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Waiting to treat injured. Weve seen at least two people carried off on stretchers. One of them not moving. I cant tell you more than that at this stage. The reports are there are at least a dozen injuries on this bridge because a vehicle crossed over the bridge at speed aiming to knock people down. At least one of the eyewitnesses to that has told me some of the details that he saw bodies being pushed out of the way by the vehicle. Across the bridge you have a fence perimeter around the palace of westminster. And thats what seems to have been breached by at least one intruder. That is the estate of parliament. The leader of the house of commons here talking about the fact theres been an intruder inside the parliamentary estate. He stabbed a policeman and has been shot. We dont have more about his condition. There have been air ambulances arriving on the scene to treat both the people inside the parliamentary estate and then also these huge numbers of ambulances here. Theres a massive Armed Police Presence across this entire region. This Police Cordon stretching across the river here. Parliament square has been closed down. White hall has been closed down. The area is offlimits to all but police and Emergency Services while that ey try to d their job. In your many years in london that you had never seen such a massive Police Presence of this magnitude, right . Thats absolutely right. This is unprecedented. People ive been talking to saying its like you see in a movie. We have helicopters above us at the moment. Huge numbers of priests coming in and out in their emergency vehicles. Worth noting, i think, its a year since the brussels attacks so this marks the First Anniversary since those attacks. I was in brussels yesterday and the day before that. Huge police and military presence there across the city. Were seeing this across europe now. Thank you very much. I want to jump over to wilfred. Occurred around 2 40 local time in the u. K. Given the clocks changing here over the last week or so, its about 10 40 in the morning, fourhour difference rather than five were used to. Whats the very latest . So its about 4 00 p. M. Local time as you correctly say. The house leader of Parliament Saying that parliament is in lockdown therefore there are still a significant number of parliamentary mps inside the chamber. I would say well over a hundred based on pictures tweeted out in the last hour or so. One member of parliament and leader of the government that we know is not inside is Prime Minister theresa may. A couple hours ago a Government Spokesperson confirming she was safe and more recent ly a repor of her evacuation saying she was bundled out of the house of commons by security detail with automatic weapons drawn and whisked away via the lords exit. Sky news reported seeing her motorcade sleaving the scene vey swiftly and a statement from the Government Spokesperson saying the Prime Minister is monitoring the situation from 10 downing street, her official residence, which is very close indeed to the site overall outside of people like her that are still relatively close to the situation we have seen the whole site cleared. Unprecedented level of clearing to distances away. Now, we have, of course, heard from the u. S. State department on this issue. They say that they are closely following the concerning situation outside of the Uk Parliament and they say their hearts go out to those affected and they urge u. S. Citizens in london to contact family members and loved ones to notify them they stand ready to help where needed. The embassy in london is monitoring the situation closely. Scott . Well jump back to you as needed. Lets get down to washington now to the white house where eamon javers is there. Reporter we know that President Trump has been briefed on the situation in london and thats because he was heading into a meeting on a separate topic here at the white house. That meeting delayed about 20 minutes to a half an hour. When the president came in though, he said he been receiving information on the situation in london. I think we have tape now of what the president had to say. Heres what he said. Sorry. Were just getting an update on london. They are having some big news having to do with london that just happened. Reporter the president carrying on with the meeting as planned here at the white house. So clearly hes getting some information. The question is whether or not well see larger statement from this white house about whats going on in london and what, if any, the u. S. Response will be. One of the things that weve been following this week, of course, is the u. S. Governments efforts to block Certain Airlines from allowing passengers to carry laptops and Electronic Devices on flights in from certain airports in the middle east. Thats something that u. S. Intelligence has said that they did because they saw some effort among terror groups to try to use explosives disguised as electronics on those flights. No indication what we see in london is connected to that but u. S. Intelligence has seen something they didnt like and taking steps to tighten up security just this week. Well wait and see what else the white house has to say and what el else the president has to say at the white house. We yet clearly to hear from anyone from the Homeland Security department. Do we know anything about the threat level in the United States whether thats been raised just as a result of whats taken place across the atlantic . We dont have any response so far in the immediate present tense. Just looking around the white house here, i can tell you that theres no visible additional security here in this facility, which is highly secure at all times. So there doesnt seem to be any immediate sense