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Roll call, please. Clerk on item 37 as amended, supervisor walton . Walton aye. Yee aye. Fewer aye. Haney aye. Mandelman aye. Mar aye. Peskin aye. Preston aye. Ronen aye. Safai aye. Stefani aye. There are 11 ayes. President yee okay. Without objection then the resolution as amended is adopted. Thank you. President yee all right. Madame clerk, please read the inmemorial yams. Today, meeting will be adjourned in the memory of the beloved individual, on behalf of president yee, the late honorable judge michael kwan. President yee madame clerk, any further business before us today . That concludes our business for today. President yee thank you, madame clerk. As there is no further business, we are all adjourned. Thank you. Good night, everybody. good morning and welcome to the San Francisco transportation meet ing for today july 28, 202. Madam, clerk. Please call the roll. roll call we have a quorum. thank you. Before i ask the clerk to make a motion. I ask for a motion to excuse the absence. Can i get a second. second. accelerate we do that without objection . i believe so. No vote required. without objection. Commissioner is excused. Do you have any announcements . yes, i do, chair. Public comment maybe available for each item on this agenda via telephone by calling 888 2045987. Follow the system prompts. When you wish to speak on an item dial one zero to be added to the queue to speak. Each speaker will be allowed two minutes to speak. Calls will be taken in the order which received. Best practices are to speak slowly, clearly and turn down the volume of any televisions or radios around you. thank you madam, clerk. This month, i want to start by congratulating director of our Capital Projects. His project and partners at the Treasure Island development authority. Cal trans, the Bay Area Toll Authority and the United States coast guard for the south gate road realignment project held earlier this month. This project will provide a stable connection for bicyclists and motorists connecting on and off on it i80 on the san open bay bridge. This is open to visitors and neighbors on the island which is growing with several housing projects under way. Next id like to convey our Transportation Authority support to the operator who was viciously attacked by a passenger after asking three passengers to wear face coverings. This may have been a hate crime as evidenced by the passenger accusing the driver of asian descent of having corona virus. Ive already made inquiries to the sfpd and District Attorneys Office and will work with them to ensure a thorough investigation and followup. No arrests have been made yet. The board stands with all of our drivers and all of our front line workers during this pandemic. We will absolutely not tolerate hate or abuse as a sacrifice to serve our city. I hope we find those who perpetrated these horrible events and bring them to justice. Finally id like to elaborate on an item that weve been discussing here since october of 2019. This obviously is going to be the subject of discussion today, later today the board of sawp supervisors, thats the decision we made last tuesday to place a sales tax on this moves ballot together with santa clara coun county. I dont want to put words in commissioners mouth but i think we both remain hopeful that representatives will support us in advancing the voter consideration and if passed sets up an immediate and long term set of funds with a near term discussion of cal tran governance support. These are key to support that San Francisco and santa clara which together provide 80 of anticipated tax proceeds have an equal say at the table which is critical given the progressive nature of the tax and the many important decisions before us particularly as they relate to equity. I want it reiterate that we believe cal tran is a fe phenomenally criticalits never a good time to deal with governance but we cant keep kicking the can down the tracks. Now is a time for all of the partner counties and create an equity, accountable, organization. Thank you. That kn colludes m concludes my. Any Public Comments on the chairs report . checking Public Comments. I see nobody on line. Public Comment is closed and well go to executive directors report. great. Thank you, chair. Good morning commissioners. This morning ill note quickly that we want to provide a more full update on the events in washington d c on the senate and administration taking up the next phase of covid 19 relief. Were still trying to track down information, this may include funds for transit in the house heros act which does provide for transit relief funds. Thats an important update well be bringing to you in the next month. The state level, Assembly Members obtain together a joint proposal stimulus plan to help support those most imfacte impay covid 19. A hundred thousand dollars through a new tax program and existing Revenue Streams and not rearaise taxes. Accelerate sb1, the gas tax, and state cap and trade funds. Both of which funds transportation, capital, and maintenance, and some programs. Clean vehicle programs sm we wilprograms. We will continue toe about the proposal and work with our agencies at San Francisco. San franciscos projects received one hundred thirty Million Dollars for Affordable Housing and ri infrastructure grants. The eighty million from the california strategic growth sowncouncils and sustainable grt program. 