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Names. Within the last hour, theresa may has arrived at the white house, the first foreign leader to meet President Trump since he took office a week ago. Lets show you pictures of the two leaders inside the oval office. We are expecting them to give a News Conference any time now, possibly in the next half hour. We will keep watching that and bring it to you as soon as it starts. Top of the agenda will be took of trade, with theresa may saying she wants to renew the Special Relationship between the uk and the us. Mr trump has previously said he is open to a fairand has previously said he is open to a fair and speedy deal with the uk. But he has also warned that he will terminate agreements with 30 days notice if he doesnt like them. Lets go over to Laura Trevelyan in washington. How big a deal is it for theresa may to be the first foreign leader to be invited to the white house under donald trump . Leader to be invited to the white house under Donald Trump7m leader to be invited to the white house under donald trump . It is hugely important and already, the White House Press secretary has tweeted out a photograph of theresa may, resplendent in red, saying that she is the first head of government to sign the white house visitors book under President Trump. So that isa book under President Trump. So that is a two for her, but it is risky as well for theresa may, because, is a two for her, but it is risky as well fortheresa may, because, by the way, you can see the two leaders flanking a bust of Winston Churchill, very symbolic as he is britains Wartime Leader and pretty much the embodiment of the Special Relationship between britain and america. But that bust was not in the oval office under president obama, and now has gone back. So it is very symbolic. Im sure theresa may is thrilled to be standing next to Winston Churchill and pleased that this is a symbolic display of how important the Special Relationship is to donald trump. But yes, this is a risky visit for theresa may, because other european leaders are wary of donald trump. They didnt like the divisive election campaign. Angela merkel, although she congratulated him, said that any relationship with donald trump has to be based on respect for democracy, the rule of law and minorities. But theresa may has let right in and accepted the invitation because she wants a huge trade deal. It is hugely important for britain now that it is leaving the European Union. And it is important for donald trump. He will probably be a protectionist president , but he wa nts to protectionist president , but he wants to have bilateral trade deals rather than big deals with many countries he doesnt like, like the north American Free Trade Agreement. Soa north American Free Trade Agreement. So a big day for both of them. One commentator said this in some ways is diplomacy on Training Wheels for President Trump, his debut on the world stage, but next to a staunch ally. And for theresa may, its all about tone. She wants to show that this will be a Good Relationship going forward. But she doesnt want to appear like going forward. But she doesnt want to appearlikea going forward. But she doesnt want to appear like a poodle. They will be discussing things they want to agree on, but what about the more difficult points like nato . Nato and russia. Donald trump has said nato is obsolete now. He is of course at odds with his own Defence Secretary in there, who has described the nato relationship is essential. But donald trump is sceptical. He particularly doesnt like nato allies who are not pulling their weight and spending on defence. Britain does reach the 2 spending threshold, so theresa may may be able to stay to donald trump, i will persuade the other nato allies that they need to pull their weight. But on russia, when theresa may spoke to republicans yesterday, she said it was important to be where Vladimir Putin. Donald trump has made no secret of the fact that he wants to work with the russians. He will be speaking by phone tomorrow to Vladimir Putin amid speculation that he may be willing to lift those sanctions against russia imposed in the wake of the conflict in ukraine. This is not something theresa may would agree with. She is very wary of the russians. So again, a point of the russians. So again, a point of disagreement. Theresa may made this speech which went down well with republicans yesterday in which she talked about how important it was for britain and america to lead together and not step back from leading the world. The worry from traditional allies of the us is that Donald Trumps America First policy means he is less interested in america having this role on the global stage than it has had since the end of the second world war. So much to discuss a Fascinating Press Conference it will be, probably in the next half hour. Conference it will be, probably in the next halfhour. We are just hearing it could be up to 30 minutes until we get that News Conference. Many have remarked on how different these two characters are, one methodical and another so very unpredictable. Yes, theresa may made a joke about that on the plane on the way over here yesterday to reporters travelling with her. She said rather dryly, sometimes opposites attract. They couldnt be more different. Can you imagine theresa may having come to power off the back of a Reality Tv Show . It would have to be called the vicars daughter or Something