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Peskin. Thank you and clerk john carroll. Thank you to sfgovtv for airing this meeting. Mr. Clerk, do you have any announcements . Clerk yes. Both cable channel 26 and sfgov are scrolling a Public Comment announcement across your screen. To call in to the meeting, dial 4156550001. Enter the meeting code 1464157487, then pound, and pound again. To comment on an item, press star, three to enter the queue. Alternatively, you may submit Public Comment in either of the following ways. You may email me. I am john carroll, and im the clerk of the government audit and oversight committee. My email is john. Carroll sfgov. Org. Or you may mail in your comment to city hall. The address is 1 carlton e. Goodlett place, San Francisco, california, 94102. Items acted on today will appear on the board of supervisors agenda of september 15, 2020, unless otherwise stated. Chair mar thank you, mr. Clerk. Can you please call items 1 and 2 together. Clerk yes. Item 1 is a resolution receiving and approving the annual report for the Fishermans Wharf Community Benefit district and Fishermans Wharf portside Community Benefit district for fiscal year 20182019. Item 2 is a resolution declaring the intention of the board of supervisors to renew and expand a businessbased Business Improvement district known as the Fishermans Wharf portside Community Benefit district and levy a multiyear assessment on identified businesses in the district. Mr. Chair . Chair mar thank you, mr. Clerk. Id like to welcome chris cordes, senior Clerk Program manager with the office of management and workforce development. Thank you. Were here to talk about two items. One is the Fishermans Wharf Community Benefit district fiscal year 201819 annual repo report. We are governed by two acts. Streets and highways act 36600, and article three of the business and tax regulations code. This resolution covers the annual report for fiscal year 201819. Oewd assures that all c. B. D. S and bids are meeting their annual reduction plans and oewd provides the board of supervisors with a summary memo. The c. B. D. Is a unique c. B. D. In that its compromised of both a land and port side. In fiscal year 1819, they received approximately 715,000 in assessments. They submitted, and the pouredside received approximately 220,000. Both c. B. D. S expire in 2020. The land base did renew this summer and will be around for another 15year term. The current director of the c. B. D. Is mr. Randall scott, and hes here to present with me today. Oewd staff reviews the following budgetrelated benchmarks for all c. B. D. S. Benchmark one, whether the variance amounts for each Service Category was within ten servi Percentage Points from the Management Plan. Its important to note that the portside does not have benchmark two. Benchmark three, whether the variance between the budget amounts within each Service Category was within ten Service Points from the actual, and benchmark four, whether the c. B. D. Is accounting funds carried over from the Previous Fiscal Year and is accounting for projects in the current fiscal year. For benchmark one, the c. B. D. Did meet this requirement and his historically met it, as well, for both land side and the port side. For benchmark two, the c. B. D. Raised 23. 2 of their operating budget from nonassessment revenue. For this budgets versus actual for the landside c. B. D. , they met it and has historically met it, and the portside, the c. B. D. Has met it, and has been pretty consistent with the exception of fiscal year 1516. And the carryover, they decided how they would complete upcoming projects in our report. The c. B. D. Was successful in exceeding its general benefit requirement. It has hosted Successful Events and has partnered with the Broader Community to make the wharf a destination for locals and tourists alike. The c. B. D. Will sunset on august 3, 2020, and the portside c. B. D. Will sunset on december 31, 2020, and the renewal process is slated to be concluded before that date. If theres no question for oewd on this portion of the presentation, i would like to turn it over to mr. Scott for his presentation on fiscal year 1819. Chair mar thank you, mr. Cordes, for the presentation. I dont have any questions. Supervisor peskin i just want to thank Randall Scott and his staff, and most importantly, the payors of the c. B. D. For the work that theyve done precovid, during covid, during times of unrest at Fishermans Wharf. Thank you, mr. Scott, and your staff. Thank you, supervisor. Good morning, chair mar, supervisor peskin, and vice chair haney. Thank you for allowing me to present our fiscal year report. Although the Fishermans Wharf Community Benefit district technically has two districts as previously mentioned, we have historically and plan to continue to submit our annual report as a single entity. Id like to take a brief moment to thank you, supervisor peskin, for all of your support, leadership, and partnership, which allows us in the wharf and the payors to sustain a cleaner and safer destination for San Francisco and the tourists who come to visit. Next slide, please. Briefly, although Fishermans Wharf c. B. D. Has been in existence since 2006, with operations beginning in 2007, we did not begin our clean and safe operations until 2017. Been expanded in 2018 to more ambassadors and yearround. Expansion efforts to clean and safe has become a priority. Next slide, please. As you can see, in 1819, we removed over 35,000 pounds of trash, almost 4,000 graffiti and stickers removed, and 4,000 street items to beautify the neighborhood. You know, whatever we can paint and cover up to make it look nice and pretty, we do. There are also a number of quality of life issues that we regularly address, which include 800 public disturbances, 1300 public campingsleeping calls that we respond to gently and compassionately, i might add. We have a good rapport with the regular individuals who are unfortunately on the street in our district, and, you know, we have kind of a partnership and an agreement with them on good street behavior. Id like to point out that the primary role of Fishermans Wharf c. B. D. Ambassador is hospitality. With that, we logged almost 1800 hospitality actions in 1819. Marketing highlights, participating with businesses on a fullpage comarketing ad in the october 2019 magazine of alaska airlines. Received 10,000 in free advertising from iheart radio for inkind advertising, as well as the signs that sit on top of uber cars. Optimize website loading time, so our Marketing Team has done a phenomenal job, so its been great coming on with them. And then, of course, we have our great traditional print marketing, the bars contraction ashe hunt, which has been a Successful Program in 1819, bring back the night life. Its just a fun little, you know, pamphlet that you get, and you go around and get stamps at the various bars that you attended. And its free. Anyone can participate, and its just there to drive for business to our night life. Next slide, please. Key metrics and insights, we had approximately 18. 1 million visitors to the wharf in 2018. About 65 of san franciscans came to the wharf, so of those people that came to the city and county of San Francisco, that many came to the wharf. 150plus. 33 of the visitors spend between 150 and 300 per visit, so as mentioned previously, we are a serious economic engine for the city and county of San Francisco and look forward to returning to that as soon as we get a little more break from this virus thats covering the country. Our annual revenues and expenditures, as mr. Cordes presented, we keep our numbers tight. Revenue for 1819 was approximately 1. 2 million. 25 for several corporations, 47 district identity and streetscapes improvement, 27 administration, 7 contingency reserve. Next slide, please. I was fortunate enough to take over the reigns of the district in 2019. Rachel brown did not finish she finished the 1819 fiscal year but is not pictured here, and that is my report for the c. B. D. All right. So the second half of the presentation, item number two, is the portside renewal. So theres a resolution of intention sponsored by supervisor peskin, which i will be presenting onto expand and renew the Business Improvement district, known as the portside c. B. D. Randall scott will be detailing the c. B. D. Plan. The proposed budget for the district will be 275,000. There are approximately 45 businesses that would be represented under the Fishermans Wharf portside c. B. D. , all of which will be provided with a variety of supplemental sources and activities that provide specific benefit to see the businesses who would pay the assessment, including clean and safe, marketing and assessment, and operating contingencies. On march 18, the petition was presented to the board of supervisors with 34. 5 support renewing the portside c. B. D. For a 15year period. Per the resolution of intention, on november 17, a ballot hearing will occur where ballots will be counted. If the required Business Owner vote threshold is met, the board of supervisors may vote to establish the proposed district. I will turn the rest of the presentation over to mr. Scott, and we are both here to answer any questions about the proposed resolution or the new Fishermans Wharf portside c. B. D. Great. Thank you, chris. Chair mar, supervisor peskin, vice chair haney, thank you, once again, for having us here today to talk about the portside renewal. Want to acknowledge supervisor aaron peskin, district 3, for your consistent support and counsel which has been and im sure will continue to be very valued for myself, our staff, and, you know, the patrons and Property Owners and businesses of the northern waterfront. Supervisor peskin randall, its amongst the first we created in the city a long time ago. Well, we want to keep that going. Weve got the land side, and weve got to work on the businesses that are suffering, but i think well overcome that hurdle just fine. I also want to thank chris, mr. Cordes, for all of his support and, you know, just there when i you know, when i call him. These are two c. B. D. S two different c. B. D. S were here to talk about the portside today. Its challenging as a city just because you have a business as well as a land side, and were renewing both this year. Chris, thank you for that and for taking all my calls and emails, so and lastly, i want to thank our Steering Committee and board of directors as a whole for providing me the tools, support, and staff i needed to make this renewal of the district a reality. [inaudible] has grown with substantial Business Owner investment into the world premier and Visitor Experience that has come to be. So world class hotels, kind of attractions. You know, were an international icon, the wharf is, and its the c. B. D. Has been a key partner in that. The evolution of our clean and safe, as you can see, when the district was recently formed, the focus was not on clean and safe, and we did not have supplement cleaning on the portside. So for renewal, we will be looking the at adding a cleaner one of the restaurants, when i sat down with them when i first got there, asked me and they said randall, we want what they want, meaning landside; they want clean and safe. What we did was retool the portside Management Plan and accommodate as much as we can for that. So the portside budget is approximately 75 of the operating budget, and ill get to that in a minute. Approximately 135,000. Approximately 75,000 of that is prescripted, meaning we have a budget of 25,000 to sponsor for the city and county of San Francisco for the fourth of July Celebration and fleet week. That leaves about 80,000 for maps and distribution, crab wheel lighting, rack cards, wharf fest, night life promotions, director of marketing, media fan tours, so its pretty effective when it comes to ad spends. So marketing is a pretty important part of portside c. B. D. S missions. Leveraging our nonprofit status for collective ad buys, we have been able to effectively promote the district around the world. Although the future will differ in our key marketing and messaging, our Marketing Efforts will be key to the rebirth of the wharf and the city as a whole. We have 51,000 total page likes on our facebook. Our page reach is almost 350,000. Those are people that actually see our page. Next slide, please. So as you can see here, you know, a picture is worth 1,000 words. Printing and distribution of the Fishermans Wharf materials around california and key cities around the United States, interact with selfguided tours, social media, and media guided tours, fleet week, crack wheel, Media Resource for stock images, marketing functions, efficiently and effectively day in and day out. Weve had a great time, and ive actually, as an interim, hired someone who was laid off from pier 39 for director of marketing. Clean and safe. So the pouredside clean and safe program is new because i worked very closely with the port of San Francisco to identify where the c. B. D. Could supplement what the port covers as far as cleaning and safety, so we identified five days a week that we could have a cleaner where the port doesnt have a cleaner. Obviously, that might change, depending upon, you know, Staffing Levels that the port can sustain, given theyre ahead to the budget. Its very tough to keep the area clean when you have clam chowderladen sourdough bowls that the birds are trying to pick up and fly around. So thats the cleaning some of the safety hours will be supplemented with the remaining budget to have private Security Patrols on the portside. The methodology i want to address here, and thats on the bottom of each slide here, and its that pouredside assessment portside assessments are based on some of the fixed receipts on the portside of the district. Some of the portside businesses are unique in that i. E. , we have boats. Those are fixed rate items. We also have pier 39, which is a collective of businesses, so those businesses are flat rate. We also have the remainder of the businesses, primarily restaurants and retail, are based on gross receipts. So as we form this year, one of the things we continue to stress to the restaurants who are on the gross receipts is that their their assessments will be very, very little next year, and because its based on gross receipts, we are planning for this, and we have contingency to operate on the Management Plan in the event we plan on and those receipts being very low next year. Our c. B. D. Is the only c. B. D. In the entire city that has the capability of increasing our revenue by partnering with the business and increasing their revenue. So we can actually increase our revenue by actually