20 million was provided to the Fourth Street program. Affordable housing and Community Projects are comment to relieve Greenhouse Gas Emission Reductions and support Affordable Housing. On the infill infrastructure grant side received three grants. Three and a half million. Hope sf received seven point seven million. Honey vil six and a half mill. A fourth project our own Treasure Island Development Project for the pedestrian and bike path improvement. Congratulation to all the recipients. Together across all of these projects San Francisco received 17 percent of the state wise available funds. I start of a new program that is a Regional News based program initiated in mid july. Marked the start of an 18 month project that is a pilot to demonstrate the news based fare program for low income residents. Households with incomes no more than two times the Poverty Level a discount on the fare. Plan pa bay area has an update t the federal level. Inclusion of the draft blue print of that plan. The commission which commissioner ronan sits, thank you for your representation there. Approved draft projects. All of our priorities did make it in to be recommended for the plan. It has not yet been adopted, that will happen next year. This is a significant mile stone to ensure certain projects are in at this point and will be worked on over the coming year for valuation and environmental review. Downtown extension project was placed in the first half of the plan period which positions it well for the endeavor to meet the six party mou project party team. This will help the project be scet active for the coming years. Next ill turn to it the regional measure three bridge toll update. As you know, its been in litigation but it has cleared a legal hurdle on june 29th the state appeal confirmed findings for the bridge toll increase. This is the progrm tha program s approved in 2018 2018. The plaintive is stillwell be sure to be ready to go should that be resolved soon. Youll recall that board approved case funds for the sf environment ride home environment. I wanted to pre vie provide a qk update here. Following the initial period which prioritized trips home in the late evening hours. Capacity for the program, sf environment staff decided they are able to expand eligibility to workers commuting home as well. The eligibility here will also be accompanied by a multi lingual Marketing Campaign to communities with concern for essential workers who commute into San Francisco. Many of these applications were received in an initial spike of interest. Theres hope that we canlast summer, the board allocated prep k funds that is lower cost reversible traffic controls such as signage to implement safety improvements faster than traditional improvements. The california Street Project between 18th. Additional segments such as the third street bridge with protected bike lanes. A two way protected bike way. Thank you sfta for your hard work. We look forward to tipping to support you there. Turning now to bart. Theres a lot of updates this month. Im going to keep going. The construction project is also under way. The street station including the Construction Public station rest rooms. A Million Dollars in prop k funds was contributed to this comprehensive station safety project. Improve circulation on the station. In addition to the rest rooms the ticket vending machines. Bart anticipates the project will be completed in 2021. The elevator attendant initiative is taking a bit of a new configuration. Bart and sfmta update the attendant services at the service stations. Two poinlt six million in lifeline funds for civic center funs back in april. Due to the impacts of covid 19 were work withing stafing witho maintain the program across the four stations by showing a financial contributions a across all four stations. Providing necessary match for lifeline. Given that cost is shietl slighy lower than anticipated first year cost and evening hours due to Covid Service changes, this is working out well. Bart is veryturpinturning to te local issues on my report. The Community District Transportation Plan is stake holder and community review. Were partnering here. Theres a plan in addition to the one just approved and we discussed, this is the next phase plansome of the solutions for the square itself will compliment the rebuild of the park thats funded as well from the recovery bond. Circulation as well as some changes to parking and other facilities. We anticipate bringing that to the community and out reach meeting here in august. A final report to you all in the board in september. District four, the study there is moving along. The survey is coming out for members of the public to tell us more been b their experience in choosing transit, walking, and biking. What vehicle trips they think could be approved with vehicle options. At the request of commissioner mar, weve been exploring ways of walking and biking with the highest ride share rates in the city. Out reach began at the end of may with a presentation by staff. Followup to that, we are launching Online Survey to get feedback from more residents in district four. Please visit our website for more information or to take the survey. Finally, on the administration side, im pleased to report that the may sales tax res ar receips higher year on here. This is surprising given the close of march. Rementing a significant increafe freely in may. Well continue to monitor the situation and ki and incorporate information. With that i conclude my report. Thank you ssment. thank you i did want to followup on one thing and thank you director chang for really comprehensive updates. You referenced some of theyour update on the federal action and were watching closely to see what kind of federal money comes in in addition to what already came in. I wanted to ask you about those funds and other federal funds and how were deciding what is alkayed foallocated