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They are from one of these districts in brussels that is heavily immigrant. They have a long history of violent, sort of armed thievery of different kinds. They were joined by other people. What we do not know yet is how many others. Certainly, there was a bomb maker. The substance used was the same thing used in the paris attacks. They found about 32 pounds, 33 pounds of it in an apartment, which was the same apartment that the bombers left from to go to the airport this morning. They found a taxi driver that had driven the bombers there. So that looks like a fairly clear link. They had a lot more ingredients, so they could have made more bombs if they had been able to come back. Charlie what is the connection to the man arrested . Guest Salah Abdeslam was, we believe, the deputy to abaaoud, the on the ground organizer of the paris attacks. Abdeslam was the advance man, so to speak. He rented apartments, rented cars, organized a lot of logistics. He was associated with those same people who left their fingerprints at this apartment nearby in brussels. The apartment is associated with this bombing and with the paris attackers. Charlie do they think there is any relationship between the arrest and the timing of the attacks in brussels . Guest they have not been explicit, but they did find a document that one of the bombers appears to have left on his computer. They found the computer, and it suggested that he was feeling as if the police were closing in and that he would be caught and that he had to do something. It suggests that probably this attack, which was quite complex, was planned earlier, but its execution may have been sped up because of the capture of abdeslam. They were worried he would talk and tell the police about it. Charlie there is a picture of the three from Airport Security cameras. There was a flurry today, beginning this morning at new york time, that they had captured the third man. They pulled back from that. The word this evening as we record this conversation is they have not captured him. How was that reporting wrong . Guest i think it is a confusing picture. There seem to be potentially four people involved. The bodies of the brothers were found in the airport and the Maelbeek Metro station. You have two other people in the photograph they circulated in the airport. We are not entirely sure. We know two died in the airport. There is one dead person identified, one person alive not identified. That is the difficulty. There has been confusion about which man they are talking about. A lot of uncertainty. There is a talk about a bomb maker being vigorously sought. That is najim laachraoui. Obviously, a lawmaker can make the next set of bombs. It is not clear which one he is. There are so many different reports. We need to hear something definitive from senior people in the government. Charlie there has been some criticism of the Belgian Police and what they should have known. Does that resonate . Or is it simply considered an Impossible Task and they did the best they could . Guest i think it resonates. There are people raising questions about this. One of the big ones i heard being discussed by the brussels television stations today is, why wasnt the threat level higher . Senior officials said it was as high as we could make it when we did not have a specific threat. They seemed to have a lot of information that suggested they were close to that. There was not a broader clampdown. People are frightened. Information is not coming out quickly. People are quite nervous. Guest it is always a combination of these things. Obviously, brussels has a lot of people, the most in europe per capita, that have gone to syria and fought or had plans to go. They have a very large number of people, proportionately to the population, of foreign fighters. They have networks in place. Concentrated areas which are readily involved in extremist activity. But it also is the head of the european union. I think in general, extremist groups do not miss a chance to make a point. It does seem that was sort of the message at the subway station. This is not right in the middle, but very close. It is a place where many eu employees get on and off the train. There is no question that was selected for that reason. They were after all people from brussels who carried out the bombing. They no doubt knew with the crowds would look like at that time of day. Charlie do we know what abdeslam is telling Belgian Police interrogators . Guest i do not believe we know. This attack suggests he certainly did not tell them about it in enough detail that they could do anything ahead of time. Whether he has given other information, the only thing that has been made public is he said he wanted to detonate his suicide vest at the soccer stadium in paris and then backed out of it, somehow lost his nerve. At the same time, this is his circle and he doesnt seem to have disentangled himself. Charlie if you look at Charlie Hebdo and what happened in paris later and what happened in brussels, is there an expectation on the part of people in the intelligence field in europe that this is what we can expect . This is a new part of the isis strategy . It is very difficult. They come back with their own passports, sometimes fraudulent passports. In any case, they are hard to trace. And the Police Forces