. It's 10 o'clock let's get an update from Vicky the woman in charge of the body responsible for looking after children and young people in some sense written to central government voicing concerns about tats and piecing policies it comes after a serious case review published yesterday finding that authorities in the county had missed numerous opportunities to help 2 girls who was sexually exploited by 2 older men he ran the tattoo parlor in Yeovil Sally holds is chair of the some set safeguarding children board and says they were shocked at what they found we were all surprised to find that the only recollections that relate to tattooing thank are about health and safety and infection control there's no nationally accredited training. To practice no a great knowledge or skills framework or range but some monitoring and reporting special competence so another was any thoughts a concern themselves the 2 are to stalled. Practitioner a prominent Labor backbencher Jesper has criticised the promotion of an m.p. To the Shadow Cabinet last year after a young activist had raised allegations about his behavior Kelvin Hopkins has been suspended while an investigation into claims that he sent a suggestive text and acted inappropriately is carried out he's not commented Jess Phillips says his promotion seemed wrong shadow chief secretary to the treasurer Peter Dowd says the party needs to examine what happened I think at the time the decision was taken by the whips and I suspect that there was a belief the thought matter I thought point has been dealt with Clearly all the factors of come into the equation and I think they have to be looked at very carefully roadside surveillance equipment worth more than 15000 pounds has been stolen in West Somerset Police say 3 items on tripods used to carry out specialist survey work were taken over the last 2 weeks on the 24th of October a vehicle pulled up on a building sites near junction 23 of the m. 5 the passengers got out of the car and took a tripod with the equipment on the next day a car stopped at a building sites in the Lane area of high bridge and again a passenger tech equipment then yesterday there was a similar incident at another building site on Bath Road in Bridgewater a Spanish judge is expected to issue a European arrest warrant for the deposed Catalan leader Colace Pujol the 4 of his ministers who all in Belgium 8 other former members of the Catalan government have spent their 1st nights in prison there facing charges of sedition and rebellion over their moves to make Catalonia independent Jordi. The cattle and mess of a town near Barcelona and also an m.e.p. Says Mr Puja Mones shouldn't return to Spain because he wouldn't get a fair trial would have seen the we'll. Just go home and no one's going to. Go. Mr. President I think it's it would start to. Remain at least for the moment in. A cheese producer in Somerset has been telling the b.b.c. They've been making contingency plans for life after Breck's it white farms Bruton says the biggest overseas market is the European Union but 3rd generation cheese maker Richard close says places like India are exciting opportunities you know I don't want to be pessimistic because there assume really big markets opening up in India for example there's some massive opportunity set but for me perhaps it's going to be about what trade deals we gain and I wouldn't want to lose what we have in Europe not just for white farms but for u.k. Farmers is 70 percent of our exports going into the I look at the weather that fog very slowly lifting across Somerset the small awning largely dry and bright once it eventually goes but clouding over again later the South inane and we're expecting some rain the sea evening tomorrow a mix of sunny spells and blustery showers temperatures today though 14 degrees Celsius that's 57 degrees Fahrenheit it's 5 minutes past and. Travel b.b.c. Somerset. With 30 m. 5 m. 4 and a 33 are all meeting fine at the moment and chatter there have been that incident on the a 371 up in the road police are at the same but our traffic does seem to be Cape in well they're in frame on the a 36 to Christ Church St Around the b. 39 t. Go ahead there is some heavy traffic in bed and bed been stair on the a 38 bed meant to parade street and they ask to see Pistorius in heavy traffic in Bridgewater on Broadway and in the center of Bridgewater slow moving traffic and in Taunton disappear in the train station it's also moving a bit slow there as well. As we've been hearing it. On the right if I have missed and I think you are stuck in traffic please give me a cool 183438315. Should there is a warning until 11 o'clock so do expect things to tricky until. Parking in the morning. We've been doing a bit of googling and here's what we've discovered we're interested to know about family businesses this morning we were just speaking earlier to Fiona Bowen who runs. In western Superman and her daughter joined the family business they were in the family business of the Year award at the b.b.c. . Business Awards this year we're intrigued to know about your family businesses are you part of a family business are you the are you the. Somewhere All the end son and grandson perhaps were inspired by a team a father and daughter team of be a pilots who flew together for the last time yesterday before David Wardrop retires his copilot was his daughter Kat Woodruff. Spending time in the cockpit together. Communication very easy said catch. The world's oldest family business you better sit down for they say. 151600 no. It's actually 1400 years ago the Congo gumi construction business plan was founded they're now up to their 40th generation dates back to when Prince to. Family members from Japan to Korea to build the temple there which is still standing then continue doing it and the family is still as we speak continuing to build and repair religious temples across the whole of the east still going strong despite being founded one player. 