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Address the commission on matters that are within the commissions jurisdiction present. Supervisor preston present and supervisor ronen present. Supervisor safai present. Supervisor stefani present. And supervisor walton present. Mr. President all members are present. Thank you, madam clerk thank you, madam clerk unceded ancestral homeland of the ramaytush rahmytoosh ohlone olonee who are the original inhabitants of the San Francisco peninsula. Responsibilities as the caretakers of this place, as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory. Ramaytush ohlone community and by affirming their sovereign rights as first peoples. Colleagues please join me in the pledge of allegiance. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Madam clerk could you please start with item 2 our regular agenda. Yes. The item in overtime in fiscal year fy 20232024, as required per administrative code, section 3. 17. Im sorry madam clerk why not start with our communication i apologize. The board of supervisors welcomes interested persons to attend in the chambers city hall second floor 250 watch open sfgovtv channel 26 or view the live stream. If you would like to submit comments you can send an email to excuse me to bos or can write a letter and send it to the San Francisco board of supervisors at the number one, dr. Carton place room 244 San Francisco, california. To make a reasonable accommodation under the ada or to request language assistance please contact the colors by calling. Thank you, mr. President. Thank you, madam clerk colleagues is there a motion to approve the minutes madam clerk a roll call. Supervisor stefani, aye. Supervisor walton, aye. Supervisor chan, aye. Supervisor dorsey, aye. Supervisor dorsey, aye. Supervisor mandelman, aye. Supervisor melgar, aye. President peskin, aye. Supervisor preston, aye. Mrpdz, aye. And supervisor safai, aye. There are 11 asia. As presented after Public Comment madam clerk read the 2 00 p. M. Approximately order. Special order 2 00 p. M. Mayors appearance before the board. To engage. Welcome mayor london breed my opening remarks youd like to share with us. Good morning to members of the board and members of the public. Yesterday, we celebrated an incredible new investment in San Francisco. 3. 4 billion to help bring caltrans onto the heart of the downtown and eventually high speed rail through the city. I want to thank supervisor Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the champion and our President Joe Biden for investment in our extra to San Francisco. This is not just to fund a Transit Center but jobs and Economic Activity downtown really exciting we are twothirds of the way clour closer to the founding make this project with 11 Transportation Options throughout the bayview possible that is a commitment to downtown sfta San Francisco and a commitment shows this city is building a Brighter Future one of the things from i didnt do one message of forget all the people and people 0 who are trying to put our city down. Im proud of this city and proud of workers and proud you have values and proud of what i know we can accomplish when we Work Together. I know you heard this a lot from me but im going to keep urging to keep on hearing this this citys best days are definitely ahead of us and, yes we confront our challenges and deliver results and delivering results we are attracting transformative investments making the city for welcoming for all and people are noticing i was at the r s a conference two weeks ago had an opportunity to talk to the United States secretary of state and secretary of the interior but many of the people had come to the conferences for many, many years and nothing but great things to say about San Francisco and how excited to be here we are represent types of from 10 black colleges and universities interested in being part of we anticipate a cohort of students will be living at the university of to San Francisco and going to class downtown to make the opportunities students working and living downtown feasible. This is the future were building one of accommodation we celebrate who we are so lets keep hard working of making San Francisco the best it can be. Thank you. Mayor london breed. Madam clerk please call the first topic. The first topic. Xhrnlz ask our opening question. Thank you mayor london breed for joining us today as you recall i believe and many of us have talked about the need more a full continuum of care for those in recovery with the sober housing for formally incarcerated one of Living Communities in a supportive environment to receive the Assembly Programs during last years budget process i prioritized my ask working with the compare and your team to secure 3. 6 million to build now sober housing in San Francisco. My office made multiple attempts reached out following your lead like to collaborate. So we tried to do that own that Important Initiative weve leading e led in the unsquare therapeutic working with the adult probation we were not greeted are collaboration. And instead of greeted with that the mayors money and well let you knows. And what happened during chinatown Chinese New Year we found out an announcement to create sober housing and unfortunately, that was met with Significant Community push back. Myself and stakeholders wanted to be part of the solution and not landlord what is going on with the money and the new site were heard maybe a new location but again as being one of my Top Priorities like to collaborate with our office and team we understand that is a difficult each year given the one billion dollars i deficit bell ringing still a top priority for the need for sober housing to my question whether i collaborate with my office and your team finding a location for opening up sober in our city and mayor london breed you may respond to the question. I cant control what you on you heard directly in terms of saving this is not the mayors money the taxpayers money i know all too well as a person responsible for the city so i doubt it seriously that was communities to you, however, we have over the years clothed on a number of programs and other things that helped to provide support to this community fantastic. I of the in the south of market neighborhood as a place calls her house for women that are in recovery who have children, who wrap around post services and extending the number of beds from 18 to 39 and a sober Living Environment to assist women in recovery and support for children that is caregiver. I am definitely committed to doing this work and sorry not familiar with your involvement in those resources. Um, but i will touch bases with my staff as we start to work on the possibility of identifying another location to get it on as soon as possible i have invested over 20 million no space recovery programs. And that includes 7 locations which in many cases includes housing im committed to the work and im open to working with anyone who is interested in working with bell ringing but as you can see not necessarily the supervisors doing the heavy lifting but the staff of the departments and my preference were going to collaborate were treated with respect and come to a conclusion to identify locations and the appropriate organizations manage those facilities. Thank you supervisor safai you may ask a followup question. That sounds like a yes. Yes. Youre willing to work in collaboration i would love to know where the 3. 6 million and the new location and how to collaborate seeing how we led on the t rp union square and working with the model you know id like the opportunity to collaborate with your Office Sounds like youre willing to do that but have your staff reach out wed like to do that. Thats not a question. Is that a collaboration. Im a little bit confused im trying to understand what this has to do with our district nevertheless,. multiple voices . The people that do heavy lifting on the specific departments under my direction im concerned about what your role or involvement will be since the supervisors dont necessary do the heavy lifting to implement the programs and im just i guess i have a question supervisor. Mayor london breed has a question. multiple voices. help me to understand when role youre willing to play in the operation and how do this has to do with with our responsibility as a district leveling supervisor im im trying to understand. Respectfully member of the board were citywide and responsible for the charge of the entire city as i did with the t rp in union square directly involved with the probation and working with the nonprofits and working with the Property Owner to collaborate to make that happen this supervisor is ready to had had heavy lifting if youre willingly were willing to collaborate. Now you are asks each other a question madam clerk question time a over thank you, mayor london breed for your lovely attendance attendance please. Call the next item. Yes. Call the next item. Yes. Call the next item. Yes. Departments projected increases in overtime in fiscal year fy 20232024, as required per administrative code, section 3. 17. You colleagues seeing none, names on the racist. Same house, same call. gavel ordinance is passed on the ordinance is passed on the First Reading. 3. [revocable permit to enter and use property agreement Mission Neighborhood centers, inc. Childrens waiting room hall of justice, 850bryant street 1 annual base rent]resolution approving and authorizing the director of property to enter into a revocable permit to enter and use property agreement permit for 355 square feet of city owned space at the hall of justice hoj located at 850 bryant street with Mission Neighborhood years effective upon approval of this resolution, at an annual permit fee of 1; finding that the permit furthers a proper public purpose sufficient to same house, same call. The resolution is adopted gavel call the next item. Office of economic and Workforce Development to accept and expend a grant increase in the amount of 1,404,844 for a total amount of opportunity act wioa program, during the grant period of april 1, 2022, through june 30,2024. department of economic and Workforce Development . Same house, same call. The Resolution Resolution is adopted. Call the next item. 5. [agreement amendment Carahsoft Technology corporation not to exceed 20,625,109]resolution approving a Second Amendment to the agreement between the department of technology, office of contract administration, and Carahsoft Technology corporation for salesforce enterprise products, increasing the agreement amount by 10,900,109 for a term for an additional five years from june 30, 2025, for a total term of july 1, 2016, through june 30, 2030. department of technology . Same house, same call. The resolution is adopted gavel call the next item. 6. [loan agreement 1005 powell street 1005 powell street quality act; finding that the loan is consistent with the general plan, and the eight priority policies of planning code, section 101. 1; and and colleagues before we vote on this i want to really thank and acknowledge the Mayors Office of housing and Community Development that has been pursuing this extremely low Income Project for a number of years and undertaken by c cbc as great financial risk and not to get ahead of ourselves well discuss there the subject of an article in todays chronicle that is precisely a perfect example why we have extremely low income um, funds in order to make projects like this pencil in were going to come close to meeting our state mandated goals and morale goals of Affordable Housing to the existing population have to pursue affirming policies like this with that, seeing no names on the roster. Same house, same call. gavel . The resolution is adopted next item. Designating a portion of the sidewalk on 24th street between sanchez and vicksburg streets, adjoining the noe Valley Farmers market, as the site of a future market, as the site of a future application materials and the approval of the plaque design by the Design Review committee of the arts commission; waiving permit and permit and as defined herein; and affirming the planning departments determination under the California Environmental quality act. Same house, same call. The ordinance is passed on the location and terms of an easement reserved in a 1957 subdivision instrument, for vehicular and Pedestrian Access and section 101. 1; affirming the planning departments determination under the California Environmental quality act; and to same house, same call. The resolution is adopted gavel madam clerk read items through 9 madam clerk read items through 9 there there there there 11. 9. [Liquor License issuance 429 castro street theatre, located at 429 castro street district 8 , will serve the public convenience or necessity of the city and county of of of 10. [Liquor License issuance 294816th street the lab]resolution determining that the issuance of a type64 onsale general theater Liquor License to the lab sf, doing business as the lab, located at 294816th street district 9 ,will serve the public convenience or necessity of the city and county of San Francisco, in accordance with california business and professions code, section issuance of the license. Public Safety and Neighborhood Services committee . Same house, same call. These recesses are recesses are adopted. Call the next item. Approving Surveillance Technology policy for Human Services agency use of call recording technology. Human Services agency same house, same call. The ordinance is passed on administrative and business and tax regulations codes to change the frequency of the Housing Needs overview for seniors and people with people with das consistent with the charter and make other nonmaterial corrections. department of disability and aging services . Same house, same call. The ordinance is passed on ordinance is passed on First Reading next reading next reading next reading next reading next reading next item. 14. [ethics Commission Regulation amendments Campaign Finance regulations]motion vetoing proposed regulation or office fundraisers , adopted by the Ethics Commission on april 12, 2024. rules committee . Supervisor ronen colleagues thank you. Im the one that called for this motion to veto those resolutions and a hearing at rules. Last week or this week . Last week. The times lead into another when this if you look at the plain language of those rules that was confusing because crossed reference another log that looks like for the first time that forever in San Francisco that we were going to consider People Holding a house party in their living room a contribution the prorated rates of a living room anyone is owned or rented by a business and providing for the first time would be subject to a Campaign Contribution that was really worrisome to me. Um, as you can see there is millions of dollars being thrown into local raise races and oftentimes this money comes from bill narrows hide behind expenditures and acquit all of the the, you know, unfortunate rules created by the Citizens United to buy candidates in observation. One way that candidates still represent the interests of our billionaires is knocking on doors and talking to as many people in the community i was worried about those new regulations. During the hearing, the ethics director and policy advisors couldnt answer many of our questions i was worrisome considering this is a potentially big deal. And because they couldnt koefgz answer the question for example, whether or not a room mat or pious of a lobbyist or city incarcerating or someone seeking a permit whether or not that person could hold and house party that was really war memorial to us that means for example, someone on a board of of a Nonprofit Organization was married to a School Teacher that School Teacher couldnt hold and fundraiser that was programmatic on may 17th the Ethics Commission sent us a written memo that relieved most of my concerns. And in the memo the Ethics Commission has made clear spouses and coworkers and room mats of candidates can in fact, host or the incarcerating cant participant in that effort that is what a one of my main concerns. The others points that the Ethics Commission has clarified in writing is that the cost of, you know, hosting an event in our living room and the refreshments under 500 exquisite and contribution for the candidate and an issue i was worried about so im satisfied by the memo that the Ethics Commission sent to us i must say i have not loved this process it would be nice the Ethics Commission figured out the rules how this works ahead of time and given us that information and passed on that didnt a cross reference another part of code that drawing out and explaining i asked do ethic and policy director do do things differently next time but satisfied with the response and i like to make a motion to table this item ill be happy to answer any questions you may have. If anyone is still confused. Thank you supervisor ronen tabled by supervisor ronen seconded by supervisor walton colleagues you without objection the item taebld gavel madam clerk will i go to Committee Reports item number 18 was recommended as committee report. Report. Report. Report. Of consistency with the general plan and the eight priority policies of planning code, section 101. 