for capitald what is for operating. Mta is using the funds to back fill the operating budget, entirely understandable especially with all the immediate losses with covid 19. I hope i have this correct and am looking to you to see if my understanding is correct, i believe that beyond just the cares act money or any further funds that are authorized that we are freer right now to use Federal Capital funds to cover operating expenses during a state of emergency. Obviously my consti constituentd many around the city are concerned around the loss of bus lines around the city. Were eager for solution it bring these lines back as soon as possible. We hear regularly and understandable about the lack of revenue to do this. Im curious if there are other federal funds other than the cares act money to come in. That are for Capital Projects that some portion of those funds can be used on operating expenses or not. If so, how are we making decisions around whether to allocate for Capital Projects or expanded operations. yes. Thank you so much for the question. Its a very good question. Indeed the sta provides each transit operator on an annual basis funds for capital. This has been going on forever. Each operator gets that funding based on mileage sm thos. Those funds are only to be used for capital. However in march due to the stress and strain due to the pandemic. There was permission for operators and permission it use the capital monies for operations. Million now not many of them had done so because of this covid 19 cares act funds and many are doing so now. Going forward many of them do see after this calendar year and perhaps into early next, if there are no further federal relief funs say from the heros act, they really would be faced with very desire situations to either use those capital formula funds or perhaps face further service reductions. Now youre starting to see the bart board this past week approved a budget that maintained some Service Levels but did take some of their expansion Vehicle Projects that had been funded from these formula grant money it close their budget. Youre starting to see agencies look to that source which is under their control. These decisions are happening at each individual transit agencies management and board and their discussions about the budget and priorities. Its a tougher decision to make with trade off because they may not have as much expansion money to trade off. Whether that trade off is with capital maintenance. Certainly they wouldnt want to dip into safety projects. Cal train for example, can do that. Bart has already i believe begun to do that in a limited way in using their expansion capital vehicle funds. how that decision is made, i think when it gets to the maybe hood level this impack whrz we caimpactswhether we canr bus line or not. There are trade offs here and there are opportunities to use some of the capital formula funs in this way. I look forward to continuing that conversation with you and the mta. commissioner also raised this concern. We can invite him back anytime when appropriate to talk about how they will be approaching these decisions. thank you. Seeing no other questions for direct ydirector chang. there is Public Comment. welcome caller. Your two minutes begins now. thank you chair, and members. My pronouns are she and her. Regarding this report very informative and helpful. Ill have to replay it. Briefly the big elephant in the room in a big way is clipper start. We have to get behind this program. The chance to say 50 per ride is going to be very helpful for people who dont travel as frequently. is there a motion to move the consent april jen agenda. motion. second. roll call, please. good morning, commissioners. Can everyone hear me . yes. Bank Accounts total to one hundred twenty five million. The investments are in compliance with the california government code and investment adoption policy. In terms of our debt expenditures, you may recall we have a sales tax revenue bond. Its been on our books for the last two years. We spent one hundred eighty eight poi poin point two millio. Central sub way and new and upgraded signals among projects. Bond proceedings are to be spent over the next three months. With that im happy to take any questions on this information item. thank you for that report. Are there any questions from members. Seeing none. Is there any Public Comment . yes, chair. There is Public Comment. first speaker, please. welcome caller, injure twoo minutes begin now. okay. I wanted to speak on item six. The intersection study. sorry that wasthat as on our last agenda for Public Comment on july 14th. That was on todays Consent Agenda and was not available for Public Comment. My apologies. i did do a written submission. I hope you all take a look at it. Thank you. thank you. Is that alvin. yes, it is. yes. I saw your written comment. thank you. this tax is one and a half percent on shared rides provided by tm c shared rides. Initially revenues were estimated at thirty million annually. Thats looking different this year and ill provide an update on that in a moment. The first is quick build. This provides support for the Rapid Response we know is needed. Safety zone, bike lanes, and so on. We have a safe streets category. This is intenned fo intended fog term requirements. This is an open call for projects. Were also recommending a signals category and maintenance. Were also developing prioritization criteria as part of the Program Guidelines sm just tguidelines. Just to highli, communities of concern have Proven Community engagement and support. Limited other funding option optionsprioritizing what funding we have for quick build projects for fiscal