simply do not have the numbers to track every single one of these cases. Charlie it is near midnight there. I thank you. I deeply appreciate it. Guest i hope i was helpful. Charlie you very much were. Stay with us. Charlie 13 million hispanics are expected to vote in the 2016 president ial election. As we saw in the contentious primaries, they will not say the same thing. Lumping all latinos into one voting block is one of the many myths about them. The latino donor collaborative is striving to provide an accurate portrayal of latinos and the contribution they make in our society. Joining me is sol trujillo, the founder and chairman. He is former ceo of us west. Also with me, aida alvarez. She is the chair of the Latino Community foundation of San Francisco and serves on the boards of walmart and hp. She was the first latina to hold a u. S. Cabinet position. And henry cisneros, the executive chairman of city view. He served as the 10th secretary of housing and urban development. This is an important conversation. I start with the basic question. Some people talk about hispanics. Some people talk about latinos. Give us a guide in how we use which phrase. Guest they are interchangeable. They are part of the core economy. The big story we are here to talk about is essentially what i call the new mainstream economy. That gets to this issue charlie you started the latino donor collaborative . Guest it was started by henry and i to look at what was happening, the conversation about latinos in the country, intended to be negative, intended to be a lot of things that, if you are a parent of a young latino, you would say, i do not want to see that on tv. What we did was we decided we would form a Nonpartisan Group solely focused on what i call the brand. Also, dealing with facts and data that might be relevant for people to understand what latinos in the United States really are. A population that is younger than the average. Therefore, household formations yet to come. Therefore, homeownership, consumer purchases, 1. 5 trillion worth of spending in the economy. Part of our function in being here is to, at this moment in american life, when so many myths are perpetuated related to latinos, to tell the truth about this community and its role in the american future. Charlie a myth latinos are a drag on the economy . Guest myth. Latinos, if you put them on the world scale, they are the 11th largest economy in the world. That is not a drag in the economy. They are creating businesses at a faster rate than any other group. From 2007 to 2012, 47 of new growth came from latinos. Whereas there was a decline by 2 of businesses by nonlatinos. Charlie half of total purchases . Guest 51 of all new home mortgages taken out in the last decade were taken out by latino families. That gets to the core of the economy as we start to talk about it. Aida mentioned business formations. In the last half decade, 86 of all new business formations in the last half decade were created by latinos. Charlie is this exhibit a as to why immigration has been good for the United States . Guest it is part of that story. When people come here, they spend. They get jobs. Sometimes with improper Social Security numbers. They get access. They are paying taxes into a system they do not withdraw from. The other part is the amount of spend. We forget what is happening with spending. This 1. 5 trillion of purchasing power is a big deal. I think Michael Bloomberg and Rupert Murdoch testified before congress a few years back, talking about in other trillion and a half opportunity. Charlie what percentage are born in america . Guest i do not know the percentage, but at this point, i think the majority are born in the United States. We have a younger than average population. We may have issues in the future, but growth is not going to be one of them. America is going to increase by 100 million. The youngest thrust in that is the young latino population. Guest they are the Fastest Growing sector in the workplace. By 2020, 19 of all workers will be latino. Charlie are they participating in the political process . Guest increasingly. Guest several swing states this year will be decided by latino votes. Places like colorado, new mexico, arizona, virginia, north carolina. Florida, for sure. Not to mention traditional voting blocs in california and texas, other places. What we are talking about here because of the youthfulness of the population is the spirit of the future in the United States. The spirit of the future. Charlie meaning that america is always on the frontier . Guest absolutely, but some americans have lost faith in that future. Our best days are behind us. We are destined to be losers. Build a wall, deport them. Phrases that are becoming common in parlance. It becomes important to define a more optimistic future. Latinos in body that. Guest so much has happened over the last couple of decades. We have had globalization with the automotive industry. We have the entrance of japanese manufacturers, german manufacturers, everyone that has taken market share, which lowers the amount of employed people in the United States for a decade or two. Then there was a resurgence that said some of these companies are putting plants in places, maybe not in traditional places, but alabama, kentucky. People lost jobs. They are angry, frustrated. The jobs are not where they used to