1. Seeing no names on the roster well take that item. Same house, same call. The ordinance is passed on First Reading that will take us to the. Special order 2 30 p. M. Recognition of commendations. And it is 2029 so if we wait now 2 30. First up is district 2 attorney fee i didnt say jennifer here. Great. It gives me great joy an exceptional impact has been profound touching the lives of our entire community for the past 23 years jennifer as a committed attorney reaching the District Attorneys Office but the wider bayview and jennifer along with the city Attorneys Office has played a role in begin ordinance removing firearms from those a danger to themselves and others between the Code Enforcement and the San Francisco Police Department has been crucial in into pointing thanks to jennifer and Code Enforcement San Francisco has filed 13 are this year and recently elevated to the chief trial deputy he jennifers expertise continued to have positive outcomes and justice one our city the impossible work the code compliant may not National Attention but makes a difference in our community and jennifer recalls here Climate Action plan with the San Francisco Police Department in a six months undercover operation resulting in a Law Enforcement against the owners of a lions share afternoon after that got calls for gratitude for the improvement in the neighborhood if several families and residence in the tenderloin. Jennifers tenure on the team is marked by many similar stories depicting her commitment to championship the rights of those who are marijuana listed from shooefld tenants from landowner to come baltimore poor Living Conditions in sros. Jennifer embarked on the legal journey from San Francisco in 1996 and before joining the city Attorneys Office jennifer was a criminal prosecutor at San Francisco and san mateo District Attorneys Office experiences i can laid and solids foundation for her career and jennifer story is a remarkable achievement and as a first generation immigrant from korea was the first to arena law degree the Public Education is important her legal career is a sense of duty and a great commitment to serve the public as we celebrate this month highlighting the contributions of park and planning americans in our community. Jennifer thank you for your tireless dedication to the District Attorneys Office but to San Francisco as a whole were privileged to recognize you for your its been a long time coming. Contributions for painting and justice in San Francisco. Congratulations jennifer. Ive seen that door on the roster. clapping and having deputy City Attorney dorsey ive work in the city Attorneys Office for years and add to my appreciation ive that that the San Francisco city Attorneys Office is a terrible place to work if you need to be the smart i would person in the room there are a lot of great talented attorneys and youre one of my favorite to congratulations. Thank you very much. It has been an honor and privilege to work at the city Attorneys Office ive been given to many by this country so a honor and privilege to give back and continue to serve. Thank you very much. Thank you. clapping. our next odor of commendation from supervisor preston. Thank you president peskin colleagues today it is my honor to recognize founder and director got some fans in the house founder of the Creative Writing Department at the school of the arts and were honoring her on the occasion of her retirement from teaching in the San Francisco Unified School District and in time before the School Year End im glad were here to do this fell in love with literature when she was 15yearold and attend uc berkley with an undergraduate degree and wlarnt received here mta creative writing 23 San Francisco State University in 2007 haesht got National Connection and joined in 1997 and taught there ever since in 2001 she founded the Creative Writing Department. And serving as a invariable resources for students in their academic purts. Her commitment to the longstanding involvement with what honored no not and additionally my heart goes out to you received and gotten apple philip from the ed fund to devote she crafted a film for 10 and 11 grade english students shes and leaveer of the arts imparting that will have to her students a force of nature of the Creative Writing Department 100 percent knitted to. Commissioner rubin and encouraging and challenging and empowering young writers to share themselves and their unique voice and talent led the department for over two decades and students learn the community of feeling safe and connected and being connected to others writers when engaging in the work and creation. Haesht sees every student as agency as leader encouraging the peer review more akin to would be that might find in a college and through artists and residents students expand their horizons and my heart goes out to you cultivates this in the Community Connecting her students with poetsdz and the rich tap destroy or artists and events in San Francisco and beyond my heart goes out to you knows the value of creative writing and understand this calling and in every way possible dedicated her entire professional career sharing that path with as they develop their passion thank you, heather woodwork for our decades of service to youth in the San Francisco and wish you the best in retirement as you relax to travel and visit youre one year old grandson and thanks to you for youre a decades to San Francisco my honor to present with with a certificate of honor i believe one of my colleagues has something to say before you take the microphone. yelling clapping. that is supervisor engardio thank you for this honor to bring this to haesht i have the honor to attend the yearend performance and the performance you put on was an amazing there or technical difficulties and offering could go wrong and is performance was underwayless i came out and i wouldnt have known the difference shout out to the congratulating senior a child my multiple voices . So soto to has a Wonderful Program and great honors to you. Thank you. clapping. yelling . Thank you, so much president peskin and. Thank you very much. I feel honored because i feel that the demographic it demographic makes our city proud. The variety of individual in my department are incredible human beings and they are going to right the world whether or not literally or through their actions a theyre wonderful people ive been privileged to send since we say students spend time with their teachers and the teachers with students i got the best family i believe possible have it in crew and thank you very much. And thank you, guys youre just im glad im going out with you, you and hi husband who put up with and absent on many, many occasions now hes coming. Thank you very much. Thank you for your service yelling . clapping and clapping. our next order of commendation if supervisor mandelman. Thank you, mr. President. Come this is a bittersweet commendation im prefrptd to nicole departing as director of the Mayors Office of disability ill wait for clearing out to complete. Ready all right. Nicolle is in my view wonderful. She is passionate about access but problematic and lazer focused on the levels of ev collaboratively and with empathy looks for the winwin and tries hard to make sure in the Difficult Conversations all voices get heard. Nicole more than thirty years workers on disabilities and accessibility in San Francisco and holds a master in counseling and ms a if the university of San Francisco and begin as crisis counselor for individuals with disabilities and he previously worked she managed the commendation and served as director of disability programs and resource at San Francisco State University lead the efforts and built programs for accessibility nicolle was selected to least the Mayors Office of disability for the city and county of San Francisco and overseen the compliance for over 96 thousand visitor and people with disabilities she has advised city departments and the mayor and the board of supervisors and on policies and initiatives that effect the residents and visitor with disability she leading the push to create the Disability Culture Center the first center in the United States. And she played a Critical Role to make sure the remote Public Comments for the John Fitzgerald kennedy and the limitation for section 504 of the rehabilitation act and advocated for the Autonomous Vehicles and during the pandemic leading the key responses effort to get vaccines for people with disabilities and taking on a new role the executive director rights and education and a National Civil rights group for advancement of people with disabilities and the advocacy training and education and legislation. Were going to miss you very much nicole but im excited for you and very, very excited for gretta on behalf of the board of supervisors, i want to commend you for the city and county of San Francisco. And before you get to speak i believe that our city administrator carmen chu. Maam, city administratorly me confer about the commitment and just generally being very good to work with. With that, stiffer chicago the floor is yours. Thank you, supervisors and thank you for having me, im pleased to recognize an exceptional colleague nicole so many of the accolades and contributions to the city have been said by supervisor mandelman so ill say i think i talk to you about some of the challenges we have running the city and trying to figure out how to keep things moving and the city administrator one of the tough thing to recruit good people but losing great people i assure thats the situation im excited for nicole for the continuing her advocacy at the federal level well miss her darryl not only a fierce advocate but someone Work Together to make sure they enters access and i want to say as is city administrator working with nicolle over three years incredibly blessed to see here ability i know your inspire team will miss you and at Deputy Jennifer will miss you and your colleagues watching thank you, nicole many more words to come and celebrations thank you, on behalf of San Francisco. Thank you very much. clapping. yelling . laughter . Im going to try to Say Something and not cry. Thank you very much. For for this recognition of me, for the recognition of importance in the ongoing importance of disability assess. So when i started this 7 years ago part of the reason why i took the position was because as a resident who really loves this city i saw things we needed to do better and hopefully in the last seven years weve been able to make progress towards making things berths for people with disabilities and i want to thank you and i want to thank to our Unsung Heroes how do this owners this resolution, this law i want to impact impact people with disabilities and if you for those of you who dont know take the time to find out and thank you, first year taking the time to do that and for taking disabilities seriously and so San Francisco is known as a place a destination for people with disabilities. In particular because of the legacy that the bay area holes we have a reputation of do the right thing the anti choice by san franciscans and hope that ive been able to help educate a all continue to do that. You have much more work to do as you know gaps that still exist in assessable Affordable Housing. And employment in effect communication especially for individuals and this is just the tip of use berg and pleased and privileged to have the opportunities to work on it for a little while. Thank you for this honor and continuing to prioritize assess for 0 people with thank you. Thank you. Nicolle. clapping yelling . clapping colleagues last last but not least give that today is the last Board Meeting no may id like to close all apa in recognition of the San Francisco asian Police Officer organization promoting Career Development of advancing the safety by building trusts there service with our neighborhood and our neighborhood organizations and residents and businesses in neighborhoods throughout the city. The s f an asian Police Officers Organization Established back in 1980 for apa Law Enforcement officers throughout the country at a time Law Enforcement agencies hire organism with an apa heritage there the critical Language Skills and culture diversity in San Francisco. 18 percent of our sworn members identifies asian to serve were approximately twice that many residents identity as a api to make sure the police force matches the community they serve the sf ppo a encouraged kids to join the force and protect the communities they grew up in and the sf poa line distancing to promote the hiring and promotional Law Enforcement. And i can say as the supervisor had the honor of representing the historic chinese in the country chinatown i have been a proud proponent for the logistically Committee Officers no chinatown and the surrounded communities and under the guidance of rose pack who encouraged oefrltz to take the test and promote into upper ranks and the command staff and working closely with the Housing Project residents after experiencing decades of neglect by the Housing Authority back in the days chinatown advocated for a dedicated team for chinese speaking to patrol where the Golden Gate Bridge live and. calling names. who are here and others poa i understand general park is here doing the work. And the results of that has been greatly greatly they know the name of shopkeepers and residents so i want to take the opportunities to honor the a poa we have theyre not chiu present before i the floor is yours. Accessibility i would like to take the opportunity to play a 30second recruitment clip why he became a officer no the first time madam clerk. These are memories i remember my moms reaction she was not thrilled when i became a Police Officer italian u asian hate crimes were up and many i was born in the city i was raised in the city. And now im protecting the city. Come join us. President chiu the floor is yours. clapping. thank you, supervisor mandelman and the rest of the board of supervisors. I thought i forget about the commercial i cant believe you pulled that back up when it first played i got crowned i think everyone forget about that but laughter i think right now our academy is more fully but chalk it up to that commercial and but thank you for recognizing the work this a poa has done i know we get recognition from the elected officials and makes our work seem more beneficial like were going the right direction i want to close out were going to keep advocating for the poa members and look forward to having the support from everyone here and rain and shine well call answer the call for service thank you for the recognition. Thank you president chiu and at the for the and for the officers. Thank you. Madam clerk with three minutes left go to roll call for introduction. New business is supervisor safai thank you, madam clerk. Colleagues today im introducing a common sense amendment to the charter will significantly benefit our brave members of San Francisco Fire Department. This measure reduces the retirement age if 58 to 55 for the firefighters and paramedics hired after 2012 of their senior counterparts in 2011 passed proposition c a massive reform that addresses side financial status at the time and for employees of the San Francisco Fire Department prop c raised the retirement ages that 70 sfpd hired during and after 2012 can get the highest. Prop c raise the rates to the epidemic for employer and employees preventing contribution holidays and tying the rates to the liability and it has raising from covering 72 to over 92 percent of liabilities importantly the fund is nearing one 100 percent of liabilities. It is clear to me that the xofdz pension house a result of contribution rate not the increased age of retirement not truly felt until three 7 beyond the financial enacts the increased firefighters age projects theyre and three years between 55 and 58 as this board recently recognized an ordinances mann chemicals and Fire Department employees are not solely sublthd to Immediate Health risk with with responses to trauma but face Longterm Health Complications the city is seeing the consequences that our brave members of Fire Department face since 2006 Fire Department has lowest over three thousand firefighters to cancer and female firefighters 6 hers over bus Transit District in the United States many firefighters and Emergency Medical Services staff endue the results of trauma and the Fire Department is a unique workplace. San Francisco Fire Department has limited positions that are not directly in the field only approximately, one hundred and 80 out of 18 hundred positions in the Fire Department are not on front line those jobs are didnt have on promotes not seniority time as a result the risk of severe injury for the firefighters over 56 and demonstrated by data for the depth of highrise that shows a positive correlation between age and number of Mayors Office of Economic Workforce Development means for more and more increased cancer and offhand trauma for members hartley road after 2012. As San Francisco Firefighters Local 798 present want fire and the dangerous with that profession know no distinction neither should we. This measure is both morally rights this is initiative is projected to save the city millions of dollars in cancer costs and by not changing the rates we make sure the health of Fire Departments retirement pension is not compromised with that change. By passing this amendment we and the voters about empower the brave firefighters to enter retirement without facing health risks. Please join me in supporting the heroes i know will save countless lives the rest i submit. Thank you supervisor stefani mr. President. It is 3 00 p. M. Madam clerk why not go the. Special order 3 00 p. M. Special order 3 00 p. M. Item Law Enforcement practices may 21, 2024, at3 00 p. M. ]hearing of the board of supervisors sitting as a committee of the whole on may 21, 2024, may 21, 2024, may 21, 2024, Police Department; scheduled pursuant to motion no. M20125, approved on september 15, 2020. clerk of the board . Supervisor walton. Move to continue to the july 16th board of supervisors. Motion to continue to july 16th made by supervisor walton and seconded by supervisor safai any Public Comment on item 15 and the motion to continue to july 15th . Make sure you make that better. Basically. Thank you and serging not other members of the public Public Comment is closed and well take the motion to july 16th without objection the item is continued until july 16th madam clerk read items 16 16 and 16 and and fees pursuant to the provisions of building code, sections 102a. 3, sections 102a. 3, sections 102a. 3, 102a. 4, 102a. 6, 102a. 12, 102a. 16, 102a. 17, 102a. 18, 102a. 19, 102a. 20 et seq. , delinquent charges for Code Enforcement violations and associated fees pursuant to building code, sections 102a. 3 okay. Colleagues, we are now board of supervisors sitting as a committee of the whole for Code Enforcement the hearing is now open first hear from the building inspection. Thank you president peskin mate a 28 year the Building Inspections for Code Enforcement trans piloted and prior to today is hearing held two hearing on the list to sdwus theyre fees. The department precious our report of diligent charges for Cost Recovery of time spent. Thank you. Thank you. Sir, open up for Public Comment on item 16 and 17 in your here today for those items but dont want to provide public testimony either what have an opportunity to speak with the staff outside of those chambers to attempt to resolve our issues any members of the public would anyone like to comment on those items . Unusual have someone. Go ahead. Sorry im very inexperienced. To problem what item we have a list here. turning page . That is before 627 p r e n ti f. Ive got to item 260. Im not sure how much times but the projects are 20182019 and started with a contractors shortly after unfortunately, we found that john was incompetent so our project took underpin our neighbors properties. And in doing so the neighbor asked to work with one engineer underpinning. I want to let you know on the updated lift under the department of building inspection that property is dropped; is that correct . What does that mean. Not taken off the list you so i have to pay the fine . If not paid needs to be paid to the department not on the list. It is my protest the amount of fine. Understood and let you and the departments are those conversations but for the on the list before his so you can still have if conversation and okay. How do i do that. Well come out. Appreciate your time. Next speaker. bell ringing good evening board of directors. I am here for order number 2, 016. 