the current year, value would be more limited. [ laughter ] do you have any other good, lowhangin fruit . None to report today. Wow, you should run for office. You are done, supervisor. Yes. Supervisor fewer. No, quite frankly, you should not run for office. I give you that advice as someone who has run for office. But a question for the controller, mr. Rosenfield, i want to thank you for your informative and sobering presentation. I am clear as budget chair we will have difficult decisions before us to get a balanced budget for the fiscal year and coming two years. Tomorrow at our 10 00 a. M. Appropriate committee, i am inviting everyone of my colleagues to join for a continued discussion on the citys economic budget. Weve noticed the meeting as a possible committee of the whole to allow any and all supervisors to join. I invite you to come is urg ande you to continue this conversation. Weve asked the Budgets Office<\/a> to give an overview of the new budget timeline announced today and give give an overview of thf learelief efforts on the covid9 response and much hal of that spending. I know my office has been in touch with the Budget Office<\/a> this year and we will be maintain be chose communication. I will be updating the budget appropriations calendar and releasing principles to guide how as a body we are approaching the budget processes this year. We cannot simply take this same approach to our budget given the enormous shortfall we are facing. And we cannot leave San Francisco<\/a> out in the cold as they struggle through the crisis. The board and mayor and city departments must Work Together<\/a> in collaboration to maintain essential City Services<\/a> and protect our most vulnerable residents. Thank you very much and again, i look forward to seeing or hearing from all of you tomorrow at the Budget Committee<\/a> and again, thank you to city controller. Supervisor peskin. Thank you, president yee. And thank you mr. Rosenfield, to you and your staff for all of your work and grappling with these really disturbing numbers that are not looking better by the day, each day. But i do want to ask about what you are tracking in terms of state federal legislative action. Theres obviously a lot of different proposals and a lot of talk out there, but i think it would be helpful to know what youre watching that, in your opinion, would be making the most difference in terms of the proposals that are currently pending. Most of the focus has been understanding the 2 billion stimulus billion and how theyll work so we can advocate on behalf of the city to maximize revenues there. The single largest allocation that will help the government respond is the 150 billion allocation for state and local governments. A large portion of that and the formulas that measure to determine which are closed to what dollar measures and the formulas determine how the calculation of sanfrancisco will work and were looking forward to seeing the details of that, of those allocations and are working to do that. And thats the most significant number that i think were hoping to see by the time i report back to you. Theres obviously, though, dozens and dozens of different allocations in that program to help us respond and endure parts of this allocation for Public Health<\/a> hospitals and Healthcare Systems<\/a> and theres allocations Homeless Services<\/a> and congregate shelter in that bill. Theres a number of different bills that were watching. So our focus this week has been predominantly on the federal stimulus bill, understanding whats coming, in what dollars and what speed, because obviously, time matters here. Thank you. Are you done supervisor pekin . I am, president yee. Since maybe nobody else is having this issue under screen, but somebodys screen is showing on the screen. So can we recheck on that . Supervisor ronr. En. Yes, thank you. Are there any large projects that weve put on hold due to the crisis that, perhaps, were going to either no longer pursue or push back that are on this horizon that might save money . Just any thoughts of some of the larger really expensive projects that i know often have money dedicated only to them and so it doesnt necessarily help the general fund, you know, situation . Im just curious. I think that will be the first place to look. Shortly after the release of the joint report today, the Mayors Office<\/a> issued instructions about their approach to the current fiscal year and i believe miss kirkpatrick will be there tomorrow at committee to talk about that. I think a big piece of the tone was pausing, pausing nonessential capital projects. Do you mean wednesday, not tomorrow. I believe theyre one in the same. Tomorrow is wednesday, supervisor peskin. Its pausing Large Capital<\/a> projects that are nonessential, pausing new programming, potentially, thats nonessential and the rest until we can get our arms around things. And kelly will report on that tomorrow . I believe so. On some of the initial thinking around that. Ok, thank you. Thank you. Supervisor haney, i believe. Can you see me . Yes. And thank you, ben. I had a question about this fiscal year, sort of along the lines, not so much with the bigger projects, but when will you start to be able to make projections about spending this year and how its changed . I imagine were spending more on some things and less on some things and i know youre looking at it as consistent. But we should able to see trends with regard to spending. You think thats right, supervisor. I think theres two parts were working on with multiyear analysts. One is, what i does spending on the emergency itself and how does that ramp up in the coming weeks and month exposs and whats that cost . Secondly, looking at underlying trends for department operations, tiring slowdowns that at the moment there is no nonessential hiring happening in the city and that should result in savings in the departments in the coming year. And we would normally be doing that at this time and well include that in our next update in april. So usually our three offices produce this outlook in march and then, we dont produce another one until november. This year, our three offices are planning to update the same projection a month from now and it will include a lot of that information. Supervisor mar. Thank you so much, mr. Rosenfield, for the presentation and i look forward to the polar discussion at the Budget Committee<\/a> tomorrow. I have a question for the budget setasides and how they relate to the figures we presented. I know we have quite its my understanding 30 of our revenue is dedicated to important purposes through approved budgets set aside and maybe all of them have some provision where the budget setsides can be more flexible during situations like this. Thats right, supervisor mar. So kind of baselines behave a couple of different ways in moments like this. Decline and discretionary revenues mean that many of the baselines by a math formula also decline. And so on some of the slides i was highlighting earlier, we have a general fund revenue loss thats offset to send money to a number of positive baseline services. And so that is one piece of general fund relief that we will see. A couple of the more recent baselines by the voters additionally have a recession. If this is higher than 200 million, and it certainly is, that those baseline allocations are frozen at the current level and they dont grow for a bit of time and so that will be one piece of relief we will see. Its comparatively small in the scheme of numbers. Its only included within the last several setasides and not the majority of them. Supervisor mar, youre muted. Youre saying even when there is a limit, even in times of budget shortfalls, its a limit to how much increases . Thats basically right. We can prepare a summary to show how different baselines react. But we havent had the time to do that yet and that would be responsive to the question youre asking. Thank you. Thank you. Supervisor walton. Thank you, president ye and thane andthank you so much for s presentation. Just two questions. One is, as i look at slide ten and i see select enterprise funds. Is there a particular reason why the sfpc is not on here . Only that these were the three facing the largest impacts that we are seeing at the moment. There are certainly revenue losses that will be occurring at the puc. There are losses that well be feeling at department of building inspection and others and we were highlighting the three more significant at the moment. Thank you. And then, as i look at slide 13 and i note that we dont know what resources are coming to the city and county from any type of federal or state release. Do we have an idea in terms of what we will be able to use resources for . Like, if we decided to use reserve funding to address some of the legislation or some of the strategies that were putting in place, do we know if well be able to replenish anything from whats being proposed and forthcoming . Its a question question andt were dryin dry trying to undert are the limitations on their use is how flexible are they . I would expect to know more in the coming were. Coming week. Its clear it can be used to offset revenue losses. Like is the case for the transit money in the bill . In others, it appears to be limited to only emergencyrelated expenditures and thats part of what were trying to understand. Thank you, if i ask that question again tomorrow, its only for the public. Understood. So i dont see anybody else on the roster right now. Mr. President . Yes,. Peksskin. Is there anybody here from the Mayors Office<\/a> in. Yes. Can you advise the legislative branch or government how this is going, please. My understanding, and im not the expert on this and i can get back to you with more updated information, that as of this morning, we had 400 rooms under lease with a plan to get up to 1,000 by the end of the week. And then there are others that are under negotiation, but we are not yet able to put a number on those at this time. So miss kitler, on behalf of 1 11th of the legislative wrath of thbranch of the governe executive branch of the government, these are very disappointing numbers. As somebody involved in the acquisition effort, if we do not acquire thousands of rooms by wednesday, were going to be a part of the problem and i am happy to aid the executive branch in that effort, but one you tell me these numbers, theyre profoundly disappointing. With that, mr. President , i have nothing more to say. Ok. I thank you for that question. And supervisor haney. Thank you. Along those lines, when there are things that the mayor or the Public Health<\/a> officials are being required to spend on like the nohotel acquisition. We heard 1,000 this week and there could be thousands more that need to be acquired, i would imagine that under the emergency authority, theres some ability to spend on these different critical priorities. And how exactly does that operate in terms of authorizing that spending and sort of spending in new areas . Is that being tracked specifically in some way and if you can speak a little bit about how spending is being done generally on these emergency priorities . Certainly. As is the case for all emergencies, although this is to scale and its different than any i have worked on before, in authorizing the emergency, the mayor has broad discretion to reallocate appropriations that have been approved to meet new emergency purposes. And were transferring appropriations previously approved to meet these new emergency needs. We are tracking them as they are occurred in special cost centers so we can tell you how much is spent and then typically, at the close of an emergency, a cleanup appropriation comes back to the board of supervisors for approval that reorganizes money into the right buckets. Thats the typical for an earthquake or otherwise. But thats generally how spending works right now. We can see what weve spent. So ben, how do you report that to the board . I can do it in whatever way feels appropriate. The challenge isnt so much at the moment understanding what weve spent, looking in the rearview mirror. Its understanding the spending thats coming that were focused on at the moment. So i dont know whos turn it is right now. Supervisor haney, are you still on in. Ill all done, thank you. Supervisor safaye. Thank you,. President. And i wanted to ask a question, i know there were no Health Orders<\/a> pertaining to construction and i wanted to know if the projections that you had taken into consideration had accounted for additional reductions in the amount of the industry and the revenue and so forth generated from the finality of those projects. I presented some numbers earlier in my presentation regarding the number of businesses and jobs that are implicated by the shelterinplace order and those are for the order that existed prior to today. We had not had a chance to update that work for todays order. We will do that. Do you have any thoughts about that currently or are you going to wait and see what the overall number is . I know that the order said it would allow Affordable Housing<\/a> to go housing that has an affordable component, construction that could continue to happen and then it talked about the public work side. But i think im more concerned about the private side, since that is where often fees are generated in terms of when projects come to final completion and through the process of construction. I understand your concern and no, we have had not time to reviews todays order and implicate that for city finances. Thank you. So i see that we have supervisor ronen and this is not a specific tar target to you. Can you stick to what the agenda is . Supervisor ronen . Sure. Ben, i was wondering in followup to supervisor haneys question on the mayors emergency spending during this crisis, can you explain a little bit how the decisions are being made around the spending dollars . That question probably better goes to the department of Emergency Management<\/a> or the Mayors Office<\/a>. Is sophia able to answer the question. Can you repeat the question . Sure. How the decisions are made and prioritized for the spending and the reporting of philanthropic dollars and how many philanthropic dollars into the sf care account and how decisions on how to spend that money is made . Thank you, supervisor. I do not have information right now but i can get back to you before the end of the meeting on how were reporting out to the number of dollars we have raised. As far as how it is being determined, i believe it is a combination of the controls office who are raising money across the three buckets of food insecurity, housing and financial insecurity. And typically how that gets allocated is largely up to the discretion of the donor. Although, certainly, it gets administered across those if they dont make a specific request, it kind of goes to the highest needs, but that is determined by the control controller rosenfield, maybe you can fill this in, but the city administrators and controller. But i do not have numbers, but i can get those for you. Can you explain that a little bit . Its something i dont have ready at the top of my mind. We have about 40 people in the controllaries officcontrollers s falls in the finance branch this my deputy is in charge of and i can get answers for you, supervisor, and report back. I dont know them here today. Ok, thank you. Appreciate it. Supervisor peski thanks. N. My computer is running slowly so i didnt hear the last part of that. I would say people donating things to the city is a little clunky and com bersom cumbersomi believe brian strong understands that and from the mayor to the colleagues on the board to the general public are trying to bring resources in to the eoc and it has been very cumbersome and clunky to optimize that function in our government and i really appreciate what supervisor ronen is saying. So i dont think i have to flip that back to ben. Its probably more on Brian Strongs<\/a> department, but we should have a very public conversation about how people can donate to the city, how those resources are going to be redistributed. Thank you, supervisor peskin. I think theres nobody else on the roster for questions and lets go to Public Comment<\/a> on this particular item. Madam clerk, can we get members of the public, if theres any that would like to speak to this item. Yes, mr. President. Thank you. Mr. Coo, any speakers on the line for item 10 . Let me check. If you would like speak on this item, please press 1 and then 0 now. Again, well give it is couple of seconds here. I have one caller and i will queue him up. You have two questions remaining. I would like to support this revolution, item 10. Could you just read the summary one more time for clarity . Madam clerk. Can you read the summary of the item . Yes. Item 10, thank you. Item 10 is the board of Supervisors Committee<\/a> of the whole to hear the financial impacts for the city as it relates to the Health Emergency<\/a> and the stayathome order and to have the controller report on the health of the city. So would the speaker like to make any comments . No, i wouldnt. I support it. Thank you. Thank you very much. Next speaker. I think there was one more . You have two questions remaining. Hi, can you hear me . Yes. Its david pilpel calling again. I appreciate bens comprehensive presentation given the information we have now. I appreciate very much that its already on legistar and available to the public, along with the joint report update and now the joint fiveyear plan. And i appreciate the questions that where asked about the levels of uncertainty and deferring or canceling nonessential projects. I recognised that there may very well be reductions in services in some areas and redeployment to other areas which might, in turn, trigger layoffs for which the dhr should update their procedures, since we havent had to do that in some time. I appreciate there will be more discussion tomorrow at the Budget Committee<\/a> and thereafter. I just wanted to follow up with supervisor mars question about baseline transfers to the extent that there are some baselines that could be reduced below the current allocation rather than just freezing them, if thats a possible thing