Transcripts For SFGTV BOS Full Board Of Supervisors 20240713

SFGTV BOS Full Board Of Supervisors July 13, 2024

Fewer present and supervisor haney . Here. Supervisor mandleman. Present. Supervisor marr. Present. Supervisor peskin. Present. Supervisor preston. Present. Supervisor ronan. Present. And supervisor sayaye. Present. Supervisor stephanie. Present. Supervisor walton. Present. And supervisor yee. Present. Mr. President , all members are present. Thank you. Please place your right hand over your heart and would you please join me in the reciting of the pledge of allegiance. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. On behalf of the board, i would like to acknowledge that the staff records each of our meetings and make transcripts available to the public online. Madam clerk, are there any communications . Yes, mr. President. In the event that there are a few members of the public who are watching this meeting, we jilwill say due to the covid19 emergency, the board is pratting in this meeting Via Teleconference and are participating to the same extent as if they were physically present. To the members of the public, when general Public Comment is called, you may contribute live comments for up to two minutes by dialing the following telephone number and ill provide it here, 888 2045984. And when prompted, enter the following access code 3501008 and when youre connected, youll receive a prompt to dial 1 and then 0 and youll be added to the queue to speak and make sure your location is quiet, that youre speaking clearly and slowly and you turn down your television. We also welcome the written Public Comment and please use the following email, board. Gov. Supervisors sfgov. Org or use the u. S. Postal service, board of supervisors, city hall, the number one, dr. Carlton b. Goodlett place, room 244 in San Francisco, california, 91402. Thank you, mr. President. Lets get started, madam clerk and lets go to item one. Item one is an ordinance to repeal ordinance numbers 3817 and 10219 and to reenact certain provisions by amending the administrative code to update the Hotel Conversion ordinance to aform th affirm tha determination. I dont see anybody on the roster. Madam clerk, please call the role. On item one pu role call . There are 11ay session. This ordinance has passed unanimously. Madam clerk, please call items two and three. Items two and three are two resolutions that approve amendment number one two to agreements between the richmond area services, inc, and the department of Public Health and item two is an agreement of Public Health services for health and youth and increase the agreement by 13. 4 million for a new total of 23. 5 million item 3 is to increase the agreement by 15 million for a new total of 26 million, a threeyear term extension, jul july 1st, 2018 through june 20, 2023. Madam clerk, please call the role. Items two and three role call . There are 11 ayes. Without objection, these resolutions are adopted unanimously. Madam clerk, the next item. Item 4 is a resolution to authorize the general manager of the public utilitys commission to execute an agreement with gei Consultants Inc for planning, design and planning support with an agreement amount not to exceed 11 million with an 11year term through april 2031. Madam clerk, please call the role. On item 4 role call . There are 11 ayes. Without objection, this resolution is adopted unanimously. And madam clerk, please call the next item. Item 5 is a resolution to retroactively authorize the Sheriffs Department to accept and expand an proximate 366,000 grant from the board of state and Community Corrections to assist local agencies for recruitment and training of corrections and probations personnel, adherence to standards from the bcc from jul, 2020. Maam da clerk clerk, pleasee role. On item 5 role call . Supervisor peskin, did you return . Mr. President , i will let the record show that supervisor peskin, unless he returns momentarily, was absent for the vote. Ok. There are ten ayes. This is adopted unanimously. Mr. President . Yes. Unless supervisor peskin has returned, he was absent for that vote. Correct. Ok. With a 100 vote and the motion of the resolution is adopted. Madam clerk, please call the next might. Item 6 is a resolution to approve a ground lease between the city and california barrels company for approximately 1. 6 acres of shoreline property adjacent to the patrero station power site or publically accessible open space for a 66year term for 1 base rent and to adopt the citing. This is number 6, right . Yes, mr. President. So the department requested for this item to be continued to the meeting of tuesday, april 14th, 2020. I would like to make that motion. Ok, is there a second . Seconded by who . Second. Mr. President , can you hold a moment . I received a message from supervisor peskin that he is not on the system right now. May can you assist supervisor pn to get back online . Yes. Well just pause momentarily. Sorry about that. No problem. Seconded by supervisor peskin, to continue this item to april 14, 2020. Ok. So without objection, this resolution is continued. Is this the ground lease on the california bail company . Thats correct. Sorry, this is all moving very slowly relative to the previous items where i got knocked off the call. Im happy to make a motion to rescind those items and volt again. Sure. Lets just take the ill take that position without objection. Without objection, this resolution is continued to the meeting of tuesday, april 14, 2020 and madam clerk, theres been a request to rescind item number 5. Ok. Is there a second . Second. Can you state your name when you shout it out . This is sandy fewer. Seconded by