Like that. She is loki. Shes not given to bluster. Shes not given to making many public statements beyond what she has to make, which is definitely the case with brexit. She is cautious by nature. Donald trump is impulsive. He loves communicating with the public, whether it is twitter or tv. People are constantly having to run around behind him explaining what he meant. So there couldnt be a sharper contrast in styles. But of course, Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher also had different styles in the 80s. He was the actor, she was the iron lady. But they forged a relationship at the time of the end of communism and the fall of the berlin wall which was very effective. So the fact that you are different doesnt mean you cant have an effective working relationship. The question is, what will the relationship between these two be . We will get some clue when we see the Body Language in that press c0 nfe re nce , we see the Body Language in that Press Conference, whether there is much repartee, any jokes, Press Conference, whether there is much repartee, anyjokes, that kind of thing. Laura, thank you. Lets just show you inside the white house, with the army of media waiting for that News Conference to begin. It could be around half an hour before theresa may and donald trump emerge to talk. They did start their talks a bit late. We expect them to have met for around an hour. This is the first visit by a foreign leader since mr trump became president only one week and one hour, give or take seven minutes. We will be back there as soon as we see them emerge. As i was saying, mrs may is the first overseas leaders to visit mr trump may is the first overseas leaders to visit mrtrump in may is the first overseas leaders to visit mr trump in the white house, giving that visit special significance. Laura kuenssberg has been travelling with her. Attention. The Prime Minister knows that everyone is paying attention. The first foreign leader to make their way gingerly into the Trump White House. The first foreign leader to take that risk and that opportunity. Respect, thats what good friendships need. The Prime Minister showing britains for the allied war dead in Arlington Cemetery this morning. To tighten the bonds between britain and the us, both so changed by politics in just a few short months. But will america respect her as she urges the new president not to turn his back against the world . As you renew your nation, just as we renew ours, we have the opportunity, indeed the responsibility, to renew the Special Relationship for this new age. We have the opportunity to lead together again. But how seriously does the wheeling, dealing president take the prospect ofa dealing president take the prospect of a packed . We want to deal with the ones who treat us well, and if they dont, we terminate or give them a 30 day notice of termination, and then they come back and want to renegotiate and to get a better deal. This visit to the Trump White House is about much more than trade oi house is about much more than trade orany house is about much more than trade or any one issue. It is about how the Prime Minister and the president can Work Together as individuals and politicians, and how theresa may can handle the most unorthodox president in decades. These first conversations, these first historic moments. It is a great honour. A relationship that matters notjust to her success, but to us all. Lets turn to mexico. Mexicos president cancelled his visit to washington after donald trump said mexico would be forced to pay for the war he wants to build along the border. He continued to tweet, mexico has taken advantage for long enough. Mexico insists it will not pay at the white house has said it may impose a 20 border tax to raise the necessary funds for the border wall. The white house review has revealed that the two leaders did speak on the phone for an hour earlier today, but they didnt release any details of their conversation. Here is mexicos former president , Telling Bbc World News what he thinks will happen if mrtrump news what he thinks will happen if mr trump levies this tax on imports to the us. If he taxes imports to the United States, products to the United States will increase in 20 in price. So who is paying for the wall . Us citizens. Second, this is a mirror effect. If he taxes. Lets just interrupt that because a lot earlier than we thought, theresa may donald trump and begun to speak in their News Conference. Lets listen in. The Special Relationship between oui in. The Special Relationship between our two countries has been one of the great forces in history, for justice and for peace and by the way, my mother was born in scotland, stornoway, which is serious scotland. Today, the United States renews oui scotland. Today, the United States renews our deep bond with britain, military, financial, cultural and political. We have one of the great bonds. We pledge our lasting support to this most Special Relationship. Together, america and the United Kingdom are a beacon for prosperity and the rule of law. That is why the United States respects the sovereignty of the british people and their right of self determination. A free and independent britain is a blessing to the world and the relationship has never been stronger. Both america and britain understand that governments must be responsive to everyday working people, that governments must represent their own citizens. Madame Prime Minister, we