be. Charlie not in the sector they used to be. This idea there is this thing about people coming from somewhere else, we know the last four or five years, there has been net negative migration from the mexico. Charlie are there differences between immigrants from mexico, latin american countries . Guest it is still predominantly republican. Mexican americans, depending on where they live, in texas, somewhat more conservative than california, but tend to be democrats. Puerto ricans tend to be democrats. Frankly, i am a democrat, but i was mayor when president reagan came to visit. He said, latinos are republicans. They just do not know it. Charlie because of family values . Guest church and faith, entrepreneurial skills these are mainstream american values. The country ought to celebrate it has an immigration population growing with these values. Charlie is reagan right . Guest it is not that they are partisanly becoming republicans, but they are part of the american core. Charlie is the growth of latinos as a percentage of a population as well as the Economic Contribution to the economy . Creating businesses and, therefore, greeting jobs . Creating jobs . Why do these myths exist . Because of media . Guest people are fearful. Fear can be converted to angry. Charlie if latinos gain, they lose . Guest exactly. Also, there are people with different last names among us. Guest it is happening in places where you do not expect. I mentioned earlier, i went to iowa to celebrate the creation of statewide Hispanic Chamber of commerce. The day i arrived, there was a paid advertisement in the newspaper saying these strangers, these people, are coming here, they are criminals, disrupting our lives. It was really demonizing mexican americans who were there to fill jobs not being taken. There was an exodus of young people that did not want to do the jobs. Guest it is part of the american narrative on immigration. Charlie they do jobs that other americans do not want to do . Guest in some ways. But there are many things that are different. This is what the real story is. It is no longer just about immigration. It is what is powering our economy . Last quarter, weak percentage growth. It is something that we can drive faster. The Stanford Latino Entrepreneurship Institute did a study. Charlie growing as fast as nonlatino businesses . Guest great question, the right question. Access to capital is the problem for any business starting. But there are layers like angel networks, access to venture capital, that they do not have the networks. We are trying to bridge the gap as one of those elements that is not government. It is about private sector looking to make money. The big story is walmart. 90 plus percent of year on year sales growth is due to latinos. Bearing in mind that 217,000 of walmart employees identify as latino. That is probably the biggest private employer of latinos in the country. They are also the customers. For walmart, the latino customer is really an important customer they are seeking to continue to attract. It is a big part of their customer base. They recognize the bottom line is this is where the growth is. In this election season, in this time period, it is wise to take stock. Charlie is it crazy there is not much conversation about how to grow the American Economy . Guest that is the point here. There is one element we have that is unique versus china, other places. That is this latino growth sector of the population. Young, energetic, willing to work. Charlie it is one thing to have myths with respect to latino communities, but businesses are always supposed to be able to understand what is in its best interests. There should be no discrimination in terms of understanding. When Automotive Companies see that the growth of their business relies on latinos of driving age. Charlie tell me where you think the politics are. Will latinos vote actively against donald trump . Guest they are very fearful today. I was talking with latinos at the street level in chicago. Every person i visited, the respective of who they were for, they are fearful of donald trump. You cannot distinguish between a person who says they will deport 12 Million People or work within the system. Guest people are reacting to that. You saw it in the midterm elections. The conversation has been so negative. Charlie is the latino vote up for grabs . Guest yes, but there is one more threshold issue. Being called rapists, killers it is not americas longterm future or interest to make a wage issue in the short run for political gain at of this population. It is too important. To me people to greater future. For any politician to make it a wage issue is not in anyones interest. Younos will be mobilized come here and you talk to me and you have a network of donors. The need for latinos to go out and explain the magnificent contributions of latinos bringing the facts and data to the conversation. Conversation so that it is rational to the extent that it can be. And it becomes a personalized. We can personalize it. The Latino Community increasingly selfreliant. Focusing on improving education and improving health care and improving the life and communities. We will make a contribution to our own community and to the countrys a whole. It is coming. Megatrends ofhe the future. This is just the beginning of the conversation on this. Thank you very much for being