Transcripts For BLOOMBERG Charlie Rose 20160615 : vimarsana.

BLOOMBERG Charlie Rose June 15, 2016

Have surrounded falluja and have begun to move into the city. To push up the tigris river valley. Preparing to tighten the noose around isil. Nearly halfw lost of the territory they once control in iraq and they will lose more. Isil continues to lose ground in syria as well. Assisted by our special Operations Forces the coalition of Global Forces is now pressuring the key town. Tighteninge is around isil there as well. The Coalition Continues to stay on offense. Isil is on defense. Been a full year since isil has been able to mount a successful offensive operation in either country. We want to help a lawenforcement protect people from homegrown extremists, the kind of tragedy that occurred at San Bernardino and now in orlando, there is a meaningful way to do that. To make it harder for people who want to kill americans get their hands on weapons of war. We cannot prevent every tragedy. Consistent with the Second Amendment there are common sense steps that could reduce gun violence and could reduce the lethality of somebody who intends to do other people harm. We should give atf the resources they need to enforce the gun laws. People with possible ties to terrorism who are elaborately airplane shouldnt be allowed to buy a gun. Enough talking about being tough on terrorism. Actually be tough on terrorism. Stop making it easy for terrorists to buy assault weapons. Reinstate the assault weapons ban. Despite extraordinary efforts by despitewenforcement, all the sacrifices that folks make, these kinds of events are going to keep on happening. The weapons are only going to get more powerful. Let me make a final point. For a while now the main contribution of some of my friends on the other side of the is to criticize this administration and me for not using the phrase radical islam. Thats the key, they tell us. We cant beat isil unless we radical islam. When exactly using this label accomplish . What exactly would you change . Would it make isil less committed to trying to kill americans. . . Would bring in more allies . Is there a military strategy that is served by this . The answer is none of the above. Calling a threat by a different name does not make it go away. Distraction. Itical i have been clear about how pervertedgroups have islam to justify terrorism. As president i have repeatedly called on our muslim friends and allies at home and around the world to work with us to reject this twisted interpretation of one of the worlds great religions. Where does this stop . Killer, one of the San Bernardino killers, the ft. Hood killer, they were all u. S. Citizens. Are we going to start treating all Muslim Americans differently . Them to special surveillance . Because of their faith . Weve heard the suggestions during the course of this campaign. Two republican officials . Ctually agree with this this is a country that founded on basic freedoms including freedom of religion. We have religious test here. Our founders, our constitution, our bill of rights are clear about that. Values,er abandon those we would not only make it a lot easier to radicalize people here we wouldd the world, have betrayed the very things are trying to protect. Openness,ism and the our rule of law, our civil liberties. The very things that make this country great. And then the terrorists would have one. We cant let that happen. Charlie rose joining me now is ben rhodes the Deputy National security adviser for Strategic Communications at the white house. Take us if you can inside the mind of the president as he is to do whateact president is supposed to do in a moment like this. Help the nation comprehend and also show to the future. Ben his principal responsibility is to make clear how much our thoughts and prayers are with those who were killed and surviving in orlando. That is something he has had to do well to many times as president. He has to put it in the context of how are we going to respond. Pursue an investigation to understand the motivations of this killer. Have aso far as this may connection to extremism, he howged allegiance to isil, are we going to pursue a strategy to defeat isil but also try to combat an ideology that can prey upon the deeply disturbed individual like this and leave them to do something as tragic as what we saw . Rose what did he think he had to do at this moment in that speech. Ben the forgotten about wef radicalized individuals, are talking about people who are radicalized, it is a battle of ideologies. The point the president was trying to make is that if we are engaging in policies or rhetoric that stigmatize the entire Muslim Community that blames an entire faith for this terrible act of violence and suggests in any way that we are at war with islam, then we will make that job much harder. Depends upon a narrative of a war between the United States and islam. It depends upon people being disaffected within their communities. He felt it was essential to our National Security we continue to make clear that we have to reject that kind of approach and take an approach that sees Muslim Americans as partners in this fight. But he does see something happening that is radical fundamental islamic terrorism. N there is clearly a byversion of islam groups like isil. They use it to justify the slaughter of individuals, including muslims. We have to come back both the organization of my and also the ideology. They are a terrorist organization. Rose how does the president respond to a donald trump said today and what does he think of Donald Trumps contribution to this moment . En we have these debates about labels for some time. We did not want to define isil or al qaeda or any other Extremist Group as speaking for islam in any way. We have avoided that terminology. The problem is when you see that its logicaltaken to and, if this is defined as a conflict that is