of reaction here on the ground at the white house. Well wait for authorities to tell us what they think the threat level is, if any, here inside the United States. Obviously we have seen things like this in the United States just within the past year. I mean, i covered the orlando shooting last summer in florida and that had a very similar vibe to it in the sense that you had a group of people who were going through just normal daily life who were subjected to horrific attack, and theres really just no way for people to prepare themselves for that, defend against it. Theyre caught completely unaware, and you have a sense thats what happened here in london. You saw these people just walking across a bridge and suddenly in comes this violent attacker bent on doing harm. Its something that authorities have really difficulty in defending against or dealing with because its very hard to predict and intercept once it gets started. I want to go back to the breaking news desk. First and foremost, give our viewe erers an idea of the type area were talking about. Touris tourists, residents, Business People and the like. Not just workers and parliamentari parliamentarians. Parliament square and then just adjacent to that westminster abbe abbey. Unprecedented clearing of that area done by police over the last couple hours. Also just on that note, bbc reporting that heavily armed police are now checking every room of parliament at this current moment so thats ongoing. To summarize more broadly the area and other place in focus is Westminster Bridge which connects to where parliament is. People have been mowed down on the pavement there by a vehicle. We also have a separate image of a vehicle that crashed into the barrier of parliament. We dont know if that was the same vehicle vehicle and of course that reporting of someone who managed to break into the parliamentary estate past the barrier wielding what was described by some eyewitnesses as a seven to eightinch kitchen looking knife and stabbed a Police Officer and was shot. The alleged assailant was shot by armed police at the scene. As i already reported, the Prime Minister was in the parliamentary estate at the time that this happened and was reported by bbc bundled out of the commons with automatic weapons drawn by her security detail, whisked away and a Prime Minister spokesperson has confirmed that the Prime Minister is safe and monitoring the situation from downing street. Her official residence is very close to parliamentary area either way. I want to go back to the scene in london. If you can give us an idea, help us understand the Political Climate that has been in europe. Obviously we know about the brexit. They are in the midst of french elections as well and a hard line candidate trying to win that election there. I wonder how these pictures and this incident may impact voters in france and what voters in the uk may be thinking today. You know, you think of the context, of course. You had dutch elections not so long ago. You had an antiimmigrant candidate there. He was defeated by the liberal party there. However, youre right. We have this big race in france. She has been antiimmigration for a long time. Many people saying that as an attack on minority populations in france. As you imagine, there will be a lot of questions being asked in france after this incident across the pond. Weve got some events coming up just next week actually in paris between the london mayor and the paris mayor talking about maintaining and strengthening links between the two cities. This is not the kind of conversation they want to be having. I would like to get your comments on that as well as you follow whats taking place in the uk and france in terms of the Political Races and the climate. Absolutely. Clearly its going to have an impact on peoples mindsets as they do go to the polls. We should clarify that metropolitan police said they are treating this as a terrorist incident. However, they also said the metropolitan police the motivation not yet known. So i suppose theres more details coming out and well be able to gauge much of an influence this may or may not have on voters. The next to go to the polls are french and after the televised president ial debate just a couple nights ago, we did see the centrist candidate edge forward. It is a big question. Of course, its an issue that has rocked Continental Europe in the past couple of years. More than it has rocked the u. K. And Prime Minister david cameron, previous Prime Minister, and current Prime Minister theresa may say a number of attacks have been thwarted over the last couple years in the u. K. Its not of people trying not to attack but Security Services are more adept at dealing with them. I want to add one further details that were getting. Thats a statement from Buckingham Palace. The palace confirming that the queen is currently at Buckingham Palace and indeed monitoring the situation and no further details on that. Shes at Buckingham Palace. Also very close, i know we have shown a map to that, to the whole situation. Not as close as 10 downing street where Prime Minister theresa may resides herself. Thank you very much. Its just about two minutes away from 12 15 on the east coast. If youre just joining us, were continuing with breaking News Coverage following this incident in london. Several people injured by an attacker near parliament. That person apparently running into people with a vehicle. Getting out of that car with a knife where he allegedly stabbed a Police Officer in which he was then shot dead. We get a recap from the scene on exactly what unfolded at 2 40 local time in london. You can hear the Police Helicopters hovering above us here. Were just on the far side of Westminster Bridge from the palace of westminster, seat of