926 61. And 20177341. And. Do you have an and we have. I do 451 45 three, 23 avenue. One moment. Got it. Im not here to protest the fees i just simply want an extension without paying any more penalties. Im going to ask you to sit down with mr. L and come back and figure out anyone else for items 16 and 17 what you have a comment about two. Two addresses. Actually. And 56514 could actually made a mistake of sending the check to the wrong apartment and tell apply those two, aye. Again. It is 5 three 0473 three 01 the lot number. I need the address as oh. 5 hundred im sorry. V da d and the other one 114 i see within this burglary 14 talk to mr. L. Any other yes, sir. Hello, im that on prospect, 254 prospect. Got it. And that has been dropped from the list. I want to fight those fees well, well. Perfect. Anyone else for Public Comment on those items seeing none, Public Comment is closed gavel president green something you want to add. I have a question for staff. Go ahead. Thank you. Im looking at page 245 in district areas 7 has been in the blighted list forever over 16 years a small amount were assessing had point this is get resolved other than accepting and fee for a violation were probably looked at 15 years old but list the property and quite a bit it was originally put on the list. That was cerritos that was removed from the list that two. Its on the list i have in front me. Page 80, 81 and 82 those are in red theyre stricken. I have to look at the specific cases in the Code Enforcement process could be the initial bill has been paid and thats the violations are tony or the violations have been corrected and this is the final bill. Okay. So what well do is give you and the speakers members of the public may address the commission on matters that are within the commissions jurisdiction with apologizes i didnt connect but any information i see 11 hundred address on here he put two and two together this is a church there and is there any Additional Information on that provide with two large assessments . I dont have any information right now i can look out look up the information and get back to you i dont have this information. Great. And apologizes i would flag that before the hearing but didnt connect the address. Thank you. Okay. When you come back in well come back to this item madam clerk why not back to roll call for introductions. We left off with supervisor walton. Thank you, madam clerk i i dont have any thing to introduce by updates on board caltrans electrification is making progress. The project on schedule and them budget and earlier this month the project reached the completion with all Major Construction work mreldz will be 8 electrical trains on property and testing from San Francisco to santa fe and more trains continue to arrive and each train has 1,000 miles of testing before certified for Passenger Service and earlier this month caltrans hosted the third tour of the trains and over 5 thousand people clearly everyone is exciting about this cleaner and more efficient way for the trains to move and september 21st for launch the electrical if i did service between San Francisco and santa fe. Caltrans caltrans is facing a if anything cliff the caltrans board it engaged from the measure discussions to continue to find funding for the agency. Ridership is thank you, sir, your time is up. Up and agency is continuing to be creative of services and examples include 25 percent theyre in riderships since last year and 1 youth fairs. As far as the bayview as of may 1st Board Meeting the board of directors to direct a significant portion of the money collected 80 towards benefits in the community where the violations occurred. And in regards to the senate bill 617 the Hunters Point Steering Committee will host the meeting at 5 00 p. M. And focused on the cf c principles of the community Reduction Plan and continue to it mapping activity. As far as the juvenile Justice Council Council Approved the comprehensive multi agency juvenile mainly for the california government code and looking for Juvenile Hall facilities and workforce investment San Francisco what is is our local workforce annual report was released and available on the websites the citywide plan the committee on the workforce alignment adopted 5 years citywide Workforce Development plan that outlines strategies and recommendations coordinating the workforce programs by the city and the next was submitted on with the war memorial from 9 to 11 00 a. M. And the rest i submit. Thank you commissioner walton were supposed to report outside our assignments so what im going to report back today is im grateful to our colleague and im a little nervous. And also commissioner on the local agency forms Commission Last friday um, i sit down down as chair and really pleased to have mvrnldz to step in and elected to be the chair and commissioner at the vice chair i believe that the commission will be in great hands and for reallyable and awesome leadership and the only green banking as well as storage and, of course, clean power sf a critical time and tackling pg e escalating cost will be in a critical play a Critical Role for san franciscans to maintain a level of accountable utilities to. Thank you. Thank you. Commissioner walton and supervisor dorsey thank you, madam clerk. Colleagues, im introducing a Charter Amendment for the november 24th general election will reestablish the Police Staffing levels in San Francisco created deferred retirement to aid the Police Retention and lateral recruitments and the deployments to patrols and for the next 5 years. Im very grateful to my two elective coauthor for theyre leadership that is is president peskin we face to have is consequence if city hall for 6 supervisors this solution is cost effect and thoughtfully at a later date to speed the Public Safety and it will set minimum Police Staffing of 2 thousand full Duty Officers beginning in 25 and require paralympic adjustments over three years based on the workload with the chief of police and this builds on the Charter Amendment replaced the staffing member for 25 years with a thoughtful data driven process and establish and now voluntary option program or drop for eligible members of San Francisco Police Department and that will be open to sworn officers that transpire to u. S. Pd and provided they have eligible serve credit what means historically in the retention strategy holds benefit as a Police Recruitment because officers require less academy. Special order 2 00 p. M. Mayors appearance before the board. For a this plan will accelerate and that is intentional the drop will require that the participants be assigned to patrol investigations whether to any of the stations for patrol functions or the Investigations Bureau to conduct investigations and solve crimes and will enhance the progress on recruitment and retention with reporting requirement for civilians and the 35 by 20 thirty for those familiar with the last Deputy Director if 15 dwroorgz this a african reforms lessons and best practices from other jurisdictions and Ferry Building if a variety of experts this plan b will limit that and requires prarnlt to be active to be working to continue participating. Pausing drop payments during a long term leave of absence and limits participation to patrol or investigations work that is to sure the public those enhanced benefits will directly advance the front line and the Police Departments will holds order but to benefit our city and reducing the needs for police over time like the appropriations in item 2 and police over time is a situation we spends more money for less policing that goes over burdening our officers and heightened risk to officer safety grateful for supervisor stafani and deliver on the process of the Community Policing and 21st century reform thanks well to other other cosponsors that have joined supervisor melgar and others i welcome it to discussing discuss with all my colleagues and as was move forward and the rest i submit. Thank you, supervisor dorsey and supervisor engardio submit. Thank you. Supervisor mandelman. Thank you um, madam clerk. I have some brief updates from outside boards. On the transporting i serve as vice chair we talked a few times about ptosis of portal projects have been in the engineering phase of Capital Investment and this action the mta had the project and very good news also a significant gap were going to need help in the state and closing between 2 and 3 billion the staff presented the fiscal year 202425 for approval in june and the same meeting we considered a presentation on the portals that funding plan and schedule reflecting the fta announcements and considering a set of options for an updated target date for securing the city of los angeles and continue talking about this observe the sewage as we think through the timing that is just now going to take longer than as we try get the rest of the money. Open a bag a potential regional go bonds more Affordable Housing. And there was unanimous approval of a plan at the april meeting at same meet of executive board approved the board a 9 county ballot measure in an amount nottoexceed for november 24th ballot and the board heard an update on future changes with the conservation to help make priority xhefrn areas degrees more conducive the yearlong process had an expands conservation place types to better reflect in may the executive boards a bag and staff will work on evacuating to line them with the new framework and at the last Board Meeting we approved the proposed biggest and voted for cac for one of the 55 percent for left lane Affordable Housing act and ac a protect the vote act and the chairs from each the boards 5 policy committee provided brief reports the rest ill submit. Thank you, supervisor. Supervisor melgar i dont have any outside digs but have two it piece of legislation the first is im introducing a Charter Amendment today with a cosponsorship of commissioner walton supervisor ronen and others that seeks the responsibility for funding to children and youth. We are very fortunate that we have a dedicated movement of child advocates in San Francisco had the foresight to have groundbreaking polly like the children and youth set aside have the god mother to thank for that and fought for basic funding to make sure the children and youth and services have funding and we authorized the Children Fund in 2014 with the voters at that time established the children and youth im sorry our children and Families Council what was bringing to the the Unified School Districts to come up with one centralized plan. For children and families of San Francisco and a coordinated system of services the council mrishld great work with analyze and in an initial framework that helped the priority for the department of children, youth, families and even the mayor and children and families recovery plan. This was for every city agency to Center Children in their. repeated. the constitution of the United States. Of day to day with so many players and very few tools for staff to hold anyones feet to the fire and not realizing the potential so a few years ago we talked to the departments staff to discuss how we can improve the structure we need to not Lose Community and public transparent for that expenditures. The department of children, youth, families does have a very robust 5 years planning process as dictated by the charter on how to expand the children and youth fund a lot of public outreach. Service providers were awarded are subject to review and beeshgd, however, our city agencies are for the held to the same standards or the same level of scrutiny or budgetary discipline do we know what measurable outcomes despite the many investments we unfortunately, have failing my children when it comes to social and Emotional Health and education like literacy and math the city send money to the Unified School District for public enrichment funds we dont closely track those dollars to make sure theyre really impacting this chapter by making that a citywide policy that the departments are lyon with the existing 5 years planning cycle well have stronger coordination and a spiraled way to measure once a plan in place on 3457b annual base consolidations or 7 members and reevaluate this and provide recommendations together mayor and the board on the funding or whether it is moving the needle for outcomes for the children and youth. This aims to get us more information during the budget process and enforcing the discipline the board will hold and hearing during the budget and pass the resolution attesting the dollars are in fact, for the contributing and lots of needs for the families and we need to be held accountable and hopefully make impactful budgetary decisions i recognize this is a big shift on we are providing a very long run way in the 5 years cycle that is starting in fiscal year 25 and 26 and grateful for the staff of the dcyf dcyf many of the providers and advocates helped for this Charter Amendment and to greg our controller who also helped us with this resolution so with that, owners thank you to my cosponsor. Um, i also have today a resolution that i am introducing with supervisor ronen and supervisor chan and others to implement a full strategy to expand investments in caregiver to support our childrens workforce and economic reverberation efforts. As you know, we made history with at latter department in setting the Building Blocks of an early care and for low income families raised the wages for women of color and invested to renovate listened centers to serve the three but still an unmet need for babies and toddlers and we have the funds to do that now we need to have the will to do it the promise was to build out an infrastructure regardless of income that means expanding the subsidies you were to two hundred percent of ami but insuring there are slots for families not needing a subsidy and in the meantime, a staffing crisis but impacted impacting you are essential workforce like our Police Department and recent survey by the status of women assess studio caregiver was cited by female Police Officers as retention in recruitment we have unfilled commitment to build a Children Center we promised this during the collective Bargaining Agreement and have a Downtown Core that is joint new life but still didnt have as many workers coming back to work after the pandemic this moment were in when we need to be investing fund we have a unique opportunity to make sure we leverage our existing dollars to help reinvigorate to reimagine our downtown. San franciscos future cant function without a robust early care and education workers returning should be offered caregiver subsidies and where they work taking advantage of the Vacant Commercial Properties and lower rents to expand that and thrill to here with an the managers at the Embarcadero Center is converting one of our commercial spaces to caregiver if you havent seen the plans their fabulous and this resolution urges deck to develop and 10 year spevendz plan to help determine how to ram up slots for subsidized and unsubsidized kids and particularly to focus on areas of workforce growth. Um, the resolution also calls to dedicate on like the laguna honda hospital and also to provide Technical Assistance and expertise in the effort that we have been promoting to provide 24 7 caregiver for the city Police First Responders and nurses and essential workers im grateful to the staff the deck phone call for their accomplishments and eager to support them and the next initiative to roll out baby plans i also want to thank the carr and Advisor Council for their advocacy and the womens affirmative the rest i submit. Thank you supervisor melgar and madam clerk run to item 16 and 17 the special order at 3 00 p. M. Item 16 has been heard and new filed gavel i believe the department of building inspection staff have returned and they have updated reports on or report on the property mr. L. Thank you. Departments department of building inspection so since is time we spent this afternoon we had 14 items come off the list ill read those by line. Line three 419 street coming off. Got it. Line 25 and 26. 2478 to be 21st street and 298 to 2992 street coming off. Got it. Lines three 1 and three 2. 