here. Back in a moment. Ephron was a beloved filmmaker and essayist. She was also a good friend to this program. A new documentary on hbo chronicles her life and work. Past monday. This here is the trailer for that film. Writers are cannibals. Funny theyanything will use it. She was a very smart filmmaker and writer. I dont know that people think im an expert in relationships. But i really am. The teacher didnt think she was as brilliant as she was. The thing the trips you up today in the funny story tomorrow. It was a way of saying get over it. Cigarette would use this. To beife has the ability a comedy rather than a tragedy. When her mother died, she said take note. She wrote article that i believe was in esquire. If you found a way to tell your story you could control the narrative. The experiences you have you dont want to waste them if youre a writer. I felt i had to make it. I wanted to write about her in some way. Know selfaware enough to that i wasnt going to write a book about her there was any better than any of the books she had written about herself. So i thought of making a documentary. The summer after she died i was in the hamptons at our country house. The last two essay collections had had audiotapes done by her. Splicethat we could pieces of that audio throughout the film so she could narrate her own documentary. I had read tender is the night. About six months before she died. There was fitzgerald writing about the breakup of his marriage. Zelda fitzgeralds descent into madness. She was witty. Loving. And really tough. She was fantastic at a little bit of fear in her. A desire to please her. She knew how to parse out praise. In such a way as to make people try to please her. The letterman clip that she did. During the breakup of the marriage with my father. Right after she made heartburn. Mass all this stuff and kind of figured out how piece together. I think there were considerations. Both pragmatic and philosophical. If youre writing a book you could have a fatal illness. If you are trying to make a film you cant get insured if you have a dreaded disease. The other part of it is to her everything is copy was the main set of victimhood. Is beotes on social media the heroine of your life not the victim. The problem with fatal illness is how do you tell that story and not become the victim. The person there be says how are you . Are you doing ok . They want to tell you what doctors call. She didnt want to be told to do these things. She said theyve got me on these things that are working. She was on the steroids for a while. It blew up her face a little bit. People flush it had a bad trip to plastic surgery. That was not the case. She was quite good at figuring out how to get a little tweak here and there. Nora ephron anything else wrong with getting older . Is there anything write about it . You cant remember anything. Youre trying to read when you cant see. I dont think its better to be older. It is very important to eat your last meal before it actually comes out. She no longer feed a hot dog. Could no longer eat a hot dog. Actually going to have your last meal you either will be too sick to have it or you arent going to know its your last meal and you could squander it on Something Like a tuna melt. We say this is what i would like for my last meal. I feel it is important to have that last meal today. She was the star of the movie. And my collaborator in a sense. She found the perfect man in the clergy. In real life she was tough and he was soft. She wrote light romantic comedies but she was a killer. Just how many people she whacked as a journalist. Now if you read a couple of mean things about people you dont play anymore. You lose your access. Its one thing if you are covering national security. It is free parking to get the room with somebody that you have swiped in one way or another. She did it at the New York Post sure this piece about what a horrible newspaper was. Sure about clay felker and gail sheehy. Esquire retracted a piece she wrote. She wrote a piece in a journalism review about what a bunch of cowards they were. It would be like a version of alec baldwin or kanye west. She said the secret to life is to marry in italian. Not as neurotic. It was very scary. The wife the movie needs to be good. You dont want to be the talentless child of soandso who does a kind of hagiography withouties the parent capturing the essence. Nora ephron talking about her ability to a damaged in new situations. I do think one of the lucky things about my life is that a lot of women i know have been able to make changes take another path. Berraquote the great yogi line if you see a fork in the road taken. It is famous because it is so dumb but in fact it is very wise. Especially when it comes to women. She do that you can do two things at once. Or one thing and then the next thing. To have a slightly easier time doing that than men do. Olderof the women who are arent you what they did 20 years ago. Mark former bosnian leader rather than carriage has been convicted of war crimes. Has been sent for 40 years in prison. The tribunal found him guilty of atrocities throughout the 1992 through 1995 war that left an estimated 100,000 people dead. Seven hackers tied to the iranian government have been charged with pushing cyberattacks. Lynchey general loretta

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