british government. A few minutes ago, maybe a little while ago we got more ambulances coming in here, someone driving a vehicle revved up and ran across this bridge at speed according to eyewitnesses knocking down pedestrians. One being taken over by the car. They rammed that vehicle into a fence that surrounds parliament. You can see some of the emergency vehicles here. Weve had them coming and going over the last hour or so. Some of these new Police Vehicles coming in at speed. A huge armed presence in london. The assailant behind that vehicles wheel seems to have jumped out and made his way into parliamentary estate and stabbed a policeman. Thats the reports were getting from inside parliament. The leader of the house of commons describing that scene to mps a little while ago. That assailant was shot by police. Here are more emergency vehicles coming through here. Thats what the situation is at the moment. Weve seen a number of bodies on stretchers being taken off the bridge here and loaded into ambulances and taken away. I dont have details about casualty counts at this point nor the total number of injuries but certainly the assailant that made his way into parliamentary estate seems to have been shot by police having stabbed a policeman a number of injured certainly confirmed here on Westminster Bridge having been hit by a vehicle. Thank you very much. We want to bring in an eyewitness to this attack today. Andy woodcock is with the press association and joins us on the telephone. Are you there . Im here. Can you tell us what you is a y saw . My office looks over new palace yard and its about 2 45 in the afternoon. I heard a lot of shouting and screaming from outside. I looked out the window and saw maybe 40 or 50 people running from Westminster Bridge or direction of Westminster Bridge around the corner into Parliament Square and toward Carriage Gate which are the double gates where cars come in and out. As they got to Carriage Gates, it looked to me as if they were running away from something. Very difficult to tell why they were running at that point. Suddenly a man emerged from this crowd as it seemed. Came in through the gates and from what i could see, he appeared to have a kitchen knife fairly long one maybe 9 inches something along those lines. He was holding it above his head. He ran in toward the parliamentary building. There is a line of Police Always stationed on those gates to usually just to check cars in and out and check peoples passes and so on. They jumped back as he was running toward them. There was then a lot of confusion. I didnt see precisely what happened but i heard three i believe three what sounded like gunshots. The next thing i could see was those two people lying on the floor. There was armed police running everywhere. There were people coming to the aid of the two people on the floor. We have been told since by the leader of the house of commons that its understood that a policeman was stabbed and that his apparent assailant was shot. I dont have any information as to what their condition is. There was people an air ambulance arrived and landed on the square outside parliament. There was another ambulance and medics working for 20 minutes or so on these two people. The area is now quiet. The whole area around parliament has been closed to traffic and parliament itself has been suspended. Everybody who works here is in lockdown. So were really awaiting news from the authorities as to precisely what happened. It was quite a significant Security Breach by the look of things. Do you have a view of this area specifically right now from your Office Window . I do, yes. Im standing next to the window as we speak. Theres still a considerable Police Presence. We had one of our correspondents on the scene say that he had never seen such a Police Presence in all of his years growing up in the area. I would say thats probably fair to say. There are Police Lining the square outside. Armed police in the parliamentary precincts and immediately outside my window. There are still clear evidence of the aftermath of the treatment on these two people outside with bandages and medical squiequipment strewn al over the yard. There appears to be one body lying underneath blankets in the yard now with an ambulance alongside it which obviously is a very grim sight to behold. Youre a journalist, is that correct . Thats correct, yes. I wonder if you can speak for a moment as a citizen and not as the journalist youve been for us. Can you speak to the climate in the uk . We have certainly seen attacks of this sort in france and then in berlin. There is the obvious brexit that is still looming. I wonder if you can speak as a citizen of the uk as you look at these types of pictures unfold and what you think that would mean or how it would include the ongoing debate in your country . Well, there have been sporadic attacks in the u. K. Obviously clearly at this stage i have no idea what the motive behind this attack might have been or who the attacker was. Clearly peoples minds will turn to the possibility that its a terrorist attack of some sort. Sporadic terrorist attacks go back to 2005 when we had terrible incidents on the underground buses. Since 9 11 security has been a major, major concern in the uk as it has been across the western world and weve seen incidents in paris and brussels to an extent. If this turns out to be a terrorist incident, obviously it would cause serious concerns in the uk here as well. We know that Scotland Yard at this point says that it is being treated as a terrorist incident until we know otherwise. You said that you are currently in lockdown as well where you are . Thats correct. People are are in their offices. Were not able to get out of westminster or go down into the area where the incidents actually