Were injured in the attack home sunday morning. As believe the gum and targeted passengers on a bus as well as pedestrians. Natasha tonight has the lightest from occupied East Jerusalem. According to media reports, at least one person ambushed a bus as it arrived at the western wall in the old city on sunday morning. Witnesses say that as people were boarding the bus and it was packed, they heard gunshots screams shouting, and warning that this was a terror attack. Police flooded the area cordoned off the area near the western wall. And since then, have been reading several homes in a palestinian neighbourhood in occupied East Jerusalem called still won. Stole chums, lawyer saw into statements in june, saying classified material that trumps florida home had been returned. But according to the New York Times, the statement would be at odds with this week. Seizure of 11 sits of classified documents from mar logo. How does your castro has more from washington . We know that not only as tromping investigative for potentially violating the espionage act, but he is also be investigated for possibly obstruction of justice. And that is what this key document speaks to. The context of this is the department of justice asked air subpoenaed trump and his aides back the in the spring for all of the classified materials that he had improperly removed from the white house and brought to his private residence at mar logo. That was followed up by an in person visit from the top Counter Intelligence off official in the department of justice, the National Security division who went to mar lago again in person in june to try to get those materials back by the reporting from the New York Times says that. Trumps attorneys did present some classified documents, then and shortly after signed that written statement saying that there was no longer any remaining classified documents at mar a lago. Thats what they said back them. But what we saw unfold on monday in that dramatic search i conducted by the f b i of mar logo revealed that it was not the truth because there were 11 sets of classified materials that were so marked that was again removed after that search several of those materials were top secret, which is can only be held and read in a secure government building. The auto Salman Rushdie has been taken off of in to lighter and has regained the ability to speak one day after he was stabbed in new york. The man arrested for attacking rusty has appeared in court and pleaded not guilty to attempted murder and assault, and the 2nd Degree Police detained 24 year old, haughty metal on friday. A you Foreign Policy chief, joseph burrell, and you as president joe biden, are among the latest leaders to condemn the attack. Pakistan is mocking 75 years of independence with celebrations across the country. In karachi, a ceremony is being held at the memorial of founder mohammed ali gena, British Colonial rule, ended in 1947 with petition in the formation of india and pakistan. Ukraines president has warned his forces will target russian soldiers who shoot at or from the south region Nuclear Power station. There have been calls for an end to fighting around the facility. The brazilian prison, enjoyable sanara has been appealing to his evangelical christian supporters with just weeks to go before elections. Both scenario is trailing and opinion polls ahead of the vote on october the 2nd, but he still has the backing of some large protestant churches. Officials have grounded flights at camber airport in australias capital after reports of gunshots. A man has been arrested and the airport has been evacuated at the u. A and says at least 77 people have died during storms and flash flooding in yemen. The past 2 weeks around 35000 families have been affected. With those are the headlines. The news continues here after al jazeera investigations. Ah. For 3 years, al jazeera has been investigating the pro gun lobby to meet you, to filming with hidden cameras inside Americas National rifle association. Right. The only thing that stuff up bad guy with a gun is a good guy with you guys and tracking your Political Party from australia as they see millions of dollars from the u. S. Gun lobby by 310000000. 00 on when a, hey, osh. Plug safely in, secretly recorded meetings. The one nation Political Party promises to reverse australia is gun control. Laws with got charged. People are going to be able to go, will drive them to get a good point. It will or not, or must be stopping all with no, i think even beneficial and you are able to take steps in the right direction because the biggest argument we are a really were to live one nation loons from the u. S. Gun lobby. How to sell the message to pull guns a good that. Thats what the already done very well. And how to smear support his gun control by accusing them of exploiting a mexico both appraisal those children. Or do you shave them until at least with me just like my di yet if you get there the girl with. Thank you very much. I just really as queensland coast center to Pauline Hanson is addressing supporters of who conservative Political Party, one nation, i understand that you are the 0 on thank you. Hi, how are you . With the federal election looming, senator henson is hurting her message. The destroyer is in trouble i assume that youre. Already in sam gigi, this country hanson is a senator leading a populist right wing party, that theres no name for years. Shes pushed a hard lined anti immigration policy. What to tell them and say oh she is passed on . Yes, she knows why shes being hardly 3. 