inherently about religion, that leads to policies like not allowing muslims to enter the United States. Of more excessive surveillance and denial of civil liberties. That is what is so disturbing. If we make decisions guided by painting is very broad brush on a fellow americans who happen to be muslims it will make the wrong decisions and to do things that are ultimately harmful to both our National Fabric and to our National Security. Charlie rose you seem to be saying that the president ,elieves using labels like that you are inevitably tarring all is exactly what donald trump is doing with his response to this tragedy. Ben just saying radical islam is not going to defeat isil. Sun will come up the next day and issa will still be there. They are not going to lay down their weapons because we used a different phrase. How do we define the enemy . People can use different terminology. We should define it as a war against terrorist networks, isil and al qaeda. Not a war against a certain type of religion. Bet has the potential to utilized by groups like i saw as a means of saying we are indeed at war with islam. Charlie rose is the administration saying there is nothing more than we can do . In fact we are ratcheting up that fight against terrorism at this moment. Ben we have demonstrated for seven and a half years that he will go after terrorists. He also gave a Progress Report on that effort. Weve taken back a large amount of territory in iraq. We are back territory in syria. Were taking out leadership targets. We taking away financing sources. Do challenge is what you when there is one individual who is one to take upon himself to kill people. That is much harder to stop the complicated plot where individuals are communicating. The two things the president emphasized our deny them the. Orst weapons if you walk into the club and didnt have those automatic weapons you would not have had such a death toll. Believes that there should be a ban on those weapons. Charlie rose we all know he thinks that. The question is, what is he going to do that he hasnt done in the past . Deeplyen disappointed on this in the past. N for those broader changes we need congress and congress has been resistant. For the bigger changes we need congress. If you cant get on a plane because you are on a watchlist you should not be able to buy a gun. Willhopeful that Congress Take commonsense actions on gun safety laws. Engage in the struggle ideologically . The biggest asset we have is that america is a pluralistic country. Muslim americans do succeed here. Is going to allow us to push back against people who want to radicalized individuals. Charlie rose others may be misled by a misreading of islamic doctrine. Ben we have Muslim Americans and armed forces, Muslim Americans with helped us unravel these kind of plots. This gets back to the terminology. If you asked are close allies overseas such as King Abdullah of jordan or Muslim Community leaders in the United States they will tell you is counterproductive to define this war in religious terms. That is the terrain on which the terrorists want to fight this battle. We need partners in this effort. We need to take pride in what makes America Great country. That is what will allow us to push back against efforts to radicalized disaffected individuals. Rose tell me what you know about that. A homegrown terrorist. Ben there has been a pattern where individuals start consuming a significant amount of online content and propaganda often very visceral propaganda. That starts to affect their behavior. They become withdrawn. They get into arguments that they didnt previously get into with colleagues and friends. And they can retreat into themselves and start making different associations with people. An individual going through the process of withdrawing from their previous identity and preparing themselves to do something terrible. That can take a long time or can have more rapidly. A lot of this now happens online. There no terrorist plot that is degree ofwithout some cooperation from within the community. Charlie rose tell me what the president is prepared to do. Ben we want to continue to prosecute this effort against isil in the remaining time in his administration we are taking back as much territory from them as we can. Leaving an architecture in place that can complete the job of destroying isil. How are we looking at these issues. . Plots that were carefully directed from overseas to this kind of self radicalization. Had we lift up the credible voices that can push back against that ideology. Build up the partnerships and sustain them that we need here in the United States and around the world to do that. Things likeook at oregon laws that get at the very least make it more difficult for someone to commit a terrible act of violence like this. We will be hearing continually about this challenge. Elevates themiss importance of dealing with this lone wolf challenge. Rose the leader of isil. What we know about him . Has he been injured . Do we think he is in syria . Has he been grievously wounded . And cannot command isil anymore . N i know there are many different reports out there. We do not have any independent information about whether or not he has been injured in any kind of strike. We have made taking up the because weof isil have been able to get better intelligence over the course of this past year and a half. Even though they have characteristics of an insurgency they do have a core leadership that is very important to their operations. In theirake a dent ability both to direct their efforts in iraq and syria by focusing on that leadership. Charlie rose thank you for joining us. Well be right back. Charlie rose joining me now is Brooke Baldwin. She is the anchor of cnn newsroom. Otoole is the Program Director of the George Mason University Forensic Science department. A former fbi profiler. Were learning more and more about