3 third avenue. Coming off. Line 74, 117 cane avenue. Coming off i got it. Okay. So lines one 20, one 21 and the one 2 three and 24. One of those folsom streets stays and correct. And one 25 is . Got it. Line 170 as 450 and other 450 jones stay. One 70 one and through 74 come off. One 70 through one 74 . All right. One 78 and 79 and 149 jewels avenue come off. Okay. Line one 8 three and 1751. Lasalle avenue. Got it and thats everything. Okay. And what about oh, presence its was off. We dont have anything other this time. But we can reach out for more information. You, you guys can followup. Offline thank you, president peskin and colleagues, a motion to amend this 17 and removal the properties that were identified motion by commissioner walton and supervisor mandelman take that without objection and have a motion to approve the item as amended motion made by supervisor walton and seconded by supervisor chan and take that. Same house, same call. The resolution is adopted as amended gavel . Maam, thank you, mr. L and the diagonally and all the individuals that tested without objection item 17 is adopted as amended and madam clerk back to roll call for introduction a youre ready to introduce yourself business. Thank you today colleagues, im introducing a number of Charter Amendments that seek to address two crises drafting Affordable Housing and gathering Good Neighbor policy and while rooting out Consumer Price index has continued to plague our government as many of you say as leaks city plan or arguing lack therefore to meet the 14 thousand units of extremely low income household we have a crisis of affordability in San Francisco. Our Affordable Housing policies currently exclude tens of thousands of seniors and people with disabilities. All of who fixed incomes and powerful ami is creating barriers to accessing Affordable Housing. In terms of we have to make Affordable Housing affordable to those that who that need it those are not a homeless san franciscans but without access to permanent housing will end up on the streets in 2019 my colleague and former norman yee create is a one time dent in the crisis for at least some seniors with the creation of the senior operating subsidies s o s and provided subsidizes that enacted ev to set rents for one hundred and thirty united that seniors can affords was an overwhelming success and to skin in the game to expand that after years working to try to find an approach for e l i funding im creating the Affordable Housing fund for seniors and families. Which it frankly is a irishamerican modified effort if gets us 21 e l i household a critical step in the crisis should be a Universal City priority i know a tough budget year but invest in the concrete solutions for those Affordable Housing stepped up cant support of acquisitions of older sites or singleroom occupancies hotels without a e l i and like i said 1,000 plus perfect examples of seniors not housed by way of example the e l i see 47 percent of total projects i want to thank my staff sunny and others Mayors Office of housing and Community Development and a number of the Community Organizations seniors Disability Network and chinatown and Corporation Meta and without walls and corporations and San Francisco Community Land trust and many more for the partnership and vocabulary and welcome discussion in the days and weeks ahead with all of you. Today, im introducing a ballot to tackle corruption by empowering an Inspector General and those who do business with the city the strong i g model do Gold Standard of dignity and used in negotiation and philadelphia and chicago and new orleans and many more San Francisco is the only major city in United States of america would the an Inspector General and needs one of the most the climate of corruption and pay to play politics has plagued us too long and time to stop relying on the fbi and clean up our ore house this proposal historians the best packs the i g model by dignity experts and evaluated mandate public accountability and independence this position will live with the audits eliminating their best practices and functions as no additional costs to taxpayers and without creating an elected post Inspector General will lead and coordinate investigations regarding policies involving fraud and waste or misconduct and complaints from the checks and balances and report on investigations twice yearly to the board and the mayor without the seeing offhand first hand and seeking the counsel and guidance of formerer controllers and the city Attorneys Office and experts i look forward to earning our support colleagues and finally, a charters amendments pleasure in response to what i consider being the streamlining resolution about the teams of 501 center piece packs for Civic Engagement in a democratic process by happy ev our charter the sheer amount of unregulated money poured into removal sunshine and everyday people right out of government is staggering almost 3 million with ron latest donations an extraordinary amount of the money to silence people from youth and others advocates and immigrants all seeming without a rational base without their interests so many ways we can make government work better for the people without cutting out the people or their access to government i want to acknowledge supervisor mandelman who undertook with the controller before formaler and current controllers my office and many of your offices to move forward in a gather good faith and sf didnt take the suggestions im appreciative of this collection or collaborations so today introducing and Charter Amendment to form an independent Blue Ribbon Panel and not streamline people out of our City Government we make changes should be done pubically not in a backroom with public hearings and streamlining our City Commission is timely and it is warranted but keep the sunshine in government that is our central focus and sf no public oversight and no public process has drafted in essence a amendment to the constitution behind closed doors and to keep san franciscans in the dark about the government and measure eliminates the Health Commission the Library Commission the commission on the status of women to name a few with no plans for how to improve theyre function and removes civilian oversight for the Police Commission to Public Health and fooufrtd our department of justice mandates this will take us backwards no forwards the amendment will keep the structure of the government and lets the Voters Decide how well operate and pulls those in retrurg the government to improve efficiency and cut costs i actually think an exciting opportunity to embark on hard conversation and do it in a way that looked at what is actually working and what our Community Stakeholders deserve and introducing two to make we have the best approach making the government more effective and the rest i will summit. Thank you president peskin. And supervisor preston at the submit and im a little nervous. Thank you for the outside boards this quarter the Oversight Committee worked with the bso for a plan that includes labor and reporting reminder for permanent and extremely low Income Housing as the 20 billion Affordable Housing bond the labor was approved and the gobld will come for a final vote on june 22nd as a reminder this unprecedented housing bond will preserve 72 thousand new homes with unlocking over 40 thousand homes we already have isnt pipeline today and regarding m t c in april our manual two day workshop to discuss the perez issues face to face us the major quarter including the workshop has been sb 10 three 1 by senator wiener and others a regional transportation revenue measure at establish the bayview Regional Network manager and recognize the cellists challenges transit operators are key points of argument with guarantees and competition and whether to conclude do highway projects and note that my fellow commissioners and i are advocating for the transit riders and transit systems not expanding the highways. Second colleagues, im introducing a resolution to support senate bill 1975 will require the inclusion of food and nutrition intervention as benefit under the medical property programming that bill is part of a food bill initiate and makes california the first state to provide covered food prescription intervention and examples of this will be the permission of produce and other Healthy Foods to people with chronic illness and medical nutrition to prevent and treat illness and more are for communities of color and the same residents have food inner security this is health and improving the outcomes for patients will benefits from such program. Thank you to a skylar and staff for bringing this to my attention and to supervisor walton and others i urge all my colleagues to support this baby for 1975 the rest i submit. Thank you supervisor safai. Thank you, madam clerk thank you, colleagues. Today, im excited to introduce and Charter Amendment aimed and improving the retention and recruitment of our fulfillment San Francisco nurses and 911 emergency dpafrnz to improve the Public Health. San francisco is facing a severe shortage of any any operators i heard earlier talking about the Police Officers and along with the other Charter Amendments with the firefighters the row tainting and keeping them safe and San Francisco is the shortage is over burdening our Healthcare System and delaying our entering Response Times and vacancy rate 20 slots are empty were not meeting our mandated 911 call Response Time to required time only 71 percent of calls are respond to in the mandated time and established one hundred and 70 fulltime registered nurses positions are vacant and impacting the pc Safety System you, you recall a couple of months ago we are asked to transfer almost 40 million of funding nurses positions to over time and our city much like the Police Department much like the Fire Department, our nurses and 911 call operators are definitely asked to serve in overtime sometimes mandatory over time as a that is over burdening our system and theyre exhausted and understaffed and absolutely underappreciated. Our department is still unappreciated our department of Public Health is 85 millions on traveling nurses costing 14 percent hiring fulltime nurses need to address the nursing shortage without burdening the taxpayers and this ballot measure does that i spoken with front line nurses and 911 call operators across the city and excited to get people into the system and dealing with theyre real exhaustion and frustration. This is no disrespect to any temporary traveling nurses but as a proud san franciscan im supporting this local workforce. Every nurse loves their job and every 911 call operators theyre on the front lines and passionate about caring for patients and passionate about insuring we respond to our emergencies. During those tough times but absolutely reaching a breaking point and staffing shortages and unsafe it conditions are theyre seeking other positions in so the city and counties this incentives and allow fulltime nurses previously worked as temporary nurses to buy back up to three years of that retirement time and new nurses can qualify after a few year in the full time nurse it insures also that our 911 dafrnz receive equal Retirement Benefits to Emergency Personnel in many cases and legally classified they dont receive the same retirement bin that amendment changes that by that concludes my report. Our nurses and 911 dispatchers we can retain dedicated and attract new talent and we owe it to our nurses and 911 call parties operators i want to thanks seiu local and david and others want to thank bert and haesht for partnering with me on the ballot measure and thank my cosponsor supervisor walton and commissioners and others supervisors have supported in measure thank you for that and look forward to others cosponsors and want to thank you are City Attorneys for diligent work and working under stressful conditions to beat those timelines and thank you, City Attorney for her hard work and thank you for getting back to me and cecil and our controller greg wagner for his assistance in cost 12e6789s and cfo c o o and karen for their initial response in analyzing the cost and colleagues, a nice compliment to the other Charter Amendments were put for the or forwards for the firefighters and Police Officers shows this board is taking seriously Public Safety Delivery System in the city and saluting respectfully and honor and privilege our First Responders and all they do in our system. And the rest i submit. Thank you supervisor safai and mr. President that includes the introduction of the new business. Thank you go to general Public Comment. As make your way to the raise your right hand of the room were setting the timer for two minutes our welcome to talk about the mayors appearance and discussion with commissioner chambers the april 16th Meeting Minutes and on the items on the denounces would the reference to committee 21 through 26 all other matters have had their Public Comment fulfilled and my speak to others general matters walk through to the first speaker. This is extreme i have no choice but to comply with that the mayor is out i told you several times on Critical Thinking thats all you get safety thats the way it works the more you wait, to apply what i told you you to Pay Attention every time he spoke the more i think so everything this is so the more you wait the important youre going to go down will be extremely difficult to face i cant unintelligible as you cant fit beauty it didnt work you cant effect bottom so, now what is going on. Didnt need our six power you see it says to suffice only unintelligible power that why is of the it creates ugliness. End of story i understand everything if you see seriously unintelligible 2 thousand years. To impersonate themselves i dont know what youre thinking here except you dont like me thats normal bell ringing . Nobrainier now, when you see unintelligible a i need to read absolute incompetence to add challenges with that whenever so no time besides whatever or wherever you read a i incompetence youll love it. Thank you for your comments bell ringing next speaker. Okay. Id like to preach on the sign of bus and this comes from my isaiah we read in the year that when the king of syria figure out at that time spoke how much go and loss the sack cloth from off my lines and put off the shoe from the foot and walked naked and barefoot like is work hard upon egypt so should the king of syria lead them off and the capita actives were had their button butt index and signs that the butt is actually happening in front of us parallel in the United States with guideline woman and the butts theyre so skintight theyre not christens or, you know, not wearing modified apparel but a civilian judgment upon the nation calls do sign the butt what is safe walked naked that the god was going to with tom read avenue in the 9 11 well build about human stones and the sick 340rz will read that in context was actually a sign on us were being genocide by god by our since well not listen to god bell ringing next speaker. And weve been coming here for years just to get judicious but not able to get justice this is ruining our businesslike uber in the shutter at the airport to run the shuttles i dont know but if you got to skip us like that always for years and keep coming and there is a god all right. On top of us, we trust in god if youll not think of us because we people so if you Golden State Warriors guys think like youll not help us i wear to good idea that god will take back around you and bring it individually to you guys weve been suffering for years to please were begging you to take time wearing deeply, deeply in rut we need our help otherwise so we are not happy weve been coming for years. Thank you for your comments next speaker. Hi hello supervisors and city officers im medallion and 624. We are having a big trouble right now because of we have only chance resources to pick up the fair at the airport and right now the airport is fixing the runway one runway only working 50 percent of flights are off by the runway fix were wasting time is longer than than before and have 50 percent revenue of income. And then we dont know what to do and should have some kind of program to help us, please. And then i feel like we are dying and we are going waiting for is collapse and pick up the uber and but it is unfair to pick up the uber with the app would not the same regulations. If you want us to pick up the uber fair in the uber then we should have the same regulations and have a hefty regulation by the city of San Francisco and overhead from uber drivers i dont know we are bell ringing . Really have a bad time right now please help us. Thank you for your comments. And next speaker. Good afternoon. My name is im speaking on the i chartered many cities so many cities is really nice. San francisco unintelligible treat us like a dunk and why strike everything like taxis and brutally slaughtered us, we are dead. And unintelligible is going in her mind she enjoyed access and taxis and uber is a big lie and blunter and you use us as slaves to pick up short fairs at airport and left offer in the city and sutro the disabled we cant rely on this business we are ready to file bankruptcy we dont want our children will never drive taxicabs and if i dont bail us out youll have no more taxis we dont know whether you want us to help or not if you really want us to help then treat us like new york treated their taxicabs and why bell ringing should we pick up at the airplane and city also will ride shares are equal to taxicabs the city left rights. Do not take any advice of people off ride share and dont take unintelligible bell ringing city needs and thank you for your comments and thank you for your comments. Next speaker. Good afternoon. Board of supervisors clearing throat my name is Richard Petersen ive spoken here before. On topic i take municipal on friday um, i took for the first time a geary express bus which was very crowded. I had to exit backdoor with my dog. And i reached ill up to hold on to a bar with my a cane and dog in my other hand the closed disclosed upon me and krushdz my hand and took the driver to stop the bus and come around and pull the door open to relieve my hand which was relatively that is painful injury. And in any event i met the city went to the city Attorneys Office not to file and claim but apparently, you, only file a claim am of the university in the Mechanical Engineering and there is a design underway in the muni rear door bus. So i want to have that have that corrected one way or another and willing to participate in having that underway corrected but it is very simple bell ringing anyway, i hope that i can get more coordination from the city Attorneys Office you have to file a claim or is entering service that required you to give your name to them um, and if i did i go to the hospital but if you didnt could continue on your mission which mine was to retain old fish for my Mosquito Pond event. Thank you. Thank you for your comments. Welcome to the next speaker. My name is jim. Im here seeking liability andus for my partner and laguna honda for laguna honda. Randy went to uhhuh and my right to visit was cut off i asked for