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To change the rules so they can confirm President Trumps nominee for the Supreme Court. Also today one week before turkey votes on whether to give president erdogan greater powers, we have a report from his hometown. They call it the weekend white house. Well take a look through the keyhole of tthe president ial retreat, mar a lago. Hello, i am katty kay in washington, Christian Fraser is in london. It is day 77 of the Trump Presidency and a defining moment for this new administration. A short time ago, donald trump left a very rainy washington to fly down to his mar a lago resort in florida for his first meeting with chinese counterpart xijinping. Mr trump is already warning that it will be a very difficult meeting. The leaders will dine together this evening before formal talks begin on friday. President trump wants a better deal for America On Trade and more cooperation from beijing on north korea. But after candidate trump was so harsh on china, what kind of concessions can he get from the other global superpower . After all, remember what he said during last Years Campaign . We cant continue to allow china to rape our country they have taken our money, they have taken ourjobs. China is a currency manipulator. America has lost 70,000 factories since china entered the World Trade Organisation. When you look at china, when you look at every country, every trade deal we have is horrible. Its going to be only America First, America First heading to the summit, mr trump made it clear today where his priorities lie. Jobs, jobs, jobs. But Foreign Policy issues are already interrupting that domestic focus. Yesterday, it was syria. Today in florida, hell talk about the increasingly urgent situation in north korea. Kimjong un has fired more rockets this past five years than his father and grandfather combined the latest on the eve of this summit. Barbara plett usher is outside trumps mar a lago club in palm beach, where the talks will be held. How high are expectations that this summit . There is a lot of anticipation for this summit because these are the two leaders of the two most significant global powers in the world. They have not met yet and there has been contention around the relationship because of donald trump stirring things up with his anti china rhetoric and it is important for them to get along. There is anticipation. Is of expectation and how things may come out, not so much. Trade will be raised. Mrtrump is out, not so much. Trade will be raised. Mr trump is talked about it. They were not settled that in this visit, but perhaps the chinese president will offer sweeteners to try to ease the tension is a little bit, like Investing Injobs and infrastructure in the United States. North korea is a big issue for the americans. They feel that north koreans are poised to get a mess Strong Enough to buy it Nuclear Warheads in the next couple of years so warheads in the next couple of years so it is not business as usual there. They want china to put more pressure on north korea, which china is open to but not completely because it does not want the regime to collapse. These are very big economic and Security Issues but the key thing they are hoping for is that the two men develop a Working Relationship and this informal setting is supposed to help them do that. We have had President Trump rolling back a bit lately, so the environment may be better, the chinese know he is unpredictable, they arbitrary there may still be some corruption, but President Trump by no means has all the cards in his hands. He has not sorted out his full china policy, he will improvise a bit, and the chinese do not improvise, they will come very well prepared. You are looking at Night Pictures of the airport close by and you can see there in the picture, rex tillotson. The chinese president is already on his way to the resort. Ido is already on his way to the resort. I do not know if we can show our viewers a picture of the China Airways plane. Palm Beach Airport is tiny. It is amazing how many dignitaries this airport is having to get because President Trump. There you go, massive plane, tiny airport wrecked was in the shot. I understand that president s son in law, who was influenced, the trip to the chinese through the back channels, and there was talk it had to be in mar a lago because the japanese Prime Minister had been there a few weeks ago, so there is strict protocol to these events. People in the us and in china will have their own opinions on how the talks should go. The Bbcs Rajini Vaidyanathan and Stephen Mcdonell have been finding out more in washington and beijing. Camaraderie, co operation, maybe let us off a little bit of our debt to them. Shall we go down here . President trump likes to talk tough on china. Throughout the election, he promised to bring jobs back to the us and put America First. 0n the other hand, chinas president , xijinping, says that free trade is the answer and that this is what will bring jobs to china and the us. What do you think President Trump should be saying to his chinese counterpart . Im sorry, i apologise, i have been perhaps unfair to you. Im one of those people that think that we should make more here. They are not a true democracy, thats the worst thing about china. Social repression. Who do you think gets the most out of it . Definitely the us. Whether they like it or not, when xijinping and donald trump are sitting across the table from one another, this is probably the worlds most important connection. But its notjust money and trade that drives the relationship. When it comes to Climate Change or getting north korea to contain its nuclear ambitions, America Needs china onside. Gary locke was Us Ambassador to china under president 0bama, for whom he also served as secretary of commerce. He joins us from seattle. The board