look forward to working closely with you as we strengthen our mutual ties and commerce, business and foreign affairs. Great days lie ahead for oui affairs. Great days lie ahead for our two peoples and our two countries. On behalf of our nation, i thank you forjoining us here today. It is a really great honour. Thank you very much. Thank you very much, mr president. Can i start by saying that i am so pleased that i have been able to be here today and thank you for inviting me so soon after your inauguration. Im delighted to be able to congratulate you on what was a stunning election victory. As you say, the invitation is an indication of the strength and importance of the Special Relationship that exists between our two countries, a relationship based on the bonds of history, family, kinship and common interests. In a further sign of the importance of that relationship, i have today been able to convey her majesty the queens hope that President Trump and the first lady would pay a state visit to the United Kingdom later this year, and im delighted that the president has accepted that invitation. Today, we are discussing a numberof invitation. Today, we are discussing a number of topics, and there is much on which we agree. The president has mentioned foreign policy. We are discussing how we can work closely together to take on and defeat daesh and the ideology of islamist extremism wherever it is fine. Ourtwo islamist extremism wherever it is fine. Our two nations are already leading efforts to face up to this challenge, and we are making progress with daesh losing territory and fighters, but we need to redouble our efforts. Today we are discussing how we can do this by deepening intelligent and said youre at the cooperation and by stepping up our efforts to counter daesh in cyberspace. We know we will not eradicate this threat until we defeat the ideology that lies behind it. Our talks will continue later. I am sure we will discuss other topics like syria and russia. On defence and security cooperation, we are united in our recognition of nato as the bulwark of our collective defence. Today, we have reaffirmed our unsha keable defence. Today, we have reaffirmed our unshakeable commitment to this alliance. Mr president , you confirmed that you are 100 behind nato. But we are also discussing the importance of nato continuing to ensure it is as equipped to fight terrorism and cyber warfare as it is to fight more conventional forms of war. I have agreed to continue my efforts to encourage my fellow european leaders to deliver on their commitments to spend 2 of their gdp on defence so that the burden is more fairly shared. It is only by investing properly in our defence that we can ensure we are properly equipped to face our shared challenges together. Finally, the president and i have mentioned future Economic Cooperation in trade. Trade between our countries is already worth £150 billion a year. The us is the single biggest source of the inward investment to the uk and together, we have around 1 trillion invested in each others economies. The uk us defence relationship is the broadest, deepest and most advanced of any two countries sharing Military Hardware and expertise. The president and i are ambitious to build on this relationship in order to grow our respective economies, provide the high skilled, high paid jobs of the future for working people across america and the uk. So we are discussing how we can establish trade negotiation agreement, take forward immediate high level talks, lay the groundwork for a uk us Trade Agreement and identify the bet can ta ke agreement and identify the bet can take now to enable companies in both countries to do business with one another more easily. I am convinced that a trade deal between the us and the uk is in the National Interest of both countries and will cement the crucial relationship that exists between us, particularly as the uk leaves the European Union and reaches out to the world. Todays talks are a significant moment for President Trump and i to build our relationship and i look forward to continuing to work with you as we deliver on the promises of freedom and prosperity for all the people of our respective countries. Thank you. Very nicely stated. Steve holland . Thank you. You will be speaking tomorrow with the russian president. What message would you like to convey to him . How close are you to lifting some of the sanctions imposed on russia over its ukraine incursion, what would you expect in return and Prime Minister may, do you foresee any changes in British Attitudes towards sanctions on russia . Well, i hear a call was set up russia . Well, i hear a call was set up and we will see what happens with sanctions. Very early to be talking about that. We look to have a great relationship with all countries ideally, but that will not necessarily happen. Unfortunately, it probably will not happen with many countries, but if we can have, as we do with Prime Minister may and relationship we have developed and even the short relationship that we have just felt by being with each other, having lunch, we have had Somejustin Talks other, having lunch, we have had some justin talks and other, having lunch, we have had Somejustin Talks and very productive talks. But if we can have a great relationship with russia and with china and with all countries, i am all for that. That would be a tremendous asset. No guarantees, but if we can, that would be a positive. As faras