making our businesses more successful, so i look at that as a huge Partnership Opportunity for us moving forward down the road. So next slide, please. So marketing for the next 15 years, were tuning that down to 45 of the budget, roughly 45,000, again, thats an estimate, and we hope to grow that, making our businesses pe portside more successful. Next slide. Administration, so in the past, we have had a parttime marketing director in conjunction with the landryside c. C. B. D. Budget, we plan on having landside c. B. D. Budget, we plan on having a plan that will increase it even more. And then, our staff. Right now, were making it happen on the streets. I just received word that we have a conditional approval for jefferson street and part of beach street to expand the socially distance for the wharf to make it easier to be outside and enjoy what San Francisco has to offer. So with that, i will close, and thank you very, very much for this opportunity, and we look forward to working with the supervisors and the city and county of San Francisco to move our city forward. Chair mar all right. Thank you. Thank you so much, mr. Scott or director scott for the presentation and for all of your important work that you and your team have been doing to support one of the most iconic and Business Districts in our city. Vice chair peskin, do you have any remarks . Supervisor peskin i do want to concur with mr. Scott that we also owe a debt of gratitude to chris cordes of oewd who not only presides overall the c. B. D. S. Im hopeful that the initial 38 not expand into the majority that will be 38 will expand into the majority that will be needed by this board, and i hope that the Business Owners will see fit to vote in favor of the renewing the portside c. B. D. , and subject to comment, i would like to make a motion to send items 1 and 2 to the full board with a positive recommendation. Chair mar thank you, vice chair peskin. Why dont we go to Public Comment on items 1 and 2 right now. Mr. Clerk, are there any callers on the line . Clerk thank you, mr. Chair. Operations, could you please see if there are any public callers in queue. For those not in the queue, please press star, three to be entered into the queue. For those in the queue, please wait until the system indicates your line has been unmuted. If you wish to call in, follow the instructions on your screen. Dialing 4156550001. Enter the meeting i. D. 1464157487. Press pound, and pound again, then press star, three to enter the queue. Operations, are there any callers . Operator there are no callers. Chair mar thank you, mr. Clerk and operations. Mr. Clerk, could you please call roll on the motion by supervisor peskin. Clerk on the motion that items 1 and 2 be sent to the full board with a positive recommendation [roll call] clerk mr. Chair, there are three ayes. Chair mar thank you, mr. Clerk. Thank you, mr. Cordes and director scott. Mr. Clerk, can you call agenda item number 3. Clerk item 3 is a resolution receiving and approving annual report for the Greater Union square Business Improvement district for fiscal year 2018is the, committed as required by the property and Business Improvement district law of 1994, california streets and highways code section 36650, and the districts Management Agreement with the city, section 3. 4. If y if mr. Chair . Chair mar thank you, mr. Clerk. Vice chair peskin . Supervisor peskin thank you, chair mar, and i want to say a few words about the Greater Union square Business Improvement district, which has been going through a rough patch, as we all are, but Greater Union square and b. I. D. Due to covid. I just really want to thank karen and her staff for hanging on through this tough period. And chair mar, i also, as i spoke to you earlier this morning, unfortunately am going to have to bounce off at 10 43, and then, i will rejoin the meeting. Fortunately or unfortunately, im running for office and have an endorsement interview, but as soon as that is done, i will be right back. If im not able to vote for this after the presentation, which may take more than the eight minutes that i have remaining, please know that it has my full support. Chair mar okay. Thank you, vice chair, peskin. [inaudible] yes, good morning, supervisors. I will be as quick as possible and skip over the same slides that are in this presentation as in the Fishermans Wharf presentation. Here we are with the fiscal year 201819 annual report for the union square Business Improvement district. Theyre governed by two laws, and oewd ensures that all boards are meeting their Management Plans, conducts an annual report complete with financials, and presents it to the board of supervisors. In fiscal year 1819, the b. I. D. Submitted an assessment role of approximately 3. 6 million and did pass its renewal for another ten years. The director is karen flood, and the Deputy Director is brian hood. Oewd reviews the same four benchmarks for all c. B. D. S in the city checking variance points between the Management Plan and their budget, whether the b. I. D. Met 1 of their sources from other than assessment revenue, whether the budget for the fiscal year and the actuals were within 10 , and in this case, the funds carried over from the Previous Fiscal Year and designating for budgets in the current fiscal year. In 201819, the union square b. I. D. Did meet this benchmark, and they have historically met this benchmark, as well. They raised approximately 36. 37 of their operating budget from nonassessment revenue and did meet this benchmark. In their budget versus actuals, the union square Business Improvement district has met this benchmark in fiscal year 1819 and has historically met this benchmark, as well, and the b. I. D. Did indicate what their carryforward amount is and how it would be spent in the upcoming fiscal year. In completing the review of the b. I. D. Annual reports and financials, they set forth the following recommendation. They met all their budget requirements. They successfully completed their renewal process at the end of fiscal year 201819, and they are renewed for an additional ten years, and it was able to attract hundreds of thousands of visitors to the district with winter walk sf and other events. In conclusion, the b. I. D. Has been effective in attracting visitors to the district and has an active board and directors. If there are no questions, id like to turn the presentation over to ms. Flood. Good morning. Can you hear me . Chair mar yes, we can. Okay. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to present this morning. I believe my there is a slide show thats going to be pulled up for a moment, but while we still have you, supervisor peskin, i just wanted to thank you for your incredible support during your renewal for carrying the legislation and bringing that one home for another ten years. Really appreciate it, and also for your support during this very challenging time, as you acknowledged just a moment ago. During covid, we certainly have been hit hard, our retail stores. Businesses are already struggling, and now with fires, we dont have residents in union square. So a lot of workers and residents are staying home, and theyre frequenting their neighborhood shops and retail coffee shops, and we need to bring those patrons back and visitors back and tourists back. So any way, thank you very much. Okay. Very good. So here, i see the slide show in front of me. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to present on fiscal year 1819 to all of you. Next slide. Services we provide are cleaning, safety, Destination Marketing, public realm and advocacy. Really about 60 to 70 closer to 70 of our but goes to clean and safe. We enjoy doing all of these the Destination Marketing and public realm activation, but thats still our bread and butter, especially the clean and safe, really. Next slide, please. Not sure the slide show is moving, but imagine that were looking at a map of union square now. Our boundaries, we cover about 30 blocks in and around union square park. We just expanded around the corners of this. We expanded around the corners. You can see the Northeast Corner and the northwest corner there. You can see the boundaries there, and were bounded by bush street, kearney, market, and taylor. Next slide, please. We were very focused on the clean and safe, and were very data driven, so we keep track of all the graffiti we remove and all the trash that we pick up, and in this fiscal year, we picked up 22,317 graffiti tags and stickers. Keep moving to the next slide. Little delayed. And the trash, we picked up about 563,125 pounds of trash. Thats a lot of trash. Its about two dumpsters that we fill by about 10 00 a. M. In the morning in union square garage. Okay. Keep moving forward on the slides. Continuing the data collection, we also removed 23,016 items of hazardous waste. As you can imagine, these are needles, feces, and such, which is unfortunate, but we do it so make sure that our neighborhood is clean, safe, and welcoming to our visitors, local and otherwise. Next slide, please. We also have a Community Service ambassadors dressed in red who address quality of life issues all day long. Theyre eyes and ears for the sfpd. They reach out to individuals in need in their district and direct them to services, and, again, welcome our visitors, which we hope to have back soon. Next slide, please. And one more slide. We also, as i mentioned earlier, are focused on marketing, public realm, and advocacy. This is the real part of the job here. We love activating our public realm. In 2018, we had our last winter walk on stockton street, which was closed due to the construction of the central subway, so we were able to close that off and put some astroturf down, bring in some music and vendors, and as you can see in the next slide down, lots of people walking down and enjoying the holiday festivities there. Next slide. You can see in a moment, we also try to bring public art to union square, and we brought these here we go. Now, were caught up. Okay. On the right, you can see what we call the paparazzi dogs. The tourists loved it, and we got a lot of instagram moments here with people in front of the dogs and people putting santa hats on the dogs during the holidays, and they were kind of fun. And now weve removed them and given them to westfield, so you can still enjoy them inside the westfield mall. And finally, we were able to complete an Economic Impact study, which we came up with information we covered about 1 of the citys land mass, but yet, we generate over onethird of the citywide sales tax in general consumer goods, so it was really our conservation of retail you can stay here, yes conservation of retail. Dollars are down, stores were closed, and were just really coming back. We have over 200 stores that are open now, either for curbside or appointment only, and some, you can even come in and shop around. So next slide, please. Also, in 2018, we formed a second one more slide. We formed a Second Organization called the union square organization. We wanted to beautify the area more and dedicate some funds to some of the issues we have in the district and some of the homeless, and tax dollars, as i said or assessment dollars really go to clean and safe. This is not the now is the time to raise money from extra grants or generous donors. Next slide. This is a partner with miracle messages, an organization that we partner with. They talked with some of the individuals on the street and see if they had lost contact with maybe a Family Member that they might like to be reconnected with via phone. And the researchers on their end would sometimes go and track down Family Members by looking at where did they grow up, where did they go to high school, and where they have friends . And in some cases, they were able to connect them with family and friends. So this picture shows us going out and talking to a lot of the homeless, finding out their individual stories, and finding out how they did their work. In fiscal year 1819, we renewed our bid. We received not only overwhelming support, but we were able to increase our budget b budget by 60 , which was a big ask. Im grateful that were not doing our assessment at this time. We did receive overwhelming support, as i mentioned. In the petition phase go to the next slide, please the next two slides, rather. In the petition phase, we received 50. 7 support. As you know, only 30 is needed to trigger the ballot phase, so we felt really good about that, and we sat down with each and every property owner, at least the ones we could reach one more slide there we sat down with all the Property Owners we could reach to talk about all the services that they would be getting because it was a big ask with the 50 budget increase. So really explaining the value and getting their support that way. In the ballot phase, we reached 85 support, which was tremendous and overwhelming support, unanimous from the board of supervisors. Thank you. Thank you all for that. Perfect. Were caught up here. All right. In this slide, you can see in the upper right there is a one of the services we were able to add, which is our atlv. This is a street vacuum, which is super cool, and operates at night, and allows us to be much more efficient with picking up the garbage. At night time, weve got a lot of challenges. Weve got homeless and others going through the trash. It looks like a tsunami the next morning not right now because theres nobody out on the streets. We were able to expand services by adding 247 member hotline. Members see an issue or safety issue, they can call 24 hours, and well respond with the right people. We were able to say we were able to use some of the increase to give a 20 wage increase to our safety and cleaning staff. They are the backbone of our team out there, and theyve been working straight through covid each and every day out there, and im just delighted that the stakeholders are willing to give them that increase. We also attended an attending officer and added an attending officer and overnight Security Patrol there. We have a lot of break ins as night, and so that augments that. And so with that, im grateful for your time and support, and thank you for that. Chair mar thank you so much for your presentation, and all of work that your team has been doing to support the union square district, which is so important to our citys economy. I dont supervisor haney, i dont know if you have any questions or comments . Supervisor haney no, i just wanted to say thank you for your work. I know theres sort of a sliver of the district that goes into district 6, and so much of what you do in the district that i represent, ive just seen firsthand how critical and