trumps tough talk on china make a Working Relationship between these two superpowers easier oi between these two superpowers easier or harder . It makes it harder because the chinese are very wary of donald trump as president. He has walked back a lot of the rhetoric he made during the campaign, he did not impose on day one tariffs on all chinese goods coming into the us comic he did not declare china currency manipulator, if anything, the chinese have been propping up the chinese have been propping up the currency when other countries are devaluing the currency. But there are many issues confronting china and the United States and the world is looking for leadership from both countries to sell some of these top issues from terrorism to instability in the middle east to strife in africa, north korea and Climate Change. The situation in north korea might account for the Fa Ct North Korea might account for the fact he has not imposed tariffs and has walked back some of his rhetoric. What more do you think donald trump can get out of china when it comes to north korea and enforcing sanctions . China has actually been working with the United States in supporting many initiatives of the un and the us in terms of sanctions against north korea. Weve got to tighten the screws eve n korea. Weve got to tighten the screws even more. China is the for north korea and china has great influence over north korea but as north korea becomes even more reckless and unpredictable with its young leader, who is mass executing even his relatives, china is getting worried about this young leader because this guy could even turn on them and they are very fearful about them and they are very fearful about the collapse of north korea because they do not want a unified korea and becoming a democracy. They do not wa nt becoming a democracy. They do not want a democratic career on the doorstep of china. China has every incentive to work with the United States to stop the development of Nuclear Weapons but they also want to make sure that north korea stays asa to make sure that north korea stays as a separate communist country and is not invaded by south korea. If north korea no longer has Nuclear Weapons. But at some points, they will have to make a choice because although the very keen to resist this american pressure, could lead to something else, you could have an American Military strike, you could have south korea and japan developing their own Nuclear Programmes if these missiles keep being fired. They are making that choice, they are working with the United States and the un and these talks between both president s will talks between both president s will talk about other strategies the two can deploy to tighten the screws on north korea because china knows that, if unchecked, orthe north korea because china knows that, if unchecked, or the other options are unacceptable. They do not want south korea and japan having Nuclear Weapons, they do not wa nt having Nuclear Weapons, they do not want south korea deploying missiles supplied by the states, they do not wa nt to supplied by the states, they do not want to see north korea collapse, so they have every incentive to really try to convince north korea not to develop a Nuclear Weapon and they have concerns about the unproductive of this leader of north korea. Unpredictability. This is a big test for donald trump because we have shown the rhetoric to the campaign, not particularly measured. He somehow has to soften the tone these next few days while at the same time not selling out. They want him to be tough. This week, we have the Middle Eastern Russia and north korea and china, the two biggest Foreign Policy challenges the donald trump faces, and china is particularly tricky because of that rhetoric. I cannot tell you how many times when i travelled around the country people would cite chinas trade policies. They knew the chapter on dates about when china had stolen americanjobs. This dates about when china had stolen american jobs. This is dates about when china had stolen americanjobs. This is a big deal for American Workers and Donald Trumps supporters. If he looks like he is caving in, that will be a problem for him politically, but on the other hand, he needs china when it comes to north korea, so he has gotjuggling act to do. It always looks very different from inside the oval 0ffice a big day of news in congress. Lets start with the story of devin nunes, the chair of the house intelligence committee. He is temporarily stepping down from the panel that is investigating claims of russian interference in last years american election. A few weeks ago, mr nunes told reporters he believed mr trump or members of the Transition Team may have been incidentally caught up in Foreign Surveillance by the american spy agencies. He cited dozens of intelligence reports he described as classified. We later discovered those documents had been provided to him by white house officials, unbeknown to the rest of his committee. His decision to step aside was made shortly after the House Committee on ethics announced it was investigating mr nunes over allegations he may have made unauthorized disclosures of that classified information. The house speaker, paul ryan, gave this reaction. First of all, devin nunes has earned my trust over many years for his integrity and dedication to the critical work that the Intelligence Community does to keep americans safe. He continues to have that trust. He is eager to demonstrate to the Ethics Committee that he has has filed all proper guidelines and laws. In the meantime, it is clear this process would be a distraction to the house intelligence committees investigation into russian interference in our election, so chairman nunes has offered to step aside as the lead republican on this particular probe, and i fully support his decision. Ive been speaking to the