the prognoses and dialysis for my domestic partner and so they solicited remands and rented him unconscious and sent him to laguna honda and sent his without telling you we didnt know that after that randy does a durable power of attorney for laguna honda and got another letter couldnt do a power of attorney that he was able to go ahead we tried to get and the transaction from the pay yes we find out that his pay yes was not sending the cost to laguna honda and his dad embezzled 8 thousands of hi cost to laguna honda bell ringing and with the help of this doctors and the eligibility working at laguna honda i have one. 2, three, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 documents here id like to present to the board of supervisors. My bark has a bite and randy has been victimized bell ringing thank you for your comments. Any other members for general Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Im sorry are you coming, sir . Okay. Well reopen Public Comment go ahead, sir. Go ahead. Is there a way to turn this on . Are you having trouble finding your video. Im not showing that. Again to our room or if youre unhappy with the way things are run around here go to your room or i guess the problem that im having like we have Case Management that thinks they have the privilege to talk to us like this i feel like theyre violating civil right a talking about down and dehumanize nicks us and the Program Direct thinks this is acceptable we should tolerant and deal with inferior services that are dehumanizing and like out right abusive i guess im asking how we get to the city to have better investigation next weeks create a system where the the subcontractors hire better staffing i feel like the behavior of those cases managers are out lane dish and abusive i say protections. Is homeless once they get into those bell ringing housing programs we need stronger protections and we need like an omni businessman what there is problems so they can go to the city and get complaints going to the rights people to investigate. It seems a big vacuum i got more videos bell ringing thank you charles. Mr. President. Public comment is closed. gavel madam clerk read the adoption without Community Reference calendars. Items. Here we go. Items 21 through 26 introduced without Committee Reference and unanimous vote and other resolution on First Reading a member may require to go to the committee. Any member like an item or items severed and commissioner walton. President peskin 22 and 23. Madam clerk on the balance of items 21, 25 and 26. Same house, same call. Those resolutions are adopted and motion approved gavel madam clerk read item 22. This is a resolution to support california assembled bill 2655. Assembly bill 28 three 9 and introduced by essential member gail and senate bill three 211 by assembly buffy and senate bill introduced to address technologies of Artificial Intelligence on may 13th and rules committee and thank you, supervisor ronen held a meeting on Artificial Intelligence that our hearing discussed the growing concerns around elects and nationally how we protect our local elections as to the greatest extent one thing the urgently address the laws for gaps right now in regulations to prevent false and shredding election material we had the hearing think monday the next day we transferred this roses supporting a bill package and while a lot of different pieces of legislation in sacramento that touch on this issue those were some bills that were highlighted in particular by the advocates who experts at the hearing including david the faculty member at advisors to common cause and the center for justice. N y u law and bills seen as keen state bills harris discussed local policies to talk about the local elections how to better prepare for the november elects and some of the recommendations out of a announced report from the Brandon Center that is called how Election Officials responder to i threats the four bills in the resolution are pevenld in the assembly a key times for the bills to get out of their house of origin over the next 10 days and looking forward to this and putting San Francisco on record thirty these records will lgbtq the use of Artificial Intelligence to promote misinformation in our elections. I also want to note were working with the City Attorneys to address the local laws and have nomination on that soon but didnt want to wait on showing our support at the board for the state bills pending in the time in sacramento. Thank you. Okay. So well take that. Same house, same call. Im sorry commissioner chambers you want to speak to this. Okay. Same house, same call. The resolution is adopted and item 23. A resolution to condemn racism intimation of Williams Family and urge to have an investigation and support for the family and president peskin. Supervisor preston thank you, president peskin and colleagues first of all, thank you. The boards for cosponsoring this resolution and join me in condemning the racism threats against Terry Williams and his family and outpouring of support from friends and neighbors and good to see this board joining as well in supporting the family but things have taken and turn for the worst really a horrible turn today. I want to update you um, on this situation. Amend the resolution to reflect where i was before this meeting without at the scene at the williams families home. Um, where there was a fire day a major fire to remind you see this is a family that has now withstood weeks ago of direct threats i described before as racial terror the kind of this thing we hear about in the worst of the k k and the deep south kind of what is happened to the family of threats delivered directly telling the family to leave the neighborhood because theyre black delivering a black disposal with a notices around the and next. And reported to federal authorities with that context a major fire they Williams Family home. Fortunately someone thank you to the 911 caller and to an incredible response from to Fire Department, and our ems workers and everyone else out there there was a rescue fortunately no one lost their lives today and injuries were in stable condition. It is truly horrible what this family has gotten and add today is events was major damage to the family home and i dont want to go ahead ahead if we dont have obviously the Fire Department doing theyre investigation they will and sfpds make without announcements have to make along the way we dont have um, any conclusions regarding the cause but i think we also are aware of context and the timing here and to say this is alarming would be an understatement i want to ive spoken with family members and on scene with them today. Um, and been fielding a lot of calls from family and friends and neighbors horrified the Community Came together behind the family and any thoughts with terry and hi entire family and mom that received medical treatment in stable condition the amendment ill read them theyre literally complicated minutes before so sorry to give you no notice but talking about all of what this family has been through without including the fire that occurred literally on the day were hearing this so. The amendments youll see in our in boxes ill for the record or read into the record agreeing a whereas, clues as page 2 line 16 whereas, the major fire occurred on may tuesday, may 21, 2024, that is currently investigated and displaced all occupants and traumatizing the family and adding the clause in addition to the clauses that urge sfpd and our variance departments to support the family and to identify an app apprehend the prepare translators and experiencing adding a clause after that that on page three line one further revolve San Francisco to expect an investigation of major fire an tuesday, may 21, 2024, and urges the maurice agency and all the departments to urgely provide necessary support for the family like to move those, too amendments. And update but let me close by saying this this entire situation is um, a real test of our city and whether we walk the wake when it comes to taking a stand against anti brake racism this is so 0 extreme what is happening. To this family. And im encouraged by the unanimous cosponsorship by the conversations with the Board Members who have basically sent the message, however, this body can help this build is ready to help and i also want to thank james colorado well on scene and Work Together to make sure there is temporary housing for the family but Good Samaritan beyond temporary Solutions Make sure this family and others are safe that this investigation is included with the suspect identified and beyond that this family what return to this home could not allow what has been happening to this family in recent weeks to drive people out of our neighborhoods especially a neighborhood that has already experienced so much trauma and displacement to the black communities. So i want to thank you all for your support and cosponsorship and like to move the amendment. Motion by president peskin to amend and seconded by commissioner asianianwilliams colleagues without objection on the item as amended. Same house, same call. The resolution is adopted gavel madam clerk read item 24. Resolution to urge the mayor and department of children, youth, families to solicit depositions and philanthropy to restore the 25 million for the dcyf funds for fiscal year 202425 and to urge the officers within the legal limits of behested owner to accept donations to offset those reductions on working families and youth citywide. Cumbering. Thank you. Mr. President i would like to make a motion to send this to the oversight competent ill appreciate that. Motion to send it to refer. A single privilege. Yes. Supervisor. A motion a multiple voices . Single privilege the item should be referred to the government Oversight Committee madam clerk, any in memoriams. We are adjourned he gavel [meeting adjourned] [music] whats this for . I will have nile firefighter friends bring me a bench to explain the cool things. Joy want to see. This is cool marbles up here. A, appliance and hose and this is a y why . Why is it called a y, thats a great question this. Is a y. You see it looks like a y. We use it for yellow in the fight we use it to take 2 different hoses from one hose. That way in a big building like a high rise, and we have a large piece of hose connect here, we are able to take two more hoses in Different Directions to help put a fire out in a floor that is well above the street level. Okay. Fire engines carry 4 firefighters and firefighter paramedics. Firefighters should not be considered strangers. Firefighters are your friends. Uhhuh. You are in need of help you need to make sure it is okay to go up to the firefighter. Firefighters utilize many of the tools we discuss in the a fire engine. Such as a fire extinguisher whats that for. They can be used to put out fires the size. A waste basket and squirts water. Oh , that is cool. Yea we have other tools a chain saw. They help us get through the many obstacles we encounter while we are trialing to put out a fire or save somebodys life. Nice that is cool if you see a firefighter like this in a fire the firefighters are friends and this firefighter will save your life. It is okay to go to the firefighter. Hum. Good to know. [music] community. Hello, im iowa join the series for the city and county of San Francisco for thirty years ago all san franciscans can watch their government in action to Reliable Service and Program Tuesdays sfgovtv for all you do and i am supervisor melgar. I am the supervisor for district 7. [music] i am a immigrant to San Francisco. My family came when i was 12 from el salvador during the civil war. This place gave us security, safety and an opportunity to thrive, so i love the city deeply, and as a mother of three kids who have grown up as city kids, im grateful for everything the city has to offer for people like me and families. I have been politically involved my whole life, either in government or a non profit worker and i care about the community. I care about people around me, and i want to make sure that as the world changes around us, other people have the opportunity that my family did. We are back in San Francisco post pandemic. So important to be out supporting our businesses, supporting our neighbors. Im the first woman to represent the district, believe it or not. Im the first latina elected to the board of supervisors without an appointment first ever, so i do think that indiscernible i want immigrants to be represented, women, moms, people that have different experiences because that brings richment to our Decision Making and i think it makes for betting decisions so that inspired me to run. District 7 is one of the most diverse districts in San Francisco both in economics and ethnicity. It spans north from Golden Gate Park. It includes all the institutions in the park, the wheel. The music concourse, mew seem to the south to the daly city boarder and west to the organization. Includes the zoo indiscernible all those fun things and to 280 oen the east. Includes city college, San Francisco state. I had ucsf parnassus so very large geographically. It is mostly Single Family homes, so it is the place where for generations family indiscernible nice parks, lake merced, mount davidson. This is like a village within the city, so we are very close nit community. We tend to band together and try to support one another and it is a friendly place and families and people to have a cup of coffee and check out the park. Ocean avenue, which is the southern end of our district is vibrant commercial corridor that mostly cater tuesday the local neighborhoods and the students. As you go further west you have the mall which has some of the best pan asian food offerings in the city. If you havent been there, it is really fun. As you go up a little bit further, there is west portal avenue, which is a very old School Commercial district where you can still find antique shops and cobbler shops and as well as like more modern restaurants. It is definitely hopping and full of families on any weekday. Im matt roger, the coowner or indiscernible carl, other coowner in west portal. We are a Neighborhood Hardware store. Been a Community Institution since it was founded in 1936. We had a little bit of everything. indiscernible to gardening or gift buying. My entire experience in San Francisco is this community. It is a very small town feel for a big city. The community is caring and connected. What makes me excited doing business in district 7 is i know it sell well. I grew up here. I knew a lot of customers, parents of friends. It is very comfortable place and feels like home. If you go up north, you have the innerpz sunset commercial corridor which has a awesome Farmers Market on weekdays and plethora of restaurants. There is everything you need. Friendly and safe and indiscernible i love they bring their kids with them. They teach them how to use their money, and it is something you dont see in too many markets in other communities. I love to see the kids come and talking to you. It is Something Different then i see from indiscernible the ev access to transit in inner sunset and ability to do a lot of shopping on foot, and now the improved biking with jfk closed to cars, because we have a 4 and a half year old who rides her bike. We now have a safe place to go and ride bike jz dont have to to worry about traffic. Graffiti continues to be one of these things that during the pandemic just got out of control everywhere in the city and i do think that it is hampering our recovery of commercial corridors, so some of the volunteers on west portal avenue, some of the merchants got together with interns at our office to do some hands on abatement and we have been doing it regularly. We are doing it once a week and we have a wonderful neighbor, carrie organizing and storing the paint and supplies in her office on west portal, but this needs more then just a volunteer efforts. Im grateful for the collaboration. We passed legislation at the board and put 4 million in the budget over the next 24 months to help the department of public works hire laborers and labor apprentices to abate the graffiti on private property on commercial corridors. I think that for a couple years this recovery strategy so we can get back up as normal after this awful pandemic. Participatory budgeting is a pot of money that is available every year for district 7 neighbors to propose projects that improve the neighborhood and the district. Anyone, any organization in the district can propose a project and then its a vote. It is popular vote. We have 14 projects just approved and they span from you know, a vegetable garden at Aptos Middle School to Pedestrian Safety projects on indiscernible it runs the gamut, but it is wonderful because it allows people to be engaged in a real way, and then to see the outcome of their energy and work, because the things get improved in front of them. I like it is really close to the parecollect parks and bunch of businesses as well as a calm feel. It is a very peaceful feel even though it is close to a lot of things. indiscernible also not boring. There is stuff to do too. So, there is lots to see and experience in district 7. [music] [music] Digital Literacy is something severely lacking in our world today and it takes a lot to understand that. Food water and shelter have basic necessities so long we forget about wifi and connection to the interenet and when you go into communities and realize peep ople are not able to load homework and talk to teachers and out of touch with the world. By providing the network and system we are able to allow them to keep up in the modern age. Folks still were not served by internet throughout the city and tended to be low income people, people in Affordable Housing. People of color and limited english and seniors, all those are high concentrations in Affordable Housing, so we thought given that we had a Fiber Network that stretched throughout the city reaching deep into neighborhoods that would be a perfect opportunity to address it in San Francisco. The infrastructure the city and star help us run are dejtle programs. It played a Critical Role from the time we opened during covid till now so we were able to collaborate with Online Services that offer tutoring and school support. It also helped us be