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Before we United Nations this morning, president obama laying out the u. S. Position on multiple issues, the president making a strong case to reach a political settlement on the issue of syria. But he demanded the Security Council enforce its ban on chemical weapons. The United States and iran have been isolated from each other since 1979. This mistrust has deep roots. Iranians have long complained of a history of u. S. Interference in their affairs, and of americas role in overthrowing ironian government during the cold war. I dont believe this difficult history can be overcome overnight. The suspicions run too deep. But i do believe that if we can resolve the issue of Irans Nuclear program, that can serve as a major step down a long road towards a different relationship, one based on mutual interests and mutual respect. Since i took office, i have made it clear in letters to the Supreme Leader in iran, and more recently to president rouhani that america prefers to resolve our concerns peacefully, although we are determined to prevent iran from developing a nuclear weapon. John terrett joins us live now from the un. The two countries speaking later this week, how did the president tee up those talks concerning the Nuclear Issue . Hey, dell, this was really dominated by the middle east, the speech lasted for 43 minutes, just over, and most of the time he was talking about peace issues that relate directly back to the middle east. He has also set out a Foreign Policy agenda for the rests tim. Sort out the Israeli Palestinian issue, and you will have greater stability in the world. He said he was encourages by president rouhani who will speak here later. He also said the u. S. Supports iran going down the nuclear path so long as it is for Peaceful Energy purposes, and also remarkably, he referred back to the early 1950s when america helped to overthrow the ironian prime minister. Now thats huge, the iranians are always talking about that, and for a president to say that in this forum, thats a very, very big deal. He said that the United States will never stop protecting israeli, but also recognizes the right of the palestinians to live in peace. On syria, he was unequivocal. He called for a [ technical difficulties ] with consequences he said to make sure that syria keeps its promises regarding its chemical weapons stockpile, and on the middle east and north africa, he talked about the need for the United States to not be criticized for med elling in other countrys affairs and at the same time be criticized for not doing enough to help others particularly muslims. I thought interesting regarding iraq, dell, he made the point that iraq is proof, he said, that you cant impose democracy just through force alone. Thats pretty much the summary of what was almost 45minute speech, dell. And the president using words like harder humility saying we live in a world of perfect choices. What do we expect rouhani to say today . Reporter we dont really know, but if you go to last fridays Washington Post newspaper and that oped written by the new iranian president he outlined all sorts of areas there, and pretty much thats what he is going to be talking about. But the world is rather excited about president rouhani, to be honest with you, and this has all been a very, very good start. So well be looking for the tone of what he has to say, and whether or not he refers to israel and how he refers to israel if he mentions it at all. We shall see, dell. Perhaps the phrase the whole world is watching this time is apropos. John thank you very much. The world may shifting in favor of allowing a geneva peace conference in syria. The foreign minister from france said he supports the why of iran being included in the peace talks but on one condition, that cannot be used to divert attention away from that countrys push to develop nuclear weapons. Date has been set yet for any peace talks concerning syria. And president obama wasnt the only one expressing concern about syria, and its chemical weapons. This is the turkish president. No issue is more pressing than the situation in syria. Let me be clear [ inaudible ] firmly support the usrussian agreement to eliminate syrias arsenal of chemical weapons. That agreement has to be translated into a tangible Security Council resolution. While World Leaders wait to hear from Hassan Rouhani, some outside are protesting his appearance, a rally organized by a revolutionary group kicked out of iraq in the 80s. They are also demonstrating against Human Rights Violations in iran and that countrys support of syria. The sudden shift in rhetoric is having an impact on at least one american watchdog group. Reporter from billboards in time square to online ads to demonstrations, united against nuclear iran, a group founded five years ago by former u. S. Ambassadors has been steadfastly devoted to their cause. Particularly each year when the United Nations General Assembly comes to new york. This week is like our super bowl. Reporter but this time its different because the newly elected president of iran recently claimed his government will never change nuclear weapons. So that changed their efforts a lot. They are now scaling back. Its the best thing to do. We maintain a healthy skepticism because we think only time that will only be the true way to judge, but its worth it, you know, given the short period of time, a short window to see what the true intentions