under this emergency, which would, in turn, put at risk certain baseline transfers. Anyway, this is all extremely serious and extremely difficult for all of us and the impact on City Services<\/a> at this point Going Forward<\/a>. This is critical and its unknown, and so i hope that were continue to have as much meaningful Public Participation<\/a> in these discussions. But i also want to close by appreciating the good work that everybody has been doing to keep it together here under extraordinary circumstances. Thanks very much. Supervisor peskin . Mr. President , through the president to david pilpel, who i went to college with, i would like to send him my personal records. Can we have the next speaker, please. You have one question remaining. This is the former treasure of the Libertarian Party<\/a> of San Francisco<\/a>. I want to call the boards attention to Assembly Board<\/a> 872, the public banking bill and this is a new tool available to municipalities, to county treasuries and the local Agency Investment<\/a> fund and state treasurys office, to really create more local money for purposes. Money is really a public utility and i know as a libertarian, im somewhat on a pariah in terms of advocating for public banking, because thats because most people dont understand money. Thats the city borrowing instead of the bridge loan and there were she unanimou shenanio through cash reports in terms of the way they bridged the funding. I kind of know what he will do. I have serious questions about his integrity, i really do. There hasnt been any movement into looking into the city cash provider Front Organization<\/a> that is going on and the most i can figure out, hes probably some sort of National Security<\/a> placeholder for gavin newsome. The thing bothering me is the talk of low hanging fruit without information. When we dash the opera, symphony and ballet, that sends a message as to who we are as a city and economy and it sends information about how these institutings get sales tax revenue and thats disturbing. I want to say, dont let a good crisis go to waste. Look at public banking, its a new tool and you should use it. Thank you, next speaker. You have zero questions remaining. Ok, then, hearing no other speakers, Public Comment<\/a> is now closed. Ok, i want to thank you. If there are no further comments from my colleagues, this hearing has been heard and now closed. Are we reconvening as the board of supervisors . Madam clerk, lets now go our adoption without Committee Reference<\/a>. Mr. President , i believe its time for Public Comment<\/a>, general Public Comment<\/a> before we take those items. Correct. At this time, the public may contribute live comments for up to two minutes by dialing the following telephone number and this is streaming across channel 26 is i believe on the live feed for the computer, if youre watching this meeting from your computer. 888 2045984 and thats 888 2045984 and when prompted, please enter the access code which is 3501008 and thats 3501008. And when you are connected, you will receive another prompt which is to dial 1 and then 0 to be added to the queue to speak and make sure youre calling from a quiet location. Speak clearly and slowly and turn down your television or radio. If you would rather submit your written comment, were happy to take that, as well. You can submit an email to board. Of. Supervisors sfgov. Org. Or you can just send something in the post, the u. S. Postal service. The board of supervisors, San Francisco<\/a> city hall, the number one, dr. Carlton b. Goodlet place, room 44, San Francisco<\/a>, california 91402. Ok, then, i guess the speakers will have two minutes. Anybody thats called in . I have four callers waiting. I will go ahead and cue the first caller. Thank you. You have seven questions remaining. I this is a essential that all of people in San Francisco<\/a> should be given hotel rooms during this crisis and not just the ones who become sick. Its absolutely impossible to live in shelters and on the streets, to be able to maintain safe distances between them. These people have to able to be housed safely. Theres 100 docks in the port of San Francisco<\/a>. Thank you. You have eight questions remaining. Can you hear me again . We can hear you. This is david pilpel calling again and i wanted to speak on two items, item 24 concurring in the mayors supplemental actions and i wanted to call attention to the third and fifth supplements as it relates to Public Meetings<\/a> and public records. I appreciate that those actions were very selective. I appreciate the city attorneys timely public advice on those topics, which are on the city attorneys website and i hope and trust that the mayor will be jud iricious and authorizing certain meetings during the past week and thus prohibiting all others and i hope that we will learn some lessons from these specific restrictions. You have eight questions remaining. Im salary and im a medical student at ucfs and i just wanted to say that one, i really appreciate the movement to end the blood donations with men having sex with men in the need for blood donations at this time and i want to support the resolution urging Public Health<\/a> orders to prioritize needs for people experiencing homelessness during the covid19 cry exist cd just urge everyone to act quickly to house homeless in San Francisco<\/a>. Thank you. Thank you for your comments. Were ready for the next questions. You have ten questions remaining. Yes, hello, supervisorring and good afternoon. This is matt subtler and i want to thank supervisor pe seconskis office for getting our loans pushed back. The sfpa sent out a member to the San Francisco<\/a> division stating that taxes are essential businesses from the 25th of march an. We want you to consider us and to keep us afloat. Right now we have 37 canceled and 18 occupied. inaudible . Thank you, caller for your comments. You have 13 questions remaining. Is there i a caller on the line . Yes, good afternoon. This is Beverly Upton<\/a> from the San Francisco<\/a> Violence Consortium<\/a>. I wanted to take this time in this unprecedented time of crisis to thank all of the supervisors and the Mayors Office<\/a> for keeping the city afloat. Thank you. We want to take today to thank you all for your support and certainly with the support of supervisor stephanie and her staff on the resolution to sustain services for Domestic Violence<\/a>, Sexual Assault<\/a> and trafficking. Im sure all of you have seen articles and pieces on the news about the increased danger of the Domestic Violence<\/a> of people housed, basically trapped at home with an abusive partner. Our services are here, but were going to need your help to make sure to meet the need, the calls are up, the need is very large. Thank you, next caller. This may be an expense proposal and the cost of doing nothing and allowing us, our society, to allow people to buy because theyre poor and we need to expect better from the city in this crisis. inaudible . You have 12 questions remaining. Is there a speaker on the line . Hi. Can you hear me . Yes. Thank you so much for everything, all of your hard work during this crisis and i really appreciate everything that the city has been able to do to support people in need in this time. I just wanted to echo everything that the previous callers have spoken to. Im Ivy Mcclellan<\/a> and i have a website for people facing this crisis of not being able to work and afford to pay rent in the bay area. I wanted to speak to the moratorium. One moment, theres a siren. While the moratorium is an important first step of People Living<\/a> paycheck to paycheck, its not enough for those living in constant peril due to the high cost of living in the bay area. At this point, i can only afford my very basic necessities from really urging the city to think about putting in place a rent freeze and that would include tenants, small home other thans and Business Owners<\/a>. In speaking to workers who are frontline which includes cornerstore workers and Grocery Store<\/a> clerks, and social workers, i wanted to say that we really need to think about hazard pay and extending sick leave and access to personal Protection Equipment<\/a> and we need to expand existing childcare to provide childcare to these essential businesses. Its the only way to get through this. You have ten questions remaining. Hi, im here. Please make your comments. The person before me took the words out of my mouth, im a musician in San Francisco<\/a> and i feel like a lot of the creatives have been driven out by high rents and while the Eviction Moratorium<\/a> is a great first step, its a bandaid and if were not put out by an eviction this month or next month, well get put out by six months of back rent that we owe. This is referencing item 22, of course. You have nine questions remaining. Im a resident in the tenderloin and i am calling to support. I have been emailing the Mayors Office<\/a> since march 12th. inaudible . Im urging people to get housing so that our Health System<\/a> does not become overwhelmed and i thank you. Thank you for your comments. You have eight questions remaining. Im a homeless advocate and an emt and i just wanted to thank mamdleman for proposing the resolution to urge the federal government to lift the ban on gay and bisexual men who have sex with other men to donate blood and i would like to urge the board of supervisors to pass item 20 because im a formerly Homeless Youth<\/a> and a lot of Homeless People<\/a> are my personal friends and im very worried about my friends during this crisis. I would like to urge the board of supervisors to pass the resolution and the for the mayor and hsh to implement said resolution. Thank you. I believe we need to seek a change and begin to make it. Thank you. Thank you for your comment. Is there any speaker orn the one line. You have six questions remaining. Is the caller ready to make comments . Yes, please. I am chair of the tenderloin Peoples Congress<\/a> and im commenting today about the legislation put forward to the resolution, rather, for congregate living settings in hotel rooms. I dont understand the delay in doing this. We have a major Public Health<\/a> crisis happening and i live in the tenderloin and see the disaster unfolding on our streets right now. In all of our efforts to work work pair folks need to be places where theyre safe and secure and shelter in place. The sidewalk is not a shelter in place. We need to do what we know is necessary. They can use the money for renting those hotel rooms to the city. Everyone i talk to believes this is the right thing to do. Im pressing the board of supervisors and the mayor to take action and take it immediately. Everyday you delay will be additional lives unnecessarily lost. One of my main secure is the insecurity skyrocketing among my neighbors, especially those who have chronic conditions and dont have meals. Im a huge support of the item to urge a Public Health<\/a> response to provide hotel space for Homeless People<\/a> at this time. When i look outside my window, people are still congregating and hanging out because they have no where else go. And so its very important to im surprised people havent been moved into private rooms. Thank you for your comments. Is the caller ready to make comments . Im evan owsky, i live in the Richmond District<\/a> and im urging the mayor and hsh to enact this. New orleans and oakland have moved people off the streets and theres been no progress here. Supervisor preston was able to get more than 20 people housed just with private donations and i dont understand why unsheltered people have not been house. People at ucla estimate that homeleshomeless individuals areo four times to need Critical Care<\/a> and two times likely to die when contracting coronavirus. People in crowded shelters are leaving people in grave danger and leaving all of us in grave danger. Even how friendly the mayor has been with the chamber of congress, i do not believe shes using her power to commandeer these rooms for emergency use. I support this resolution but we need something binding and need more action and transparency from the mayor. In addition, homeless suites whichomeless sweepshave still hd eyewitness reports. Sweeps need to stop immediately and if you dont want to listen to me, listen to the latest cdc guidelines. Thank you to the caller. Is the caller ready to make comments . Im Christopher Micha<\/a> and im a formerly homeless resident and live in district 6. I am with the homeless working group. I think its imperative that the board adopt resolution 20 to prioritize the needs of people, especially homelessness during this coronavirus. This is not a legitimate response to the covid crisis and a person cannot shelter in place in a 4 by 6 tent for two weeks. Im concerned about health and safety of the people on our streets. The director of Human Services<\/a> said getting people into rooms was not a priority. And i think that the administrations refusal to house Homeless People<\/a> in an pandemic amounts to what i believe is genocide of the core. People have died on the street and we cannot continue this way and now were in the middle of a pandemic and the city wants to be doing the same and thats absolutely unacceptable. I urge you all to thank you for your comments. You have four questions remaining. Please proceed. I am a resident in mr. Peskins district and i would like to highlight a few Different Things<\/a> and let you know that boots on the ground, ive been in contact on nextdoor. Com with the neighbors in the lower knob hill area and there have been a significant uptick of crime in the area, especially when people are walking of places of business, like trader joes, there are muggings that have been going up. I personally witnessed this with my husband yesterday. We were almost attacked and i want to say that the sfpd in conjunction with the supervisors and the District Attorney<\/a> need to come together to literally talk about this and maybe put a perimeter spacing of cops in neighborhoods that are rotated and especially when theyre near Grocery Store<\/a>s and anything that people need that is essential. God forbid, this happened to an ederly or disability person, that would be bad. There are people lurking and now that you cant see peoples faces through their covered masks and theyre all dressed up, you cannot tell who the bad person is or not. I would like to say that i am a music venue Live Entertainment<\/a> employee and i would like to address the Financial Plan<\/a>ning regarding item line number 10. In my household, were musicians and we have applied for the Artist Relief<\/a> plans that mayor london breed has proposed and i would like to see when those grants are going to be issued, the exact date and that needs to be fed for forth. Now that people have applied for this, how fast can we get the fundings to artists that really do need it, that are the creative, because we are definitely, you know, exhausted at this point. Also, regarding the department of public works in mr. Peskins district, as well as any other district, were seeing a lot of feces on the street and syringes. Maam, your two minutes has concluded. Thank you. You have four callers remaining. Is the caller ready to make their comments . Yes. Please proceed. Im harvey, district 4. I urge the board to vote yes to prioritize the need for public homeless. They say San Francisco<\/a> is leading the way with sheltener place, but thats a lie when 10,000 of our neighbors are in shelters and there are people who cant shelter in place. The choice facing this board, the mayor, hsh, hsa and the rest of the City Government<\/a> is clear. Do everything in our power to get people housed now or be complies iand thisis a matter o. Thank you. Thank you for your comments. You have three questions remaining. Is the speaker ready to make comments . Yes. Please proceed. First i run an organization in veterans alley. And im calling in support of supervisors hanye, ronan and peskin and walton for people experiencing homelessness during this crisis. Also i would request that the supervisors attempt to clarify what yar coordination between Te Department<\/a> of veteran affairs and our Public Health<\/a> Response Team<\/a> thats happening with the city now, because a lot of the federal resources that are available to veterans who are experiencing homelessness right now and if we had any proper connection between va and our team on the street today, we could help to alleviate some of the local burden of the veterans that are unhoused right now today. Thank you. Thank you for your comments. You have four questions remaining. Is the speaker prepared to make comments . Yes. Thank you very much, supervisors. Im the policy director at Compass Family Services<\/a> and im the cochair of the hopeless emergency Service Providers<\/a> association. I wanted to express our support, compass support for item 20, the resolution introduced to prioritize the need for people experiencing homelessness during the covid19 crisis. Theres a lot of strain or our system right now and people need a lot of support. Its extremely important to prioritize the people at high medical risk and those who are least able to selfisolate. Everybody deserves the dignity of practicing social distancing in place requirements that mayor breed has olderred and fo ordere living in our shelter system and other vulnerable people, you know, who find shelter and refuge in our essential services, this means getting them inside to the hotel rooms. We have the infrastructure and so it seems the most humanitarian and efficient solution to open those rooms up and to pay a reasonable fee after the fact to the hotel operators. We also ask that the city deploy coordinated guidance to the Shelter Systems<\/a>, to help us manage and keep people as safe as possible and we ask for guaranteed reimbursement for the staff operating our shelters and we ask for the immediate supports we need in terms of emergency supplies and assistance to serve our people and transfer them into the hotels where we hope theyll be placed. Thank you for your comments. You have three questions remaining. Speaker prepared to make comments . Yes, thank you. Im a resident of district 3. Im