able to log the kids on for Online School during covid, in addition to like, now that everybody has switched most of their curriculum online we can log kids on to the online homework, check grades in addition to helping parent learn how to use the School System portm the office of Digital Equity our goal fiber to housing is insure we have all three legs of the 3 legged stool. The first leg is high quality Internet Connection. We liken the high quality Internet Connection to the highway. The second leg is high quality devices. This is the car. You want to make sure the specks on the car is up to speed and lastly, it is important to get kind of that drivers education to learn how to navigate the road, to know the signs to watch out for in terms of making sure you are school while you are surfing the internet it is private so that is the Digital Literacy piece. My daily life i need the internet just to do pretty much everything. The internet has taken so much control over peoples daily lives including myself that i just need it to get certain jobs done, i need it for my life. I need it. The program really seeks to where ever possible provide a service thats equivalent or higher speed and quality as the best commercial service. We serve all of San Francisco, but we definitely have to be equitable in our distribution of services. That means everybody gets what they need to be successful. Actually one of the most gratifying part of my work here at department of technology, it is really bringing city resources to address problems faced with our communities with the highest need. I think it is important because i grew up in a low Income Community without Internet Access and it is hard. I think it is important for everyone to have Internet Access no matter their income and maybe one day their kid will have Internet Access for us and help the school and with their skills. Making to may grandkids a program all about pop ups, artists, non profits Small Business in into vacant downtown throughout the area for a three to 6 months engagement. I think San Francisco is really bright and i wanted to be a part of it revitalization. Im hillary, the owner of [indiscernible] pizza. Vacant and vibrant got into safe downtown we never could have gotten into prepandemic. We thought about opening downtown but couldnt afford it and a landlord [indiscernible] this was a awesome opportunity for us to get our foot in here. The agency is the marriage between a conventional art gallery and fine art agency. Im Victor Gonzalez the founder of gcs agency. Thes program is especially important for Small Business because it extended huge life line of resources, but also expertise from the people that have gathered around the vacant to vibrant program. It is allowed Small Businesses to pop up in spaces that have previously been fully unaccessible or just out of budget. Vacant to vibrant was funded by a grant from the office of Economic Workforce Development that was part of the mayors economic recovery budget last year so we funded our non Profit Partners new deal who managed the process getting folks into these spaces. [indiscernible] have been tireless for all of us down here and it has been incredible. Certainly never seen the kind of assistance from the city that vacant to vibrant has given us, for sure. Vacant to ibvooerant is a Important Program because it just has the opportunity to build excitement what downtown could be. It is change the narrative talking about ground floor vacancy and Office Vacancy to talking about the Amazing Network of small scale entrepreneur, [indiscernible] this is a huge opportunity that is really happy about because it has given me space to showcase all the work i have been doing over the past few years, to have a space i can call my own for a extended period of time has been, i mean, it is incredible. Big reason why i do this is specific to empower artist. There are a lot of people in San Francisco that have really great ideas that have the work ethics, they just dont have those opportunities presented, so this has been huge lifeline i think for entrepreneurs and Small Businesses. This was a Great Program for us. It has [indiscernible] opening the site. We benefited from it and i think because there is diverse and different [indiscernible] able to be down here that everybody kind of benefits from it. I am iris long. We are a Family Business that started in San Francisco chinatown by my parents who started the business in the mid 1980s. Today we follow the same footsteps of my parents. We source the teas by the harvest season and style of crafting and the specific variety. We specialize in premium tea. Today i still visit many of the farms we work with multigenerational farms that produce premium teas with its own natural flavors. It is very much like grapes for wine. What we do is more specialized, but it is more natural. Growing up in San Francisco i used to come and help my parents after school whether in middle school or high school and throughout college. I went to San Francisco State University. I did stay home and i helped my parents work throughout the summers to learn what it is that makes our community so special. After graduating i worked for an Investment Bank in hong kong for a few years before returning when my dad said he was retiring. He passed away a few years ago. After taking over the business we made this a little more accessible for visitors as well as residents of San Francisco to visit. Many of our teas were traditionally labeled only in chinese for the older generation. Today of our tea drinkkers are quite young. It is easy to look on the website to view all of our products and fun to come in and look at the different varieties. They are able to explore what we source, premium teas from the providence and the delicious flavors. San francisco is a beautiful city to me as well as many of the residents and businesses here in chinatown. It is great for tourists to visit apsee how our community thrived through the years. This retail location is open daily. We have minimal hours because of our small team during covid. We do welcome visitors to come in and browse through our products. Also, visit us online. We have minimal hours. It is nice to set up viewings of these products here. You. When i first moved here people come to San Francisco to be the person you want to be can be anyone you want. The community is so rich and diverse that im learning every single day San Francisco is an amazing photoy town historically been base on evolution and that applies to every single professional field including philanthropic arts today what i do is photo based art manifests traditional forest and some colonel lodge and other frames of Digital Forest is a meeting that has been changing like super rapid and the quality is not extended by the medium if you took forest in school or you get a job in a newspaper theyll give give you a list of how to create a philanthropic story my goal to break down that model and from a to b that is unique and allows the ability to incorporate different types of i believey about propels someone through the rise and a fall of their own experiences one of the main things im trying to contribute it unconditional narrative form the narrative art of photograph the in between of photos how does a group of photos come together as how to use the space between photos to alight emotional responses from the audience and bring innovation and create bodies of work that narratively function the way that photos do San Francisco as the commission came out and you visited me and one of their prerestricts was to find an art with enough work to fill a large says that a quad down the hallway downstairs and we hung that quad to feel like a train station that constant sensation from all Different Directions some of the major characteristic of the landscape festivities the blur of the train their 70 Miles Per Hour and theyre not perfect as opposed to to what landscape will look like it creates a dichotomy for people insides the train not just the story of the subject it is not just the visual design the composition juxtapositioning, etc. Not just all autobiography boohoo it creates pictures with meaning within them and then some of the portraits feel awkward some of them feel welcoming and the person that mime making the picture is really comfortable and other ones feel awkward and weigh i didnt and tense that sensation is counter to what we feel like makes a successful portrait that sensation makes that work it is hard to be an artist in a city is 100 percent focused an business the cost of living is expensive and to value your success not scribble on financial return creates a conflict between the paramount egos in San Francisco today. You see a lot of artists leaving for that reason because you need space to make work my ultimate goal to make work that firms people firms this gift and just the experience of life and of their worst and of the amazement the wonderment of everything around ustelevision. music . My name is vet at a original artist based in San Francisco. I love it i love it ive never seen Something Else and we see how the people see which is happening and what is going on. Kind of cool i wanted to be part of that. I saw it 2, 3, 4, 5 minutes you yeah. So we have you yeah. I started going when i was young but not the type of kid would get food but this is something i really have been progressing on a talent from like other artists. This is amazing. This is so good yeah, it is so good like the artists. I love it. What a great project. Part of the part for have i grants. Yeah. I love it. I serve in for 2 two years now and i really am fortunate to live in a place for art. An effort creating places it serve San Francisco soul and that makes them want to see this place; right . With the experience of art in san jose experience in from the getgo sometimes our environmentalist has created tests but we have an opportunity for that and have artists in the storefront part of project you can walk in and experience and hoping well be there for a long time. This is the first farther easy way of going to spaces i didnt know how it is really cool it would be and were forced to be in the moment when were test and creating something really cool. Makes us feel good. As far unintelligible done all temporary and took them down i like the temporary aspect base unintelligible microphone distorted not permanent can enjoy it. Good to see everybody this morning. The sun kale came out. We will get started here. My name is megan mitchell. Thank you. [laughter] and i joined the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition board of directors because i believed in the Organizations Mission to advocate for transforming the city streets, neighborhoods into safe livable spaces by promoting bicycles for every day transportation. [applause] now, honesty, when i was asked to the rally i wasnt sure about it because i felt i didnt belong up here. Im used to attending these rallies where we talk about the importance of bike lanes and car free streets and livable spaces, but they are lead by people who dont look like me. And it is rare to see people of color leading these teep of conversations. I live in the southeast part of the San Francisco bayview district. A neighborhood that hasnt been prioritized in our mission and some of you have other neighborhoods where people of color live and work and try to safely navigate their streets, like the fillmore district, omi and chinatown. Throughout my time as a board member, the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition has made some steps to engage with people of color from these communities, but we were widely told by our predominantly white membership to just focus on bikes. It is disheartening to be dismissed, however one thing i want people of color to know and remember is the streets belong to us too. These bike lanes, parks and other livable spaces belong to us and bike to anywhere everywhere day is also our day. [applause] and as we continue to advocate for all these things my commitment as the first black female board member of the 50 year Old Organization is to insure that people of color who by the grace of god still have it ability to live in the city, a part of these conversations and plans and at the table to help lead the work and transform the city to make it livable for everybody. Now, we have great speakers today from city officials to Community Members and leaders, but i like to kick it off by welcoming someone who understands all these issues, mayor london breed. [applause] thank you so much megan for opening the stage to bike to where ever day where ever you are going. Hopefully you are going to work downtown. That is what i am hoping. I hope the reason you are not here is you have to get to work in downtown San Francisco so we can make that money so we can do more protective bike lanes. And in fact, we have done since i have been mayor about 41 miles of protected bike lanes in the city and more to come. [applause] and i want to just express my appreciation to the new Community Leadership council and the folks who are part of cotenderloin and so many of the organizations who were very intentional about outreaching to African American and latino communities to get more people engaged in bike to where ever day. They joined us in fillmore and in fact i live in that neighborhood, but i didnt make it to join the group, so my apologies, but i made it here. [applause] it was early. It was early in the morning. [laughter] i did want to talk about because we a always talk what needs to be done but we dont look at the Bigger Picture and what we accomplished. The fact is, San Francisco has changed and this city once horse and carriage, cable car, new technology around transportation and freeway like streets were mostly built for those kind of transportation modes and then in comes all a sudden and dont know if it had anything to do with uc davis and bikes and all a sudden i come home and people are reading bikes all over the city. There was Critical Mass and all kinds of things happening in our city with demands for change and the desire to allow for more modes of transportation to ride more efficiently and more safely on the streets of San Francisco. And here we are. Still working on that bigger vision and lets be clear, this is not just about one protective bike lane, this is about a Transportation Network in San Francisco that allows for bikes to move along the city streets safely and efficiently. This is about the ability to allow different modes of transportation so that people who are walking are safe and we are not trying to get rid of cars. Streets does not mean no cars, it means slow down. That is all it it means. I would use profanity but this is a family frndly event. So, what have we done . We installed 33 quick build projects and more then 50 miles of safety improvements on the highest injury streets and built 41 miles of protective bike lanes. We established not only slow streets and shared spaces but jfk promenade [applause] and isnt that a nice bike ride through the park and it feels so good. And we were the first city in california to reduce the speed limit to 20 miles an hour on 44 Miles Per Hour streets and we are going to be the first city in the state of california to install speed cameras [applause] so, if you get a ticket in the mail and you are like, what did i do . Well, slow down the next time. The point is, again, this is not about removing cars, this is about safety on our streets for everyone. And, what more are we going to do . Well, prioritizing daylighting at intersections city wide. Expanding no right turn on red at intersections city wide. Increasing parking control enforcement to ticket people who park on the sidewalks and block the crosswalks so that not just bikes cant get through, but people trying to walk and wheelchairs and others can get through. We have to do this in order to make sure that isnt anything goes in our city, so again, we can all use the sidewalks. We all use the bike lanes. That is the important work that continues to be done. More importantly, because i was asked this and i dont want anyone to take credit for what im trying to do to improve more protected bike lanes in the city. I was wondering a couple weeks ago, like why isnt there protected bike lane in front of city hall . I was saying to jeff tumlin, mr. Tumlin, you are here, supervisors you have to give up your parking spaces, because we need some protected bike lanes at lease some sort of safety here. This is a bit too crazy and too dangerous for those who are biking on the streets of San Francisco, and we have the ability. There is two lanes, we can figure it out. So, there is more that needs to be done. The last thing i want to say, because i know a lot of folks are up in arms over valencia, and lets be clear, it is important for us to be fearless in our pursuit to change our streets, and if we dont necessarily get it right, thats okay. There are tradeoffs when we have to make these decisions and we are willing to adjust those decisions in order to make sure that we are meeting the needs of all san franciscans, but i will not give up on my desire to make our city more of a urban environment. We are a densely populated city. We are a city that needs to be to produce 82 thousand units of housing. Do we want all those people driving . No. Do we want all those people crowded on buses so we can smell their arm pits when they are halding on . No, we dont. What we want is the ability to have convenient modes of transportation that is safe and efficient in San Francisco and ill continue to be as aggressive as we have been in pursuing those goals and can grateful to the Bike Coalition and advocacy and work and helping us get there. Thank you all so much for biking to where ever day today. And now, i want to introduce claire with the Bicycle Coalition thank you. Wow, good morning everyone and happy bike to where ever day this is the first time in over 4 years that we had this rally at city hall, so please give it up for yourselves for waking up early, getting on a bike ride and ending up here [applause] thank you so much mayor london breed. Thank you to all the community leaders, elected officials and agency heads that are here today to celebrate the joy and freedom that is biking in our beautiful city. Nothing brings me more