year 2021 and 2022 and we only allocate what revenues we have in hand at that time. For this fall were expecting to have revenues from january through june in hand and so that would allow us to allocate just under 2 million for quick build projects. Its porp important to provide a steady stream of funding. Tax revenues with programs, prop k funning in order to meet that need. If we see a significant increase in revenue we may come back to the board to Fund Additional projects. What youll see this fall for quick build youll i see what mt is is considering in their list. Some include bike lanes and lighting and other changes. Were seeing feedback on parts of the Program Guidelines and quick builds. Well be back in the fall seeking adoption of the guidelines an allocating the first set of funding. With that im happy to answer any questions. thank you miss lion ses ane community out reach that you did. Are there any questions from members . I dont see any. I do want to not only thank staff but my staff for their work in getting the tm c tax on the ballot. Most importantly i want to thank my colleagues any other calls from public . Public comment is closed. This was an information item. thank you commissioners. Let me share my screen. Hopefully you all can see my screen. not yet. not yet. Do we want to go to plan b . Here we go. Try this. Better . Okay. Thank you all. Thank you for the opportunity. Im here to tell you today about the 15 third bus study which was part of our Planning Project series. Its meant to be a short Technical Evaluation of returning the 15 third street bus to service. The reasons for this project really emerge from Prior Community feedback that has noted challenges with the t third service, including delays, train switching, the slow implementation tied to the subway and other factors. The purpose of this was really to look at how can we improve access from bay viewpoints in particular but where the third operates now to the 15 service. We focused this survey entirely on the analysis of which before the pandemic began, reflecting what the service was prior to the pandemic, well talk a little about what mpa is doing with this information at the end. Theres quite a bit of scheduled delays not to mention actual performances and lower head ways on the t third or there were prepandemic. Theres also been a lot of changes within the corridor and tremendous number of changes anticipated to come in the future with major developments along the eastern water front. We do want to take a quick look as we start out the study at when people travel. We know thats an issue thats been raised. There is in fact reasonably typical travel patterns. Mid day travel to and from downtown. When we took a look at this, there were four key elements of the corridor that we wanted to look at. Part of it is the downtown element. We looked at this primarily as an express service, compliment the t as a service traveling on the new 15 and bay view and connection to visitation of the valley. Two options were evaluated for this study. Both of them circulate on third and Fourth Street potentially downtown. Both provide the express service on mission bay and the dog patch. The first of which is directly paralleling what the t provides today. The second of which provides a loop through hunters point. These are two items that had emerged from prior planning studies we wanted to evaluate. We used head ways that are approximately equivalent to the type of express services that were provided by muni, the ax and bx which ran more frequently. We looked at the bulk of folks who traveled during that time of day just to cover our bye bases. Travel to downtown, we were looking at transit access type metrics. Who the total ridership is and net ripership and were in the midst of looking at the Cost Effectiveness of the service. Just quickly we did look at speeds. We looked at total travel time which is consistent with what we saw on prior 15 services. This is resolute route for up hunters point. From a modeling perspective stnl ridership on these lines. Seven thousand riders on each andwhich is a fairly substantial number of riders. We did compare that as i say to net riders and note that there is a big chunk at the bottom of the chart. About two thousand riders on the route that would travel along third street. When you combine both of the two routes together theres 4800. Theres the bay view. The alignment that aligned significantly with that. This is a more detailed look at the specific numbers that we can return to if there are questions. We do see ridership throughout the day as well. Thats some useful information for mta as they think about what to do with this in terms of implementation. We also did a comparison to the details of the other express bus services that operated today. These types of services you can see the dark green bars show the two services. Thewhat were calling the 15ax which is the third street express. And 15bx have similar ridership. This is peak riders. Just those traveling during the peak period and peak direction which is typically how the express bus system operates. Where do we go from here. We have to complete our Cost Effective analysis and writeup a final report which well be bringing back to the board for final adoption. I also want to report and wre do have support from mta if you have questions about this about potential short term implementation as part of the return of the metro rail system in august. This is planned for august. Given all the changes being made with that return theres an interest in implementing a 15 express service to compliment that work. Mta is working with stake holders to define potential route