essential your work has been during this challenging time, so i just want to say thank you to you and all of your staff, and thank you to you, director cordes and director flood, thank you for all youre doing. Well, thank you for all the big bellies we got for district 6. We were able to put them in your district. And also for coming down in late may, when our district got destroyed. I really appreciate you coming down and caring and offering support. Thank you. Supervisor haney great. Chair mar actually, before we go to Public Comment, i did want to make a motion to excuse supervisor or vice chair peskin. Mr. Clerk, could you call the roll on that . Clerk on the motion to excuse vice chair peskin until he returns [roll call] clerk mr. Chair, there are two ayes. Chair mar thank you, mr. Clerk. Mr. Clerk, are there any public callers on this item . Clerk just a moment. Mr. Chair, operations will check to see if we have any callers in the queue. Please let us know if there are any callers already. For those of you already on the phone, please press star, three to enter the queue for this item. For those already in the queue, wait until you hear the prompt to begin. For those that are watching the meeting on cable channel 26 or via streaming link or sfgovtv. Org, call in by following the instructions on your screen. That would be by dialing 4156550001 and entering the meeting code 1464157487. Press pound twice and then star, three to be entered into the queue to speak. Mr. Qu, are there any callers . Operator yes. I will unmute the first one now. Clerk thank you. Good afternoon supervisors mar, haney, and possibly supervisor peskin. Im not sure. Im on the phone. This is Tracey Rosenberg from [inaudible] and the media alliance. I understand what you are looking at today is the 201819 community report, but i wanted to call in to reflect some activity by the union square b. I. D. In 2020. As some of you might have seen, im not sure, public records acquired by the frontier chair foundation demonstrated that the San Francisco Police Department was given unfeterred access to the Camera Network during the murder of george floyd. This realtime unfeterred access was given for a time of 72 hours, so this is bulk, mass untargeted surveillance of protests, and it has a chilling impact on san franciscans who want to participate in protests. So im hoping that this committee, as sort of the oversight entity, will take some action to ensure that this doesn doesnt recur in the future. The city has taken a pretty strong stand against mass untargeted surveillance and First Amendment rights with prop b and the surveillance ordinance, and we encourage you to continue to address loopholes and problems such as this. Thank you. Clerk thank you very much for your comments, Tracey Rosenberg. Mr. Qu, could we get the next caller, please. Hi. My name is michael nolte, and im the cofounder of citizens for better district 6, and ive been involved in the development of several c. B. D. S and b. I. D. S over the years. And i was there in the room when james wood helped start what is now the market c. B. D. , so im aware what the roles are of c. B. D. S. I was also in the room when it was discussed with how the city would deal with cameras and how cameras would be you know, if the citys cameras were being used, that there would have to be a request by the police to look at a specific incident before it could be the footage could be used. So there should have been some procedures put in place for any time cameras of any time are utilized. Its one thing if you are the property owner, and you want to see whats happened and occurred in front of your business. Its another thing when its obviously the c. B. D. Has a whole bunch of them throughout their district. I also am concerned about the c. B. D. Says that, on their website, that they have ten retired police officers. I dont know if that still is occurring, and they used allegiant security force. I dont know how these are being done. I know that security is a paramount issue for the continuance of the businesses in the neighborhood, you know, but right now, theres not much happening on the street if you go there during the day, so i think its a little overkill to have ten retired businesses. Clerk thank you very much for your comments, michael nolte. Mr. Qu, could we be connected to the next caller, please. This is r. J. Sloane. Id like to call in to remind the Budget Committee of written correspondence that was included with the San Francisco board of supervisors meeting on 11 august 2020. The union square c. B. D. Is, really, it seems to exist to serve white corporate Luxury Brands and their flagship property to allow Homeland Security with police rule to view live stream camera footage is a complete violation of, again, local oversight rule. Not only that, the union square c. B. D. Is referencing representative flood is referencing miracle messages nonprofit, which im familiar with. I dont think union square c. B. D. Cares at all about black lives. [please stand by] on a motion that this item be recommended to the full board. Noting that vice chair peskin is absent and excused from this vote. [roll call vote] there are two ayes and one excusable. Thank you mr. Clerk. Can you please call item 4. [agenda item read] members wishing to provide Public Comment should call the Public Comment number. Enter the meeting i. D. Press pound symbol twice to connect to the meet and star key. Please wait until the system indicates that you have been unmuted. You may begin your comments mr. Chair. Thank you mr. Clerk. Welcome back corrigan, the floor is yours. Thank you for putting up with me supervisors fiscal year, annual reports if the Improvement District and moscone expansion district. The state law which is known as 1994 act and local law which is article 15 of the business and tax regulations code. This resolution comp covers the annual report for the fiscal year 2018 and 2019. Staff conducts annual review of the annual reports. The tourism Improvement District moscone expansion district is different than c. B. D. S that the board is aware of. They are focused on the tourism industry. Both of these are businessbased districts in fiscal year 1819 assessment revenue was 25. 5 million for the t. I. D. And approximating 31 million for the moscone expansion district. The t. I. D. Will expire in 2023. For these two districts owde reviews three benchmarks. Executive staff and typo here unfortunately, i like to acknowledge all her work and thank her for all her work she did with oewd over the years. The new executive director of the t. I. D. And m. E. D. Is paul here is here with me the t. I. D. Service areas are marking and promotions, service and improvements to the Moscone Convention center and administrative cost and the med service area are the expansion of the moscone expansion convention center, sales and Marketing Fund for the convention center, future Capital Improvements and administration and reserves. For the t. I. D. , the district did meet this benchmark. It has historically met this benchmark. Benchmark one for the moscone expansion district. Comparing the budgets versus the actual t. I. D. Was in allowance for variance and met this benchmark. The same goes for the moscone expansion district and it was well within the variance points. The t. I. D. Indicated how it will be spent in future years. Oewd set forth the following recommendations infantings. Botfindings. Both districts met all benchmark requirements. The organization implemented oewd recommendations from the reefers fiscal year regarding their website ensuring all links are working and updated with up to date information. T. I. D. Set to expire in 2023. Organization is seeking early renewal and receiving Technical Support from oewd throughout this. If theres to questions for oewd, i like to turn over to paul for the districts presentation. Thank you, chris. Can everyone hear me okay . Yes. All right, thank you. Chris, we certainly appreciate all your collaboration with the t. I. D. And m. E. D. And collaboration with San Francisco travel. Thank you for that. Thank you supervisor mar, the chair, vice chair, supervisor peskin and supervisor haney. This is for the tourism Improvement District. Just from the perspective of what we were able to accomplish in the fiscal year 1819, the Convention Sales efforts generated over 1646 meetings in the city, 1. 63 million in direct spending. 51 of those 1646 meetings were events that the moscone center. The sales team booked over 1. 75 million room nights in the city during this pier. We do conduct Sales Missions washington d. C. , chicago, reaching over 263 meeting planners. These are key cities where meeting planners reside that focus on booking events in San Francisco. The team also attended over 50 trade shows, nationwide and worldwide to help generate business for the center and driving business into the city. The marketing and promotion, we do cater to leisure visitors that account for over 60 of all visitors. The Visitor Information Center in 1819, we did service 350,000 people and i think we have a nice set up and advantage that we have. We speak 12 different languages of the staff that we have. We also have a unique program. My sf program which is Ambassador Training Program to educate tourisms for individuals in San Francisco. We are and to 750 people that we train. The tourism Improvement District, the Marketing Efforts in this peek period, we had 8. 7 billion media impressions which equates to over 394 million in value. Our Marketing Efforts create quite amount of media for the city. Also, our website sftravel. Com. We had over 9. 2 million unique visitors which equates to 210 million in Economic Impact. Our instagram following has 260,000 followers, twitter 206,000 and facebook just shy of 700,000. That is the tourism Improvement District and will move over to the next slide for the moscone expansion district. In the fiscal year of 1819, the moscone expansion was completed. With the 550 million budget, it was on time. We were fully operational in spring of 2019. The center had its first piece of business, the second week of january. There were just minor things that needed to be finished within the center but from the convention, attendee perspective, the building was finished. During this period we were still in the expansion at the time. We had lot of collaboration between the attendees, meeting planners to work around the expansion which was had opportunity to be quite intrusive and cumbersome but the efforts of our staff, moscone staff really helped create a very fluid experience for the attendees that were there. Also, during this period to help retain clients during the expansion as i mentioned, there was quite intrusive during some phases of the project, we have an Incentive Fund that we use to help mitigate any issues that we may have had with the clients. But also use those funds to help attract new clients. In this time period, we have the grand reopening of moscone center. We had over thousand attendees of ribbon cutting. The gala had over 400 attendees, city officials, major meeting planners. It was a great opportunity for the exposure for the center. I do want to close with chris, thank you so much for recogniz recognizing lin fazarel, were deeply saddened by passing of lin this past february. She was really key instrumental person driving the expansion project. I want to make sure that shes given lot of credit and recognition for that. I want to thank you for the opportunity to present today. Thank you. Thank you so much for the presentation and all your work on this other really important business. I dont have any questions. Supervisor haney, i have any questions or remarks . Supervisor haney i dont have any questions. Why dont we go to Public Comments. Are any callers on the line . Clerk operations checking to see if there any callers the queue. There are no callers in the queue. Thank you. Hearing no callers, Public Comment is closed. I want to thank you for very formative presentation on such important work. Thank you for all the work youre doing with our Business Improvement district. Mr. Clerk, iowould like to move that we set send this item to the full board. Please call roll. [roll call vote] there are two ayes. One excused. Supervisor mar thank you. Mr. Clerk, please call item number 5. [agenda item read] supervisor mar colleagues, i wanted to report that im still in discussions with college stakeholders and department of children youth and fair families on possible amendments to this ordinance. I would like to were not ready to introduce this today. I would like to continue this item to the call of the chair. Supervisor haney, if you dont have any questions or remarks . Supervisor haney no. Supervisor mar call the motion to continue this. Clerk shall we hear from the public to provide Public Comment . Supervisor mar sure. Clerk operations will check to see if we have callers in the queue. Has anyone lined up for this item . Mr. Chair, there are no callers in the queue. Supervisor mar thank you. Hearing no callers. Public comment is closed. Mr. Clerk call roll. [roll call vote] there are two ayes with mr. Peskin excused. Supervisor mar mr. Clerk, please call item 6. [agenda item read] supervisor mar , we received a request from supervisor safai to continue it september 17th. Before we go to Public Comment, supervisor haney, do you have any remarks on this . Mr. Clerk, any callers on the line . Clerk we will check. Please let us know if there are callers ready . There are no callers in the queue. Public comment is closed. I like to move that we continue this item to the september 17th j. A. O. Committee meeting. Please call roll. [roll call vote] there are two ayes. Vice president peskin is excused. Supervisor mar please call item number 7. [agenda item read]. Supervisor mar thank you mr. Supervisor mai haney, floor is yours. Supervisor haney thank you chair mar and thank you for allowing us to have this hearing. The goal of todays hearing is to determine potential policy actions and departmental action plan to address vacancies in the citys Supportive Housing stock. We know how critical Supportive Housing is for our city. W one of the supervisors spent time fighting. Its critical that we not only ramp up additional housing and building more housing and we have an Affordable Housing bond and so many efforts that are taking place to get people available housing. We have to make sure we fully utilize the housing that we have right now. We have thousan thousands of pee brought off the streets into hotels. Theres a commitment to make sure that these folks are kept off the streets. Its essential that we leverage the existing stock of 8000 