happiness then seeing so many black and brown people on bikes, especially those of you who havent been on a bike in a while and are reexperiencing that joy for the first time in a long time. Many of you know and for those that dont know, i grew up in the tenderloin with my family and most community relied on muni and walking around. As a child i learned how to ride a bike in a parking lot and didnt have many places to safely ride in my neighborhood and biking in the city changed so much since then. I ride along separated bike lanes on turk and golden gate while Market Street is mostly free of private cars, but there is so much more to do. The progress we made towards a City Wide Network is incomplete. There are gaps. Streets with no protection and neighborhoods completely left out. At the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition, we are motivated by the possibilities for transformation that can emerge from the city biking and rolling plan. The first comp hence chb update of the bike plane en15 years and the sfmta is developing it now. With input from communities across the city and focused engagement lead by 5 Amazing Community based organizations, some of whom you will hear from today, the plan can embody the dream of what we want to see this city become. To truly live out that dream and celebrate and active Transportation System that serves everyone in the city from every neighborhood, age and background. Sf bike believes the final plan must embody the core principal. Connective and convenience. Anyone can use the network. Second, equity and access. Be must repair past harms through Relationship Building center the voices of those who have not had a seat at the table, and move at the speed of trust and insure the final plan addresses the many existing barriers to access and third, safety and belonging. Eliminate conflict between bicycles and Motor Vehicles everywhere possible. The network is a welcoming place for all people no matter their intersecting identities. We invite everyone today to work with us to make sure the biking and rolling plan fulfills this promise. A plan carried out by focused leaders we evolve from bike to where ever day to bike roll walk and take transit everywhere every day. [applause] thank you so much for spending your thursday morning with us. Im looking forward to the speaker. Up next we have supervisor melgar, who i do not see. Okay. I can dont see supervisor melgar, but she can speak when she gets her. Up next, we have director of transportation, Jeffrey Tumlin who leads the sf municipal transportation agency. He oversees muni, parking, traffic engineering, bicycle and Pedestrian Safety, transportation accessibility, so many things. Im going to give it to jeff. Thank you so much. [applause] thank you. My name is jeff tumlin your director of transportation. It is no secret that in this time in the aftermath of covid, San Francisco is facing tough times. But, we are san franciscans. This is nothing new for us. Every 10 to 15 years since 1849 San Francisco has undergone a massive economic structual change and every single time we made the transition from bus to the next boom economy. San franciscans have lead. Im so grateful for the leadership of mayor london breed and her vision [applause] and so grateful for mayor london breeds vision how to manage this next transition from boom to bust to boom again. Every time this happens san franciscans, the real san franciscans, those who are committed to staying in this city no matter whatwe recognize that in order to reinvent the next San Francisco, that we have to draw from San Francisco values. We have to draw from the San Francisco brand and San Franciscos brand is welcoming everyone. Everyone in the city, no matter where they came from. No matter the color of their skin. No matter if they live in the bayview or sunset or chinatown or the western addition, Everyone Needs to feel welcome here and welcome on every street and welcome using no matter what mode of transportation they want to use. San francisco brand is also not just functionality, it is not just convenient parking space at your office, San Franciscos brand, because we are a city, our brand is joy. Our brand is not only making our streets feel welcoming to everyone, no matter what mode they choose or where they are from, our brand is making the streets of San Francisco unrelentingly joyful. Joyful for kids who are simply try ing to get to school. Joyful for seniors and people with disabilities that want to get to Golden Gate Park or museum or doctor appointment. Joyful for everyone whos ever felt excluded, any of you, all of us. We all felt excluded, some a lot more then others. What if the people felt most excluded in other aspects of their life fell welcome and true joy on the streets of San Francisco . Thats our vision and are i so grateful to not only the vision of mayor london breed, but also the very clear and very long list of directions that she provided us in order to do the Technical Work that is necessary in order to implement that vision. Im grateful to my incredible staff whos working endless hours [applause] to make that vision come true and im particularly grateful to all of the Community Based organizations. Not just the transportation advocates, but the Community Advocates who have been our strongest partners to make sure that as we invest in the next round of mobility improvements that we do it it leading from the neighborhood and the community first. With that, i am proud to introduce eric, the director of safe programs of the Tenderloin Community benefit district. He is a longterm resident of the tenderloin, cochair of Tenderloin Traffic Safety Task force and extensive experience managing various pedestrian and Traffic Safety programs in the neighborhood. Please join us. [applause] thank you everybody. It great to be here. I love being around cyclists. One of my favorite things to do. Thank you. I actually most consecutive thing i have done in my life is bicycling since 8 years old and love it. Thank you for being here. I want to start with gratitude. I really want to say the tenderloin really appreciates the fact that we have been able to build a really solid relationship with various Community Organizations, not only within the tenderloin and outside the tenderloin, especially the neighborhoods also struggling with equity issues for years, for decades, forever. We are really proud that we have been able to build a really strong relationship with the sfmta, and the city. Thank you mayor breed. And then our supervisor dean preston and previous supervisor, matt haney. We really have gone a long way. We were fortunate when we came to the mta and said, hey, we are ready for changes and want our streets to be save and want equity to thrive. Throw any and every pilot at us. We are willing to accept it. We want to see our streets safer. Every street in the tenderloin is part of a high injury network. The high est density of children. We have the most people with disabilities, wheelchairs, mobility device users in the city. A Large Population of seniors. We have lot of Public Safety issues and Street Safety issues, so we are really grateful we have the opportunity to make some improvements. Like the pilot of changing all the speed limit throughout our neighborhood to 20miles a hour. No right throughout the whole knhunty. The tenderloin was able to pilot those programs. Those are successful and spread throughout the city and through the state. We are very proud that. We hope that continues to grow, escuilate and build a deep relationship with the city and advocates and Community Members that deeply want to see the streets change and have more access. We need to really focus on unfortunately, up setting some peeping, vehicle drivers, those that demand more parking. The tenderloin, only 20 percent of the people actually drive, but everyone of our street projects are usually block limited due to the volume of vehicles that are passing through. So, i want to say thank you. We appreciate our relationship and wish to continue doing that. We know we have some challenges, but we are confidence that through the biking rolling plan we could be a step closer achieving our goal having safe streets for all, so thank you all. [applause] and let me proudly introduce, erica scott, from the new Community Leadership foundation. [applause] thank you so much eric. Thank you all for being here. Thank you for having us. I just want to acknowledge that i used to work for the mayor before she was the mayor and it was like 2009 and she came to work with a bike helmet and some tennis shoes and we are like what is going on and she is like, i road my bike today. Like i said, this is 2009, and it was just a shock, because it came to me like, oh we can ride bikes as adults . There is so many things that go on in life and you kind of just get in this groove and often times in lower income and communities of color, the struggle and just the every day of just trying to make it, you forget what matters and riding bikes. We grew up riding bikes and something happens and you feel that isnt your world anymore, so i just want to express my sincere gratitude and it hasnt always been such a pleasant relationship with me personally and sfmta. Honesty, but im so grateful, because what they said they were going to do, they are doing. They are coming to the communities and asking us how can we be involved. [applause] and it is so important, and i just have to shout out christy, thank you so much for your leadership. [applause] and her entire team, and you dont think things matter or that you really have a say when you see a stoplight or if you see a bike lane. It seems so distant from your every day life, but when you are actually invited to be a part and ask how does this impact you, how does it impact your family, then the divide between the bicyclist and Community Comes together. It is not that we dont like bike riders, it isnt like we dont like riding bikes it is just we never felt anyone cared what we thought when things are being changed around us. So we are so happy for these relationships with the community and bike roll out plans and again, just so grateful to be a part. I have been on three Community Bike rides now. I look forward to it more and more, and i just want to leave with this, i believe it was like 1998, somewhere around then, my husband now bought me a bike and it was something was wrong with the street and so i took it to a bike shop in the fillmore on fillmore street, i think it was turk and fillmore, owned and operated by a black man and his assistant happened to be a black man. I left my bike there, every day about a week later i come home and my mom said they called for you to pick up your bike and never did. She said, ill just go get it. She went and picked up my bike. She met the owner of the bike shop. They have been married for 20 years now. Honesty. Honesty. So, bikes matter to us okay. Thank you so much. Happy bike to where ever day. Yes and now i have the privilege of introducing to you someone who i have seen her journey. You say health and wellness, she is epitome of health and wellness and she will talk about her experience with biking and are make Health Beneficial changes and she impacted our community and again, there is so many stories that you dont hear about when you are learning about the African American community and so again, we just thank you for this platform and i am so happy to introduce to you monique. [applause] hi. Good morning. My name is monique. Im a Community Health worker. I have been working in this community over 25 years y. Have been serving this community when it comes to Health Disparities that effect our community, particularly black and brown communities, so when we ride our bikes, i found there was lots of benefits for riding bikes and one of am main benefits with riding the bikes is leading by example. Leading by example to fix the Health Disparities that are impacting our community and realizing that our Health Conditions that we suffer from we can easily manage by riding a bike. When do i have time to exercise . Am i ever going to have time to exercise . I had this story where i was invited to be in my girlfriends wedding a long time ago in the 1990s. The 1900s. [laughter] and her mom had these dresses we were going to wear and i needed to tone up. I remember she bust out with this dress and i was like, girl, those are some dream girl dresses. I said i have to get in shape to wear this to your wedding. I dont want to make you look bad or myself, so what i did is i start my journey to riding my bike to work every day. I committed riding my bike to there every day which was 7 miles there it was laguna honda and 7 miles back. I began to look good and was a good role model for my community. At the same time, i realized i needed resources to ride a bike. So, factoringwe live in a urban community, things happen, so my other girlfrnd was like monique you need to get the racer tires on your bike, because i had the Mountain Rock tires and i had to explain to her, girl i cannot have the racer tires. She was like, why you cant have the racer tires . I said we have to factor in the ghetto glass that im going to roll over and get a flat tire when i come through. Thats the reason sometimes you see a lot of people riding a rock hopper tire when they supposed to have a speed racing tire. Trekking is the thing and you are not a real biker until you know how to true on the bike. Do people still true . You at the light and keeping your balance and get your true on . Im learning like all of the language and part of the community, but when i looked around at the time in the early 192003, 2004, i realized i was the only black person out there riding a bike at the time, so i really want to thank everyone who was a part of our community now, who stepped up to ride their bike rsh but i also want to bring to our consciousness when you ride a bike in the urban community dodging the bubbles, things happen. You are more likely to have your bike ripped off in the urban community or any community in San Francisco. I dont know, San Francisco, your bike and your dog will get stolen. You turn your back 5. 5 seconds your bike or dog is stolen. We got to work on that with theft around bikes. I really like to see us have more secure areas to put our bikes, when we go to our place of business, when we go to the grocery store, when we are going just to go visit somebody. At home at home when you are sleeping at home, you need to know your bike is secure. You can sleep. One time i had took the front tire off my bike, chained up the back tire and the horse of the bike, right . When i came bike, they stole the headset. This is real stuff. My helmet got stolen. So, we need to have more safer spaus where we can put our bikes so we could be more active in the community as well, so there is a lot of challenges to riding a bike when you are part of the urban community, so i want to put my advocacy part in on that end, making sure everybody is conscious that it isnt a easy task when you dont have a bike shape you can easily go to get your bike fixed. Everybody dont have hundreds of dollars to get simple parts and things like that fixed so we would like to see more things like bikes workshops for children and adults to learn more about riding a bike, more educational riding a bike. Is youre bike seat high enough for your leg length when you are pedaling. If you bike is too low youif your seat is too low you will have back problems so those type of things. How to properly change your tire, if you have a flat tire. What to do if you are on the side of the road. How to use a emergency patch kit are the things we need to be educated on in order to to be healthy bike riders. Thank you for your time and allowing to share. I like to introduce District Supervisor matt dorsey. This man here, dedicated his life to riding a bike. He gave up his car. He rides his bike to work every day and he is advocating for everyone, but he is mostly focused in the district 6 areas which is the somathank yousoma community as well as treasure island, mission bay as well as the tenderloin. Not the tenderloin. Not anymore. Anyway, we want to welcome matt dorsey. [applause] thank you so much. Happy bike to anywhere day everybody as a urban supervisor quhoo doesnt own a car i make a commitment now to give up my parking spot for a bike lane and i see that isnt going over well with legislative staff but we can talk about that. San francisco has Ambitious Goals in the Climate Action plan and one of them is to reduce ourwe have to get to 80 percent trips that are low emission by 2030 and biceling has to be a part that. As somebody who doesnt own a car, most trips are do are bike share but i want to express gratitude. I want to say thanks to the Bicycle Coalition. I worked in this building long enough to see the evolution of bicycle politics which years ago used to be cars versus bikes and the work the Bicycle Coalition has done is educate people to understand the more people on bikes the better for motorist and economy and the kind of city we need to be so thank you for everything you are doing. I want to give out a shout out for the bikes i use, our bike share system. Bike share i think in many ways changed the math of politics of bike politics in San Francisco by investing thousands or people in safe bike lanes in protective bike lanes and infrastructure that changed the math on bike politics which helped make our city safer. I want to express gratitude to dean preston doing work on making sure if we when we get to the point where we dont havemaybe we are not going to have that continued agreement with our bike share system. Are we ready to go with municipalization . I will be on board with that and i appreciate the leader of dean preston if that is something we have to do because bake share has to be a part of what we are doing as well. I want to also thank you to mta for understanding i represent a district that has the most high injury corridor areas and responding with wise investments. My colleagues on the board of supervisor and county Transportation Authority investing 10 million a year in bicycle infrastructure to keep us safe and to make sure our city is urbanest and welcoming. There is a lot of other people to thank. I wont get into it, but i do want to introduce our next