calling in support of the resolution related to housing, homeless and others who are living in congregate settings in private hotel rooms. I feel like when you look at what is going on in the rest of the country, the places where the virus has really ripped through communities has been in places where people live in congregate settings like Nursing Homes<\/a> and i feel like in this crisis that were this right now, there should not be anyone living on the street or living in congregate settings during this crisis. Its not safe. And Homeless People<\/a>, people who are currently living in shelter and mean currently living in congregate settings, it should be the highest priority for them to be placed in private settings, private hotel rooms. If services are needed to help people to be able to sheltener those private hotel rooms, they should be provided. But allowing people to keep louing in congregate settings wont be healthy for them and i hope we dont wait until its too late and someone in a congregate setting testses positive because it will be a strain or our medical system. Its not the right thing to do when we have the resources to make sure people have the right place to be when the virus is present in our community. Thank you. Thank you for your comments. You have two questions remaining. Is the speaker prepared to make comments . I want to let you know that it will be hard on people, for example, my husband doesnt have a job at this moment and i have a newborn and were kind of its difficult to see how were going pay this months rent or the ones coming up because of the coronavirus. So thats everything, thank you. Thank you for your comments. You have one question remaining. Is the speaker prepared to make comments . Yes, this is david elliot lewis, longtime tenderloin resident and i am, of course, in support of item 20, the resolution and im hoping that even more will be done, including maybe enabling legislation to bring Homeless People<\/a> off the street into shelter. I see them everyday living in tents or just sleeping on the sidewalk, often in close conditions and its heart breaking and so dangerous and lived would be lost and communities lost. These preventible if these people can be brought indoorses, at least for next few months during this outbreak. And any action you can take and i think legislative action is required to provide temporary indoor separate room shelters, not in a big auditorium but separate rooms to protect these vulnerable individuals. Youll be grateful in the long run for the lives saved. David elliot lewis from peoples tenderloin. You have one question remaining. Is the speaker prepared to make comments . Yes. Im do John Mccormack<\/a> and ia tenderloin activist. I think theres a lot of confusion why people dont turn out to vote and why people dont participate in the electoral process and i think that youre seeing the answers to those questions right now. The failure of our government to step up and house Homeless People<\/a> and house the people on the streets is pointing to a real systemic flaw and a real flaw in our basic forms of government, that they cannot respond to the most basic needs in times of crisis and think that this illustrates why people dont want to operate in the electoral process. I urge the supervisors to please adopt resolution 20. Im sorry that weve had to get to this point of Public Comment<\/a> for this to happen. This should have been instituted weeks ago. Our homeless should have been prioritized first. And i would like to thank supervisor preston for his leadership in taking private forums to house the people he has. Thank you to all for the leadership that youve shown in this process to house our homeless residents. We look to you for leadership in this city, where the mayor, i believe, has dropped the ball extremely hard. You want to gain public trust, do the right thing and house our homeless neighbors, thank you. Thank you for your comments. You have zero questions remaining. Ok, hearing no other speakers, Public Comment<\/a> is now closed. Madam clerk, let please call the adoption, the Committee Reference<\/a> calendar. Item 1524 were introduced for adoption without reference to committee. And a unanimous vote is required for the resolutions on first reading. Alternatively, any supervisor may require a resolution to go to committee on first read. Any of my colleagues like to sever any items . Im not noticing anybody wanting to sever anything so ok. I would like to sever item number 20. Dont forget, guys, or colleagues to maybe im just not doing this right. Give me a second here, ok. Anybody else want to sever anything . I want to sever number 22 and 23. For the remainder of items, can we have role call. Items 1524, 21 and 24, supervisor peskin. Pes kirkkin absent. Opinion role call . There are ten ayes. These resolutions are adopted unanimously. Madam clerk, lets call item number 20. Item 20, resolution to urge Public Health<\/a> noise . Somebody needs to mute their phone. Thank you, john. Item 20 is a resolution to urge Public Health<\/a> orders to prioritize the needs of people experiencing homelessness and to create clear guidelines for Homeless People<\/a>s health and safety during the covid19 crisis. I think theres clearly massive concern in our city among residents about how we are ensuring that people who are currently unhoused on our streets or in our shelters and navigate centres are able to stay safe and healthy by sheltering in place and staying home lining the rest of us. On this 15th day of the sheltinplace, there are 3,000 people in San Francisco<\/a> sleeping close to each other and over 8,000 people that dont have shelter and those have rates highewithUnderlying Health<\/a> condd dont have Healthcare Provider<\/a>s. This is a situation that is waiting for a disaster and we need much more urgent and Decisive Action<\/a> to get the vulnerable populations inside right now. San francisco has been a leader when it comes to taking the proactive step to clearing an Emergency Shelter<\/a> in place and even putting out the call for hotel rooms for medical quarantine. In santa clara county, 60 have moved and of course, the priority must continue to go to people who have tested positive and have nowhere to quarantine, but at the same time, we can do these and also have a clear mandate that depopulating must happen. This resolution urges a new Public Health<\/a> order that setting clear Public Health<\/a> guidance that private rooms shall be made available for people experiencing homelessness to prevent the spread of the virus and urges hsah to act more quickly and move people. I want to thank supervisors ronen, preston, peskin, walton, for pushing this issue day after day, for supervisor fewer and mar for cosponsor and there have been hundreds of people who did a prayer vigil, the coalition of homelessness and housing rights committee, and so many people who have come forward and clearly, this needs to be an urgent priority. We hope to see renewed action and i think that the clear message there this is that thereitsunacceptable to have s of people on the streets where they cannot keep themselves street and to have a situation where people are in shelters and they are just feet from each other in environments where we mow the virus can spread very quickly. So, again, this could not be more urgent and we need to see action sooner rather than later and this should have happened already, but every hour that goes by, this becomes more dangerous for the people who are on street, people in the shelters and everybody in San Francisco<\/a>. Thank you. Madam clerk, can we call the role on this . On item 20 role call . Peskin is absent. There are ten ay session. This is adopted unanimously. Madam clerk, call item 22. A resolution to call on the governor to impose an immediate moratorium on rent payments and call for the Trump Administration<\/a> for a moratorium on ren payments and legislators and the Trump Administration<\/a> to impose an immediate moratorium on rent and mortgage payments. Colleagues, i ask to sever this to add myself as a cosponsor and thats it. And so, tha madam clerk, pleasel the role on item 22. Item 22, supervisor peskin is absent. There are temperature ay session. Without objection, this resolution is adopted. Unanimously. 23 is a resolution to urge City Employees<\/a> not to use the terms chinese virus and wouhan virus and the use on the community. Thank you, madam clerk and thank you for indulging me. Thank you for unanimously cosponsor this to condemn the racism and xeno phobia we have been experiencing. We have a president and an administration that is scapegoals and inciting violence against asian Community Members<\/a>. Using terms like chinese flu, hue wuhan virus is racist. Know your email boston re boston flooded with support letters and i thank those who have been leading this campaign. I want to thank Deputy Director<\/a> cynthia chow and the legal team of perkins and kolle, especially allen lowell. There are a dozen organizations who have also taken a bold stand to support the asian American Community<\/a>. So thank you for doing that. Since it was teamed up with action pacific and planning consult to stop the aapi reporting center, there has been more than 650 incidents of harassment and eight speech and physical assaults nationwide. I know we think we are in a safe haven in San Francisco<\/a>, but many reports are happening right here. It has a chilling effect. We have members of our community who are fearful and leaving their homes because they might be targets. Theres enough to be anxious about during this pandemic. And being harassed for being asian should not be one of them. Racism is really contagious and we must continue to uphold San Francisco<\/a>s values of being welcoming, inclusive and safe for everyone. As a city, we will do everything we can to continue supporting our chinese and asian community. We are calling for all of San Francisco<\/a> to take a stand. If you see a person or business getting attacked, say something. If you open for if you are open for business, put up a sign to indicate that this is a hatefree zone and if you believe you have witnessed or experienced a hate crime, please report it to stopaapi8 reporting center. If you are a testimony o victimt crime, report it to 911 and lets continue to stand together. So madam clerk, will you call the role on this item. Item 23, supervisor peskin is absent. role call . There are ten ayes. This is adopted unanimously. Madam clerk. We have a resolution closing the city hall walkin property tax payment location of the treasure and Tax Collector<\/a> during the sheltinplace order. Thank you. Colleagues we, we have an imperative item to adopt by twothirds margin or eight votes before unanimous adoption on the item itself. Lets take the sunshine ordinance finding first. Is there a motion and a second that finds this resolution is either purely commendatory or for a serious injury finding approximately failurfinding . Fil . I make a motion. Who was that . That was me, sandra fewer. Motion made by supervisor fewer and seconded by walton. Madam clerk, can we have a role call. Youre muted, i believe. Sorry, yes, mr. President , you can take that without objection if there are eight votes for the findings. Can i take this without objection . Then motion passes. Now for the finding. Is are a motion that finds the need to take action came to the attention of the board after the agenda was posted and thus, a resolution meets the standards . I make a motion. Motion made by supervisor fewer and seconded by ronen. Supervisor ronen. Thank you. Can i take this motion without objection. Without objection, this motion passes. Madam clerk, i believe we can go to the substance of the imperative resolution itself. This will need a role call. Before we take a role call, can i make comments on why were doing this . Yes, absolutely. Colleagues, can we have the treasurer that would be available if you have any questions. As you are well aware, property taxes are due next friday. I am introducing this with the supervisors to close the tax office so that any late payments are not penalized. We understand this is a difficult time for many residents and so this is why were doing this. Unfortunately, the city is unpayable to defer your property taxes as this is a state issue. However, the resolution will ensure that you are not accruing penalty fees while the shelterinplace is in order and while the Tax Collector<\/a>s office is closed. I dont see any on the rosters. You have a question from mandleman. And then Public Comment<\/a>. Name is on the chat roster. Mr. Safaye. Thank you. Evacuee heard many of thoseweve directed by covid, whether its seniors in place or relying on income from family members or working families or whoever they may be, theyre in many cases having to make the decision between using savings to pay property taxes right now or worrying about having to incur late penalties and fees and so like you have, president yee, we weve work, i th working with te Treasurers Office<\/a> and until the office is open again, there would be no late fees and penalties incurred. Right now, under the order that weve put forward, the resolution we have put forward and the order that the mayor and the Health Director<\/a> have put in place, a new deadline would be made and that might be changed. But just want to thank you for putting this forward, colleagues and this is extremely important to a lot of working people and small Property Owners<\/a> that need this relief in the meantime and clarity that they wont incur a 10 late fee if they dont make the payment by april 10th. So thank you, president ye. This question is for the treasurer . Sure. Treasurer, are you online right now . I know we wont get you on video, but we should be able to get your voice. Or molly, if youre available, you could answer that, too, i suppose. This is molly from the office of treasury. Hopefully hell able to jump on and answer the question, but weve been talking with the Controllers Office<\/a> about this issue and we do not believe that this should present a cashflow concern to the city and that is obviously a question that is best handled by the controller rather than our office. Hell lets,. The a lot o seconthis is the s best managed by the controller, ben rosenfield. The city is under a lot of pressure initially and so weree urging everybody to please pay as soon as they can. While our offices are closed and were not able to accept inperson payments, we are accepting all payments made online or by mailing a check or money order through the us postal service. And i want to remind everybody that we are accepting property tax payments and urging everybody who has the ability to pay to please pay. So supervisor mandleman, were trying to get the controller back and i think he thought he was done. So if you want to wait, it may take a little while. I dont know if we can get a hold of him. Youre muted, supervisor. So i have also heard from many folks worried about that april 10th deadline and what i have been telling folks is that the Treasurers Office<\/a> was going to have a very broad waiver policy for covid19related hardships. And so it seems like this is moving in a different direction than is much broader and potentially will apply to everyone regardless of whether they have a covid hardship, including, you know, large corporate Property Owners<\/a> or others, right . Through supervisor mandelman through the chair. State law controls all property tax payments and collection and state law does allow treasure Tax Collector<\/a>s to waive penalties in the case of certain extenuating circumstances. And therefore, i want to be clear that weve also posted on our website that we understand that many people have had very severe impacts from this covid19 pandemic and we are urging anybody who is in that situation and therefore, unable to meet the property tax deadline whenever it is, whether its april 10th or another date, as set by the closure of the office, that if theyre not able to meet that deadline, they have a process whereby they can go on our website and fill out the penalty waiver online and request a waiver of the penalty by explaining their circumstances and how theyve been affected so i want to make sure that people know that and yes, supervisor mandleman, that is available to everyone, no matter when the deadline is. And wont kind of proof is required of hardship . It depends on the circumstances, supervisor. So were giving people the opportunity, of course, to attach any information and documentation they can and well try to make it easy for them to apply for this penalty waiver online and explain their situation to us and well get back to them as soon as possible. So i can see for the individual taxpayer, the appeal of having this sort of blanket extension through may 4th be much more attractive than having to try to prove to your office the hardship. Hardship . Well be understanding about peoples circumstances. We, of course, know that this pandemic has had broad and very tense impacts on a number of people and we want to make sure were understanding to waive the penalties wherever it makes sense. So you were supporting this and this is from you and the board president , yes . So we dont take a position. This is a matter for the board and the state law affords every county in the state the opportunity to adjust the due date by resolution if the county board of supervisors states that the Treasures Office<\/a> is closed. So its really a matter of the board to decide and i will just note that since the due date as it stands is not until april 10th, theres time for the board to consider this, hear back from the controller and still be able to ask, i presume, if theres a Board Meeting<\/a> next week in advance of the april 10th deadline. And just one last question. So my understanding is that for a lot of homeowners, their property tax is taken out each month by the Mortgage Company<\/a>, but there are a number of homeownership that pays that and that its held by the positioner companies. And would this no. I believe if you move the date, it moves the date for everybody and i would have to check with the attorneys to be selective about who the new date