took place. We appreciate you coming to the phone. We wish you and folks over there well. Thank you so much. No problem. Andy wo yy woodcock a witnes the attack in london. A sad headline to report. Multiple sources are reporting that at least one woman has died during the scene. Im not sure if it was the same particular person that mr. Woodcock referenced he could see in the distance or not. Multiple sources now reporting that one woman has died in relation to this incident. Something that was mentioned earlier which many of our viewers may find surprising is that police in london dont typically carry weapons. Ones within the parliamentary area do. Can you speak to whether that is in fact the case and why. The normal proceeding is that Police Officers in the United Kingdom do not carry firearms. It is unique locations where they do. International airport and areas like the houses of parliament where they are considered by the uk government and Security Services as elevated possible targets where police are in fact armed and during levels of which we have at the moment where the official risk factor is high, that continues to be the case. Not something that theyve considered rolling back. As we mentioned earlier the Prime Ministers own Security Team also carry weapons. I heard one of the questions earlier to one of the guests and eyewitnesses that we had as to whether this would respark a debate as to whether that change and my expectation would be thats not the case. Its something in the uk that continues to be not really a top of agenda issue. Most people would be against the police increasing the level of firearms across the country, but very happy to see it continue in certain areas. Lets go back to london. Thank you. So we have just seen this very, very morbid cue of ambulances forming up on the bridge. One by one they are going to the center of bridge and coming back out presumably with injured people inside of them. If you look further down the bridge, im not sure if you can see that well with the sunlig sun lighting up this way. Theres a number of emergency workers crowded around the scene on the edge of the bridge and thats a location where someone was shoved out of the way by this vehicle attack. You can see the men with the helmets how much of the president s schedule will change. In any white house, you have to be able to do many things at the same time because these International Crises can happen at any time and they learn that in the Trump White House today thats for sure. Definition of multitasking. Thank you so much. Back to you as needed. Nearly 12 30 in the east. Lets get back on the scene. We have a huge number of sirens and ambulances coming off the bridge. To recap the situation here. A vehicle starting from this side of the bridge at speed crossing over Westminster Bridge toward the palace of westminster, the seat of british government. Apparently according to eyewitnesses mowing down people as the vehicle went. People being caught under the wheels of that vehicle and knocked off to the side. Thats why we have so many ambulances on the bridge here treating injured. Theyve been coming off the bridge and going to nearby hospital to treat those injured. Metropolitan Police Say Injuries are into the double digits. The hospital implying that calf strof catastrophic some of those injuries. Theres a fence around british parliamentary building on this side theres not huge numbers of massive stops as there are in the front. That vehicle veered toward the fence on the far side of this bridge. The attacker seemingly the same person driving that vehicle has exited the vehicle, gone around to the front gate where theres normally three or four Police Vehicle stationed there. Being moved out of the way to let another vehicle through. Unprecedented level of police here. Many of them armed. Just to continue that narrative, the attacker then seems to have made his way inside Parliament Estate as its known and from there according to house of commons leader that he has been involved in and shot. Air ambulance arrived on that scene and one eyewitness we heard from describing there was a body inside parliament grounds, the house of commons has been evacuated. Theresa may is safely back in downing street just a couple hundred yards away from parliament and monitoring the situation from there. Thank you. This happened while parliament was in session. Youve been following the movement of government and of the Prime Minister. Absolutely right. Before i get to that, i confirmed that the metropolitan police said there will be a News Conference imminently in around 10 minutes time, we believe. Well monitor that as soon as it begins. As for the Prime Minister as you said, she was in the palace of westminster grounds when this happened. Reports she was bundled out of the commons by security detail with automatic weapons drawn and whisked away toward the other end from the house of commons and taken to 10 downing street, which is just a stones throw from this but of course the Prime Ministers official residence and with that a secure site. Shes safe and continues to monitor this situation. Also a much bigger throw but still in the vicinity away from the house of commons is Buckingham Palace where we have been told her majesty the queen is also safe, which is of course good to hear. Bringing you headlines from the u. S. State department that we heard that they are saying they are closely following the concerning situation outside of parliament and stand ready to provide consulate assistance to u. S. Citizens. As william said, this is the oneyear anniversary from the brussels attacks which a lot of people are focused on. Ill add a couple more details that metropolitan Police Confirmed they are treating it as a terrorist incident but they have