republican congressman scott taylor about the move. Congressman scott taylor, the news that devin nunes is stepping aside from investigations into russia, does that suggest to you that he is not capable of carrying out an investigation into something as serious as russian meddling in the us election . No, it doesnt signal that to me at all. Actually, i think its the responsible and the prudent thing for the chairman to do, and i support his decision to step aside temporarily while there is an ethics investigation going on. I think hes capable of doing it, of course, but, at the same time, you dont want that cloud over the committee while they are trying to conduct a Serious Investigation with an ethics investigation to the chairman. So i think hes being responsible and they are doing the right thing. But the cloud is that hes effectively too close to the white house to carry this out impartially. What im saying is. Thats not what im saying. What im saying is there is a cloud over them while theres an ethics investigation into the chairman himself, so i think its the responsible thing for him to do, to step aside and allow for someone to step up and carry out Serious Investigation. 0k. Scott taylor, we are now heading into the first recess, big recess, since you came into office and were elected on the Trump Wave Back in november, you joined the president. How do you think hes doing . I think there are pluses and minuses. This is a man who is a businessman and not a typical politician, he does not understand the whole thing with washington, so there is some adjustment there. He has done a lot of good things in terms of things for the economy, our economy is doing really well, there isa economy is doing really well, there is a President Trump effect on the border that has reduced crossings. At the same time, there have been state m e nts at the same time, there have been statements that are not good, of course. As you are aware, health wise, we were not able to get up past. It is fair and legitimate to say there are good and bad things. But do you hear from your voters back home about the president , particularly about this issue of management in the white house and things like the Health Care Act and whether they think the president is up whether they think the president is up to thejob . Whether they think the president is up to the job . What i just said to you reflect the voices from back home. The majority of the voices from my district are people who agree with a lot of things he has done, he has taken action on regulations that have been harmful to the economy and creating jobs and they are very happy about that, but at the same time they feel they have been missteps and things he has said and tweaked it, and some management folks in the white house, there have been adjustments and changes, and what rightfully so. What im saying to you reflects the majority of my district. You have been in office now as long as the president has, 76 days. What surprised you . Now as long as the president has, 76 days. What surprised you . |j now as long as the president has, 76 days. What surprised you . I had been asked this question a little bit. I served three years in the Virginia State house. The us congress is five times bigger, so you still have egos and personalities to navigate, there arejust more of and personalities to navigate, there are just more of them. The most surprising thing to me is the quality and calibre of my class, on both sides. We really have smart folks here who are highly accomplished and capable and want to do the right thing for the country, wa nt to do the right thing for the country, want to Work Together and we are optimistic and hopeful we will do that with the American People and the world. Scott taylor, still looking pretty freshfaced. We now have the chair of the House Investigating Committee being investigated over his own solo investigation, it is beyond parody surely, it is eroding any faith that people have that they can mount an effective bipartisan investigation . It depends on who replaces devin nunes. He has been under this cloud by the investigation, it makes unqualified, he has decided to carry this out, but if he is replaced by people who can distance themselves from the white house and actors they should do in the interests of the intelligence committees investigation, that would restore some of the faith in congress. It certainly needs its fate restoring because people do not think much of american congressmen that perhaps we should have more people like scott taylor, a former navy seal who wants to do the bestjob you can. I can think of one or two in the gallery never has Going Nuclear sounded quite this anti climactic. Lets have water. 0n lets have water. On this boat, the ayes a8, the noes a2. By unanimous consent, a mandatory call has been waived. The question is, is it the sense of the senate to be an Associate Justice as the Supreme Court of the United States should be brought for close upon reconsideration . That was the scene on the floor of the us senate an hour ago as the august body triggered whats called here the nuclear option. Dont worry, theres no Mushroom Cloud over the capital, but that seemingly benign, ordinary vote has just changed American Politics forever. What we just saw was republicans voting to circumvent democrats attempts to derail President Trumps Supreme Court nominee. By 52 to a8, republicans ended the democrats filibuster of neil gorsuch. Now they can get him confirmed him with a simple majority vote. Yesterday, we had the democratic senator Richard Blumenthal on the programme, who said this of the republican tactics. It could well affect the poor feelings among senators. I hope that its repercussions will be limited but it could be radioactive in terms of moving things forward and other matters, and it will affect future appointments. But