options for what that express service would look like going out to the public as a set of options and review and modify that as needed. This is something that mta has been looking at for a while. Were aligning well in being able to present to them findings that look promising. They can take that and do a more robust process and take it for further evaluation. With that ill take any questions. commissioner walton. thank you so much. I just wanted to state, colleagues you know at the bus stop service to make room for a supposedly more rapid and more efficient t third rail line, we have endured issues of delay. Our office called for this Feasibility Study on bringing back the 15 third bus to enhance service in the third street corridor and eliminate some of the delays and inwwe inequitiest exist with the t. Thank mta for listening to feedback and proposing opportunities to get the 15 back down to third street very soon. Thank you for the presentation. I just wanted to followup with some brief comments. thank you. Any other comments from commissioners . Seeing none, why dont we open this up to Public Comment. okay. Chair. Two questions remaining. welcome caller. Your two minutes begins now. Go ahead, caller. Hello, caller . Go ahead. okay. Well move to the next caller. Good morning caller, your two minutes begins now. hi. Steven miller calling in. I have some concerns about this project. Im in support for the express bus. I would encourage you guys to look into improving the t line whether that means getting it out of mixed traffic along some portions of third street, timing the signals better, running the trains more frequently, whatever that looks like, i think that is the better alternative here rather than bringing back the bus that is going to be stuck in the same traffic and signals. The bus is very dangerous because they are close to side wiping people or taking up both lanes. I have a lot of concerns with this. thank you. Are this any other members of the public that would like to testify on this item . there are no more callers. Public Comment is closed. This too was an information item. item 13, this is an information item. good morning, commissioners. San francisco public works. Im the better market Street Project manager. Im joined b by bret. As you know as part of our one bay area Grant Funding we were asked to provide quarterly updates. This quarters update although the last time we presented was in december. We have several updates that we wanted to share with you today. Weve made the most progress in our environmental clearance at the federal level, were getting clearance. It closed on july 14th. We held a public hearing in june to collect comment from the public. We received comments around ten to twelve comments from the public which were now addressing and responding to. Our schedule is to have final approval by august 24th. This is a quick diagram of the nepa process. The draft document with the environmental assessment. We have section 106 for historic preservation. Park land and historic site. Were currently in this middle level where were working with comments, a memorandum of agreement. Were drafting our final 4s evaluation. Our target for final signature from cal trans is august 24th. This is low allows us to allocae our federal funds build fund dollars by the end of august. Our schedule has changed a little bit as a result of covid 19. Primarily advertising the first phase of construction between fifth to eighth street to 2021. Our design is continue to go that time. We implemented quick build back in january. We have a Pilot Project as a sidewalk level bike way. We plan to begin construction in 2021. Were assuming a two year construction duration. Followed by construction of the f loop. Im sure you all remember that Market Street went car free january 29th. We saw significant increase in bicycling. In the eastbound direction market to main. Turn restrictions from the side street prevented any vehicles from getting onto market other than delivery vehicle and para transit and taxis. I also wanted to update you on our funding plan. Were excited to share that we were selected as part of a accessible housing an sustainable communities grant in the amount of two point seven Million Dollars. Its added to the middle of this chart which youve seen before. That selection was made in june. It will be added to the construction of the first phase between fifth and eighth street. The rest of the funding plan looks very sam similar. Weve been working to fill the first phase of the gap of construction. Weve also looked at other calls for projects and Funding Sources to help fill the gap for the full corridor. I wanted to give you an ow updae on the other changes and steps were taking during the pandemic. Our schedule is delayed about six months for fifth to eighth street. Were taking this time to reevaluate implementation of the project to reduce impacts to businesses. We met with commissioners in march and spoke in detail about reteusing impacts to businesses. How we phase in the project. Minimizing or limiting the am of sidewalk replacement which would directly impact businesses since its in front of their entrances. Looking at way to accommodate the i increase bike volume. Were looking at ways we can provide more space for bicycles. The last thing is were also looking at designing parts of the project, getting it shovel ready for stimulus funds that may become available in the near future. With that ill conclude my presentation and im available to answer any questions. thank you. Are there any questions from commissioners and thank you for the meeting with myself and supervisor haney and taking seriously our concerns