said the motivation not yet known. Of course until we get those motivation, hard to draw what the conclusions might be for political situations across europe and the United Kingdom. The Police Press Conference due to start any minute now. Well be taking that live im sure. You are correct. It was one year ago today of the 22nd of 2016 when there was three suicide bombings in belgium in brussels. Two at the airport and then one at the metro station. I want to bring in the former cia analyst joining us live from washington d. C. Mr. Schaefer, are you there . I can hear you. Thank you. I know you spent a good portion of your career trying to find terrorists within europe. Your reaction as you look at these pictures today . Look, we know that isis and other groups have aspirational intentions for this city and other big cities in europe. I think its notable that they do try to do things on anniversaries, the anniversary of the other attack, imagine today i think thats no coincidence. We have to remember the british have successfully countered 13 attacks within the past 13 months. When you counter them you keep them quiet because you dont want bad guys to know how successful you are. This is a problem. Our side has to be right all the time. They only have to be right once. This is one of those occasions where it appears they were successful in getting in. Two other quick points. One of the notable things weve seen in europe is that you dont have to have a gun or explosive to conduct a terrorist act. Were talking about here basic tools of terror. Knife and vehicle. So this is something that has to be examined of how do we go about doing this. Secondly, this is a public location. The very location this woman was killed apparently, the woman who apparently was knifed to death, i have been there. Ive actually done both intelligence operations and done filming for the travel channel. That location is very public. This was meant to send a very public message by the fact that Westminster Bridge, parliament, are very public targets, and i think again whoever did this, we dont know who it is yet, im pretty sure were going to find out this was meant to send a severe message to the british and to the western intelligence service. Can you give us an idea how the cia itself has been forced to change its own terrorist fighting tactics as a result of these sort of lone wolf attacks using vehicles and otherwise . I think i was trained by cia. I worked mostly for department of defense. We have capability. What we noticed over the years is weve seen a franchise of capabili capabilities. Back in the old days, my first antiterrorism operations were inn ethe mid 80s. We chased the red army faction. Those terrorists funded by the russians are long gone. What we now see is radical islamist motivated by severe elements of the islamic faith trying to do things. Two years ago a British Army Soldier was beheaded during broad daylight in england. This is something that we have seen. These socalled lone wolf are not lone. They are actually part of a larger orchestrated campaign of terror. They want to have individuals or in this case we may see there was a small group of individuals acting perhaps unilaterally but with intent based on direction from behind the scenes. What we have seen here and whats more dangerous as a franchise. You cant get ahead of that. Its much easier to see well organized Terror Networks which are well defined. In this case we see with isis being pushed back in the middle east more and more you cut off the head and you have multiple heads come out. Thats what were faced with right now. Do we know and certainly weve heard over the years about the significant number of citizens from europe traveling to syria and other places where isis and other terrorist organizations are training in rather large numbers. Do we know if those numbers dwindled in any significant way . I think they dwindled but not as great as we would like to. When isis first started rolling, you had more people enlisting from england into isis via the back door through turkey into syria than you had enlisting in the british army. I think its been somewhat dealt with. In england, i deal with a group called association of british muslims working with the parliament to counter islamic radicalism. Let me be clear on this. Im not slamming the islamic faith. I say there are some who you noted who are recruited to do this. Remember some of the attacks weve seen here. The shoe bomber trying to fly into detroit. He was trained in the middle east. Richard reid, the underwear bomber was trained in pakistan and afghanistan and fit this profile of someone who was westernized and decided to come train and come back. So what we have to understand is this a have viable methodology. Weve seen it that it works. We now have to understand that isis and al qaeda may well try to emulate that and i think thats why you have seen the travel ban implemented where we say you cant bring electronic elements on airport and british follow suit again today. Its based on intelligence based on previous profiles and the idea of some individual western individual being radicalized coming back through with some Electronic Device which may have a bomb in it. We have yet to hear from the head of the department of Homeland Security. Can you give us any indication what you expect would be going on behind the scenes here in the United States and in washington . General kelly has a difficult job. Trying to do two things. First, trying to fix the inherent structural problem of dhs. Dhs is a mtwo organizations tha doesnt work well together. He has to look at external threats. I know the pentagon has been trying to find ways to adopt understanding of threat profiles. The problem is this. Bad guys dont see bright lines of