applies to. But my understanding is once the date is moved to another date, that it applies to everybody and it might delay when we would get those funds, as well. Those are some sort of Escrow Companies<\/a> youre describing that collect through each monthly mortgage payment for some Property Owners<\/a>, the amount of the taxes, and then they have it now in hand and theoretically, it would have probably all of those Funds Available<\/a> and will remit them to the county appropriately by the deadline whenever you guys decide that it is. So mr. Treasurer, maybe im confused now. For those that have mortgages and most people that have mortgages do pay into their regular amount every month or whatever, and the Mortgage Company<\/a> then turns around and pays the property tax and thats done electronically. And so, if theyre capable of doing that electronically, its ok, right . Yes, mr. President. , they will do that electronically, but i believe and we can make check wit attorneys on this, if theyre available to answer the question now. But my understanding is once the board moves the due date, its moved for all property tax owners in sanfrancisco and that would include the properties whose taxes are paid by an escrowtype company on behalf of the Company Owners<\/a> and it would move for them, as well. I guess what im saying is that it doesnt prevent people to pay by april 10th if they wanted to . Youre absolutely correct, mr. President. As i stated a minute ago, during this time, even while our office is closed and during the sheltinplace orders, our office is accepting property tax payments both online and individuals can pay online using a credit card, which does entail a fee or they can use whats called an echeck payment, whereby they pay using their Bank Account Number<\/a> and Bank Routing Number<\/a> and they can do an echeck for no charge, no additional cost to them. Or they can mail us a check or money order through the u. S. Mail in the envelope that they received in their property tax bill and as long we receive that by the deadline or postmarked by the deadline, then they will be paying on time. So we definitely are accepting payment at this time. Ok, so i dont want to confuse anybody, because the dialogue is confusing for someone listening. One can pay any time before the deadline. What were talking about is because of people that may not have mortgages, which is a lot of the seniors, and they choose to go down to your office, which not everybody does but quite a few people do, they go down and pay the property tax in person, because they dont have a mortgage and those are the people were trying to capture and not to penalize them, correct . That is correct, mr. President. Those are the people who would be supposedly impacted by our office being closed and by moving the dates to the first day, the due date to the first day after we open the office, the first day after we end the shelterinplace and closure of the office and that would give them an opportunity to pay in person, if thats the only way they have to pay fop. I hope to repeat to everybody, that i encourage everyone, no matter when theyre able to pay, to please pay online or through the mail and not necessarily have to rely on coming to our office. President yee . Who is this . This is ann pearson, can you hear me . Go ahead, deputy city attorney. I wanted to reiterate a point that was made earlier which is that if the board chooses to adopt this resolution, it needs to do so by april 10 proceeding. In light of the questions coming up, you could choose to not take action today and defer action until next week and till have time to take that action before april 10th. And the reasoning for that is because once we pass it, the mayor has to sign it, correct. Thats right. We would need to try to expedite the signature, but there would be still time to do that before. One day, correct . Well, i think the next meeting is the 7th. Yes. Three days, ok. President yee, this is osha. Go ahead. I mean, i think that the reason didnt th and the argumeu would make for doing the resolution today is because the Public Health<\/a> orders are extended and shelterinplace is extending through may 1 proceeding. If the office is closed and people cant make their payments, then, as i understand the law, and by that reasoning, they have to make it clear that theyre not going to impose any late penalties or fees on anybody. So this resolution actually makes clear now what the rules are now and nothing will change between now and next week and the health order has been stated, offices will be closed through may 1st, people quill continue to be encouraged with a shelterinplace and we dont want there to be any confusion and there is about getting the information out to those that rely heavily paying in person which i will tell you disproportionately my district pays in person. So i think it makes sense, the health order has been stated today and the office wont be reopened and because the office is not open on that date, then whether we do this resolution or not, the treasurer would have to make clear to everyone that no penalties or fees will be incurred until and after may 4th. Supervisor mandleman, i didnt mean to cut you off. No, you didnt cut me off. If it is the will of all of my colleauges go forward with this, i wont stand in the way with that. I do have certain. I do think this is functionally changing the deadline for payment of property tax and the treasurer has said that he will waive late payments where there is a hardship and it would be, think, nice to know just to confirm that this doesnt creatn in may rather than in april, that it doesnt create a cashflow problem. Understood. So i believe city controller, ben rossenfield, are you back. I am, mr. President. Did you get gift of the concern here . I believe so. To the board through the president , i guess theres a couple of issues that arise with the delays in property tax payments, whether theyre because of a closure of the Treasurers Office<\/a> or simply later payment. To start with, i think its important to remember that we the treasure is billing property tax, not just for the city and county of San Francisco<\/a> but for other tax amenities, the Bart Community<\/a> college and others in the city. And under our arrangement in state law, which we call the teeter plan, we are required to make those payments out to those other tax amenities regardless of when money is collected. And so that means that we will, with any delay, we will be fronting several hundred Million Dollars<\/a> to those entities in advance of the receipt of the revenues. The usual way in a teeter planned approach that the county is compensated for that is through penalties and interest. And so we get to keep the penalties and interest in return for advancing these funds and creating certainty for them. I think its loss of penalties and interest for remainder of the fiscal year. The cashflow issue, i think, is less severe and provided cash is received shortly after may 1 and thats less of a concern for me and i think for us and the only other issue to note here is that in some cases were billing and collecting other assessments on the property tax bills and so in some cases, if we are to delay receipt of property tax, we will need authority to make payments to advance money, for example, to Community Benefit<\/a> districts that in some cases are using proceeds were remitting to secure debt for other operating expenses. So, first of all, supervisor mamdleman, thank you for raising these issues and just to be clear, im the author, but it was brought to me in regards to asking me to carry this and i supported it. People like myself who have finished paying my mother an mod i go in and pay personally and to be truthful, when i get the tax bill, i throw away the envelopes. But fortunately, for the treasure, i pay the whole year in november or whatever. So i could just imagine, again, we have to balance this out, for those that may be in my category and they get anxious about, oh, my gosh, what am i going do . I cant seem to figure out how to pay this right now . I dont know how many people. Maybe theres own a few and i think were trying to get rid of some of the anxiety for these older people that already have other anxieties because of the virus. So if theres not enough clarification, we could continue this item until next week. And so, are there any comments from any of my colleagues around this issue . Before you talk, i want to say that even though we have three days, youre cutting everything very close and if were still worrying about those particular individuals that are in the category where they pay the mortgage, that youre creating a lot of work anxiet more anxietyg them know. So supervisor safaye. What im still confused aboum sorry. I guess what i want to overemphasize is the fact that the office that we know today is not going to be open all the way through may 4th and its clearly stated. My understanding is that the treasure would have to amend his statement to the public in terms of asking folks to fill out a hardship, but it would be stated that because the office is closed, no penalties would be incurred until may 4th. Sk. Jo secondse, are you still o . I am. Am i stating that correctly. Would you not have to just stay on your website, frequently asked questions or letting people know that no late fees and penalties will be incurred if they dont pay until may 4th . Supervisor, my understanding and again, i would refer to the attorneys who are the experts on what the state law says, my understanding is that we would not be, in effect, telling the people that there would be no penalties nearly because the office is closed. We cant do that until the board of supervisors passes the resolution performing that action and i believe thats stated under state law. What we would do, merely, is continue our statement to taxpayers that says if they have been impacted by this covid19 pandemic, they are allowed to submit a penalty waiver and we will consider their circumstances and hope to support them in that way. Ok, i guess i must have misunderstood you what you is i discussed yesterday. I thought you indicated you would be updating a website with that information. Supervisor, apologies if i wasnt clear. We cant make the change to the due date until the board of supervisors passes the resolution stating such and pointing to the office being closed as the reason for doing that. Again, thats my understanding of the california state law. Well, deputy city attorney, ann pearson, are you still there some. I am here, yes. You know, i am far from an expert in the state tax law, but my understanding of the state law here is that unless and until the board takes some action by resolution to close the office, the property taxes will become due on april 10t april 10th and if you take the action by resolution to affirm the decision to close the office, then those taxes will not become due until the next date that the office is open. We dont yet know when that bill be, but they will not become due until the reopening of the office. Even if we know when this emergency order thats been declared by the order that just came out today, thats made it very clear that everything is going to be closed until may 4th . It could be superceded by another order after that date, so the time when this office might be closed may be longer. We know now the duration of the existing stayathome order but we dont know if there will be another one to follow it. Thank you. I think at this point so much is in flux and unclear that the situation that tenants and Property Owners<\/a> are in at the moment is so dire that we have to take this chance and act and were going to be adjusting our budget over the next couple of months in countless ways, so that your original intention for this act and this resolution makes sense to me and im prepared to vote in favour of it today. So why dont we just go ahead and vote on this item, then. Madam clerk, can you call the role on the imperative. Yes, on the imperative item, supervisor peskin, absent. role call . There are ten ayes. Ok, then the you are correct, it is a resolution, mr. President. Ok, then this resolution is adopted unanimously. President yee, this is matt. I need to make a motion to rescind a vote. For what . For item number 19. So madam clerk, can we rescind a vote for all of items that we voted on or just one of them . Just rescinding on item 19 is appropriate. To urge the state and federal funding for the Bay Area Rapid<\/a> Transit District<\/a> in the Municipal Transportation Agency<\/a>. So any objection to this request . Hearing none, then the vote is rescinded. Supervisor haney, do you need to recall the item. Yes. So this item madam clerk. I want to make sure im doing this right. Thank you, president and then i have an issue to share with you where i didnt do something right. As far as item 19, to urge state and federal emergency funding for the Bay Area Rapid<\/a> Transit District<\/a> and Municipal Transportation Agency<\/a> to remain operational in light of budget declines due to the Health Emergency<\/a> and to affirm the role that bart and the mta play if transporting people to essential activities. Supervisor haney. Thank you, president yee and sorry about that. So this resolution originally was put forward to request additional funds from federal and state sources for our transit systems and since then, there was an announcement of 25 billion in emergency funding or Public Transit<\/a> agencies as part of the federal relief package. Obviously, there are still significant outstanding needs that these agencies have as they continue to lose large amounts of money, but the primary ask of federal stimulus funds has been met. So i would like to make a motion to continue this. Im sorry, a motion to what . To continue it. Ok. Didnt hear that part. Theres a motion to continue this item until when . How about two weeks . Ok. So madam clerk . April 14th. So motion to continue this until april 14th meeting and is there a second . Second, supervisor preston. Then without any objection, this item will be continued to the meeting of april 14th. Thank you. Madam clerk, please read the memoriums. Before i do, i apologize to the members. The vote was taken on the imperative. We have to rescind it because we did not take Public Comment<\/a>. Ok. Thank you for reminding me. It was my fault, too. So can that motion to rescind the vote on the imperative item . Motiomotion to rescind. Hilary ronen, so moved. I heard another voice, supervisor walton or preston . Preston, second. No objection and the vote is rescinded. Madam clerk, lets go back to the item and i will call for Public Comment<\/a>s on this item. This item is a resolution closing the city hall walkin property tax payment location of the treasurer and Tax Collector<\/a> during the period of the Health Officers<\/a> shelterinplace order. Any member os cued up for Public Comment<\/a> . Any callers who would wish to speak on this item, please press 1 and then 0 now. There are no callers. Hearing no public speakers, this is closed. Madam clerk, can we just take this house, same call . Ill recommend a role call vote, mr. President. Apologies. role call . Pes sikin is absent. There are ten ayes. The resolution is adopted unanimously. Madam clerk, cap you please read the in memoriums. I have none to report to you today, mr. President. Thank you very much. Colleagues, that brings us to the end of our agenda and madam clerk, any further business before us today . That concludes or business for today. Thank you, everyone. Please continue to check our website, www. Sfbos. Org for details. Until then, this meeting is adjourned and stay safe. Shop and dine on the 49 promotes local businesses and challenges residents to do shopping and dining within the 49 square miles of San Francisco<\/a> by supporting local Services Within<\/a> neighborhood. We help San Francisco<\/a> remain unique, successful and vibrant. Where will you shop and dine in the 49 . San francisco owes the charm to the unique character of the neighborhood comer hall district. Each corridor has its own personality. Our neighborhoods are the engine of the city. You are putting money and support back to the community you live in and you are helping Small Businesses<\/a> grow. It is more environmentally friendly. Shopping local is very important. I have had relationships with my local growers for 30 years. By shopping here and supporting us locally, you are also supporting the growers of the flowers, they are fresh and they have a price point that is not imported. It is really good for everybody. Shopping locally is crucial. Without that support, Small Business<\/a> cant survive, and if we lose Small Business<\/a>, that diversity goes away, and, you know, it would be a shame to see that become a thing of the past. It is important to dine and shop locally. It allows us to maintain traditions. It makes the neighborhood. I think San Francisco<\/a> should shop local as much as they can. The retail marketplace is changes. We are trying to have people on the floor who can talk to you and help you with products you are interested in buying, and help you with exploration to try things you have never had before. The fish business, you think it is a piece of fish and fisherman. There are a lot of people working in the fish business, between wholesalers and fishermen and bait and tackle. At the retail end, we about a lot of people and it is good for everybody. Shopping and dining locally is so important to the community because it brings a tighter fabric to the community and allows the Business Owners<\/a> to thrive in the community. We see more Small Businesses<\/a> going away. We need to shop locally to keep the Small Business<\/a> alive in San Francisco<\/a>. Shop and dine in the 49 is a cool initiative. You can see the banners in the streets around town. It is great. Anything that can showcase and legitimize Small Businesses<\/a> is a wonderful thing. Mayor breed good morning. Are we still in the morning . Good morning, everyone. Thank you all for joining us today. I am San Francisco<\/a> mayor, london breed. I am joined by a member of the board of supervisors, supervisor aaron peskin