i sincerely hope that we will get beyond this. No rust Mushroom Cloud but it could be radioactive. We talked about this yesterday, about how it could make future Supreme Court picks more extreme because either side would only need 50 votes to confirm them, but what you are Getting Better and senators on both sides concerned about is that this might make everything more extreme. It might not just apply the supreme everything more extreme. It might notjust apply the Supreme Court picks. Weve spoken a lot about partisanship in america and how difficult it is to get things done because the country is so divided. What we just saw happened in the senate today, it has the risk of making American Politics even more divided and the country even more dysfunctional. Some of the other stories were following today Donald Trumps administration has said that Military Action against syria is not off the table following the suspected Chemical Attack in idlib this week. Syrias Foreign Minister has denied the government carried out a Chemical Attack on the rebel held town on tuesday. More than 70 people, including many children, are reported to have died in the attack. Turkey says the results of postmortem examinations confirm chemical weapons were used. They have blamed president assads forces. Russian police have found explosives at a flat in St Petersburg three days after a Terror Attack on the citys underground system. Three people were also arrested in the Early Morning raid. Officials say the explosives found at the property were similar to those used in mondays attack. The blast killed ia people, including the main suspect. British Prime Minister theresa may has met with the president of the European Council to discuss the start of brexit negotiations. The meeting in london comes a week after theresa may officially triggered the process to take britain out of the european union. The two leaders agreed to seek lower tensions in the upcoming talks, according to an eu official. May also vowed to seek the best dealfor the british enclave of gibraltar. Now, if there is one man, above all others, who earns his money in washington, it is surely White House Press secretary, sean spicer. Every day, the press corps are spoiling for a fight and, every day, he comes out swinging. And not only does he have to make sure the president s message is getting across, he has to make everyone feel good. It is truly. The nominal. The nominal. Courtesy of the late show. You know you have made it when you are getting that sort of treatment. We all want to be on the muppets. That made my night he is world famous. Youre watching 100 days from bbc news. Stay with us. Still to come for viewers on the bbc news channel and Bbc World News theyre the worlds biggest economies and they disagree on trade, so how will talks between us President Donald Trump and his chinese counterpart, xijinping, play out . Well ask an Economics Expert that very question. And well take a closer look at the Luxury Resort where its all going down mar a lago in west palm beach. Donald trump calls it his winter white house. There is warmer weather on the way as we head into the weekend. It felt very pleasant today. Blue skies from earlier on. But it was not sunny everywhere. North wales had cloudier skies, and we may well hang on to cloud here. So to the Northern Ireland, Western Scotland and North West England and patches of cloud pushing further south. But in the countryside in particular, it will be cold across wales, southern england, Eastern England and scotland. It will warm up quickly in the sunshine and the best of the sunshine on friday will be for eastern scotland, north east england, wales, the south west of england. Cloud developing and more cloud for North West England and Northern Ireland and Western Scotla nd Northern Ireland and Western Scotland and in the sunshine, temperatures into the mid teens. The sunshine is quite strong as well. The Pollen Levels are high. Treat pollen particularly high. As we head into the weekend, it starts to warm up into the weekend, it starts to warm up further, more sunshine developing more widely, pushing into scotland and Northern Ireland, so lifting temperatures, 18, possibly i9. And Northern Ireland, so lifting temperatures, 18, possibly 19. A lovely warm day for the Grand National at aintree, i6 lovely warm day for the Grand National at aintree, 16 degrees here. No rain in the run up to the big race itself on saturday. High pressure is in charge of our weather but it pushes its way towards the near continent. This Weather Front will encroach on the north west of the uk but otherwise we draw up a southerly breeze which will draw in sunnier and clearer air. More cloud for Northern Ireland and Western Scotland. But eventually, over the irish sea. Not warm everywhere. Higher temperatures across more central and eastern parts, 22 or even 23 degrees is quite likely, but only briefly because things check rapidly overnight. That Weather Front pushes away the warmer air. The Wind Direction changes to a more northerly and with that, lower temperatures. Welcome back to one hundred days with Me Katty Kay In Washington and Christian Fraser in london. A reminder of our top story today the chinese Leader Xijinping has arrived in florida for talks with President Trump but can the leaders of the two biggest powers find middle ground . And oh to be a Fly On The Wall well take a closer look at mar a lago, Donald Trumps retreat where hes hosting his chinese counterpart. The us China Trade Relationship is one of the worlds biggest. In 2016 the us imported a80 billion dollars worth of goods and services from china. In return, the us exported just 170 Billion Dollars to china. China accounts for around 60 per cent of the overall us trade deficit. Donald trump says thats a problem. Injanuary he tweeted china has been taking out massive amounts