400 years ago. If you. Go into the business that. Who's. 1566. Install your message with the. B.b.c. . And animal rights. Necessarily the best makes. You. Around for. A story. On. a bit of. The old followers. Then that's great news and also as we watch them doing their thing in the sky However when when that's going on sometimes there's a bit of this goes on as well because it can upset the dog some accounts across the county So what can we do to make things just a little bit easier for our pets as far as the fireworks go Pam sure is a dog behavior therapist based in talk to morning good morning all go to dog experiences both always are into the sky so scrumpy lovely dog sadly no longer with us he used to get really frightened and he would go and hide underneath the sink in the bathroom and then we've got pebble little dog fearless is anything she she kind of just gets excited box all over the place doesn't short scared by the banging just wants to be part of it yep in a way and I guess that the different personalities of the dogs depend on how they're going to be affected by fireworks What's your take on on dogs and farm with . The 2 dogs you just said the one that is yapping away is trying to alert you to danger right is a danger it doesn't understand dogs don't understand what fireworks are it's like sometimes a dog will bark or get stressed of his a microwave ping it's because they don't understand it the thing is that if you want to for me if you want your dog to become then the number one thing is for you to stay calm because the dog will pick up on any stress or anything the nice thing is that there are some options out there for you to. Start working on preferably before firework night we want to we perhaps left it a bit late this year a little bit but the thing is there are still things that you can do one of the things you said just now about the dog going under the sink Yeah dogs need somewhere to retreat and one of the best things that some sometimes dogs will scratch away and everything the best thing is get a cardboard box to put on its side let the dog go into it scratched its hearkened heart's content but it gives it gives the dog a safe haven somewhere to go even if the dogs use to crate cover the crate but don't shut the door because it needs to be able to come out there if it stressed go back in again it's there are so many different options out there which I'm happy to talk to you about and as far as their perception of it's like you say she can sometimes just be that they are alerting you to something they don't know what it is they're not necessarily scared they're not necessarily frightened they're just aware that something is different Yeah it's because it's something different the thing is it's something that they don't understand yet and. A firework is not a natural thing thunder some dogs are afraid of thunder but there's ways of dealing with that you can turn the t.v. You can close the curtains muffles the sound Yes And just just. Try and. Made the sound less obvious now you've brought in your dog and do you he's gone just for starters and very well behaved and indeed doesn't mind far worse to not at all my Husky was the same because my Husky was brought up with the same method that I use . My nephew got married and my dog was even invited to the whole wedding and at the end of the evening they had a firework display and she just sat there watching the fireworks going off not fazed at all my Husky was saying she when they have the problems in the park and they do the last. New school thing where they let off fireworks and everything and she would know through the window to try and have a look so take that have a look at this is just stood there watching fireworks and possibly seeing as well as hearing that helps them make sense yeah I really thought I mean the thing is if it's if your dog is really really stressed some people are actually. Getting the dog sedated my issue with that is compromising the dog's option to cope is compromising the dog's option to. Take the treat things like that and to me I don't think that I personally don't think that's a good idea but there's a lot of natural things that you can do. Which is a natural thing yeah. Yeah and that can help there's the Adapt ill plug in but that needs to be done quite a time before firewood night year because you've got to give the dog a chance to for it to work you know but there's also the thunder shirt which you can get online and that has like a hugging sort of effect on the dog and it's not too tight but it's tight enough that it touches certain pressure points and that works amazingly you know just to calm them down just calms helps calm them down India's got a harness on here I. Mean that's from t. Touch it's an amazing harness because it's been designed to touch certain pressure points and it just chills that the dog's lunch so if you've got something like that that's going to help I mean it's interesting you said about sort of like turning the t.v. Amp or having some music on because there was a study that came out quite recently that said because of the different frequencies in songs that can have an effect on what we always used to leave the radio on for the dog when we went out thinking at least if there's some noise the outside noise isn't going to affect them so it's likely but but again they can be trouble with that and can I don't think so I mean. Anything that can help the dog to cope you know it's just that normalize the situation because when we sit in the living room watching the telly the dog is used to that being a noise and to me I would if there's violence going on I mean I've had dogs that have been very stressed and they sit there just shaking. We just turn the t.v. . Over. Overpowers the actual noise of the file here and then they have a job in trying to differentiate between. You know so it helps to muffle it more than anything and much like us you know give it give someone a cuddle when they're feeling a bit down yeah it's the same with the dogs and the cats as well I assume the same thing that if you can show that they're going to feel more relaxed and I think also the main thing is for you to keep your pulse rate down because the dog will pick up on the idea I mean not overdo it because if you start saying Ok Ok baby don't worry about it you know the dogs think your obviously. So we're both in trouble she's a vicious circle isn't it is the dog brain stress stresses us out and therefore no one's going to get a really very important comment is coming from David in Ok all morning David thank you for getting in touch the problem nowadays is the far worse go on for so many nights rather than just November the 5th you don't know when to keep your pet inside or put them out and really it's because if you've got you know there's a fix point you know there's going to be just down the road they're having a bonfire and I think it's going to last 20 minutes on Saturday Night Live and right just the round of once the thing is I mean I was talking to some of this morning about this and I think he's absolutely right the thing is it's just one night and it's organized or even if it's not organized so long as it's one night but this goes on until Jan Christmas yeah definitely