as well as doctor grant coa colfax, police chief t and fire chief nicholson as well as other officials. We are definitely practicing social distancing by having at least six feet apart from one another in this location, but also this Virtual Press<\/a> conference is an opportunity to demonstrate the kind of behavior we want to see happening all over the city. We want to thank members of the press for their patience and for accommodating the change in order to help protect and keep them safe as well. We also want to thank members of the public because we know for the most part so many in San Francisco<\/a> have really stepped up and really focused on social distancing and also helping to support and educate neighbors and other people as to what is most appropriate to do during this time. I know that we often times refer to social distancing as saving lives. I want to be clear that it will save lives. If we continue to practice social distancing every single day during this stay at home order, we will get to a better place. As doctor colfax has said it is a challenging time. The numbers are increasing as we do more testing. We know as we said in the last press conference that we will need more beds and more ventilators ashmore support. What you are doing by socially distancing and staying at home and only going out for essential services you are reducing the number of people infected. Thank you all for everything that you have done to help us get this far. I know it hasnt been easy. We still have a lot more time ahead of us than we do behind us. Your patience during this very challenging time is definitely appreciated. I want to start by providing an update on some real positive information that we just received because, sadly, we know testing is very limited in San Francisco<\/a>. The department of Public Health<\/a> have been able to administer now 150 tests each day. That did not include the private hospitals, and this is information we will receive sooner rather than later. We expect to increase the number significantly. Doctor colfax will provide an update on testing and how we expect to extend our testing efforts more significantly than we have in the past. The good news on that front is now thanks to kaiser and blue shield, we will be able to provide testing for the healthcare workers on the front line working with patients who have been infected as well as many Public Safety<\/a> officials, firefighters and Police Officers<\/a> and those on the front line. We will prioritize them for testing. We know so many of them are very concerned they are doing the work in the community. They are trying their best to save lives. They live in fear if they have the virus and they are concerned with going home to spread that virus to the family. Getting the ease of knowing if they have the virus is critical to protecting Public Health<\/a> and safety. We will prioritize Public Health<\/a> and safety officials for testing. The doctor will talk about that more as well. I want to just also mention to the public that although we want to be tested. I know Everyone Wants<\/a> to be tested to know and think that could put an end to what we are experiencing, and i want to be clear that in light of having sufficient testing for all san franciscans, social distances is the key. I keep mentioning it, but i cant mention it enough because regardless of how many tests or who we are able to test, that at the end of the day is going to make the most impact. Please continue to practice social distancing. I want to talk about, since this is friday and the weekend is approaching. We know what happened last weekend. What happened last weekend, you did see people out, of course, enjoying the fresh air, walking dogs, walking with families, and kids and practicing social distancing. Sadly, we saw a number of areas in the city just jampacked. We also saw people who were playing things like volleyball and basketball and other sports together that are not thinks that we are able to do at this time as a result of the order. Just to make it clear, we are going to have to make some changes. The last thing i want to do, as i said on monday, is to basically close parks. We need to shift our behavior and make adjustments so that people are not doing the kinds of things that are going to lead to the spread. As we go into this weekend, i just want to appreciate the fact that we have been able to close places like acataz, four point and lands end look at. The federal government announced parking closures including baker and ocean beach. If you are going to try to go to baker beach or ocean beach, the parking will not be available. We will monitor the neighborhood to make sure there isnt an influx of vehicles that are impacting the parking in those particular neighborhoods. We dont want people to get in their cars and drive to ocean beach. We want people to stay at home. When they need air, walk outside, go to a park within the proximity of your neighborhood. Dont get in your cars and drive to ocean beach or other places. We are going to be closing parking lots in chrissy field and the lots in the marina and ocean beach and specifically near the beach chalet. We hope by closing the area to cars, people will get the message why we are pushing folks to really try to stay, get your fresh air, walk your dogs, but dont get in cars to drive to specific locations to play volleyball with friends, have picnics, wine parties, zoom is a great tool for parties and connections with friends and family. I discovered that as a great tool for socializing. The last thing we want to do, as i said, is to start to close the last bit of fresh air that we are able to get during this very difficult time. Parks, we know, are essential. Other places have chosen to just close parks and other places down. We dont want to get to that place. If we see more people placing in basketball courts or playing volleyball and baseball and the sports more team related, we will have no other choice. It is still okay to go out and walk and okay to ride your bike and run. I just want to give a message to the runners. I had an experience walking yesterday in a narrow area. The runners decided to run close next to me. It would have taken three seconds for the runner to wait until i crossed the bridge area to get by so we could maintain six feet. I am asking people to be considerate of one another. I am not asking you to get in the street and risk getting hit by a car. Wait a minute or two to allow people to pass within a safe distance. We all can play a role in making sure that social distances is practiced by everyone. The fact is we are in this for the long haul. There is no need for us to be in a hurry. I want to also talk a little bit about what is happening with our Homeless Population<\/a>. Because we know that there are so many people that are very concerned what this could mean not just for the people sadly sleeping outdoors. What does this mean in people in settings like Single Room Occupancy Hotels<\/a> and other places . We have been working on a number of things. I want to talk a little bit what we have done and what we will continue to do. Hopefully, this will give people an update on where we actually need to get to as well. Starting next week, moscone west will open up and supplies are delivered this weekend. We are going to use that as a place to thin out shelters so we can start to have places so that people who are living in congregate settings like shelters can be spread out. Moscone west will play an important role. I want to talk about hotel rooms. We put out an r. F. P. For hotel rooms to be used for people who are in congregate living settings, homeless as well as First Responders<\/a> and healthcare workers and those who may not want to go home because of concerns around impacting families. We have been able to because there is even with the declaration of emergency, there is still insurance to be worked out, staffing needs and security needs and support and resources. So far we have been able to this week secure at least 300 hotel rooms for selfisolating or quarantine for folks in the sro or those who are homeless. We estimate by next week we will secure at least another 3,000. Bringing on some much needed hotel rooms, and we will keep working towards making sure that those people who are in congregate settings and other places have a space to themselves so that we can reduce the transmission of the virus. That is the update that we have so far. I want to take this opportunity to especially thank the people who are here at moscone south, those working every day in the Emergency Operations<\/a> center and doing the hard work, coordinating, the hospitals and ppe and testing. The stuff we are doing, the small things. Like making sure the shelters are getting food, we are getting food to seniors and other people, that we are reaching out to those businesses who still have remained open or have some real challenges financially and need help. So many people here at the Emergency Operations<\/a> center have stepped up to do their part in providing information and resources to the public, and we really also want to express appreciation because we have gotten a lot of great ideas from members of the public through social media. People have made a lot of great recommendations. We take those to heart because we are all in this together, and no one is in charge or responsible for all of the great ideas. It is going to take a team effort, it will take all of us looking out for one another. I want to really express appreciation to so many people in the city because i notice that on places like next door and some of these chat rooms where neighbors are communicating with one another, i notice that so many neighbors are looking out for neighbors who are seniors and people who cant necessarily get out to get groceries or medications. There have been so many great numbers running errands for so many people who cant get out. It is just, you know, a challenging time for all of us. It is bringing out the best in us. I want to express my appreciation for so many people not only doing their part to stay at home and only go out for essential needs but also what you have done to help touch the lives of other people who cant take care of themselves in the same way. That is where we are. That is our update. A lot more work to do, but as i keep saying over and over, we are in the midst of this. It may feel like this is very challenges for all of us and how much longer can we take it . The fact is we are going to have to take it a little bit longer because it does mean that we save lives. We appreciate your patience and cooperation. We will do everything we can to provide updates as we receive them with the most Accurate Information<\/a> so that the public knows what to expect because, as i said before, the last thing we want to do if someone is facing a medical emergency, the last thing we want to do is turn them away because we dont have enough beds. Lets keep that in mind as we go into the weekend, and lets try to remember that and do our very best to get through this. I am cheering for all of you. I am cheering for our city and our country. Thank you all so much for your cooperation. At this time i would like to introduce grant colfax, the department of Public Health<\/a> director, to provide an update on the latest numbers, testing and other information i just touched on briefly. Thank you, mayor. Good morning. I am doctor grant colfax, director of health. Today i am bringing several important updates. I will talk about the situation at laguna hospital protecting healthcare workers and new expansions of testing. First, let me remind everyone. We need san franciscans to stay home to save lives. I understand some of us are essential workers and cannot stay home right now. However, if i could stay at home right now, i would be staying home for our First Responders<\/a> and healthcare workers on the front lines. As we continue to respond to this rapidly evolving outbreak, we are always thinking about what is ahead and what is about to come next. In february, we had zero cases of coronavirus. We realized we were in an emergency situation and immediately strengthened the planning and preparedness capabilities. The day after the first confirmed cases in early march. We made aggressive social distancing recommendations. We have continued to tighten that up as we move forward with the entire bay area in shelterinplace for all residents. That was just last week. We issued 13 Health Orders<\/a> in the last three weeks. Each one was designed to protect the most vulnerable populations and healthcare workers and take pressures off hospitals so they can handle an expected surge of new patients. Each one was designed to keep the Community Safe<\/a> and slowdown the spread of the coronavirus. Each one was grounded in data, science and facts. As we continue to plan, predict and respond, sometimes we are ahead, sometimes we are on time and sometimes we may be a beat behind, but so far we have been preparing for just what is happening now. We will continue to use data, science and facts to be as proactive as possible to protect our community and reduce the harm that the coronavirus causes. I want to turn to the hospitals, particularly laguna honda hospital. Yesterday there was quite a bit of news in our own Public Health<\/a>care system. Coronavirus has arrived at laguna honda. Unfortunately, this was not a surprise. The pattern of the disease clearly shows that longterm care facilities and residents are particularly vulnerable to the disease and the spread. From the start, we have taken many steps to protect the patients and staff and we will continue to do so. Earlier this week th the entire campus was quarantined to protect residents and staff and reduce harm. I must say, and i am sad to say this, we do expect an outbreak. Our plan for the outbreak including testing affected staff and residents, which is already underway. We have begun bringing in Additional Resources<\/a> including staff and expertise on longterm care Infection Control<\/a> and infection disease from our own system but also reaching out to key partners, including u. C. S. F. And Sutter Health<\/a> to strengthen our response. This will continue over the next few days and weeks. With things moving so quickly, i want to make sure you get the facts straight from the source. As of yesterday there are six Staff Members<\/a> and one patient at the hospital that tested positive for coronavirus. Contact investigations are underway including testing and those units have been quarantined. Yesterday brought news of a confirmed case of a staff member at zuckerberg San Francisco<\/a> genhospital. This person provides patient care in the Emergency Department<\/a> and is now selfisolating at home. We are conducting a thorough contact investigation. It is concerning to hear about these cases. It will continue to be concerning as the cases in San Francisco<\/a> grow. We now have almost 300 confirmed cases in San Francisco<\/a>. Each person is someone with family, friends and community who care very much about them. The Health Department<\/a> cares very much about them. With regard to testing. As the mayor and i have said over and over again. Expect to see an increase in positive cases, and with regard to the increase in sections, do not be surprised because we have been increasing Testing Capacity<\/a> throughout the city. Simply put, the more testing we can do, the more cases we will find. We have also taken steps to make sure we are getting the data we need to be successful as possible in our fight against the virus. On march 24th, bay area Health Officers<\/a> issued a joint health order requiring all labs to report all test results to the state and local health authority. This will help us be more precise and know across San Francisco<\/a>, across our community how many tests are being done and what is the positivity rate. We need to know where we are to better understand where we may be going. This increase in data will be used to refine our models and strategies to mitigate virus spread, we are working with experts to enhance our modeling capabilities. We truly have some of the world experts on viology and disease epidemiology nationally and internationally working with us every day. As availability of commercial and academic labs have grown we are boosting our own testing capabilities. From when we started testing on march 2 until today we have increased Testing Capacity<\/a> by three times through automation of certain processes. We are now running 150 tests each day, up from 50 when we began testing. I am pleased to say that by next week we are hopeful that we will surge that testing to as many as 450 tests each day in our Public Health<\/a> lab alone. Our plan is to keep improving Testing Capacity<\/a> further in the next few weeks. We are also continuing to work with private partners to expand more testing for the public. We have great partners as kaiser, u. C. S. F. That have been offering drive through testing. Next week, thanks to mayor breed, we are excited to add three new drive through centers through our partnerships. However, let me be clear that even today if you are a Public Health<\/a> laboratory or commercial lab anywhere in the nation, there are still severe shortages of components needed in the covid19 testing process. Supplieses are in a bottleneck to increased testing. I am sad to say that from swabs to ppe, the lack of testing supplies across the nation simply means we must prioritize our testing for those who need it most. At the Public Health<\/a> laboratory we have been prioritizing the limiting testing resources for those most at risk for spreading the disease, severe medical conditions and front line healthcare and First Responders<\/a>. Today we have issued instruction to all labs that they must prioritize their tests in the same way. Tests should not be available for those tests should not be more available for those with resources. They must be for those on the front line saving lives and those at high risk groups that need care. Please help us prioritize those tests for those who need it most. Their lives depend on it, and to the prevention and reduction of the spread of coronavirus in our