1 nations cheapest of james ashby is one of senator hensons top imposes. Hes an architect of her better plan for the coming polls. Place that i cite how and how to say for she needs is jesse and thought he ah, and in the audience roger, my love of pro gun advocate. He is kohls. The softer firearms legislation brought him into one nations in a circle. With roger ma is the public face of gun rights a stray to you . Hey guys, roger molly from rochester . I yeah, we dont have al brought says guy is diluted and it just come out with legislation that picks on farmers. Gun crime has been decreasing at a steady right. In the meantime, the polio on the social media roger has a reputation for high level connections within the pro Gun Community in the United States, including Senior Executives such as chris cox from the National Rifle association. No, no, not a vote. Roacher has made it clear to americas gun lobby that he wants more guns in the hands of australians here in louisville, kentucky the entering annual meet at the very, please bear with us a roger molar. Who is here all the way from sydney, australia. My goodness, gracious, and this is your 1st entering the 1st annual meeting and its a very impressive event. Was expected to attract 70000 people, some of them from all over the world. The end of the day, nobody site, everyone has to have a gun. What were saying is it needs to be a rational debate from australia to the lane of the free, larger, more travel to be in a Re Convention from down here at the right company to learn more about what the inner, ive done. Weve had some great conversations with them. Okay. I see the cadillac on the phone with them. But roger, my le isnt to he claims to be hes working under cover for me. Peter, charlie bridge. Thank you. Very interesting. Im a report from l g 0 is investigative unit. We created gun rochester area as a front in order to infiltrate the pro gun lobby and understand how they operate. A us protocol at the all right, i one here louisville a day and i conference 2017 in our conference that we get to look at the website. They fully thing say, said, wrote you used concealed cameras to film officials from the in our re even rub shoulders with donald trump junior. He brief me and what hed seen and heard over a period of 3 years, roger handed over hundreds of hours of hidden camera recordings in 2018. Roger attended a one nation function in sydney and i believe they federal election. We embrace on thomas on the for power to the senate thing. When roger introduced himself to james ashby and told him about his powerful view as context, the one nation chief of staff said he wanted to meet them. People, ashby thought might fund the party as it prepares, but the polls with a promise to loosen the stray use gun. Those i got, or i got a special guest that i stayed, dixon, his head of the one nation party here in queensland and a senate candidate. Dont say absolute pleasure to major le it. So i stay if you tell me a little bit more about the one nice gun policy. Well, very straightforward. We are, we are pro guns and people in this country on and gone. One nations proposed review of jungle was, was devised by steve dixon. Hes a former State Government minister. No one nation is party leader in queensland lane. Hes running for a seat in the senate in australias upcoming elections. I had to we actually make the difference between, you know, orange dyed laws estrada and also that its practical and sensible and more people can actually get involved in shooting. Oh, good. Thank you. Dont. If you think if you study harry, so you know, i dont mess with my just mike, my died as roger infiltrated to one nation party, the leaders wanted him to plan a trip to america, to forge context with the in our right it was invited to the Party Headquarters and was greeted by james ashby. I could say, but they they, when they come out, he has office im glad i off. I love america. That part of this, the jobs because why is it i feel so passionate about america on top of being a very good in the country. Well, one of the that i thought that struggle for my company, you know, i just, i feel like im, well, im in england in australia are the 2 guys. I was out. They didnt weather conditions here all night. Wondering when i got a written, we got no, the dixon says he dreams of changing. Australias danville was to make them more like those in america polymers. My watch had regular belly, but a wide bottle regulation of every one and i could do it. And once you find out it is just, its what its like, pardon the kid is why im kidding. The candy store. That is do anything. Ill try to go out on the ground if you package it up with some other. Yeah, good laws of the else berry berry, the death toll continues to rise at port arthur where a gunman today went on a random shooting spray. The nightmare unfolded around probably the moving again in a cafe by a car part of the form of a gun. Then stormed around the area of charlie, picking his with the laws, dixon proposes to soften a put in place following a massacre in the australian town, a port out in 1996, and id never heard a gun in the fall. So my immediate thought was that it was a car back firing. I in what was then one of the worst men shootings ever recorded in the world. 35 people were murdered. Mm. Im seeing people in shot. And then i saw him and he had this massive, very large military rifle. And he was coming up behind my daughter. The killer was using an a r 15 assault rifle. It would become a weapon of choice in mass killings in america for years to come. No ones running, no ones screaming that wed ever shot that is fired. Is another life gone. And they said, now the life goal and is not a life gone. And you are feeling your id mortality he what passed myself and my daughter among the following. He should in the back and he shut my daughter in the back of the head. And i can see his face. With past the atrocity led to his swift and ready coll revision of his treasures gun laws. I will do everything humanly possible to get an effective tightening of the gun control situation in this country. Most australians would find it absolutely unacceptable. That weapons of this kind are available turtle back on both semi automatic, automatic and semi automatic firearms would band. And in what became known as the National Firearms agreement, more than 650000 guns were