Supportive Housing units in the city. Be transparent about any barriers to sell those units and overcome them. It has been challenging in some cases in over the last year to identify how many vacancies that we have. The estimates range from 250 to 420 units that are awaiting movein. This hearing today has been called because reducing the number of Supportive Housing units, especially since a commitment was made number of months ago along with the mayor to maintain a vacancy rate of less than 3 . We want to ensure that we are making progress towards that goal. Theres transparency as it relates to that goal. Especially during this time when we urgently need to get everybody off of the streets that we can. It is critical that we work together. We are going to hear today not only from departments but from nonprofit, Service Providers and Supportive Housing providers. I hope we leave the conversation with an opportunity to identify clear number of vacancies, shared understand of system barrierses that led to higher vacancy rate. What the vacancy goals are. Identify clear benchmarks to those goals and clear commitments to get to those benchmarks. I think that our coordinated system, which is still relatively new and constantly itintegrating is a huge opportunity for us. Especially in its early stages can create some challenges ensuring that we immediately fill vacancies that exist. I want to acknowledge the work of all of our Supportive Housing providers, Mayors Office of Housing Community development. All of you will hear from today and we will also hear from the San Francisco Housing Authority. For our speakers, thank you so much for being here. I remind everyone, please try to keep your remarks to five minutes. We will take questions and discussion after the presentation. I want to call the departments together first. We have director abigail khan from department of homelessness and director tonya from the Housing Authority, followed by amy chan from the Mayors Office of housing. I will turn it over to director steward khan. Good morning. Im here today with my colleague dr. Tonya from the San Francisco Housing Authority and amy chan from the Mayors Office of housing and community development. Grateful for all of our partners who joined today Dylan Schneider and h. H. S. To prepare with staff and supervisor haneys office for this really important hearing. One second, technical issue. I apologize supervisors. Thank you for your patience. This is becoming our new normal unfortunately. I wanted to start by thanking you for your support. Supportive housing is subset of this is a critical solution to exiting some people from homelessness. We are grateful for the opportunity to share with you the progress that these agency have made in partnership with one another on improving process loads but supporting more efficient and effective referral process to ensure vacancies are matched appropriately and filled as rapidly as possible. We intend to share where challenges remain and why. So we can think together and do better together. I personally wanted to truly thank our provider partners and sister agencies here today for continuing to come to the table. Even though we all want to be doing better and doing it faster. I like to start with a brief overview of the citys portfolio of Supportive Housing which is separate from our rapid rehousing diversion portfolio and shared goals. My colleagues will provide a deeper dive into each agencies portfolio. Specifically focusing on vacancies. Permanent Affordable Housing is Supportive Services connected. Supportive housing is significant and it includes over 23,000 units of Supportive Housing and or vouchers through h. S. H. And Housing Authority. Of the 8000 subset units in the portfolios, 87 are adults with 10 transitional youth. Important to note as i started from the beginning, this does not include the rapid rehousing portfolio and diversion. Majority which the court families view. As of august 30th, there are 1443 total vacancies for all supportive units including units for Housing Authority and vouchers as well as h. S. H. 484 are in h. S. H. s portfolio and 959 in the housing portfolio. As a supervisor referred to coordinated entry is a triage system of care. It provides 100 of the referrals to Supportive Housing in San Francisco managed by h. S. H. As well as some of the referrals to unit in the the Housing Authority. It is supervisor note, a new system. For many years, h. S. H. And partners have incorporate principles and practices to address resources, especially housing are allocated. Each referral to housing is unique with number one rule is in social work. Meet the client where they are. To provide an overview of the average referrals made by hasan. And Housing Authority. 754 placementser made by the Housing Authority Supportive Housing portfolio. Which is average 63 placements. Undelets try to walk through ts process and make it simple as possible. This slide speaks to the process of currently in place and we know that we are vastly improving coordination between partners over the last year. As you will hear me say, repeatedly in this hearing, we have so much work to do. H. S. H. Would like to acknowledge the Housing Authority team for their efforts over the last year. Housing authority has undergone an incredible transition. Housing Authority Staff demonstrated their commitment to people experiencing homelessness. We do have to work to refine this process. We are very confident under the leadership of tonya and her new team. Housing authority and h. S. H. In the last six months gained much traction. With renewed partnership with the Housing Authority which had pretty much [indiscernible] we are really excited about weekly coordinate nation coordination meeting. When we use this freshly made Partnership Foundation and take on more challenges to discuss vacancies in support of Supportive Housing. Supervisors convened a working group on partnership issues for h. S. H. In the last year. This is the center of that. We were making progress on process improvement and two months before covid we had decrease in vacancies. Then covid hit. Things got harder outside San Francisco for hasan our partners. For example it became challenging to get documents from the Social Security administration. However, its one of the challenges we created opportunities for us all. We worked with the Housing Authority to implement waivers on public Housing Authority agencies including allowing our projects to complete certification for Housing Quality authorit authority stan. Also facilitating as much process online to minimize covid spread and increase their efficiency. With the Housing Authority and providers, h. S. H. Created meetings to drive down vacancies by provider and challenges. These meetings served as concept and has evolved into a meeting but function navigating process. The work is tedious but it is critical. We have some work to do to get through this process improvement. We are moved by the collegiality and professionalism. H. S. H. Staff is regularly with the Housing Authority to troubleshoot and address the issue. Other meeting action item is scheduled with the Housing Authority application process so we can have our h. S. H. Providers have more training. We know their staff are stretched and they have many new staff coming on board. Supervisor haney calling this hearing, you posed this question to each of our agencies. What do we need to do to fill vacancies in Supportive Housing . That is the question. Here are some of our process improvements. Well talk about them more in the next few minutes. Their multiple initiatives under way. We welcome further ideas. Around referring and filling vacancies in Supportive Housing. We do ask for your continued support as well as your continued investment as we saw in the budget process. These ideas includes lowering barriers to housing universal housing application, which will standardize what types of documents are needed for all persons. People do review the applications are providers, this could be a game changer. It may come with challenges. Its going through final review starting in october 2019. It will go the local homeless coordinating board. We have arrived on robust training approach. Second strategy is yessing increasing coordination with providers. We began these conferences in 2019. It included more City Partners such as the Housing Authority and Human Services agency. Stakeholders from all these groups participate in realtime and problem solving of vacant units with high number of vacancies and hard to fill units. Each client is unique. If you ever want a building that leak and you dont know where or why. What you probably learned you needed to do some kind of crazy thing like spray water really hard to find the leaks. This is what our process improvement is like. By working through each case, time consuming is as it may be, we find the leaks. We fix them for one individual and then we can fix them through the system. Our third approach, we appreciate the investment by the mayor and board of supervisors to continue invest in multiple housing strategies that will support permanent Supportive Housing. The mayor homelessness Recovery Plan developed in collaboration with the advanced Planning Group chaired by supervisor walton and myself, largest expansion of Supportive Housing in the last 20 years. Thats what big deal. We ned to know how to fill these units faster as we bring more online. 1500 new units over the next two years and developing existing pipeline and filling these units as they turn over as people pass away or move on. The planning for transitional youth and families beyond what is in the plan is ongoing. The Controller Office will be standing that committee up this month. San francisco has a few approaches which is the mainstream voucher. Its been partnership with many here and beyond. H. S. H. Implement the the flexible housing subsidy form. This is all within the last seven months. These are for Supportive Housing program. Not Everyone Wants to live in a building with Homeless Individuals. The ability to spread people out across the city to integrate into the community is critical. It allows you to use the private market to bring housing online. Continue to investment in the mayors plan around exploration how to identify support individuals. Ready to move out of h. S. H. Is more selfsufficiency. We had a huge success here as evidenced here. Former Housing Authority sudden and unexpectedlexpectedly were r able to provide the voucher. We had people on the wait list and the pipeline dried up. This is critical during covid. Colleagues and other counties tell me for a place like solano, they were issued hundreds of new vouchers by the Housing Authority since covid. We are so grateful for tonya and her team for stepping up and correcting the path of the Housing Authority. Finally, we need to continue investment in Affordable Housing for all low income people, specifically with the second wave of this pandemic in the economic crises. This is a system for people experiencing homelessness that is based on vulnerability, length of Time Homeless and barriers to housing. That make it harder to [indiscernible] based on need by and partnering communitybased organizations to maximize the participation historically excluded groups like transgender and black communities. H. S. H. And our partners have demonstrated our commitment and we have many more steps to take. We know in order to successfully provide housing that are most vulnerable, with you need to speed up the entry process while being careful not to dismantle the framework or we would return to housing those who are not necessarily the most vulnerable. Such as black, brown and other communities that must have, demand to have and will agree equitable access to these resources. Coordinated entry is path to equity. We are currently looking nationally on ways to navigate further. Access points like coordinated entry assessments for adult families. Generally, only 16 to 20 of referrals result in housing referral status determination, problem solving is an essential service. We need to remain flexible in all of our approaches. It will reserve Supportive Housing for the most vulnerable. If someone with referral status is an adult, it will be matched with available housing and housing navigator. They will participate in interviews. Clients generally this time offer two to three options to ensure they have client choice on what works best for them in regards to unit, ada accessibility and neighborhood. This challenge can be slow and were working to improve it. Matching is done within the system. Im working my way towards the end chair mar. We have almost everything in the one system for referral matching with the exception cash unit. Heres where we see the numbers that supervisor haney is driving for us. We appreciate this opportunity to discuss with you. Weve discussed the system and its strength and challenges. Now we will focus on vacancies within h. S. H. As of august 30th, this is what it looks like. We have 484 vacancies including all units over the 8000. Of these vacancies 40 of units are vacant but matched. Remember that matching process that i talked about. Which this means, essentially the unit is spoken for assuming the person accepts. 14 of the vacancies are open and available for referrals that center not yet been matched. 