community depends on it. I now want to talk a little bit about additional steps we are taking aggressively to protect healthcare workers. Our front line workers and staff are certainly and members of our community. As the coronavirus circulates in the bay area we expect there will be more positive cases in San Francisco<\/a>, including, unfortunately, among city workers, dph staff and healthcare workers at public and private facilities. Our top priority is the health of our patients, community and those who fight for them and support them. We are doing the very best we can to be as prepared as we can to fight the disease. Healthcare workers and First Responders<\/a> are on the front lines every day. Yesterday we took additional steps to respond to the impact of the virus on the dph work force. Because of their jobs on the front lines, many healthcare workers cannot abide by the stay at home order. They are essential, and in some cases their workplaces do not allow for social distancing. In fact, quite the opposite. Several jobs in our Healthcare System<\/a> involve close contact with other Staff Members<\/a> and vulnerable populations. For example, emergency room. Psychiatric Emergency Services<\/a> and Urgent Care Center<\/a> at zuckerberg hospital andlugana honda hospital and other settings where staff have prolonged contact with each other and high risk patients. They come to work every day at risk for transmitting the virus to each other and exposing the high risk population they serve. We have issued new guidance above and beyond cdc recommendations to provide isolation masks for people working in these settings in our Healthcare System<\/a>. We will provide isolation masks to workers and patients in many at risk settings. This is another way to protect both groups. We are doing our best to balance keeping the workers safe in the high risk areas and being constrained by a limited supply of masks. We will continue to advocate on many fronts for more masks and other personal protective equipment or ppe. I feel it is essential to move forward with these additional protections today. I cant stress enough that every Healthcare Provider<\/a> in the city from hospital c. E. O. S to doctors and nurses wants there to be enough ppe for the patients and the healthcare staff. Ppe is in short supply everywhere. We are working hard to make sure supplies are here when we need them. That includes state and federal advocacy working with large donors to secure the ppe we all need. Our top priority is the health of our patience and the patients and the people who care for them and ppe is important to do it right. Finally, i want to remind all san franciscans of the importance of following the Stay Home Order<\/a> to protect yourself, your loved ones and our entire community. If you arent be performing an essential task to keep the city running right now, then you only have one job. Stay home and keep yourself safe. Thank you, and i would like to introduce commander scott chief scott, excuse me, who is a great partner in this work, a great partner with his team on the front lines helping us keep our city safe. Chief scott, thank you for your leadership, partnership, and please we look forward to your remarks. Good afternoon. First of all, i want to thank our mayor london breed for her leadership during this Public Health<\/a> crisis. I speak on behalf of the men and women of the San Francisco<\/a> Police Department<\/a> we are extremely grateful to mayor london breed and doctor grant colfax that they made us a priority. Our citys Police Officers<\/a>, sheriff deputies, firefighters and First Responders<\/a> provide the first line of Public Safety<\/a> in San Francisco<\/a>, and we need to keep them safe and keep them healthy. I want to thank mayor breed and doctor colfax for making First Responders<\/a> a priority in testing for covid19. We are constantly on the front lines. We are expected to always be there. By providing the testing, we can help slow the spread of covid19 among our First Responders<\/a> so they can continue to provide Public Safety<\/a> and protect the health of the public atlarge. I would also like to thank the citys hotels who stepped forward to offer rooms to First Responders<\/a> who may have to quarantine because of the covid19 virus. With the support from the leaderses and the city atlarge strengthens moral and health and resolve. We know that we will need to have resolve during this crisis. We dont know how long we will be in this position. The mayor mentioned some of the areas where we have seen gatherings over the past week. I want to lay out what you will be expected to see this weekend from us, from law enforcement. This weekend we will have people out that there probably be a lot of people outside, as there were last weekend. Please be smart and go by the social distancing. I cannot emphasize that enough. Use common sense, be smart and expect to see us out there. It doesnt make sense for people to be out and not Pay Attention<\/a> to the social distancing requirement six feet as laid out by our Health Officials<\/a>. We have seen in other cities that are having a harder time than we are. We have seen gatherings in this industry putting others at risk. We need everyone to think who you are putting at risk when you do not adhere to Public Health<\/a> warnings. Think of your grandfather, grandmother, sick child. Think of the people you are putting at risk by not adhering to this Public Health<\/a> order. We will be out this weekend. Places where we had issues with gatherings the embarcadero and the marina green, panhandle, stern grove, exercise facilities in the park will likely be closed in many of your parks. We have seen by and large excellent compliance from the people in San Francisco<\/a>. We want that to continue. As we have laid out in Previous Press<\/a> conferences we have enforcement protocols for those interested you can find them on the San Francisco<\/a> Police Department<\/a> website. Our approach is progressive. We started with education and we will still educate the public. When this Public Health<\/a> was put out on march 16th. We had a lot of people who didnt get the message. As we have educated that number has gotten smaller and smaller with the people who have not complied. We do think that education has worked. However, education can only go so far. There will come a time where we will have to enforce. Our officers have been very patient. They understand what is at stake here. They understand we are looking at the end game of compliance. This is not a count of how manyy tickets we write or how many people rearrest. We dont want to create problems by enforcing the law. The sheriff is charged with reducing the jail population. We dont want to make the problem worse. Please, i cant emphasize enough. Please listen to the Public Health<\/a> officials. Social distancing, stay six feet apart. We want people to go out to get air. Officers will engage. They will communicate for those warned repeatedly, there will come a time where we have to enforce. That is a fact of life. We hope we can avoid that, and by and large people have been compliant. Please listen to the Public Health<\/a> orders. I cannot emphasize that enough. We want everyone to use common sense, stay six feet apart. If you are going to exercise have respect for others around you. If you are going to go to the Grocery Store<\/a> or wherever you need to go to keep essential items in your household, practice those same protocols. If you have to wait to get in the market or Grocery Store<\/a>, stay six feet away. We have been putting out photos on our website of people who have done just that. We want to show that by and large San Francisco<\/a>s population, our residents we get it. We understand what is at stake. We want to catch you doing something right, not wrong. This weekend you will see us out there. From the bottom of my heart to our mayor, doctor colfax and the city leaders, on behalf of the First Responders<\/a>, we appreciate what you have done as far as prioritizing testing for First Responders<\/a>. We also understand that Community Leadership<\/a> the a big part of getting compliance from the people in our city. With that said, i would like to introduce one of our Community Leader<\/a>s, marcia contrairra, director of Mission Housing<\/a>. Thank you. Hello. I am deputy executive director for Mission Housing<\/a> and Community Leader<\/a> answer have been o servant. My message will be in spanish. [speaking spanish] [speaking spanish] i would like to introduce another Community Leader<\/a>. I am executive director at Community Youth<\/a> center. I am going to say the message in cantonese. Speakin [speaking] thank you. We will open it up to questions people may have. First question for mayor breed from ktsf. How can the federal stimulus bill help the city and people in San Francisco<\/a> . Mayor breed well, we are hopeful that it will start helping the people of San Francisco<\/a> sooner rather than later. We have been told that we can expect some of the individual checks that will go to those qualified, hopefully, in the next couple weeks. We expect the same to happen with the funding support to go to the state and distributed down to various counties, including San Francisco<\/a>. We are working closely with our Speaker Nancy Pelosi<\/a> to speed up that process. There are people suffering financially right now. Second question. Mayor breed, can you describe how the city is approaching using public or private spaces to confront covid19 . Mayor breed part of what we are doing is reaching out and looking at existing inventory. We are able to open moscone west next year has everything to do with having access to this particular facility. We will take the opportunity in every instance to use our Public Resources<\/a> at our disposal and any other private resources that could be available including the one that we are doing by developing a relationship with the Hotel Council<\/a> and issuing r. F. P. For hotel rooms. Quarantining people in rv or hotels or other spaces we need to prepare for any situation including conversations around where other hospital beds might go and how we might be able to address this challenge as it rises. Followup question. As the city braces for a sungar of new cases, do you think you will be aggressive about allocating public or private spaces. Mayor breed what . Aggressive about public and private spaces . Allocating . Read it again. As the city braces for the surge of new cases, do you think the city will be aggressive allocating public or private spaces for the cause . Mayor breed what we are doing now is preparing to use those spaces. There is a lot that goes into any space that we have. We have to make sure that they are not only staffed but that the people who are providing the support have the protections that they need as well, that we have the appropriate security, appropriate systems in place, but getting access to spaces, i dont think is the difficult part. We are going to have to make sure we have the resources necessary to accommodate whatever the need is for thetic space. We will do everything we can to get hold of as many spaces as we possibly can. Next question from abc 7. Earlier this week you talked about addressing the crisis to help Homeless Population<\/a>s what is being done . Abigail hill is here from hsa to answer more in detail. I think i have made it clear in my earlier comments in terms of getting access to hotel rooms. I want to add to my earlier comments. First of all, as i said, we put out request for proposal to get access to hotel rooms and working with Hotel Council<\/a>, the contracting process allowed us to have 300 now and we expect to have another 3,000 by next week. There is a process that has to be worked out including issues of insurance as well as who is going to staff, the security to make sure people obey the order, especially if quarantined, what kind of wraparound Supportive Services<\/a> the people housed in these locations need. We want to be clear. One of the Biggest Challenges<\/a> we will face is not necessarily finding locations. Sadly, for people who are homeless, but people who suffer from Substance Abuse<\/a> disorder and people with Mental Illness<\/a> the difficulty we have as the city in keeping them in quarantine or keeping them on an order to shelterinplace is going to be difficult. We have to make sure we have the resources necessary to do that. We also have to make sure that we protect the people that we are asking to put lives on the line to basically staff these places and provide Supportive Services<\/a>. It is more than just we have all of these hotel rooms. It requires a lot of work for many of the folks that we are going to work with who are currently homeless, probably less so for people who are, for example, housed in the sros, but it requires a lot of coordination. It requires the need to increase capacity to manage it. The last thing we will do is rent the hotel, put people in the homes and chaos breaks out and we have no plan to address it or control the situation. What i mean by chaos, people transmit the coronavirus or people who basically need Supportive Services<\/a> or who are difficult to talk to or to work with who need other things, we will potentially have real struggles. Be honest, people who substance from Substance Abuse<\/a> disorder, this is a challenge. We need systems in place to deal with that. I think abigail is here. She may have things to add to that as well. Hello, i am with the department of homelessness and supportive housing. Echoing others. Thank you, mayor breed and doctor colfax for your courageous leadership to our City Partners<\/a> and our nonprofit Service Providers<\/a>. I want to focus on the steps we are taking to help prevent the spread of covid19 in our shelter population. We have taken steps in constant communication with shelter providers. We extended the stay of people at Navigation Centers<\/a> and shelters to fix the population and allow people inside to continue to shelterinplace. We have made the extremely difficult decision with the guidance of the department of Public Health<\/a> to pause shelter intakes. This allows us to pause people coming inside and potentially bringing the virus with them. It allows us to create space for social and physical distancing within our shelters. We increased shelter hours. They are coming online for 24 7 with increased meal service, staffing and cleaning and a lot of hard and creative work. We are recommending or the department of Public Health<\/a> recommended the shelters follow cdc guidance around physical distancing. I appreciate the opportunity to clarify here. Those who care about the Homeless Population<\/a> know people in shelters do not have enough space. They are close together. We have taken the steps outlined and we are corking cre working with direct Service Providers<\/a> to create more space whenever possible. For example, if we close a drop in center and that allows us to move beds an part. We are working on a site by site basis. To get to the six feet, we are working through the Human Services<\/a> agency, which is responsible for mass care and shelter, to bring on sites such as moscone west and others to allow further social distancing. Thank you. Next questions for Public Health<\/a>. Doctor grant colfax. First question. From the washington post. Do you think the bay areas early action to shelterinplace reduced the load on the Hospital System<\/a> . Do you expect the strain has been delayed or permanently flat tenned . Well, look. Here are the facts. I hope that is the case. We simply do not know yet. It is too early to tell. Based on the science and data and what is successful in flattening the curve in other countries we are hopeful. We must prepare for a less flattened curve. If we look across the country to new york right now, it is plausible we could be in that situation in the near future. We are watching the data. I think what is important is that this was a regional approach, shelterinplace approach, for it to work, people need to follow the orders. With the help of people in this room, across the city, individual Community Members<\/a>, chief scott and his team, we are hopeful that this aggressive early action will have an effect in flattening the curve and save lives. Next question or followup. What early steps did the bay area take to ensure there are enough resources for hospitals and to increase capacity . In almost every major urban center, hospitals at baseline before this happened are full and often loafer flowing overflowing. We took steps to ensure greater capacity to manage the initial suffer of Coronavirus Infections<\/a>. We took steps early on. First, we escalatessed hiring staff so we would have more staff to manage an official surge. We asked people to only use Emergency Rooms<\/a> as a last resorts if they were very, very sick and could not get the help they needed from their primary care provider. This created important space in Emergency Rooms<\/a> for handling the people who are sickest. We issued a Public Health<\/a> order to prohibit all but essential medical procedures, including effective surgeries. This freed up operating rooms and staff to better prepare for the surge. We are coordinating across the Healthcare System<\/a> in an unprecedented way for complete visibilities in terms of the number of i c. U. Beds and ventilatestor beds in the city. We are taking steps t to ensure people discharged from the hospital who could not be discharged because they didnt have a place to go now have a place to go per the vast expansion of hotel rooms available. People who have health that allows them to leave the hospital we have the option to place them in a place that is safe and secure and best for their health. These multiple steps increased our Hospital Capacity<\/a> to manage an initial surge, and it is plausible that even with these steps our local capacity will be exceeded and we will need state and federal assistance to manage the influx of patients just as we see in new york right now. Next question. Ktsf. Would cases in San Francisco<\/a> escalating when do you anticipate the peak will come . How bad will it be . Will the situation in new york happen