and I think I but I personally think it should be organized. Displays then you know you just can cope with that one day it's finished and done with but I actually don't think that's ever going to happen I think because the violence is a big money making thing yeah but I know there's a lot of an awful lot of people that are campaigning for it to be just one night because it goes on for about the end of. September October it starts and go on now into January and as the gentleman says you don't know what when it's going to happen again you don't know you could be and the dog is ripping the house to pieces because it's so stressed and and it I don't think there's anything sadder than seeing a dog in that. Sort of condition I will of course people you get people who are scared of works as well and so you know it's a tricky one but at the other end of it you get families who do proper displays in their gardens just for you know a couple of children and that's all of my as well so you know whether I'm all out more in the way forward is a whole different other thing and then never and then never completely but the thing is it's about if they can try and reduce it to just even if it's one week it's better than months going on and on here but even if you couldn't get far works you know illegally then there's still going to be I mean obviously I mean our dog gets kind of upset on the day the recent Let's go and she can hear the kind of the glass bottle you get into the sort of all part of the same thing so for anyone who has a dog this weekend Firstly what would you suggest if you want going out Saturday night we're going out to a bonfire display do you want do we take the dog with us if we took the dog to see it would be a good thing I think if the dog is already stressed night I think there's less chance of you actually being able to sort that out by the dog seeing it what options you have assigned or if you know something that does dog sitting in the country somewhere they can look after the dog for the night that will help if you've got doggie day care usually they're out in the country somewhere so the dog is less likely to come across. So it's about planning so we feel but if you can't if you've got a dog sitter you're either going to dog kind of you know available. In a far enough away place so you're going out you leave the dog home you recommend it . And the t.v. On curtains closed Yeah absolutely and like I say if you have a cardboard box with a dog can go in it can have a scratch as much as it wants then but it's got somewhere where it can retreat and that even the scratching that's a way of being able to you know release that sort of and often endorphins are a pain relief for dogs that's what puppies Chew is because it releases that and often and the thing is that helps to cope with the stress so if you put the dog if you put a box there a large cardboard box on the sides of the door can go in have a good scratch hideaway that will help that would definitely help if you put it in a crate don't lock it in the crate because the dog needs to be able to escape from . It's safe space then it needs to feel safe inside as well as outside Yes Maggie in border has got in touch morning Maggie she says you can follow a pattern on the other dogs all my life some don't even blink an eye at the bangs and then all of a sudden get scared and I've been scared ever since I usually took my dogs out down the field when the fireworks start they seem to accept them better when they're outside rather than being in and again that's probably a comfort thing that the dog knows that and so there's a nice feeling that you know the relaxed for you but then I think being out in the country country you're sort of away a little bit more away from it as well it's not like it's next door yet although when you get a random bang then that can kind of make it worse Argh I guess there are no rules although I think a lot of it is down to personality of the dog as well I think again some dogs cope some dogs yeah you know what bring us to be this one thank you very much for. Your advice Pam. Dog behavior specialist in Taunton if you I mean if you got any thoughts on this you're more than welcome to get in touch with us it's 1023 now and breakfasts weekday mornings from 630 so you gave me a jigsaw of the face of Claire Carter I want to start with an obvious feature will just go with the craze for. I'll give you what you need to know about your county it all by making the. Goal that's what they do many don't realize that we have this incredible celestial landscape coming out every clear night and see if it's a little bit Isn't it was this judge's name and the great wedding Sumit says the reason it has Claire is because you haven't done any fitness but age is. A come back Monday morning b.b.c. Somerset. 15 points on Monday Canaille means to 7 correct 21 points on Tuesday Wednesday Caroline in class and we go to 15 points for getting 5 brought yesterday Chrissie watches 6000 points it's been a holy scoring week home clash of the county if you want to be the last person to play then all we got to do was give you 10 general knowledge questions get 3 correct that'll score you enough to win the much salt. After a mug mug Ok I get the highest score of the week that means beating Ken in ailments to 21 points and you will also when I'm going to sneeze the b.b.c. Somerset digital radio sees go 345-303-1566 if you want to play clash of the county we'll be doing it in about an hour's time phones open just after 11 o'clock Meanwhile we've been talking this morning about family businesses. Are you involved with the family business were you inspired to get involved with the family business Sheila or is on the law in mourning Sheila. How are you doing. I'm fine thank you where can you hear me yes like where are you Sheila. I mean you're well in a moment and tell me about your business. While we repair our commercial vehicle lorry. People on the road. Which you were you there when he is this the family business that you went into or did you start up. Oh. Sorry say that again myself and my husband. And we get on and if you've got children you have now coming as well yes we are fantastic. And our doctor and I. We've got good employees as well and how easy was it to get the kids interested. Well they don't mourn ask. Me What we show. And everything really. And that so fast to come on it with us and we always said if you know that well I won't. Go there oh well you know and I guess that's the important thing is no no pressure probably helps the right decision in the end that's right yeah yeah I don't kn