44 are offline and prepared for occupancy by our provider partners. H. S. H. Knows housing is healthcare. As i stated time and time again here and other ways. We are working to fill as rapidly as possible. In order to ensure the housing is successful, we have to appropriately match. We cannot send somebody with a wheelchair to nonwheelchair unit. Thats just a very simple example that we know happens and does take time to get the match correct. When unit a vacated, something moves out or passes away, providers upload into an offline vacancy tracker. This allows h. S. H. To know which units are offline and reason and track timeline. This is a very new tool and allows for look at the issues. When a unit is ready for referral, the Housing Provider updates the status, h. S. H. Staff enters the unit in the system. That flags the unit as available for referral to the access poi point. H. S. H. Team is rapidly deploy vacancy tracker in fiscal year 1920. Any time a tenant vacates the unit, the unit will be offline. This is 44 , often units require significant repair restoration. If a tenant passes away in a unit, which is the most common reason people leave from Supportive Housing, the units are held by the Coroners Office until next of kin is contacted. Another challenge is that Resources Available to quickly fix up and turn around units were very hard to come by for the Resources Available. Meaning people who can fix things before covid. Anyone whos had those skills was working on construction in San Francisco. On the one system, h. S. H. Completed contract negotiations earlier this year and has launched 18month scope of work. This will mean that everything is in one place. One system far from perfect. Many of us have wondered overtime have we have the right capability. H. S. H. Has more resources and a new approach. This will mark the first time the city had a comprehensive picture of this entire homelessness response system. Well be able to match housing priority clients. We cannot wait for that day. In the interim, while working with vendor to implement new functionality [indiscernible] h. S. H. Has a stated goal to get to a 3 vacancy baste baste d on buildings that we know that can maintain 3 vacancy rate this their building. This is a significant stretch goal. We felt it was important to set the bar high for ourselves and our community. Contact nationally the standard is 5 on hud data. For the private market in the u. S. In 2019 was 7 . Our vacancy rate is just under 2 in the portfolio. Its important to remember that 40 of those vacancies are waiting by leases. They are not truly available. The mayors Recovery Plan and rapidly bring on more buildings, we can expect to see this data go up and down frequently with a new building, percentage of vacancy will increase. My final slide focuses on some of the steps that we committed to in supervisor haney and mayor breeds working group. H. S. H. Has this increase in coordination with the Housing Authority and launching these conferences in july. We have our first realtime vacancy tracker as an interim solution. Its a stopgap measure and its challenging. It is better than we were as we head no ability to see challenges across the system or know the vacancy rate. San francisco will be one of the first cities in the nation to have a comprehensive online and offline vacancy tracking system. Colleagues everywhere are waiting for us to get there. Vacancy tracker is actively used by h. S. H. , Access Points which are nonprofit providers, housing navigators and providers. Offline vacancy tracker was shared internally. Housing providers will gain access in the coming weeks. So cities and provider partners can work closely and track and look at challenge. We had hope to share this sooner. We apologize for this delay. There are many reasons for units being offline. Were working with stakeholders now we can see the leaks, which processes can be expee audit expedited. When we raids raised with the city administrator, she jumped right in. This is the smaller subset but it shows what we can do when we understand the plate in front of us. H. S. H. Is in the process of creating a one System Advisory Committee in order to partner better on the one system. Generally across the board in the last six months, we have stood up many different ways of communicating and partnering. The strategy was brought to the strategic framework Advisory Committee which includes myself and providers selected representatives. In the august meeting, which was restart after covid, the members provided how to successfully the system. Recruitment is under way. We noted universal housing application, which is under internal review and after several rounds of external input and will be brought to a public forum in september. Finally, during the mayor and supervisor haneys working group, h. S. H. And partners set a goal of making 300 referrals to Supportive Housing in a specific period of time. December 1, 2019 through januar. We exceeded that goal and completed 305 referrals within that set time frame. Even as covid arrives this continues and slowed due to the challenges. I will turn this over to my colleague tonya on the deep dive on the Housing Authority. Thank you. Thank you abigail. Good morning chair mar and supervisor hanie and peskin. Im with the San Francisco Housing Authority. Sfhsa are one in the same process. Our wait list act as a prioritization and referral source for our rad and Public Housing site and tenant based vouchers which is similar how the coordinated entry acts. For already housed reasons for emergency referrals in rad are Public Housing transfers includes domestic violence, danger and reasonable accommodation. All our documents are translated in four languages. Vietnamese, chinese, spanish and russian. Additionally we have a Language Line that has over 250 languages. Sfha administrator plan details plan with housing with the line of u. S. Department of housing and urban development. Regulations are approved annually by hud. All sites have a wait list managed by sfhsa. When open, all are welcome to apply. However, all are subject screening by sfhsa and the Property Management company. Individuals going through the referral and matching screening process may not meet the eligibility requirement. Hud requirements applied to applied 18 and older listed on the application. Requirement include at least one eligible citizen in the household, verification income, in current debt to Housing Authority and criminal background check. After this step, applicants must meet the requirements of each particular development. Of course, we have contract with our Property Management company for payment and a lease between the tenant and Property Management company. To activate the contract and leases, there must be an inspection of the property that abigail mentioned that inspection is according to hud guidelines which are designed to ensure that the units meet the Housing Quality standard. That they are safe and habitable for our families and individuals. Our goal is to complete the housing process within 30 days once the applicant is notified. They are being considered for vacant property. During the pandemic, there has been a host of exemptions approved by hud which we at Housing Authority implemented. We have been allow to conduct portion of our referral process virtually as well as allow our Property Development to do selfcertification for unit inspection as well as annual recertification of incomes for our different individuals and families. Thank you for the next slide. This slide shows sfhsas portfolio which consist both unit and vouchers. Attached is specific development that either occupied vacant and where referrals are in process as well as our utilization rate by program. Sfhsa has 1604 public units. Of which, there are 213 units offline due to the revitalization. These units are needed for on site relocation. The remaining 13,647r4 special programs are Family Unification Programs, mainstream and veteran affairs Supportive Housing and nonelderly disable. We have rental Assistance Program known as rad. Our overall utilization rate is 95 . Our goal is to have 97 utilization rate at all times. We are certain this can be a key through either the weekly or biweekly meeting held with different stakeholders that abigail has spoken of prior in her presentation. As you can see, our utilization rate for special programs is 85 . For seven of the 13 subsidizeded this program serves through the population . We partner with the v. A. And h. S. H. Housing individuals. What we have found, many of our veterans prefer a tenantbased voucher over a projectbased voucher which is tied it a particular development. Additionally, some of those developments have been difficult to lease and in some cases our studio one bedroom is mostly undesirable. We currently have been awarded 405 projectbased vouchers and 606 tenantbased vouchers for total of 1011 vouchers. All of our vouchers allocation are at the discretion of hud. Our Mainstream Program which serves our nonelderly, defined 61 and under with disability who are experiencing homelessness or transitioning out of institutional settings or at serious risk of institutionalization. The utilization rate is 67 . Our Family Unification Program has a utilization rate of 90 or 100 vouchers. Nonelderly disable program has 100 utilization and we have 70 vouchers in that particular program. For our rad and mod programs, some buildings are still being ren nature renovated. We have one property utilization rate 69 and remain having utilization rate of 80 . We plan on growing our Homeownership Program over the next year in collaboration with mayor Office Community development. I want to thank h. S. H. , veteran affairs and many provider partners, our community and the board of supervisors for their patience and understanding during the time of the Housing Authoritys transition. I acknowledge that the state of the Housing Authority and its transition has been difficult and at times extremely frustrating. I can confidently say we are on the trajectory of becoming an agency that is high functioning, highly collaborative and always in service to our community and stakeholders. As we refrain how we consistently get to a yes and housing some of our most vulnerable population. Im honored to have this opportunity to lead at h. S. H. Through this transition. I thank mayor breed for choosing me to do so. To our stakeholders, im asking you to continue to walk with me. Failure not an option sfhsa is more committed to being a viable, collaborative partner. Thank you dylan and this concludes my presentation. Supervisor mar thank you for your presentation and all your important work, leading the transition at the Housing Authority. Good afternoon, i believe we have one more speaker and concluding remarks from director steward. Im amy chan from mayor office and community development. Our goal is really in the developments of managing the Development Pipeline within coordination with h. S. H. And overseeing compliance with the affordability requirement of our project. Currently we oversee 3460 units. These are units and projects that have loans or contract and require affordability. In our pipeline, we currently have 1139 units coming online tirprior to 2025. We also have in the p. S. H. Pipeline, we target specific populations. Of the pipeline numbers, about 51 are targeted for adults, 14 for seniors, 5 for transitional age youth, 9 for veterans and 20 for families. Specifically, there are 249 units that we are targeting for receiving state funding for the no place like home program. Which targets Homeless Population for serious and mentally ill. About our goal of the pipeline. We work in collaboration with h. S. H. To program affordable site. We set aside 20 to 30 of unit the and 100 Affordable Housing for Supportive Housing units. In addition to programming 100 of units to be permanent Supportive Housing. As i mentioned before, we have target population including adults, families, seniors, veterans and individuals experiencing serious mental illness. We Program Sites base on the site feasibility, Funding Availability and h. S. H. s target population priority. At the outset, we coordinate with h. S. H. On the lease out of those units to ensure were meeting critical financing deadlines. Then it is h. S. H. Who provides tenant referrals of those units and fill vacancies in those units. Then finally, we have an Asset Management role to ensure that all the affordability requirements and contract requirements are being met and overall, were overseeing the projects financial and physical health. With that,ly turn it back to director steward khan for concluding remarks. Thank you chair and supervisor haney and chair mar. Nothing further from me. I know this was a lengthy and complex presentation. We appreciate the time and space. We look forward to the next presentation. Supervisor mar thank you director stewardkhan and to all the presenters and i do also want to say to the director, that we appreciate you stepping up at this time and for your leadership and really appreciated your presentation and support as well. Im going to now we have a presentation i believe our next presenter is from e. C. S. We have chris and holly from Community Services. Good afternoon. Im here representing episcopal Community Services for the adult coordinated entry program. We manage the adult enter program. Im here to present some of that work. Just backing up just to make sure everybody understands what coordinated entry system is. Coordinated industry is hud program. Theres lots of communities in the United States that have coordinated entry system. Its so make the way that folks experiencing homelessness and experiencing housing crises, the way they access the Housing Resources in community more fair and equal. In San Francisco, we offer a couple of different services. We offer problem solving services, the standardized Housing Assessment and also Housing Navigation services which is the matching and referral function that abigail was speaking about. I have couple of numbers for the work that we are specifically doing at u. C. S. As the total number of existing vacancies, e. C. S. Is working with 137 of these. 116 of these vacancies, meaning that somebody has been matched and referred to that referral. That means that 21 are without referral currently and to break it down little bit, 13 of these units are actually being held for chronically Homeless Veterans and there are couple of unique systems challenges that we have making it challenging for us to actually fill those units with eligible veterans currently. There are remaining nonveteran vacancies that we plan on having referrals to very quickly. Currently, for nonveteran vacancies, average number of days from the appointmen poit were notified, meaning its ready for referral and movein to the point that we are actually making the referrals to that vacancy. For nonveteran vacancy thats about 2. 