division. We in our nation had cia, dod, dhs. They dont always communicate well. One of the things that general kelly and others have to focus on, how do we share in realtime information that indicates an attack is coming, attack is in progress and how to go about stopping it precisely. Unless you have everyone talking, something can sneak through the cracks. This may be what we see in england. Can you give us an idea on what would happen specifically on a day like today in the cia or dod . As much as you guys have seen chaos, its chaos over there. Everything you do in the media is going on over there. You guys are information business. So are they. What you see right now is there any potential attack imminent against our interest . Thats the first thing that happens. Lets look and see if we have anything. Secondly then, you go about trying to figure out what we can learn from the british from this attack. Same time im sure were trying to help the british. I know were very close to the british. Were now probably sharing information about threat and other things and trying to figure out how to help. Third, i think then you take the first piece of information sharing trying to figure out if theres an imminent threat trying to figure out how to help and you start looking at longterm policies which will hopefully prevent or help us get ahead of the threat. The one thing about al qaeda and isis is they are very adaptive. They are constantly looking for ways to get through and do attacks. Weve seen this a number of times. We saw it two years ago an Islamic Group related to isis was able to down a russian aircraft. We are constantly trying to learn lessons from the near misses or in this case it looks like a hit, but the idea here is to obviously get ahead of the bad guys before they can do more bad things. Sobering reality is that were witnessing when it comes to a lone wolf attacker with a vehicle, what can you do . That is one of those things that, again, ive been on that at that rai terrain. Thats a public location. Ive been in parliament. You are up against a huge challenge of being able to you cant prevent citizens from having knives or vehicles. This tells me that you cannot simply eradicate the threat by defanging it. You have to look at the ideology. What we have to do is defeat the ideology. Again, im not please dont take my comments as being negative on islam. I work with members of islam who are appalled that you have this very severe cancer in their religion called radical islam. We have to work with our islamic allies. The president of egypt talked about that islam must give up violence as a method of religious indoctrination. They have to give it up. We have to work with those who wish to rid islamic faith of violence. You find ways to do that in concert with those elements so you can help islam heal itself. Again, this is not against islam. This is about you having people that would kill other members of islam because they dont believe the same way. This is something we have to its all about getting to that issue more than trying to take away guns, explosives or vehicles from those who may wish to act in terror. As we have this conversation, just to let viewers know, were looking at live pictures from london. Looks like a few folks who were injured in this attack being put on stretchers and then loaded into ambulances in a matter of moments. Were also looking at a live picture outside Scotland Yard just a moment ago where we expect a News Conference imminently. Im wondering what kind of conversation would be going on between the cia and Scotland Yard at this moment. I can tell you that youre trying right now to compare notes. What did we know about this individual . Do we have any information . Im sure by now theyve identified who it is and basic interrogatories of who, what, when regarding the individual. Then you start to use the term thats often used here, five degrees of kevin bacon. Who else does this guy know . What organizations did he belong to . If you remember the 7 july of 07 attacks in england, after the aftermath of that we looked at affiliations. We come to find that these terrorists who conducted london bombings were deeply affiliated with family and friends and so the idea here is to start looking at those around the individual for potential other acts being planned or in the process of being executed. Remember, on the 7 7 07 attack in london, multiple attacks going on at the same time. You try to figure out are there other things going on right now . Something we need to get ahead of or prevent or mitigate if it happens. Thats the first thing. Secondly then obviously you try to start looking at the larger infrastructure. To defeat a Terror Network aswee learned in the 80s and 2001 going after other european terrorist organizations, you cant defeat leaders. You need to defeat the network. Thats what we are trying to do here. You mentioned communication that would be taking place between the cia, the dod and various other departments of government. One of the big criticisms post 9 11 was the lack of communication between different agencies on various threats or intelligence. Are you confident today, sir, that that has improved so many years after 9 11 . Im confident its better. Its not completely fixed. I know from the fact in talking to some of the members of the Trump Administration information was not necessarily shared well in the obama administration. Pentagon officials indicated we were not always willing to share information behind the scenes adequately for purposes of sharing. Let me give you an example. John brennan shared a few years ago that there was information that may have related to the attack. You might recall the november or year before last in a pair us club. John brennan after the fact admitted