if we can, that would be a positive. As far as the uk is concerned on sanctions for russia in relation to their activities in ukraine, we have been clear that we want to see the minsk agreement fully incremented. We believe the sanctions should continue until we see that agreement implemented and we have been continuing to argue that inside the European Union. Laura . Laura kuenssberg, bbc news. Prime minister, you have talked about where you agree, but you have also said you would be frank where you disagree with the president. Can you tell us where in our talks you did disagree, and do you think the president listened to what you have to say . And mr president. We will see what she says you have said before that torture works. You have praised russia. You have said you wa nt praised russia. You have said you want to ban some muslims from coming to america. You have suggested there should be punishment for abortion. For many people in britain, those sound like alarming beliefs. What do you say to our viewers at home who are worried about some of your views and worried about you becoming the leader of the free world . This was your choice of a question . There goes that relationship. On the issue you raised with me, laura, can i confirm that i have been listening to the president and the president has been listening to me, that is the point of having a conversation. We have been discussing a number of topics. We will carry on meeting after this Press Conference and discussing topics. There will be issues on which we disagree. The point of the Special Relationship is that we are able to have that open and frank discussion so that we can make that clear when it happens. But lam clear make that clear when it happens. But i am clear also that there are many issues on which the United Kingdom and the United States stand alongside one another, many issues on which we agree. As i said if in my speech, i think we are at a moment when we can build an Even Stronger Special Relationship which will be in the interests notjust of the uk and the United States, but in the uk and the United States, but in the interests of the wider world as well. We have a great general who has just been appointed secretary of defence, generaljames mattis. He has stated publicly that he does not necessarily believing torture, or waterboarding or however you want to define it, enhanced interrogation, i guess, would be the words a lot of people would like to use. I dont necessarily agree, but i would tell you that he will override because i am giving him that power. He is an expert. He is highly respected. He is the generals general, got through the senate very quickly, which in this country is not easy, i will tell you. So i am going to rely on him. I happen to feel that it does work. I have been open about that for a long period of time, but iam going that for a long period of time, but i am going with our leaders and we are going to win with or without. But i do disagree. As far as putin and russia, i dont say good, bad or indifferent. I dont know the gentleman. I hope we have a fantastic relationship. That is possible, and it is also possible that we wont. We will see what happens. I will be representing the American People very strongly, very forcefully. And if we have a great relationship with russia and other countries and if we go after isis together, which has to be stopped, thatis together, which has to be stopped, that is an evil that has to be stopped, i will consider that a good thing, but a stopped, i will consider that a good thing, buta bad stopped, i will consider that a good thing, but a bad thing. Stopped, i will consider that a good thing, buta bad thing. How stopped, i will consider that a good thing, but a bad thing. How the relationship works out, i wont be able to tell until later. I have had many times where i thought i would get along with people and i dont like them at all. And i have had some where i didnt think i was going to have much of a relationship, and it turned out to bea relationship, and it turned out to be a great relationship. So theresa, we never know about those things, do we . But i will be representing the American People very strongly. Thank you. How Aboutjohn Roberts from fox . You. How Aboutjohn Roberts from fox . Mr president , thank you and madame Prime Minister. It is my understanding that you had an hour long phone call this morning with president Enrique Pena Nieto of mexico. Could we get an update on where the relationship is . Further to that, what do you say to critics who claim you have already soured a relationship with a very important us ally . And madame Prime Minister, are you concerned about the state of relations between the United States and mexico . I think the Prime Minister has other things she is much more worried about than mexico and the United States relationship. But i will say that we had a very good call. I have been very strong on mexico. I have Great Respect for mexico. I love the mexican people. I work with them all the time. But as you know, mexico, with the United States, has out negotiated us and beat us to a pulp through our past leaders. They have made us look foolish. We have a Trade Deficit of 60 billion with mexico. On top of that, the border is soft and weak. Drugs are pouring in, and i am not going to let that happen. General kelly is going to do a fantasticjob at homeland security. We swore him in yesterday. We have a very Good Relationship, the president