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Spotlight: real estate M&A transactions in Austria : vimarsa
Spotlight: real estate M&A transactions in Austria : vimarsa
Spotlight: real estate M&A transactions in Austria
This article highlights the most noteworthy legal and practical considerations surrounding the conclusion of real estate M&A transactions in Austria, including key agreement terms, financing and tax issues.
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Kbc Group ,
Stock Corporation ,
Austrian Alternative Investment Fund Managers Act ,
Schur Flexibles Holding Gmb ,
Thai Central Group ,
Venture Capital Organisation ,
Austrian Real Estate Investment Fund ,
Austrian Signa Holding ,
Austrian Financial Market Authority ,
Thai Central ,
Schur Flexibles Holding Gmbh ,
Austrian Private Equity ,
Austrian Real Estate Investment Fund Act ,
Austrian Financial Market ,
Austrian Investment Funds Act ,
Austrian Real Estate Investment Funds Act ,
Austrian Commercial Code ,
Austrian General Civil ,
Stock Corporation Act ,
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