that will become all the more true due to covid 19. Seeing no comment from commissioners lets take comment from the public. chair, there is no Public Comment. puck lick comment is now closed. Thank you. Good luck. And good luck getting money. Any new items . Seeing none. Any general comment . Seeing none. there is one Public Comment. Just snuck if there. got it. Excellent. First speaker, please. welcome caller. Your two minutes begins now. Okay. Call has dropped unfortunately. okay. Should we give that will person just a second to see if they want to get back on . Can you just check the line again, please. yes. Im checking. Hold on one second. Okay. Lets try this again. go ahead speaker. they have dropped out. okay. We will close general Public Comment and this part of our meeting is adjourned and i think everybody is supposed to stay on and wait a couple of minutes and we will reconvene as the Treasure Island mobility agency. I do not see the chair of that body as one of our participants but i believe the vice chair is available. Okay. Coping with covid19. Todays special guest. I am chris manners, you are watching coping with covid19. My guest is the director of economic and Work Force Development here to talk about the programs the city has in place during this crisis to help Small Businesses and vulnerable and disconnected residents. Welcome to the show. Thank you for having me. It is a pleasure to be here, chris. Start by talking about gift to sf. It provides many of the resources we are talking about. Could you tell us a little bit about the focus of gift to us. Then we will talk about specific programs. I very much appreciate the question. For anyone who is watching right now, so much of the work that has been accomplished to serve most vulnerable is because of very generous donations to the give to sf covid19 response and recovery fund. Over 28 million has been fund raised to support areas as important as Housing Stabilization for vulnerable communities, Food Security programs which has been a big issue not only in San Francisco but up and down california and of course across the nation. Very much thinking about workers and family members who may not have been access to state and federal programs the same way that others who are impacted have and do. That was to make sure families and workers were supported with woulrelief. Small Business Community to make sure they have access to loan was and grants. We are excited how diverse we have been able to do this. We have been able to roll these out to ensure that our communities are supported by our city together with all of us with city funds and philanthropic dollars to help realize them on behalf of the communitys needs. That is great. Now, many of our Small Businesses dont have large payrolls. They are unable to qualify for the federal ppp loans. Does the city have active programs available for Small Businesses to help with ongoing expenses such as rent while they are still closed . Certainly. One of the programs we launched in partnership and because of the ability of the give to sf loan fund presented us with was for loans and grants to do that. We knew in the beginning that it was not easy for smaller businesses not connected or those who were to get an answer around relief provided through ppp. We have seen success of the program. We knew it was important at the time to also have the San Francisco hardship mcwas Emergency Loan Program be launched and designed to support businesses who needed resources the most. We have committed 15. 5 million in ongoing covid19 Small Business Financial Relief. We have awarded grants and loans to over 400 Small Businesses thus far. We wanted to make sure that we were equitable about that approach always guidings work through Racial Equity lens. One of the most important pieces is ensuring every district would be represented and also more equitable work and places where we were doing that work would be supported through these efforts. In the first phase 1 million to 128 Small Businesses and 29 different neighborhoods with up to 10,000 in funds to support those who were experiencing loss. We set aside a minimum of 2 million for low and moderate income owners to ensure they were supported with relief efforts. Neighborhood goes like lower filmore, bayview, castro and excelsior. Longterm businesses have given to the city and we want to give bamto them as well. Then because we were looking for additional Funding Sources, we took dollars that we had with existing partners already with our partners to do Small Business work and help convert to support Women Entrepreneurs around San Francisco and very specific neighborhoods for mini grants to serve immediate needs. Every little dollar helped. One of the programs that just become available. Right to recover. I am glad you are asking about right to recover. We know that it is extremely valuable right now as we look to incentivize Community Members disproportionately impacted by covid19 by economic hardship, spaces to work in because they need to provide for families, having access to the Economic Relief or wages that you count on to protect yourself, stabilize your families, support your families and children or parents or extended family. That is a huge disincentive if you believe you may not have access to quarantine to do what we want you to do. If you are sick to get tested. If you test positive to quarantine and stay home. So that you can get better and not infect anyone else. That comes at a cost. You are not going to work, not making wages. For so many low income workers that is not acceptable. This is to provide relief based on the individual to give minimum wage for that period of