of money wealth from the us in totally one sided trade. During the campaign he floated the idea of a a5 per cent tariff on goods from china. Shortly after, president xi had this to say at the World Economic forum. Pursing protectionism isjust like locking oneself in a dark room. No one will emerge as winner in a trade war. President xi didnt name names but theres little doubt who he was referring to. Professor ann lee specialises in economics and finance at New York University and acts as an independent economic adviser to the chinese government. Shejoins us from san francisco. There are a lot of americans who would agree with donald trump that in this Trade Relationship America has had the raw end of the deal and its about time somebody changed things. Are they right . They are certainly frustrated that i think that they probably only get one side of the story since its very easy for policymakers and companies to wa nt to for policymakers and companies to want to point the finger at someone else so they dont take the blame and geta else so they dont take the blame and get a raft of the American People. Get the anger. America has benefited greatly from trade with china. Most of the trade is coming from us companies outsourcing their Manufacturing Capabilities to china and importing those products back to the us at cheaper prices so that the companies can have fatter profits which enable them to reinvest in more products and services and hire people and provide Cheaper Products to americans so that inflation has actually been rather moderate. So, its not quite one sided that way. But when certain folks lose theirjobs they certainly are angry at somebody and its very easy to point to china as the reason when, in fact, the us was the one that invited china to join the World Trade Organisation and provided a very easy path for us manufacturers to go to china. You are an independent adviser to the chinese government. 0n economic issues. Give as the view from beijing. How concerned are they that donald trump will carry through on his threats of a trade war with china or do they think that was just political bluster . Well, certainly they probably think that some of it is maybe a Negotiating Tactic and political theatre because many other president s and other political candidates have been china bashing during political campaigns and did not follow through with their promises to do so. So theres some of that thats taken into account. Certainly, they know that donald trump was previously a very successful businessman and so he is clearly a good negotiator in order to become such a successful businessman and im sure there are aware that trump will use some of those tactics. They are going to be prepared for tough decisions along trade lines and my suspicion is that they are prepared to offer donald trump some enticing deals in order to try to create a very cooperative relationship because that is the chinese top priority, really. To have a smooth relationship with the us and create an easy win for trump. Professor lee, thank you very much for joining professor lee, thank you very much forjoining us. This is going to be an important relationship through because of this presidency. Through the course. Injust over a week, turkey will hold a referendum on whether to extend the powers of the president. If president erdogan wins, hell become the head of the executive as well as Head Of State he says that will improve government efficiency. But his critics say therell be fewer checks and balances, and that this is a power grab by a divisive president. Mark lowen has been to rize the president s birthplace. Through the haze above turkeys Black Sea Coast is erdogan land. The president s family hails from this conservative region. Its fertile land for votes before a referendum on boosting his powers. Rize is the heart of turkeys tea growers. Like this man. Hell always back the local boy. Translation Recep Tayyip Erdogan is one of us. All the past leaders were rich kids or bourgeois, but erdogan speaks our language. He gets aggressive like we do, and tells the world what we want to say. With that common touch he is the voice of pious turks, who felt forgotten in a once secular dominated country. His rallies now separate men and women. Every vote counts as he pushes to scrap the Prime Minister, choose the cabinet and issue decrees. His fans, desperate to be blessed. Now they returned the favour. He launches a typical tirade against supposed enemies, denouncing western leaders for oppressing the turkish nation. The black sea boy has risen to the top, but to become all powerful he needs to consolidate his support base. For that, the master of oratory sets his voters against his opponents, internal and external. It is classic divide and conquer. The president is moulding generations in his image, like those at Recep Tayyip Erdogan university. A personality cult, one might say. His lifting of the Old Headscarf Ban at universities is still a key vote winner. Im proud of my president and im proud of my universitys name. That people before Recep Tayyip Erdogan did this. Theyjudged you according to your belief, according to your appearance. From the centre of rize, the villagers lead upstream towards that rare thing, opposition to erdogan. This man faces three years in prison for Anti Government facebook posts. In critics fear if the referendum passes, the president will clamp down more. Im reposting and posting my sharing, its just personal freedom of speech. All here collectively should be saying, this is enough, this is enough, we cant go further than this. This is just nonsense. Were going to hell. Champion of muslims, builder of infrastructure, president erdogan is revered and reviled. Now comes a test of which side of polarised turkey will get its way. Mark lowen, bbc news, rize. President donald trump has come to the defence