5 days now. Based on this, i expect that the eight vacancies that im talking about now are going to be filled bishop end by end of of this week. There are about 770 individuals that are currently considered housing referral status. Out of these folks, 409 are currently what we call docs ready. That means these individuals have turned in all the paperwork that they need. They are just waiting for housing unit to open up for them. Simply put, we need more housing in the system. We need more Units Available in the system. Just to create more flow within that for the 400 individuals all they really need is that vacant unit they are eligible for. Theres of course, lots of room for improvement in all stages of the system. From the outreach to the navigation work to the Property Management side of things. Even so, i want to share the accomplishment of the system. Currently, were doing some incredible work with the work that the Housing Navigation team is doing. Then our Housing Providers, both in the nonprofit Public Sector and the private sector, we combined house, 416 people since the beginning of this pandemic shelterinplace period, or since march 16th. The goal is to help people quickly and equitably. With that, i will give rest of the my time to the next group. Thank you all for your time and attention today. Supervisor mar we have one more presenter before we go into Public Comment and questions. Good afternoon chair mar and haney. We have a brief presentation. I like to pull that up. Were Supportive Housing Providers Network. Were coalition of 15 San Francisco based nonprofits. We are presenting together. Thanks for including us. We know that number of agencies share the goal of ending homelessness for as many san franciscans as possible and quickly and effective as possible. I want to go over key few definitions. Vacant units in the term of actual providers is a unit not occupied by a tenant and have a lease. A unit thats ready for referral and unit that is ready to be leased by a tenant. A unit thats currently offline, Supportive Housing unit that is vacant and not ready for occupancy. Over the past six month, looking at just nine and whats in our group, we seen an average vacancies total. At least 25 are from Housing Authority units. Most of us have about 15 or fewer offline units during the same period. Just to be clear, offline units are not include included in tha [audio breaking up] we recognize that h. S. H. Is understaffed. We recognize that providers will have a small percentage of offline vacancies where we can and will do better. There are improvements to be made. Work has been done to make things better. We still have a lot of work to do together. Some of the concerns we want to green light with, we want to start with the referral process. Once application is received, this process is sometimes load due to outside providers having to locate and find the folks referred to housing. Weve seen an increase in applications that are mismatched. Meaning the person referred to the unit is not matched with the unit itself. Whether is a referring someone who needs a private bathroom. Some of the solutions we are including are enhancing those Navigation Services that we ta talked about before. Other thing is making sure that when referrals are matched with the unit, this is process of accurate. Making sure theres updated list of units. Its great to have someone to view the housing unit [cant hear] its to create more struggle in terms of finding folks later to have them look at it. The i. T. Systems listed here. We joined with the b. L. A. Thorough process. In particular, expediting to accurately track vacancies in realtime. We hope time line can be expedited. Vacancy tracker cannot track vacancies. Using the vacancy tracker as it currently stand. These need expedited fixes. Next i. T. System barrier is one around recording. Since beginning of the department, the network has offered efforts to measure, support and track and share contract results. We provided information to department of homelessness around metrics we thought will be very important for Supportive Housing providers to be measured upon. Some of those things that relate to vacancies. We are looking at suggesting regular, monthly detailed report from the department to all providers and stakeholders including number of vacancies by building or agencies. Number of units that are ready for referral, the average time between ready for referral. The number of referral sent for vacancy, the number of move ins and move out and outcome of the referrals. We feel like having access to this information can bring about much more accountability and improvements to both providers of the housing and also the department of homelessness. Finally, quick look at the collaboration and again, supervisor haney, we appreciate that you trying to create opportunities for that over a year. Many of these existing vacancy challenges is rooted in [indiscernible] solution we propose and Housing Authority, small group including providers, h. S. H. And i. T. Consultants. [indiscernible] supervisor mar i think thats the ended of our presentation. I want to thank everyone who joined us from each of the departments from e. C. S. And Supportive Housing Providers Network. I have a number of questions. Chair mar, are there any you like to start with . I dont know if we should do Public Comment or wait until im done with questions. Either way. Supervisor mar i wanted to thank you supervisor haney and also your staff for calling for this hearing and organize it. This is very informative and Important Information that was presented. Thank you to all the departments representatives, Supportive Housing Providers Network for your presentations. I did have a few questions. Maybe we can ask some questions before we go to Public Comment. Supervisor haney sure. You can start with your questions. I got a number of them. Supervisor mar my first question in understanding sort of the bigger picture, the topline i had some questions just on the topline numbers that were presented by interim director stewardkhan. You presented that theres currently 1443 vacancies in our Supportive Housing unit, vouchers. Looks like that represents little over 6 of the total unit. I had a question, how did this compare to recent years in terms of the vacancy rate in our permanent Supportive Housing system and whats been the trend as far as the vacancy rate . Thank you chair. Thats a terrific question. To clarify for permanent Supportive Housing for formally Homeless Individuals in the h. S. H. Portfolio, theres currently 49 494 vacancies. Its just under 6 rate. Your question about trends is a complicated one, before the formation of the department, these units were governed by many different departments. There were wild troubles. We do agree with the provide partners share challenges with the gap measures put in place. They do give us that larger picture number. Supervisor mar i had a question around Language Access and how were ensuring Language Access ensuring that limited nonenglish speaking folks in need of house are able to access Supportive Housing. I know you all mentioned, we have documents translated into multiple language. Thats great. Mentioned theres the Language Access line or telephone line thats used. Can you talk more about how were ensuring nonenglish speaking folks able to access Supportive Housing . I welcome provider partners if youre interested hearing from them. From system level perspective, we have three threshold languages for San Francisco. We also look to the Homeless Population and their language capacity which we understand from the count. We try to sheena across our o ensure that we have language of housing. If individual experiencing homelessness and not welcome with culturally responsive approaches, coordinated entry has to respond to responsiveness. We have to respond to e. C. S. And transgender and your question around language is critical. We have to be recruiting our outlets, outreaching on the street, letting people know that those languages are available once they come inside. Were doing all those things. How that works out on any given day and talking through Language Line, from being a therapists, its not the same as talking to someone who speaks your language natively. We really work with our partners and encourage our partners as possible. They can speak to that if youre interested chair mar. Supervisor mar wed be interested in hearing from the providers little bit more how youre ensuring Language Access and limited and nonenglish speaking folks are able to get referrals and support in navigating the process. May i suggest that holly start as coordinated industry spokesperson just to help navigate . If shes Still Available . Sorry holly im still here. Within our Navigation Services, we have Spanish Speaking and filipino speaking services. Obviously, we definitely do our best to hire as many as much as we can for language capacity but for anything that we dont have in person on site, we do use the Language Line. Supervisor mar do we have any data that either of you can share about what proportion of the folks in the coordinated entry system are limited nonenglish speakers and are utilizing Language Access support . Holly, can speak to this in her sort of brick and mortar space. We will be happy to share with you our Language Access report which takes a look at this across the whole system of care. It speaks everything from when we have Community Meetings what languages do we provide and happy to send that your way because i dont want to misquote numbers that are off the top of my head. Supervisor mar i appreciate that. I would love to see that report. Thank you. I dont have numbers off the top of my head either. That primary language is something that we collect in the one system. Refer keeping in mind what language something prefers to be spoken to. When were outreaching. Supervisor mar great, thank you i dont have any further questions. Supervisor haney . Supervisor haney ive got a few. Mostly for h. S. H. , i do welcome the providers and others to jump in on some this. Thank you for your focus and attention to this. Im glad we agree that this is a priority and that we want to be able to get people in effectively as possible and make it accessible. This is something that came up, noted a number of times in the provider and Department Meetings that the mayor and i convened for number of months last year. I want to make sure that i understand the process. This is probably for abigail. Someone is assessed for housing and deemed housing referral status. Then housing naiver gaittors wortor navigators work with tt them document ready. Housing navigator match them with a unit that is referral ready and sends an application to the Housing Providerrer. Then the houser conducts background checks and confirms eligibility and then movein occurs . Is that accurate . At what point during each of these stages of the process are approvals required from h. S. H. . I think you have nuts and bolts of that correct with couple of language adjustments. I didnt write everything down you said. From the moment you walk into an access point through to being housed is coordinated entry. We talk about coordinated entry as place, its a process. When you were saying coordinated entry, its better to think of it is as a triage in concept. Equitable triage in concept. Holly can weigh in on some of these steps here. The step you have underneath that, we start with the diversion conversation, if that doesnt work we do primary assessment. Therapeutic paired with a housing navigator and adult system of care by e. C. S. They begin to multitrack getting themselves document ready and match them to apartments. We see some tremendous opportunity to tighten the timelines there. You mentioned supervisor in your opening remarks, those are the kinds of process improvement, we have some who match really quickly. Maybe a really nice unit is available. Maybe theres a Perfect Match for somebody with specific a. D. A. Needs. We have some that linger far too long. Sometimes they have turned down a unit understandably, client choice being primary. We want to see those timeline shorten considerably as we continue to iterate and improve. Fundamentally, that is the process. Supervisor haney do you have a right now a sense of the average time between each of these processes . Is thatting with tracked and how are you looking at that in terms of what amount of time is now . These are the systemwide performance measures. Theres a real opportunity for our department to set across our system of care with our providers i believe they spoke about. Its part of our strategic framework to set these so we can hold ourselves and our providers mutually accountable. Depending on all sorts of different things, whats the type of unit, what background checks are required or not required. The goal is two months. Were hitting on lot of areas. Our provider partners on this call deserves tremendous of that along with h. S. H. The time from this movement is six weeks. That varied widely as you heard from tonya based on subsidy, are you referring to the department, general funds of apartments are easier to connect to. The more specific, the harder it gets. Theres just lots of layers that cross over each kind of unit. What we want to see in the future is a system in the one system as they have recommended. We deeply agree with that. We appreciate them acknowledging progress and a new vibe on this within the last few weeks and months. That is all credit to the new governance of our one system with our i. T. Team. Supervisor haney is there i understand it varies. We are tracking overall and have an average of it. We track in between different steps within the process or whole thing we do . Got it. The goal is two months for the whole process. There are subgoals within that that i cant speak to now. I will double check that six week period. Supervisor haney okay. Thanks for raising it more me. Supervisor haney how does h. S. H. Deploy preparation of offline unit. Given the provider has offline units, does h. S. H. Provide housing application for all the units that are not offline . How do you look at offline units as youre analyzing the portfolio . Supervisor, one of the challenges i think that im stepping further into this, im learning with our providers. We have different noman clotures. Im looking forward to remedying that. Let me ask to clarify to make sure im answering it right, when you say offline unit bees, do you mean those offline and available to be matched . Do you mean offline, offline and problematic . Supervisor haney im trying to understand the different sound like data systems that theres a offline vacancy tracker, can you help me understand . I asked this exact question supervisor haney. I want to thank everybodys patience as we work through these bandaids which doctor problematic. My understanding is that our vacancy tracker gives us a full picture of whats vacant. The offline tracker, which is what is most challenged, allows us to understand the types of things, we have too many units on hold because people passed away in the unit. We have too many units on hold that needs massive construction and fixing. That is more about the management of the inventory and less of a communication tool to match. Ultimately, these will be [indiscernible] supervisor haney thats part of what the one system is trying to face, integrating all of this. There seems to be a different in reported vacancies between the departments and the Housing Providers. Something that they have flagged where they feel like maybe the department is under reporting the number of vacancies. Do you have an assessment of why that would be . I have some theories i think we should probably share the theories