supervisor fewer. And without objection, then, the vote is rescinded. Madam clerk, please call the role on item number 5 item on 5, supervisor peskin. Aye. Supervisor preston . Aye. Supervisor ronan. Aye. Supervisor safaye. Aye. Supervisor stephanie. Aye and supervisor walton. Aye. Supervisor yee. Aye. Supervisor fewer. Aye. Supervisor haney. Aye. Supervisor mandlemn. Aye and marr is aye. Sorry, colleagues, i apologize. Without objection, the resolution is adopted unanimously. Lets go to item number 7. Item 7 is a resolution to retroactively authorize the office of the District Attorney to accept and expand a 452,000 grant from the california Governors Office of Emergency Services for the county Victim Services program of january 1st, 2020 through december 21st, 2020. Madam clerk, please call the role. Supervisor peskin. Aye. Supervisor preston. Aye. Supervisor ronan. Aye. Supervisor safaye. Aye. Supervisor stephanie. Aye. Supervisor walton. Aye. Supervisor ye. Aye. Supervisor fewer. Aye. Supervisor haney. Aye. Supervisor mandleman. Aye. Supervisor mar. Aye. There are 11 ayes. Without objection, this resolution is adopted unanimously. Please call the next item. Item 8 is a resolution to approve the First Amendment to the contract between the city is the tide center for support of Housing Management services at six city leased sites by the delivering innovation in support of housing programm program to e contract by four years through june 20, 2024 and increase the contract for a new total of 29. 5 million. Please call the role, madam clerk. On item 8, supervisor peskin. You may have said my name, but it was said slowly. If you said my name, its aye. Thank you. Supervisor preston. Aye. Supervisor ronen. Aye. Supervisor safaye. Aye. Supervisor stephanie. Aye. Supervisor walton. Aye. Supervisor yee. Aye. Supervisor fewer. Aye. Supervisor han earthquakes. Aye. An store mandleman. Aye. Supervisor mar. Aye. And there are 11 ayes. Without objection, this is adopted unanimously. Lets go to item 11. Mr. President , did you purposefully skip over item 9 . No. I thought i did it. So lets go to item 9. Item 9 is a resolution to approve the issuance and sale of the revenue obligations by the California Enterprise Development Authority in an aggregate privilege amount of 19 million to finance or refinance the acquisition, improvement or eequipping of educational and related facilities to be owned and operated by San Francisco University High school. Madam clerk, please call the role. On item 9 role call . Aspca. There are 11 ayes. Without objection, this is adopted unanimously. Now we can go to item 11. Item 11 was considered by the government audit and Oversight Committee at a special meeting on monday, march 30th and forwarded to the board as a committee report, the resolution to approve the settlement of the unlitigated claim filed by brian carmedy against the city and county of San Francisco for 369,000. The claim relates to the circumstances regarding a series of search warrants obtained by the police department. Mr. President , this is aaron peskin, im too old to figure out how to use this thing, about but i want to say that i would like to thank chair mar and the gao committee for forwarding this to the full board. I do want to note that during the coronavirus period that this was ashamed city and county of San Francisco and im delighted that were settling this case. And i hope that we never in this town ever again suppress the rights of the free press. Ok. No other comments and then madam clerk, please call the role. role call . On item 11 role call . There are 11 ayes. Without objection, this is adopted unanimously. Madam clerk, please go to item number 12. Item 12 was considered by the rules committee at a special meeting on monday, march 30th, and was forwarded as a committee report. Its and ordinance to amend the administrative code to establish the American Indian cultural district in the Mission District. Supervisor ye, this is supervisor pressson an preston d like to be added as a cosponsor. I know that supervisor peskin is having a hard time noting to speak. Supervisor peskin, im here. No, thats not what i said. What i said, if youre having a hard time trying to get on the roster, thats fine, but if you could note that you want to be on the roster to speak, please do that. I see that supervisor ronan may want to speak. Thats right. Thank you so much, president yee. I really appreciate everyone for hearing this item today. This legislation will establish the first ever American Indian cultural district in the city and county of San Francisco. For many years, American Indian culture and history in the San Francisco bay area has been jeopardized not only by racism that the community has had to contend with but by the cost of living, the lack of Affordable Housing and the lack of Community Space for cultural gatherings and events. They will provide a recognised home base for the Indian Community of sanfrancisco to ensure the contributions are not forgotten or overridden. The cultural district is in the Mission District in the deloris neighborhood that spanses districts 8 and 9 from sanchez to fulsome street. This region holds a unique concentration of historic events, cultural resources, services and gathering spaces that are of significant present and historical presence to the Indian American community in the San Francisco bay area. In light of the ongoing Public Health emergency facing or city, establishing the American Indian cultural district right now will provide critical funding to support coordination efforts that theyre connected necessary to navigate in crisis. In a few months as things return to normal, i plan to introduce