destroyed. Gun laws are probably the stand out social reform or not. Im not strider. In fact, they globally significant because australia is able to demonstrate the before and after a change of the scale in the run up to the quote off of mazda australia was tracking the same level and right measured as the americans. But since not in 96, there have been 0. My shootings of people with not moved to the asylums in australia. The port arthur of vince is etched into the minds of any one with alive at that time. It was a pivotal event to establish safe scandals for australia. The National Firearms agreement covers everything from the sale of far as the ownership the responsible use of around. And its a very, very fun document that old australians are proud of and it keeps us safe. Ah my, where are you calling . That is really the lots and lots because we change everything in this country. We would like to have an image is could one nation is excited about traveling to the us and what a meeting with he and ill re my deliver it didnt 2nd thing i want to get through your head like i 3000000. 00 a week when i hate to say to push the bud sage the shadow, but it might happen. I dont like sure we are going to the door. You need other related a decision today for dixon asks for guidance on how best to deal with the american gun lobby. Its better that we know about, you know, what type of if you have any, i dont wanna go over there to some all. Thats not a reason why did i like to write them down to the . Absolutely, but its right up and down a block liquid. I like even that with the lot of schools, they ask roger to help security and are raised endorsement to pulling hanson. We need to x one to them is about coal tricks. Is that changing . Getting a little wing unit stronger, they can actually work hand in glove with united spikes in the why the United States. Thanks. Because why . Why be in bed with United States . I saw that on shot when i think boys too much difference may if the left wing anti gunners who literally point to australia using the Mainstream Media as the shining model as to why we need gone bands and gun confiscation. B r a is so trouble by as fairly, as strict firearms laws that its targeted. The issue in videos like this for suggesting that a strategy is National Firearms agreement is a failure and must be scrapped america. We have an american will not stand for a government any govern, trampling our rights. Dixon says that by funding a social media campaign, the in our re could promote one nation without handing over any cash. We can get a 1000000. 00 fucked. You with them. I even need the money. I just need to talk with one of that social media to for you on a needs instructional that way the inner ray would promote one nation social media content while providing cover for their financial contributions. To just give us a hunch with dickson believes that as a veteran politician, he knows how to make deals like that have been very experienced. And the more 30 minutes from the government on the on really wasnt because i was like maybe with michael from say public. Its a that and then got the job. Was either a luca . No, im in all of history. Theres always been a time in a place when patriots stand up and rise up against the decree of the a late sent shout. No more. A d n. R. A convention in 2016 raj, a witness. The power of the gun lobbies messaging an influence in us politics officially announcing the already as endorsement of donald trump for pres. Ah, my sons have been members of the an array for many, many years and theyre incredible. They have so many rifles of so many gun sometimes even i get a little bit conservative. Thats a lot to would be. President follows will gone an hour, a script america 2nd amendment, the right of view as citizens to carry a gun is under threat. And he will make sure nobody ever takes anybodys guns away. I will not let you down. Remember that i will not let you down. Thank you. The inner res messaging to the Gun Community increasingly has been built on sphere. Governments going to take away your guns. They often use the United Nations as a demon, as they of demonized brock obama and Hillary Clinton and bill clinton before them and using fear to jin up support, fundraising, new members and concepts. Hillary clinton wants to abolish the 2nd amendment. Just remember that were not talking about change it. She wants to abolish the 2nd amendment. So were not going to let that happen. I can tell you that right now from the inside, roger learns the inner res playbook for influencing Public Opinion. Yeah, im in the sites a bit, so ill come up, maybe itd be great. Then were going to fight signed by my guy. Nice to me. Ah, when one nation landed in washington dc rojo was there to meet them. I say he had set up meetings for dixon and ashby using his gun lobby contact. I would say. Ready again, yes, if use dixons 1st visit to the United States, what they call up big things will fix fear. Yeah, the big apple is that is the, the washington monument. The trip is time so they can attend. One of the gun lobby is most influential gatherings of the year. The dinner is organized by the congressional sportsman foundation. A noun with an option to raise cash for the gun lobby. The one nation visit is regaled guests with tales of life down. Im not even allowed to function of god to show protection for women and i would love to have my insight have been important. It was moved to withdraw it. We have 2 or 3000 coming to you. Like you got a 20 boxes. Yeah. Then really kind of like, you know, people talking, bicycle back and killing people like its feeling everything guy on a guy with they tell themselves is front row cheerleaders for the u. S. Prison. Donald trump, re seller, got a bottle of champagne, a few issues with the dont with times. Why not . Why . One wire the one nation visitors till potential donors to their party that they want to change. Gunrall was back in our country. Essentially. You wit