speak er, michael cheatm. A native san franciscans. Program director for Sf Skate Club that created a positive learning experience for young people to pursue love of skateboarding in a safe guided super vised environment. Pleased give it up [siren] even the ambulance was cheering for me. [applause] or fire engine. Thank you to supervisor dorsey for the kind introduction. I also want to take a moment to thank everyone that is listening to me right now. Your attention, thank you for your time, thank you for your energy. All three of those things are incredibly valuable to me and i want to remind you they are valuable if no one has lately. One more time thank you for giving me your attention. [applause] like matt dorsey stated, my name is michael cheatm primarily a skateboarder but ride my bike at least 3 times a week and with the Bike Share Program with bay wheels. I was asked to speak today about black and brown joy and bicycling and skateboarding, sojoy in biking and skating for people of color is mostly the same as it is for anyone. The cool breeze in your face, the means to go further and faster then ever before, it is exhilarating. One of my favorite things hopping on a bike is how it ignites my childhood. I get on that bike and i feel close to limitless. I can go anywhere i want and not tied down by the expectations of others or the weight of life and my responsibilities. Just dipping and mashing. [laughter] there is catharticism to it. It is beautiful and greats and it is relief. I feel this is where the difference lies for black and brown folks. African American Children statistically experience the most adverse life events. Life events including, a parents death, a parent serving jail time, exposure to Domestic Violence and witness violence in their neighborhood. I need to take a moment to acknowledge San Francisco specific factors. The unjust murder of banko brown. The racial slander and demonization of black people in general as response via San Francisco bay social media. Making up less then 7 percent of the city population and even more recently, the racial attacks on Terry Williams a local alamo square. A kind dog walker. If you know about that. Put your hands together for Terry Williams. He received a package at his home covered with racial slurs, threats, like gangster thug and monkey with a photo of him with a nuse around his neck last week in alamo square. These are all circumstances that our black youth are facing in this tiny little city. Because of this, i feel that biking and skateboarding hold increased value to black and brown youth because they provide psychological relief. Aside from the relief biking can provide, they can also provide community. One thing about San Francisco that brings me great joy lately seeing the groups of bikers around the city. The crazy kids with big wheel blocks popping wheelies. The Youthful Energy in the city a city too expensive to even have kids is reassuring and warms my heart. The mission of my Youth Program San Francisco skate club is use the transformative powers of skate boarding to create the next selfled look. That looks like using scrait bording as a bridge to connect build friendships of people with diverse backgrounds. Less intentional, the big wheel biker groups are a opportunity for youth to get some of the same experiences and the value is something that shouldnt be overlooked. To close out, i like to lift a few thingss that bring me joy and thank a few people. I feel joy when i ride by skate board. It is okay to clap too. I feel joy when i see little brown kids and teenagers smile. [applause] thank you. I feel joy when i see anyone smile. [applause] i feel joy when my jouth at the sf squait club use the Cooking Skills to make burritos for the homeless. [applause] i feel joy when students tell me they understand why College Students are calling for divestment of funds being used for violence. [applause] i feel joy when i utilize my bike share for all program and get discounted ebike. [applause] i feel good when i ride my bike. For creating and nuch rer a environment for all youth to have fun, feel safe acknowledge and showcase skate boarding and biking for past many years i want to give a special thank you to Shawn Connolly half of the founders of Sf Skate Club. A retired professional skate boarder and runs the Youth Program. Shout out to the other half of the founders, [indiscernible] she recently passed away however colleagues with many supervisors up here im standing with now. She has been advocate for peace and advocate for looking out for the youth, so she is a big example for me. Shout out to larry redman, a local pro skate boarder. Felix whitington, rec and park, mobile rec department. Shout out to van tino salazar. Shout out to the entire staff at the Sf Skate Club. Shout outi dont know his name but the one homey on the bike and drops off narcan all hour ozf the night. Shout out to him. He is saving lives with a bike. Shout out to k dub a representative in skate boarding and create opportunities for youth to feel safe and skate board. Shout out to noah and danen from sf rec and park. Johnny refnic and a lot more people i may have missed thank you for your attention and time and if you take anything from this small speech of mine, when you see the kids on the big wheels please acknowledge that. Statistically a lot of their lives may have pressures that you guys cant comp rehend. So they might bike different then you or reckless, it is important to understand they are getting relief and psychological help and exercise, they are San Francisco youth enjoying their community. Thank you very much. We have a few speakers left and i love people could keep it shorter. I want to make sure everybody gets their time. At the time i will introduce jennifer registered nurse born and raised in the tenderloin. Come on over jennifer. [applause] hieveryone. My name is jennifer and from the tenderloin and i decided to become a nurse because i grew up so frustrated by witness how unhealthy environments directly impact our Community Health outcomes and as you know, the tenderloin is so densely populated with families and elders. There is roughly 60 Corner Stores and no full access supermarket. Lack of green space and hazardous living commissions. The rates of chronic conditions such as diabetes, cancer, heart failure, kidney disease, you name it are highest in communities like ours. There is a lot of work going on my neighborhood and other low income communities there is so much work to do and one thing i always encouraged myself my family members, Community Members and patients is increase physical activity to improve health status. Biking has by mine escape as someone who grew up in the tenderloin. The first bike i bought was a 60 which i learned was a mistake on sf hills. As a youth biking allowed me to take deep breathers and decomprez in Golden Gate Park, be around nature, access other neighbors around the city my family couldnt take us too. I met innercity kids like marry claire, cheatemjust like me. Biking has improved my mental and physical health and it is a activity that can positively impact our Health Outcomes and love to hear from patients and Community Members about what bike riding means to them and how it improved their quality of life and wellbeing and so grateful for organizations like sf Bike Coalition who connect people to through bikes as well as Sf Skate Club, such a positive force to encourage youth to explore the city on wheels. As we all deserve good health and joy and delove deserve to live in hethy environments. Thank you. The next person i will introduce is district 4 Youth Commissioner linda yee, High School Senior who serves as d4 Youth Commission on the sf Youth Commission. Also the chair of transformative justice on the Youth Commission and representative of advisory committee. Good morning everyone. Happy bike to where ever day [applause] i have been so excited for this day and looking forward for it a while now. Im libda and serve as district 4 Youth Commissioner on the San Francisco Youth Commission. It is so lovely to see and feel the community out here today. Whether you road from the sunset, Golden Gate Park, embarcadero, balboa park or other locations im sure you felt the way biking connects people and are neighborhoods. What makes biking special it is isnt just a clean mode of transportation but also a way to practice healthy and active living. I think in order for everyone benefit from biking it must be safe and accessible. This means advocating for policy that promote safe bike infrastructure and encourage bike use in all neighborhoods. When i was younger and transitioned from biking oen the sidewalks to the road at 13 because it was illegal for me to remain on the sidewalks, i clearly remember the fear and pair noah i felt when i shared the road with cars and kept eyes out for drivers who open their doors. When a driver opens the door you have to swiv out of the way. It is scary. This fear dulled but it coming back when a car comes too close and sure it is felt across community. I believe it should be be this way. I should everyone should feel safe while biking especially young people. Discourage biking we disproportionately impact low income and marginalized communities who must spend more time on Public Transportation to get where they need to be and onlack access to physical activity. For me biking is also a beautiful way to practice selfcare and joy. I can bond with friends and family, take care of my physical health, take care of the environment and experience personal freedom. I think that we can spread this joy insuring equitable access to biking infrastructure. We want to make sure that as many people can partake in the activity of biking. We want biking to feel safe, comfortable and convenient. Every youth to have the opportunity to learn how to bike. I want to thank all those who worked tirelessly to insure San Francisco has a beautiful bike lanes and bike accessibility we see today. I hope that this will continue as we Work Together as a community. Thank you all so much. [applause] alright. And final speaker we are going to have supervisor ahsha safai of district 11. [applause] alright. Lets give it up for the Bicycle Coalition today thank you for your great organizing. I want to thank claire leading our group. It was a phenomenal ride. Claire, long time district 11 resident did a tremendous job. We had one of the biggest turn outs. They didnt all make it to city hall but it was one of the largest turn outs i have seen since i have been supervisor. My name is ahsha safai. I dont how many supervisors road their bike to work or anywhere day but city hall today, but i can tell you, one thing that i enjoyed the most about it is, you see the city from a different perspective. You see families dropping off kids at preschool and school. You see people on their way to work. You see people cleaning up business or opening up their businesses. Normally we are riding on the commercial corridors and yes, bike lanes and commercial corridors can coexist if they are done correctly and i think we need to recognize that and we see that when we ride on the way. [applause] one thing i want to underscore today because we heard it, a theme, how we get more black and latino Community Members to participate and engage and ride their bike . I think of the example of jumping in the bay. How many people have swam in the bay . Okay. I went for the very first time, but i had two experienced people there with me, guiding me and making sure that i wouldnt freeze to death and wouldnt drown. And guess what . There was someone hanging on for their life in the bay because they got hypothermia. The police and fire came and saved this persons life. I am not using it as a exact analogy, but if you want more black and latino Community Members to ride their bikes they need to see more black and latino Community Members and positions of power in the sfmta, they need to be represented, they need to have staff there. When you do community outreach, it needswe dont see that. We all talk about diversity equity inclusion, and thats not represented, but we need to do a breter job as a city. Sfmta needs to do a better job as a city of making sure those positions are filled by community folks. I love hearing from community folk today. Im glad i went last and got to hear every single thing they had to say because we need to do better. We need to be better about inclusion and truly making sure people feel a part of this network of bike riding. I tell you, when i road by bike from my house today, there were three times it was disjointed. Three times if im not a experienced bike rider i probably dont make it to city hall. We need to make sure that we are being as aggressive as we can to make safe and equitable passageways all over San Francisco. Thank you all. Happy bike to where ever today. I think we should grow back to calling bike to work day, but anyway, have a great day [applause] thank you supervisor. Before we close up, i just want to thank everyone for attending this rally. In my experience in being part of this coalition, it is definitely one of the most different unique diverse rallies we had in a really long time so thank you claire for pulling that together. It is really energyizing and helpful. Really connecting all the different communities from all the corners of the city so that is a great thing. Thank you to our membership. Without you, we wouldnt be here, so [applause] and thank you to our current executive director christopher white. [applause] and yeah, everyone have a wonderful day. Thanks so much. The Bicycle Coalition was giving away 33 bicycles so i applied. I was happy to receive one of them. The Community Bike build program is the San Francisco coalitions way of spreading the joy of biking and freedom of biking to residents who may not have access to affordable transportation. The city has an ordinance that we worked with them on back in 2014 that requires city agency goes to give organizations like the San Francisco bicycle organization a chance to take bicycles abandoned and put them to good use or find new homes for them. The partnerships with organizations generally with organizations that are working with low income individuals or families or people who are transportation dependent. We ask them to identify individuals who would greatly benefit from a bicycle. We make a list of people and their heights to match them to a bicycle that would suit their lifestyle and age and height. Bicycle i received has impacted my life so greatly. It is not only a form of recreation. It is also a means of getting connected with the community through bike rides and it is also just a feeling of freedom. I really appreciate it. I am very thankful. We teach a class. They have to attend a one hour class. Things like how to change lanes, how to make a left turn, right turn, how to ride around cars. After that class, then we would give everyone a test chance chance to test ride. We are giving them as a way to get around the city. Just the joy of like seeing people test drive the bicycles in the small area, there is no real word. I guess enjoyable is a word i could use. That doesnt describe the kind of warm feelings you feel in your heart giving someone that sense of freedom and maybe they havent ridden a bike in years. These folks are older than the normal crowd of people we give bicycles away to. Take my picture on my bike. That was a great experience. There were smiles all around. The recipients, myself, supervisor, everyone was happy to be a part of this joyous occasion. At the end we normally do a group ride to see people ride off with these huge smiles on their faces is a great experience. If someone is interested in volunteering, we have a special section on the website sf bike. Org volunteer you can sign up for both events. We have given away 855 bicycles, 376 last year. We are growing each and every year. I hope to top that 376 this year. We frequently do events in bayview. The spaces are for people to come and work on their own bikes or learn skills and give them access to something that they may not have had access to. For me this is a fun way to get outside and be active. Most of the time the kids will be in the house. This is a fun way to do something. You get fresh air and you dont just stay in the house all day. It is a good way to exercise. The Bicycle Coalition has a Bicycle Program for every community in San Francisco. It is connecting the young, older community. It is a wonderful outlet for the community to come together to have some good clean fun. It has opened to many doors to the young people that will usually might not have a bicycle. I have seen them and they are thankful and i am thankful for this program. Community. M. Hello, im iowa join the series for the city and county of San Francisco for thirty years ago all san franciscans can watch their government in action to Reliable Service and Program Tuesdays sfgovtv for all you do and [music] in the town inside here im young. He was putting art, music and drinking together upon today have a nonpretentious pretentious spitz that the community can enjoy each other and the time off we get in this world. [music] spends energy elevating artists and credit a safe place. A place to have a community. It is i great neighborhood the art district because we have the contemp refer museum of sf. Yerba buena for the arts all of the operators and businesses here we get together and xhoukt and support each other this is a very cool neighborhood to be a part of. [music] paint on canvas is primary low when we do. This is guilty pleasures an all female artist show. It is going to be great. Fun we have interactive elements. We love having this gem. You know people come in and discover it and get to feel at home. This is like home San Francisco never be afraid it anybodying on our door. [laughter]. If the hours are post and you had want to seat art we are here 9 oclock to 5 oclock most days. [music] good afternoon. This is commissioner beltran, ill running the meeting today because the chair of the visual Arts Committee, suzy ferras is feeling under weather, even though shes present. Welcome to the visual Arts Committee wednesday may 15, 2024. Im calling the meeting to order. Creg, if you can call the roll, please. [roll call]

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