with providers. The number that i share today was much higher than what was shared providers. A real challenge is being able to fur our provide for our providers look at the same data set. Which is absolutely the goal and should have happened already. One of our concerns has been, i hear them saying, we shouldnt be about that. We dont want to make something public that makes it look like a certain building or certain provider partner is underperforming until were clear that is the case. Were not trike to hid weret trying to hide things. Our provider partners saying let us work with you on that so we can get it to accurate. Another thing that i learned thats causing discrepancy is the terminology. I asked our housing time team to work with us on this. We consider something vacant but matched. I understand that in meeting with our Housing Providers, we come and lets say, supervisor haney, youre running a building that has 10 units. Youre standing there and you know that five of them are vacant. Were telling you that only three of them are vacant. Thats because in our system, weve matched two people to them. They are vacant ba but they aret really available. You can see we need a third term, vacant but matched, vacant, vacant and offline and problematic. Those are the type of things that makes the conversation little bit mind numbing. We hope that in the future, we will be approaching our partners around this conversation. Im sorry to hear have felt historically its been topdown. My colleagues know that is the expectation to partner deeply. Part of that partnership is to get our terminology lined up and get our numbers lined up as quickly as possible. Supervisor haney thank you for that. I would like to open it up to see if they have further thoughts on these questions about this difference in understanding and assessment of where things stand. Thank you. We certainly agree with the director. We would point out that the conversation about offline units, not yet ready for referral. Every provider as we understand, has offline units. Has a significant number of vacancies in front of that. Many of the offline units are issues outside of our control such as medical examiner hold or its because of the departments underfunding of our lowest wage workers, most of who are black and brown and inability to hire enough maintenance workers to do the work. Thats a separate issue. I know supervisor haney, youve been outspoken on the issue of incentive pay and fair wages. In terms of the vacancy issue, we feel as providers, a referral for which we have yet to receive an applicant is something we have no control over. We cant do much with. We ask providers to move as quickly as possible. Many of us dont require background check. All of us has mainstream processes and cut down the process as much as possible. Theres little work to do there. If we have had vacancies for weeks and months without word of referral and director noted, we frequently told by h. S. H. Staff that the vacancies that we know we have, they know the work. We are told by h. S. H. We have an inaccurate count of vacancies which creates both bad reporting on h. S. H. s part frankly as well the challenge to the good will that we believe the city has in h. S. H. We dont question good intention. It doesnt really trust what experience has been inaccurate. Supervisor haney for h. S. H. , for abigail, i do want to ask the cost of vacancies and what happens when we do have a vacancy in terms of rental revenue and if we assess and track how much money we lose by having these units vacant. Excellent question and critically important as the city looks at the Economic Impact of covid. Filling vacancies is important for people experiencing homelessness. Thats been the focus of today. Its equally important for use of taxpayer dollars. For those who arent following what supervisor haney saying, permanent Supportive Housing is not always subsidized. People who can pay portion of their rent do. Thats an incredible important piece. The reason hud set 5 as standard, we know theres some ability to transfer. In San Francisco we want it to be lore both for people experiencing homelessness and recoup the rent revenue for our provider. That has an effect on their bottom line and we are funding them. It is critical to individual providers. I love to take a welcome at that with you supervisor haney. Supervisor haney okay. On the one system upgrading [indiscernible] yes. Supervisor haney i know th that. Mocd, is that part of the 8000 in total . This is amy. Yes, thats correct. With the exception of about 3rd perio30units through referr. Supervisor haney does mocd track vacancies . Not in realtime. In our compliance we require that project owners provide an annual monitoring report for the calendar year. In that annual report, there is some vacancies information thats provided to us. As i mentioned, its not realtime that is coming to us at least a few months after the calendar year has ended. The data that we do receive includes cumulative vacancies through the year. Those vacancies may have been filled through the year. Primarily what we look at is something called financial vacancies. We look at what rents and subsidy source, what has been received for those units compared to what was actually received. We look at essentially financial loss, which is one way to take a look at vacancy. As i mentioned earlier, were looking at the financial and physical health of the building. Were looking at the building financials. Thats not what annual monitoring board provides. It does give us trends overtime. Its not realtime. Our legacy our department, i did not tracky in realtime. This is why chair mar asked trends overtime. We struggled. H. S. H. Is grounded in our value of common sense which has data at its center. Were pushing ourselves and our system to be datadriven. These are brand new systems. We now see more data. Every time we know every kind of process, the more data we have, the more we can scrutinize and the better we can get. While we have to do better, im relieved we know that is. We can start to drive it down. Supervisor haney if its not happening in realtime for mocd units. It says there are 484 vacancies in h. S. H. Portfolio, do we know how many are mocd portfolio. Are mocd included in the 484 . Yes. I dont know whether stopgap tool can say that. I have to ask my colleagues that question. You can assume that once the building is developed, is becomes the responsibility of h. S. H. In that way. Supervisor haney h. S. H. Is tracking and managing vacancies and placements for these mocd portfolio buildings as well . Last thing just for h. S. H. , just so im clear on next steps. We talked about determining common language to use around vacancies. One system, the advisory group. Are there other key next steps that you sort of at a high level, to address this in the next three to six months . What sort of the immediate next steps that you would say . I think you got most of them supervisor haney. In the immediate shortterm, we have a plan related to the hotel and those who already been assessed to do what we know doesnt fix the problem but can drive down vacancy rapidly. We need to fill these units quickly as possible. We have more people we can work with to become housing ready. Other things continuing the new Leadership Teams connection with our Housing Providers to understand things like the language differences are they just language differences, are they more substantive. We want to make sure that we have transparency in our offline vacancy tracker to get that correct with our provider partner so we can all share in the mutual transparency that will ultimately allow. Im curious in the cost impact of offline. Like we have 5 vacancy rate, what is the Financial Impact for the city. I think its relatively small but thats a question that i really you flagging. We need to track down. One system improving the stopgap measure, continuing the progress that i really appreciate them acknowledging on the way which we communicate and collaborate which is recent governance of the one system. Which people from those groups are on that committee that will help us feed the governance of the one system. Then just working as fast as we can through the tools we relaunched. Like the resolution conferences to rapidly fill things now while we continue to look to the systems. Supervisor haney i appreciate that. All of the next steps that you laid out there. Just quick question for the Housing Authority what is the actual versus desire timeline as you see it now involved with the Housing Authority placement process . Generally it takes probably 30 it might take up to six weeks sometimes eight maybe. My goal really in talking with my team, can we get below 30 days. Because it is so critical to families and individuals into their space. As i continue to work in this fiscal year, my goal is to figure out what can we do differently to really assist in the process. How can we through our meetings, we do it quite well with veteran affairs, with h. S. H. And some of our coordinated entry programs. As a matter of fact, to begin to shore up how quick were getting individuals i really like to see it done in three weeks. Im not sure if thats possible. My goal is again, to get it under 30 days. It is a long time 30 days. However, there are requirements by hud in terming terms of how individuals are noticed for being considered for vacant unit. If you recall in my presentation, i said that anyone may apply when we have an open wait list. I said it that way, because there are no specific parameters set for actually applying. That eligibility screening does not kick in until someone is ready, potentially eligible to go into a vacant unit. Because of that, it can also drag out the timeline. There are places where we are in the process, we can do better. I will come back to you with a better answer. Supervisor haney i appreciate that. I appreciate the goals to do it as quickly as possible and support you in that. Obviously these placements are critical and the longer we get backed up, the more people who are without safe and secure housing, which is what we want everyone to have access to. [please stand by] 146415, 4487. And press the pound twice and star, 3, to enter the queue to speak. Please connect us to our first speaker. indiscernible . Clerk caller, are you there . Caller yes, this is sarah short, with Community Housing partnership. And were a Supportive Housing provider. Mostly in the tenderloin. We house formerly Homeless People. So were trying to get people off of the streets and into our housing. Unfortunately, we have had close to 80 vacant units for approximately a sixmonth period. And so weve experienced all that our folks from the Supportive Housing network spoke of in their presentation where we are trying to do our best to house people during this housing crisis during this pandemic and, obviously, people with that. And were unable to fill these units. So we support the proposals by the Supportive Housing network providers. We think that there needs to be far more transparency from them and that the Housing Authority in terms of tracking, in terms of sharing with us information about the process, we think that there needs to be ongoing coordination and communication with the Housing Providers such as us so that we can troubleshoot, so that we can have these conversations in realtime about why these moveins are not happening. We i think have a lot of valuable information about that and what, you know, is going wrong with the process. And we need individual assistance for the applicants themselves so that they can navigate, you know, through this bureaucratic system and hopefully make things smoother that way. Just to remind people of the context we have swelling numbers of Homeless People on the streets living in tents during a pandemic. And it is just absolutely egregious that we have a situation where there are so many vacant units and Supportive Housing the very type of housing that is meant to serve that population. And we, you know, talk to other Housing Providers and we are having conversations with the Supportive Housing networks. Clerk thank you for your comments, sarah short. Can we be connected to the next caller, please. Caller so, supervisors, let me state very clearly that you keep on having the same type of discussion. You had them before the pandemic and youre having it now. You need a centralized system where all of the information goes in one place. The quickest way to help everybody is to have case managers with wrap around services. That you have heard the lady say before. The people who live in the tents, they dont want to hear about some grand talk. Somebody has to fill out the application, somebody has to get them ready, and somebody has to put them where they belong. So we have aaron peskin, and the thousands of s. R. O. S, s. R. O. S should not exist. People living in s. R. O. S in San Francisco live like animals. Now, about this this vacant housing and all of these units and hotels. And the ones that are paid by fema fema is not going to pay the city if you dont abide by their rules. Fema has a checklist, why dont we have a checklist . Why do we give someone six months, one year on the waiting list . Fema is not going to pay this city. Theyre going to be in debt problems soon. When we think that well hoodwink fema but you wont hoodwink fema. And some of the supervisors who are not doing their duty. Thank you very much. Clerk thank you for your comments, mr. Decosta. The next caller, please. Caller hello i am the director of the chronic homelessness indiscernible my comment would be that sometimes indiscernible and providers work hard to address the problem and there are significant problems. So i have often been a harsh critic of the citys homelessness policies and even the department. I think that weve made significant progress on this issue but i think that its also important to do a couple things as we do the ongoing analysis. Firstfu of all, the vacancy rat. I would continue to measure those things differently. indiscernible particularly on the amount of time that it takes from their pending status to actually move in. And then vacancy, obviously, could be indiscernible . But i think if you separate it out you have about in the data presented today about a 4 vacancy rate. And i would just be careful not to try to take that vacancy rate below 2 or 3 . 