to harvest their fields. so we depend on space every day. check. and it needs to be tidied up. check. so how do we help humans think as one big tribe? i mean, we allshare this planet, right? it's not going to be any one thing. governments are going to have to have more regulation. companies are going to have to engage in shared best practices. companies are going to have to exchange information. academia is going to have to continue to study this and give us the data so we can make decisions. most interestingly, these solutions come from companies that compete and cooperate with each other at the same time, an incredibly effective business model, sharing data and ideas to accelerate progress for everyone, because speed is of the essence when it comes to cleaning up after ourselves, then we can keep those orbital highways open for the next generation and beyond. that was lj cleaning up her space. 0k, your turn to close your eyes now. 0k. alright. i'm going to do this.