of the regime are. He was the epitome of a person who hates america, saying he is going to wipe israel off of the map, saying 9 11 was a big lie, saying he hates new york. This new president he doesnt say such insinnedary things. At the same time we know his background. He has been a part of the are regime. Reporter why is why they sent a letter to the hotel urging them to deny him the stay. We thought why should we americans be hosting this regime that is pretty much the opposite of american values. Reporter at this point these men are not overly hopeful just yet. Not when we see the increasing nuclear development, and we see the ongoing assistance to the assad regime in syria, and the ongoing human rights abuses in iran. Reporter still with the president set to speak tuesday afternoon we want to hear what he has to say and see what happens. President obama has a very busy day ahead of him. He will be meeting with ban kimoon, then the palestinian president , and then meet with former president bill clinton in harlem to discuss health care reform. There is a huge political battle that is brewing in washington. Libby casey joins us live. Libby what did they do today . Were hearing speeches from the senate. And were hearing two very different terms coming from republicans and democrats, and talking past each other. Here is what democrats are trying to do. They are warning that a shutdown of the government could have very dire financial circumstances. Senator harry reid, the top democratic, head of the senate, he said this could cost 30 billion a week if the government shut down starting next week. We also heard senator durbin, say this is essentially playing high stakes poker with other peoples money. Republicans are talking all about obamacare because the house has linked funding the government with defunding the federal health care law, known as obamacare. One senator of texas gives us a sense of what arguments republicans are trying to make. Lets take a listen to him today. Not a day passes that we dont read stories about doctors who are dropping patients because of obamacare or employers that are ending the existing Health Care Coverage please have because of obamacare or businesses slashing fulltime work into parttime work because of obamacare, and states that are projecting a spike in the insurance premiums that their people will pay because of obamacare in the individual market. Senator john cornyn of texas s saying despite all of their protestations on the senate floor, it is not looking too good for their arguments. Libby, senator cornyn may have the record for saying obamacare the most times in a 30second bite, when might we see them to vote on the bill. Tomorrow well well have a vote on cloture, but this weekend we ill start to see everything move forward. And if the Senate Passes a bill that scripts out defunding obamacare, then what is the house going to do . Im hearing the dreaded filibuster word being used. It wont happen today but it could happen this week. There are a couple of key senator who want to hold up this process. Its essentially tea party conservatives. They dont have a lot of traction in the senate, though, but we will see some firey speeches from the likes of ted cruz and rand paul. Watch them to see how they try to gum up the works. But a lot of this is for show. It will be a moment that we watch a lot of political posturing coming from both sides of the aisle. Libby thank you very much. Still ahead an update on that deadly siege in the mall in nairobi. Taking a look at our top stories that standoff in kenya is not over. Military saying all of the hostages are free, but the gunmen inside deny that, claiming hostages are still being held and alive. A potential Government Shutdown is looming in washington. The Senate Continues to debate a oneweek funding. President obama addressing the un General Assembly, making his case against syria. President Hassan Rouhani is going to be speaking later this afternoon. Were joined live from the turkey border. How was the president s speech received there . Reporter well, certainly the remarks about the extent of the humanitarian crisis were highly welcomed here in turkey, specifically also the fact that president obama was very clear in placing the blame of what happened, the use of chemical weapons on august 21st on the Syrian Regime, a stance that the government of this country also shares. The fact that president obama made it clear that the future of syria should not involve the continuation of Bashar Alassad in power. So certainly, welcomed in turkey this speech by participate barack obama. Particularly since it mirrored or offers new assistance, roughly 300 million of assistance to the Syrian Refugees and of course this country grappling with half a million of them. On the issue of the humanitarian crisis, how was the issue of more money for that crisis received there . Reporter well, if you just take a look at the remark by the turkish president who spoke right after president obama, he was sending a very clear message to the International Community that essentially syrians should not be left to deal with their fate on their own now, the burden lies on the entire International Community. The turkish president making it very clear that we have heard a lot of words of support but not real deeds or action translating to support. He was referring to the fact that his own country had to spend over 2 billion over the last two years, and it is now time