we had information we should have shared. In cases like that, it indicates to me that were not doing everything we could or should. I think its better. I dont think anything like that can be fixed because Intelligence Agency treat information they have as proprieta proprietary. They dont want to share it. Thats something obviously as leaders at the policy level are trying to fix. Its not completely fixed but it is better. Appreciate your time so much today. Thank you. Thank you. Lets go to Scotland Yard now for the News Conference. Since 2 40 this afternoon, we responded to an incident in the area of Parliament Square. This was declared a terrorist incident. Although we remain openminded to the motive, a full terrorism investigation is under way. At this stage i will confirm what we know has happened, but i will not speculate. We received a number of different reports which included a person in the river, a car and collision with pedestrians and a man armed with a knife. Officers were already in that location as part of routine policing and immediately additional officers were sent back to the scene and that includes firearms officers. We are working closely with the London Ambulance service. I would like to repeat our request for the public to avoid the following areas. Parliament square, Westminster Bridge, white hall, Victoria Street up to the junction with broadway and the victorian bank. This is to allow Emergency Services to deal with its own incident. There is an Ongoing Investigation being led by the Counterterrorism Group and we would ask anybody who has images or film of the incident to pass those to the police. We know there are a number of casualties including Police Officers but at this stage we cannot confirm numbers or the nature of these injuries. Our response will be ongoing for some time. It is important that we gather all possible information and evidence. Public safety is our top priority and we are reviewing across london and the capital this afternoon. There will be additional officers deployed across the capitca capit capital. I would like the public to remain vigilant and let us know if they see anything that causes them concern and dial 999 immediately if they do. While he is not injured, it would be inappropriate for him to be here to talk about the incident at this stage. Thats our thought and his thoughts are with all of those involved in responding to the scene. I will stress that if anyone has information about todays incident, they are urged to call 0800789381. If you see anything suspicious, dial 999 immediately. The incident appears to be over. Im not going to speculate. You see the response we have here. Officers responding. Its our priority to keep london safe. People going home this evening will see additional officers deployed both armed and unarmed across london in order to achieve that aim. I told you what information i have. We will continue to keep you updated as we find things out. Im not prepared to speculate. Ladies and gentlemen, im going to thank you very much for your time here. I would absolutely stress to the public our number one priority working with our partners is to keep london safe. If you have information, dial the number. Most importantly, if people see anything suspicious, dial 999 if they think its an emergency. Thank you very much. Listen now to itn over in europe. I dont know. I walked past about nine injuries. Some significant. Im in shock to be honest. I wasnt expecting that this afternoon. I dont know what to say. My team came running past me. What happened . And then i went out and looked and all of us were, like, we went out and helped. I wasnt expecting that. We train for these events. Basic life support if you have to do that. How to triage people who need attention. I got stuck in that one. I know there were other doctors on scene. Thank you so much. It was no. How has it affected you . Fatality, it was pedestrian. Okay. But the one you treated, the one you treated was a Police Officer . Yeah. [ inaudible ] ill let you go. Get back to work. Im sorry. We shouldnt have stopped you. I apologize. Thank you. First responder, who was there on the scene, trying to treat some of the injured. We also just heard, of course, an update. Scotland yard on the very latest. Number of casualties, including police, couldnt confirm the numbers of the injured. There were several. Wilbur ross refused to say that the incident was over. Numerous casualties, including police. They remain open minded about a motive but the full counterterrorism investigation is under way. As for the incidents, this was an interesting piece of news that i certainly havent heard yet. We already knew about two incidents, one including the car over the bridge, one including the man stabbing the human being that stabbed a Police Officer and was shot by Police Officers. He alluded to a third incident involving somebody in the river itself, which we havent heard about yet. But no further details thus far on it. He confirmed the areas he didnt want to see british people traveling to for safety reasons. Parliament square, london bridge, parts of Victoria Street. Very, very large, considerable area of london where people are meant to go. In terms of your point, wouldnt be drawn on the question of whether or not this was over or not. He did say and encouraged people to remain vigilant and that additional armed and unarmed officers will be deployed across london to make sure people are safe on the way home. I just want to step back and give you a summary of what Security Threat levels are and where we stand today on that. They rank from low to critical. We have not heard whether there was a change from that threat level. The level above that, critical, an attack is expected and imminent. Has not been mentioned as of