this case. And about the gunmen. Give me a sense of how he fits other profiles of people who have committed this kind of mass murder. Maryellen he is different in some ways. Some of the similar features is that this is a Mission Oriented shooter. He was on a mission that morning to kill as many people as he could. There was a tremendous amount of planning that he would have had to put into this murder. Takeplanning likely would weeks or months or even years. It had to preexisting planning. When you going to a place that is crowded with all these people in your intention is to kill outlook is that they are not human beings. They have been dehumanized. This was extremely callous. And the shooter shows no remorse at all. Traits that cause the crime. Other shootings that are considered Mission Oriented shootings. Charlie rose was his mission simply to kill people could even inspired by isil . Or was his mission to be inspired by isil and combine with whatever else happened within his own makeup and kill people from the lesbian and Gay Transgender Community . Maryellen it could be both. Unfoldsnvestigation what we are going to see is an arevidual whose aspirations pretty much skin deep. Wanted. Y picked what he he had an interest in other political organizations. Tore were really opposed isis and their politics and ideology. Someone who was more or less shopping around for the right terrorist group that he can associate with. That could be because he wanted to associated with a group that would give him a sense of power and dominance and control. A sense of being feared by other people. Charlie rose you look at someone who was enormously unhappy with their life and blamed other people. Maryellen that is a part of it. You can add on someone who over time has been able to develop this allencompassing hatred toward people, toward groups in the world. A fascination with violence. With violence. A collector of injustice. Blames others for their problems. Loses jobs, loses relationships. Violence is a pathway to regain some control. The access to weapons of mass destruction. Despite all the patterns of behavior that preexisted sunday morning, none of this wouldve happened had there not been access to the weapons of mass destruction. Charlie rose Brooke Baldwin of cnn joints me. What are you learning about the gunmen . Brooke we have learned a lot today. Cnn has just concerned that this shooter took the time to donate blood just last month. You have all these casualties many of whom have been receiving blood, one possibility is that his blood is being used. Hise learning more about actions in previous weeks. Hadnow that he apparently been surveilling two different locations. One is a disney resort. Full of kids and rides and shops. It was during a gay theme celebration during that week. He had visited this particular pulse nightclub multiple times so there is that. He is currently active on some of these gay hookup sites and apps. And what about his wife . Investigators are talking to her. Shes being cooperative. Fbi have talked to have said that how could the family have missed this. You think about the kind of highpowered rifles he was using an emo he would purchase. Would she not known . We can never assume. Would haveon said he many questions for her. It is similar to the boston bombing and the brothers living in that small apartment. What did the family know . Those exact questions are being asked of the wife. If she knew she would be complicit. The wife told the fbi that she had driven him to the site. Brooke we have not confirmed that at cnn. Ive heard a number of reports on that. Rose theres an she knew about certain parts of the process. We dont know its true and lets not. We are getting a stronger indication. Brooke we know that she had gone and the disney property. Rose what are we beginning to know with respect to his own sexuality and his feelings about the Lgbt Community . Brooke why would you want to go to the extent, he was friending multiple gay nightclub owners on facebook, he wanted some sort of access. He was on some of these dating apps. Talked about the hatred that this man fell 20 sort two men kissing in miami. The father was asked, was your son gay . Also the cultural perspective. The father is from afghanistan. The cultural sensitivities to homosexuality. Combine that with who knows how he felt. Ifh their repressed feelings you cannot join them did he want to kill them . He massacred 49 people. This man said to the New York Times how individuals get to this point is really complex. If we try to boil it down to one factor were going to miss a lot of that complexity. It is in that complexity that we really can understand what happened. Help us to understand the complexity of this man. Maryellen in a case like this in Mission Oriented shooting the shooter will go out ahead of time and pick out the venue. Where are the security officers. We are hearing that his involvement in meeting man who and havingthis club the apt to meet people. That is not part of surveillance. That is not part of knowing what people are coming and going. It does suggest a personal involvement in a lifestyle that that he hated. Was he dealing with his own ambivalence toward possible homosexual thoughts or desires and yet at the same time hating that. That has to be considered. Was that enough to fuel the hatred even more. There was no question that he was cool, collected for three hours. During the course of time when he was killing 70 people. We have not seen a mass shooting of this length since Charles Whitman back in 1966. Whitman shot and killed for 90 minutes. Down intortant to dig the complexities of what was going on in his life. Charlie rose journalisms oldest question is why. I assume that is part of the pursuit is going on in orlando not only by the fbi that by the reporters. Brooke i have been to newtown and

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