2 or 3 , i was in an Affordable Housing development for 25 years before taking this job and you do want some vacancy rates in the system. Because its important for there to be turnover in projects. And its important for there to be thoughtfulness in the projects. So you dont want to you dont want to get to zero on vacancy. So i think that theres been significant progress. I think that theres some ways to go, but actually not very far. And, again, i would encourage us to just a 2 or 3 vacancy rate as the total that you want to see and get to. Heres what i will say thank you. Clerk thank you very much for your comments, chris block. The next caller, please. Mr. Chair, that completes the queue. Thank you, operations. Hearing no fathe further callerc comment is closed. Thank you, supervisor haney, for calling and organizing this really important hearing. Yeah and welcome back, vice chair peskin. You guys have any final remarks . I just i had heard that they wanted to weigh in on one more piece of this. And then we can close the hearing. Okay, a report indiscernible and it would be great to have some ongoing feedback process provided, not all just individual agencies. Because many of us are having the same struggles in trying to work closely with the Housing Authority, whether that is leasing vacant units or having other Financial Issues addressed through the Housing Authority. This is a new process, this is a new entity at the Housing Authority, that would be very helpful. We have established and have already had that conversation and more fully, and it would be great to have that partnership with the Housing Authority on a regular basis. Thank you. Thank you. Supervisor that would be great. And i appreciate all of the folks who have called in and all of the presenters and all of the departments and the Housing Providers. I agree with the last caller who said that we should be setting the goal to 2 or 3 vacancy rate and that we should be streamlining these processes. I know that theres a lot of moving parts to this and there has been some progress. I would say that im happy with some of the progress and im thinking that the vacancy rate remains far too high and that the differences and th the understanding of what is happening are different between the Service Providers and the department. So a lot of what we wanted to do here is to unearth that, which i think that we have done, but i hope that the next time that we have this conversation that well see more progress on the numbers and a greater sense of the collaboration and the shared understanding of how the systems work. And what the numbers that we should be looking at are. So thank you again, chair mar, for having us to have this hearing here. And something that im committed to continuing to work on, it will help us all. As was said, when you have people on the street who are on the sidewalks and the tenderloin and south of market, in my district, or who are waiting now in hotels or waiting, you know, in navigation centers, we want to get those folks into housing as quickly as possible. Because that also opens up another spot for somebody to get off of the streets. And that saves lives normally, but it definitely, absolutely saves lives during this pandemic. So i appreciate the urgency and the commitment to it from everyone involved. Thank you, supervisor haney. So in closing this very informative and important hearing, what is your interest, would you like to file the hearing or continue it . I would like to continue it to the call of the chair. On that motion, mr. Clerk, can you please call roll. Clerk on the motion that this be continued to the call of the chair. [roll call] mr. Chair, there are three ayes. Great, thank you. Mr. Clerk, can you please call item 8 through 30, im sorry for closed session. Clerk agenda items 8 through 30 are settling lawsuits and litigated claims against the city and county. Members of the public who wish to provide comment on these items should call the Public Comment number, it is 41565500001, and enter the i. D. Of 146, 415, 7487, and press the pound symbol twice to connect to the meeting. And then press the star key followed by the number 3 to enter the queue to speak. The prompt will indicate that you have raised your hand and wait until the system indicates that you are unmuted and you may begin your comments. Mr. Chair . Thank you, mr. Clerk. Why dont we open it up to Public Comment before closed session. Are there any callers on the line . Clerk can you let through any callers on the line for the litigation agenda . Mr. Chair, there are no callers in the queue. Thank you. Hearing no callers, Public Comment is closed. And so why dont we move to closed session on items 8 to 30. Clerk on the motion that the litigation agenda to be considered in closed session, vicechair peskin. Peskin, aye. Member haney. Haney, aye. Chair mar. Mar, aye. Mr. Chair, there are three ayes. Thank you. We will now convene welcome to the San Francisco Historic Preservation Commission Remote hearing for wednesday, september 2nd, 2020. Before we begin, i would like to enter the following into the record. On february 25th, 2020, the mayor declared a local state of emergency related to covid19. Furthermore, the mayor and governor have issued emergency orders suspend being select laws applicable to boards and commissions. Making it possible to hold Commission Hearings remotely. This will be our sixth rerote hearing. The mayor authorized all commissions to reconvene remotely in may. We are requesting your patience in advance. We have migrated to webex, as a result were getting used to the features. To enable public participation, sfgov tv is broadcasting and streaming this hearing live and well receive Public Comment for each item on todays agenda. Please note that there are broadcast delays when viewing the hearing on sfgov tv. Theres a good 60 to 90second broadcast delay. The callin number is 415 6650001. Enter access code 146 318 9801. When youre connected and want to submit a comment, press star then three to raise your hand, in order to be added to the queue. Please note that in webex, if you press star three again, you will lower your hand. And i will not be notified to call upon you to speak. So just press star three once, please. Each speaker will be allowed up to three minutes. When you have 30 seconds remain, youll hear a chime indicating your time is done. I will announce your time is up when your time is done and take the next caller. Best practices are to call from a quiet location, speak clearly and slowly and do mute your television or computer. Id like to take roll at this time. Commission president hyland. Here. Mission Vice President matsuda . Here. Commissioner black . Here. Commissioner johns. Here. And commissioner so. Here. Great. Thank you, commissioners, we expect commissioner growman to pearlman. With respect to agenda items your opportunity to address the commission will be afforded when the item is reached in the meeting. Each member of the public may address the commission for up to three minutes. And we do have one request to speak and well take that caller now. Hello. Good afternoon, commissioners. My name is richard rossman. And i came in january when the commission talked about George Washington to ask that they have a hearing or designate the building as a landmark. And nothing has happened since the last communication, heritage and myself got was in june of this year saying that they were going to look into it, which is every email we get from the staff, theyre going to look into it. Amy meetings ago you had a hearing about toeland hall. I dont see why they cant have a hearing and make the mothers building a city landmark. Whats the problem . These are very important murals. These were all done by women artists, that were leaders of the time. So id ask the commissioners to ask staff to set a date when this hearing will be or at least ask the commissioners to ask staff when there will be an update on this. I think waiting nine months is long enough. And so i request that the Planning Commission staff start moving on this process. Thank you for your time. Clerk thank you. I will remind members of the public, who have called in as attendees to the hearing, that if you wish to submit your public testimony, now is the time to press star and three. Well take the next caller. Good evening, commissioner. Good afternoon. Im a renter and im also on the board of the neighborhood association. And chair their landuse committee. Im calling in support of the item number 7, 556 scott street. Through my work ive been working on this project a lot. We havent taken temperature officially. Im just speaking as myself clerk sir, im sorry to interrupt you. Unfortunately were just taking general Public Comment for items not on todays agenda. Okay. Clerk but in order to submit your testimony for consent calendar item, we have to remove it from the Consent Agenda item. So i do apologize for that. But procedurally those are the restrictions we are limited to. Caller no worries. Sorry for the confusion. Clerk thats quite all right. Ill remind members of the public 40, are called into the hearing, to press star then three to raise your hand in order to be acknowledged to submit your public testimony. Commissioners, i see no other persons requesting to speak. So with that we will close the general Public Comment. And we can move on to Department Matters for item 1, directors announcements. I dont believe director hill is with us. Did you want to speak . Clerk she does. And shell speak on the next item. So we will move on to item 2, review of past events at the Planning Commission and staff report and announcements. Good afternoon, commissioners. Elizabeth johnson. Preservation needs. Speaking on behalf of marcell, the department citywide Cultural Resource survey. Just an update. Staff is continuing to do Landmark Program to those operational and social equity. Before returning to h. P. C. To discuss priorities. We anticipate this will occur next month and an information meeting should be calendared shortly with a date advanced calendar. That concludes my updates regarding the landmarks program. Thank you. Clerk thank you, elizabeth. I will only add a brief report on the Planning Commission to notify you that commissioner koppel, diamond, and imperial were all reaffirmed by the board of supervisors to continue on as Planning Commissioners for another fouryear term. Also the Commission Approved a planning Code Amendment that would allow certain limited restaurants to convert to full restaurants in the north beach neighborhood commercial district to allow them to basically resume business during this covid period. The commissioners included a findings recommending to the board that they consider this amendment to all neighborhood commercial districts citywide. If there are no questions or comments, we can move on to commission matters, president s report and announcements. I have no report. No report or announcements. Clerk thank you. Item number 4, commission comments and questions. Seeing no requests to speak from commissioners, we will move on to consideration of items proposed for continuance. Item 5, case number 2018009197 coa 1772 vallejo street. This is a certificate of appropriateness and being proposed for continuance to september 16th, 2020. Shall we take Public Comment . Clerk oh, youre absolutely right. Thank you. We should take Public Comment. And i do see one person requesting to speak. I believe the topic is the continuance, not the project . Clerk yes. Caller, you are limited to the topic of the continuance, not the project itself. Go ahead, caller. Caller i was on the call earlier. I think i unmuted my hand by mistake. Clerk okay. Great. Thank you. Seeing no additional requests to comment on the matter, proposed for continues, it is now before you commissioners . Any comments or a motion, please . I move that we continue. Second. Second. Clerk thank you, commissioners. On that motion to continue item 5 to september 16th, 2020, commissioner black. Commissioner black, you may be muted. Yes. Commissioner johns . Yes. Commissioner so . Yes. Commissioner matsuda . Yes. Commission president hyland . Yes. Clerk so moved. The motion passes unanimously. 60. Placing us under the consent calendar. All matters listed here are are you teen by the Historic Preservation commission and may be acted upon by a single roll call vote of the commission. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the commission, the public or staff so requests. Item 6, case until 2020 2020001258pta02. 447 minna street. 556 to 560 scott street, a certificate of appropriateness. And item 8 for case 2019 20190176781 coa 55 hagiwara tea garden drive. Certificate of appropriateness. You should take Public Comment for anyone who would wish to pull of any items off of consent. Again members of the public, this is your opportunity to call into the 415 area code number, enter the access code and press star three in order to request to speak. We have one caller. Caller, if you would like to comment on the matter, on the project itself, well have to remove it from the consent calendar. This is catherine howard, i support the certificate of appropriateness. Weve sent in a letter from clerk right now were not taking Public Comment on the matters. No. Thats fine. Im happy with it on the consent calendar. Clerk thank you. Again members of the public, if you would like to pull a matter off of concept, you need to press star 3 in order to be recognized. I see no other callers, commissioners, the matter is now before you. Any commissioners like to pull either of these items off the consent . A motion for approval, please. I make the motion. Second. Clerk thank you, commissioners. Seeing no requests to speak from the commissioners and seeing no hands raised from members of the public, we have a motion that has been seconded to approve all matters under your consent calendar. On the motion. Commissioner black . Yes. Commissioner foley . Yes. Commissioner johns . Yes. Commissioner so . Yes. Commissioner matsuda . Yes. And commissioner president hyland . Yes. Clerk so moved. Commissioners, that passes unanimously 60. And concludes your very brief agenda today. I thank you all for joining us for 15 minutes of your day today. [laughter] very good. Were adjourned. Thank you, everyone. Clerk take care. Thank you, all. Hello im San Francisco mayor london breed i want to thank everyone in San Francisco. Thank you for your patience, for your resilience and listening to our Public Health leaders. I know the last several months havent been easy for anyone. They certainly havent been easy for me. Everyday i hear about the struggles people are going through from friends from Family Members and from the community. While San Francisco has been a leader in the fight against this pandemic, everyday we suffer losses. People are losing their jobs, people are losing their grip on their mental health. Worst of all,

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