in San Francisco<\/a> . We said fro from the beginnig this situation changes hour by hour, daybyday. If i could predict the future, i would give you those answers. I cannot. All i can say is that every day we depend on data, science and facts to guide our preparation efforts. The shelterinplace over time we hope has the effect to have the effect to optimize the effect. People need to follow the shelterinplace order. We look at all of the data that we have available on every day to best estimate if and when that surge will occur. We are as prepared as we can be at the local level right now. We are constantly reiter rating our efforts based on data, science and facts so our preparedness continues to the future. Thank you. Question from the San Francisco<\/a> concle. How many staff residents have been tested how will you keep them updated. Have any residents been transferred to another medical facility due to covid19 . I shared in my remarks that six Staff Members<\/a> at laguna honda tested positive for covid19. We had one resident that tested positive. That resident is in good condition. We are expanding testing right now in the wards where there were covid19 positive staff and the patients. I dont have exact numbers right now because we are escalating that Testing Capacity<\/a> as we do it today. How will you keep staff, residents and the public updated . From the very beginning i focused on the data, science and facts and being as transparent as we can be with where we stand in our specific care systems. We will communicate the information to the staff as soon as we have it about the status of lagoonna honda. Our focus at the Health Department<\/a> is to ensure that staff and residents safety is maintained and their health is paramount. Final followup. Have any residents a at laguna honda been transferred . One resident was transferred to an outside medical facility who has been returned to the hospital. I cant comment on the further details with regard to that question. Thank you. The next questions are for San Francisco<\/a> Police Department<\/a> chief william scott. Question from kpix. Plenty of crowds on corners in the tenderloin, some with nowhere to go and others dealing drugs. Are there plans to address this crowding . Yes, and that is why it is important to work with City Partners<\/a>. It is a difficult issue. Crowds on the tenderloin. I have been out there with officers and seen it firsthand. Some comply and some dont. We have to keep going back and trying. The drug dealers, there is space in the jails. I want to emphasize for those committing serious crimes, those out selling drugs and causing gatherings to be worse because people are gathering to buy drugs, that is a Public Health<\/a> problem. We have room in the jails for those type of individuals. Officers have been out. We are trying to educate people to give them an opportunity to comply, but as i said earlier, there is a time what enforcement is appropriate. We want to save our jail space for people that are committing those serious crimes like three homicide suspects we arrested this week. We have room in the jails for those individuals. We still have to do that job as well. We know it is a difficult task, but we are working with every partner in the city to make the situation better. Question from ktbu. Wondering if there are planned road closures to prevent congregating . We the San Francisco<\/a> Police Department<\/a> have not closed roads. All options are on the table in terms what we need to do to protect the health of the public in the city. At this point we have not closed any roads. Mayor breed is going to address this topic. Mayor breed i just want to be clear that hold on. I want to be clear, as i said earlier, that we are making adjustments based on what we have seen over the past weekend and the past couple of days. We have made recommendations to close a number of parking lots and certain locations, especially where there is out door workouts equipment and play browns playgrounds. We closed those. We made those based on discussions from the department of Public Health<\/a>. What is going to happen we will make decisions, especially this weekend if we notice that behavior continues to be a challenge in particular areas. We will make those determinations. It could happen at a moments notice. There probably wont be a press conference. There will probably just be a closure and conversation with people in the area to leave immediately. We are going to make adjustments and we will be out, as the chief said, paying close attention to those areas and making recommendations. As it relatings to owes and other streets, we dont have any plans at this time. Every decision we will make to close anything would have everything to do with recommendations from our Public Health<\/a> department in order to focus on protecting Public Health<\/a>. One final question for doctor colfax. This question is from the la times. Could doctor colfax explain why the surge would come in the next week or two and is that still plausible . Right now we have 279 cases of diagnosed covid19 patients in San Francisco<\/a>. We have had three deaths. I cannot predict when the surge will come and how high the surge will be. Our efforts are to flatten the curve. We have taken early aggressive and science informed efforts to flatten the curve as much as possible. Over the next two weeks using the data from our community, the expertise of the scientists that we are working with, we will have a better sense where we are in that curve. I cannot speculate. If i could see the future, i would tell you right now what we need, where we need to be, where we will be in two weeks and what we will need to do to address that in two weeks. Again, from what we know today we are as prepared as we can be. We will continue to mon for the monitor the situation, respond to the rapidly changing situation based on Public Health<\/a> priorities. That is where we stand today, and that is continuing to be where we will stand tomorrow with following the science and data and facts and being as prepared as possible. Thank you. Thank you that is the final question. This concludes our press conference. Thank you. Good morning, everyone and thank you all for being here today. My name is london breed, the mayor of San Francisco<\/a> and im joined by the president of board of supervisors, norman yee, as well as the department of Public Health<\/a>, dr. Grant colfax and we are joined by police chief bill scott, the director of Emergency Management<\/a>, Mary Ellen Carol<\/a> and thank you to the press for accommodating this virtual rest conference in order to maintain social distancing during this very challenging time. I also want to take the opportunity to thank the people of San Francisco<\/a>. This weekend, things looked like somewhat of a success in terms of social distancing for the most part and definitely an improvement from last weekend. The streets are pretty clear and there were some definite hot spot areas that well be focusing on, but the beaches and some of the parks and other places, people were practicing social distancing and we very much appreciate your cooperation. It will make a world of difference and, in fact, we already have made a difference in really saving lives. We may not realize the impacts this until this is all over, but eventually, we will learn, im sure, that because of what we have done and how we all have participated in complying with social distancing, it truly has saved lives. As of today, we have 374 confirmed cases with six deaths and that is six people who have passed away because of the coronavirus. And my heart goes out to the family members expect friends e have lost in San Francisco<\/a>. One person is too much of a loss and as we have said before, this is a very deadly virus, as you are seeing, not just in San Francisco<\/a> but throughout the country. And the reason we have taken significant steps has everything to do with saving lives and protecting Public Health<\/a>. Because we know that there will be challenges on our Healthcare System<\/a> and we know that people are anxious to know about the stayathome order and whether that will be extended. I know that our county Health Officers<\/a> will be making an announcement tomorrow to talk about the specifics of extending the stayathome order until mar the sake of planning and everyone can begin to know this continue to have an impact, you should definitely plan to stay at home and this process and what were doing here will continue until at least may 1st. If anything changes, we will definitely notify the public. So i want to just talk a little bit about some of the challenges that we have having and will continue to have and what were doing to prepare for those challenges. Weve said from the very beginning we knew that our vulnerable populations, not only consisting of our ederly but those living in congregate settings and sadly those on our streets would be a part of that vulnerable population and so we would have to move quickly to make sure that in places where we have singleroom occupancy hotels, where our Shelter Systems<\/a> are and places like ga laguna honda, we had a plan and would keep people safe. From the very beginning, we knew this would be a challenge. We have learn ed this nine employees at laguna honda hospital have tested positive, as well as two patients, and we are still testing people a at at laguna hospital and well have more information once that comes in. We knew the situation would be challenging and so immediately last week, i sent a letter to the federal department of Human Services<\/a> asking for significant support so that we could not only focus on making sure we provide the resources and support to this hospital and we dont continue to drain other services, but we have the expertise and the testing on side and other things needed in order to prevent something from happening that we know has happened in other places throughout the country, including in washington, that house hav a significant populatn of ederly patients. Laguna ha honda is one of the largest hospitals of its kind in the country, housing over 750 very, very vulnerable residents who cannot take care of themselves. And this is basically their home and this is where they eat. This is where they live. This is where theyre cared for. And so we have been taken immediate steps in order to help support this hospital and support the people and the staff who are part of it. We were fortunate in that the cdc on friday, after sending that urgent request to the u. S. Department of health and Human Services<\/a>, the cdc has sent two Infectious Disease<\/a> doctors and two epidemiologists and the department of health has sent two prevention nurses to help assess the situation at laguna honda and make recommendations and we also have a dedicated staff member at the cdc in atlanta to help monitor and facilitate the situation specifically at l laguna honda because we know that, again, this is a very vulnerable population and more testing needs to be done and its going to be important that we have the resources and we have the support necessary to protect and save lives. Its just a start and im grateful for what weve received, but i want to be clear, its not nearly enough to get us to a better place specifically concentrating on la golaguna honda hospital. Well definitely be reaching out to federal and state partners to ask for Additional Support<\/a> for the residents and the staff at laguna honda hospital. I also want to be clear that the situation will escalate at laguna honda and it will escalate here in San Francisco<\/a>. The fact that we are taking such drastic steps to, in essence, pretty much shut down San Francisco<\/a> has everything to do with how serious this is. I cant reiterate enough how important it is for all of us to continue to comply, for all of us to continue to be good citizens, to continue to cooperate. This weekend, i received a note from one of my neighbors. The note basically had the email address expect phone number of one of my neighbors on the block who said they were the block captain. So if i needed anything, whether its Grocery Shopping<\/a> or pharmacy pickups or what have you, or even someone to take to, they were available. And i got really emotional when i received that note because it made me think about how amazing people are in this city and how ive heard so many stories about people reaching out to their neighbors, people identifying ederly people that they know need help and just dropping off groceries, folks just stepping up and being there for one another. Because we know that its not just about the physical health and what we need to do to combat the coronavirus. We also understand that as human beings, theres an emotional toll that this will take on so many of us. So its so important that we continue to uplift one another and be there for one another as much as we possibly can. My thoughts and prayers go out to the team at laguna honda. I want to thank them for all they continue to do to give dignity to so many elderly patients who may not have family visits or support and resources to do anything just to be there and to know the nurses and those doctors and those social workers continue to put a smile on the face of those patients. They show up everyday and they just really deserve our respect, our support and we will do everything we can to continue to do just that. So at this time, i would like to introduce dr. Grant colfax to provide us with more detail specifically whats happening at laguna honda, what were doing to prepare for the inevitable and how, together, we will do everything we can to save and change lives and get through this. So thank you all so much. And let me wipe this mic down. Good afternoon, im gra grant colfax, director of health. Thank you, mayor. Today im saddened to report to the San Francisco<\/a> community that laguna honda hospital has a growing outbreak of coronavirus. Weve prepared for since the start of the pandemic and we will continue to do everything we can to protect laguna honda hospital and staff. I want the community and all of the families to know how much i care, we care about them and they are our top priority. We are intensely focused on doing everything we can to protect everyone at laguna honda from harm, but i also need to be realistic and forthright. As we look at the data and the patterns around the world and in our country, we know that longterm care facilities are at most risk for coronavirus outbreaks. Therefore, we expect the situation to, unfortunately, get worse. Across the United States<\/a>, many longterm care facilities have been hit hard by the coronavirus, including in california, washington, colorado, minnesota, new york and many other states. No local community is equipped to manage this escalating crisis alone. And that is why we have asked for help from the state and federal government and, i am thankful that some of our requests are starting to be answered. As of today, Infection Control<\/a> nurses from the California Department<\/a> of health and Infectious Disease<\/a> physicians and e epidemiologists from the c are on la go laguna honda exper. They will make decisions for management that is expected to escalate and will work with leaders at the department of Public Health<\/a> to develop a prospective Response Plan<\/a> for longterm care facilities in addition to l laguna honda. I am grateful for this help and we need more. From the beginning of the global outbreak, efforts by the city to prepare for the coronavirus have prepared the most vulnerable population. Residents who are over 60 years old and those with certain Underlying Health<\/a> conditions and chronic diseases. The residents of laguna honda hospital are in the most vulnerable of these groups. Laguna honda has a total of 11 confirmed cases of coronavirus. Nine are amongst staff and two are among residents. All are in good condition. Since march 26th, 158 staff and 54 residents were tested for the virus. Among residents, two have tested positive and 51 negative and one result is still pending. Among staff, 156 have tested negative and 25 more tests are underway. And i expect more cases of coronavirus in the laguna Honda Community<\/a> among both staff and residents because it is now spreading throughout the bay area. We are drawing on all of the resources we can muster at the local state and federal level to strengthen our response. Laguna honda has been and remains a top priority in the citys preparation and response to coronavirus. The first Health Officer<\/a> order after declaring a local Health Emergency<\/a> in early march was to restrict visitors from laguna honda to protect the institutions residents. Laguna honda leadership has worked actively and diligently to train staff on coronavirus including the use of personal protective equipment, ppe, for all cleaning of common spaces of resident rooms and other prevention technique. Here is what is happening on campus right now to respond to the outbreak. First, the hospital incident command system is activated to manage the crisis and the incident commander, troy williams, is here to answer further details about that process. The state Infection Control<\/a> nurses are creating expanded protocols on environmental cleaning, ppe, and staff safety. The cdc is intensifying the information to look for sources of infection and the pathway of spread and this will prevent a plan that taking the coronavirus situation fully into account. The two units where the cases have been diagnosed, south 4 and south 5, are under an extensive quarantine order. Each of these units houses approximately 60 residents. Within these units, doors have been secured, sheriffs are at the doors preventing residents from leaving and only allowing appropriate staff to enter and residents are being assessed for symptoms on every shift and staff are being screened twice for symptoms at every shift. Testing of all staff on south 4 and south 5 where staff cases have been found is almost complete. To date, nine positive cases have been confirmed. And testing of all patients on south 5 where patient cases have been found is complete and results are pending. To date, two positive cases have been