Teen is 1st Black valedictorian in her school's 152-year history • 9 min read City School District of Albany Onovu Otitigbe-Dangerfield is the first Black student to be named valedictorian at Albany High School in New York's 152-year history. Onovu will graduate in June with a 4.0 GPA. This 17-year-old is the first Black valedictorian in her New York high school's 152-year history. Onovu Otitigbe-Dangerfield will graduate in June from Albany High School with a 4.0 GPA. "It's overwhelming and really surreal to me, especially hearing from Black girls from other schools that it inspired and motivated them, reaching out to me [saying] 'it was so nice to see one of us in there,'" Onovu told "Good Morning America." "It's not really a win for just me, it's a win for my community. I feel a responsibility now. I'm not only representing myself. I'm representing a group of people."