and i do. We had a talk that lasted for about an hour this morning, and we are going to be working on a fair and new relationship. But the United States cannot continue to lose vast amounts of business, vast amounts of companies and millions of people losing theirjobs. That wont happen with me. We are no longer going to be the country that doesnt know what its doing. So we are going to renegotiate our trade deals and we are going to renegotiate other aspects of our relationship with mexico. In the end, i think it will be good for both countries. But it was a very friendly call. I think you will hear that from the president and i think you will hear that from the people of mexico that represent him. I look forward to, over the coming months, we will be negotiating and we will see what happens. But i am representing the people of the United States and i am going to represent them as somebody should represent them, not how they have been represented in the past where we lose to every single country. As the president has said, the relationship with the United States and mexico is a matter for the United States and mexico. Tom . Mr president , you said you would help us with a brexit trade deal. You said you would stand by us with nato, but how can the british Prime Minister believe you . You have been known in the past to change your position on things. May i ask this question to both of you singer that people are fascinated to know how you will get on with each other. You are so different, the hard working vidic, the brash tv extrovert. Have you found anything in common personally yet . I am actually not as brash as you might think. And i can tell you that i think we are going to get along well. It is interesting, because i am a people person. I think you are also, theresa. I can often tell how i will get along with somebody very early, andi get along with somebody very early, and i believe we are going to have a fantastic relationship. And i dont change my position very much. If you go back and look, my position on trade has been solid for many years since i was a young person, talking about how we were getting ripped off by the rest of the world. I never knew i would be in this position where we can do something about it. But we will be talking to your folks about brexit. Brexit was an example of what was to come, and i happened to be in scotland at turnberry, cutting a ribbon when brexit happened. And we had a vast amount of press there. I said brexit is going to happen. And i was scorned in the press for making a prediction. I said, in the press for making a prediction. Isaid, i believe it in the press for making a prediction. I said, i believe it is going to happen because people want to know who is coming into their country and they want to control their own trade and various other things. And lo and behold, the following day, it happened. And the odds were not looking good for me when i made that statement because as you know, everybody thought it was not going to happen. I think brexit is going to be a wonderful thing for your country. When it ironed out, you will have your own identity and you will have the people you want in your country and you will be able to have free trade deals without somebody watching you and what you are doing i had a bad experience. I had something in another country, and getting the approvals from europe was very tough. Getting the approvals from the other country was fast, easy and efficient. Getting the approvals from the group, i call them the consortium, was very tough. But i think brexit well end up being a fantastic thing for the United Kingdom. It will be a tremendous asset, not a tremendous liability. On the question you ask me, tom, as the president himself has said, we have already struck up a Good Relationship. But you asked what we had in common. I think if you look at the approach we are both taking, one of the things we have in common is that we want to put the interests of ordinary working people write up their centre stage. Those people who are working all the hours, doing their best for their families and sometimes feel the odds are stacked against them, it is that interesting ensuring that what we do, our economies and governments actually work for ordinary working people, work for ordinary working people, work for ordinary working people, work for everyone in our countries. We share that. Thank you very much, everybody. There we are. Donald trump, leaving the room with the british Prime Minister, theresa may. Interesting few minutes, a lot of subjects covered. Quite lively, and some lighter moments. They talked about the Special Relationship. Donald trump, saying he pledges his lasting support to this most Special Relationship. Theresa may announced early on that there will be a state visit by donald trump to the uk later this year, that an invitation from the queen has been extended and that donald trump has accepted. Lets go over to Laura Trevelyan in washington. What are the main point is we can take from this . Well, i thought one of the main points was theresa may leaning over to the president when asked if they had discussed nato, and if they had differing views. She said, mr president , you said you were 100 behind nato. Theresa may, getting it on the record that britain, as with america, one of the founding members, that donald trump has called it obsolete, he has called into question at not all

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