confirmed. All nonessential personnel are restricted from entering the facility. All essential visitors, staff and residents are medically screened and all laguna honda staff are screened at the start of each shift. In addition, laguna honda is setting up a field care clinic on its grounds as a precaution in case there is a need to separate groups of patients. We are continuing to assess the situation and adapt our response accordingly. Working with our state and federal partners. However, even best efforts are no guarantee against the spread of the virus. There are currently 374 cases and six deaths due to coronavirus in San Francisco<\/a>. In addition to our focused, Rapid Response<\/a> efforts at laguna honda hospital, they are preparing for the expected surge of hospital patients. I remind all of sanfrancisco to do your part in slowing down the virus. By decreasing community spread, you will help protect vulnerable groups like the very residents of laguna honda and other longterm care facility residents across the country, other ederly people and those with underlying he health conditions. This is the time to come together as a community while we stay home whenever possible. I cannot stress that enough. Unfortunately, we will be seeing more cases and deaths in the coming days and weeks. Please do your part to keep those numbers as low as possible. Thank you. And i would like to introduce mr. Yee, board of supervisors. Good morning. Im t norman yee, president of e board of supervisors and im in district 7 in which laguna honda is located. I want to thank dr. Colfax and mayor breed in taking a stand with these vulnerable populations were dealing with. We knew that at some point somebody was going to be infected. So as tough as its been to say no visitors coming to laguna honda, its something we had to do. Think about it. The people that are there in the hospital are now not with their families, not with their friends visiting. And the love that the family and the friends want to provide for them, they cant. So a tough decision, it was very difficult to make, but think it was the right decision. Problem, in fact, it delayed any infection there. It probably, in fact, reduced the numbers that were seeing today. What im saying is probably reiterating what dr. Colfax was saying, that we need to take an aggressive stance. We need to attack this aggressively and do everything we can to slow it down, to minimize how many people are going to be infected, whether its staff or the seniors themselves. One thing that we could do even more aggressively if we have the tools is to Start Testing<\/a> everybody there, everybody. We cant be working in a vacuum. We cant be guessing oh, where is the next person that will be positive . We have to get ahead of that. So as dr. Colfax and mayor breed were saying, were reaching out to the state and federal government and please respond because we need your help. Thats all i have to say today and thank you very much to the residents who are behaving the right way, social distancing, stay at home as much as you can and enjoy whatever you can at home and if you have to go out, make sure you are staying away from people, at least six feet and to continue washing your hands. Thank you very much. Well open it up to some question. Madam mayor, this is a question from abc7. What is the city doing to help Small Businesses<\/a> during this crisis. So one of the first things that we announced early on, because we knew there would be some real challenges with our Small Business<\/a> community, is a fund to provide a Million Dollars<\/a> in grants right away and that money has dried up and we provided a delay in business taxes until 2021 so that businesses here can hold off on paying taxes until next year. We put a delay on a number of fees that businesses get charged and we also provided a 10 million fund for employees where you have businesses who have sick leave and, for example, if an employee only has two weeks of sick leave, we could provide an additional week of sick leave through a fund that is available and weve tried to make sure that we provided all of these options to Small Businesses<\/a>. They can check out the website oewd. Com for more information on how they can get additional assistance. The governor added additional there are others other actually before did not qualify for Unemployment Insurance<\/a> that now qualify for Unemployment Insurance<\/a>. And so state Unemployment Insurance<\/a> is available to a lot more people than it hav ever has before. So its important that people apply because you may not think youre qualified, but you are. Im working to develop a nointerest loan fund where weve partnered with a number of nonprofit agencies excuse me, folks in the private sector to contribute money along with public dollars and were hoping to make that Fund Available<\/a> to businesses sooner rather than later. We understand that businesses are suffering and theres some real challenges with paying bills, but i think our commercial moratoriums on convictions and a number of other things were doing to really slow down or hold off on extreme responses to the lack of our Business Community<\/a> and their inability to pay bills because of the resources that theyre no longer able to regenerate, i think that some of the measures we put in place will be helpful. I know they wont be enough so well continue to add a number of resources to help support our Small Business<\/a> community and i just want to be clear, theres a lot of folks who are hurting out there and wer were going to do everything we can but this is a problem that doesnt exist in San Francisco<\/a>. Its all over the country, all over the world and it will be difficult to help every single person, but well do our very best. Question from sin singh tao. For Affordable Housing<\/a>, but what about luxury Home Building<\/a> . The fact is in San Francisco<\/a>, costle building anything is so expensive, the fact we dont build is a problem. It doesnt matter what sort of housing gets built. The fact is, when this is all over, people are going to need places to live and so im not going to pit between one housing versus another. Housing is essential, period. And what we dont want to happen is what happened, especially when we started to focus on Job Opportunities<\/a> between 2010 and 2015 during the time when we were attracting a number of Tech Companies<\/a> and other businesses to sanfrancisco. For every eight jobs we created, we created only one unit of housing. You had people lining you in the western Housing Community<\/a> where i grew up, where you would never see anything like this for one apartment, which i think drives up prices. So the fact is, all housing is essential. And we dont need to pick one over the other. The fact is, when this is all over, just think about it, we have thousandscs of people on streets. You think well able to afford thousands of units to house them . This will require every single unit that we can get on the market, no matter what kind of unit it is. Thank you, madam mayor. The next questions are for dr. Colfax. This is from reedasm lbergati from the washington washington . What date are you used to make your posts positive . Whats the view of using modeling to predict what will happen with the virus and are you relying on any models . Thank you. We have some of the best people in the help department helping us pull in data from all sources, both locally, nationally and internationally to make an informed response. Some of the key things were looking at, obviously, are the number of cases and very importantly, the number of people who are hospitalized, including people in the intensive care unit, following numbers carefully, and using other data from china, italy and now new york t of what to be prepared for in worse Case Scenarios<\/a> and updating the numbers to see where we stand. So in terms of what were missing, you know that theres clear testing deficiencies across the country and were working to expand our Testing Capacity<\/a> in San Francisco<\/a>. We still do not have an accurate prevalence number and, in other words, we not know overall per thousand people in San Francisco<\/a> what the rate of the virus infection is and we are working, again, with the uc berkley and ucsf colleagues to determine that number as quickly as possible to get the estimates and those will be very important in informing our models. With regard to whether models are helpful, yes, i think they are very helpful and they provide a number of plausible scenarios and they certainly do not provide certainty about where were headed but provide plausible scenarios to help us plan our response Going Forward<\/a>. The next question is from jamie harr of the associated press. The department of Public Health<\/a> is sending Health Inspectors<\/a> to conduct inspections at sros. How many are checking and what are you looking for or not looking for . So we are focus on a number of things, but particularly with regard to hygiene, making sure that the procedures are being followed and making sure that were doing outreach and education to the community, around the social distancing order and making sure that people have the information they need and, also, making sure that people have the information they need in the event they need care. They know who to call, when to call and to get the help from the Public Health<\/a> department, their community and other Healthcare Provider<\/a>s and systems across the city. And this is a followup, if there are unsafe conditions, what will you do . Will you move people out . Were looking at focusing on the conditions are as safe as possible and if peopl symptoms, they are protected and that theyre provided with resources and physical spaces that allows them to selfquarantine from their community and other people that they may come into close contact with. And the next question is from shannon lim of kqed. Theres a question and followup. What are San Francisco<\/a>s plans to Start Testing<\/a> hopeless people for the coronavirus . Do they have a protocol for who they will be testing and when this will begin. So i appreciate the question and im emphasized that we are expanding our testing and its a key priority of the departments. I just want to be transparent, though, what were doing. To give you an example, when we send our request up to state with regard to asking for more help and responding to the laguna honda situation, part of that request was the request for more swabs, testing swabs. Therthis is not just limited ton francisco but a National Shortage<\/a> and we are struggling to get swabs in order to test and so along the supply chain for testing, there are severe limitations. While we are working to expand Testing Capacity<\/a>, my Public Health<\/a> lab is expected to triple its potential Capacity Starting<\/a> today and we are still struggling along that supply chain to ramp up testing as long as possible. So anything from the specimen collection you need for swabs, from the processing reagents that are needed, our supply chains are episodic and hard to determine. So with regard to testing people who are tendernessin experiencig homelessness, we will focus on people who are symptomatic and people with highrisk exposures. Miss lins followup and similar to question from dan simon from cnn. The medical director of the er at ucsf believes theres a flattening of the curve and credits the stateathome order and not seeing a surge of expected of patients. Do you believe this is so . I havent spoken to the er directly. I think its still too early to tell. We are monitoring the numbers. The thing is when this disease takes off, if it takes off, it takes of rapidly in Communities Just<\/a> like new york, the escalation, the curve is very upsloping very quickly. Its what we call a logrythmic increase. We need people to stay at home and we are expanding the stayathome order and more details will follow. We are watching the data very carefully and i do not know whether the aggressive actions early on have had the tentative effect but we need data to confirm that. From the l. A. Times, a similar question, asking to clarify how many people with the virus are hospitalized in San Francisco<\/a> right now. And the sheltered place in terms of flatten the curve, if thats not happening now, when do you think we might see that happening . So to answer the first question with regard to hospitalizations from the latest data i have from the city systems, we have 58 people hospitalized with confirmed covid19 in the Hospital System<\/a>s across San Francisco<\/a>. Again, that number could rapidly change. And its too early for me to speculate whether were succeeding in flattening the curve. The next question, may i ask if San Francisco<\/a> or dr. Colfax are coordinating with any other bay area counties in the city excuse me counties, cities or the state of california on how long to extend the stayathome order . Yes. Certainly i am in regular contact with Health Director<\/a>s across the region, as well as direct contact with state Health Leaders<\/a> and the response to this pandemic and confrontatio yard e healthhealth order. This is far more effective from a regional approach. The order that will be released tomorrow will be another regional approach Going Forward<\/a> and it is essential that we collaborate, share information and react to reduce the pandemic spread. And the final question is from dominick vercasa of the chronicle. Will any activities currently permitted, like Housing Construction<\/a> be prohibited under the extended order . So the order will be released tomorrow and those details will follow. Thank you. That concludes our press conference. Thank you. The Bicycle Coalition<\/a> was giving away 33 bicycles so i applied. I was happy to receive one of them. The Community Bike<\/a> build program is the San Francisco<\/a> coalitions way of spreading the joy of biking and freedom of biking to residents who may not have access to affordable transportation. The city has an ordinance that we worked with them on back in 2014 that requires city agency goes to give organizations like the San Francisco<\/a> bicycle organization a chance to take bicycles abandoned and put them to good use or find new homes for them. The partnerships with organizations generally with organizations that are working with low income individuals or families or people who are transportation dependent. We ask them to identify individuals who would greatly benefit from a bicycle. We make a list of people and their heights to match them to a bicycle that would suit their lifestyle and age and height. Bicycle i received has impacted my life so greatly. It is not only a form of recreation. It is also a means of getting connected with the community through bike rides and it is also just a feeling of freedom. I really appreciate it. I am very thankful. We teach a class. They have to attend a one hour class. Things like how to change lanes, how to make a left turn, right turn, how to ride around cars. After that class, then we would give everyone a test chance chance to test ride. We are giving them as a way to get around the city. Just the joy of like seeing people test drive the bicycles in the small area, there is no real word. I guess enjoyable is a word i could use. That doesnt describe the kind of warm feelings you feel in your heart giving someone that sense of freedom and maybe they havent ridden a bike in years. These folks are older than the normal crowd of people we give bicycles away to. Take my picture on my bike. That was a great experience. There were smiles all around. The recipients, myself, supervisor, everyone was happy to be a part of this joyous occasion. At the end we normally do a group ride to see people ride off with these huge smiles on their faces is a great experience. If someone is interested in volunteering, we have a special section on the website sf bike. Org volunteer you can sign up for both events. We have given away 855 bicycles, 376 last year. We are growing each and every year. I hope to top that 376 this year. We frequently do events in bayview. The spaces are for people to come and work on their own bikes or learn skills and give them access to something that they may not have had access to. For me this is a fun way to get outside and be active. Most of the time the kids will be in the house. This is a fun way to do something. You get fresh air and you dont just stay in the house all day. Iit is a good way to exercise. The Bicycle Coalition<\/a> has a Bicycle Program<\/a> for every community in San Francisco<\/a>. It is connecting the young, older community. It is a wonderful outlet for the community to come together to have some good clean fun. It has opened to many doors to the young people that will usually might not have a bicycle. I have seen them and they are thankful and i am thankful for this program. Speaking are requested but not required to state their names. Completion of a speaker card will help ensure proper spelling of the speakers names in the written record of the of the meet. Place speaker cards to the right of the lectern. There is a speaker st. pete at the front table. S. F. Gov tv, please show the office of Small Business<\/a> slide. It is our custom to begin and end each Small Business<\/a> Commission Meeting<\/a> with a reminder that the office of Small Business<\/a> is the only place to start your Small Business<\/a> in San Francisco<\/a> and the best place to get answer about doing business in San Francisco<\/a>. It should be your first stop when you have a question about what to do next. You can find us online or in person at city hall. All our services are free of charge. The Small Business<\/a> commission is the official public forum to","publisher":{"@type":"Organization","name":"","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","width":"800","height":"600","url":"\/\/\/19\/items\/SFGTV_20200401_010000_BOS_Full_Board_of_Supervisors\/SFGTV_20200401_010000_BOS_Full_Board_of_Supervisors.thumbs\/SFGTV_20200401_010000_BOS_Full_Board_of_Supervisors_000001.jpg"}},"autauthor":{"@type":"Organization"},"author":{"sameAs":"","name":""}}],"coverageEndTime":"20240716T12:35:10+00:00"}

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