for other members of the International Community to step up. Aside from that issue, the turkish president had a very Strong Political message to the International Community. He spoke of the International Weapons deal that is being brokered, and he said that this agreement should not absolve the Syrian Regime from the hundred thousand other deads that occurred by conventional weapons. And he made it very clear this conflict did not start by the use of chemical weapons and will not end by eliminating them to reduce the discourse to that is something that is immoral and unacceptable, he said, and therefore a more comprehensive political strategy is needed. Thank you very much. Kenyan Security Forces say they are making the final push to remove gunmen from inside the nairobi shopping mall, but gunfire could still be heard this morning as the standoff is now in its fourth day. Authorities say all of the hostages are free, but this morning the attackers are denying that saying they are Still Holding people captive. Andrew simmons has more. Reporter the kenyon government believes there are no more hostages inside, but the siege isnt over. Bursts of gunfire were heard again as the crisisen crisis entered its fourth day. The rear of the mall continued to burn. The government had said special forces were sweeping the building floor by floor. Its a big complex covering over than 32,000 square meters and includes more than 80 stores. Kenyans foreign minister says the attackers are foreigners. This is not just alshabab, this is al qaeda. The hallmark of al qaeda. The way it was planned. They have been talking to everybody, obviously. If it was just alshabab i dont know how much support or training they would get. This is definitely al qaeda. It was lead by somebody not from somalia. It wasnt ed lead by anybody from kenya for that matter. Reporter a spokesman for alshabab said that special forces from britain and the u. S. Have taken part in the mission. They have attempted several times to storm the building supported by their british and israeli forces. They have filled four white faces who they believe to be jewish. Calls for calm continue to pour in. But these people are still in shock. Others fearing there could be more suffering, more loss to come. And that fear, that sense of loss runs deep. Its hard to find anybody in nairobi who doesnt know someone caught up in the trauma of this attack. Some recall the bombing of the u. S. Embassy back in 1998 when more than 200 people were killed. Everyone here is still coping with the grief. Its fair to say they havent even started to come to terms with it. Andrew simmons, al jazeera, nigh r row by. A former fbi agent finds himents on the wrong [ technical difficulties ] information he leaked was related to a u. S. Intelligence operation and that disrupted an plot by al qaeda. The Group Planned to take down an airline headed for the us. Still ahead well take a look at the weather. Nicole mitchell it is cold outside. You are right. Ill have the National Forecast coming up. On august 20th, Al Jazeera America introduced lets check your weather nonow Nicole Mitchell it is cold outside. I saw someone eating chile and it was looking pretty good. We posted the question on facebook and said what is your favorite thing aboutfall, and a lot of people said the lovely crisp temperatures. We had have a stationary boundary along the coast, the rain has just been piling up in florida and you can see some of these storms passing from louisiana into portions of mississippi so that rain has caused some spotty flooding, but you might be stuck under one of those down pours. Here is a look at the rainfall totals once again. Once you get out of in region, north really like north carolina, clear sailing for a lot of the east coast. So other than these flood concerns that we were just talk about, it is going to be a lovely day, for example in the northeast, a lot of these temperatures will be in the 60s and 70s. Boston and portland are coming in as current temperatures, those places too will be making it into the 60s today too. Very decent day for minneapolis, about the same temperature, so you still have a little bit of warm air, but really comfortable with the 70s in the days and 40s or 50s overnight. We have a few clouds. A lot of this moisture is not making it to the ground, but you might get a couple of sprinkles or showers out of that. The one other exception is the next weather system thats starting to come in, and as you can see sorry this radar is a little jumpy, but a lot of more cloud cover as we get to the northwest, so we have started to see that rain. Into the mountains we have some of those snow levels starting to drop downa little bit. Definitely were starting to get to that time of year now that fall is here, that were going to Start Talking a little bit more about snowfall than rainfall in some of these regions of the country. Dell . Nicole not quite ready for that yet. We have a winner south carolina, the winner of last thursdays Powerball Jackpot has come forward but still want to remain anonymous. They presented the Winning Ticket on monday. They can claim their winnings without having their names released. Only six states allow lottery winners to do so. Other states like new york require anyone who wins more than a Million Dollars to give up their name. Im del walters, and you can always check us out 24 hours aday on aljazeera. Com

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