of fox news host bill oreilly, whos been accused of sexually harassing a number of women. Last week the New York Times reported fox and oreilly paid five women a total of 13 million to settle the claims. Advertisers are abandoning his high rating show the oreilly factor. But it appears the president is still a fan. Donald trump told the New York Times personally, i think he shouldnt have settled. Because you should have taken it all the way; i dont think bill did anything wrong. He is a good person. Its worth noting that the day before he made those comments, President Trump declared april to be Sexual Assault awareness month. The one thing that strikes me about this, it was an interview with the New York Times were invited to do and he volunteers this information and he volunteers this information and pre empt an investigation into the former nsa susan rice whos been investigated for an masking the names in the russian enquiry. Trampling all over the enquiries. He had advertisers in the room when he was talking about that and i suspect the last thing they wanted to do was weigh in on bill oreilly and whether he has sexually abused women are not. The much better thing for the president to have said would have been no comment. I need to talk about syria, infrastructure and north korea. The things we have been talking about. Not talking about bill 0reilly. It talking about. Not talking about bill oreilly. It has done him no favours. Apparently, they are good friends and go to the game. They drink milkshakes together. Apparently, bill oreillys ratings have gone up this week. You are most likely to find President Trump at mar a lago, his florida retreat. It is also a place to play golf. Weve been looking at the estate itself. Mar a lago, the florida estate that donald trump retreats to every time he can is actually a historic landmark. It was built in the 1920s by an ambitious socialite who always wanted it to be a president ial retreat. The 126 room mansion is nestled in some of the most expensive real estate in expensive palm beach. Michaeljackson had his honeymoon here. Actor Charlie Sheen came for a bar mitzvah and it was the setting for the wedding of melania and donald trump. With a few celebrity guests who used to be friends. This is the great Entrance Hall to mar a lago. Mr trump bought mar a lago in 1985 for 10 million, as a holiday home. This place doesnt stint on glitz and old time glamour which appeal to the real estate mogul. He then turned it into a private club to make a bit of money, or even a lot of money. Membership costs have doubled since the election. Today, access to this elite resort would set you back a cool 200,000 a year. Mr trump has stayed at mar a lago nearly every weekend since his inauguration, despite grumblings about the cost to taxpayers for all the security. The president is perfectly in his rights to spend his weekends wherever he pleases. To be honest, between washington in the rain and palm beach in the sun, which would you pick . Christian, i am firmly here in washington, dc where it is pouring down with rain. Not in florida. You showed those picture of him setting off in the pouring rain and he is going to be under a palm tree next. Who is the fool . How about 100 days coming to you from florida . Im going to paris for the elections. How about that . Thats all from one hundred days plenty more on that meeting between president s trump and xi coming up on the bbc news channel and bbc world. If youd like to get in touch with us, you can do so using the hashtag, bbc100days and if youd like to get in touch with us, you can do so using the hashtag, bbc one hundred days. For now, from Katty In Washington and me in london, goodbye. Good evening. Bbc news. The headlines that just coming good evening. Bbc news. The headlines thatjust coming up to quarter to eight. President xi jinping arrives in florida ahead of a high stakes summit with President Donald Trump. The un will vote on a d raft donald trump. The un will vote on a Draft Resolution demanding an investigation into the suspected Chemical Attack in syria. The Supreme Court rules against a father who took his daughter on holiday during school term without permission. There was a slight fall on the footsie today. They are still trading in the states. More now on our top story, in the last hour, president xi jinping more now on our top story, in the last hour, president xijinping has arrived in florida for key talks with us president and will trump. His wife and delegation were greeted bya his wife and delegation were greeted by a Military Honour Guard and headed straight for Donald Trumps mar a lago retreat. The talks will Focus On Trade but the discussions could be fractious as mr trump has been profoundly critical of china accusing it of manipulation, stealing jobs and, as he put it, raping the United States. President trump has demanded that china does more to rein in north korea. Mr trump says he believes that the summit will be very difficult. Lets talk to a Senior Fellow at the United States institute and former treasurer. Very difficult, the words of donald trump in advance of this. How difficult you think it will be . It was smart of President Trump to set low expectations. The United States and china have been discussing this for a long time and its unlikely there will be a quick breakthrough. Its smart to set low expectations and hope that the two can respect each other and communicate well about their interests and set a Foundation For Progress In The Future but i wouldnt expect a lot of concrete results this weekend. Lets look at The Wish List on either side. What would the americans most like to see coming out of this . On trade, the us would like to see a big reduction in the trade imbalance. The us has a big deficit with china. Wed like to see china open

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