yet. Scott . Which wiilfred, what we don there was a man in the vehicle, one in the river and maybe one on the bridge, the Westminster Bridge, is it in the chaos of the moment people who were making these phone calls to the police certainly didnt have a clear sense of exactly what was happening . We dont know as to whether there was more than one person involved in this incident at all at this point. We dont, scott. And certainly when we were pointing at the two issues, the bridge issue and the stabbing in terms of in front of the houses of parliament, it was possible or plausible that that was the same person or, indeed, that it was different. I would say that the way that the commander harrington, the Police Officer we heard from, framed that and, indeed, this third instance of someone in the river we just saw a boat down the river thames. My takeaway would be that theyre separate incidences. Wilfred, well be back to you, as needed. Youre there at the scene. What do you make of what you heard from outside Scotland Yard . Yeah, i did. Were seeing a number of ambulances left on Westminster Bridge. That follows the apparent attack by a vehicle over the bridge toward the house of parliament here. Ive seen at least five people on stretchers being carted away. I dont know if you can see over this shoulder here. Ive seen two of them being taken in there by emergency workers. And over the course of the last hour or so since weve been here its two hours since the incident, weve seen seven ambulances leaving the bridge, four of them with sirens on, which seem to indicate severe injuries, if not worse. At the moment, its getting a little quieter. Number of Police Standing down. As you can see, theres still a heavy Police Presence here on the bridge and in the distance here is now blocked off by one of the ambulances. But theres kind of emergency equipment. Some of the air ambulance crews potentially there, working on the side of the bridge off that report of a man in the river that might be linked to that. Again, i dont want to speculate too much. This traffic on the bridge here in front of the iconic big ben has just drawn to a complete halt. Weve got those iconic london red buses, stationary here on the bridge. The entire area, as wilfred there mentioning, cordoned off. Police in that press conference talking about keeping people back from the area. People remaining vigilant as they head home over the next hour or two. Clearly a number of people left on this bridge. Otherwise there wouldnt be so many ambulances. Well give you updates on that as it happens. We appreciate it, thank you. On the scene for us at Westminster Bridge in london. Seb payne is a columnist with the british times in london. What can you tell us as you talk to your source, colleagues and as you watch all these pictures . I was over in westminster today. Youve got to remember, this is one of the most highly secured parts of london here. We dont have heavily armed Police Officers that much in the hull of westminster is very tightly secure. Youve seen the big fence, big wall all the way around. And the palace itself. So its a very busy tourist area as well. Particularly earlier today, it was packed with tourists taking selfies and all the rest of it, as well as people mps are locked in the chamber. Police are searching the palace, as this instance is ongoing here. It is really quite shocking. Treating it as a terrorist incident so theres no more details on that. We are considering, as we look at all this, and think about how it will unfold, whatever political implications there are. Of course, youve already had an earthmoving election in the uk. Im wondering what your thoughts are for other elections on the continent. Well, i think, obviously, its very politically debated at the time, at the moment. What weve seen from mps across the aisle, the house of parliament, house of lords and also the Scottish Parliament which is approaching a crucial vote on Scottish Independence there also not sitting. So i think at the moment, everything is kind of on hold until people first of all its resolved. Its an ongoing incident. Also i think its going to be quite a while. What this has been about. I think london last terrorist attack was in 2005. And the house of parliament, i dont think, has been attacked directly. 1979. Its really a shocking incident. You raise an interesting point. Weve seen more attacks more recently in paris, in brussels, which today i should remind you is the oneyear anniversary of the suicide attacks at the airport in brussels and also the metro station. Weve seen the car incident at the Christmas Market in berlin. But it has been a bit of time since weve seen Something Like this in london. Have the folks there been worried about attacks . Have they been thinking about terrorism more recently because it has been some time . I think when you live in a major city, town like this, youre always aware. Because, as we heard, the uk has been under a terror warning for quoit a while now and its possibly been aware of this. I think across the capital tonight much more Police Presence on public transport, on the roads as well. And that whole part of london has been shut down. Everything has been brought to a standstill as Emergency Services do their work. Appreciate you coming to the phone. Wish you and the folks there well today. Thank you. Thank you. Seb payne, with the british times. Power lunch will pick up the breaking story. Brian sullivan, tyler mathisen, melissa lee and michelle carusocabrera. That break story out of london, in which police are calling a terrorist incident. A man reportedly drove his car at a busy sidewalk before allegedly jumping over a gate at westminster. Many injuries have been reported. Wilfd

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