time. When they walked into the testing site they knew if i test positive is there a program to help me, we could say yes . That was important to mayor breed, extremely important to supervisor ronen and they worked together to make 2 million available to support these individuals. Together with the department of Public Health we have a holistic system to fill the gaps that may exist to encourage people to get tested to do the right thing. Wear a mask, social distancing, not going places when they are sick and doing our part to make sure they were incentivized. Not having sick pay with the virus would be really stressful. Iit is important for undocumented. We know the lat inx is more than 50 of the positive cases and may not have access to sick leave or Financial Hardship to do the right thing and to quarantine with financial reli relief. As we start another new releaf program. Africanamerican Small Business Revolving Loan fund. How will that fund work . Well, i am very, very proud. This fund. I do have to give a shout out to our invest in Neighborhoods Team who worked day and night with the africanamerican chamber of commerce and main street launch to support the zero percent interest loan up to 50 thousand dollars. We have been striving to be specific and target communities of color and africanamerican Small Business Entrepreneur Community. It is so much more difficult for this community to access resources and it was important to do something in this moment that is reflective of a movement we know has been emotion for such a long time. For us to do something real, provide Financial Relief for the community in this ka this way ar them specifically. We are very proud to get this up and running. We look forward to applications being live so people from the africanamerican and black business communities to get relief. Flexible terms. Forgiveness up to 50,000 for those loans which can make a huge difference fought only for relief when you think about rent for a Small Business but also in terms of longterm recovery and being smart about the moment. There are businesses with the ability to be open, even a little bit. It is a stress on them. There are others that dont have the ability to do this at all. Where is their relief . They wait for us to do our collective part to ensure we can reopen. These dollars, very specifically for the black Entrepreneur Community are important for longterm viability success. That is good for them, the diversity of the city we hold dear and we need to be proud of. Do we have active programs for disconnected or underserved communities . Absolutely. As i was mentioning just simply about the right to recover program. When people go to the mission hub at 701 alabama within the Mission District to serve the community, they are providing Food Security, access to resources. What they have done is extraordinary in terms of partnering with the city with relief efforts to help pay and maintain Food Distribution for families. Thing are important like the latin x to do so many dishes with one item masa. Access to rise, cereals, milk, butter, fresh foods and vegetables. That is across the city in the entirety in those areas of need. To ensure those programs are made available for our most vulnerable communities. Seniors or families who desperately need that help. Finally, is there a website specifically designed to provide access and information about these resources . One of the easiest things to do, people have a general question and to want dont have access to the internet call 311. Reach out. We have been working closely to ensure the members and staff have the information they need to get what you need. As you call in. Most specifically for workers, employers, nonprofits to go to our website oewd. Org and click on covid19 which is a large button on the site. You will find a full list of information specifically designed for you as employer, as worker and nonprofit so that you know where to go for resources. Also, our phone number 5546134 for the small acciden small bus. The incredible staff are administering those lines. If they dont answer they will get back to you so you can talk to a real person in multiple languages. Also email sfosbasfgov. Org. Again, visit the website oewd. Org and you can find that. In terms of workforce 415 7014817. Someone will get back to you if they dont pick up immediately to answer your questions if you are a worker. Then to donate. Give to sf. Org. All of that information is to find to the website if you need resources or you need an understanding how we are phasing reopening or updated information, please visit us. We will get back to you. We look forward to serving you and the community to get through this very, very challenging time. That is great information. Thank you so much for coming on the show. I really appreciate the time you have given us today. It is a pleasure, chris. Thank you for helping get information out to our communities. People are aware your government is hard at work on your behalf to get you what you need during a dynamic and challenging time. That is it for this episode. We will be back with more information shortly. This is coping with covid19. I am chris manners, thanks for watching on sfgovtv. This is a Small Business held of the small Commission Meeting and its being called to order at 11 03 a. M. We thank services for televising the media which can be viewed on sf gov2. Members calling in, the number is 888 2733658. The access code is 3107452. When prompted, dial 10 to be added to the speaker line. The auto prompt will indicate the callers are entering the question and answer time and if you call

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