an amendment to expand the boundaries of the cultural district beyond that is encompassed in this legislation. While theres Broad Community support for the boundaries of the cultural district, this would delay our incorporat abilo disperse funding. So we are bringing forward the proposed boundaries to provide the cultural district with resources as quickly as possible. I want to call out the Incredible Community leaders from the American Indian community who have worked so hard on this, together with my incredible legislative aid, paul monhay. I think this was his first piece of legislation in my office and i know its become extremely important to him. I cant thank you enough, paul, for all of your work. I do want to say that during yesterdays committee meeting, for some reason there was about eight people from the community waiting to give Public Comment and it didnt work so we can figure that out and troubleshoot that later. But i want to call out a few of the key leaders who have been working with us on this and really give me the extreme privilege of being able to carry this legislation on their behalf. Sharia sosap, april mcgillan and helen wakazoo from the Friendship House and a special thank you, as well, to julia sabori, our own city staff from the Mayors Office of housing and community development. I also want to thank all of my cosponsors. I think were getting close to unanimous support for this item and i thank you all for that. And thats all. Ok, thank you. Madam clerk, role call. role call . On item 12 supervisor peskin. Madam clerk, one moment while i access the calendar. As it regards to item 12, i would like to add my words to supervisor ronen, as the individual who worked for native tribes for many, many years, i would like to salute her and the native American Community for everything they are doing. This is something that has been a long time in coming and i really, really appreciate it on behalf of the lake pyuo tribe and to the native peoples in the northern end of this peninsula. Thank you so much. So then that would be peskin, aye . That would be an aye. Thank you. Supervisor preston. Aye. Supervisor ronen. Aye. Supervisor safaye. Aye. Supervisor stephanie. Aye. Supervisor walton. Aye. Supervisor ye. Aye. Supervisor fewer. Aye. Supervisor haney. Aye. Supervisor mandleman. Aye. Supervisor mar. Aye. There are 11 ayes. This item is passed unanimously on first pass. Lets go to role call for introductions. Role call for introductions. Supervisor peskin, youre first up to introduce new business. Rerefer, please. Ok, thank you. Supervisor preston. Submit. Thank you. Supervisor ronen. Submit. Supervisor safaye. Thank you, madam clerk. I have two things to talk about today and the first is a resolution tharesolution i worke sfmta is the transit workers urging both party expose the pae agency to continue working together to prioritize muni safety and to develop additional policies that protect our operators during this time of crisis on the front lines, getting essential workers back and forth and other individuals around the city that need to be out during this time. I want to thank sfmta director jeff tumlin and roger morenko for working together. We came to an agreement this weekend to allow and made this public and were boarding only with the exception of seniors and other persons with disabilities that need access through the front door, telling operators to enforce social distancing and to limit the number of passengers per bus. The union and the leadership will continue to Work Together to allow more operator discretion in these times during this crisis and thankfully, this stimulus package that came down will be a big benefit to allowing muni to continue and our local bar to continue. So this resolution is introduced today with the full support of the union and i hope my colleagues will support it. The second thing i wanted to talk about was ive asked all of the representatives from the major delivery apps doing work and business with our restaurants to continue our restaurants to keep going. Theres been some concern about the cost of fees and commissions during this time. Weve asked all of those parties to come together so that we can be in a room and work on solutions. So that while revenue has dropped for these restaurants, theyre continuing to feed people that are continuing to feed our community and keep people to work and we have to ensure that the fees theyre being charged are not so astronomical and that is a driver and not allowing them to stay in business. Is many of them have already offered waiving of commission completely for new businesses that sign up with their companies. We would like to explore what they intend to do with the existing businesses. Well continue that conversation. And the rest i submit. Thank you, supervisor. Supervisor stephanie. Thank you, madam clerk. Colleagues, im introducing two resolutions that dres address Domestic Abuse during the coronavirus. Anyone sheltering in place with an of abuser can call the natiol domestic hotline for help at 800 7997233 or you can also text loveis and thats loveis at online at www. Thehotline. Org. The women inc support line in San Francisco is also available at 877 3843578. Women inc offers peer counseling, safety planning and referrals for needed resources. And all of these services are available 24 7 free of charge. I make a point to mention this because while requirements that residents shelter in place are essential to Public Health, staying home is not always the safest option for survivors of Domestic Violence, many of whom live with their abusers. The first resolution im introduc

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