Transcripts for BBCNEWS Newscast 20211126 21:49:00 : vimarsa

Transcripts for BBCNEWS Newscast 20211126 21:49:00

in parliament and the whole business of her_ in parliament and the whole business of her three—month—old baby asleep when _ of her three—month—old baby asleep when she _ of her three—month—old baby asleep when she wanted to take part in the chamhen _ when she wanted to take part in the chamber. she's had plenty to say sense _ chamber. she's had plenty to say sense about an email she received saying _ sense about an email she received saying that — sense about an email she received saying that wasn't appropriate. how should _ saying that wasn't appropriate. how should parliament strike the balance between _ should parliament strike the balance between allowing an mp to go about their business.— their business. making all sorts of faces if you're _ their business. making all sorts of faces if you're listening _ their business. making all sorts of faces if you're listening rather - faces if you're listening rather than watching. aha, faces if you're listening rather than watching.— faces if you're listening rather than watching. a certificate to enact difficult _ than watching. a certificate to enact difficult balance. - than watching. a certificate to enact difficult balance. some| than watching. a certificate to - enact difficult balance. some would argue _ enact difficult balance. some would argue there are certain duties that only an _ argue there are certain duties that only an mp— argue there are certain duties that only an mp can perform and therefore someone else can't do the work for her. someone else can't do the work for hen on_ someone else can't do the work for hen on the — someone else can't do the work for her. on the other hand will be newscasters watching and listening to us and _ newscasters watching and listening to us and thinking well, i can't take _ to us and thinking well, ican't take my— to us and thinking well, i can't take my child to the police station when _ take my child to the police station when i _ take my child to the police station when i turn — take my child to the police station when i turn up for my shift or whateven _ when i turn up for my shift or whatever. and therefore it may be her argument shouldn't be given too much _ her argument shouldn't be given too much credibility. what her argument shouldn't be given too much credibility.— much credibility. what i would say is where all _

Related Keywords

Igot Chamber , Parliament , Part , Baby , Sense , Email , Business , Plenty , Chamhen , Wasnt Appropriate , Her , Three , To Make Speaker , Sorts , Balance , Certificate , Faces , Aha , Their , Work , Some , Us , Listening , Child , Newscasters , Hand , Someone Else , Police Station , Duties , Someone , Shift , Hen , Hen On , Icant Take My , Whateven , Argument , Credibility , Shouldn T , , Shouldn , Whatever ,

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